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the faculty Of cOmmunity anD health ScienceS citatiOnS
2015 faculty Of cOmmunity anD health ScienceS taBle 2
1. Abrahams-Gessel, S., Denman, C. A., Montano, C. M., Gaziano, T. A., Levitt, N., Rivera-Andrade, A., ... & Puoane, T. (2015). Lessons from training and supervision of community health workers conducting non-invasive, population-based screening for cardiovascular disease in four communities in low and middle-income settings: Implications for scaling up. Global heart, 10(1), 39. https://europepmc.org/backend/ptpmcrender.fcgi?accid=PMC4356016&blobtype=pdf
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acting Dean: faculty Of DentiStry
Prof. Niel Myburgh
From the time students of the first UWC graduating class of dentists set up their Crossroads Dental clinic in 1978, to the present, the community setting has been an essential site of both service and learning for this Faculty. Service learning remains at the core of Faculty programmes in all disciplines, offering benefit to both community and student. Students now learn in a diverse range of community settings, from hospital to community clinic, from preschool to small rural town, from mobile clinic to the Phelophepha health train. And research informing health care practice as well as the academic project, adds further value to this experience.
This is a win-win situation for the community, our students, the University, and the dental profession in general.