LIMOUSIN Grows Calving Ease that gets up and
P u t a L i m o u s i n B u l l t o Wo rk f o r Yo u !
Manitoba Limousin Association
Publications A gr eement # 42020515
Bull Issue
Offering: 15 Yearlings & 8 Two Year Olds
BCH 100J
Calving Ease Performance Maternal Strength Sired by Proven Herdsires that Represent the Breed’s Newest Genetics
a a a a DHX97H
Watch for our Bull Flyer in Early March THX 36H
Females available! Open Replacement heiFeRs and yOung cOw/calF paiRs stOp tO view the heRd we’Re pROud tO shOw them OFF! 2
MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2022
DIAMOND T LIMOUSIN Travis, Rilla, Dillon & Brodie Hunter Cell: 204-851-0809 Home: 204-838-2019
GREETI NGS FROM T HE PRESI D EN T Hello fellow breeders. I hope ever yone had a merr y Christmas and happy news. As I sit down to write this repor t the weather outside has been cold and ver y windy. One day we were -48 with the wind chill. This weather sure will make calving in Januar y a treat and also a battle keep waters unthawed. This past month the MLA hosted their annual AGM. Due to COVID -19 we as a board decided to host our second AGM meeting via zoom. We had a good turn out of breeders from across the province, and also member of the CLA with all positive outlook on the future. I would like to welcome Amanda S cott and Dillion Hunter to the board, as also thank you to the returning direc tors. I look for ward to work ing with Amanda and Dillion on many up -and- coming events. Thank you to Laura Eck land and Wayne Burgess for joining in our meeting and giving a ver y positive outlook for the Limousin breed when it comes to improvement not only to our association but as a breed in total. I f you’re a commercial producer or even a purebred breeder now would be a great time to invest into Limousin genetics as I see great things happening for this breed in the near future with the data being collec ted. I f any breeders would like to adver tise in the News and Views, please contac t one of the direc tors and they will be more than happy to help you. We are always look ing for new members also, if interested in joining the board please contac t anyone of the direc tors. Our new board of direc tions for the M anitoba Limousin Association are: Kyle Wright, Amanda Hamilton-S eward, Jay-Dean Smyth, Bill Campbell, Travis Hunter, Ar t Rodgers, Bob Davey, Cher yl M cPherson, Tim Davey, Larissa Stewar t, Dillion Hunter, Trevor Atchison, and Amanda S cott With calving season star ted or on the near future just want to remind all members that bull sale season will be coming up quick so keep an eye on the M anitoba Limousin Facebook page for breeder ’s post on bulls they have for sale by private treat y or up coming sales. I would like to wish ever yone a good calving season and a wonder ful 2022 Till Nex t Time Kyle Wright
3 6
Care of New bull purchases
2022 A DV E R T IS IN G RA TES 2 0 2 2 Fa l l I s s u e D e a d l i n e : S e p t e m b e r 1 0 t h , 2 0 2 2 Publisher Agreement #42020515
Return undeliverable Canadian Addresses to M ani to b a L i m ous in N ews & Vi ews B ox 262 , S a n fo rd, M B. R 0G 2J0
Full Page..........$300.00 Half Page........$250.00 Quarter Page.......$130.00 Eight Page.......$75.00 Annual Business Card......$120.00 Affordable full color advertising. To advertise or for more information call: Cheryl McPherson Phone: (204)736-2878
*email:* MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2022
20 2 2 MLA D I RE C T ORS President
Kyle Wright Brandon, MB Ph: 204.305.0221
Vice President Amanda VOL 2 9, No. 1 Fe b r u a r y 2 0 2 2 Hamilton-Seward Canadian Mail Produc t Agreement #42020515 Mailed @ S anford, MB Darlingford, MB Ph: 204.246.2576 The official public ation of the M anitoba Limousin A ssociation
3 D Advertising Rates
6 D 4-H Program
6 D BRCR Protecting Your Investment 10 D Breeder Profile
20 D Canadian Limousin Association 22 D 2022 MLA Members
Jay-Dean Smyth Roblin, MB. Ph: 204.937.4384
Art Rodgers MacGregor, MB Ph:204.685.2628
MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2022
Amanda Scott Ph: 204.748.1547 email:
Travis Hunter Kenton, MB. Ph: 204.838.2019
Dillon Hunter Calgary, AB Ph: 204.736.2878
order your tags https://w w
Bob Davey Westbourne, MB Ph: 204.274.2490
Trevor Atchison Pipestone, MB Ph: 204.854.2510
22 D Calendar of Events
18 D Limousin Footprints
Bill Campbell Minto, MB. Ph: 204.776.2322
Tim Davey Westbourne, MB Ph:204.871.0996
4 D Directors
Larissa Stewart MacGregor, MB Ph:204.871.6365
N E W S & V I E WS
3 D President’s Message
Cheryl McPherson Sanford, MB Ph: 204.736.2878
t u o k c e h c Come
our Bull pen
RPY Paynes Hitman 67J - For Sale
Sire: RPY Paynes Redman 1G Dam: HSF Zena
Homozygous Polled
RPY Paynes Apex 56J - For Sale Sire: LFLC Dollar Bill 764D Dam: Anchor B Crystal 51C
Homozygous Polled We have bulls available by these breed leading sires: RPY Paynes Tank 12G, RPY Paynes Redman 1G, RPY Paynes Cracker, LFLC Dollar Bill 764D, COLE Architect 08A Semen tested, guaranteed, delivery available.
