@NAHC June 2011

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A Monthly Publication for Native American Health Center Employees Vol. 4, Issue 6 — June 2011

Page 1 Family and Child Guidance Clinic SAGE RUN 2011 Ojai California

By Catherine A. Marin Wisdom nd

Lee Leon: This was my 2 year of sage picking! I enjoyed the peaceful environment and nature. Seeing the Blue Jays and Robins singing and I shared my lunch with them. Larry Aguilar: We have around 1200 bundles of sage hanging in my office and it was a great time going to Ojai and get to know my fellow coworkers. Aurora Mamea: It was a great experience and I really enjoyed it! Its such a great feeling to spend the day picking sage, and bringing medicine back for the people. Courtney Cummings: What a wonderful time spent in the company of everyone who went. I feel privileged and amazed to work for an agency that puts a persons individual Spirituality as a priority of healing and goes outside the “box”. The local community participated and we all learned more about our ways as we wrapped sage bundles the day after we returned. The center smells so good! Thanks for the Sage run trip and look forward to 2012 run. Kitty Budd: I have enjoyed this part of the Gathering of the Lodges for several years, it is a time to be in thought of the people and how we offer the Sage through the Gathering of the Lodges and the coming year. Gathering it and enjoying the time in the coastal mountain is very special time to share with other staff. We drive for about 6 hours one way, so we get to know one another quite well. We eat together and stay at the same lodge, many laughs and giggles throughout. We do take photos too! Wrapping and bundling is very special with our community members and staff. In this time we either get to share or listen to stories of past years experiences or Traditional Creation Stories. It is a very relaxing space to share with a common goal of wrapping the medicine for the community. We have brought home some small hitch hikers spiders, they then get escorted outside. Nina Gutierrez: I luckily have been able to participate on the Ojai yearly sage run. It represents a beautiful opportunity. The experience begins with planning and preparation. At the moment we get together and jump in the van, adrenaline starts running high and our hearts are full of content. (That’s my experience!) We share music, breakfast and life experiences during the trip. When I get there, I feel connected with nature, and everything does not matter anymore. It’s only me, my co-workers and mother nature. When I harvest the sage it’s like harvesting healing for all the community. We always are guided by the great spirit to the places where we need to stop and we find the sage. Everything is peace and harmony. It’s like all of us are walking in beauty. I will never change that unique and revitalizing experience. Thank You for giving me the opportunity to go every year.

In this issue: ⇒ FCGC 2011 Ojai Sage Run……….………….....… Page 1 ⇒ HR Buzz: Open Enrollment…..…..….………….. Page 2 ⇒ New Faces at NAHC………...…………………..…. Page 2 ⇒ Employee Spotlight: Rene Gonzalez……..........Page 3 ⇒ Employee Anniversaries………………….….…….Page 3 ⇒ What’s happening on both sides of the Bay?…Page 3 Employee Spotlight: Rene Gonzalez Page 3

⇒ Safety Corner: Emergency Prep/Fit Testing….Page 4 ⇒ NAHC Upcoming Event Flyers.……..…………....Page 4

2011 NAHC Powwow September 17th & 18th Page 4

A Monthly Publication for Native American Health Center Employees Vol. 4, Issue 6 — June 2011

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HR Buzz: HR Buzz: By Jennifer Luna, HR Generalist Employee Wellness and Benefits Fair (Open Enrollment) June 8th & 9th, 2011 This year’s Open Enrollment /Employee Wellness and Benefits Fair will be held on Wednesday, June 8th in the Seven Directions Employee Lounge from 12:00pm to 2:00pm and Thursday, June 9th in San Francisco’s Morning Star Conference Room from 12:00pm to 2:00pm. Our Open Enrollment/ Employee Wellness and Benefits Fair gives an opportunity for employees to attend and learn how to maximize the use of the great benefits offered by NAHC. For example, did you know that our Employee Assistance Program offers free, unlimited access to resources like will writing services, financial planning, legal counsel, debt consolidation and more? Did you know that you can email your doctor via the Kaiser website and you’ll receive a response within 24-48 hours? You can schedule routine appointments and refill prescriptions online as well. A flexible spending account may be the answer you have been looking for as search for ways to help pay for high costing medical or dental expenses. The Wellness & Benefits Fair will serve as a time where employees can engage with the various representatives from each organization—Kaiser, Delta, ASI, ING, Provident—to find out how to use each benefit to its full potential. In addition to the tables, we are serving a healthy lunch and giving away raffle prizes. All NAHC employees are expected to attend to complete their annual required form completion. For every employee who attends and completes their required forms, they will be entered into a raffle to win a prize. Please join us during the Employee Wellness and Benefits Fair in June to network and learn about enhancing personal wellness.

