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When there aren’t enough poll workers, voting locations open late and lines can stretch for hours. Because Pennsylvania faces a perpetual poll worker shortage, we kicked our recruitment and training efforts into high gear well ahead of Election Day. Through our outreach initiatives this year, we recruited more than 1,000 poll workers directly through the C70 app and thousands more through partnerships with Power to the Polls and the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania.

Did you know more than 40,000 poll workers are needed at least twice a year, every year, to staff the polls across Pennsylvania?

Seventy partnered with election administrators to protect and improve the voting process, combatting disinformation, and engaging citizens.

Our recruitment efforts helped ensure polling places were fully staffed with welltrained poll workers so voters were not disenfranchised, experienced shorter lines, and had a better voting experience.

Our poll worker training, resources, and on-demand support helped ensure poll workers were ready for anything on Election Day.

Meet: Tonia

Erie County Election Supervisor

“With your help, we were able to create a reserve of individuals ready and willing to step up if needed. As it turns out, we ended up needing many of them at the last minute. It is great to work with other groups that care as much about elections as we all do, and I look forward to working with you in future elections.”

—Tonia Fernandez

Meet: Meg

Executive Director of the Pennsylvania League of Women Voters (LWVPA)

“The League of Women Voters of PA was thrilled to collaborate with our long-time partner C70 in building a poll worker project. In 2022, we piloted a statewide expansion of this project to recruit and educate poll workers across the Commonwealth. At a time when there is a dramatic under-investment in PA’s civic infrastructure, C70 and LWVPA recognized the need for additional capacity in recruiting and supporting these important positions. Poll workers are election heroes, and we hope to continue providing them with the best resources possible.”

—Meg Pierce


Meet: Jesse

Poll Worker & Judge of Elections

“When I arrived at my assigned polling place on Election Day, it was fully staffed. I called the city to get reassigned, but nobody picked up. I called Seventy, and they directed me to a place that really needed folks to pitch in so voters wouldn’t be turned away. I’m so glad I was assigned there even though it was far away. Being there and seeing hundreds of people come in and think about their votes, and dozens of volunteers involved in helping to make that happen was actually quite profound. To be there, right on the front lines, watching democracy happen, really made an impact on me.”

—Jesse Dashefsky

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