The universal officine of the
vinegar maker AND perfumer Buly 1803
法國百年藥妝經典傳承 Buly 1803
www. buly
The universal officine of the
vinegar maker and
perfumer Buly has been offering
beauty and hygiene products since 1803.
Fin XIXè siècle, ancienne boutique J.-V. Bully au 67 rue Montorgueuil
法國香氛保養品牌 Buly 1803 自1803年起 販售美容與衛生保健產品
Beneficial and devoid of artifice, its perfumes, scents, ointments, creams, protocols and treatment waters bring solace. Armed with its founder’s spirit of conquest and innovation, L’Officine universelle Buly creates new skin care concoctions, drawing on the most innovative cosmetic techniques and on the virtues of natural ingredients. Dreamt up in Paris and formulated in a French laboratory, nurtured by the progress of contemporary cosmetics but faithful to the old recipes, they contain neither Parabens, nor phenoxyethanol, nor silicon. To let the fragrances reveal their full breadth and purity, L’Officine universelle Buly favors formulations which avoid any ingredient that could interfere with scents, including glycerin and alcohol. As a universal trading post for beauty secrets amassed over the centuries, L’Officine shares the raw materials that make them potent and beneficial. It offers oils, clays, waters, powders, incenses, accessories and more, from around the world and across history.
A Century of History S
tarting in the late 18th century, the famed “Bully”, established in 1803 on Rue Saint-Honoré in Paris, made a name for himself (which he then wore with a double consonant) with his perfumes and scented vinegars. At the turn of the 19th century, perfumers were still the heirs of the master-craftsmen from the Ancien Régime, and the keepers of their trade secrets. The vogue of perfumes followed in the wake of a fresh openness to the world and to its novel, sometimes exotic flowers - as with Joséphine de Beauharnais, who imported to France and acclimatized new olfactory species and audacities. Napoleon’s establishment of the Codex in 1806 helped usher in new requirements in the realm of perfumery, thus stimulating the inventiveness of practitioners and the quality of preparations. Bully welcomed the advances of science and cosmetics to formulate his inventions. Among these, his perfumes and skin care concoctions achieved
lasting fame. The “Vinaigre de Bully”, a patented aromatic lotion to perform ablutions and preserve skin tone, earned a flattering reputation across Europe. This classic beauty product ensured the officine’s unprecedented notoriety for more than a hundred years. Well-known for his skills as a distiller, perfumer and cosmetician, in 1837 Jean-Vincent Bully was Honoré de Balzac’s inspiration for César Birotteau, the eponymous protagonist of one of his novels from the Scènes de la vie Parisienne cycle in La Comédie humaine. Throughout the Golden Century of beauty, which witnessed the invention of the first formulations of modern cosmetics and perfumery, the officine gradually established itself as a trend-setter. Today, L’Officine universelle Buly is reborn in Paris, on Rue Bonaparte in the sixth arrondissement, with a different spelling.
BULY 1803 的所有香水、香氛、面膏、乳霜、化妝水等 美容保養及清潔產品 皆使用天然高品質草本原料製成,不含任何人工與化學成分 提供最純淨優質的保養,舒緩精神、撫慰身心
秉持創始人無畏挑戰與堅持創新的精神,BULY 1803 依各種天然成分的優點與特性, 使用最創新的美容科技,創造出新的護膚保養品。 BULY 1803, 始 於 巴 黎, 完 美 融 合 新 與 舊 —— 根 據 古 老 配 方, 經 法 國 專 業 實 驗 室 重 新 調 配, 使 用 最 新 技 術 製 成。 所 有 產 品 不 添 加 羥 基 苯 甲 酸 酯(Parabens)、 苯 氧 乙 醇 (phenoxyethanol)等化學防腐劑,亦不含矽氧烷聚合物(silicon)。 為了讓香氛產品展現其廣度與純度,BULY 1803 不使用任何會干擾氣味的成分, 包括常使用於香水的甘油和酒精。 有上百種來自世界各地的原料,像是植物油、泥土、花水、粉末、薰香,和各式用具等等, 第一次透過 BULY 1803 集聚於此並加以販售。
跨世紀的歷史 法國著名調香師 Jean-Vincent Bully 於 18 世紀後期發跡,於
可清潔、保養,維持膚況,風靡了全歐洲,也讓 Bully 奠
1803 年在巴黎聖荷諾黑路(Rue Saint-Honoré)創設以他為
聲譽。其中「Vinaigre de Bully」這款經典香氛潔膚乳,
密。直到法國大革命之後的 19 世紀初,社會漸趨開放,對 外來事物的接受度也愈來愈高,例如拿破崙的妻子約瑟芬
(Josephine de Bearharnais)熱愛花卉,甚至將不同品種的
的 Jean-Vincent Bully,就是法國作家巴爾札克 1837 年的
花卉引進法國。隨著新世界的覺醒,香水的風潮也開始起 了變化。
鉅著小說《人間喜劇》(La Comédie humaine)中「巴黎
生活場景」的主角 César Birotteau 的靈感來源。縱橫美麗
革命的黃金世紀,並見證了現代化妝品與香水的發明, 拿破崙於 1806 年制定的法典推動了法國香水工業的進步,
升。Jean-Vincent Bully 樂見科學與化妝品的進步,讓他的產
的波拿巴街(Rue Bonaparte)。
EAU TRIPLE - Water-based Perfumes On the invention and the virtue of the first wAterbased perfume for the skin
he alcohol and ethanol used in most perfumes are aggressive solvents that alter and usually adulterate their scents. After applying an alcohol-based perfume, one must wait for the alcohol to evaporate and for the fragrant notes to gradually reveal themselves. To rediscover the scents’ true nature and breathe in the perfume in its integrity from the first few seconds following its liberation, L’Officine universelle Buly has invented the first water-based perfume for the skin. Miscible in a unique aqueous solution which doesn’t either stain, parch or unbalance the skin, the perfume can express itself fully, in all its plenitude and authenticity. The white coloration of the perfumes by L’Officine universelle Buly is the token of a water-based emulsion, soft and pure.
On the correct use of perfumes
good perfume adapts - to the person and the personality. It must neither precede nor follow the wearer too intensely; it shouldn’t emanate imperiously. Thus, it never inconveniences but always delights. It can be breathed on the wrist, or in the air disturbed by the motion when someone’s hair is shaken loose. Modest as well as faithful, it imposes nothing. It lingers but never clings - it is politely perceptible.
L’Officine universelle Buly has created nine fine water-based fragrant combinations: Sevillian Bigarade, MexicanTuberose, Scottish Lichen, Makassar, Calabrian Bergamot, Damask Rose, English Honey, Al Kassir, and Sumi Hinoki. All persist throughout the day without ever aggravating the skin or the senses. Two levels of fragrant intensity are made available by L’Officine universelle Buly: Eau double, whose lightness is comparable to a Cologne, and Eau triple, whose sustained presence is comparable to an essence.
EAU TRIPLE 三倍水 - 以水為基底的香水 香水的正確使用方式
瓶好的香水會與使用者合而為一,它不會搶人風采, 也不會唱獨角戲,而是恰如其分地襯托出「穿」上
它的人,展現其個性。它不會帶給使用者不便,卻總能帶 來喜悅。當嗅聞手腕上的香味或頭髮飄動時空氣中散發的 香氣,總能令人心情愉悅。它是端莊而忠誠的朋友,毫無 壓迫感,繚繞身旁又不緊黏不放,展現出有禮且得體的存 在感。
第一款以水為基底的香水 發明起源與功效
多數香水使用的基底是酒精或乙醇是具腐蝕性的溶 劑,會改變或影響原本的香味。使用以酒精為基底的
為了令香水在釋放香味的頭幾秒即可呈現其完整的本質和 氣息,BULY 1803 發明了世上第一款以水為基底的香水。 獨特的水溶液不會造成肌膚不適或殘留,且能充分讓香氣 完整展現其豐富及真實性。乳白色凝乳狀的香水帶來柔軟、 純粹的感覺,是 BULY 1803 的特色產品。 此系列共有九種香氛選擇:塞維利亞橙香、墨西哥晚香 玉、蘇格蘭苔香、印尼馬卡薩油(Makassar)、卡拉布里 亞佛手柑、大馬士革玫瑰、英倫蜂蜜、阿爾卡西爾(Al Kassir)和日本檜木炭(Sumi Hinoki)。所有香氛都可持
續一整天,不會使肌膚或感官產生不良反應。BULY 1803 依香味強度提供兩種等級的產品: Eau Double(雙倍水),較淡,接近古龍水或淡香水。
Eau Triple(三倍水),較濃,持續力較久,近似於精油。
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,2 00元 - 75 ml
Senteurs universelles - 世界香氛系列 -
Blue garden of Persepolis, enclosed with walls and shadows, where fragranceenclos of thede tuberose infused inoù Jardin bleu dethe Persépolis, murs etisd’ombres, theparfum evening and in the black of the le dewarmth la tubéreuse s’infuse dansmane la chaleur dugods. soir et Lunar flowers of des ivory and mother-of-pearl, fruitsetofde la chevelure noire dieux. Fleurs lunaires d’ivoire gold and ruby, vanilla and clove flowers nacre, fruits d’or et debeans rubis, coussins de cuirlike des leather vanilles, pillows.In of itsenjade lazuli lesky des feuillesthe de tranquility girofle. Calme sonbasin, bassinthe de jade, ciel rocks gently to the beat of the stars. Lazuli se berce de la pulsation des étoiles.
墨西哥晚香玉 MEXICAN TUBEROSE 藍色的波斯花園裡,石牆與陰影圈住的,是晚香玉濃郁的香 氣,注入溫暖的夜晚與神祇的黑色鬃毛裡。月光下的花兒呈 現象牙與珍珠貝的色澤,金黃色與紅寶石般閃耀的水果、香 草豆與像是皮製枕頭氣味的丁香花。在玉盆的寧靜中,青金 石色的天空輕輕搖動著星星的節拍。
Scottish Lichen Lichen d’Ecosse The scent of the upright stones of Hyperborea, dotted with
L’odeur desreddish-brown pierres dressées fleuries the lichens’ froth.d’Hyperborée The tartness of the coldde l’écume lichens. Viridité la fourrure d’herbes grass furrousse on thedes hills’ shoulders, thedemosses frosted with froides sur le dos sticking des collines. Les mousses glacées de rosée, dew - the pollens to the belly of dawn are left out lesdry pollens au ventre sèchent au vent salé to in thecollés salty wind fromde thel’aube Hebrides. des Hébrides.
CALABRIAN DE BERGAMOT BERGAMOTE CALABRE White-hot noon passes trees Calabria and freezes Blanc de chaleur, midibelow passethe sous les of arbres de Calabre et any impetus in place. green ray pierces through the leaves fige l’élan. Son rayonIts vert traverse les feuilles d’orangers of the bitter orange limes glistenAu and their amers, fait briller lestrees, limesmakes et suerthe leurs écorces. large, rinds sweat. Off the maures coast, the Moorish andles crusading les voiles grecques, etGreek, croisées, au large pluies sails; offetthelacoast, the des warm rains  and the centuries’ temchaudes tempête siècles. travers les canisses, pest. Through the reed fences, behind the louvers, summer derrière les persiennes, l’été fulmine de ne jamais pouvoiris fuming over never being able to awaken the sleepers. éveiller les dormeurs.
卡拉布里亞香檸 CALABRIAN BERGAMOT White-hot noon passes below the trees of Calabria and 白亮炙熱的正午穿越義大利卡拉布里亞的樹木,空氣彷彿凝 freezes any impetus in place. Its green ray pierces through 結。綠色的光線貫穿苦橙樹的葉子,萊姆果實閃閃發亮,外 the leaves of the bitter orange trees, makes the limes glisten and their rinds sweat. Off the coast, the Greek, Moorish and 皮冒出水珠。海岸線外,點綴著希臘式的、摩爾式的,以及 crusading sails; off the coast, the warm rains 像是十字軍東征的帆船;海岸線外,溫暖的降雨和百年難得 and the centuries’ tempest. Through the reed fences, behind 一見的風暴正要來襲。穿過蘆葦柵欄,百葉窗後方,夏日炎 the louvers, summer is fuming over never being able to awaken the sleepers. 炎讓熟睡的人們更好眠。
Makassar Makassar
Chopped off by a parang, the jungle wood oozes a red sap Tranché par lethe parang, sève rouge des bois de jungle that capsizes spirit.laThe dark, black-veined scent chaof the vire l’esprit. Senteur sombre veinée de noir des sous-bois Sulawesi underbrush, of tropical mountains teeming with de Célèbes, des monts de lianesinetfrom de lianas and pythons. Justtropicaux above thetraversés surface, blowing pythons. A fleur d’eau, depuis l’horizon, le trait de poudre the horizon, a puff of powder carried by the hot winds sends des forest vents chauds fait tanguer forêt de voiles des lambos, the of the lambos’ sails la a-pitching, disturbing the air, et l’air bleu de tabac d’encens brulé as duthe couchant. blue with tobacco andetburned incense sun sets.
Scottish Lichen 蘇格蘭苔香
Makassar 印度馬卡薩油
The scent of the upright stones of Hyperborea, dotted with 極北之地的直立石塊,點綴著地衣的紅褐色泡沫。山間上 the lichens’ reddish-brown froth. The tartness of the cold grass fur on the hills’ shoulders, the mosses frosted with 冷草苔的酸味,被露水凍住的苔蘚。停留到黎明的花粉被 dew - the pollens sticking to the belly of dawn are left out 來自赫布里底群島(Hebrides)的鹹味海風吹乾。 to dry in the salty wind from the Hebrides.
Chopped off by a parang, the jungle wood oozes a red sap that capsizes the spirit. The dark, black-veined scent of the 是藤蔓與巨蟒的熱帶山地裡,從印尼蘇拉威西島(Sulawesi) Sulawesi underbrush, of tropical mountains teeming with lianas and pythons. Just above the surface, blowing in from 上的樹叢裡,一縷既深沉又黑暗的神秘香味幽幽傳出。從海平 the horizon, a puff of powder carried by the hot winds sends 面吹來的熱風帶著點點細粉,輕輕搖晃著像是船帆的森林,繚 the forest of the lambos’ sails a-pitching, disturbing the air, blue with tobacco and burned incense as the 。sun sets. 繞著日落之時帶著菸草和薰香味的藍色天空
Universal Perfumes for the Skin - 世界香氛系列for Universal Perfumes the Skin
English Honey
The warm fragrance of the honey loaf, solidified like wax. The reading table, like a dial, watches the autumn hours go by under the metronomic ray of the afternoon sun. Amid the glare of the library’s varnished mahogany and cedar, lands the bronze of a bee, all laden with gold.
The gleaming, bittersweet fragrance of the Sevillian Bigarade causes the water in the basins and fountains to shiver. With the rain-shower downed in one gulp by the city, its sparkling air, sluiced clean, brims with the vivid scent of tender mint and rosemary leaves escaping from the Andalusian gardens.
英倫蜂蜜 蜂蜜麵包的溫暖香味,凝固時像蜂蠟。午後陽光斜斜照 射,節拍器的陰影落在書桌上,像是鐘面上的指針,看 著秋日時光慢慢流逝。圖書館裡,桃花心木與雪杉製成 的書櫃與桌椅,上了漆的表面閃閃發亮,一隻蜜蜂停留 其上,落下一小塊古銅色的陰影,而牠卻是滿載著黃金 (般的花粉)。
Damask Rose Thousands of red and pink petals thrown into Astarte’s bath, blanketing the sandalwood floors of temples, strewn across the beds of queens. Their triumph exudes the sweet opulence of the rose and the vetiver, the maidens’ ginger-fiery kisses raining down upon the victors from the balconies.
大馬士革玫瑰 成千上萬的紅色與粉紅色花瓣,撒入阿斯塔特女神的澡 盆,鋪滿廟宇的檀香地板,散落皇后的床上。他們的勝 利散發著滿是玫瑰與岩蘭草的甜蜜氣息,少女們如生薑 火辣的飛吻如雨點般,落在站在陽台的勝利者身上。
塞維利亞橙香 苦中帶甜的香氣瞬息閃現,令水池及噴泉裡的水都顫抖 著。傾盆大雨注入城市,空氣被洗得乾乾淨淨,閃閃發 光,滿溢著從安達魯西亞花園裡傳來的溫柔薄荷與迷迭 香的鮮明香氣。
Al Kassir A tangled web of fragrances at the confines of civilizations; the musical and shimmering scent of silk pours out its colors from the arms of merchants at the feet of sultanas.Embroidered with the gold of the sandalwood, hemmed with the geranium’s hissing satin, lined with the silvery velvet of cardamom, its joy covertly hatches harem conspiracies.
阿爾卡西爾 香味編織著文明的網路,商人與妻妾身上色彩斑斕的絲 綢長袍閃耀著、律動著。繡著黃金的檀香,綢緞的邊緣 摩擦著天竺葵發出嘶嘶聲,鋪著荳蔻香味的厚厚銀絨, 妻妾們交頭接耳,眉飛色舞地策劃後宮裡的陰謀。
Frankincense and the dark fire of sacred Hinoki wood under the summer rains of Shôno. The noble fragrance of flame-charred temples, lacquered black with smoke, of cypress chests in which silks, swords and calligraphy scrolls slumber. In the green steam of cedar and camphorwood baths, near Tokaido’s Torii, images of the floating world anchor the rumble of the torrent and the flight of the autumn leaf.
