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外亞維儂藝術節暨 愛丁堡藝穗節臺灣季團隊 聯合試演專場

10 / 22, 23 THU


翃舞製作《無盡天空》 拾念劇集《大神魃.世界之夢》






翃舞製作成立於 2017 年,由編舞家賴翃中擔任藝術


拾念劇集(La Cie MaxMind)主要編導李易修,長






Hung Dance

總監,以「翃」字為團名,翱翔之意。作品以東方元 舞台嶄露頭角,受邀參與國際編舞大賽與舞蹈節之活 動,至目前為止已巡迴十七個國家、造訪三十八座城 市、參與七十七場演出。翃舞製作以「年度製作」、 「國際共製計畫」、「漂鳥舞蹈平台」三主軸為未來 發展方向,期盼集結優秀的編舞者與舞者,共同挖掘 並創造出精緻、獨特的舞蹈表演。本團定期在台灣舉 辦工作坊,有計畫性的提升台灣藝術工作者之技巧與 觀念。亦邀請國際優秀舞蹈家來台進行合作與交流, 提供舞者與觀眾更廣大的藝術能量與視野。 官網 http://hungdance.com/

Facebook/Instagram @Hungdancetaiwan Twitter @hungdance

國際編舞大賽獲獎的短篇作品 《Birdy》,以舞真誠地

走入人的內心,感受一個人從一連串的混亂夢境裡嘗試 找尋出口的歷程。


木藤、燈籠,以及太極裡以圓為核心的元素,並翻轉傳 統意象,賦予每樣道具象徵與目的,鮮明演繹因疾病而 產生的意識與心境。

編舞家賴翃中與六位舞者幻變出強烈、黑暗、充滿想 像、讓人興奮的舞蹈氛圍,打造多元複合的當代風格, 呈現富含想像空間的敘事作品。

藝術總監、編舞者:賴翃中|舞者:鄭伊涵、楊雅晴、 盧瀅潔、李冠霖、黃于軒、郭爵愷

燈光設計:徐吉雄|燈光技術人員:張淑慧、林家樑 行政經理:謝亞芸|國際行銷:李昀諭

La Cie Maxmind 期浸淫於戲曲、音樂及現代戲劇,其創作特色多取材 的創作,才能找到與世界對話的角度與態度。作品融 合傳統與當代表演藝術美感元素,以體現台灣的藝

術特色與人文思考。而其深根東方文化的劇場作品, 亦廣受國外觀眾及藝評家青睞。強烈的視覺風格與原 創的精神,呈現出一種手工般的細膩質感,是李易修 的創作特質。在身處多元價值、強調「跨界」的這個 世代裡,回歸務實面,將「跨界」的創作方式從口號 而表面的意義,轉入實際而內化的作法。

官網 https://laciemaxmind.wordpress.com/

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/laciemaxmind2009/

The Drought Goddess.Dream of the World

的人世流浪。旱魃耗盡神力打勝戰爭後卻無能返天。流 旅,途中與人類和眾神的奇妙相遇,引導旱魃明白了自 己流浪的原因。本展演的音樂主體是從傳統台灣南、北 管音樂發展創作出的新系統;舞蹈則以傀儡身段為身體

表演的發展核心,再配合修整過的踢踏舞舞步;故事則 以上古奇書《山海經》所記載的神話構思,並加入我們 對於此一故事背後未曾記載的線索和可能的後續發展;

語言則是自創的神話語,以四種古老方言為底,重新創 造出上古神話語言。


演員:施璧玉、蕭楨潔、王詩淳|技術統籌:黃國鋒 南北管作曲家暨樂師:許淑慧|樂師:廖梒瑜

動作設計:林春輝|舞台監督暨燈光技術執行:許俞苓 音效執行暨國際行銷:曾珮慈

“Taiwan In Avignon” & “Taiwan Season— Edinburgh Festival Fringe”


10 / 22, 23 THU


Boundless Hung Dance La Cie Maxmind The Drought Goddess. Dream of the World

Hung Dance


La Cie Maxmind

The Drought Goddess.Dream of the World

Hung Dance is a contemporary dance troupe founded on May

Hung Dance’s piercingly hallucinatory ensemble work has been

T he work s of L a Cie Ma x M ind are often

The Drought Goddess.Dream of the World, serves as the f irst episode of the

5, 2017, by choreographer LAI Hung-Chung, who is also its

compared to being invited inside the mind of someone trying

inspired by Taiwan, integrated with aesthetic

Revolutionary Mythology Trilogy, presents a dream of the world’s creation

Artistic Director. The name of the troupe “Hung” symbolizes

to find their way out of a series of troubled dreams. Set to a

elements of tradit ional and contemporar y

through the combination of Nanguan music and ancient mythology. The

soaring into the sky. Inspired by oriental creative elements and

soundtrack as richly layered as the dancing by a cast of six, this

performing arts to demonstrate the Taiwanese

performers as well as the musicians collectively bring to life the mythological

its trademark contemporary dance vocabulary, the emerging

intense and darkly imaginative performance makes striking use

artistic characteristics and humanistic thinking,

characters dreamed by the Drought Goddess in the live performance, which

troupe has garnered increasing recognition in Taiwan and on

of props (including pheasant feathers and rattan sticks) from

and find the perspective and attitude to create

tells a time when the cosmos is still asleep in a black-and-white realm of dreams

the international stage, receiving invitations to join international

traditional culture. But the purpose behind these objects is far

a dialog ue w ith the world. These creative

reminiscent of the Chinese ink painting. Making an evocation in the theatrical

choreography contests and dance festivals. Hung Dance has

more than ornamental. The claustrophobic yet pulse-quickening

works are characterized by its intense visual

space, these gods and spirits from the ancient Classic of Mountains and Seas (Shan

finished 77 performances, visited 38 cities and 17 nations.

atmosphere being conjured by choreographer Hung-Chung

style, original spirit, and a kind of delicately

Hai Jing) follow the time-honored melodies of Nanguan, and whisper in a

Hung Dance’s future development is inspired by three major

Lai and his indefatigable dancers is complex and decidedly

handcrafted quality in all the visual and audio

familiar yet strange mythological language at other times. We, their audience

themes: Annual Productions, International Collaboration

contemporary. The result is eerie, exciting, intimate and epic.

theatrical elements.

from millions of years later, on the other hand, cannot help but being drawn to

Projects, and the Stray Birds Platform.

the story about their endless grievance, discontent, resentment and desire.

Website http://hungdance.com/

Artistic Director & Choreographer: LAI Hung-Chung | Dancer:

Website https://laciemaxmind.wordpress.com/

Playwright & Director: LEE Yi-Hsiu | Composer & Musician: HSU Shu-Hui |

Facebook/Instagram @Hungdancetaiwan

CHENG I-Han, YANG Ya-Ching, LU Ying-Chieh, LEE Kuan-Ling,

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/laciemaxmind2009/

Producer & Subtitle Executive: TSAI Ching-Fang | Performer: SHIH Pi-Yu,

Twitter @hungdance

HUANG Yu-Hsuan, KUO Chueh-Kai | Lighting Design: HSU

HSIAO Chen-Chieh, WANG Shih-Chun | Musician: LIAO Han-Yu | Movement

Chi-Hsiung | Technical Execution: CHANG Shu-Hui | Technical

Designer: LIN Chun-Hui | Technical Director: HUANG Kuo-Feng | Stage

Execution: LIN Chia-Liang | Administrative Manager: HSIEH

Manager & ME: HSU Yu-Ling | Rehearsal Assistant & Sound Executive:

Ya-Yun | PR & Marketing: LEE Yun-Yu


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