Shan Cai Boy brings wealth
善財童子 他發起阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心後,從文
招財進寶 元‧劉唐卿︽降桑椹︾第二折:招財進 殊菩薩處漸次南行,經參訪五十三位善
A bundant rich and wealth
寶臻佳瑞,闔家無慮保安存。意為招引 知識,最後修行圓滿、證入法界。
many children in the family
Abundant wealth or
多見於古玉圖案,利用諧音,取祥瑞 豐富。
May money and treasure be plentiful
玉堂富貴 背景圖案,前兩種取諧音,牡丹花寓 指富貴。
兔爺招財 The Lord Rabbit brings wealth
兔兒爺起源於中秋節祭月的習俗, 自戰國時產生的關於月中有兔的傳說, 使兔子與月亮結下了不解之緣。
Wealth Wealtn means getting rich and having plentiful things.Ancient Chinese believed that the secret to endless wealth is to be down-to-earth and prudent.Illustratiare the concept of wealth is an old couplet : a prosperous business deals with people from all corners of the world, and wealth rolls in from after. God of Wealth, is one of the most popular gods in Chinese folk believe in, Zhaogong folk regarded as the God of Wealth, Ashikaga cents official.Around the worship of the God of Wealth is not the same, some one, some one pair, god of wealth to Guan Gong Chinese language God of Wealth (Bi Gan) as a pair of Lucky Boy and highly profitable cents officer as a pair. Typical good luck pictures in this theme included A bundant rich and wealth, Abundant wealth or many children in the family , Shan Cai Boy brings wealth , May money and treasure be plentiful, the Lord Rabbit brings wealth , etc.
祈 財 財,意味發財附有。︽荀子︾曰:“物本節用財無 極。"財神,是中國民間信奉最普遍的神靈之一,背民 間奉為財神的有趙公明、利市仙官等。各地供奉的財神 不盡相同,有的是一個,有的是一對,有以武財神以︵ 關公︶漢文財神︵比干︶為一對的,也有以招財童子和 春節時,做生意的常在大門貼“生意興隆通四海,
利市仙官為一對的。 財源茂盛達三江"的對聯。盼財吉祥圖有:兔爺招財、 善財童子、金玉滿堂、玉富貴堂、招財進寶等。
A double blessing has descended upon the house
有煩惱事,必愁眉苦臉;遇喜慶事, 指兩件喜事一起降臨家門。
喜上梅梢 必眉開眼笑。喜鵲臨枝喜事臨門。喜
Happiness appears on the eyebrows
鵲登梅上,梅花燦爛一片,即喜事不 斷之意。
Prosperity brought by the dragon and the phoenix
龍鳳呈祥 麟鳳龜龍先為之呈祥。龍是陽的象徵,鳳
May all your wishes come true
唐元稹:些些風景閒猶在,事事顛狂老漸 是陰的象徵,龍鳳結合是天下最美滿的婚
事事如意 無。唯事事乃其有備,有備無患。事有備 姻,龍鳳呈祥多用於祝賀新婚。
麒麟送子 The Chinese unicorn delivers the child
傳說中麒麟是仁獸,吉祥之徵, 能為人們帶來子嗣。 拾遺記中描述孔子誕生之前, 有麒麟吐玉書於其家院。 這個典故成為麒麟送子的來源。
Happiness Happiness refers to happy events and celebrations. Happy events should be celebrated, while those should be worries should be consoled according to ancient Chinese literature. An old Chinese couplet says, why not keep on laughing as all days are filled eith happiness. Wang Renyu of The Five dynasties says "when magpie chirping in the branches,here comes the lucky things. The magpie board plum shoot meaning happy event has come to the front. Good luck pictures in this theme included The Chinese unicorn deliver the child, May all your wishes come true, A double blessing has descended upon the house, Happiness appears on the eyebrows, Prosperity brought by the dragon and the phoenix, etc.