日本庄野的夏季雨下,悶悶燒著的檜木傳來乳香味。寺廟 裡瀰漫著木炭燃燒高貴香氣,被煙霧燻過、上了黑色亮漆 的絲柏木箱子裡,擺放著塵封已久的絲綢、劍,與書法捲 軸。走進雪松和樟木林的綠色蒸汽裡,東海道附近的神社 鳥居,浮世繪裡停格的是隆隆的洪流與翩飛的秋葉。
Facial Beauty - 臉部保養品 Facial Beauty
Pommade virginale Pommade - Face virginale cream - Crème pour visage - be warmed A skin-softening ointment forlethe face, to between the palms to use, Pommadeentre virginale uses Soin adoucissant pourprior le visage à réchauffer les mains lindenl’application, water and sweet almondvirginale oil to hydrate, mollify avant la pommade à l’eau de tilleuland et skin. douce hydrate, assouplit et apaise la peau. àsoothe l’huilethe d’amande
- 面霜 Pommade virginale - Face cream -
一款能使臉部肌膚柔嫩的乳霜,使用前先在掌心搓揉溫熱。 A skin-softening ointment for the face, to be warmed 採用菩提露與甜杏仁油,能有效保濕、安撫和舒緩肌膚。
Eau superfine Eau superfine - SootHing lotion -
- Lotion adoucissante -
To achieve impeccable facial cleansing, this rose-distilPour peaufinerwater le nettoyage du visage, cette eaucomplexion. enrichie de late-enriched revives and evens out one’s distillat de rose rafraîchit et harmonise le teint. Souveraine, Consummately effective, Eau surfine calms reddened skin, l’Eau superfine apaise les peaux rougies, défroisse la mine effects a smooth mien and brings solace. et console.
- 舒緩化妝水 Eau superfine - SootHing lotion -
between the palms prior to use, Pommade virginale uses linden water and sweet almond oil to hydrate, mollify and soothe the skin.
To achieve impeccable facial cleansing, this rose-distil潔效果,同時活化肌膚、均勻膚色。高效能的化妝水還能 late-enriched water revives and evens out one’s complexion. 鎮定泛紅肌膚,使肌膚更加平滑、穩定膚況。 Consummately effective, Eau surfine calms reddened skin, effects a smooth mien and brings solace.
EUROS - 75g . . ......................................40.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,800元 - 75g
.................................. EUROS--200ml 200ml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35.00 . . . . . 1,500元
Eau rectifiée - Micellar water Eau cleansing rectifiée Eau rectifiée’s micelles the skin-most efficiently. - Eau cleanse Micellaire Boosted with St. John’s wort extract, the emollient properLes micelles présentes dans l’Eau rectifiée ties of this micellar water bring comfort and nettoient freshnessefficato the cement la rectifiée peau. A l’extrait millepertuis, les the vertus émolskin. Eau cleansesde and smoothes out skin and lientes deitscette eau micellaire procurent confort et fraîenhances complexion. cheur à la peau. L’Eau rectifiée nettoie, lisse et embellit le teint.
- 微膠粒潔膚水 Eau rectifiée - Micellar cleansing water -
Lait nettoyant - Cleansing Milk Lait nettoyant
Incorporating -cornflower water and argan -oil, this velvety Lait démaquillant milk cleanses and purifies the skin. Patiently massaged over A l’eau florale à l’huile d’argan, onctueux the entire facede forbleuet a fullet minute until warm,ce it lait carries away nettoie et purifie la peau. Réchauffé par un massage and dissolves makeup residue and impurities, leaving pathe tient d’une minute surfresh. tout le visage, il entraîne et dissout complexion clean and les traces de maquillage, les impuretés, pour laisser le teint propre et frais.
- 卸妝乳 -
含有能有效潔淨肌膚的微膠粒。金絲桃萃取精華讓微膠粒 Eau rectifiée’s micelles cleanse the skin most efficiently. 潔膚水具有嫩膚特性,使肌膚倍感舒適清新。不僅能有效 Boosted with St. John’s wort extract, the emollient proper潔淨與平滑肌膚,更可重現肌膚光采。
結合矢車菊花露與摩洛哥堅果油,此款質地柔滑的卸妝乳 能有效清潔與淨化肌膚。先耐心地將卸妝乳按摩於全臉 1 分鐘,直到卸妝乳溫熱,接著即可溶解卸除殘妝和髒汙, 呈現潔淨清新的肌膚狀態。
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38.00 . . . . . . 1,600元 .................................. EUROS -200ml - 200ml
............................................1,600元 - 200ml
ties of this micellar water bring comfort and freshness to the skin. Eau rectifiée cleanses and smoothes out the skin and enhances its complexion.
Body Care -- 身體保養品 身體保養品 -Body Care
Pommade concrète
- Hand and foot cream -
- Perfumed body oil -
Pommade concrète is a balm that must be warmed between the hands prior to use. The chamomile water it contains counters the irritating and parching effects on the hands and feet of cold air, friction, water and the great outdoors. It comforts, nourishes and relaxes the skin lavishly.
Fragile and sensitive skins are thoroughly softened and solaced by this scented dry oil, inspired by the simultaneously cosmetic and medicinal uses of plant oils and macerates in ancient Greece. It should be applied on freshly cleansed skin, right after bathing or showering. Light and readily absorbed, it imparts remarkable luster to the skin.
- 手足霜 使用前,需先抹在掌心搓熱。富含有 洋甘菊露,能改善手部與足部因冷空 氣、摩擦、碰水和戶外活動所產生的 敏感與乾燥問題,可以有效舒緩、滋 養與呵護肌膚。
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,600元 - 75g
Fragrances: glish Honey
Scottish Lichen, En-
- 香氛身體按摩油 此款香氛按摩油可徹底柔嫩與鎮定敏 弱 肌 膚。 產 品 設 計 靈 感 來 自 美 妝 與 藥 用 植 物 油 以 及 古 希 臘 的 植 物 浸 泡 油。 於 泡 澡 或 淋 浴 後, 塗 抹 在 潔 淨 的 肌 膚 上。 質 地 清 爽、 易 於 吸 收, 能 賦 予 肌 膚完美光澤。 香氛選擇:蘇格蘭苔香、英倫蜂蜜
Laitvirginal virginal Lait
- Lait hydratant - Perfumed Body lotion parfumé
As lightweight is effective, this pourasleit corps superfine scented body milk was inspired autant by ancient milk-based beauty Léger qu’efficace, ce lait surfin recipes, renowned in ptolemaic parfumé pour le corps s’inspireEgypt, des reancient beyondà for cettes de Rome beauté and ancestrales basetheir lactée, ability to soften the skin even ptoléout notamment réputées dans and l’Egypte its grain. andpour generously maïque ouApplied la Romedaily antique assouplir after or showering, makes la peaubathing et unifier son grain. Ilits’applique the skinjour supple and brings comfort chaque généreusement au sortirtodu all skin types. bain ou de la douche. Il procure confort et souplesse à toutes les peaux. Fragrances: Scottish Lichen, English Honey, Damask Rose, Makassar, MexiSenteurs : Lichen d’Ecosse, Miel d’Ancan Tuberose gleterre, Rose de Damas, Makassar, Tubereuse du Mexique
.................................. - Perfumed Body lotion - 香氛身體乳 As lightweight as it is effective, this super-
此 款 質 地 清 爽 的 高 效 香 氛 身 體 乳, 設 計 fine scented body milk was inspired by an靈感來自古埃及托勒密王朝與古羅馬盛 cient milk-based renowned 行 的牛 奶 美 膚 良beauty 方, 能recipes, 有效柔嫩 與平滑 in ptolemaic Egypt, ancient Rome and 肌 膚。 於 每 天 泡 澡 或 淋 浴 後 大 量 使 用。 beyond for their ability to soften the skin 適合所有膚質,能夠有效重現肌膚彈性, and even out its grain. Applied daily and 使肌膚倍感舒適。 generously after bathing or showering, it makes the skin supple and brings comfort
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,800元 - 200ml
香氛選擇:蘇格蘭苔香、英倫蜂蜜、 to all skin types. 大 馬 士 革 玫 瑰、 印 度 馬 卡 薩 油、 墨 西 哥 Fragrances: Scottish Lichen, English 晚香玉
Honey, Damask Rose, Makassar, Mexican Tuberose
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,600元 - 200ml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,900元 - 200ml
Huile de savon - Perfumed body wash - Huile de douche For the most sensitive and fragile-skins, this cleansing parfumée
treatment is a panacea, to be emulsionized directPour les peaux les plus sensibles et fragiles, ce soin ly onto the body. Its remarkable texture, delicate and lavant est une panacée à émulsionner directement sur pleasurable, is reminiscent of oil, while its properties le corps. Remarquable, sa texture délicate et plaisante are similar to a soap’s. Using it simultaneously brings rappelle celle de huile et ses propriétés sont celles d’un cleanliness and comfort, as it combines the soothing savon. Son usage procure à la fois propreté et confort. powers of a hydrating product with the feeling of Avec les pouvoirs apaisants d’un soin hydratant, il allie neatness provided by a scented soap. la sensation de netteté procurée par le savon parfumé. Fragrances: Scottish Lichen, English Honey, Damask Senteurs: Lichen d’Ecosse, Miel d’Angleterre, Rose de Rose, Makassar, Mexican Tuberose, Sevillian Bigarade Damas, Makassar, Tubereuse du Mexique, Bigarade de Séville
.............................................. - Perfumed body wash -
- 香氛沐浴油 For the most sensitive and fragile skins, this cleansing treatment is a panacea, to be emulsionized direct適用於極敏弱肌,此款沐浴油彷若肌膚的救星。使用 ly onto the body. Its remarkable texture, delicate and 時直接乳化按摩於肌膚上,其不可思議的細緻質地將 pleasurable, is reminiscent of oil, while its properties 讓人心曠神怡。其觸感近似按摩油,卻又有香皂的清 are similar to a soap’s. Using it simultaneously brings 潔效果。洗淨肌膚之餘,還能讓肌膚倍感舒適。兼具 cleanliness and comfort, as it combines the soothing 保濕產品的舒緩功效,以及香皂帶來的潔淨感受。 powers of a hydrating product with the feeling of neatness provided by a scented soap.
印度馬卡薩油、墨西哥晚香玉、塞維利亞橙香 Fragrances: Scottish Lichen, English Honey, Damask Rose, Makassar, Mexican Tuberose, Sevillian Bigarade
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,800元 - 200ml
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,600元 - 200ml
Savon superfin Savon superfin - Dermatological soap Pain dermatologique The foremost, indispensible hygiene product: superin Premier soin d’hygiène indispensable, le SavonSavon superfin netsimply and efficiently cleanses the skin withoutlaparching it. toie simplement et efficacement sans assécher peau. Pain A dermatologic slab, to be emulsionized betweenavec one’sdepalms dermatologique à émulsionner entre ses paumes l’eau with water, thisneutre, lightly sans scented, uniquely fine pH-neutiède,warm ce savon de PH soude, sans glycérine et létral soap, parfumé soda- and glycerin-free, boasts incomparable gèrement peut s’enorgueillir d’uneanfinesse et d’une softness. Its plant-based Sa formulation allows its fragrant douceur incomparables. formulation végétale permet note à sa to express itselfde assertively andplus lastingly, all the helping note parfumée s’exprimer sûrement et while durablement to balance the skin.l’équilibre It is also suited children’s hygiene as it tout en favorisant de la to peau. Il est aussi adapté does not aggravate theirdont fragile skin. à l’hygiène des enfants il n’agresse pas la peau fragile. Fragrances: Scottish Lichen, English Honey, Senteurs : Lichen d’Ecosse, Miel d’Angleterre, RoseDamask de DaRose, Makassar,Tubereuse Mexican Tuberose, Sevillian Bigarade, Camas, Makassar, du Mexique, Bigarade de Séville, labrian Bergamot, Al Kassir Bergamote de Calabre, Al Kassir
................................................ Dermatological - 潔膚皂 - soap The foremost, indispensible hygiene product: Savon superin Savon and superfin 是一款最不可或缺的潔膚產品,能夠有 simply efficiently cleanses the skin without parching it. 效清潔肌膚,又不會使肌膚乾澀。使用這款潔膚皂時,需 A dermatologic slab, to be emulsionized between one’s palms 以溫水打濕並在掌心搓揉乳化。具有淡雅芳香及獨特的 with warm water, this lightly scented, uniquely fine pH-neutral soda- and glycerin-free, boasts an incomparable 中性soap, pH 酸鹼值,且不含蘇打粉與甘油,因此能讓肌膚呈 softness. Its plant-based formulation allows its fragrant note 現絕佳的柔嫩膚觸。植物配方是其香氣餘韻更加持久的關 to express itself assertively and lastingly, all the while helping 鍵,並有助於平衡膚況。兒童亦適用,不會刺激兒童的嬌 to balance the skin. It is also suited to children’s hygiene as it 弱肌膚。 does not aggravate their fragile skin.
香氛選擇:蘇格蘭苔香、英倫蜂蜜、大馬士革玫瑰、印度 Fragrances: Scottish Lichen, English Honey, Damask 馬卡薩油、墨西哥晚香玉、塞維利亞橙香、卡拉布里亞香 Rose, Makassar, Mexican Tuberose, Sevillian Bigarade, Ca檸、阿爾卡西爾 labrian Bergamot, Al Kassir
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,240元 - 150 g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,240元 - 150 g
Oral Care - Enhanced with thermal water from Castéra-Verduzan -
口腔保健品 Oral Care
- 富 含 with 法國熱 爾地區 Ca 溫泉水 stérafrom -Ver duzan - Enhanced thermal water Castéra-Verduzan -
Opiat- DENTAIRE 牙膏 - Dentifrice -
Brushing one’s teeth with the fragrant dental opiates by L’Officine universelle Buly is a soothing, refreshing and delicious experience. Enhanced with thermal water from Castéra-Verduzan, in the Gers region, the dental opiates by L’Officine universelle Buly work wonders when it comes to cleansing teeth and caring for them. Rich in sulfates, calcium and magnesium, Castéra-Verduzan’s spring water has been renowned since Antiquity for soothing throat and mouth aches and sweetening the breath. The town’s thermal establishment is built atop a spring known as the “Great Foutain”, which is naturally sulfurous. The region’s inhabitants have always converged here to gargle its water and enjoy its benefits. Today, it is the first spa town in France to have been accredited by the health department for treating periodontal pathologies and ailments of the buccal and lingual mucus membranes.
Se brosser les dents avec les opiats dentaires parfumés de 使用此款牙膏清潔護理牙齒,可令人產生舒適、清新與可 l’Officine universelle Buly est une expérience apaisante, 口的暢快感受。 rafraîchissante et délicieuse. Enrichis à l’eau thermale de Castéra-Verduzan, dans le 來自法 熱爾地 區 Castéra-Verduzan 溫 泉 水,Buly 富 含font 硫酸 Gers, les國 Opiats dentaires de l’Officine的 universelle merveille pour nettoyer et prendre soin des dents. Riche 鹽、鈣、鎂等礦物質成分,自古以來就是當地居民用以舒 en sulfate, calcium et magnésium, l’eau de source de Cas緩喉嚨及口腔疼痛、令口氣甜美芬芳的最佳聖品。Castératéra-Verduzan est réputée depuis l’antiquité pour apaiser 的溫泉設施建立於知名的「Grande Fontaine」溫泉 Verduzan les maux de gorge, de bouche et adoucir l’haleine. Son éta水脈之上,屬於自然湧出硫磺泉。此地居民得益於此溫泉, blissement thermal est construit sur l’emplacement d’une source dite «Grande fontaine», naturellement sulfureuse. 常用溫泉水漱口使口腔健康。今日,Castéra-Verduzan 已成 Depuis toujours, les habitants de la région s’y rendaient 為第一個通過法國健康部認證、可治療牙周病及口腔黏膜 pour se gargariser de son eau et profiter de ses bienfaits. 疾病的 spa 水療城鎮。 Elle est aujourd’hui la première station thermale en France agréée par le ministère de la santé pour le traitement des affections des muqueuses bucco-linguales et des parodontopathies.
Flavour: Apple from Montauban, Moroccan Mint
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 880 元 - 75g
EAU DE LA BELLE HALEINE - Mouthwash After scrupulous brushing with an aromatic dental opiate, this mouthwash flavored with mild mint tea imparts a pleasant scent to exhalations and kisses. It awakens the spirit and the senses with no hint of aggression. Elegant and refreshing, Eau de la belle haleine can be used at any time of the day or night. Enhanced with thermal water from Castéra-Verduzan, in the Gers region, our Eau de la belle haleine helps re-mineralize and balance the buccal flora and protect teeth as well as gums. Rich in sulfates, calcium and magnesium, Castéra-Verduzan’s spring water has been renowned since Antiquity for soothing throat and mouth aches and sweetening the breath. The town’s thermal establishment is built atop a spring known as the “Great Foutain”, which is naturally sulfurous. The region’s inhabitants have always converged here to gargle its water and enjoy its benefits. Today, it is the first spa town in France to have been accredited by the health department for treating periodontal pathologies and ailments of the buccal and lingual mucus membranes.
