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Over 4 Million Readers Nationwide

September 29, 2014 Volume 3 • Issue #04

September 29, 2014

Published by Sean & Lynette Athey • Serving Northeast South Dakota & West Central Minnesota • Advertising Information 605-541-0110 • www.LakeAreaTidbits.com

Laugh-A-Bit with Tidbits

Free Fun Take One

Q. Why does a seagull fly over the sea? A. Because if it flew over the bay it would be called a bagel!

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"Collecting" is brought to you each week by Old Hospital Mall Antiques of Wilmot, SD

Fruit Jar Q: At a farm sale earlier this summer, I bought several older fruit jars. One is especially interesting. It is a “Leader� jar with glass lid and wire bail. It is a quart-size jar and is olive green in color. Even though I have several vintage fruit jars, I have not seen another one like it. I paid $25 for the jar. -- Melissa, Covington, La. A: Bill Schroeder wrote what I think is one of the best references in this field of collecting, “1000 continued on page 7

New Name Brand Mattress & Box Spring Sale ALL SALES TAX Paid By Jensen’s

Twin, Full, Queen, King, Camper, Special Orders We Won’t Be Undersold Rest! Get A Good Night’s

Moving Jobs Wanted: We move 1 item or complete households Reasonable!! We make moving easy!

Wanted to Buy:

Jensen’s Retail Store

1 item or complete households Call Randy (605) 868-9203

Used Beds

Anything of value!

Complete line of pre-owned furniture at reasonable prices

At least try us!

Next Large Consignment Auction Sale

OCTOBER 5th 1:00 PM

Always A Large Selection of Tools, Antiques, Furniture, Misc.

Consign Now For The Next Auction Sale!!

Jensen’s Beds, Furniture and Auction Center 3516 West Hwy 212 (2 miles west on Hwy 212 & 20) WATERTOWN OPEN Mon-Sat Call Randy 605-868-9203

Your Most Complete Store!!

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