New Faces @NAHC:

Andrea Pablo Nutrition Assistant WIC

David Gumpert Counselor FCGC

Sarah Doran TherapistMental Health Intern School Based Medical

Nizhoni Kizer Seaton Dental Assistant SF

Shannon Muse Program Assistant FCGC

Juanita Hernandez Counselor FCGC

Valerie Black Calf Intake Worker Counselor FCGC 3124

Dr. Josephine Ng On-Call Dentist

Kimberlee Nguyen Nutrition Assistant WIC

Jerrold Yazzie Hallway Monitor

Tamar Kurleander Associate Director of School-Based Health Care

Tenange Habte Michael Data Analyst FCGC 3124

Michael Sanders FCGC SF Therapist

A Monthly Publication for Native American Health Center Employees Vol. 4, Issue 6 — June 2011

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Employee spotlight: Rene Gonzalez, NAHC Youth Center Health Education Coordinator

June Employment Anniversaries Karen Harrison

Medical Oakland

06/04/1990 (21 Years)

Cora Henry


06/26/2000 (11 Years)

Heather Gutierres

Medical SF

06/07/2004 (7 Years)

Kevin Hursh

Dental SF

06/20/2006 (5 Years)

Amy Hoang-Chuong


06/14/2007 (4 Years)

What do you do to relax on the weekends? Spend time with my family, and doing outdoor activities.

Daniela Wotke

Medical SF

06/16/2008 (3 Years)

What is your ideal vacation? Month long cruise to Puerto Rico with my family.

Patrice Brooks

Medical Oakland

06/15/2010 (1 Year)

What three things would you take on a deserted island? Mexican food, basketball, and my family.

Jessica Le Pak


06/28/2010 (1 Year)

Crystal Marich


06/16/2010 (1 Year)

Glenda Tyler


06/16/2010 (1 Year)

By Catherine A. Marin-Wisdom, Administrative Officer Tribe: Taino Title: Health Education Coordinator Site/Department: Oakland FCGC/Youth Services How long have you worked @ NAHC? 1 year Tell us a little about your job: I work with youth coordinating workshops, groups and other activities that keep our Native Youth safe from drugs/alcohol and gangs. What is the most enjoyable part about your job? Working with our youth and community.

Rene & Dallas at Spring Gathering.

Service with a smile!

The Native American Health Center, Inc. Would like to wish all of our hard working Fathers a ~ Happy Fathers Day ~

~ What’s Happening on the San Francisco Side of NAHC ~

Demolition has begun of the old 80 Julian Street location. Construction for Many Generations is underway!

~ What’s Happening on the Oakland Side of NAHC ~ Community Beading Classes Friday mornings in the Sage Room 3124 International Blvd. 9:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.

A Monthly Publication for Native American Health Center Employees Vol. 4, Issue 6 — June 2011

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Emergency Preparation Corner: Fit Testing by Dawn Lulua-Claxton It is easier to prepare and prevent, than to repair and repent. The Emergency Preparation team has a large heap of guidelines, rules and regulations to follow that come from all different directions and some of those come from OSHA (Occupation Safety and Health Administration). Approximately 2 years ago OSHA made a regulation to follow: Fit Testing (aka Aerosol Transmissible Disease Control). Shortly after that we began to test and issue cards that don’t expire for 2 years after being tested. Anyone can take their card and use at any health center or hospital (for employment) to show that they are current. NAHC’s Emergency Preparation team wants to protect the staff on a daily basis, not just in a disaster. Part of our mission is to equip the staff with means to be prepared individually where and when we can. Most people that we fit test have questions on “Why would I need a mask?” Bomb threat- may have possible bioterrorism drugs 1. Air contamination- not only bioterrorism, but as simple as feces, or vomit if you have a weak stomach 2. Bioterrorism- use until reach a safe place 3. Earthquake- it takes up 72 hours for the dust & silt to settle in a 5.0+. Also heavy chemicals and gases (busted pipes) can damage lungs 4. Viruses- H1N1, Pertussis, etc… 5. Blood borne pathogens- possible contact infections in your nose and mouth: Hep B, C etc… How our Team Fit Tests: 1. Selection of a proper fitting mask 2. Taught how to a fix mask on face 3. A very bitter water substance called Bitrix (or very sweet sugar water substance Sacryn available) sensitivity test 4. A series of sprays and time lapses and tester lets us know if they can still smell the watery substance. If they can we help them select another mask and they have to start the process over again 5. Pass and are instructed how to take care of mask 6. Receive card and put in badge holder

Amadene Getting Sensitivity Testing.

By the way this testing can be done anywhere and should be done in a well ventilated area. Keep safe and have fun! Jerri Davis Completing her FIT Testing.

Attention Staff: Do you want to contribute to @NAHC?? If you have an article, suggestion, or comment about future newsletters, please contact Cathy Wisdom at 510-434-5481 or via email: CatherineW@NativeHealth.org

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