EAU DE-LA BELLE HALEINE 清新漱口水 - Bain de Bouche -
Après le brossage soigneux des dents avec un opiat dentaire 此款帶有淡淡薄荷茶香的漱口水,可使口氣清香、精神舒 aromatisé, ce bain de bouche aux saveurs de thé à la men暢。早晚任何時段皆可使用,帶來優雅清爽的愉悅感受。 the douce parfume agréablement le souffle et les baisers. Il réveille l’esprit et les sens, sans agresser. Rafraîchissante 取élégante, 自法國熱 爾 地de區laCastéra-Verduzan 溫 泉à水 製成 的漱口 et l’Eau belle haleine s’utilise tout moment du jour et de la nuit. 水,有助於強化琺瑯質、減少口腔細菌滋生,保護牙齒及 Enrichie à l’eau thermale de Castéra-Verduzan, dans le 牙齦健康。富含硫酸鹽、鈣、鎂等礦物質成分,自古以來 Gers, l’eau de la belle haleine contribue à reminéraliser, à就是當地居民用以舒緩喉嚨及口腔疼痛、令口氣甜美芬芳 rééquilibrer la flore buccale et à protéger les dents et les 的 最 佳 聖Riche 品。Castéra-Verduzan 的et 溫magnesium, 泉設施建立於 知名 gencives. en sulfate, calcium l’eau de的 source de Castéra-Verduzan est réputée depuis l’antiqui「Grande Fontaine」溫泉水脈之上,屬於自然湧出硫磺泉。 té pour apaiser les maux de gorge, de bouche et adoucir 此地居民得益於此溫泉,常用溫泉水漱口使口腔健康。今 l’haleine. Son établissement thermal est construit sur l’em日,Castéra-Verduzan placement d’une source已成為第一個通過法國健康部認證、 dite «Grande fontaine», naturelle可治療牙周病及口腔黏膜疾病的 水療城鎮。 ment sulfureuse. Depuis toujours, spa les habitants de la région s’y rendaient pour se gargariser de son eau et profiter de ses bienfaits. Elle est aujourd’hui la première station thermale en France agréée par le ministère de la santé pour le traitement des affections des muqueuses bucco-linguales et
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,200 元 - 200ml
Bien se raser The proper shave
Une peau bien préparée fait le bon rasage. Il est plus sage de prendre sa douche pour laisser lesItvapeurs A good shave is theavant resultleofrasage well-prepared skin. is wid’eau la peau, dilater pores the et attenser to chaude shower assouplir before shaving to let steamlesmollify skin, drir le poil. Les plus organisés auront soin d’humidifier un open up the pores and soften the hair. The best-organized petit linge et de le faire chauffer -pour les plus élégants shavers will be sure to dampen a small cloth and heat it upà la vapeursteam et pour plus pressés au micro-ondeavantfor de – using forlesoptimal elegance, or a microwave l’appliquer très chaud–(mais jamais sur leburning visage. those most in a hurry and apply it,brûlant !) hot (but never Une fois réchauffée, la peau est prête à recevoir la meilleure hot!), on the face. Once warmed, the skin is ready to receive des rasagecreams, que l’onwhich masseshould longuement pour bien the crèmes best of de shaving be massaged at adoucir lesthe poils si durs de la barbe. Avec rasoir length on beard to properly soften its un rough andpropre, tough passer lentement les parties velues the du visage et rincer hairs. Slowly run sur a clean razor across furry areas of entre deux passages claire et tiède. Avec le linge the face, rinsing the sous bladel’eau under running warm water afhumide unWith peu the chaud, bien débarrasser la peau ter each resté stroke. damp cloth, which should still des be résidus ou bien rincer à grande eau selon les préférences. slightly warm, carefully remove any residue – or rinse with Il est conseillé de terminer le rasage en passant une pierre copious amounts of water, whichever you prefer. It is red’alun humide le visage. Naturellement et commended to sur finish by running a wet alumhémostatique stone over the antiseptique, sonhemostatic action arrêtera les petitsaction saignements et face. Its natural and antiseptic will stop préviendra la formation de petits boutons. minor bleeding and prevent the onset of blemishes.
刮鬍膏 Pommade pogonotomienne
先將臉打濕,用手沾一些刮鬍膏,塗抹在濕潤的皮膚上。 - Shaving Cream -
此款油性刮鬍膏含有舒緩肌膚的甜杏仁油,檜木香氛可提 The unctuous pogonotomy cream by L’Officine univer振精神,較敏感的部位如下巴和臉頰,皆可感到柔軟舒適。 selle Buly should simply be applied by hand on damp skin. Boosted with soothing almond scented with burnt 使用刮鬍 膏 時, 不 可sweet 拿著刮 鬍 刀 隨and 意亂 刮, 刮 鬍是 門藝 Hinoki wood, the刮most sensitive chins and the 術, 還 是 得 按it照will 規 矩leave 來。「 鬍 」(pogonotomy) 這個 詞 most tender cheeks feeling soft and supple. 源自希臘文,引用自一位 18do 世紀著名理髮師的專業手法: Pogonotomy has nothing to with jumping around on a 「pogo」指鬍子,而動詞「temno」是刮的意思。 stick: it is the art of shaving by the rules, old school. The term is derived from the Greek, with a detour through the expert hands of a famed 18th-century barber – from “pogos”, the beard, and the verb “temno”, to cut.
刮鬍前,要先為肌膚做好準備。可以先淋浴,讓蒸汽鎮靜皮 The proper shave 膚、打開毛孔、軟化毛髮,或是用一塊濕布蒸熱過後敷在臉 A good shave is the result of well-prepared skin. It is wiser 上。如果時間緊迫,可使用微波爐加熱一下,溫熱即可(絕 to shower before shaving to let steam mollify the skin, open 不能太滾燙)。熱敷過後,就可以將刮鬍膏塗抹在鬍鬚處, up the pores and soften the hair. The best-organized shavers will be sure to dampen a small cloth and heat it up – using 並作適當按摩以軟化粗硬的毛髮。使用乾淨刮鬍刀,緩慢地 Pommade pogonotomienne steam for optimal elegance, or a microwave for those most 刮過長鬍鬚的地方,每刮一次,就用溫水沖洗刀鋒。刮鬍過 in a hurry – and apply it, hot (but never burning hot!), on the - Shaving Cream 後,可依喜好用溫熱濕布仔細擦拭臉部,或用大量的水沖洗。 face. Once warmed, the skin is ready to receive the best of The unctuous pogonotomy cream by L’Officine univer- 建議最後使用濕的明礬石在刮鬍處滑一滑,具有天然止血功 shaving creams, which should be massaged at length on the selle Buly should simply be applied by hand on damp skin. beard to properly soften its rough and tough hairs. Slowly 能可止住輕微出血,並可殺菌防止暗瘡形成。 Boosted with soothing sweet almond and scented with burnt Hinoki wood, it will leave the most sensitive chins and the most tender cheeks feeling soft and supple. Pogonotomy has nothing to do with jumping around on a stick: it is the art of shaving by the rules, old school. The term is derived from the Greek, with a detour through the expert hands of a famed 18th-century barber – from “pogos”, the beard, and the verb “temno”, to cut.
run a clean razor across the furry areas of the face, rinsing the blade under running warm water after each stroke. With the damp cloth, which should still be slightly warm, carefully remove any residue – or rinse with copious amounts of water, whichever you prefer. It is recommended to finish by running a wet alum stone over the face. Its natural hemostatic and antiseptic action will stop minor bleeding and prevent the onset of blemishes.
Parfum d’atmosphère -
Scented Les allumettes matches parfumées The scented matches created by L’Officine univer-
selle are another way to créées quicklypar and l’Officine elegantly Les Buly allumettes parfumées perfume theBuly ambient deodorizing power universelle sont air. une The autre manière de parof matches has been attested for centuries, nofumer rapidement et élégamment l’atmosphère. tably when it comes to sanitizing the restroom’s Le pouvoir désodorisant des allumettes est atatmosphere and notamment innocuously.pour This assaiprotesté depuis quickly des siècles, perty was especially back when nir rapidement, et sansremarkable nuire, l’atmosphère des matches were made with sulfur. Harmful and too toilettes. Cette propriété était particulièrement easily flammable, this element has been substiremarquable lorsque les allumettes étaient fatuted withavec another, but the deodorizing power of briquées du soufre. Nocif et trop facilement matches remains. Inspired bya this surprising virinflammable, ce composant été délaissé pour un tue, L’Officine universelle Buly has invented the autre, mais le pouvoir désodorisant de l’allumette scented match. Cut to a greater length than usual demeure. Inspirée par cette étonnante vertu, in a tender universelle wood, then coated with a scented sol’Officine Buly invente l’allumette lution, the matches by plus L’Officine universelle parfumée. Taillées longues dans un Buly bois fill a room’s atmosphere with fragrance in one fell tendre, puis enduites d’une solution parfumée, swoop. Even as de they catch fire, they are an elegant les allumettes l’Officine universelle Buly emand odorous prelude to de thelaaromas of the scented baument l’atmosphère pièce d’un seul geste. candles they can conveniently Tandis which qu’elles s’enflamment, elles light. sont L’Offiun élécine reaffirms the importance of gantuniverselle et odorant Buly prélude aux senteurs des bougies always makingqu’elles sure a match is fullycommodément. put out before parfumées allument itL’Officine is thrownUniverselle away, and Buly the necessity keeping rappelleofqu’il faut them out of children’s reach. extinction d’une altoujours veiller à la parfaite lumette avant de la jeter et qu’il est impératif de placer les allumettes hors de portée des enfants.
Scented matches 香氛火柴 The scented matches created by L’Officine uni創造 的 香 氛way 火 柴, 讓 使 用and 者 以ele快 BULY 1803 verselle Buly are another to quickly gantly perfume the ambient air. The deodorizing 速而優雅的方式,令空氣中迅速充滿芳香。火 power of matches has been attested for centuries, 柴擁有優秀的除臭能力,特別是當想要消毒廁 notably when it comes to sanitizing the restroom’s 所的空氣時,只要劃一根火柴即可消臭,快速 atmosphere quickly and innocuously. This pro且無害。火柴通常使用硫磺製作,但硫磺有害 perty was especially remarkable back when matches were made with sulfur. Harmful and too 且易燃,BULY 發現,使用另一種成份取代硫 easily flammable, this element has been substi磺,仍可保持火柴的除臭功效,於是發明了香 tuted with another, but the deodorizing power of 氛火柴——使用較軟的木頭,切割成比一般火 matches remains. Inspired by this surprising virtue, L’Officine universelle Buly has invented the 柴棒長的尺寸,最後裹上香味溶劑。在劃下香 scented match. Cut to a greater length than usual 氛火柴的那一刻,整個房間立即充滿芳香。劃 in a tender wood, then coated with a scented so出火焰的火柴棒,也可用來點燃香氛蠟燭,讓 lution, the matches by L’Officine universelle Buly 室內芳香更為持久。注意:丟棄火柴棒前,請 fill a room’s atmosphere with fragrance in one fell swoop. Even as they catch fire, they are an 確保火焰完全熄滅,且需放置在孩童拿不到的 elegant and odorous prelude to the aromas of the 地方,以免危險。 scented candles which they can conveniently light. L’Officine universelle Buly reaffirms the importance of always making sure a match is fully put out before it is thrown away, and the necessity of keeping them out of children’s reach.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 720元
Les bougies parfumées Scented candles Formulées exclusivement à base de composants végétaux, les bougies Exclusively formulated from plant-based ingredients, the scented candles parfumées de l’Officine universelle Buly sont sans paraffine et sans déby L’Officine universelle Buly use no paraffin and no mineral compounds rivé minéral issu de la pétrochimie. Leur cire douce est naturelle, fabriderived from the petrochemical industry. Their soft, all-natural wax is quée à base de riz, de soja et de coprah ; leur mèche est faite de coton made up of rice, soy and copra; their wick is pure cotton, ensuring a pur et permet une combustion régulière. Sans aucune nocivité, la qualité steady combustion. Perfectly innocuous, the plant-based nature of the végétale des cires choisies par Buly permet de préserver l’intégrité et la waxes picked by Buly enables them to preserve the integrity and the truth vérité des cinq parfums créés pour l’atmosphère en exprimant toutes of the five fragrances created with the atmosphere in mind, allowing for leur force et leurs nuances. Taillé dans un marbre, le « verre » à bougie the full expression of their strengths and nuances. Carved in marble, estampillé Buly est un objet somptueux et durable qui rappelle la splenthe candle’s Buly-stamped “glass” is a luxurious and durable item remideur des vases antiques, des objets de « pierres dures » venus des Indes. niscent of the splendor of ancient vases, of “hard stone” artefacts from Chaque bougie est coiffée d’une cloche de verre qui conserve son parfum, India. Each candle is sheltered by a glass bell that preserves its fragrance empêche la poussière et les impuretés de se déposer sur la cire. Il suffit and prevents dust and impurities from settling onto the wax. The bell also de coiffer la bougie après l’avoir éteinte pour faire taire son parfum. makes it possible to put out the candle by asphyxiating its combustion. All L’Officine universelle Buly rappelle qu’il faut toujours veiller à la parfaite it takes is covering the candle, as with a snuffer, to silence its perfume. extinction d’une bougie avant de quitter la pièce où elle brûle et qu’il est L’Officine universelle Buly stresses that one must always make sure a impératif de placer les bougies hors de portée des enfants. candle is completely put out before leaving the room where it is burning, and that it is imperative to keep candles out of the reach of children.
.Exclusively . . . . . . .formulated . . . . . . .from . . . plant-based . . . . . . . ingredients, . . . . . . . .the . .scented . . . . .candles .... by L’Officine universelle Buly use no paraffin and no mineral compounds 香氛蠟燭 derived from the petrochemical industry. Their soft, all-natural wax is made up of rice, soy and copra; their wick is pure cotton, ensuring a 以植物為基底的全天然獨家配方,不使用石蠟和石化衍生化合物,無 steady combustion. Perfectly innocuous, the plant-based nature of the 毒無害。使用米、大豆和椰子殼製成的蠟,質地柔軟,且能使五種香 waxes picked by Buly enables them to preserve the integrity and the truth 氛充分展現其特性和細微差別;純棉製成的燈芯可確保燃燒時的穩定 of the five fragrances created with the atmosphere in mind, allowing for the full expression of their strengths and nuances. Carved in marble, the 度。特別的「大理石玻璃」瓶身,是由印度的「硬石」製成的工藝品, candle’s Buly-stamped “glass” is a luxurious and durable item reminis堅固耐用,增添復古奢華感;蠟燭使用完畢之後,還可拿來作為花瓶 cent of the splendor of ancient vases, of “hard stone” artefacts from India. 或筆筒使用。每只蠟燭皆附有玻璃鐘罩,可保留香氣,並防止灰塵和 Each candle is sheltered by a glass bell that preserves its fragrance and prevents dust and impurities from settling onto the wax. The bell also 雜質落在蠟燭上;還可作為熄火蓋,只要將蠟燭蓋上,內部的氧氣燃 makes it possible to put out the candle by asphyxiating its combustion. All 燒殆盡之後,火焰也隨之熄滅,並使香氛停止擴散。注意:離開前, it takes is covering the candle, as with a snuffer, to silence its perfume. 請先將燭火完全熄滅,且需放置在孩童拿不到的地方,以免危險。 L’Officine universelle Buly stresses that one must always make sure a candle is completely put out before leaving the room where it is burning, and that it is imperative to keep candles out of the reach of children.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,800元 - 300g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,800元 - 500g
Les bougies brûlent entre 80 et 100 heures. Our Our candles candles burn burn 80 80 to to 100 100 hours. hours. 蠟燭可連續燃燒 80 至 100 小時。
SCENTED CANDLE - Universal Perfumes-
香 氛 蠟CANDLE 燭 -SCENTED 系列 - 世界香氛 - Universal Perfumes -
Campagne d’Italie Campagne d’Italie
