A Monthly Publication for Native American Health Center Employees Vol. 5, Issue 1 — January 2012
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~ Native American Health Center 2011 Holiday Gathering ~ The Native American Health Center held it’s yearly holiday gathering for staff and their guests. Hosted by Ms. Shirley Begay who did an incredible job of keeping the flow of the evening events. An action packed evening of great food, deserts, music, dancing and contests. One contest back by popular demand was the ornament making contest won by Alex Kinsley from our Dental Department. Raffle prizes were donated by each department and many staff received great prizes. This years holiday committee wore their holiday cheer hats and surprised us with the Party Rock Anthem SHUFFLE which included the box head style dancing from Jerri Davis! A special Thank you to Scott Claxton for the beautiful back drop for our memorable pictures and the wonderful photographer. It was an evening of mingling and fun. Thank you to all who attended and we hope everyone had a wonderful time.
2012 Holiday Party Committee L-R: Dawn Lulua Claxton, Cherie Jalipa-Shirley, Jerri Davis, Pat Want, Larry Aguilera, Amadene Castillo Courtney Cummings.
In this issue: ⇒ NAHC 2011 Holiday Gathering...………….......… Page 1 ⇒ HR Buzz: Employee Wellness…..….……..…..….. Page 2 ⇒ NAHC Staff New Years Resolutions………………Page 2 ⇒ New Faces at NAHC………...………………..…..…. Page 3 ⇒ Employee Anniversaries…………………...….…….Page 3 Employee Spotlight: Yadira Oseguera Page 3
⇒ Employee Spotlight: Yadira Oseguera……………Page 3 ⇒ Green Corner: Household Hazardous Waste…...Page 4
New Years Resolutions Page 2
A Monthly Publication for Native American Health Center Employees Page 2
Vol. 5, Issue 1 — January 2012
HR Buzz: Natalie Aguilera, Director of Human Resources Did you know Employee Wellness programs focus on preventative healthcare and are designed to promote healthy lifestyles, reduce stress, and boost morale? Additionally, Employee Wellness programs are linked to decreased absenteeism rates, increased productivity and lower health care premiums! There is no better time to start thinking about your health than now. For many people, the holidays presented many temptations that even the most disciplined people had a hard time saying no. If you area a Kaiser member, you have access to information and you can choose from hundreds of classes for free or at a reduced cost. Class topics include but are not limited to the following: -Acupressure and relaxation workshop -Cholesterol and your heart -Living well with diabetes -Early pregnancy -Freedom from tobacco series -Healthier living with ongoing health conditions -Healthy lifestyle weight management program -Managing depression -Pilates: the fundamentals For more information, log in to www.kp.org, go to the ‘Health and Wellness’ tab, click ‘Member Programs and Classes’ and choose ‘Healthy Living Classes.’ If you register online with www.kp.org, you can also? E-mail your doctor View most test results as they become available Order prescription refills Request, cancel, or review routine appointments For more information on Kaiser resources, please do not hesitate to contact Human Resources. NAHC Staff New Years Resolution ~ By Catherine A. Marin–Wisdom In December of 2010, I asked the staff to submit their New Years Resolution for 2011. Here again are the resolutions for 2011 and I wonder if they were successful.
