8 minute read

Hello, Boss

Lilly said, “I know how you feel. My younger cousin is a nerd also and people are not nice to him because they wish they were smart like him!” Lily also shared with Henry that she felt different now about smiling because she saw how smiling can brighten someone’s day! Henry and Lilly got ready to go their separate ways. As they were leaving the courtyard, they heard an announcement that said, “Enjoy the sweet treats as a reminder to be sweet to someone else! Thanks for visiting the twelve floors of kindness! Hope to see you again soon!” “WISHING YOU A SWEET LIFE!” The End

Omniah Alakwaa, Age 14


Omniah is 14 years old. She lives in Ann Arbor. She loves to write because writing makes her feel comfortable. She also loves to play basketball and soccer, roblox, gaming, and sleeping. Her father inspires Omniah to write because he is a writer. She would live on Mars.

Hello, Boss

Silence all around me. Breathes in loud noises. That is a dream—to be silent around me. *Turns around in bed with blanket* Sigh. Sleep. “Ahhh!” *Wakes up in a frightened face saying that he had nightmares* His brother is like, “wHaT YoU dOInG?” He wakes up again and again. Then a creek of drips of water—that is one drip turned into a thousand. His brother is laughing loudly and saying, “Look guys!” taking a video of him. He is embarrassed when he is walking through his classes, all pointing at him and laughing and even doing it for real. Some people say he’s not normal, but his mom says that’s a good thing! One week of embarrassing and humiliating. He wishes that he could live alone with monsters all around him. Waking up with silence, then again and again. So silent. But his mom says, “It’s so boring.” That’s what people say is so boring—living alone. He thinks he would be the luckiest kid if he lived alone. *Sighs* LUCK not real? Waking up, then: “Ahhh, luck is real!!” A monster is around. Then he is friends with a monster. Happy ending. Ahhh. L O L :]. Ahh! That’s what he wants to happen. He is not dark though—he just likes to be alone from people because he knows himself, and if he actually does know himself, then that would be worse—to be related to humans or people. Not that he cares. Not that he wants to be s-social-ab-le. Ugh. It’s harder to say than to do. He is confused because some people say it’s easier to say than do. Ugh. He should not sleep if he wants to be p-op-ul-ar. Ugh. That’s way easier than that word. What was it … Uhh, he forgot. He doesn’t actually forget, but he doesn’t want to say it. He is alone. Why would he say it? He guesses if he keeps talking to himself he will be OK and not fall to sleep. Though he doesn’t want to talk. He just sits and listens to music, but that’s what makes him sleep.

*Ring RiNG rInG* JEEZ, what’s that? Ohh, it’s his phone. “What you want, Mika?” Mika says, “What do you want, blue hair dude, Chets? I was wondering.” She called him and asked him about what she wanted? That’s really stupid. Mika says, “HI HeLLO cAN you HEaR me?” She says it loud—deep pain for his eardrum. Chets says, “Yes, I can clearly hear you, blonde girl.” Mika feels embarrassed and closes the line. He laughs. *Evil laugh* She likes to call people and make fun of them, but not make fun of her. *RIng RIng RIng* OH THAT’S ANNOYING. WHAT’S WRONG WITH THIS SMALL LITTLE TOUCHY THING? *SCREAMING MADLY* Oh, it’s the boss. The boss says in a deep scary voice, “Did you do your mission?” He says nervously, “No sir, I will do it, but humans get in the way with their idiot brain.” The boss smiles, not even a full one. “You’re going to get rid of them anyway, so you can take revenge,” giving scary eyes like he hates everyone. He takes what he wants and does what he wants. But it’s true. He’s the most powerful one. He controls earth, water, fire, and air. Chets can control people’s souls and can do what he wants. Not enough power. Our world is starting to become idiot like humans, he thinks. We used to kill without mercy or joke too much, but now they’re so kind that I need new people to replace them. “HEY DUDE, COME BACK!” His little brother is shouting for his dog. The dog’s soul is saying, “God help me escape from this little dude.” *He smiles evily* But remember, if he kills anybody, he will not control his power, which makes his mission fail. He looks at the dog’s eyes. The dog scarcely came back, his body shaking from his eyes that were filled with hatred. In school, a group of people are walking and they say hi to him. Chets is a nice looking dude with blue hair and baby blue eyes. They say, “We are the popular ones who you want to join.” He says nothing and walks like he doesn’t care, but he wants attention. But humans are weird. They understand that differently and take it as no, so they all think the thing to do is bullying. They start to make fun of his blue hair. He also agrees that blue hair is weird. He just covers it. His boss has purple eyes, but not for nice or anything. It’s for having so much power that he can’t control, so he covers his eyes so he can’t kill someone. Chets wonders how he became his left arm helper. He is only fourtenn. He’s like . . . Uhh, what a drag. I don’t know what his age is. I mean, if I ask him he will be mad or maybe fire me. Chets can teleport to school, but that’s not human stuff. *Teleports* Ohh my bad, I am just human enough, he thinks. A random girl walks. “Hi.” Chets looks around. “Ma’am, you blind? There is no one except me and you.” The girl feels embarrassed, and she says, “Y-o.. I am trying to talk to.” “Ohh, to me. OK. What you need?” “Uhh, can you tell me about yourself?” “OK, hmm? I am fourteen years old. I live in . . . uhh, I forget. I’m Chets, a boy. I like listening to music.” “Where would you go if you want to go?” “Uhh, I would like to go back to my boss.” She says, “Uhh what?” “Sorry, I don’t want to go anywhere.”

