@NAHC August 2011

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A Monthly Publication for Native American Health Center Employees Vol. 4, Issue 8 — August 2011

Page 1 Digital Story Telling In the NAHC Media Center

By Parke Ballantine You may have seen some of the Digital Stories coming out of NAHC; they are stories of struggle, strength, insight, culture and resilience. All told in just 3 minutes; digital stories use pictures, video, song, and voice to create a profound experience for the storyteller and the viewer. They show pieces of ourselves that might not always get shared; pieces that others can relate to. They are healing and promote visibility for our community. In March 2011, Serena Wright arranged for a few staff from FCGC to become trained facilitators through the Center for Digital Storytelling (CDS). She saw the potential for NAHC and wanted desperately to evaluate their healing power. Since then, NAHC has taken the tools learned from CDS and developed a digital storytelling workshop that incorporates key elements of our cultural values. We open and close each day of the 3 to 4 day workshop with a prayer, medicine is available throughout the process on the shared altar, and we have modeled our story circles after talking circles. Collectively, merging traditions with technology has allowed us to create a new forum for community healing. The NAHC Media Center has now facilitated workshops with three community groups: 2-Spirits, the San Francisco Youth, and the NAHC Summer Youth Fellows. We have also just completed a workshop for staff. All stories are very powerful! We look forward to sharing them with you in the near future! If any NAHC staff feels that a digital storytelling workshop could enhance your programs please contact the media team at nahcmedia@nativehealth.org

In this issue: ⇒ Digital Story Telling………..……..………….....… Page 1 ⇒ HR Buzz: Safety Team in place.....….………….. Page 2 ⇒ SF AIDS Walk/RISE Tournament……………..…Page 2 ⇒ New Faces at NAHC………...…………………..…. Page 3 ⇒ Employee Spotlight: Kelly Lazore….……..........Page 3 ⇒ Employee Anniversaries………………….….…….Page 3 ⇒ Safety Corner: Evacuation Plan.……………..….Page 4

A Monthly Publication for Native American Health Center Employees Vol. 4, Issue 8 — August 2011

Page 2

HR Buzz: NAHC Safety Committee Appointed.

By Jennifer Luna The Human Resource Department is pleased to announce the formation of Native American Health Center’s Safety Committee. Safety is a priority at NAHC and we want to ensure our employee’s and patients feel safe at NAHC. The Safety committee consists of key personnel staff from the emergency preparedness team, the facilities department and the human resources department. The goal of the safety committee is to discuss all areas of safety at all NAHC clinics’ and the agency as a whole. Some of the safety topics discussed includes the reviewing of workers compensation claims to forecast trend, discussing the need for specific trainings, and employee awareness and prevention. Safety is everyone’s responsibility at NAHC, however the Safety Committee is committed to making employee and patient safety a priority. All employees must use good safety practices, and report any violations of health and safety to department supervisors, Executive Directors or Human Resources for follow‑up. If you have any comments or suggestions regarding safety at NAHC, please send them to the Human Resource department at humanresources@nativehealth.org

2011 SF AIDS WALK SF NAHC Participates

By Mark Espinosa On July 17th, 16 NAHC staff, providers, family, and friends of NAHC met at Sharon Meadow in Golden Gate Park to participate in the SF AIDS Walk. This 25th annual walk raises money for HIV/AIDS Programs and services throughout the Bay Area. In all, there were approximately 25,000 walkers and over $3 million was raised. Although there was fog and cloudy skies for the start of the march, by noon, the sun had come out and those who walked the 6.2 mile route had a nice walk through the park. Altogether, the NAHC team raised $1075. NAHC team would like to give special thanks to Dr. Jason Tokumoto who generously supported the team with a $500 donation. The team would also like to thank Daniela Wotke for registering the team and for all of her recruitment and fundraising efforts. Good job Team!

Frito Lay Rise Division Fund Raising Bowling Tournament for NAHC

By Catherine A. Marin-Wisdom On July 29, Garrett Pounds, Brian Herr and Matt Ray of Frito Lay’s Modesto RISE division sponsored a fund raising bowling tournament in Modesto, California. 8 Teams participated in a 4 person team event. All proceeds collected for the tournament will be donated to the Native American Health Center for the youth department. NAHC had a family team enter the tournament. I am fortunate to have a supportive family when it comes to raising funds for Native Youth. Our team took 3rd place and had a wonderful time! Thank you to Crystal and Amadene for the TAP Team Shirts! RISE plans to make this a yearly event, so get your bowling shoes out and practice for next year!

