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Legal Notices [CONTINUED]

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Complaint also seeks relief on the Promissory Note executed by you. A copy of the Complaint is on file and may be obtained at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the County of Chittenden, State of Vermont.

3. YOU MUST REPLY WITHIN 41 DAYS TO PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS. You must give or mail the Plaintiff a written response called an Answer within 41 days after the date on which this Summons was first published, which is March 15, 2023. You must send a copy of your answer to the Plaintiff or the Plaintiff’s attorney, LORAINE L. HITE, Esq. of Bendett & McHugh, PC, located at 270 Farmington Avenue, Ste. 151, Farmington, CT 06032. You must also give or mail your Answer to the Court located at Chittenden, Civil Division, Vermont Superior Court, 175 Main Street, Burlington, Vermont 05402.

4. YOU MUST RESPOND TO EACH CLAIM. The Answer is your written response to the Plaintiff’s Complaint. In your Answer you must state whether you agree or disagree with each paragraph of the Complaint. If you believe the Plaintiff should not be given everything asked for in the Complaint, you must say so in your Answer.

5. YOU WILL LOSE YOUR CASE IF YOU DO NOT GIVE YOUR WRITTEN ANSWER TO THE COURT. If you do not Answer within 41 days after the date on which this Summons was first published and file it with the Court, you will lose this case. You will not get to tell your side of the story, and the Court may decide against you and award the Plaintiff everything asked for in the complaint.

6. YOU MUST MAKE ANY CLAIMS AGAINST THE PLAINTIFF IN YOUR REPLY. Your Answer must state any related legal claims you have against the Plaintiff. Your claims against the Plaintiff are called Counterclaims. If you do not make your Counterclaims in writing in your answer you may not be able to bring them up at all. Even if you have insurance and the insurance company will defend you, you must still file any Counterclaims you may have.

7. LEGAL ASSISTANCE. You may wish to get legal help from a lawyer. If you cannot afford a lawyer, you should ask the court clerk for information about places where you can get free legal help. Even if you cannot get legal help, you must still give the court a written Answer to protect your rights or you may lose the case.


The Affidavit duly filed in this action shows that service cannot be made with due diligence by any of the method provided in Rules 4(d)-(f), (k), or (l) of the Vermont Rules of Civil Procedure. Accordingly, it is ORDERED that service of the Summons set forth above shall be made upon the defendant, David E. Dauer, by publication as provided in Rule[s] [4(d)(l) and] 4 (g) of those Rules. This order shall be published once a week for 3 weeks beginning on or before March 15, 2023 in the Seven Days, a newspaper of the general circulation in Chittenden County, and a copy of this summons and order as published shall be mailed to the defendant, David E. Dauer, at 124 Wildwood Drive, Burlington, VT 05408.

Dated at Burlington, Vermont this 3rd day of March, 2023

/s/ Helen M. Toor

Hon. Helen M. Toor

Presiding Judge

Chittenden Unit, Civil Division





A hearing on Windy Hollow Mobile Home Cooperative, Inc.’s Verified Complaint to declare as abandoned the mobile home of Neal Hier located at the Windy Hollow Mobile Home Park, 609 River Street, Lot #37 in Castleton, Vermont and authorize the sale by auction has been set for April 4, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. To participate in this remote hearing, the WEBEX Login Information is as follows:

App: Webex Meeting Website: https://vtcourts.webex.com

Meeting Number (access code): 179 381 8436

Password: civilonhill

If you do not have a computer or sufficient bandwidth, you may call 1-802-636-1108 to appear by phone. (This is not a tollfree number). You will then enter the meeting number listed above, followed by the pound symbol (#). You will be prompted to enter your attendee number (which you do not have). Instead, press pound (#). If you have technical difficulties, call the Court at (802) 775-4394.