SEMEN for sale
RPY Paynes Rush 1H Sire: JYF Chunk Dam: EDW Beach Body
Homozygous Polled Owned with Zimmerman Cattle Co. Semen 10 straws $1000 20 straws $1500
Please inquire about other semen we have available
We also have a nice selection of 2021 heifers for sale. Rocky & Debbie Payne Box 1997, Lloydminster, Sk. S9V 1R5
Rocky/Debbie 306-825-4056 Kyle 639-840-2530 Cole 780-870-8335 Manitoba Limousin News & Views 5
Protecting Your Investment: Bull Management
4 - H R eport
R emember w hen?
submitted by
Am an d a H am i l to n -S ewa rd Th e M an i to b a L i mo u si n Asso ci ati o n is ve r y p ro u d o f th e ma ny members that sh owc as e L i m o u si n i n f l u en ced steer s, h e ife rs an d co nti n u ati o n h ei fers a c ross th e p rovin ce. Al l members th at h ave a Lim o u s i n i n f l u en ced pro jec t a n i mal a re e l igib l e to recei ve a breed to ke n spo n s o re d by th e M a n i to ba L i mo u s in Ass o ci at i o n . Pl ea se h ave yo u r 4- H lead er co nt ac t Am an da Ha mi l to n -S ewa rd at a ha m i l to n s e wa rd@ l i to recei ve your s.
purchased by Girdler Cattle Co
CCC 397J - Canadian Made x Bubba
93 lbs BW, 724 lbs WW, 26 cm Scrotal at Weaning PERFORMANCE AND CARCASS TESTED Bulls for Sale by Private Treaty AND we want to buy your calves sired by Carlsruhe Bulls!
Thank you to Anchor B Limousin and Girdler Cattle Co for selecting our females at the Colors of Autumn Sale
CARLSRUHE CATTLE CO. TaDomi Hunt Hanover, Ontario n
MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2022
Posted on February 18, 2021 by Beef Research3 Dr. Colin Palmer is the Associate Director of the University of Saskatchewan, Livestock and Forage Centre of Excellence in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. He and his family also own and operate their own herd of Red Angus cattle near Dundurn, Saskatchewan. Dr. Palmer is a theriogenologist (specialist in animal reproduction) practicing in western Canada for many years, but also has strong roots in eastern Canada. “No producer wants to buy a fat bull but just try to sell him a skinny one.” The investment in a herd sire is often a large purchase for any cow-calf operation. To ensure this investment will remain in the herd, breeding bulls must be properly maintained during and between breeding seasons. Whether you are a commercial cattle producer looking to purchase a new herd sire or are a purebred operator who is developing bulls for sale, over-feeding is one of the biggest issues when it comes to young bull management, says Dr. Colin Palmer. Pushing young bulls for large daily gains can lead to issues such as joint effusion (swelling), laminitis, acidosis, inflammation of the seminal vesicles, and over conditioning or simply becoming too fat. Scrotal circumference measured during the breeding soundness evaluation. Photo credit Dr. Colin Palmer. Overly conditioning bulls can have a direct impact on their performance as a herd sire. Fat deposits in the neck of the scrotum (top photo) can harm the cooling mechanism of the testes which can impair temperature regulation (both warm and cool). Dr. Palmer says this can lead to a reduction in testosterone and potential loss of sperm production in the testes. Palmer says poor performance can also be a result of underfeeding bulls, particularly in mature bulls. “A balanced diet including salt and minerals is important for preparing mature bulls for the next breeding season. Feed testing is vital to ensure the proper nutrition is being met.” Palmer also suggests considering the use of feed additives such as Rumensin. Breeding Soundness Evaluation Dr. Palmer says any bull that is not fertile at the beginning of the breeding season, regardless of the cause, is a liability for the cow-calf producer. Dr. Palmer also notes that although a bull may fail a Breeding Soundess Evaluation (BSE), this does not necessarily mean the bull will never pass the test in the future. Stressors such as lameness, sudden temperature changes, and illness can negatively impact a bull’s ability to pass the BSE. He suggests testing bulls that failed the BSE initially to re-test a few to several week later depending upon the types of sperm defects present. Bulls that are believed to be capable of passing the BSE in the near future may be given a “decision deferred” or “questionable” classifications. Decision deferred is preferred for young bulls that are intended for a bull cont ’d to page 8
BANMAN Qu al ity
s hn ra K
custom kill, cut and wrap
45 Hespeler Avenue West, Schanzenfeld, MB email Visit us online @ or follow us on facebook
We value our customers as family: with honesty and integrity.