Hints of leather, bark, earth, pine needles and sumSenteurs de cuir, d’écorces, terre, white d’aiguilles mer-roasted leaves. The de plains, withet de sunfeuilles and torréfiées par plaine, blanche et traversée crisscrossed byl’été. scoutLa honey bees, make de forsoleil a blinding wait. d’abeilles sentinelles, l’attente. l’ombre chaude In the warm shade of éblouit the woods, amidDans the thick silence of du silence épais chênes et desbeing cèdres, le cliquethebois, oaks au and cedars, the des clatter of horses harnessed, tis harnachements, l’impatience des sabots, l’éclat des the des impatience of restless hoofs, the glare of rifles before fusils avant la charge. the charge. NOTES DE Tête: Pamplemousse, Bergamote HEAD NOTES: Grapefruit, Bergamot NOTES Coeur: Muscade, Patchouli, HEARTDE NOTES: Nutmeg, Patchouli, Oak Chêne NOTES DENOTES: Fond : Cedar, Cèdre, Tonka, Tonka, Santalwood, Santal , Vanille BOTTOM Vanilla
義大利鄉村 Campagne d’Italie
Hints of leather, bark, earth, pine needles and sum帶點皮革、樹皮、土壤、松針,以及樹葉被炎夏的太陽烤 mer-roasted leaves. The plains, white with sun and 過的味道。平原上,太陽的白光和尋找花蜜的蜜蜂身影 crisscrossed by scout honey bees, make for a blinding wait. 縱橫交織,炫目到看不清等待的獵物。在炎熱的樹蔭下, In the warm shade of the woods, amid the thick silence of 在一大片高聳的橡樹和雪松下,只有清脆的馬具碰撞聲、 the oaks and cedars, the clatter of horses being harnessed, 焦躁不安的馬蹄聲,和上膛前獵槍的炫光。
the impatience of restless hoofs, the glare of rifles before
the charge. 前調:葡萄柚、佛手柑 HEAD NOTES: Grapefruit, Bergamot 中調:肉荳蔻、廣藿香、橡木 HEART NOTES: Nutmeg, Patchouli, Oak 後調:雪松、香豆、檀香、香草 BOTTOM NOTES: Cedar, Tonka, Santalwood, Vanilla
Alexandrie Alexandrie
On the onyx- and jade-incrusted tiles, a ray of moonlight Sur le pavement incrusté d’onyx et de jade, le rayon de lune cuts out the foliage of the lemon trees and the dance of découpe le feuillage des citronniers, la danse des palmes, the palms, gently rocking the evening warmth. The night’s berce la chaleur du soir. Le torrent de la nuit qui afflue fait torrent, rushing in, sends shivers through the blue menfrissonner l’ombre bleue et mentholée du jardin. Sous le thol-scented shade of the garden. Under the canopy, in the dais, dans la pénombre, brillent la lame courbée d’un sabre half-light, a curved blade and a pair of steely eyes sparkle. et un regard de marbre. HEAD NOTES: Lemon NOTES DE Tête: Citron HEART NOTES: Blackcurrant, Mint, Ginger NOTES DE Coeur: Cassis, Menthe, Gingembre BOTTOM NOTES: Vanilla, Moss NOTES DE Fond : Vanille, Mousse
Alexandrie 亞歷山大
On the onyx- and jade-incrusted tiles, a ray of moonlight 在縞瑪瑙和玉石鑲嵌的磁磚上,落下的月光切割了檸檬 cuts out the foliage of the lemon trees and the dance of 樹葉的影子和不停舞動的手影,搖動著夜晚的熱氣。深 the palms, gently rocking the evening warmth. The night’s 夜的寒意突然襲來,使得花園裡帶有薄荷香味的藍色人 torrent, rushing in, sends shivers through the blue men影發出了寒顫。在蓬頂下方,明暗交接處,弧形刀鋒和 thol-scented shade of the garden. Under the canopy, in the 一雙冷冽堅硬的眼睛閃閃發光。 half-light, a curved blade and a pair of steely eyes sparkle. HEAD NOTES: Lemon 前調:檸檬 HEART NOTES: Blackcurrant, Mint, Ginger BOTTOM NOTES: Vanilla, Moss 中調:黑加侖子、薄荷、生薑
Sacre Sacre
The scent of coronations, a Gloria of juniper and honey, in the glare of stained-glass windows shot through Senteur de couronnement, gloria de genièvre et de with miel, a boltl’éclat of winter sun. The golden d’un threads wall-handans des vitraux traversés traitindethe soleil d’hiver. gingsdes spatter the éclabousse ceremony la of cérémonie columns and theet L’or tentures des vaults, colonnes pious silence ivory pieux statues. Instatues the damp nave, Dans mistyla with des voûtes, le of silence des d’ivoire. nef frankincense andd’encens cold, theetfragrance olibanum and ce-et humide, embuée de froid, of le parfum d’oliban darwood cajolesl’âme. the soul. de cèdre enjôle HEAD NOTES: Aldehyde, Juniper, Pine NOTES DE Tête: Aldehyde, Genièvre, Pin HEARTDE NOTES: Incense NOTES Coeur: Encens BOTTOM NOTES: Cedar, Honey NOTES DE Fond : Cèdre, Miel
神聖儀式 Sacre
The scent of coronations, a Gloria of juniper and honey, 加冕的氣味,杜松與蜂蜜的頌歌,冬日陽光射入彩色玻 in the glare stained-glass windows shot through with 璃 窗。 牆 帷 上of裝飾的金色流蘇飄動,穹頂下、圓柱間的 a儀式正在進行,而象牙白的雕像卻是沈默著。帶點濕氣 bolt of winter sun. The golden threads in the wall-hangings spatter the ceremony of columns and vaults, the 的宮殿裡,瀰漫著焚香與寒冷,乳香和雪松的清香正誘 pious silence of ivory statues. In the damp nave, misty with 惑著靈魂。 and cold, the fragrance of olibanum and cefrankincense darwood cajoles the soul. 前調:乙醛、杜松、松樹 HEAD NOTES: Aldehyde, Juniper, Pine 中調:焚香 HEART NOTES: Incense 後調:雪松、蜂蜜 BOTTOM NOTES: Cedar, Honey
Généraux d’Empire Généraux d’Empire
Les rires traversent en dansant les couloirs de châteaux, de Laughter echoes through the hallways ofouvertes, castles, palaces palais, d’auberges, les chambres grandes dans un and inns,dethrough theles atmosphere parfum victoire.wide-open Au sol, lesbedrooms, amants nus, soies muredolent with victory. On theles floor: naked lovers, musical sicales, les robes froissées, uniformes, le velours des silks, dresses uniforms, the velvet roseset roses crumpled et des violettes, lesand corbeilles renversées de of fleurs and violets, flowers and fruit spilling out of overturned de fruits. baskets. NOTES DE Tête: Pétales de rose, Romarin, Cassis HEAD RoseBouton petals,de Rosemary, Blackcurrants NOTESNOTES: DE Coeur: rose, Menthe poivrée, HEART Violette,NOTES: VerveineRose, Peppermint, Violet, Verbena BOTTOM NOTES: Cedar, Patchouli, Vetiver, Musk NOTES DE Fond : Cèdre, Patchouli, Vétiver, Muscs
帝國將軍 Généraux d’Empire Laughter echoes through the hallways of castles, palaces and 笑聲迴盪在城堡、宮殿和旅館的走廊,穿過敞開的臥室, inns, through wide-open bedrooms, the atmosphere re空氣中飄散著勝利氣息。地板上躺著的是裸露的愛侶、 dolent with victory. On the floor: naked lovers, musical silks, 舞動的絲綢、皺成一團的長袍和軍裝、玫瑰和紫羅蘭鋪 crumpled dresses and uniforms, the velvet of roses and vio成的絲絨,以及從翻倒的籃子裡掉落的鮮花與水果。 lets, flowers and fruit spilling out of overturned baskets. HEAD NOTES: Rose petals, Rosemary, Blackcurrants 前調:玫瑰花瓣、迷迭香、黑加侖 HEART NOTES: Rose, Peppermint, Violet, Verbena 中調:玫瑰花蕾、胡椒薄荷、紫羅蘭、馬鞭草 BOTTOM NOTES: Cedar, Patchouli, Vetiver, Musk
Retour d’Egypte d’Egypte Retour
sumi Sumi hinoki Hinoki
Senteur sacrée desofruines, déserts de tombeaux et de coThe sacred scent ruins, des of deserts peppered with tombs lonnes enfouis sous under la frappe millénaireblows du soleil. and columns buried the millenary of theDans sun. les In vases d’albâtre et les de verre filé, parfum frafigé the alabaster vases andflacons spun-glass vials, thelepetrified de l’ambre et du benjoin, des fleurs et desand boisfossil fossiles, des grance of amber and benzoin, of flowers woods, anciennes magies. of ancient magic. NOTESNOTES: DE Tête: Bergamotte, Baie, Rose fruitée HEAD Bergamot, Pink berry, Fruits NOTES DE Coeur: Aubépine,Jasmine, Jasmin, Bois, Noix de muscade HEART NOTES: Hawthorne, Wood, Nutmeg NOTES DE Fond : Vanilla, Ambre, Amber, Vanille, Musk, Ciste labdanum, Musc BOTTOM NOTES: Cistus Labdanum
Frankincense the dark firedu of bois sacred Hinoki wood under the Sève d’encensand et feu sombre sacré d’Hinoki sous les summer rains Shôno.Parfum The noble fragrance of flame-charred pluies d’été deof Shôno. noble des temples passés à la temples, smoke,des of cypress in which flamme, lacquered laqués aublack noir with de fumée, coffres chests de cyprès où silks, swords and calligraphy scrolls les slumber. the green Dans steam dorment les rouleaux calligraphiés, soies etInles sabres. of cedar and camphorwood Tokaido’sprès Torii, images la vapeur verte des bains de baths, cèdre, near de camphrier, des Toof floating world anchor rumble of the torrent and the rii the de Tokaido, les images du the monde flottant fixent la rumeur flight of theetautumn leaf. du torrent l’envol de la feuille d’automne. HEAD Cypress , Juniper essence NOTES NOTES: DE Tête: Essenceessence de cypress, essenceberry de baies de genièvre HEART NOTES: Hinioki burnt wood brulé NOTES DE Coeur: Living bois d’Hinoki BOTTOM NOTES: Cedar essence, Incense essence NOTES DE Fond: Essence de cèdre, essence d’encens .....................................
重返埃及 Retour d’Egypte
The sacred scent of ruins, of deserts peppered with tombs 千年日照下,從沙漠裡、廢墟中埋藏的古墓和石柱傳來的 and columns buried under the millenary blows of the sun. In 神祕氣息。在雪花石膏花瓶和拉絲玻璃小瓶中,存放著琥 the alabaster vases and spun-glass vials, the petrified fra珀與安息香、鮮花與木化石,以古老魔法煉製而成的凝香。 grance of amber and benzoin, of flowers and fossil woods, 前調:佛手柑、粉紅胡椒果 of ancient magic. HEAD NOTES: Bergamot, Pink berry, Fruits 中調:山楂、茉莉、木頭、肉荳蔻 HEART NOTES: Hawthorne, Jasmine, Wood, Nutmeg 後調:香草、琥珀、麝香、岩薔薇 BOTTOM NOTES: Vanilla, Amber, Musk, Cistus Labdanum
日本檜木炭 sumi hinoki Frankincense and the dark fire of sacred Hinoki wood under the 日本庄野的夏季雨下,悶悶燒著的檜木傳來乳香味。寺廟 summer rains of Shôno. The noble fragrance of flame-char裡瀰漫著木炭燃燒高貴香氣,被煙霧燻過、上了黑色亮漆 red temples, lacquered black with smoke, of cypress chests 的絲柏木箱子裡,擺放著塵封已久的絲綢、劍,與書法捲 in which silks, swords and calligraphy scrolls slumber. In the 軸。走進雪松和樟木林的綠色蒸汽裡,東海道附近的神社 green steam of cedar and camphorwood baths, near Tokaido’s 鳥居,浮世繪裡停格的是隆隆的洪流與翩飛的秋葉。 Torii, images of the floating world anchor the rumble of the torrent and the flight of the autumn leaf. 前調:絲柏精油、杜松子精油 HEAD NOTES: Cypress essence , Juniper berry essence 中調:檜木炭 HEART NOTES: Hinioki burnt wood 後調:雪松精油、焚香精油 BOTTOM NOTES: Cedar essence, Incense essence
Incense 薰 香
n the course of its travels around the world, L’Officine universelle Buly brings back incense sticks with delectable scents and potent purifying virtues.
1803 帶回了具有迷人香味 在 環遊世界的旅途中,BULY 和有效淨化身心靈的薰香。
Palo santo WOOD
Mount Incense EncensAthos du Mont Athos
Les famed célèbresincenses encens from des monastères orthodoxes situésperched sur le The the Orthodox monasteries MontMount Athos en Macédoine, au nordNorthern de la Grèce, sont have fabriqués atop Athos in Macedonia, Greece, been depuis le Xe siècle descentury résines odorantes venues d’Ethiopie produced since theavec 10th with fragrant resins from et d’Erythrée. Mêlées,Mixed, séchéesdried et broyées, elles parfument deEthiopia and Eritrea. and crushed, for centuries puishave des siècles les préparations à bruler destinées aux offices they been perfuming the mixtures that are burned during et à la prière. Aujourd’hui, L’Officine universelle Buly propose services and prayer. Today, L’Officine universelle Buly makes it de découvrir toutes leurs parfum des cieux, eucalyppossible to discover all ofsenteurs : their scents: heavenly fragrance, eutus, myros, byzantine...… calyptus, myros, Byzantine...… SENTEURS : Rose blanche, Parfum des cieux, Printemps, EuPERFUMES : Rose white, Heavens scent, Eucalyptus, Springcalyptus, Myros, Byzantine, Gardenia, deBethleem, girofle, Bethtime, Myros, Byzantino, Gardenia, Clove,Clou Fern, Jasleem, Sparto fougère, Jasmin, Sparto mine,
Palosanto wood is reputed, in the Amazonian shamanic tradition, to “cleanse the soul”. When burned, it sanitizes and deodorizes the ambient air, drives away negative energies and snuffs out mood swings.
印加聖木 印加聖木是在亞馬遜薩滿教傳統儀式中使用的聖木,以「淨 化靈魂」的功能著稱。焚燒時,可對環境空氣進行消毒和 除臭,去除負面能量並吸取情緒波動。
阿索斯山焚香 Mount Athos Incense The famed from the 自 於 希incenses 臘北部馬 其頓 境Orthodox 內 阿 索 斯monasteries 山 上 的 東 正perched 教修道 來 atop 院 Mount in Macedonia, been 的 著Athos 名 焚 香, 自 西 元 10 Northern 世 紀 起 就Greece, 使 用 埃 have 塞俄比 亞 produced since the 10th century with fragrant resins from (Ethiopia)和厄立特里亞(Eritrea)的香味樹脂製造。經 Ethiopia and Eritrea. Mixed, dried and crushed, for centuries 過混合、乾燥、壓碎,數百年來他們進行宗教儀式與祈禱 they have been perfuming the mixtures that are burned during 讓這 時都會燃燒這些混合物來製造香氣。今日, BULY 1803 services and prayer. Today, L’Officine universelle Buly makes 些氣味重現,例如:天堂香、尤加利、米洛斯(Myros)、 it possible to discover all of their scents: heavenly fragrance, 拜占庭 ......。 eucalyptus, myros, Byzantine...…
香 氛: 白 玫: 瑰、 堂 香、 尤 加 利、 日 時 光、 Spring米洛斯 PERFUMES Rose天 white, Heavens scent,春Eucalyptus, time, Myros, Byzantino, Gardenia, Clove, Fern, Bethleem, Jas(Myros)、拜占庭、梔子花、丁香、蕨類、伯利恆、茉莉 mine, Sparto 花、斯巴托(Sparto) (詳細價格請洽門市人員)
epuisAntiquity, l’Antiquité, dans all toutes les civilisations, écorces, ince across civilizations, barks, flowers, fleurs, and bois,resins, résines, parfois venues de loin, utiwoods sometimes sourced frométaient far away, lisés dans les lieux prestigieux ou sacrés, brûlés ou simwere used in prestigious or sacred places, either burnt or plementstrewn répandus à l’air libre. Elles laissaient simply about in the open. They would émaner release leurs their accords aromas, naturels, protecting protégeaient leurs they senteurs natural the de spaces thus divines helped les espaces contribuaient ainsi à sanctifier. Très sanctify withqu’elles their divine scents. Highly prized, they were prisés, in elles étaient placés dans les pièces d’agrément, les placed palaces, leisure rooms, bedrooms and bathrooms, palais, utilisés pour le bain, pour la chambre, pour parfuand used to scent clothes and chests or people’s hair. For mer les vêtements, la mixes chevelure, coffres. such purposes, these wereles packed in Leurs small mélanges bags that étaient glissés pour dans de petits sachets cousus ou were either sewn shutcela or closed with ribbons. Hung around bienneck clos de Suspendus autour duwould cou ouluxuriously de la taille, the orrubans. the waist, their fragrance leurs effluves parfumaient luxueusement la peau, le creux perfume the skin or neckline. The most refined iteration of du décolleté. raffiné des the états du pot-pourri fut the potpourri Le wasplus without a doubt pomander, or “apple sans conteste pomander, Pomme d’ambre : un bijou of amber” – ale richly adornedou silver or gold piece of jewelry d’argent, d’or ou de vermeil, richement enfermant containing ambergris and spices, whichorné was et widely worn de l’ambre gris et des épices, très porté à la Renaissance. during the Renaissance. L’officine universelle du of pot-pourri. InsL’Officine universelle Buly Buly revisite revisits l’art the art the potpourri. pirée parby l’histoire des senteurs immémoriales, elle a glané Inspired the history of ancient scents, it has gleaned the les plus exquiseshigh-quality, des matièresnaturally sèches defragrant qualité et naturelmost exquisite, dry matelement et pétales bois, racines, rials – parfumées dried buds -boutons and petals, woods, séchés, roots, barks, herbs, écorces,stems, herbes, brins, grains powders et graines, sprigs, seeds and tiges, pips, beans, andgousses, rinds… poudres et pelures…composer desthe pots-pourris – to compose distinctive pour potpourris, surely best in the uniques, les meilleurs au monde, aussi beaux à voir que world, as pleasing to the eye as they are delectable to déthe licieuxTheir à sentir… Leurs vertus purificatrices, désodorisantes nose. purifying, deodorizing and comforting virtues et réconfortantes embaumeront les pièces will perfume the ambient air of l’atmosphère, rooms small and large, petites ouclosets, grandes, le linge, lespurses. armoires, les poches de veste laundry, pockets and et le fond des sacs à main.
