Christmas Issue
Publications A gr eement # 42020515
Bulls Bred and Fed for the Our bulls are bred and fed for the real world and we know this because while we are busy raising your next herd bull, we are also raising ours. Genetic planning and well managed development make for good bulls. Our 2020 bulls will once again be marketed completely by PRIVATE TREATY. Expect all of the same great information that you have received in the past as we are running an on-ranch test for the bulls, doing carcass evaluations and all other data collection. The info will all be available at The smaller pictures are all on summer pasture where our bulls are raised on momma’s milk and grass – no creep feed! Once weaned they are hand fed. They are fed for success not excess!
Real World
HNH 8H Amaglen Hat Creek HNH 8H (Wulfs Dial Pad)
AJH 22H Amaglen Highway Man AJH 22H
(Amaglen Canadian Sunrise)
Amaglen Canadian Sunrise HNH 4C
HNH 13H Amaglen Happy Harry HNH 13H (DEVT Polled Deon)
One of the Platinum Elite Herds in Canada
Females for Sale Watch for our online bull catalog at:
Contact us if you prefer a paper catalog. Follow the bulls progress on Facebook and Twitter. Darlingford, MB Clint & Amanda: 204 246-2576 Amanda Cell: 204 823-2286 Ian & Bonnie: 204 246-2312 Ian cell: 204 823-1240 2 MB Limousin News & Views Christmas Issue 2020
HNH 11H Amaglen Hank Aaron HNH 11H (CAM Poll Aristocrat)
Other bulls available sired by: Amaglen Sunrise, Amaglen Curious George, Wulfs Dial Pad, Amaglen Fargo and Hunt Credentials
Happy Holidays
GRE ETI NGS FROM T HE PRESI D EN T S e a son’s Greeti n g s f ro m t h e M L A . I h o p e t h at e ve r yo n e is staying safe a n d h ea lt hy d ur i n g t h e se st re ssf u l t i m e s a nd that we will a ll b e wi t h f a m i ly an d f r i e n d s fo r Chr istmas. I have been ele c ted to t he C L A b oard o f d i re c to r s an d l ook for ward to my ter m. I h ave a co u p l e o f to p i c s to re mind the memb ers hi p o f. The CL A leg ac y p ro j ec t i s b ei n g o ffe re d to i t ’s m e m b e r s to DNA Whole h erd enro lled fem a l e s an d b u l l s. Th i s p roj ec t will d el i ver a ccurate g eno m i c al l y e n h an ce d EP D ’s back ed by a p a rent a g e ver i f i e d p e d i gre e. Th i s p rogram will al s o ens ure t h e a ccurac y o f o u r h e rd b o o k for t he futu re. The co s t i s $20. 00 an an i m al w h i c h i s a b o ut 1/2 pr ice, t he rema i n i n g co s t i s b e i n g cove re d by the CL A and Ne o g en . Co nt a c t t h e C LA fo r m o re i n fo o r to sign up your a n i ma ls. The other projec t i s a b o ut t h e C L A by- l aw am e n d m e nt s w hic h members wi ll have recei ved i n t h e m ai l by n ow. Pl e a se read thro ug h t h es e a n d f a m i l i ar i ze yo u r se l f w it h the ru le cha n g es b efo re yo u vo te. Lau ra h as p u t info about this i n h er C L A rep o r t al so. I f yo u h ave any que stions about t h i s co nt a c t mys e l f o r a CLA d i re c to r. The ballots mu s t b e ret ur ned by J an . 1 5 / 2 0 2 1 .