cont ’d from page 6
sale but just need more time to mature. Some causes of poor fertility may be genetic or due to a severe injury to the reproductive organs. Unfortunately, in many cases these occurrences may result in very long lasting or permanent poor fertility and these bulls are classified as unsatisfactory. Poor semen quality of course is only part of the picture – a satisfactory bull must also be able to mount and complete service. Dr. Palmer says producers may want to consider buying the ‘full meal deal’ when it comes to purchasing bull insurance, which includes the full fertility coverage. Bull Housing, Health and Biosecurity Dr. Palmer advocates treating bulls with the same herd health program as the cow herd. Photo credit Dr. Colin Palmer. Bull housing and effective shelter are also important. Dr. Palmer says adequate bedding is necessary to prevent frostbite on the testes which can negatively impact a BSE. He also suggests that easing bulls together into a new environment at the same time is helpful when establishing social dominance. Moving all the bulls to a new space ensures the surroundings are new to each of the bulls and you are not introducing a new guy to an already established group. Dr. Palmer advocates treating bulls with the same herd health program as the cow herd. Bulls can often be overlooked when it comes to vaccinations, but it
MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2022
is critical that their vaccines for Clostridial diseases (Blackleg), bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) and other bovine respiratory viruses are up to date. Bulls persistently infected (PI) with BVDV not only can spread disease within the herd, but it can negatively impact their fertility as well. Purchasing bulls from herds with sound vaccination programs is critical. Sharing bulls with neighbouring herds or even in a community pasture system can create a biosecurity concern. Discuss with your veterinarian about herd health risks and consider taking additional precautions, including vaccinating your herd for reproductive diseases, requiring any external bulls be tested for trichomoniasis, ensuring parasite control protocols are in place, and a mitigation plan is in place for diseases such as Johne’s Disease. There are a lot of factors that go into purchasing herd bulls. Careful selection, feed and nutrition, protection from the elements, and mitigating biosecurity risks are just a few things to remember when sourcing and maintaining bulls. Proper management of herd sires is key to ensuring longevity and a producer being able to use a bull for multiple breeding seasons, maximizing the return on their initial investment of the bull purchase. Credit to the Beef Cattle Research Council and as the source of this article.
l a u n n A 58 Manitoba Bull Test Station Bull & Female Sale March 26 , 2022 th
Inviting you: 1:00 PM sharp at the station located: 17 miles east of Brandon on Hwy #1 and 1/2 mile south on Hwy #351
128 bulls & 54 heifers in our development program representing 8 breeds. Catalogue can be viewed online on our website in March at: as well as videos of the offering at:
2021 High Selling Limousin and overall bull, 2021 Lot 203 WGC 38H from Campbell Land & Cattle Inc..purchased by Runaway Ranch for $7,500
Test station is always open to view the offering at any time. Limousin Bulls presented by: Maplehurst Farms L&S Limousin Acres Pine Creek Limousin Campbell Land & Cattle Inc.
Performance date, CUP Ultrasound data and EPD’s available. All bulls and heifers will have passed a breeding soundness evaluation prior to sale. No deferred bulls sold here! Bulls are grown on a specially designed developer ration targeting 3 lbs a day gain to promote longevity and soundness while allowing selection for genetic superiority. All animals have been BVD tested and have tested free.