古以來的所有文明中,在著名及神聖的地方,人們都會將樹 皮、鮮花、木頭、樹脂等素材,或是自遠方購來的各種香料,
以焚燒方式或簡單地在露天散落使用。這些素材散發出的天然香味, 有助於保護聖潔之地的芬芳。由於價錢不斐,這些香氛素材較常出 現在宮殿、客廳、臥室和浴室,或是被用來薰香服飾、衣櫃或頭髮。 這些小香包或香囊不是被密縫就是用絲帶繫緊,掛在脖子或腰際, 讓香氣沿著皮膚或頸線散發出來,直到氣味消散。想要身上隨時散 發最精緻迷人的香味,又可以重複使用的掛飾物,毫無疑問就是「香 球」(pomander),也稱為「琥珀蘋果」(pomme d’ambre)—— 這是一種以銀片或金片組成的圓球狀珠寶,可穿戴在身上,內含龍 涎香和香料,在文藝復興時期非常流行。
到歷史的啟發,BULY 1803 欲重現乾燥香氛的藝術,於是從
燥花蕾和花瓣、木材、根、樹皮、藥材、小樹枝、莖、種子和籽、豆子、 粉末和外皮……等等,可自創全世界最好、最獨特的香氛組合,讓 眼與鼻同時都被取悅。可淨化環境、消除異味、撫慰人心,讓不同 大小的空間,像是臥室、洗衣間、廁所、口袋和皮夾裡皆可充滿香氣。
- 來自全世界的天然香芬乾燥材料 -
AMBEr (Pakistan)
Hibiscus Flowers (Burkina Faso)
琥 珀(巴基斯坦)
Star Anise (Vietnam)
Iris Root (Maroc)
八角茴香(越 南)
鳶尾花根(摩 洛 哥 )
Benzoin (Indonésie)
Jasmine Flowers (Chine)
安 息 香 (印 尼)
茉莉花(中 國 )
bitter Orange Flowers (Tunisie)
Lavender Seeds (France)
苦橙 花(突尼西亞)
薰衣草種子( 法 國 )
Cornflower (France)
Mallow Flowers (Pologne)
矢車 菊(法 國)
錦葵花(波 蘭 )
Roman Chamomile Flowers (France)
Mint Flowers (Egypte)
羅 馬 洋 甘 菊 花 (法 國)
薄荷花(埃 及 )
Ceylon Cinnamon Bark (Sri Lanka)
Musk (Pakistan)
錫 蘭 肉 桂 ( 斯 里蘭卡)
麝 香(巴基斯 坦 )
Cinnamon Stick (Madagascar)
Nutmeg (Madagascar)
肉桂 棒(馬達加斯加)
肉荳蔻(馬達加 斯 加 )
Cardamom Seeds (Guatemala)
Myrtle Leaves (Maroc)
荳蔻 種子(瓜地馬拉)
香桃木葉(摩洛 哥 )
Carob Beans (Maroc)
Dried Oranges (Maroc)
刺槐 豆(摩洛哥)
乾 橙(摩洛哥 )
Lemongrass (Egypte)
Patchouli Leaves (Indonésie)
香 茅 (埃 及)
廣藿香葉(印尼 )
Dried Lemons (Maroc)
Primrose Flowers (Bulgarie)
乾檸 檬(摩洛哥)
櫻草花(保加利 亞 )
Ammodaucus leucotrichus (Maroc)
Licorice Sticks (Maroc)
甘草棒(摩洛哥 )
Eucalyptus Flowers (Portugal)
Rosebuds (Maroc)
尤 加 利 葉 ( 葡 萄牙)
玫瑰花蕾(摩洛 哥 )
Prickly Pear Flowers (Maroc)
Calamus Roots (Pologne)
刺 梨 仙 人 掌 花 (摩洛哥)
菖蒲根(波 蘭 )
Madder (Maroc)
Sandalwood (Indonésie)
茜 草 ( 摩 洛 哥)
檀香木(印 尼 )
Ginger Roots (Inde)
Sage Flowers (Grèce)
薑 根 ( 印 度)
鼠尾草花(希 臘 )
Clove (Madagascar)
Marigold Flowers (France)
丁 香 ( 馬 達 加斯加)
萬壽菊花(法 國 )
Pomegranate Tree Bark (Maroc)
Tonka Bean (Brésil)
石 榴 樹 樹 皮 ( 摩洛哥)
香 豆(巴 西 )
Pomegranate Tree Flowers (Maroc)
Verbena Leave s (Maroc)
石 榴 樹 花 ( 摩 洛哥)
The counter for beauty secrets from across the globe and history BULY 1803 跨越全球、穿越歷史的美容秘方
L’Officine universelle Buly believes in the virtue and wisdom of beauty secrets that have endured and been passed down for thousands of years. These simple and invaluable products, sustained by continued use, have been preserved through the hygiene habits and beauty routines of the myriad peoples of the world. Authentic, effective, respectful, modest or legendary, these raw products, selected and collected by L’Officine universelle Buly, continue to nurture and beautify. BULY 1803 相信,蘊含智慧的美容秘方已經持續流傳幾千年了。 經由無數人的持續使用,這些簡單而珍貴的美容聖品才能被保存下來。 BULY 1803 精選蒐集各式各樣的美容原料,並將持續不斷地研究與改良。
Vegetable Oils S
ince the dawn of time, man has been nurtured by beauty oils. Each region of the world boasts oils derived from indigenous plants, which are often naturally suited to the needs of the skin and hair of the people who hail from the same soil. L’Officine universelle Buly knows their properties, and selects and recommends these precious oils for their undeniable cosmetic benefits. L’Officine universelle Buly picks only virgin oils and macerates, either cold-pressed or obtained through other gentle maceration and extraction methods. The seeds, fruits,
flowers and stems from which they are extracted have been treated delicately and only once, without resorting to any heat or chemical treatment. Thus, once filtered, they can better preserve the full vigor of their virtues. They must be carefully stored in a dark and temperate environment in order to retain their stability and effectiveness. They can be used pure or diluted, either massaged onto the body, lightly caressed over the face, or rubbed into the hair. All-natural and well-adapted to the needs of the skin, these oils are readily absorbed and wonderfully comforting.
植物油 Oils Vegetable 原始時代,人們已知道用植物油來保養皮膚。世界上不同地
髮的需求而來。深入研究之後,BULY 1803 選擇使用這些珍貴的 這些植物油皆須謹慎儲存在陰涼的環境,以確保品質穩定和效果。
植物油,因為它們具有顯著的美容效果。 BULY 1803 只選用初榨油和浸漬油,使用冷壓或透過溫和浸漬、 萃取方式取得。將植物種子、果實、花和莖等部位,小心地一次
不論是按摩身體、輕輕擦在臉部,或塗抹在頭髮上,均可使用純油 或稀釋油。產品皆為全天然,不會讓肌膚產生不適,肌膚容易吸收, 且香氣可撫慰人心。
Apricot Kernels
Açaí Berries
Origin : Palestine This oil is extracted from the cold-pressing of apricot kernels, naturally rich in oleic acid and vitamins A and E. It’s a life-saver for dull skin, restoring tone and radiance. Lightly massaged once a day onto the face, neck and chest, apricot kernel oil is both a breeze and a joy to apply.
Origin : Amazonia, Brazil On this palm tree ripens a purple fruit that the people of the Amazon have nicknamed “içá-çai”: the crying fruit. It is highly concentrated in antioxidants, and its oil is renowned for the care of skin marked by the signs of aging. Recommended for evening use; the slight black coloration of the oil fades quickly after a gentle massage.
杏核仁油 原產地:巴勒斯坦 以冷壓方式萃取杏桃的果仁,富含天然油酸、維生素 A 和維 生素 E。改善暗沈肌膚,帶來明亮光澤。每日塗於臉部、頸 部和胸部一次,並輕輕按摩,會有種如同微風輕拂的喜悅感。
巴西莓油 原產地:亞馬遜雨林、巴西 一種亞馬遜人稱為「içá-çai」的紫色果實,又名「哭泣的水果」。 具有高度濃縮的抗氧化劑,它的油以可減緩肌膚老化跡象著 稱。建議在晚間使用,淡黑色的油色在輕柔按摩後會迅速被肌 膚吸收。
Aloe Vera Macerate Origin : Morocco Aloe Vera is a plant whose use can be traced back more than six thousand years in Africa and the Middle East among healers aware of its myriad virtues. The oil selected by L’Officine universelle Buly is obtained by macerating selected portions of the plant in a naturally neutral sunflower oil. This recipe soothes irritation of the scalp and thus contributes to thickening and strengthening the whole head of hair. One should dispense a few drops at the roots of the hair in select areas, gently massage the oil into the scalp using fingertips, and then coat the rest of the hair with it. It should be left in as long as required, then washed off as per usual.
蘆薈浸漬油 原產地:摩洛哥 蘆薈的使用可溯自六千多年前的非洲和中東,當時的治療師 已知它的眾多優點。BULY 1803 將蘆薈的某些部分浸漬在天 然中性的葵花油中,具有消炎、止癢的效果,可舒緩頭皮刺 激,進而有助於增厚並強化整個頭部的髮質。在選定的髮根 處滴幾滴,用指尖輕輕地按摩滲入頭皮,然後將餘下的油塗 抹在其它頭髮上。可視髮質狀況決定靜置時間,然後依據一 般作法洗淨即可。
Sweet Almond Origin : Europe Sweet almond oil is extracted from the fruit of the almond tree. Its use is attested as early as ancient Egypt, at Pharaoh’s court. It is known for its skin-mollifying, soothing and softening properties, beneficial to all skin types. Sweet almond oil can be applied to the face and body, and can also be used for hair and nail care.
甜杏仁油 原產地:歐洲 甜杏仁油從杏仁樹的果實中萃取出來,早在古埃及就開始使 用。和豐富天然維他命、礦物質與蛋白質等營養素,清爽溫和, 具良好親膚性,能改善皮膚乾燥發癢等問題,適合各種膚質。 甜杏仁油可應用在臉部和身體,也可用於頭髮和指甲的護理。
Argan KernelS Origin: Morocco This small tree thrives in the Souss valley of southwest Morocco. Its kernels are harvested by hand. The potent argan oil can be applied on the face to ward off dryness and loss of elasticity in the skin, and can also be used to reinvigorate the scalp and stimulate hair growth.
摩洛哥堅果油 原產地:摩洛哥 摩洛哥堅果(Argan)生長在摩洛哥西南部的蘇斯(Souss) 山谷,其果仁使用人工摘採收集。高效能的摩洛哥堅果油可 塗抹在臉上,適用於乾燥與失去彈性的肌膚,還可以用來提 振頭皮和刺激頭髮生長。
The raw materials’ counter at L’Officine Universelle Buly, as anything that has to do with nature, is dependent on the seasons, the whims of the harvest and the vagaries of transportation. Oils, hydrolates, clays and powders as well as curios and rarities can be seasonal. We are grateful for your patience.
BULY 1803 店裡販售的所有的素材都是天然無加工,在不同季節收成,再依各種方式 運送過來。這些植物油、純露、黏土及粉末製品可能會因季節不同而影響產量。 感謝您的耐心等待。
Andiroba NutS Origin : Amazonia, Brazil When pressed, the fruits of the Andiroba (part of the Meliaceae family) produce a bitter oil, often used as an insect repellent. It is rich in oleic acid and limonoids, with anti-inflammatory properties. Massaged deeply into the skin, it relaxes the muscles after exercise and prevents the onset of cellulite.
安地羅巴果油 原產地:亞馬遜、巴西 安地羅巴(楝科家族的一種)果實經按壓後會產生一種苦味 的油,常被用作驅蟲劑。含有豐富的油酸和檸檬苦素,具有 抗發炎的特性。按摩深入皮膚,可放鬆運動後的肌肉,防止 橘皮組織出現。
Tea Tree Essential Oil Origin : Madagascar This Australian tree from the myrtle family is well-known among Indigenous Australians for its countless virtues and properties. Regularly hailed as a “panacea”, this major essential oil is a famed anti-infectious and anti-inflammatory agent. Diluted down to 20-30%, it can be used as a topical ointment to heal blemishes, cuts and wounds. For adults, one drop mixed in with toothpaste makes for a fully sanitized mouth.
茶樹精油 原產地:馬達加斯加 隸屬香桃木的澳洲茶樹以其無數的優點和特性,深受澳洲原住 民喜愛。茶樹精油經常被譽為「萬能藥」,最重要的功效是抗 感染和抗發炎。將其稀釋至 20 ~ 30%,製作成軟膏,局部塗 抹在割傷和創傷的傷口上,可消炎、癒合疤痕。將一滴茶樹精 油混入牙膏中使用,可消毒口腔牙齒(僅供成人使用)。
Arnica Flower Macerate Origin : France Since the Middle Ages, Arnica’s virtues have been captured in learned ointments and tinctures. Its oily macerate, very pale yellow in color, condenses in an organic, neutral sunflower oil the active ingredients contained in the bright yellow, pretty flowers at the plant’s flowering tops. Arnica flower macerate makes for a radiant complexion, and helps revive very pale skin. It assuages inflammations, helps with healing, alleviates edemas as well as rings and bags under the eyes, but must not be applied too close to the eyelashes. It also soothes superficial burns and helps manage the damage caused by light sunburn.
山金車花浸漬油 原產地:法國 中世紀以來,山金車花常被用來製作藥膏和酊劑。取自植物 頂部的亮黃色美麗花朵,在有機的中性向日葵油中浸漬濃縮 而成的淺黃色山金車花油,可使蒼白的皮膚恢復元氣,令臉 色紅潤、容光煥發;可緩和發炎情形、幫助皮膚癒合,緩解 眼部黑眼圈及眼袋浮腫,但須避免塗抹到睫毛周圍。同時也 可舒緩燒燙傷的表皮層,修復曬傷後的肌膚。
Avocado Pulp Origin: New Zealand The highly nourishing pulp of the avocado gives generously: it contains numerous nutrients and elements whose properties help prevent oxidation. Its virgin oil is reputed to mollify and protect fragile or delicate skin, and to soothe mature skin. Worked into the hair before shampooing, it brings extra shine and vigor.
酪梨油 原產地:紐西蘭 酪梨果肉含豐富天然維他命、氨基酸及卵磷酯等營養素,能 有效抗氧化。冷壓初榨酪梨油營養價值高,具鎮靜修護之效, 柔嫩肌膚、撫平細紋,適合嬰兒、乾性、敏感及熟齡膚質使 用。洗髮前先塗抹在髮絲裡,可令秀髮閃亮有活力。
Baobab SeedS Origin : South Africa Native to the desert plains of Africa, the baobab is a mythical tree whose massive fruits contain several hundred seeds. When pressed, they produce a rare and precious oil: a baobab will only produce one liter of oil per year. A life-saver for dry to very dry skin, which it provides with lasting softness and comfort, this oil works wonders on the stomach and hips of pregnant women, helping to prevent the onset of stretch marks. Baobab seed oil also mollifies and beautifies dry, curly or frizzy hair.
猴麵包樹籽油 原產地:南非 猴麵包樹原生於非洲沙漠平原,是一種神奇的樹,碩大的果 實內含數百顆種子。每棵猴麵包樹每年只生產一公升的油, 因此相當罕見珍貴。它是乾性至極乾性膚質的救星,塗上皮 膚後的柔軟和舒適感可持續長久時間。孕婦可塗抹在腹部和 臀部,有助於預防妊娠紋的產生。猴麵包樹種子也能滋潤乾 性及受損髮質,使頭髮閃亮動人。
Borage Seeds Origin: France As common in Europe as it is potent, borage has been known for its virtues since the Middle Ages. The oil obtained by pressing its seeds is rich in fatty acids, particularly gamma-linolenic acid, which has a calming effect on irritated skin and is equally effective against dryness. Mature skin will gain tonicity and elasticity from nightly bedtime applications. It can also be used to strengthen and revitalize the hair.
琉璃苣籽油 原產地:法國 自中世紀起即常被使用,在歐洲廣為人知。琉璃苣種籽油富 含脂肪酸,特別是 γ- 亞麻油酸,對過敏肌膚具有舒緩效果, 也能有效對抗肌膚乾燥。晚間睡前塗抹,能使熟齡肌膚恢復 張力與彈性,也可用來強化及重建髮絲。
The raw materials’ counter at L’Officine Universelle Buly, as anything that has to do with nature, is dependent on the seasons, the whims of the harvest and the vagaries of transportation. Oils, hydrolates, clays and powders as well as curios and rarities can be seasonal. We are grateful for your patience.
BULY 1803 店裡販售的所有的素材都是天然無加工,在不同季節收成,再依各種方式 運送過來。這些植物油、純露、黏土及粉末製品可能會因季節不同而影響產量。 感謝您的耐心等待。
Fruits de Buriti Origin: Brazil This Amazonian palm is a sacred tree for the peoples of the forest in central Brazil. The pulp of its fruit is edible, and its nuts are pressed to obtain an oil that helps prevent sunburn. Also excellent for post-exposure care, it helps restore suppleness to dried-out skin. If applied in the morning, it imparts a radiant complexion. Used before shampooing, it also effectively enhances color-treated hair, and restores shine to hair that has become dull.
生命之樹果油 原產地:巴西 一種生長於亞馬遜河流域的棕櫚樹,對巴西中部雨林區的居民 來說是聖樹。其果肉可以食用,壓榨果仁後泌出的油脂,可預 防並治療曬傷,能幫助乾燥肌膚恢復柔軟潤澤。早晨使用於臉 部,可使容光煥發。洗髮前使用,也能有效強化染髮後的髮質, 並讓乾燥受損的髮絲重拾亮澤光采。
Tamanu Fruits Origin: Indonesia This small sempervirens (evergreen) tree grows along the shores of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Its name is known in all the languages from this part of the world, from the Tahitian “Tamanu” to the Sinhalese “ Domba.” The virtues of the oil extracted from its fruits are recognized by all of these peoples. Of a greenish blue hue, and very fragrant, it is thus reputed to benefit the hair and the skin. Its healing and soothing properties bring comfort to the skin of the face and body. It also acts on any dark ring under the eyes, as it is said to promote blood circulation. Recommended to alleviate seasonal hair loss, it also restores shine and suppleness to dried out hair. For optimal penetration, it is best to dilute Tamanu oil in another vegetable oil, down to a ratio of 10 %.
瓊崖海棠果油 原產地:印尼 這種沿著印度洋和太平洋海岸生長的小型常青樹,在這一帶的 不同國家有不同名稱,從大溪地的「瓊崖海棠」(Tamanu) 到僧伽羅人的「東巴」(Domba)都有,當地居民都知道其果 油療效。它的外表呈現藍綠色,氣味非常芳香,對頭髮和肌膚 都非常有益。其療癒和舒緩特性讓臉部與身體的肌膚感受無比 舒適,也有效治療黑眼圈,促進血液循環。如有季節性的掉髮 問題,推薦使用此產品;也能使乾燥髮質恢復光澤與潤澤。此 油具有極佳的滲透性,最好加入另一種植物油稀釋至 10% 的濃 度再使用。
Camellia Seeds Origin : Japan This precious oil, very popular in Japan, is extracted from the seeds of the camellia, or tea tree. Gentle, odorless and clear, it protects the skin from stress and dryness and can be used every day. It also comforts chapped and damaged skin. Traditionally prized by the sumo, for coating and protecting their hair, camellia oil is appreciated for the care it provides to dry and dull hair, which it is best to coat over their whole length prior to shampooing. When lightly massaged on the edges of fingernails, it softens cuticles and prevents them from hardening.
Camellia 山茶花油Seeds
Camellia with Ylang-Ylang Origin: Japan Unction with miraculous camellia oil is enriched, by maceration, with the intoxicating scent of Ylang Ylang.
Origin : Japan 原產地:日本 This precious oil, very popular in Japan, is extracted from the seeds of the camellia, or tea tree. Gentle, odorless and 從山茶花種籽或茶樹種籽提煉出來的山茶花油,是在日本相當 clear, it protects the skin from stress and dryness and can be 盛行的珍貴植物油。具有輕盈、無味、清澈的特性,可每天使 used every day. It also comforts chapped and damaged skin. Traditionally prized by the sumo, for coating and protecting 用,能在表皮形成一層保護膜,鎖水保濕,防護皮膚損傷及抗 their hair, camellia oil is appreciated for the care it provides 老。日本傳統中,相撲力士喜愛以山茶花油當作髮油塗抹在頭 to dry and dull hair, which it is best to coat over their whole 髮上,保護他們的頭髮。在洗髮前,先將山茶花油從髮根至髮 length prior to shampooing. When lightly massaged on the edges of fingernails, it softens cuticles and prevents them 尾全部塗抹,以形成保護層。輕輕按摩指尖上,能軟化指緣, from hardening.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 EUROS / 15 ml 防止甘皮硬化。
Camellia with Ylang-Ylang 依蘭依蘭山茶花油 Origin: Japan 原產地:日本 Unction with miraculous camellia oil is enriched, by macera潤澤滋養的山茶花油,加入依蘭依蘭的迷人香氣。 tion, with the intoxicating scent of Ylang Ylang.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.00 EUROS / 20ml
Calendula Flower Macerate Origin : France The oily macerate of marigold, with its beautiful, pale yellow color and discreet fragrance, is most potent against irritation and sunburn. Soothing and anti-inflammatory, it is adept at calming baby’s sensitive and often reddened buttocks and at quieting razor-blade burn on papa’s chin. It is also efficient against mosquito bites, reducing their itch and inflammation. It can also be used felicitously to assuage post-waxing irritation.