MB BUll Test
The ML A is hol d i n g o ur AG M o n Jan . 6 / 2 1 at 7 : 0 0 p m by Zo om, pleas e jo i n t h e meet i ng wi t h yo u r i d e as, co n ce r n s a nd d irec tion fo r t he b o a rd. M er r y C hr i s t ma s an d H ap py N e w Ye ar
Trav is H unter M.L.A . Pres ident 202 0 A D V E R T IS IN G RA TES We loo k fo r ward to recei v i n g yo u r gre at p ic t ures of your h erd, s p e ci al o cca si o n s, a n d ju n i o r pic t ures for t he News & Vi e ws an d M L A fa cebo o k pa ge. Publisher Agreement #42020515
Return undeliverable Canadian Addresses to M ani to b a L i m ous in N ews & Vi ews B ox 262 , S a n fo rd, M B. R 0G 2J0
Full Page..........$300.00 Half Page........$250.00 Quarter Page.......$130.00 Annual Business Card......$160.00 Affordable full color advertising. To advertise or for more information call: Cheryl McPherson Phone: (204)736-2878
Limousin Footprints
MB Limousin News & Views Christmas Issue 2020
N E W S & V I E WS The official public ation of the M anitoba Limousin A ssociation
VOL 2 7, No. 4
De c e m b e r 2 0 2 0
Canadian Mail Produc t Agreement #42020515
Photo by :
Mailed @ S anford, MB
20 2 0 MLA D I REC T ORS TABL E OF C O N T E N T S 3 D President’s Message 3 D Advertising Rates 4 D Directors 6 D Manitoba Bull Test Station Report 6 D MLA AGM 8 D CLA Report 10 D Limousin Legacy 11 D Limousin Footprints 12 D CJLA Report 12 D Meet Your Directors 13 D Beef Recipe 14 D 2020 MLA Members 14 D Calendar of Events
MB Limousin News & Views Christmas Issue 2020
L-R: Travis Hunter, Jay-Dean Smyth, Ar t Rodgers, Larrisa Stewar t, Peter McConnel, Sherry Daniel, Amanda Hamilton-Seward, Kyle Wright, Bob Davey. M issing:Tim Davey , Bill Campbell, Trevor Atchison President Travis Hunter Box 161, Kenton, MB. R0M 0Z0 Ph: 204-838-2019 email: Vice President, Summer Show, Picnic Director Art Rodgers Box 156, MacGregor, R0H 0R0 Ph: 204-685-2628 e-mail: Treasurer Bill Campbell Box 92, Minto, MB. R0K 1M0 Ph: 204-776-2322 Secretary, MJLA Director Jay-Dean Smyth Roblin, MB. Ph: 204-937-4384 email: Promotions Director Sherry Daniel Box 191, Kenton, MB. R0M 0Z0 Ph: 204-838-2198 Ag-Ex Director Kyle Wright Site 30 Box 191 RR2 Brandon, MB Ph: 204-305-0221
MB Bull TestDirector Bob Davey Westbourne, MB Ph: 204-274-2490 email: 4-H Director Amanda Hamilton-Seward RR2 Box 15, Darlingford MB, R0G 0L0 Ph: 204-246-2576 email: MJLA Director Larissa Stewart MacGregor, MB email: Summer Show Director Tim Davey Westbourne, MB Ph: 204-871-0996 email: News & Views Director Trevor Atchison Pipestone, MB email: Ph: 204-854-2510 Director Peter McConnell
TO OUR BUYERS We appreciate your continued support
From Our Family to Yours Wishes for Joy & Happiness this Christmas & in 2021
Bill and Lauren Campbell & Family P O Box 92 Minto, MB. R0K 1M0 204.776.2322 or 204.724.6218 (cell)
R A I S I N G Q U A L I T Y L I M O U S I N C A TManitoba T L E Limousin S I NNews C E& Views 1 9 7 45
MB L I MO U SIN AG M S e a so n’s G re e t i n gs f ro m th e M L A . I h ope t h at e ve r yo n e ca n pa r ti ci pate in An n ual G e n e ral M eeti n g Ja n 6/2021. 7: 00 p m M e e ti n g to b e h el d by zo o m S i gn i n i n fo r m at i o n w i l l be ava i l a bl e c loser to th e m e e t in g d ate Yo u m u s t b e a p a i d member fo r 2021 to b e abl e to vo te at t h i s meeti n g so pl ea se p ay yo ur m e m b e rs h i p i n a dva n ce For mo re in fo o r to jo i n th e Asso ci ati on p l e a se co nt ac t yo u r l o ca l di rec to r, we welco m e yo u r id e a s co n cer n s a n d di rec t ion Zo om , p l e as e j o i n th e meeti n g w i th your id e a s, co n ce r n s a n d di rec ti o n fo r th e board. Trav i s Hunter, Presi dent, MLA