Join us for lunch on the 26th and see the great seedstock on offer! The one stop shop for bull power and replacement females no matter your needs. “Bulls are sired by industry leading sires” We are the longest running development center in Canada! Internet bidding available. Once again, Ranch Horse Sale following the bull sale.
Office Ph: 204-763-4696 Manager Cody Nolan: 204-573-4006
MB L i m ou si n B reeder Pro file
Ar t & Mari a Ro dgers and fami ly Tripl e R L imousin, MacGregor, MB With a bit of ambition and persistence, Triple R Limousin was started. We started from scratch and gradually built up a farm that features a large herd of purebred Limousin as well as commercial cattle. The events that inspired us began in Lavenham, a small community in central Manitoba. It was there that we settled after we were married. While living in Lavenham, Art worked for Hartley Woodward of Bittersweet Limousin an established purebred Limousin breeder, while Maria worked as a community postmaster and for home care. We bought a few cattle as a sideline to earn extra income. The cattle were pastured on a road allowance and an abandoned railway within town limits. Seven years into our marriage, circumstances started to nudge us away from town and onto the farm where we live now. The owner of Bittersweet Limousin retired in 1988, with no job prospects which left us with some obvious choices; go into farming or go elsewhere in search of a job. We decided to farm. We purchased a quarter section of land with a home and farm buildings in 1988. By then we had three young daughters. We had owned a few commercial cows and 25 Limousin purchased from Bittersweet Limousin. The quarter section and the Limousin cattle became the foundation of our farm’s future. Our three daughters, Karis, Rochelle and Larissa became the inspiration for the farms name, Triple R Limousin. We purchased another quarter section of land and increased our herd. We gained a reputation for quality breeding stock, but not without some challenges. We
MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2022
Breeders H erd 1997 wanted more cows but were not able to raise enough from our own seed stock, so we were always buying cattle to grow our herd. Some of the new cattle didn’t always work out, which we concluded that the best cattle you can have are the ones you raise yourself because you know their history. We now have boxes filled with trophies won at cattle shows. We have dozens of banners and chairs for the times our cattle were named grand or reserve grand champions at exhibitions. Our daughter Karis got Reserve Supreme Champion 4-H and youth heifer at Canadian Western Agribition. Our family attended many purebred and junior shows, taking home many different awards. All three of our girls were active in 4-H and the MJLA/CJLA. Maria was a director with the MLA for three years. When she stepped off the board, Art became a director. Youngest daughter Larissa is on the board of directors as well. We were both leaders for the local 4-H Mix and Match. Together we coached 4-H Beef Club members in grooming and showmanship. When our daughters were involved in 4-H, Maria did many demonstrations on how to fit and groom cattle. Art had been asked to judge at some cattle shows in Manitoba, daughters Karis and Larissa helped judge as well. Art served as President for the local Agricultural Society and on the board for 20+ years. Our plan was to quit showing when we reached 20 banners, but it kind of gets in the blood after a while. The thrill of winning the award has softened with time, but showing our cattle, we gained the exposure needed to sell breeding stock.