Calendula金盞花浸漬油 Flower Macerate Origin : France The oily macerate of marigold, with its beautiful, pale yellow color and discreet fragrance, is most potent against 美麗的淡黃色金盞花有著低調沈穩的香氣,有效對抗肌膚不適 irritation and sunburn. Soothing and anti-inflammatory, 和曬傷。具有鎮靜、消炎的功效,能保護寶寶的敏感肌膚,舒 it is adept at calming baby’s sensitive and often reddened buttocks and at quieting razor-blade burn on papa’s chin. It 緩臀部肌膚的泛紅,亦可修復男性刮鬍後產生的微小傷口。另 is also efficient against mosquito bites, reducing their itch 外,也能有效防止蚊蟲叮咬,減緩發癢並預防紅腫發炎。 and inflammation. It can also be used felicitously to assuage post-waxing irritation.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 EUROS / 15 ml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 EUROS / 50 ml
Camelina Seeds Origin : France The small yellow flowers of Camelina, a plant that is native to Northern Europe and has been renowned since Antiquity for its nourishing virtues, blossom from May to July. Its fruit nurtures seeds that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Its pale, yellow oil emits a rather green scent. It feels dry to the touch. Both delicate and rich, it does wonders for fine and dull hair that is subjected to too much aggression – be it in the form of pollution, color treatments, baths at the beach or at the pool, wind or the ambient cold. Hair that suffers from breakage will be made supple again; dry and lifeless hair will regain shine; thick hair will be tamed and irritated scalps will be soothed.
亞麻籽油 原產地:法國 嬌小黃色的亞麻花是北歐的原生植物,盛開期從每年的 5 月到 7 月。因對健康有多種效益,從古代起就被廣泛使用。亞麻籽 富含營養成分如 Omega-3 脂肪酸,淡黃色油脂會散發更青翠的 香氣。由於成分細緻、油脂豐富,特別能保護細緻及受損的頭 髮,像是在受到污染、染髮、海邊浸泡或在泳池游泳後、經歷 寒風或冷空氣後使用,更可見其功效:斷裂的頭髮會恢復潤澤, 乾燥無生氣的頭髮會重拾光澤,粗硬的髮絲能被軟化,並能舒 緩頭皮敏感。
Carrot Macerate Origin : France The carrot is an umbelliferous herbaceous plant from the Apiaceae family, which is cultivated for its edible root, but also for its stems and flowers, which are now used in the composition of bucolic bunches. Hailed as a “superfood”, carrots deliver precious Vitamins A and C as well as several minerals to the body. Although its effects on the consumer’s disposition are yet to be scientifically validated, oily carrot macerate indeed makes for a glowing, radiant complexion. Its high concentration in antioxidant Pro-Vitamin A ( Beta-carotene) enables it to act against free radicals and to help reduce the damage caused by sun exposure. on the face to achieve a subtly summery mien. Oily carrot macerate – which has a light aroma and a fine texture – works miracles on dull, tired, withered skin that lacks vitality, and does wonders as preparation for a suntan.
胡蘿蔔浸漬油 Carrot Macerate Origin : France 原產地:法國
The carrot is an umbelliferous herbaceous plant from the
胡蘿蔔是一種傘形花科草本植物,種植以食用根部,但其實它 Apiaceae family, which is cultivated for its edible root, but also for its stems and flowers, which are now used in the 的莖和花部皆可食用。它不僅擁有「超級食物」的美名,也能 composition of bucolic bunches. Hailed as a “superfood”,
釋放珍貴的維生素 A、C 及對人體有益的多種礦物質。雖然效果 carrots deliver precious Vitamins A and C as well as several minerals to the body. Although its effects on the consumer’s 尚未獲得科學認證,但富含油脂的油漬胡蘿蔔確實能使肌膚紅 disposition are yet to be scientifically validated, oily carrot
潤,令容光煥發。它的高濃度抗氧化物維生素 A 原(β胡蘿 macerate indeed makes for a glowing, radiant complexion.
Its high concentration in antioxidant Pro-Vitamin A ( Be蔔素)能抵抗自由基,有助於減少曬傷對皮膚帶來的損害,塗 ta-carotene) enables it to act against free radicals and to
抹在臉上會有類似日曬後的健康膚色。胡蘿蔔浸漬油香氣較淡 help reduce the damage caused by sun exposure. on the face to achieve a subtly summery mien. Oily carrot macerate – 但質地細緻-對暗沈、疲勞、缺乏活力的肌膚擁有奇蹟般的功 which has a light aroma and a fine texture – works miracles
效,對於助曬也有很好的效果。 on dull, tired, withered skin that lacks vitality, and does wonders as preparation for a suntan.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 EUROS / 15 ml (詳細價格請洽門市人員)
Coconut Pulp Origin : Indonesia Gathered from inside the illustrious coconut, this white pulp, when grated and pressed, oozes a sweet oil, rich in lauric acid, from which it derives its virtuous properties. Some of its fame is due to monoï, a coconut pulp oil infused with the scent of Tiaré flowers. Renowned for coating and strengthening hair shafts, but also for soothing the skin after exposure to the sun and bringing relief to dry skin, it can be massaged all over the body or rubbed into the hair before shampooing. In Polynesia, children are also massaged with this most potent oil.
椰子油Pulp Coconut Origin : Indonesia 原產地:印尼 Gathered from inside the illustrious coconut, 從椰子裡面採集純白的椰肉,經過磨碎、壓榨 this white pulp, when grated and pressed, oozes a sweet oil, rich in lauric acid, from 後製成甜味的椰子油,富含月桂酸。將大溪地 which it derives its virtuous properties. Some 梔子花(Tiaré)浸漬在椰子油中提煉出的梔子 of its fame is due to monoï, a coconut pulp oil infused with the scent of Tiaré flowers. 花香油(Monoï),可保護及強健頭髮。亦可舒 Renowned for coating and strengthening hair shafts, but also for soothing the skin after ex緩曬傷後的皮膚,並滋潤乾燥的皮膚。可用來 posure to the sun and bringing relief to dry 按摩身體或護髮使用。玻里尼西亞人常使用來 skin, it can be massaged all over the body or rubbed into the hair before shampooing. In 幫小孩按摩。 Polynesia, children are also massaged with this most potent oil.
. . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 EUROS / 15 ml . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 EUROS / 50 ml
Comfrey Root Macerate Origine : France Its light yellow tint and herbaceous fragrance are not comfrey’s sole courtesies. For over 2,000 years, comfrey has restored damaged skins. Well-known in medicine for its ability to help heal fractures, it is rich in Vitamin B12. Captured in an oily macerate, its high allantoin content (a compound which can also be found in the illustrious snail slime) helps stimulate the cells that are responsible for forming the skin’s fibers, notably collagen. It soothes minor aches and wounds, and helps chapping, cracking skin heal faster. It also comes highly recommended to reduce acne’s inflammations and other symptoms, while its hemostatic properties make it a dependable ally for shaving.
Comfrey Root Macerate 聚合草根浸漬油 Origine : France 產地:法國 Its light yellow tint and herbaceous fragrance are not comfrey’s sole courtesies. For over 2,000 years, comfrey 淡黃色澤和草本香味的聚合草,從兩千多年前開始,就常被用 has restored damaged skins. Well-known in medicine for its 來修復皮膚。在醫學上,聚合草富含維他命 B12,具有幫助骨 ability to help heal fractures, it is rich in Vitamin B12. Captured in an oily macerate, its high allantoin content (a 折癒合的功效。經由油浸萃取,提高其尿囊素(一種也在蝸牛 compound which can also be found in the illustrious snail 黏液中發現的成分)的含量,有助於刺激負責皮膚形成的細胞, slime) helps stimulate the cells that are responsible for forming the skin’s fibers, notably collagen. It soothes minor 尤其是膠原蛋白。可舒緩輕微疼痛與創傷,幫助龜裂、脫皮的 aches and wounds, and helps chapping, cracking skin heal 皮膚較快癒合,也用來可抗痘、消炎。此外,男性刮鬍後使用, faster. It also comes highly recommended to reduce acne’s inflammations and other symptoms, while its hemostatic 可幫助止住刮鬍產生的輕微出血。 properties make it a dependable ally for shaving.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 EUROS / 15 ml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 EUROS / 50 ml
The raw materials’ counter at L’Officine Universelle Buly, as anything that has to do with nature, is dependent on the seasons, the whims of the harvest and the vagaries of transportation. Oils, hydrolates, clays and powders as well as curios and rarities can be seasonal. We are grateful for your patience.
BULY 1803 店裡販售的所有的素材都是天然無加工,在不同季節收成,再依各種方式 運送過來。這些植物油、純露、黏土及粉末製品可能會因季節不同而影響產量。 感謝您的耐心等待。
Copaiba Origin : Brazil Copaiba – also known as copahu – is a viscous oleoresin with a light brown tint and a pungent, penetrating fragrance, obtained from the trunk of Copaifera officinalis in the Amazon rainforest. Its composition, high in oleic-linoleic acid and in Vitamin E assists with cell turnover and healing. Copaiba oil is neither comedogenic nor photo- or heat-sensitive. It is also non-allergenic, and is a potent remedy for parched, very dry or atopic skin. It can be used safely by children and pregnant women. Copaiba oil is also used by Amazonian tribes to soothe minor as well as major skin ailments, such as psoriasis, mosquito bites, burns and eczema...
苦配巴油 原產地:巴西 苦配巴,又名苦巴胡(Copahu),是種帶有刺鼻香氣的淺棕色 黏性樹脂,取自亞馬遜雨林古巴香膠樹的樹幹。含有豐富亞油 酸及維他命 E,有助於細胞的更新及修復。苦配巴油也常被亞 馬遜部落用來舒緩各種大小的皮膚症狀,如牛皮癬、濕疹、蚊 蟲叮咬及燒傷。苦配巴油不會引起粉刺、泛油、悶熱,也不會 引起過敏,適合敏感、乾燥膚質及龜裂的皮膚,小孩及孕婦都 可安心使用。
Prickly PearS Origin : Morocco The prickly pear is a thorny berry, the fruit of a robust cactus native to Mexico which now thrives on the most sunlit shores of the Mediterranean. Its oil, which is difficult to extract, is precious. Rich in vitamin E and sterols, it is effective in warding off the signs of ageing in mature skin, which it imbues with renewed firmness and tonicity. Its action is also beneficial after exposure to the sun. It is preferably applied in the evening, by gently massaging onto the face.
刺梨油 原產地:摩洛哥 刺梨是種多刺的仙人掌果實,從原產地墨西哥到陽光充足的地 中海沿岸皆可見其蹤跡。刺梨油難以萃取,因此異常珍貴。富 含維他命 E 及植醇,能使熟齡膚質有效延緩老化,使皮膚緊緻 富彈性,其效果不因曝曬而失效。最佳使用時機為夜晚睡前, 塗抹後輕柔地按摩臉部。
Raspberry SeedS Origin : France Raspberry seed oil is a precious commodity, and its preparation is an exercise in patience. Extracted from the berry, these minuscule seeds are dried and crushed to a powder which is then pressed. Its concentration in vitamin E, carotenoids and anti-radical compounds is nothing short of impressive. Daily application helps prevent the onset of the marks of ageing and counters the often excessively quick dehydration of mature skin. It also brings relief to skin that has been exposed to the sun for too long.
覆盆莓籽油 原產地:法國 覆盆莓籽油的製程需要足夠耐心,因此更顯珍貴。從莓果中取 出微小的種子,乾燥後壓成粉末再提煉。富含高濃度維他命 E、 類胡蘿蔔素及抗自由基成分。每日使用可防止老化,並能為熟 齡膚質迅速補充保濕度,亦能舒緩在陽光下久曬的肌膚。
Pomegranate Seeds Origin : India The oil extracted from pomegranate seeds is precious indeed: five hundred kilos of the fruit are required to produce one liter of oil. It is renowned for helping to reduce irritation of dry or delicate skin, and to restore vitality to mature skin. Rich in antioxidants, it keeps the signs of ageing at bay and can also come to the rescue of skin that has been put to the test by sun exposure.
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石榴籽油 原產地:印度 石榴籽油十分珍貴,500 公斤的石榴果實才能萃取出 1 公升 的石榴籽油。其主要功效為緩解乾燥或敏感膚質的過敏或發 癢,為熟齡肌膚帶來活力,恢復光澤。富含抗氧化物,能夠 延緩老化並舒緩曬傷肌膚。
Jojoba SeedS Origin : Peru This oil derives from the liquid wax naturally present inside the seed of this evergreen shrub, native to the deserts of southern Arizona, California and South America. Quite unique among vegetable oils, it enjoys great affinity with both skin and scalp, where it penetrates quickly and easily and restores a lasting balance to sebum production.
荷荷芭油 原產地:祕魯 荷荷芭是一種多綠灌木植物,原生於美國加州、亞利桑那州及南美 州的沙漠中。從荷荷芭籽取出的油,在低溫下會呈現液態蠟的狀態, 成分類似人體皮膚的油脂。此獨特的植物油滲透性高,易被肌膚和 頭皮快速吸收,抑制皮脂腺過度分泌油脂,使皮脂保持平衡,具抗 發炎、抗氧化功效,適合油性及發炎的問題膚質使用,也可使頭髮 烏黑柔軟、預防分岔,調節油性髮質。 (詳細價格請洽門市人員)
Maracuja Passion Fruit Origin : Brazil Embellishing and fortifying the hair, whilst emitting an exquisite scent: passion fruit oil is hair care at its most ravishing! With its extremely fine texture, high Omega-6 and bioflavonoid content, and its antiradical virtues, it is just begging to regenerate thin, dry and brittle hair without overburdening it. Rich in vitamins A and C, it helps treat flaky scalps and boost hair growth. It should be used regularly on the ends of the hair after washing and drying and on the lengths of frizzy or generously curled hair; it can also be applied more abundantly still and left on for a while before gentle shampooing.
百香果油 原產地:巴西 美化及強健秀髮,並散發誘人香氣,百香果油可譽為最佳護髮 品!其優異的成分中含有高量 Omega-6 和生物類黃酮,可對 抗自由基,為稀疏、乾燥、脆弱的頭髮帶來新生,且不造成負 擔。此外,百香果油富含的維他命 A 和 C,有助頭皮健康,促 進頭髮生長。定期於洗完頭髮並吹乾後,塗抹髮尾或捲髮部位; 或是在洗髮前,先在頭髮上塗抹多一點油,靜置一會再沖洗。
Marula Origin : South Africa Nicknamed the “elephant tree” for the attraction its fruits exert on these pachyderms, who have no qualms about uprooting it to get to them, the Marula produces an oil that is naturally rich in vitamins C and E, antioxidants and oleic acid. Soothing, nurturing and healing, it alleviates redness on children’s skin and helps achieve a glowing complexion. Regularly massaged onto affected areas, it helps get rid of cellulite.
馬魯拉油 原產地:南非 外號為「大象樹」,因為大象非常喜愛這種果實,甚至會將樹 連根拔起以食用果實。馬魯拉的精油富含維他命 C 和 E、抗氧 化劑及油酸。有舒緩、滋養及療癒功效,可緩解小孩皮膚紅腫,
Kalahari Melon SeedS
Origin: Namibia This watermelon grows in a dry-to-desertic region of Namibia, where it is a veritable godsend for the peoples who farm it. When they are crushed, its seeds let out an oil which, once applied onto the skin, demonstrates protective virtues, regulates sebum production, and maintains proper hydration. Regular application at night, just before going to bed, will help even out darker complexions.
喀拉哈里瓜籽油 原產地:納米比亞 多汁的喀拉哈里瓜是西瓜(watermelon)的近親,生長在那米比亞 的乾燥沙漠地區,可說是上帝恩賜的水果。種子經壓榨後得出的油, 可保護皮膚、調節皮脂分泌、保持肌膚濕潤。定期於夜間睡前使用, 有利淡化黑色素。
St. John’s Wort Flower Macerate Origin : France For centuries, its flowers have been used to formulate balms and ointments designed to combat all sorts of ailments, including burns. Its action reputedly helps tending to wounds efficiently. The hypericin imbue the oil with a red tint and anti-inflammatory properties. Hyperforin also enhances its beneficial, calming and soothing virtues. Oily St. John’s wort macerate is highly potent to combat the consequences of sunburn as well as skin irritation. Its antibacterial, restorative active ingredients also have healing and anti-itching virtues and help alleviate the cutaneous symptoms of eczema.
聖約翰草花浸漬油 原產地:法國 好幾世紀以來,聖約翰草的花朵就常被用來製作藥膏和軟膏, 有效治療輕微外傷及燒創傷。因其含有金絲桃素(hypericin), 使花的汁液呈紅色,有消炎療效,並可鎮定情緒、舒緩安神。 聖約翰草花浸漬油對於曬傷後皮膚鎮定十分有效,它的抗菌修 復功能可止癢,並緩解濕疹症狀。
Neem Origin : India This oil is obtained by pressing the seed of the Neem or Nimtree, a tree native to India. Its pungent smell is as intense as its purifying and antibacterial action. Applied to the roots and lengths of the hair, it contributes to the elimination of those most intrusive parasites - head lice. One drop on the toothbrush mixed in with the toothpaste helps prevent the buildup of dental plaque.