NAHC Staff Resolutions for 2011. I will no longer text while driving! Quit Smoking & Be happy Spend less, pay debt, and save. To improve my professionalism while work with others. I will not let my gas tank get below ¼ and cut back on chocolate. Lose weight before my birthday, out with old habits in with new ones, put me first because I am a caregiver and go back to school. To make my family strong, have a better relationship with my wife. I want to spend more time playing with my son and possibly purchase a house. I also want to make my body stronger and healthier and do more physical activity as a family. No TV’s, cell phones or electronic devices in my home on Tuesdays evenings. Tuesday is going to be “Family Night” and we’ll talk about our family history and other topics the kids would like to discuss. Spiritual Treatment of the Mind, I plan to be aware of feeding my mind only positive good things and not garbage, limit television shows, what I’m reading, who I associate with, only positive things. I will eat as healthier as possible to lose weight the right natural way, Learn to budget every cent I earn, and cut back the cigarette smoking for good so I could live longer. I will establish my priorities, to avoid wasting my valuable time. I will learn to say NO, when I do not want to do something, but I will remember that other people have the same right and I will drink more water and eat less fast food. My New Years resolution is to walk some place local each week that I’ve never before. For example, I’ve never walked over the Golden Gate Bridge in my life, but I’m from here. This will knock like 3 resolutions in one. One is exercise, healthy mindfulness of the natural surroundings (Cognitive bliss), and going places me and my baby never been. No more late fees. I will be paying all my bills on time and saving the money I would have paid out in late fees. I plan to use the data from 2010 to determine what the late fees were and how much money I will be saving this year. I had once again asked the staff to submit their 2012 New Years Resolutions and I received ONE!! Here it is for 2012. “Do strengthening/core exercises and stretch more often” There you have it folks, I just hope no one gave up on their goals for 2011 and set just as remarkable ones for 2012. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Stay well!
A Monthly Publication for Native American Health Center Employees Page 3
Vol. 5, Issue 1 — January 2012 Employee spotlight: Yadira Oseguera, WIC Department
January Employment Anniversaries
By Catherine A. Marin-Wisdom, Administrative Officer Cecelia Tso
01/28/1986 (26 Years)
How long have you worked @ NAHC? I’ve been with NAHC for 5 years.
Lucinda Spencer
Central Registration
01/11/1989 (23 Years)
Tell us a little about your job: I work directly with our participants. I provided one-on-one counseling about nutrition, breastfeeding and much more. I design and teach classes about various topics. I also volunteer on my own personal time by offering my doula services to our WIC participants who need and want labor support.
Angelena Tsosie
01/18/2002 (10 Years)
Jill Legg
Medical Oakland
01/06/2003 (9 Years)
Samantha McCraw
Central Registration
01/03/2005 (7 Years)
What do you do to relax on the weekends? I go out to the movies and spend time with my adorable nieces and nephew.
Bhrett Lash
Medical Oakland
01/02/2006 (6 Years)
What is your ideal vacation? My ideal vacation would be in some Island with my love ones.
Talia Brown
Dental SF
01/29/2007 (5 Years)
Yael Karchmer
Dental SF
01/12/2009 (3 Years)
Christine Kopf
01/26/2009 (3 Years)
Esther Lucero
01/29/2010 (2 Years)
Alexis Machado
Medical Oakland
01/22/2010 (2 Years)
Alexis McBride
Dental SF
01/02/2010 (2 Years)
Kulwa Apara
School Based Health
01/19/2010 (2 Years)
Kristin McKean-Brown
Medical Oakland
01/31/2011 (1 Year)
Title: Nutrition Assistant II/Doula4 Site/Department: WIC Department
What is the most enjoyable part about your job? What I most enjoy about my job is that I have directly contact with my community and I am able provide direct assistance.
What three things would you take on a deserted Island? Camping house, food and music
Here is Yadira with her WIC department co-workers at our recent NAHC holiday gathering. L-R: Hong. Yadira, Patricia, Haydee and Mara.
New Faces @NAHC:
Esmeralda Diaz Patient Service Coordinator, Temp. SF Dental
Bonney Hartley Program Manager, Red Vision, FCGC
Ricky Santana, On-Call Dental Receptionist, SF Dental
Meesha Puri Nurse Practitioner, On-Call, SF Medical
Lisa Honda, Registered Dental Hygienist Alternative Practice SF Dental
A Monthly Publication for Native American Health Center Employees Page 4
Submitted by: Amadene Castillo
Vol. 5, Issue 1 — January 2012
Attention Staff: Do you want to contribute to @NAHC?? If you have an article, suggestion, or comment about future newsletters, please contact Cathy Wisdom at 510-434-5481 or via email: CatherineW@NativeHealth.org