1 minute read
Studio C70
Meet: Melissa President & CEO, AccessMatters & Election Briefing Attendee


As an organization that does sexual and reproductive health work, what we do is heavily politicized. What happens in elections truly, truly has a day-to-day impact on the work we do and on the access to care that folks in our community have. In particular, this year, we felt like it was really important to give our staff some additional briefings because there was so much misinformation in the air, very polarized positions, and also a backdrop of a constitutional amendment that was potentially going to impact our work and the work of our networks in a very significant way. We wanted folks to be aware of all the things that would potentially be on the ballot, and also to understand the processes which have become a little more complex, post-COVID, with more options but also more deadlines and changes. With respect to Seventy’s election briefings, I just appreciate that there is a nonpartisan community resource so readily available to provide information to make the election process as smooth and understandable, and accessible as possible for my staff.
—Melissa Weiler Gerber, President and CEO, AccessMatters