苦檢樹籽油 原產地:印度 從原生於印度的苦檢樹(Nimtree)的種子提煉出來,其辛辣的味 道能淨化及殺菌,可使用於頭髮清潔。另外,如果在牙膏中加入一 滴苦檢樹籽油,可防止牙菌斑形成。
Nigella SeedS Origin : Egypt When Nigella’s pretty flowers wither, its seeds are harvested from their pod. When this “Black Cumin” (as the seed is commonly known) is pressed, it lets out a potent oil that has been in use since ancient Egypt. Its nourishing properties mollify the skin; its purifying virtues prevent the onset of blemishes and its anti-inflammatory action soothes irritations. The all-encompassing nature of these benefits has long been common knowledge in the Middle East, where it was once upheld as a panacea: says the Hadith, “Heal yourself using the nigella seed - it is a remedy for every affliction, except for death”.
奈傑拉籽油(黑色小茴香籽油) 原產地:埃及 當美麗的奈傑拉花枯萎之後,種子從豆莢中取出。這種被稱為「黑 色小茴香」(其種子的俗稱)萃取出的油十分具療效,從古埃及時 代就被廣泛使用。它能滋養肌膚、消炎止癢、舒緩敏感。在中東地 區因其神奇療效而廣為人知,甚至被視為萬靈丹。在《穆斯林聖訓》 中甚至提到,「生病不適就用黑小茴香種籽,它除了無法讓死人起 死回生以外,幾乎可以用來治療各種疾病。」
Brazil Nuts Origin: Brazil Often referred to as the walnut or chestnut of Brazil, Bertholletia excelsa is a large and robust tree that produces generously-proportioned nuts. Each contains seeds whose nourishing oil works wonders on any part of the body that suffers from dry skin. Lightly massaged into the skin, it brings comfort and restores suppleness. It can also be used to coat the ends of the hair, on which its penetrating and nourishing qualities are remarkable.
巴西堅果油 原產地:巴西 巴西堅果通常被稱為「巴西核桃」或是「巴西栗子」,是一種非常 高大的樹-貝爾托萊氏木(Bertholletia excelsa)-的可食種子,每 顆種子皆富含油脂。巴西堅果油可滋養全身,尤其對乾燥肌膚有效。 取少量按摩到皮膚上,能使肌膚舒適、柔軟。亦可用來保養髮尾, 其滲透性及滋養功效良好。
Evening Primrose SeedS GrainES d’onagre
Origin :: China Origine Chine The oil extraite extracteddes from the seeds of this radiant yellow flower L’huile graines de cette fleur au jaune éclatant is famed account of its virtues - the is evencomme consiest célèbreon pour ses vertus. La plante estplant considérée dered a “royal panacea” by the English. Its concentration une « panacée royale » par les Anglais. Sa concentration en in vitamin linoleic and gamma-linoleic acids is simply vitamine E, E, acide linéolique et acide gamma-linéolique est stupendous, oil with vivifying properties admirable et imbuing l’investit the de propriétés revitalisantes qui that récomfort mature skin and prevent ageing from leavingdes its confortent les peaux matures et préviennent l’apparition marks upon it. sur la peau. marques de l’âge
月見草油 原產地:中國 月見草一種美麗的黃色花朵,因傍晚開花天亮後即凋謝而得名。 從月見草種子中所提煉出來的月見草油對健康有益、應用廣泛, 因其功效在英文中亦被稱為「皇家萬能藥」。含有驚人的高濃 度維他命 E、亞麻油酸和 γ- 次亞麻油酸,能舒緩濕疹、乾癬、 皮膚炎等問題肌膚症狀,有助重建肌膚細胞,恢復光澤與彈性, 並可防止老化,適合熟齡與問題膚質使用。
Daisy de Macerate Macérât pâquerette
Origin Origine: France : France A charming wildflower blessed with white, pink or red pe-ou Charmante fleur des champs à pétales blancs, roses tals, Bellis carries in its porte Latin name proof of la rouges, la perennis « Bellis perennis » en sonthe nom latin its contribution to “eternal àbeauty”. As early as the Renaispreuve de sa contribution la « beauté éternelle ». Elle ensance, it was included in ointments formulated to soothe trait dans la composition d’onguents pour calmer les irritaskin maceration of flower, notably tionsirritations. de la peau The dès oily la Renaissance. La the macération huileuse in neutral sunflower oil,huile allows for the of its de acette fleur, dans une neutre de extraction tournesol notampotent It isson reputed to invigorate blood vesment, natural permet virtues. d’extraire pouvoir naturel puissant. Elle sels, reduce œdemas and bruises. Regularsanguins, massagesréduire with est réputée pour tonifier les vaisseaux daisy macerate fortify the contours of the chest; they help l’œdème et les meurtrissures. Le massage au macérât de pâfirm up the skin after pregnancy and œuvre work to toneraffermir up the querette réconforte le galbe du buste, pour outline the face. la peauof après la grossesse et pour tonifier l’ovale du visage.
雛菊浸漬油 原產地:法國 一種有著白色、粉色或紅色花瓣的迷人野花。雛菊的拉丁文 名為「永恆的美麗」。早在文藝復興時期,就使用在舒緩皮 膚過敏的藥膏中。花朵經過植物油的浸漬(特別是中性的葵 花油),可保留其天然功效,有助於強化血管、減少浮腫或 瘀青。另外,也可用於緊實胸部、預防妊娠紋形成,以及緊 緻臉部線條。
Pracaxi Origin: Amazonia This Amazonian evergreen produces seeds whose oil is characterized by a high concentration in behenic acid. Hydrating, emollient and antiseptic, it boosts cellular regeneration and is traditionally used to heal skin irritations. Its virtues include preventing the onset of stretch marks and smoothing out patchy skin; it also produces excellent results when used to treat the scalp. Applying a minimal amount onto stilldamp hair makes detangling easier and imparts softness and luster once the hair is dry.
巴卡斯果油 原產地:亞馬遜雨林區 這種來自亞馬遜雨林區的常綠植物,種子所產生的油含高量 山 酸,能保濕、滋潤、抗菌,促進細胞新生,治療皮膚過 敏症狀,預防妊娠紋,滋潤粗糙的皮膚。用在頭皮上亦有功 效,取少量抹於半乾的頭髮,使頭髮乾了之後不易打結,柔 軟富光澤。
Peach Kernel Origin: India Peach kernel oil, with its light bitter almond fragrance and very dry skin feel, is celebrated for its moisturizing properties and for the boost it gives to sensitive, dull, tired or toneless skin. Regular application also soothes skin that is subject to minor inflammations. High in Vitamins A and E, in poly-unsaturated fatty acids and in antioxidants, this friend of dry and mature skins revives them efficiently when combined with a sustained massage. This oil is also most efficient, quite simply, to cleanse and brighten the skin and remove makeup, when doused on a cotton pad along with a few drops of rose water.
水蜜桃核仁油 原產地:印度 帶有淡淡苦杏仁香氣的水蜜桃核仁油,具保濕、促進細 胞再生及修復組織結構之效,抗老化及舒緩濕疹症狀。 經常使用水蜜桃核仁油按摩熟齡及乾燥的肌膚,可加強 保濕,改善敏感、無光澤、疲憊或暗沈的肌膚,煥發光 采,也可舒緩輕微發炎的皮膚症狀。富含維他命 A 和 E、 多元不飽和脂肪酸及抗氧化物。將水蜜桃核仁油倒在化 妝棉上,滴上幾滴玫瑰水,即可快速有效地卸妝,清潔 並使肌膚明亮有光澤。
Grape SeedS Origin : France Extracted from the tiny seeds contained in grapes, this oil is a concentrate of Omega-6 fatty acids, tocopherols and phenolic compounds. Their virtues make it a very effective natural treatment to combat the effects of free radicals and keep the signs of skin ageing at bay. Light and green, it is easy to use all over the body
葡萄籽油 原產地:法國 富含 Omega-6 脂肪酸,維生素 E 和多酚,可有效對抗自由基 及抗老化。清爽保濕,全身肌膚皆可使用。
Castor SeedS Origin : India This vegetable oil is obtained from the red, spiky seed of Ricinus communis. Extremely dense and viscous, it is rich in ricinoleic acid, a felicitous offshoot of oleic acid, itself an Omega-9 fatty acid. Castor seed oil is an emollient treatment that doubles as a fortifying ointment for the hair, nails and eyelashes. It also helps alleviate brown spots on the face and hands, which are always over-exposed to the sun.
蓖麻油 原產地:印度 從紅色,多刺的蓖麻籽取得的蓖麻油十分黏稠且高密度。富含 蓖麻油酸,是油酸的一種,即為 Omega-9 不飽和脂肪酸。蓖麻 油能滋潤頭髮、指甲及睫毛,淡化臉部和手部的曬斑。
Rosehip Origin : Chile This rare wild rose grows in preserved natural enclaves in the Chilean Andes. It is rich in unsaturated fatty acids whose virtues include fostering cellular regeneration and making cell walls more supple. Rosehip oil brings comfort and helps ward off the signs of skin ageing. Lightly massaged onto the skin, it enhances the appearance of scars.
玫瑰果油 原產地:智利 這種稀有的野生玫瑰生長在智利安地斯山的自然保育區,富含 不飽和脂肪酸,可促進細胞新生,使細胞壁柔軟有彈性。玫瑰 果油有舒緩效果,可延緩肌膚老化。透過輕柔按摩,還可淡化 疤痕。
The raw materials’ counter at L’Officine Universelle Buly, as anything that has to do with nature, is dependent on the seasons, the whims of the harvest and the vagaries of transportation. Oils, hydrolates, clays and powders as well as curios and rarities can be seasonal. We are grateful for your patience.
BULY 1803 店裡販售的所有的素材都是天然無加工,在不同季節收成,再依各種方式 運送過來。這些植物油、純露、黏土及粉末製品可能會因季節不同而影響產量。 感謝您的耐心等待。
Sesame Seeds An herbaceous plant native to India, sesame contains tiny oleaginous seeds that can be black, red or white. For cosmetic use, these seeds are cold-pressed without being roasted; their oil is then clear and its perfume is light. Easily absorbed and delightfully rich in Vitamin E, it is reputed for its regenerative and mollifying action on the lengths of the hair, to which it imparts a silky look and feel. Gently massaged into the scalp before shampooing, sesame oil fortifies it and stimulates its circulation.
芝麻油 原產地:貝南 芝麻是一種原產於印度的草本植物。細小的種子含油量高,顏 色有黑色、紅色或是白色。芝麻籽應用於化妝品上時,不經烘 培直接冷壓,油色清淡且帶輕微香氣。富含維他命 E 且容易吸 收,對頭髮再生及保養髮絲有顯著功效。能給秀髮帶來絲般光 澤及觸感。洗髮前先用芝麻油輕柔按摩頭皮,能夠強健頭皮、 促進頭皮血液循環。
Nut Grass Origin : Spain Also known as earth almond or tigernut sedge, this tuber native to the shores of the Mediterranean offers an oil traditionally used to prevent hairs from growing back too quickly. Mollifying and nourishing, it also brings comfort to dry skin.
油莎草油 原產地:西班牙 油莎草又稱油莎豆、糖根果、地下板栗,原生於地中海沿岸, 其塊莖營養價值很高,可榨油或食用。油莎草油有延緩毛髮生 長的作用。另外,也可滋潤及舒緩肌膚。乾性膚質適用。
Tucum SeedS Origin : Brazil This palm tree from the Amazonian forest produces generous apricot-sized fruits that are both edible and much sought-after. The oil extracted from its seeds is highly prized for its hydrating properties. Its high beta-carotene content prevents suntan from fading too quickly and prepares the skin prior to sun exposure.
剛毛棕櫚籽油 原產地:巴西 這種亞馬遜雨林的棕櫚樹,果實大小近似於杏桃,可食用,目 前在市場上非常搶手。從種子萃取出的油有高效保濕性,所以 價值很高;含有高量 beta 胡蘿蔔素,延緩曬後肌膚褪色,也 可作為助曬使用。
Floral distillates 純露
loral hydrolates are the plant-based equivalents of spa waters. They are born of the distillation of essential oils: steam carries away their active compounds and virtues, concentrating them into highly aromatic and potent floral waters. These hydrolates - felicitous and beneficial lotions, to be applied after thorough cleansing - capture and dispense the power of flowers.
露是經由蒸餾萃取植物精油時凝結而成的液體,蒸氣 能將其有效成分及特性,濃縮成帶有香氣且高效能的
「花水」。這是一種多功效的化妝水,在徹底清潔臉部之後 使用,讓肌膚吸取花的能量。
Geranium Origin : France A combination or oily skin’s best friend, geranium calms irritations. Its hydrolate brings cleansing to a state of perfection and alleviates mood swings.
天竺葵 原產地:法國 適用於混合性及油性膚質。天竺葵可舒緩肌膚過敏症狀,天竺 葵純露可清潔肌膚,使肌膚維持完美狀態並有安定情緒的效果。
Witch Hazel A young and fast-changing skin’s best friend, witch hazel purifies and balances skin tone. Its hydrolate imparts radiance to both complexion and heart.
金縷梅 適用於青春期、粉刺面皰、毛孔粗大的問題肌膚。金縷梅能夠 淨化肌膚、收斂毛孔、平衡膚況。使用金縷梅純露能讓肌膚與 心情皆散發光采。
Powders 粉末
table and durable, dry powders are the ingredients of custom recipes that can be prepared on the spot. Either pure or mixed with a few drops of vegetable oils or floral waters, they turn into exfoliant pastes, cataplasms and masks.
質穩定且易於保存,便於依所需配方即時調製。直接以粉 末加一點水,或加入幾滴植物油或純露,即可製作去角質
AMLA Origin : India Pulverized “Indian Gooseberry”, renowned for its impressive vitamin C content. Amla powder becomes a tonic for the face when mixed with floral water, illuminating its complexion. With a few drops of oil, used as a cataplasm on the hair, it wards off the onset of white strands.
餘甘子(油甘)粉 原產地:印度 粉狀的「印度醋栗」,因含豐富維他命 C 而受矚目。餘甘子粉 加入純露之後製成臉部化妝水,可明亮膚色。加入幾滴植物油 後敷在頭髮上,可預防白髮形成。
Origin : Japan For centuries, Azuki (red bean) powder has been a traditional beauty recipe in Japan. Finely crushed, humidified with a little regular or floral water, it effects a gentle, antioxidant and generally excellent scrub.
..................................... 原產地:日本
幾世紀以來,紅豆粉就是日本傳統的美容秘方。磨成細粉後, 加入一點水或純露,可製成效果極佳的溫和磨砂膏,且具有抗 氧化效果。
Iris Root
Origin : Morocco Lightly humidified with rose water, the crushed root of Iris florentina - an ultrafine, delightfully-scented powder - is a very gentle exfoliant that balances and brightens skin tone. It is also a natural tooth-whitening agent that buffs out tobacco, coffee and tea stains.
鳶尾根粉 原產地:摩洛哥 鳶尾根粉末質地十分細緻、香味令人愉悅。加入一點玫瑰純露, 可溫和去角質,平衡並明亮膚色,也是天然的牙齒美白劑,能 去除香菸、咖啡及茶造成的牙漬。
Lavender Flowers Origin : Morocco When frictioned on damp skin, aromatic lavenders flowers dried and pulverized - make for a fragrant, restorative and gently exfoliating scrub.
薰衣草花粉 產地:摩洛哥 將芳香的乾燥薰衣草花磨成粉,在沾濕的肌膚上摩擦,即可溫 和地去除角質,香味宜人,讓肌膚柔滑新生。
Walnut Shells Origin : Morocco Finely pulverized walnut shells, when frictioned on the heel and sole of the foot, on skin that is either damp or lightly oiled, perform a restorative exfoliating scrub.
核桃殼粉 產地:摩洛哥 將核桃殼研磨成細粉,在沾濕或是稍微上油的肌膚、腳踝和腳底 上摩擦,就是一款可去除老廢角質、使肌膚柔嫩光滑的磨砂膏。
Olive Pits Origin : Morocco Finely crushed olive pits, when frictioned on damp skin, effect a potent, vivifying and deeply exfoliating scrub.
橄欖籽粉 產地:摩洛哥 將仔細磨碎的橄欖籽,摩擦在沾濕的肌膚上,能有效地深層 去角質。
The raw materials’ counter at L’Officine Universelle Buly, as anything that has to do with nature, is dependent on the seasons, the whims of the harvest and the vagaries of transportation. Oils, hydrolates, clays and powders as well as curios and rarities can be seasonal. We are grateful for your patience.
BULY 1803 店裡販售的所有的素材都是天然無加工,在不同季節收成,再依各種方式 運送過來。這些植物油、純露、黏土及粉末製品可能會因季節不同而影響產量。 感謝您的耐心等待。
Rose Petals Origin : Morocco Dried and crushed rose petals, mixed with a few drops of rose oil or hydrolate, rekindle morose complexions, revive mature skin and tone down the signs of fatigue and sadness.
玫瑰花瓣 產地:摩洛哥 乾燥壓碎的玫瑰花瓣,以幾滴玫瑰油或純露混合後敷在臉上, 可改善暗沈偏黃的膚色,改善疲倦臉色,讓肌膚亮白濕潤,使 熟齡肌恢復彈力。
Rice Bran Origin : Japan The natural coating of rice grains, crushed to a powder known as Nuka, has exfoliating, mattifying and clarifying properties. Encased in a small cotton gauze bag, humidified with warm water and rubbed across the face, it buffs out imperfections and effects deep, gentle cleansing. Rice bran powder is also a fine addition to hot milk.
米糠 產地:日本 將米的外殼磨成粉末,稱為「米糠」,有去角質、控油及明亮肌 膚的功效。裝在小棉布袋中,以溫水浸濕然後摩擦全臉,可以溫 和地深層清潔肌膚、改善膚況。米糠粉亦可加入熱水中泡澡。
Yunohana Origin : Japan Consisting of hot-spring crystals replete with trace minerals, Yunohana powder dissolves into warm or hot bath water to assist the body’s natural drainage.
