on Campus Issue 2 • June 2014 • For daily updates visit www.uwc.ac.za
INSIDE UWC’s new Rector to start in 2015 page 3
CHS students dare to aim higher page 7
UWC sports centre scoops architecture award page 21
Another Banyana star joins UWC page 24
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New Centre of Excellence at UWC to tackle food security
from UWC, UP and the tudies show Universities of Cape Town, that in South Fort Hare, Johannesburg, Africa, where Limpopo, Nelson Mandela, over 60% North West, Stellenbosch of the population and Venda, the Tshwane is urbanised, University of Technology, food insecurity is and the Agricultural widespread, with Research Council and Statistics South Water Research Council. Africa reporting that International partners approximately 45% will include the Australian of South Africans live National University, the below the poverty line. City University of New Chronic malnutrition York, the Institute of affects one in five Development Studies, young children in both the International Food rural and urban areas, Policy Research Institute, and about one in ten Michigan State University of households in South Celebrating the launch of the new CoE are (from left) Dr Thomas Auf der Heyde, DST; UWC’s Prof Brian and Missouri University. Africa experience O’Connell; Minister Derek Hanekom; Prof Stephanie Burton, Vice-Principal: Research and Postgraduate Hanekom had high hunger every month. Studies at UP; Dr Romilla Maharaj, NRF; UP’s Prof Sheryl Hendriks, who serves as co-director of the CoE; Dr Phil Mjwara, DST; UWC’s Prof Julian May, who is the director of the CoE; and Prof Ramesh Bharuthram, expectations for the It is statistics such Centre of Excellence and as these that inspired Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Academic at UWC. its scholars, he noted. the new national about food security for poor, vulnerable “I want to see researchers become more Centre of Excellence in Food Security, and marginal populations. Its work will than just researchers. They should be activists launched by Derek Hanekom, Minister cover four themes: food creation, food ― an advocacy group for food security.” of Science and Technology, at UWC on distribution, food consumption and food It is initiatives such as this Centre that 15 April. The CoE is hosted by UWC, and governance. will build skills and resources, and lead to co-hosted by the University of Pretoria Researchers will be multi-disciplinary more research that will help the country (UP). It is supported by the Department and will look at changes in the global and to confront the issues of poverty, hunger of Science & Technology (DST) and the national food system, and how this affects and malnutrition, said UWC’s Rector and National Research Foundation (NRF). the sustainability, availability, access and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Brian O’Connell. “Food insecurity in the country should attributes of food. They will aim to identify UWC has been entrusted with a critical worry South Africans, but we should also and locate ‘food insecurity’ in South Africa, responsibility to host the Centre of be pleased that it is being reduced,” said exploring people’s choices, strategies and Excellence, O’Connell added. Hanekom at the launch. “People in SA are opportunities. They will also study policies, “I look forward to the coming engagement underfed, overfed or just fed wrongly.” technologies, interventions and products with the University of Pretoria, and I The CoE will set out to undertake that would enable access to affordable and believe that we will see the two institutions research, capacity building and nutritious food in ecological, economic, come together and do amazing things.” dissemination activities that will promote social and politically sustainable ways. a sustainable food system that brings Researchers at the Centre will be drawn