T ES T S TAT ION RE P ORT IMPORTANT DATES MB BULL TEST STATION 2020-2021 Limousin 9 bulls on Test 2.83 Maplehurst Farms 201 21/01/20 79 U MTF11H 808 lbs Sire:LFLC Easy Street 2.78 202 03/02/20 78 U MTF44H 830 lbs Sire: JSP 711C Greenwood Canadian Ways 2.99 Campbell Land + Cattle 203 WGC 38H 909 lbs Sire: NYK Designer 204 WGC 39H 844 lbs Sire: NYK Rusty Nail 205 WGC 12H 949 lbs Sire: B Bar Hotel 206 WGC 36H 731 lbs Sire: Cam Poll Fair fax L+S Limousin Acres 207 29/02/20 84 U LDS 17H 653 lbs Sire:L+S Enigma LDS 23E 2.59 208 12/03/20 100 U LDS 30H 738 lbs Sire: JYF Armor 525A 3.07 2 0 9 2 6/ 01/ 20 98 U LDS 1H 783 lbs S ire : JYF Ar mor 525A 2 .7 4 5 6 DAY W EIG H Ja nua r y 2nd, 2021 8 4 DAY W EIG H Ja nua r y 31st, 2021 OF F T ES T Fe brua r y 27th & 28th, 2021 SA L E DAY M a rc h 27, 2021 em ai l: b u l l te s t @ myne ts e t.c a
MANITOBA LIMOUSIN ASSOCIATION MEMBER E n j oy th e ben efits o f a m embershi p a n d a c tivel y pa r tic ipate in the M a n ito ba Lim o us in As s o c i ati on. • Breed pro m o tio n & im provement • S uppo r t a n d en co ura ge ment for j un io r m em ber s a n d 4-H p rograms • N et wo r k in g o ppo r tun iti es. Co n n ec tin g w ith o th er breed ers, s a l es, a dver tis in g, a n d m ar keti ng. • Acces s to res o urces, th rough m eetin gs, c attl e & equipment exh ibits, v ir tua l l ea r n in g exper ien ces. • N ew per s pec tives, n ew i d eas • Bus in es s s k il l devel o pment • Advo c ate fo r M a n ito ba L i mousi n at prov in c ia l a n d n atio n a l levels • I ntro duc tio n o f yo ur n a me (and yo ur h erd n a m e) to fel l ow cattle pro ducer s • A fo r um fo r dis c us s io n and the devel o pm ent o f ben efic ial poli ci es fo r pro ducer s. • Co m m un ic atio n w ith m e d i a and publ ic to h igh l ight th e be nef i ts of Lim o us in breed. MANITOBA LIMOUSIN ASSOCIATION DIREC TORS WANTED • D o yo u h ave fres h idea s to move th e breed a h ea d in M a n itoba? • D o yo u wa nt to be a pa r t of a pro gres s ive breed w ith a vi si on for beef pro duc tio n ? • We wa nt to h ea r fro m you, contac t a ny o f th e bo a rd m em bers li sted on pa ge 4 w ith yo ur v is io n .
MB Limousin News & Views Christmas Issue 2020
s n o S l! sel
Black DiamonD
The Limousin herd at Circle Dot Ranch was founded in 1976 with 3 Purebred Limousin cows with calves at foot purchased from Emil and Barb Olson. The herd was built solely from these three females and grew to 380 cows at its peak. In recent years the herd has been downsized to 60 cows and only the elite genetics remain. With 45 years of meticulously researched genetic selection, the longevity of our maternal herd has exceeded normal averages. Carcass yields on finished heifers and steers have exceeded the 58% standard, breaking 66% on meat yield. We have both Black Diamond herd-sired and carefully selected premium AI sired bulls available to improve gains, yields and produce premium heifers for your operation. Premium AI sires include IBIS from France, and sires from Schaff Angus in North Dakota, including SAV Regard, SAV Seedstock, SAV Thrive and SAV International. Bull calves are available after weaning.