MCM 121A We have enjoyed the friendships cultivated from attending exhibitions, including CWA and the Brandon Fall Fair, as well as numerous summer shows through the years. As a family cattle shows were one of the highlights of the year, Maria oversaw the fitting while the girls helped with grooming and showing the cattle. Some of the many shows we attended included the Calgary Stampede, London Ontario Junior Show, Olds Alberta, Edmonton, CWA, Buffalo Days, Saskatoon Junior Show, Brandon Fall Fair/Ag Ex Ag Days, Toronto Royal as well as the local summer shows in the Manitoba Summer Fair Circuit: Virden, Carman, Portage la Prairie, Selkirk, Morris, Treherne, Glenboro, Gladstone, Boissevain, Dauphin, Roblin, Rapid City, Shoal Lake, Hamiota, Harding, Oak Lake, Elkhorn, MacGregor, Killarney, Ninnette, Rivers, Cartwright and Plumas. We believe we attended most of the Provincial Limousin summer shows. While at the different shows we attended, we promoted our cattle as we support the breed and the Limousin Association. We are firm believers in supporting our Junior Associations to keep the Limousin breed alive and growing and for our future generation of Limousin breeders. We sponsor an award (Spirit of the Impact
LNA 7B Show) in memory of our Granddaughter Kylee at the Canadian National Junior show. In order to keep in contact with our customers, we talk with those who want to know more about our breeding stock. We try to keep a variety of bloodlines and types of bulls for different needs for our customers. Following up with customers is a must for us, customers are #1 at Triple R. In 1992 we bought MCM Pegasus bull from Alberta. We used the bull and had an excellent turn out of calves. Alta Genetics reached out to us to get semen drawn on Pegasus. We sold semen to USA, Argentina, Chile, Columbia, Mexico and Uraguay. We later sod the bull to South America. It was quite a big venture for us. We began collecting embryos from our Limousin herd 22 years ago. The embryos offered the genetics of our top cows crossed with one of our herd bulls or an AI sire. Demand for the genetics of our herd came from across Canada, and sold embryos into Australia. Over the years we have sold 25 to 55 bulls a year. They have sold locally in Manitoba as well as Saskatchewan, Alberta, Ontario and the USA. We appreciate our customers and have been fortunate enough to have repeat buyers to help support us over the years. cont ’d to page 12
A R M 3 4F
ARM 25L MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2022
ARM 24L cont ’d from page 11
In 2016-17, our first year at Douglas Bull Test Station we had the highest gaining Limousin bull. We participated in the test station for two years. We are assisted by our son-in-law Scott, his sons Dimitry and Dexter, our oldest grandson; Damian, as well as two truck drivers. There is seldom a spare moment on the farm. Fifteen years ago we added a new company on the side, selling livestock feed throughout the year. We also ran a welding shop for seven years building livestock equipment. We have hauled pipes from Saskatchewan to Manitoba and Ontario. In 2006 we buit a new shop/calving barn which doubled as a sale facility. We were able to host several bull and production sales as wellas the Manitoba Limousin Association sales for a few years. We have used AI for many years, and AI approximately 125 females per year. Over the past few years we have bought bulls out of Canada and the USA. Today we own 185 Limousin cows as well a 140 Angus and Angus/Limousin cattle. The largest rewards of being involved with the Limousin Association has been the great people we meet and the many friendships we have made along the way. The most memorable cows out of MCM Pegasus were ARM 24C and ARM 29C. As well ARM 75E who we flushed and sold the resulting embryos. Triple R Emily had many great progeny. 40 years involved in breeding Limousin cattle, have proven Limousin is a great breed plus the added value that they cross well with other
MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2022
Ret ro ‘80’s B ack L-R: Mar ia, Ar t, Kar is Front L-R: L ar iss a, Ro chel le breeds of cattle is a great opportunity to advance the breed. We crossed Limo-Char and Limo-Angus with the results of a great set of cattle. In summary, in 40 years the Limousin breed has continued to improve the genetics characteristic of the breed. We are proud to be a part of this legacy over the years. Art, Maria and family.
Dim itr y, Dam io n, Ar t - C JL A 2 0 1 8 - C JLA file pho to
MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2022
MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2022
From our Family to yours, we provide custom cut and wrap of beef and pork . You can locate our services and retail store at: 34 Schantz N., Schanzenfeld MB or visit us online at:
Tim & Amanda Braun Southern Meats Inc.
