1 minute read


Architectural photography

Location: Yekaterinburg, Russia


Date: current time

Several times ago I have opened my new way of creativity in architectural photography. I really have a soft spot for it, I am engaged with that for most time of the time. In most cases, my photos are pretty good and even some of them are published. My photos were used to in conceptions of masterplans and architecture as illustrations for the storytelling of the Site. Recently, the architectural bureau Stefan Forster GmbH published my photos on the official website. I was very happy about it.

All photos can see on Stefan Forster GmbH website.

The evolution of residential complexes post-soviet Yekaterinburg from the point of view of New Urbanism

Qualification work of master’s degree of architecture

Location: Yekaterinburg, Russia

Date: 2020

University: Ural State Uni. of Arch. & Arts (USUAA)

Type: researching, master’s thesis

The master’s thesis is a research on the architecture of Yekaterinburg of the period from the beginning of the twenty century to nowadays. The main goal of graduation work is designing new conceptual typologies of residential complexes from the point of view of New Urbanism through urban analysis of existing complexes.

The research addresses issues: a shortage of theory and practice of blocks urban fabric in Russian development and urban science; dissonance between Russian and world theory and practice of urban and architecture.

The relevance of the master’s thesis is based on research of the principles of New Urbanism which will help for developing new typologies of block urban fabric in post-soviet cities. The theoretical base of research is literature on the urbanism of the 20th and 21st centuries and literature on the psychology of perception in architecture and urban planning.

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