*Puts hand in face and walks* In his mind: bruh, BRUH, what? Why would I tell her everything? BRUH—am I insane or what? He bumps into a huge big dude. Five hundred pounds. In his mind—BRUH. He is like, “Dude, you blind?” The big dude, his name is Koi. “Kind of blind. What you gonna do?” People were laughing and Koi got embarrassed and said, “I’m gonna beat you.” Chets laughs very badly. It scares the bones of the kids. He remembers to act weak and weird, so he runs and hides. Talking to himself, he says, “What if he finds me? What should I do? Should I teleport to the other class or stay here above the lockers or in the bathroom?” Before he says anything, the big five hundred pound boy says, “What about you stay here with me?” Chets is like, “What a drag.” The five hundred pound boy tries to pick him up but he can’t lift him. Then the bell rings. The boys go back to the class. Koi, the five hundred pound boy, is scared. He tells everybody. But nobody believes him. Then the boss calls him and says, “Your mission is over. You have improved. You’re perfect to be the boss.” But Chets says, “I don’t want to be the boss. I have not scared people that much. My mission was to scare humans and I’m not done.” The boss laughs. Chets is afraid because if the boss laughs, it means you’re in trouble, so he decides to come back and be what his future tells him. The boss tells him, “Why don’t you finish your mission?” He said, “But you told me not to finish.” “No, I didn’t.” He teleports back, thinking about it, but he laughs. Why would he make me do that? Anyway, that five hundred pound dude is making me worry he did something. I don’t know what he did. I’m afraid of him telling the school about not being able to lift me. Chets looks into his soul. Maybe I found out what he did, but I got to go to school first. The girl sees him and says, “Hi.” He is confused. He is like, “What do you need?” She says, “Well, I heard that Koi was not able to lift you, how your skin was stuck.” In his mind, Alright, I don’t need to look in his soul. He already told them. She laughs. “You’re failing your mission, buddy, so the boss sent me to do it for you.” He is like, “But are you Jenny Lasno?” She says, “Yep.” His eyes turn red. When his eyes turn red, it means that Sunkua is controlling him, and if Sunkua is controlling him, you should fear. Sunkua is stronger than the boss. Sunkua said, “Long time, no see, huh old bud.” She said, “You control this kid. I thought it’s better that he laughed. This kid isn’t a kid. He’s full of hatred and probably stronger than all of us,” she says. “Even you.” She says, “Yep, when I went to him at sleep, he did not fear me. Instead, he laughed and said, ‘Get out,’ so I like the kid and now I’m inside of him.” Jenny doesn’t laugh this time because she is confused and worried. Chets says, “Times up.” Sunkua saw bummers and despaired. He says, “Don’t mess with me. If you gonna do my mission, then you have to face me.” She runs. He dodges. She kicks him. He jumps, like he is reading her mind, knowing everything she is thinking of. “Now what are you supposed to do?” Chets asks. “To help you do the mission.” He says, “Alright.” He puts his hand in his pocket and says, “Welcome to the earth, Jenny.” “Can’t we just take people’s souls and create our own new earth or planet?” “Nah, this is easy,” Chets says. “Why you standing there doing nothing? Hurry up.”

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