湯之花溫泉粉 產地:日本 包含了溫泉結晶,帶有微量的礦物質。將湯之花溫泉粉溶解於 溫水或熱水中泡澡,能幫助身體自然消除水腫。
Clays 泥土
土是質地細緻、天然形成的礦物顆粒。早在數千年前,人 lays are fine, naturally-occurring mineral particles, whose virtues and use - by men as well as animals - can 類與動物就知道利用泥土的各項好處:潔淨身體,可清除 be traced back thousands of years. Imbued with purifying properties, they rid both skin and hair from impurities 皮膚及頭髮上的雜質及寄生蟲;當作為敷料敷在肌膚上時,礦 and parasites. Their re-mineralizing powers are multiplied 物質的力量會展現加倍效果;稀釋在水中泡澡,可使肌膚柔軟。 when used for cataplasms. Diluted in bath water, they help soften the skin.
Green Desert Clay
White Clay
Origin: United States Mixed with a few drops of oil or hydrolate, this green-colored clay from the deserts of North America becomes a masque that regulates excess sebum production and fosters cellular regeneration.
Origin: Amazonia The masque concocted from this Brazilian clay and a few drops of oil or hydrolate soothes sensitive, aggrieved skins and effects a bright complexion.
沙漠綠色泥土 Green Desert Clay
Origin: Amazonia 亞馬遜白泥 The masque concocted
Origin: United States 產地:美國
Mixed with a few drops of oil or hydrolate, this green-co來自北美洲沙漠的綠色泥土,以幾滴植物油或純露混合 lored clay from the deserts of North America becomes a masque that regulates excess sebum production and fosters 調製。可調節皮脂生成、促進細胞新生。 cellular regeneration.
from this Brazilian clay and a few drops of oil or hydrolate soothes sensitive, aggrieved skins 產地:亞馬遜 and effects a bright complexion.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.00 EUROS / 100 g
來自巴西亞馬遜河流域的白色泥土,以幾滴植物油或純露混合 調製。可舒緩敏感或受損肌膚,為肌膚增添明亮。
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32歐元 / 120 ml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 EUROS / 100 g
Superfine Pascalite Powder
Blue Clay
Origin: United States Spiked with a few drops of oil or hydrolate, this white-colored clay from the deserts of North America purifies skin tone, fixes imperfections and softens skin grain.
Origin: Carpathians Augmented with a few drops of oil or hydrolate, this clay produces a stimulating, regenerative concoction for dull, flaccid skin.
極細火山泥粉末 te Powder Origin: United States 產地:美國 Spiked with a few drops of oil or hydrolate, this white-co來自北美洲沙漠的白色泥土,加入幾滴植物油或純露調製。 lored clay from the deserts of North America purifies skin tone, fixes imperfections and softens skin grain. 可調整膚況、改善膚質、柔化肌膚紋理。
藍色泥土 Blue Clay Origin: Carpathians 產地:喀爾巴阡山脈 Augmented with a few drops of oil or hydrolate, this clay 添加幾滴植物油或純露混合調製需可使暗沉、鬆弛的肌膚重生, produces a stimulating, regenerative concoction for dull, flaccid skin. 帶來光采。
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 EUROS / 100 g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 EUROS / 100 g (詳細價格請洽門市人員)
The raw materials’ counter at L’Officine Universelle Buly, as anything that has to do with nature, is dependent on the seasons, the whims of the harvest and the vagaries of transportation. Oils, hydrolates, clays and powders as well as curios and rarities can be seasonal. We are grateful for your patience.
BULY 1803 店裡販售的所有的素材都是天然無加工,在不同季節收成,再依各種方式 運送過來。這些植物油、純露、黏土及粉末製品可能會因季節不同而影響產量。 感謝您的耐心等待。
Illite Green Clay
Pink Clay
Origin: France With a few drops of oil or hydrolate, the masque obtained from this clay gently cares for oily and combination skin, which it helps soothe and regulate.
Origin: Sardinia The masque derived from this clay and a few drops of oil or hydrolate gently cares for dull or tired skin, restoring its radiance and vigor.
Yellow Clay
Red Clay
Origin: France Mixed with a few drops of oil or hydrolate and left on as a masque, this clay is a toning, harmonizing concoction that smoothes out even the most sensitive skin.
Origin: Sardinia Augmented with a few drops of oil or hydrolate and left on as a masque, this clay becomes a sanitizing, skin-tone-reviving concoction for lackluster skin.
Rhassoul Origin: Morocco At the hammam, the brown clay known as Rhassoul is mixed with water to make a very soft paste which, applied on the skin or at the roots of the hair, absorbs impurities. This gentle cleansing restores suppleness and shine to the hair.
羅訶索泥 產地:摩洛哥 這種褐色的羅訶索泥常用於土耳其浴。先與水混合調製成十分 柔軟的膏狀物,塗抹在肌膚或是髮根,能夠吸收雜質。溫和的 清潔效果可使秀髮柔軟光亮。
Curios and Rarities 稀有產品(特殊產品)
Emu Oil Origin : Australia Favored by Indigenous Australians for its healing and antiseptic properties, this oil is extracted from the fat of the emu, a large bird that is common in Australia. The virtues and high penetrating factor of emu oil stimulate cellular regeneration.
..................................... 產地:澳洲
鴯 油有抗發炎、改善傷口癒合的功效,深受澳洲原住民喜愛。 鴯 是種澳洲常見的大型鳥類,由鴯 脂肪提煉出的鴯 油, 具有高滲透性,能夠刺激細胞新生。
Mimi Senketsu Oil Origin : Japan To eliminate excess cerumen and regulate its production, nothing beats an oil. Flawless hygiene of the auricula and ear canal can be achieved through meticulous scrubbing with some cotton gauze or a tissue soaked with menthol-scented Mimi Senketsu oil.
耳部洗潔油 產地:日本 油類是清除耳垢最好的選擇。以化妝棉或是紙巾沾點薄荷味的耳 部洗潔油,仔細的擦拭耳廓及耳道,就能做到最好的衛生清潔。
Siwak Root Origin : Morocco The toning, astringent and naturally antiseptic properties of the root of the Arak have been used for thousands of years to maintain dental and gingival hygiene. The piece of Siwak should be immersed in water for a moment, and then used to gently brush both teeth and gums. This procedure will leave the mouth feeling refreshed and clean.
希瓦克木根 產地:摩洛哥 這是一種阿拉伯文稱為 Arak(也被稱為「牙刷樹」)的根部, 原生自非洲和中東,因其具有緊緻、收縮及抗菌的特性,幾千 年來一直被用來維持牙齒及牙齦衛生。將希瓦克木根浸泡在水 中片刻,然後輕刷牙齒及牙齦,即可清潔口腔,感覺清爽。 (詳細價格請洽門市人員)
The raw materials’ counter at L’Officine Universelle Buly, as anything that has to do with nature, is dependent on the seasons, the whims of the harvest and the vagaries of transportation. Oils, hydrolates, clays and powders as well as curios and rarities can be seasonal. We are grateful for your patience.
BULY 1803 店裡販售的所有的素材都是天然無加工,在不同季節收成,再依各種方式 運送過來。這些植物油、純露、黏土及粉末製品可能會因季節不同而影響產量。 感謝您的耐心等待。
The Implements of Beauty 美容用具
On the importance of proper tools and know-how A couple of well-executed motions and well-chosen instruments are just as effectiveas a whole lot of beauty formulas. L’Officine universelle Buly has searched far and wide across the globe for the most well-designed and well-crafted tools to care for the hair, body and face.
適當用具的重要性 及專業知識 挑選好的用具與使用正確方式同樣重要,能讓美麗更完美。 BULY 1803 遍尋世界各地, 為您找出最好用、設計最佳的美容用具, 呵護您的秀髮、身體及肌膚不遺餘力。
The Hair 美髮用具
On hair and its detangling
he first step towards clean and beautiful hair is perfect detangling. Aerated, brushed free of dust and disciplined, the hair is left naturally and easily cleansed and beautified. Flawless detangling and thorough aeration make it possible to wash it less frequently and help protect it. It is best performed using a brush for thicker hair or a comb for finer, more fragile hair. Wielded softly and unhurriedly, natural materials such as wood and boar’s hair are the most gentle, and the most suited to ridding the hair of its impurities, smoothing out its scales and making it shine without interfering with its movement or breaking its curls.
........................................ BEST HAIRBRUSHES IN THE WORLD 世上最好的梳子(野豬鬃及尼龍製)
要擁有潔淨及美麗的秀髮,第一步就是好好梳理它。充 滿空氣感、潔淨柔順的頭髮,易於清潔,也使您更加美
麗。擁有一頭滑順不打結、帶有空氣感的秀髮,可以減少洗 頭次數,進而保護頭髮。最好的方法是利用大梳子來梳厚重 的頭髮,脆弱稀疏的頭髮則用細齒梳,天然材料如木材和野 豬鬃是最適合作為梳子的材料。使用一把好梳子,和緩地梳 理頭髮,能夠去除頭髮上的雜質,使頭皮健康、髮絲有光澤, 且不影響原有的捲度。
Boar’s Hair Brush .Boar’s . . . . . . . . Hair . . . . . . .Brush . . . . . . . . . . 65.00 EUROS ....................................... 野豬鬃梳
IN WILD BOAR’S HAIR AND NYLON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105.00 - 135.00 EUROS
Sandalwood CombS MINEBARI Japanese CombS .Sandalwood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CombS ......................... ....................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 日式櫛木梳 檀香細齒梳
Sandalwood CombS
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33.00 - 42.00 EUROS
The FACE 臉部用具
The cleansing and Pinceaux nettoyants massaging Japanese et massants japonaisbrushes
The incredibledouceur softnessdes of the Japanese brushesconçus conceived L’incroyable pinceaux japonais par Suvé tient à latoqualité des poils selected de chèvre d’écureuils séby Suvé is due the high quality of et goat and squirrel lectionnés (les animaux qui Buly ont donné leurstomeilleurs hair. The Universal Officine was happy know thatpoils the n’y ont jamais laissé la peau et best se portent à merveille). A animals that have lended their hair for these refined chaque taille et forme de pinceaux son usage et ses tools have never been hurt and are doing very well. Tovertus. every Ils font pour le nettoyage visage, desThey ailesare du size and merveille shape of the brush, its usagedu and benefit. nez à l’arrière des cleaning oreilles, of sont recommandés pour masser marvelous for the face skin, a particularly senl’épiderme deone favoriser circulation. sitive skin -afin a big for thelalarge area of coverage, and a .small . . . one . . .for . . the . . .area . . .surrounding . . . . . . . . the . . nose . . . .and . . behind . . . . . the . ears - and body. It is also recommended to massage the epidermis in order to favorise the blood circulation.
The cleansing and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Japanese . . . . . . . . . . . . . .brushes ........... massaging
The incredible softness of the Japanese brushes conceived by 日式清潔按摩刷 Suvé is due to the high quality selected of goat and squirrel
hair. The Universal Officine Buly was happy to know that 由日本品牌 SUVÉ 研發製作的刷具,精選高品質山羊毛與松
the animals that have lended their best hair for these refined 鼠毛製作,有著不可思議的柔軟觸感。在製作過程中,這些被 tools have never been hurt and are doing very well. To every size and shape of the brush, its usage and benefit. They are 取下毛髮的動物,皆被妥善對待,沒有受到任何傷害。不同尺 marvelous for the cleaning of face skin, a particularly sen寸及形狀的刷具都有不同功能及用途。使用此款清潔按摩刷, sitive skin - a big one for the large area of coverage, and a small one for the area surrounding the nose and behind the 可徹底清潔臉部肌膚,尤其是敏感肌。有適用全臉的較大刷 ears - and body. It is also recommended to massage the epi具,也有較小的刷具可用來清洗鼻周及耳後,還有身體專用的 dermis in order to favorise the blood circulation.
刷具。推薦經常使用此刷具按摩肌膚,促進血液循環。 . . . . . . . . . . 120.00 -140.00-180.00 EUROS
The rolling massage of the face Five rolls corrugated rolls fixed on a little metal handle: the « Slim Cera » is the secret (patented!), the best kept secrets of Japanese beauty care is a simple and durable tool that contributes to restore radiance and youth to the face. Its action stimulates the facial muscles and favorise the circulation and the exchange. A few minutes have to be dedicated to its daily usage that requires nothing but a repeated passage, soft on all facial zones and its oval shape in particular.
.......................... ......... ....
TOOTHBRUSH IN OAK OR WALNUT The Officine is happy to present to you the most chic tooth brushes in the world, manufactured in France. Durable, their wooden handle, in Oak or Walnut, can be preserved indefinitely. It hosts a removable head brush in nylon hair for teeth brushing. Once used up, the head can be easily replaced by a new head without the need to dispose of the wooden handle. Is not less plastic more fantastic? Buly approves.
橡木牙刷或核桃木牙刷 這是一款世界上最酷的牙刷,於法國製造。可耐久使用的木頭 把手,有橡木或核桃木兩種選擇;可移動式的尼龍刷頭,當刷 毛不堪使用時,只需更換刷頭,不需將木把手丟棄,既環保又 有趣!
SILK, BADGER OR WILD Boar’s Hair Toothbrush Nothing more efficient that perfectly brushed teeth and an impeccable breath. The right tool: a robust, resistant, and a long lasting toothbrush, as elegant as efficient. The Universal Officine Buly has chosen italian teeth brushed in natural silk (from flexible to medium) in badger hair for sensitive gum and in boar hair for those with a preference for more strength. Their large head hosts many lines of tightly positioned hair that efficiently clean teeth while pleasantly massaging the gum. Very robust if they are correctly cleaned and dried after each usage, these tooth brushes are the most durable of the disposable tooth brushes.
絲質牙刷、獾毛牙刷或野豬鬃毛牙刷 選擇正確的工具可以有效、完美地清潔牙齒,並使口腔清新; 而一把強健好用,又可長久使用的牙刷,即可優雅又有效地完 成任務。BULY 1803 精選的義大利製牙刷,刷毛有絲質、獾毛 和野豬鬃毛三種選擇:以天然絲質製成軟毛及中性毛,獾毛適
來自日本專利的「Slim Cera」美容滾輪按摩器,這個簡單又可
刺激臉部肌肉、促進血液循環。每日只需使用幾分鐘,就能柔 嫩臉部肌膚、創造緊緻鵝蛋臉。
The Body 身體用具
Brushes ry-brushing the body, prior to bathing or showering, is the best and simplest way to get rid of impurities and help the skin turn over a new leaf. Such gentle brushing proves as vivifying to the spirit as it does to the body.
Nail Brush
SilkBody Brush
Brosse pour le corps avec Horsehair Body Brush maNche en crin
Copper pour wire le andcorps horsehair Brosse en CRIN ET body brush fils de cuivre
..................................... Nail 指甲刷Brush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.00 - 45.00 EUROS
..................................... Horsehair Body Brush 馬鬃身體刷 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52.00 EUROS
泡澡或淋浴前,先使用乾的刷子輕刷身體,是去除身 體汙垢及老舊角質最好、最簡單的方法,能使肌膚煥
..................................... 絲柔身體刷 Brush SilkBody . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50.00 EUROS
..................................... Copper 銅絲馬鬃刷wire and horsehair body
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61.00 EUROS
Sponges 海綿 LOOFAH, EXFOLIATING VEGETAL SPONGE ..................................... 去角質絲瓜絡
Natural Honeycomb SpongeS
..................................... 天然蜂巢海綿
Gloves 手套 The vetiver root
Horsehair Glove
Enveloped in a very thin synthetic net, the vetiver roots, from India, compose a small pebble of scented rigorous fibers that can be used like a glove of natural animal hair on a humidified skin. It is advised to softly rub the dried part of body: the heels, feet soles, knees and elbows. Regularly used in a body scrub on thighs, the outer and inner part of the arms, this modest tool refines the skin and helps to lighten the silhouette
This genuine plant-based “horsehair glove” is lined with cotton on the inside for ease and comfort of use. Prior to bathing or showering, a quick all-body massage with this horsehair glove will exfoliate and reinvigorate the skin.
馬鬃手套 這款真正以植物製成的「馬鬃手套」,其內裡為棉質,讓使用
來自印度的岩蘭草根,以一層非常薄的合成纖維網包覆起 來,成為一個有淡淡香氣、纖維緊密如小圓石般的球狀物, 在濕潤的皮膚上磨擦,如同使用天然動物毛製成的手套。可 輕柔地摩擦身體較容易乾燥的部位:如腳踝、腳底、膝蓋、 手肘等;定期磨擦大腿、手臂內外側,這個小工具能夠使肌 膚細緻、讓曲線輕盈。
stones 石類製品 Volcanic Pumice
..................................... Volcanic Pumice 火山浮石 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 EUROS
Clay stone for pedicure ..................................... 美腳泥石 Clay Stone for Pedicure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 EUROS
‘‘wool’’ pumice
Natural After-Shave Alum Stone
..................................... “Wool” Pumice 羊毛織物浮石 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 EUROS
..................................... 天然鬍後明礬石
L’Officine universelle Buly is also an “Online Officine” offering you the very best of Buly at : w w w. b u ly 1 8 0 3. c o m
BULY 1803 亦有線上官方網站,最好的 BULY 1803 產品都在 w w w. BULY 1 8 0 3 . c o m w w w. fa c e b o o k . c o m / b u ly 1 8 0 3 / /
Calligraphie We write your names or other particular requests using a feather quill on our boxes containing bottles and candles in our shops and on our web site. Our team follow every week to learn the English calligraphy of style, the symbolic writing of XVIII éme century. ..............................................................
優美的英文書法 在實體店面或網站中購物,我們會使用鵝毛筆在蠟燭或瓶裝商品外盒寫上您的大名, 或依您的需求而定。我們的團隊每週皆須接受 18 世紀風格的英文書法練習。
6 rue Bonaparte 75006 Paris
營 業 時 間 : 週一 ~ 週日 11:00am-9:00pm Le lundi de 11h00 à 19hOO, 電du 子信 箱 :au et mardi samedi de 10h00 à 19h00 地址:台北市大安區敦化南路一段 263 號 From 11am to 7pm on Mondays 電話:0 2 2 7 0 3 - 1 8 9 8 and from 10am to 7pm, Tuesday to Saturday
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