Circle Dot Ranch Wayne yule 204-383-5390 lake Francis, MB
Bulls for Sale Private Treaty
Circle Dot Ranch, Lake Francis, MB
45 yeaRS oF SeLeCTion Tag #14
Tag #31
AI SIRE: SAV Seedstock
Tag #31
AI SIRE: SAV Seedstock
Tag #16
Full French AI SIRE: IBIS
Tag #40
AI SIRE: SAV International
Tag #22
AI SIRE: SAV Regard French AI SIRE: IBIS MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2020
Tag #24
Full French AI SIRE: IBIS
De ce mbe r 20 20
2020 has been a year full of challenges for most people. I t has been encouraging to see a steady calf sale run this fall. Af ter the challenges with Covid this Spr ing I think we are all relieved to see a positive mar ket. The CLA held our Annual G eneral M eeting in ear ly O c tober with over 40 par ticipants. Covid prevented us from meeting in person, however we were still able to hold a successful meeting over Zoom. At this meeting we made several announcements with changes to come. The CLA office will be moving to a new location nex t summer. The board is cur rently in the process of approving the new office space. We will also be ending the registr y contrac t with the Canadian Shor thor n Association. This was a three -year contrac t with an expir y date of D ecember 2020. We would like to thank the Canadian Shor thor n staff, board, and members for trusting the CLA with their registr y wor k . At this time, I would also like to thank Shayla Chappell for her time and dedication to the CLA. Shayla has been with the CLA since Februar y 2018 and has been an incredibly valuable member of our team. She has excelled at Digital B eef and was a natural fit with the Shor thor n members. She will be moving home to S ask atchewan at the end of the year to wor k for the Shor thor n Association full time. We were pleased to introduce the Limousin Legac y G enetic Advancement Projec t in O c tober. I n par tnership with Neogen Canada we are offer ing a significant discount on GGP-100K DNA testing. This test is regular ly $45 and is being offered for $20 dur ing the projec t. We have had an impressive number of cattle go through the projec t already in the first month with more being added
MB Limousin News & Views Christmas Issue 2020
ever y week . This is a great oppor tunit y to complete genot yping on a large par t of your herd at a low pr ice. There are a limited number of tests being offered at this discounted rate so be sure to ac t ear ly if you plan to par ticipate in the projec t. The CLA B oard of Direc tors has been wor k ing hard this year on a new set of B ylaws that per tain to DNA requirements for D onor Cows and Herdsires. Past President, Er in K ishk an explained the proposed amendments at the annual meeting. These bylaws have been in the wor ks for quite some time and the board is confident that what has been put for ward is in the best interest if the breed. D onor cows that are flushed af ter Januar y 1, 2021 will require parent ver ification and Herdsires bor n af ter Januar y J ason B rock 1, 2021 will require parent ver ification. The membership will vote on these proposed by-law changes by mail in ballot this fall. The bylaws will also need to be approved by the Animal Pedigree Ac t before they are enforced. I encourage you to reach out the board of direc tors with any questions you have may regarding this. As we near the end of the year I would like to remind you that the Whole Herd Enrollment is Januar y 15, 2021. M embers that wor k online can view their Assessment tab to make their enrollment selec tions and disposals. I f you are a member that does registr y wor k by paper you were mailed your pack age this fall. Please contac t the office with any questions of if you require assistance in completing your Whole Herd. The CLA office will be closed for Chr istmas from D ecember 21st, 2020 to Januar y 4, 2021. I n a year of many ups and downs and uncer taint y, take a moment to remember what is impor tant in your life. Wishing you all a wonder ful Chr istmas and here is to good things to come in 2021. All the best, Laura Eck lund
MERRY CHRISTMAS from our FAMILY to yours! “Always together, never apart. Maybe in distance but never at HEART” c d j l n
Bulls for sale sired by these AI sires: RPY Payne’s Cracker 17E, RPY Payne’s Diesel 37D & Hunt Credentials 37C ET
Visit us online to view our program & cattle for sale @
May you always have LOVE to share, HEALTH to spare & FRIENDS that care.... From our Family to our valued customers, THANK YOU, your continued success using Cherway Limousin Genetics is rewarding! MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2020
Limousin legacy
Genetic Advancement Project
The Canadian Limousin Association is proud to partner with Neogen Canada to offer GGP-100k DNA testing at a significant discount. With a testing price this low, now is the time to complete DNA on your cow herd and all sale bulls. DETAILS:
1. All Active CLA members are able to participate in the project 2. Both Bulls & Whole Herd Enrollment Females Qualify for the special testing price 3. A limited number of GGP-100K tests at the special rate will be available between October 6, 2020 and December 31, 2021.