Date: 3/15/2023 Nichol McKeighan, Deputy Clerk


NOW COMES Windy Hollow Mobile Home Cooperative, Inc. (“Windy Hollow”), by and through its counsel Nadine L. Scibek, and hereby complains as follows:

1. Windy Hollow, a Vermont cooperative corporation with a principal place of business in Castleton, County of Rutland, State of Vermont, is the record owner of a mobile home park known as the Windy Hollow Mobile Home Park (the “Park”) located in the Town of Castleton, Vermont.

2. Neal Hier (“Hier”) is the record owner of a certain mobile home described as a 1985 Champion Titan, 14’ x 70’, bearing serial No. 196-397-2555 (the “Mobile Home”), located at the Windy Hollow Mobile Home Park, 609 River Street, Lot #37 in Castleton, Vermont. See attached Vermont Mobile Home Uniform Bill of Sale.

3. Hier leased the Lot in the Park from Windy Hollow for his mobile home pursuant to an written lease. No security deposit was paid. See attached Member Occupancy Agreement.

4. Hier’s last known mailing address is 609 River Street, Lot #37, Castleton, VT 05735.

5. The mobile home has been abandoned and is empty. The last known resident of the mobile home was Hier and he was evicted from the Park for non-payment of rent on October 19, 2022. Judgment was entered against him on September 16, 2022 in the amount of $1,090.00. Pursuant to Paragraph 7 of the Court Order, Hier had until January 3, 2023 to sell or remove the Mobile Home from the Park, otherwise the Mobile Home would be deemed abandoned. See Windy Hollow Mobile Home Cooperative, Inc. v. Hier, Vermont Superior Court, Rutland Civil Unit, Case No. 22-CV-02689. See attached Stipulated Judgment Order & Order of Possession, Writ of Possession and Sheriff’s Return of Service.

6. Park’s Counsel communicated in writing with Hier on November 3, 2022. On January 3, 2023 Hier contacted the Park and requested an additional 30 days to remove the Mobile Home from the Park. Hier has still failed to remove the Mobile Home from the Park and has not contacted Windy Hollow since. See attached.

7. The following security interests, mortgages, liens and encumbrances appear of record with respect to the mobile home: a. Property taxes to the Town of Castleton are current according to the Town Clerk. See attached Tax Bill.

8. Licensed auctioneer Uriah Wallace is a person disinterested in the mobile home and the mobile home park who is able to sell the Mobile Home at a public auction.

9. Mobile home storage fees continue to accrue at the rate of $360.00 per month. Rent due Windy Hollow as of February, 2023 totals $1,810.00. See attached accounting. Court costs and attorney’s fees incurred by Windy Hollow exceed $1,000.00.

10. Windy Hollow sent written notice by certified mail to the Town of Castleton on January 5, 2023 of Plaintiff’s intent to commence this action. See attached.

WHEREFORE, the Park Owner respectfully requests that the Honorable Court enter an order as follows:

1. Declare that the Mobile Home has been abandoned;

2. Approve the sale of the Mobile Home at a public auction to be held within fifteen (15) days of the date of judgment, pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 6249(h); and

3. Grant judgment in favor of the Park Owner and against the Mobile Home for past due rent and mobile home storage charges through the date of judgment, together with the Park’s court costs, attorney’s fees, publication and mailing costs, auctioneer’s costs, winterization costs, lot cleanup charges incurred in connection with this matter and any other costs incurred by Park herein.

DATED this 15th day of February, 2023.


BY: Nadine L. Scibek Attorney for Windy Hollow

I declare that the above statement is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that if the above statement is false, I will be subject to the penalty of perjury or other sanctions in the discretion of the Court.

February 15, 2023

By: Silvia Iannetta

Duly Authorized Agent for Windy Hollow



In re. Allen & Nadia Dacres and Sabrina Parton, Final Plat and Site Plan Applications // FP-23-15 SP-23-22


NOW COME Applicants Allen and Nadia Dacres, Jasmin Saric, Sabrina Parton and Lakeshore Construction, LLC (“Applicants”), by and through their counsel, MSK Attorneys, and hereby appeals, pursuant to 24 V.S.A. §4471 and 10 V.S.A. Ch. 220 to the Vermont Superior Court, Environmental Division, the Town of Colchester Development Review Board’s February 13 th , 2023 decision, denying the Final Plat and Site Plan applications for a minor four-unit Planned Unit Development to construct 2 one- bedroom dwelling units above the existing two-story detached garage on a lot occupied by an existing duplex dwelling unit. A copy of the DRB’s decision is attached hereto. Applicants have a right to appeal pursuant to 10 V.S.A chapter 220 as the applicants and owners of the subject property.

TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: In order to participate in this appeal, you must enter an appearance in the Vermont Environmental Court within twenty-one (21) days of receiving this Notice of Appeal. Notices of Appearance should be mailed to Jennifer Teske, Court Office Manager, Vermont Superior Court—Environmental Division, 32 Cherry Street, Suite 303, Burlington, VT 05401. DATED at Burlington, Vermont this 8th day of March, 2023

Respectfully submitted,


By: /s/ Alexander LaRosa Alexander LaRosa, ERN 5814 275 College Street, P.O. Box 4485 Burlington, VT 05406-4485 Phone: 802-861-7000 (x119)

Fax: 802-861-7007

Email: ajlarosa@mskvt.com

Attorneys for Applicants


Pursuant to Title 24 VSA, Chapter 117, the Colchester Selectboard will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at 6:35 P.M. at the Colchester Town Offices, 781 Blakely Road, for the purpose of considering amendments to the Colchester Development Regulations. The proposed amendments are as follows: a. Update and clarify sections pertaining to water and wastewater infrastructure, as necessitated by warned changes to Chapter 8 of the Colchester Code of Ordinances [2.04E, 2.05J, 2.07E, 2.14, 2.15, 3.06B, 3.07B, 4.05E, 7.03C, 7.04E(3), 9.02B(1), 9.05A, 9.05G, 9.05H, 9.07C, 10.14, 11.01, 11.02, 11.03B, 11.04A, 11.05A and 12]; b. Reorganization of application requirements for Site Plan, Conditional Use, and Subdivision applications; add language regarding responsibility of adjoining landowner notifications [8.05D, 8.05G, 9.04D, 9.04E, and Appendix G]; c. Add language regarding required setbacks from public infrastructure [2.07, 2.19C, (2.15 and 11.02 also relate to this purpose but are already included in ‘a’ above)]; d. New definitions, including “Appurtenances,” “Degree of Encroachment” and “Footprint” [Article 12]. e. Add to Appendix B a figure illustrating “Degree of Encroachment.”

These are a summary of the proposed changes. Copies of the adopted and proposed regulations can be found at the Town Offices at 781 Blakely Road and may also be reviewed online at https:// bit.ly/Supplement45. To participate in the hearing, you may 1) attend in person or 2) send written comment to the Colchester Selectboard via USPS at the address herein or via email to Cathyann LaRose, clarose@colchestervt.gov.


Publication date

March 22, 2023


Vermont Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired gives notice that, pursuant to 49 U.S.C. § 5311 Non-Urbanized Transportation Program, Preventive Maintenance Program, Rural Technical Assistance Program and Marketing; Vermont State Operating Assistance Program; 49 U.S.C. § 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program, the opportunity is offered for a public hearing on a proposed Public Transit Program in the state of Vermont.

Projects are described as follows: volunteer driving, transit buses, vans, and taxis at an estimated total cost of $90,000 to provide transportation services to blind and visually impaired persons.

Persons desiring a hearing to be held should submit written requests to the Vermont Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired and to the Vermont Agency of Transportation at the addresses below within 14 days of publication of this notice. Upon a receipt of a request, a date will be scheduled and a notice of hearing will be published. A copy of the proposal may be seen at the Project Manager’s Office. Persons desiring to make written comments should forward same to the addresses below within 14 days of publication of this notice.

Transit Provider: State Agency:

Vermont Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired Vermont Agency of Transportation 60 Kimball Avenue Public Transit Section South Burlington, VT 05403 Barre City Place, 219 North Main Street Barre, VT 05641

Dated at South Burlington, County of Chittenden, State of Vermont this 14th day of March, 2023.