204.325.6322 email:
Bred and Fed for the Real World Amaglen Jesse James HNH 9J Wulfs Amazing Bull x Amaglen Go Go Girl (Hunt Credentials) BW 1.2 WW 67 YW 106 Milk 28 SC 1.60 Doc 14 Top 15% for YW and Milk, 1% SC, 10% MB Above average in all traits
Amaglen Just Amazing HNH 8J Wulfs Amazing Bull X Amaglen Carman (Amaglen A-1) BW 3.2 WW 71 YW 105 Milk 29 SC 1.35 DOC 17 Top 10% MK, 10% DOC, 2% SC, 15% WW Above average in 10 traits
Amaglen Johnny Cash AJH 7J Hunt Credentials X Amaglen Delta Dawn (Wulfs Realtor) BW 2.5 WW 70 YW 105 MK 22 SC 0.95 DOC 17 Top 2% DOC, above average in 10 traits
Amaglen Jameson AJH 3J
Wulfs Amazing Bull X Amaglen Blueberry Pie (PVSF Paradigm) BW -0.7 WW 62 YW 86 MK 22 SC 1.25 Doc 19 Top 10% BW, 3% SC, 1% DOC
Other bulls available by: Wulfs Amazing Bull, Amaglen Fargo, 777 Jack Daniels, Amaglen Gamechanger
Darlingford, MB Clint & Amanda: 204.246.2576 Amanda Cell: 204.823.2286 Ian & Bonnie: 204.246.2312 Ian cell: 204.823.1240
One of the Platinum Elite Herds in Canada What you measure, you can manage. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter Online catalog at contact us if you prefer a paper catalog 16 MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2022
NLL 103J
Please stop by the farm to view the bulls at anytime, or give us a call for more information. GARY, JUSTIN & MELISSA BURGESS 261269 Concession 18, Hanover, ON 519.270.5415
WAYNE & ANNE BURGESS Box 1654, Carstairs, AB 403.813.8416
LIMOUSIN FOOTPRINTS Co n grat u l at i o n s to D i l l o n H unte r ( Di am o nd T L i mo u s i n , K e nto n , M B ) a n d M org an n S ch n el l o n yo u r e n g ag e m e nt ! M ay b l e s s i n g s of l ove, h a r m o ny, an d b l i ss be wi t h yo u b o t h as yo u co ntin u e o n to a f u tu re o f tog e t h e r n e s s ! Ky l e & K r i sta Wr i ght, ( Wrightway Limousin, Brandon, MB) and b ig bro th er B ent ley a re exc ited to int rod uce Eve r ly Anne Wr i ght, b or n on D ecemb er 7t h, 6 l b s, 13 oz a n d 20” l o n g. Co n grat ulat ions o n t h e ar r iva l o f yo u r bea u ti f u l daughter ! Wis h in g yo u n o th i n g bu t a j oyous and ch e er f u l ti me w i th yo u r b aby gir l!
-E mma Q u a l l y
Hap py New Year from t he C JLA! I h o p e ever yone is having a smoot h c a l vi n g season so far and are st aying wa r m! O ur cook b ook sales are going we l l. Th a n k you to all who have p urc hased a co o k b o o k so far, and to ever yone who p urc h a s e d a d ivid er p age or b usiness c ard to h e l p make t his cook b ook a success, i t i s gre at l y ap p rec iated ! I f you haven’t got te n yo u r hand s on one yet, and st ill want to, cont ac t any memb er of t he C JLA. Thank you to Payne Livestoc k , R o c k y a n d D eb b ie Payne for t he p urc hase o f C JL A 1J Junior Pr id e and Ed en M eadow Fa r ms for p urc hasing Limolyn Colet te. An o t h e r t hank you to Cor ner stone Land a n d Cat t l e for p urc hasing t he d onat ion ste e r at t h e Ken D oc Disp er sal S ale. Your su p p o r t i s great ly ap p rec iated ! The C JLA I mp ac t Show will b e h e l d on July 12-16, 2022 in Old s, Alt a . i n conjunc t ion wit h Summer Syne rg y. Watc h for more infor m at ion on soc ial me di a a n d b e sure to mar k your c alend ar s !
MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2022
Yearling & 2 Year Old Red and Black Polled Limousin & Lim-flex Bulls r Our Watch fo ents m n g i s n o C at Bull s a l g u o D tation S t s e T n Statio
l l e b p m Ca
Bill and Lauren Campbell & Family P O Box 92 Minto, MB. R0K 1M0 204.776.2322 or 204.724.6218 (cell)
R A I S I N G Q U A L I T Y L I M O U S I N C A MB T Limousin T L ENewsS& Views I NBull CIssue E 2022 1 919 74
CA N A D I A N L I M O U S IN AS S O C I A T I O N CLA O ffice Update Februar y 2022 S ubmitted by Laura Eck lund Bull S ale S eason We invite you to visit the Events page on the CLA website for a listing of upcoming bull sales, and links to catalogues when available. You can also stay up to date with upcoming sales on our Facebook page as each sale is posted there with catalogue links. I f you plan to complete DNA on sale bull a friendly reminder that it takes 21 days to complete from the time the sample arrives at the lab. Please allow an additional 2 weeks for the animals EPDs to be updated through the genetic evaluation. The CLA is available to attend member and provincial events at the request of members. We attend the National Show and Sale as well as the I mpac t Show each year and additional events are at the request of the membership. I f you are interested in having