This is a powerful project that will deliver accurate genomically enhanced EPD’s backed by a parentage verified pedigree. Have confidence buying and selling Limousin animals with the Limousin Legacy Project.
The special rate will be offered on a first come, first served basis. 4. All animals will be sire verified and where possible, parent verified 5. Samples must be submitted using an Allflex Tissue Sampling Unit or Hair Card 6. Payment for testing must be made in full at the time of the request
GGP-100K Tests
per animal
* Genomically Enhanced EPDs and Parentage included in the price
B 10
Limousin Legacy MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2020
Please contact the CLA office by phone or email to order your Limousin Legacy DNA testing
Ha ppy B i r th day w i s hes were ex ten ded to Way n e M cPh erson, Ch er way L i mo u sin, S a n fo rd, M B Yo u a re 18 w i th 47 yea rs o f exper i en ce!
Special occasions, Limousin Family notices, birthdays, anniversaries, engagements, graduations or noted accomplishments are welcomed. Phone Cheryl 204-736-2878 or email:
Check out our bulls at the Manitoba Bull Test Station sired by: -LFLC Easy Street -Greenwood Canadian Ways
Full Brother For Sale
Congrat u l at i o n s to Tim & Am b e r D ave y, M ap lehu r s t Fa r ms on t he sa fe a r r i va l of t heir t h i rd c h i l d, M c kenzie An n D ave y b or n S ep te mb e r 2 6 2020 weig h i n g 6 l b s 12oz. Eve r yo n e i s d oing we l l.
Thank you to all who have supported our program this past year. Your support is greatly appreciated.
The Davey’s Bob& Jackie: (204)274-2490 Tim: (204) 871-0996 Kaitlyn: (204) 871-3489 Ken: (204)274-2634
Red and Black Bulls Available Private Treaty sired by: -LFLC Easy Street -Greenwood Canadian Ways
Full Brother For Sale
MB Limousin News & Views Christmas Issue 2020
With Christmas Season upon us, Our Family would like to wish each and everyone a joyous and peaceful time. Loving Memories of our families who have passed, and looking forward to our future as bleak as it looks today. BUT, if we trust in God and lean on Him, our futures will be filled with many Blessings. We would like to thank each and everyone for the support shown to us through the years. May your cup runneth over this Christmas Season with Love, Peace & Hope. And your 2021 be filled with good health and prosperity. I Pray that Christ be in each and every Home this Christmas.