Steven Pouliot Project Manager


Franklin Northeast Supervisory Union is soliciting proposals to lease alternative school program space starting with the 2023-2024 school year, for a term of at least three years. Interested bidders should contact Morgan Daybell (morgan.daybell@ fnesu.org; 802-848-7661; c/o FNESU, PO Box 489, Enosburg Falls VT 05450) for a copy of the Request for Proposals. Proposals will be accepted until 4:00 PM, Tuesday, April 11, 2023.


The contents of storage unit 01-04901 located at 28 Adams Drive, Williston VT, 05495 will be sold on or about the 6th of April 2023 to satisfy the debt of Corey Longfellow. Any person claiming a right to the goods may pay the amount claimed due and reasonable expenses before the sale, in which case the sale may not occur.

The contents of storage unit 01-01331 located at 28 Adams Drive , Williston VT, 05495 will be sold on or about the 6th of April 2023 to satisfy the debt of Jamie Peters. Any person claiming a right to the goods may pay the amount claimed due and reasonable expenses before the sale, in which case the sale may not occur.





Seasonal Sous Chef

The Tyler Place Resort in Highgate Springs, Vermont is seeking a creative and energetic Sous Chef passionate about great food and experienced in buffet presentation who can further enhance the Tyler Place’s reputation for fresh, simple, delicious, Vermont-inspired meals. Position begins mid-May through mid-September. Must be able to supervise staff and work one weekend day. Great working conditions, exciting environment and competitive salary. Housing provided, if needed. Please submit cover letter and resume to tasney@tylerplace.com. For more information contact chefdave@tylerplace.com. Or visit tylerplace.com and submit the online application.

Medical Lab Scientists: Consider Copley’s Alternative Lab Schedule Spend more time doing what you love:


We are Vermont’s unified public media organization (formerly VPR and Vermont PBS), serving the community with trusted journalism, quality entertainment, and diverse educational programming.

Current openings include:

• Production Technician

• News Producer, Morning Edition

• Event Producer

• Digital Producer

• Data Journalist

We believe a strong organization includes employees from a range of backgrounds with different skills, experience, and passions.

To see more openings & apply: vermontpublic.org/careers

Must be able to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination. Vermont Public is a proud equal opportunity employer.

• Work in our lab for two 12-hour weekend shifts and get paid for 36 hours

• Full-time benefits!

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Call J.T. Vize at 802-888-8329

Goddard College, a leader in non-traditional education, has the following full-time, benefit eligible and part-time position openings:






To view position descriptions and application instructions, please visit our website: goddard.edu/about-goddard/employment-opportunities/

Bookkeeper/AR Specialist

We are a rapidly growing team currently looking for a full-time Bookkeeper/AR specialist to help with the construction side of the business. Please send your resume to office@vermontconstructioncompany.com.

Explore opportunities like:

Area Coordinator champlain.edu/careers

View opportunities here

Environmental Educators

The Keewaydin Environmental Education Center (KEEC) is seeking environmental educators for our spring session beginning April 16th running through June 2nd.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Teach & work with small groups of 5th & 6th grade students Monday through Friday, in 5-day, 4 night, residential program focusing on human, plant and animal communities. Lead intensive field investigations & evening programs in natural science, local history, human impact, and land-use. Other responsibilities include daily dining hall meals and bi-weekly overnights in student cabins.

COMPENSATION: $500/week plus room & board. Staff housing is in simplistic wood cabins close to the lake.

Email Tim Tadlock via tim@keewaydin.org for more information or to apply.


Plus, have a benefit package that includes 29 paid days off in the first year, a comprehensive health insurance plan with your premium as low as $13 per month, up to $6,000 to go towards medical deductibles and copays, a retirement match, and so much more.

And that’s on top of working at one of the “Best Places to Work in Vermont” for four years running.

Become a Direct Support Professional ($19-$20 per hour) at an award-winning agency serving Vermonters with intellectual disabilities and make a career making a difference.

Apply today at ccs-vt.org/current-openings/.

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