A Monthly Publication for Native American Health Center Employees Vol. 4, Issue 8 — August 2011

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Employee spotlight:

August Employment Anniversaries

Kelly Lazore Fiscal Department

By Catherine A. Marin-Wisdom, Administrative Officer CONGRATULATIONS Kelly Lazore

Medical Oakland

08/05/1983 (28 Years)

Janet King


08/12/1996 (15 Years)

Almario Lugtu


08/17/1998 (13 Years)

Rhonda Ramirez

Medical Oakland

08/04/2000 (11 Years)

Lee Leon


08/01/2000 (11 Years)

Lucy Wright

Dental SF

Meuy Saeparn

Dental Oakland

Bertha Diaz

Dental SF

Natalie Aguilera


08/22/2005 (6 Years)

John Parke


08/10/2005 (6 Years)

Dawn Lulua-Claxton


08/13/2007 (4 Years)

Yadira Oseguera


08/28/2007 (4 years)

Meriah Gille


08/11/2008 (3 Years)

Latrail Crawford-Temple

Medical Oakland

08/11/2008 (3 Years)

Tashina Boyer-Armstrong

Dental SF

08/31/2009 (2 Years)

Alyson Bobulsky

Medical Oakland

Marin Riley

Medical Oakland

Joan Swiontoniowski

Medical Oakland

Hong Phan

Dental Oakland

Patricia Rodriguez

Dental Oakland

Jessica Lee


Jon Eichelberger

Medical SF

Marykate O’Connell

Medical SF

Jerry Upshaw

Maintenance SF



~25 Years ~ Of Service in our Fiscal Department at NAHC

New Faces @NAHC:

Paloma Flores Youth Coordinator II SF

Jacky Su Data Assistant SF Dental

Jessica Gutierrez Medical Intern 7 D

Negar Kashefi On Call Dentist Oakland Dental

Amy Victorino Registered Dental Assistant Oakland Dental

08/13/2003 (8 Years) 08/16/2004 (7 Years) 08/12/2004 (7 Years)

08/16/2010 (1 Year) 08/16/2010 (1 Year) 08/16/2010 (1 Year) 08/22/2010 (1 Year) 08/30/2010 (1 Year) 08/02/2010 (1 Year) 08/02/2010 (1 Year) 08/16/2010 (1 Year) 08/30/2010 (1 Year)

A Monthly Publication for Native American Health Center Employees Vol. 4, Issue 8 — August 2011

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Safety Tips

Exit safely with focus

by Amadene Castillo During an evacuation the scenario is the fire alarm goes off sirens are blaring, strobe lights are flashing, staff is all looking out their doorways, panic may set in. “What do I do”?, “Where do I go”?, “ Is this a drill”?, “Do I have time to get my personal items?” “How much time do I have to exit”? These are the questions that may occur during an emergency. In order to feel safe as to how to evacuate, you must be confident as to how to handle the situation. Here are the following tips to get you on your way to a safe exit.

Purpose: NAHC must be evacuated for safety during an emergency/disaster Know your meeting point: Patients and staff evacuated will be assembled in the following collection areas, depending on the door from which they were evacuated or the safest area from the danger point. ‑corner of 31st & International blvd. , across the street from the 7Directions Clinic ‑corner of 31st & International blvd., across the street from the Human Services Bldg. ‑San Francisco: corner of 17th and Capp St. Account for staff: A staff person should act as doorway monitor in each Health Center area for each clinic floor to prevent doubling back. At least one healthcare worker or volunteer will stay with patients at the collection areas and use the Appointment List to check and make sure all patients are accounted for. Safety leaders in clinical areas are responsible for bringing the Appointment List out of the building; doing a head count; and recording where patients have been transferred if they do not re-enter the facility. Educate: Evacuation Maps outlining safe routes of exit are located throughout each Health Center. All staff members should familiarize themselves with the maps, their location, and their specific staff responsibilities. Procedures: Safety Leaders shall use the following evacuation procedures: A. Move patients who are closest to the danger toward the nearest and safest exit first. B. Patients, whether in danger or not, should be moved in the following order, beginning near the danger area: 1. Ambulatory (no assistive device and walker users) 2. Non-ambulatory (carry, wheelchair, stretcher or gurney). C. First, move ambulatory patients toward and out the nearest and safest exit. A staff person should accompany them. Do not leave ambulatory patients without guidance. Next, move nonambulatory patients toward and out the nearest or safest exit. D. A staff person should act as doorway monitor in each Health Center area for each clinic floor to prevent doubling back. F. At least one healthcare worker or volunteer will stay with patients at the collection areas and use the Appointment List to check and make sure all patients are accounted for. G. Safety leaders in clinical areas are responsible for bringing the Appointment List out of the building; doing a head count; and recording where patients have been transferred if they do not re-enter the facility. H. A staff person will remain with patients until authorization to re-enter the facility I. All disciplines should communicate with each other to assure all patients have been evacuated and returned to the Health Center when re-entry is allowed.

Attention Staff: Do you want to contribute to @NAHC?? If you have an article, suggestion, or comment about future newsletters, please contact Cathy Wisdom at 510-434-5481 or via email: CatherineW@NativeHealth.org

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