the CLA attend your event please contac t the office. The association has numerous tools available to you to be successful in the Limousin breed. Please make sure you are using them to their full potential. We have Limousin swag items to hand out as well as promotional information. We offer catalogue downloads to prepare sale catalogues, E Blasts to members and mailing lists. We also have Limousin logos, Limousin tag adver tisements, general Limousin ads and DNA information that can be included in your sale catalogues and adver tising. For member who par ticipated in the Limousin Legac y projec t consider adding the Limousin Legac y Logo to your adver tising. Please contac t the CLA for this information. Limousin Apparel We now have a full line of Limousin apparel available to order from First I mpressions Promotional Produc ts. I tems are available for viewing on the CLA website. I f you are interested in a custom item First I mpressions has a full catalogue of items available. CJLA Impac t Show& CLA Annual General Meeting The Alber ta Junior Limousin Association will be hosting this year ’s Canadian Junior Limou-
MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2022
sin I mpac t Show and we look for ward to coming together in Olds, Alber ta July 12-16th, 2022. This year ’s show will be hosted inconjunc tion with Summer y Synergy and juniors will have the advantage of competing for prestigious Synergy S cholarships. All juniors are welcome to par ticipate, and cattle will be available to those that would like to borrow. Limousin enthusiasts are invited to join us the evening of the July 14th for the CLA Annual General M eeting. CLA members plan to attend this meeting to stay up to date on the association and to have your voice heard. CLA Board of Direc tor Nominations Nomination forms are now available for the CLA Board of Direc tor ’s on our website. Nominations must be done ahead of time and will not be accepted from the floor during the meeting. Wishing ever yone a successful calving season and warmer days ahead. K indly, Laura Eck lund CLA General M anager
Ethelbert Ethelbert
Winnipegosis Winnipegosis
Rorketon Rorketon Roblin Roblin Gilbert Plains Gilbert Plains
Inglis Inglis
Dauphin Dauphin
Russell Russell Binscarth Binscarth St. Lazare St. Lazare
Rossburn Rossburn
24-hour 24-hour
Birtle Birtle Hamiota Hamiota
Miniota Miniota
to Fusion Country to Fusion Country
Oak River Oak River Kenton Kenton
Oak Lake Oak Lake
ATM ATM service service
at 12 of 18 branches at 12 of 18 branches
Brandon Brandon
Lloyd & Joan Trevor & Melissa Atchison Atchison 204.854.2947 204.854.2510 Pipestone, MB. R0M 1T0 poplar
Raising quality Limousin, Simmental & commercial cattle The Davey's Ken- (204) 274-2634 Kaitlyn- (204) 871-3489
Bob- (204) 274-2490 Tim- (204) 871-0996
Westbourne, MB
Keystone Livestock SERVICES
Lois McRae & Joyce Gordon RR 1 B ox 5 7 B r a n d on , M a n i t o b a R 7 A 5 Y 1 h: 204-728-3058 c: 204-573-5192 f: 204-727-7744 m a r m ac f a r m s 1 @ g m a i l . c om
specializing in livestock insurance for over 45 years
Haskett: 204-325-7017 Winkler: 204-362-1622 web: fehr 3 loc ations to ser ve you better: Winkler, Ridgeville & Haskett INNOVATIVE
Contact our MB/SK beef territory managers to learn more: Derek Reimer (204)371-9093 Jessica Hextall (204)901-3058 Terry Fehr (204)362-7830
Business Card spots available, Dont get left behind! MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2022
Events calendar
advertiser Index Amaglen Limousin
Anchor B Limousin & Anchorage Farms...P.13 Banman Meats ...P.7 Campbell Limousin
Carlsruhe Cattle Company
Feb 24 Nordal Limousin & Angus Bull Sale Saskatoon, SK Mar 19 Fully Loaded Bull Sale Cookstown, ON Mar 24 Anchor B Limousin & Anchorage Farms Bull Sale Hanley, SK Mar 26 Manitoba Beef Cattle Performance Sale Douglas, MB Apr 2 Lundar Bull Sale Lundar, MB July 12-16 Canadian Junior Limousin Impact Show Olds, AB July 14 Canadian Limousin Association AGM Braggs Creek, AB October Manitoba Ag Ex Brandon, MB
...P.6 ....IBC
2022 MLA Members
Amaglen Limousin - Ian & Bonnie Hamilton
Enns Bros
Fehrway Feed
Amaglen Limousin - Amanda & Clint Seward
Fusion Credit Union
Hockridge Farms
J&S Meats
Keystone Livestock Services
Manitoba Bull Test Station
Cherway Limousin Diamond T Limousin
Maplehurst Farms
...P.8 & P.21
Campbell Limousin Cherway Limousin Clay Hills - The Bests Cochrane Stock Farms Tim Davey Diamond T Limousin Diamond T Limousin – Dillon Hunter
New Life Limousin
New Rosedale Feedmill
Nordal Limousin & Angus
Jaymarandy Limousin
Pioneer Coupler Cattle Oiler Co.