迎 喜 喜,意味歡樂喜慶。︽國語︾曰:“固慶其喜而吊其 優。"書昭注:“喜幽福也。“ 五代王仁裕︽開天元寶遺事‧靈鵲報喜︾載:“時人 之家,聞鵲聲,皆為喜桃,故謂故靈鵲報喜"。因此民間 常把喜鵲鳴枝 頭預兆為喜事來臨,以喜鵲登上梅梢寓意喜事已到眼前。 盼壽吉祥圖有:麒麟送子、喜上梅梢 、龍鳳呈祥、 事事如意、雙喜臨門等。
Good Fortune Good fortune means happiness and complete satisfaction. Ancient Chinese philosphers, including Lao Zi , all commented on the notion of good fortune.An old couplet says to burn increse to beg for more blessings. Good luck pictures in this theme include good fortune for today, blessings from above, etc. Traditional Chinese good luck pictures often meaning "blessing" to bat. Every spring, people in the room labeled red word blessing. Posted at the gate called "go see the blessing" attached to the head of the bed, called "family happiness"; attached to the granary called "full blessing" posted on the front of the main room, mostly upside down Fu word, meaning "Rotary to "show good luck. The folk activities "Fu", on behalf of the good wishes of the people to pray the Hail came down.
盼 福 福,意為幸福美滿。︽老子︾:“福兮,禍所伏。" ︽韓非子︾:“全富貴之謂福。"舊時有聯:“焚香一 炷,福賜三多。" 民間吉祥圖案常以蝙蝠寓意"福“。每到春節,人 們便在室內貼上大紅福字。貼在大門外的叫做“出門見 福"貼在床頭邊的叫"全家幸福“;貼在糧倉上的叫“ 滿福"貼在堂屋正面的,大都將福字倒過來,意為“扶 到了"以示吉祥。這些在民俗活動中出現的"福“字, 代表了人們祈求萬福降臨的美好願望。
Longevity Longevity refers to good health and a long life.As Zhuangzhou said, and the Book of Songs records, longevity is the universal wish of mankind. As wished in an old couplet, to grow to a long life together is a joyful experience. People often image the god of Longevity, popular articles records the "secular painting birthday like head every very long". The god of Longevity is usually a curved back hunched figure is not high, kindly face, smiling, smiling, smiling, white beard, flowing Seno, around Fairchild accompanied. Sometimes riding deer, and Fu, Lu, Shou rolled into one. Good luck pictures in this theme included Longevity bestowed by the god, The five blessings with longevity, Take flat peaches for birthday celebrations, Thousands of generations of offsprings, To enjoy the long live with turtles and cranes., etc.
得 壽 壽,意味健康長壽。︽莊子︾曰:“人,上壽百歲, 中壽八十,下壽六十。"︽詩經︾曰:“如南山之壽,不 民間經常有壽星的形象出現。︽通俗篇︾記載“世俗
羈不崩。“ 畫壽星像,頭每甚長"。壽星通常是一位彎背弓腰、身材 不高、慈眉善目、笑容滿面、笑容滿面、笑容滿面、白鬚 飄逸的仙翁,身邊有仙童相伴。有時則騎在鹿上,將福、 祿、壽集於一身。 舊時有聯:“同臻壽城,共踑春台。"盼壽吉祥圖有 :五福捧壽、壽興送壽 、龜鶴齊齡、子孫萬代、蟠桃獻 壽等。
Take flat peaches for birthday celebrations
“考終命"是有善終。畫五隻蝙蝠圍著壽 母壽誕之日,擺設蟠桃宴以饗眾仙諸神。
The five blessings with longevity
五福捧壽 以五蝠代表五福俗稱五福捧壽。
Longevity bestowed by the god
葫蘆象徵子孫眾多,後代綿延,葫蘆蔓與 延年益壽,福壽同享。
子孫萬代 萬諧音,人們取其滋長長久之意。故把蔓
Thousands of generations of offsprings
龜鶴齊齡 To enjoy the long live with turtles and cranes
龜一千年生毛,壽五千歲謂之神龜, 壽萬年曰靈龜,古人以龜齡喻高壽, 龜鶴皆為吉祥物,象徵高壽。