Financial Assistance Scheme by MOE

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Support i ng Si ngaporean St udent s

E d u s a v eGr a n t

S c h o o l B r e a k f a s t P r o g r a mme

I n d e p e n d e n t S c h o o l B u r s a r i e s E d u s a v e S c h o l a r s h i p E d u s a v e M e r i t B u r s a r y S c h e m e s f o r F u l l T i m e S t u d e n t s a t E A GL E S p p o r t u n i t y F u n d F A SPO o l y t e c h n i c s , I n s t i t u t eo f T e c h n i c a l E d u c a t i o na n d C o mmu n i t y b a s e dF i n a n c i a l S u p p o r t

u t o n o mo u s Un i v e r s i t y Go o dP r o g r e s s A wa r dA

S c h o o l b a s e d F i n a n c i a l A s s i s t a n c e T r i p s f o r I n t e r n a t i o n a l E x p e r i e n c eF u n d E d u s a v e P u p i l s F u n d E d u s a v eC h a r a c t e r A wa r d

Wi t hef f ectf r om 1Mar ch2012,st udent s wi t hagr ossmont hl yhousehol di ncome ofnotmor et han$2, 500( upf r om $1, 500) ar eel i gi bl ef orFAS.Theyal soqual i f yf or FASi ft hei rpercapi t ahousehol di ncome i snotmor et han$625.Bot hchangeswi l l al l owt wi ceasmanyst udent st oqual i f y f orFAS–f r om 40, 000t oanest i mat ed 80, 000st udent s. How doIqual i f ynow? • Gr ossMont hl yHousehol dI ncome notexceedi ng$2, 500 OR • PerCapi t aHousehol dI ncome( PCI ) notexceedi ng$625* * PCIi sgr ossmont hl yhousehol di ncome di vi dedbynumberofmember si nt he househol d.E. g. ,househol dwi t hagr oss mont hl yi ncomeof$3, 000but5member s wi l lqual i f y ,asPCIi s$600. Whatdoest heschemepr ovi de? • 100% subsi dyf orschooland st andar dmi scel l aneousf ees • Fr eet ext booksandschoolat t i r e f orpr i mar yandsecondar yl evel s; $750bur sar yf orpr euni ver si t yl evel

Schemesf orSt udent sf r om Low I ncomeFami l i es

MOEFi nanci alAssi st ance Enhanced) Scheme( FAS)(

• 75% subsi dyf ornat i onalexam f ees

Enhanced) SchoolBr eakf astPr ogr amme(

FASr eci pi ent si npr i mar yschoolar eal so pr ovi dedwi t hbr eakf astever ydaybef or et he st ar tofschool .St ar t i ngf r om 2012,f undi ng f ort hi spr ogr ammehasbeeni ncr easedf r om $180t o$270ayearperst udent .

MOEhasmanyschemes t osuppor tt heeducat i onal needsofSi ngapor ean st udent sespeci al l yt hose f r om l owi ncomef ami l i es.

School spr ovi deaddi t i onalf i nanci al assi st ancef orFASr eci pi ent saswel las st udent swhor equi r ehel pbutar enotel i gi bl e f ort heFAS.MOEhaspr ovi dedeachschool wi t h$10, 000peryearf ort hi spur pose, f ort henextt hr eeyear s.School swi t ha l ar gernumberofFASst udent sr ecei ve anaddi t i onal$5, 000peryear . Oppor t uni t yFund TheOppor t uni t yFundpr ovi des f ur t hersubsi dyt ost udent sf r om l ower i ncomef ami l i est oownper sonal comput er sandt opar t i ci pat ei n devel opment alorenr i chmentpr ogr ammes. I tensur est hatt hesest udent sar enot deni edl ear ni ngoppor t uni t i esduet ot hei r f ami l yci r cumst ances. Enhanced) I ndependentSchoolBur sar i es(

TheI ndependentSchoolBur sar yhasbeen r evi sed,wi t hPCIbei ngsi mi l ar l yi nt r oduced asapar al l elassessmentcr i t er i on. Communi t ybasedFi nanci alSuppor t School st apont hef i nanci alsuppor t of f er edbyt hewi dercommuni t yand char i t i es.School sal sor ef erst udent sf r om f ami l i esi nneedt ot heCommuni t y Devel opmentCounci l sandot hervol unt ar y wel f ar eor gani sat i onst hatoper at ei n par t ner shi pwi t hMi ni st r yofCommuni t y Devel opment ,Yout handSpor t sand Nat i onalCounci lofSoci alSer vi cef orot her f or msofsuppor torassi st ance.

