2 minute read


– Al Schmidt


This critical juncture in the history of our democratic Republic, when our foundations are being weakened by misinformation and lies, has allowed us to do what we do best—provide voters with vital, non-partisan, non-political election information. In this interview, C70 leadership reflect on our unique role, how we can all strengthen democracy, and the future of Seventy.


What excites you about Seventy’s mission and impact?


The role that Committee of Seventy has played for the past 120 years in terms of improving elections, improving voter access, and speaking out against and condemning public corruption when it occurs–I don’t know that there’s any other organization in the United States quite like C70. Seventy fills an important role as a trusted source of vital non-partisan, non-political information at a time when voters are so often the target of misinformation around elections.

C70’s mission and values are a perfect fit for the challenges we have right now. So many people fear that our democracy is not working the way it’s supposed to. They feel a disconnect between elected officials and the interests of citizens.

C70 is a trusted, constructive voice that can resist extreme partisanship and encourage collaboration.

How can we participate in strengthening democracy in Pennsylvania? ERIC

At a time when so many of our institutions have been weakened or discredited, we can all play an important role by getting out and voting and not taking our democracy for granted. Our individual power to speak the truth as a trusted friend or neighbor may be even more important than the media. Each of us can do our part by standing up for the truth, speaking out against lies, and thinking critically about the information we’re encountering.

Being well-informed and staying current on what’s going on at the local and state level is one of the most important things people can do to strengthen our democracy. The other is getting involved. We must resist indifference and demand better. As they say, voting is not a spectator sport. The more people who participate, get involved in volunteering, work at the polls, the stronger our democracy will be.

What challenges will C70 focus on moving forward?


Voting is necessary and incredibly important, but not sufficient to bring about the change we deserve. Beyond preparing voters to cast their ballot, C70 is focused on preparing people for active citizenship. The future of Seventy is providing education that allows people to empower themselves and their communities—to hold their officials accountable to the promises they made during campaigns, and demand more from their government. We are known for providing world-class resources, for shining a light on things that should be of concern to every Philadelphian and every Pennsylvanian. What’s next is to build on this work to bring our resources to more people and include more voices in the work. We’ll do that by expanding our Youth Civics work across the City and Commonwealth, continue to build the WeVote network to reach more people and communities, and continue to find strength in the inclusive coalitions we build to support our advocacy efforts.

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