Maplehurst Farms
Poplarview Stock Farm
Ossawa Limousin - The Keens
Shoal Lake Farm Equipment
PDD Investments
Southern Meats
Pine Creek Limousin
Triple R Limousin
Poplarview Stock Farm - Trevor & Melissa Atchison
Poplarview Stock Farm - Lloyd & Joan Atchison
Venture Livestock Enterprises
Amanda Scott
Hockridge Farms
Tyler Scott Jay Dean & Todd Symth Triple R Limousin Wright Way Limousin
2022 is letter 22
MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2022
Your M.L.A. membership helps to promote the breed through publishing of the News & Views, sponsoring 4-H and Junior activities and the general running of your Association. Become a member today and make a difference!
Today’s Beef Producers ImprovIng your Bottom LIne
Select early with confidence, 100% raised on momma and grass to weaning, hand fed after weaning to develop into sound individuals ready to work, with carcass data collected, breeding soundness evaluated by a veterinarian and DNA verified for your herdsire needs.
Cherway Jordan 6J
Cherway JaSPer 7J
Cherway Jefferson 12J
rPy Paynes Cracker 17e x hunt Credentials 37C - Dbl polled rPy Paynes Cracker 17e x hunt Credentials 37C - Homo polled
rPy Paynes Cracker 17e x B Bar Cognac 1B - homo polled
Predictability, longevity, disposition, calving ease. Tremendous muscle, body depth, fertility Consistency, great temperament, low birthweight CED 13 | BW 0.2 | WW 76 | YW 121 | MK 23 | SC 1.05 | Doc 19 CED 13 | BW -1.6 | WW 71 | YW 102 | MK 23 | SC 1.01 | DOC 17 CED 13 | BW 0.9 | WW 65 | YW 93 | MK 22 | SC 0.75 | DOC 16
Cherway JaCKPOT 20J
Cherway JOhNaThON 24J
Cherway P Fairlane 39F x rPy Paynes Cracker 17e -homo polled Cherway P Executive Decision x EMF Centerfold 10C -Homo polled Cherway P Executive Decision x Amaglen Unreal 56U -Homo polled
Low Birthweight, conformation, growth
Calving ease, muscle development, quiet
Calving ease, muscle, strong female family
CHERWAY LIMOUSIN Visit us online @ or
Thank you to repeat customers that have already made their selections, we appreciate your confidence
CED 11 | BW 0.8 | WW 52 | YW 69 | MK 24 | SC 0.35 | DOC 9
New Herdsire Alert 2022 !
CED 10 | BW 1.4 | WW 80 | YW 118 | MK 23 | SC 0.84 | DOC 14 CED 14 | BW 0.8 | WW 62 | YW 89 | MK 25 | SC 0.45 | DOC 15
B Bar Warhawk 11G x Miss Shameless
*R* LI M O U S I E L P I N TR 50 Bulls Private Treaty Bull Sale Red - Black - Polled - Calving Ease - Performance
C o m e b rows e t he catt l e we have on offer. A n exc e l l ent s et o f yearl i ngs & 2 yea r ol d bul ls to s e e . S top by fo r a co ffee a n d vi si t a nd c hec kout t he bul l p e n s .
Major Herd Redu ction For Triple *R* L
15 th
- PRoveN Cows - BRed H eiFeRs - HeiFeR CaLves
A great opportunity to get in on 40+ Years of Genetics with Triple R Limousin Breeding. For more information: Art: 204-856-3440 or Borhson Marketing Scott Bohrson - 403-370-3010 Martin Bohrson - 306-220-7901 The Natural Genetic Advantage In the Pasture - In the Feedlot - At the Packers
Art & Maria Rodgers & family, MacGregor, MB Home: 204-685-2628 Art Cell: 204-856-3440 Scott Cell: 204-871-2861 email: West of MacGregor at Rd. 62W, 4 1/4 miles North
Your Source fo Quality Limousin Genetics