“YES! Yes I do! The Yang family originated from Africa, where only the strongest survive. They did what they needed to, to make sure that they survived and others didn’t. That’s why Africa is a wasteland now; we made sure that—” “Wrong,” Jiska interrupts. “WHAT?” Nobu roars, getting angrier. As he leaps at Jiska, he starts transforming. Instantly growing fifty centimeters in height, his head starting forming into a bull’s, complete with horns, with his feet turning into hooves and his ankle moving up to where his knee should be to compensate for the change in anatomy. His knee juts out to form a near ninety-degree angle, his ankle doing the same, just in the opposite direction, and a relatively short tail with a small tuft of fur on the end sprouts from his tailbone. Putting on over a hundred pounds of muscle, and growing reddish brown fur all over his body except for the lighter skin on his hands, which also grew thicker and tougher. Needless to say, he makes up for (and then some) his nickname: the Minotaur. He grabs Jiska’s neck and slams him into the ground, making a crater bigger in diameter than the height of his animalistic form. This sudden force and aggression causes Jiska to complete his transformation. His head turns into that of a wolf, a mane of white fur growing around his neck, forcing Nobu’s big meaty hand off. This fur spreads to the rest of his body, but instead of white, it’s a bluish grey. His feet and legs get the same treatment as Nobu’s but instead of hooves, they’re massive paws, and instead of a bull’s tail, it’s a wolf’s tail. All the while growing another ten centimeters and putting on 25 pounds in muscle. 216