Schemesf orSt udent sf r om Low I ncomeFami l i es

School basedFi nanci al Enhanced) Assi st ance(

Eachst udentr ecei vesanannualEdusave cont r i but i onof$200atpr i mar yl eveland $240atsecondar yl evel .TheEdusave accountcanbeusedt opayf orappr oved f eesandenr i chmentpr ogr ammes. EdusaveGr ant School sal sot apont heEdusaveGr ant t oor gani seenr i chmentpr ogr ammes andt obet t erpr ovi def ort hel ear ni ng needsoft hei rst udent s.

Tr i psf orI nt er nat i onalExper i enceFund School scant apont heTr i psf orI nt er nat i onal Exper i enceFundt osendt hei rst udent st o over seasl ear ni ngpr ogr ammes.

Ot herSchemesf orSi ngapor eanSt udent s

EdusavePupi l sFund

Toemphasi zet hei mpor t ancet hat MOEpl acesonnur t ur i ngst udent swi t h goodval uesandchar act er ,MOEi nt r oduced t henewEdusaveChar act erAwar dt hi s yeart oal l owschool st oal sor ecogni se Si ngapor eanst udent swhohaveconsi st ent l y demonst r at edexempl ar yval uesandci vi c r esponsi bi l i t y .TheEdusaveChar act er Awar di sequali nmonet ar yval uet ot he EdusaveSchol ar shi ps. EdusaveSchol ar shi ps TheEdusaveSchol ar shi psr ecogni se Si ngapor eanst udent swhoexcel l edi nt hei r academi cst udi es,andar ei nt het op10% i n t er msofacademi cper f or mancei neachl evel andcour sef r om Pr i mar yt oSecondar y5. EdusaveAwar dsf orAchi evement , GoodLeader shi pandSer vi ce( EAGLES)

( Enhanced)

TheEAGLESr ecogni sesSi ngapor ean st udent swhodi spl ayedgoodl eader shi p, ser vi cet ocommuni t yandschool sor excel l encei nnonacademi cact i vi t i es. Thenumberofawar dshasbeendoubl ed t hi syearf r om 5% t o10% ofel i gi bl e Si ngapor eanst udent s.Themonet ar y quant um hasal sobeeni ncr eased.

EdusaveAwar dsf orSi ngapor eanSt udent s

New) EdusaveChar act erAwar d(

EdusaveAwar dsr ecogni se st udent sf orexempl ar y char act er ,goodacademi c per f or manceaswel las nonacademi cachi evement s.

St ar t i ngf r om November2012,t heEdusave Mer i tBur sar ywi l lbeawar dedt ost udent s wi t hmont hl yhousehol di ncomenot exceedi ng$5, 000( upf r om $4, 000)orwi t h PCInotexceedi ng$1, 250. Toqual i f y ,st udent swhomeett hei ncome cr i t er i ashoul dbei nt het op25% oft hei r l evelandcour sei nt er msofacademi c per f or mance,ofgoodconduct ,andnot r ecei vet heEdusaveSchol ar shi p. GoodPr ogr essAwar d St udent si neachl evelandcour sewho havemadesi gni f i canti mpr ovementi n t hei racademi cper f or mancear eel i gi bl e f ort heGoodPr ogr essAwar d,pr ovi dedt hey ar enotr eci pi ent sofanEdusaveschol ar shi ps orEdusaveMer i tBur sar y .

EdusaveAwar dsf orSi ngapor eanSt udent s

Enhanced) EdusaveMer i tBur sar y(

St udent si ngover nment f undedpost secondar yeducat i oni nst i t ut i onscanappl y f ort heCDC/ CCCBur sar yort heMOE Bur sar yi ft hei rPCIdoesnotexceed$1, 700 permont h.Thequant um ofawar dvar i es basedont hei nst i t ut i onofst udyand t hest udent ’ sPCI . Tui t i onFeeLoanandSt udyLoanSchemes Ont opoft hi s,t heTui t i onFeeLoan SchemeandSt udyLoanSchemear e avai l abl et ost udent si npol yt echni cs andt heaut onomousuni ver si t i es. Eachi nst i t ut i onal soof f er si t sownf i nanci al assi st anceschemest ohel pneedyst udent s. I naddi t i on,t her ear eot herai dof f er edby f oundat i ons,pr i vat eandpr of essi onal or gani sat i ons,communi t ygr oupsand sel f hel pgr oups.

Schemesf orFul l Ti mePost Secondar ySi ngapor eanSt udent s

CDC/ CCCandMOEBur sar y

Fur t herI nf or mat i on Shoul dyour equi r emor ei nf or mat i on wi t hr egar dst oanyoft heseschemesorhavef ur t herquer i es, pl easef eelf r eet oappr oacht heschool ori nst i t ut i ont hatyourchi l di si n. Al t er nat i vel y ,youcancal lourCust omerSer vi ceCent r e at68722220oremai lusatcont act @moe. gov . sg

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