CJLA RE PORT B ianc a B yer s B l ac k s to c k , Ontar io 2 02 0 Au s tral ia E xc hang e Oppo r tu n i t y R e c i p i e nt C JL A Re por t by Jocelyn Kenned y, Pre s s R e p o r te r
At t he 2020 C JLA AGM, we elec ted a new b oard o f di rec tor s. The new b oard consist s of Presid ent M a di Le w i s, Vi ce Presid ent Bianc a B yer s, Treasurer C heyenn e Po r te r, S ec ret ar y K ira Axley, Press R ep or ter Jocelyn Ke n n e dy, K a i tlyn Davey, Joe S cot t, and Sienne B ohr son. We wo u l d l i ke to welcome new b oard memb er s Joe S cot t, Bi a n c a B yer s, and K ira Axley. Th e C JLA would like to t hank our t wo outgoing b o a rd mem b er s, S amant ha Kenned y and Jac k ie Wism e r. Th a n k yo u for all t hat you have d one for t he C JLA d ur i n g yo u r ti me on t he b oard. Th i s year, our C JLA c alf, C JLA Homeb ound 1H wa s s o l d i n an auc t ion as a steer c alf. He was sold for $ 1 3 1 5 .8 2 . Th e C JLA would like to t hank t he Hep p er fami l y o f Ede n M ead ows Far m for t ak ing c are of b ot h t he d onat i o n fe ma l e a s well as t he c alf t his year, it is great ly ap p re c i ate d by t h e C JL A! Af te r t he p ost p onement of t he 2020 C JLA I mp a c t Sh ow, we are exc ited for t he 2021 I mp ac t Show. The I mp a c t S h ow is to b e held in Sp encer ville, Ont ar io, Ju l y 2 8 - 3 1 , 202 1. R egist rat ion will op en M arc h 1, 2021. Th e re w i l l b e ca l ves availab le to b or row, so p lease cont ac t t h e I mp a c t S h ow Commit tee to ar range. We hop e to see ever yone t here and we are exc ited to get ba ck to t he show r ing soon!
God Bless One and All Jaymarandy Families Ruth, Todd & Jay-Dean Smyth, Angus and Jules Mark & Elisabeth Angus, Owen, Finn, and Corban
MB Limousin News & Views Christmas Issue 2020
M eg an S m ith Lower Tr u ro, N ova S co tia 20 20 C J LA S c ho l ar s hip R ec ipient
MEET YOUR DIRECTORS H i I’m Ti m D ave y. I fa r m w i t h my d ad an d unc l e at M ap l e h u r st Fa r m s. I c u r re nt l y h ave a herd of ab o u t 2 5 Li m o and L im o x cows. I h ave sh owed L im o c at t l e at Ag E x a nd MB R oyal Wi nte r Fa ir.
STOCK FARM Lloyd & Joan Trevor & Melissa Atchison Atchison 204.854.2947 204.854.2510
Pipestone, MB. R0M 1T0 email: pvsf@r
Lois McRae & Joyce Gordon RR 1 B ox 5 7 B r a n d on , M a n i t o b a R 7 A 5 Y 1 h: 204-728-3058 c: 204-573-5192 f: 204-727-7744 m a r m ac f a r m s 1 @ g m a i l . c om
specializing in livestock insurance for over 45 years
Business Card
You’re invested in Limousin genetics. Purchase tags through the Show it with CCIA webstore or by phone. All orders are shipped within Limousin branded 24 hours of your order being approved by Allflex and ComfortEar® tags available exclusively at
Photo courtesy of B Bar Cattle
Keystone Livestock
CANADIAN CATTLE IDENTIFICATION AGENCY |1-877-909-2333 Ask about our “first-time order” rebate!
spots available, Dont get left
behind! BE EF R EC IP E Slow Co oker Taco S oup A q ui c k , t h row togeth er sl ow co o ker soup wi th a M ex ican f l a i r. Teen a gers l ove i t. S e r ve to p p e d wi t h co r n ch i ps, sh redd ed C hed d ar c h e e s e a n d a do l l o p o f so u r c re a m. M ak e s u re yo u a dj u st th e a mo unt of c h i l i p e p p e rs if yo u’re sen si ti ve a bo u t sp ic y fo od s.
I ng redients R e ci p e y i el d s 8 s e r vi n gs I n gre d i e nt s : • 1 po u n d gro u n d beef • 1 o n io n , ch o p p ed • 1 (1 6 o u n ce ) c a n ch i l i bea n s • 1 (1 5 o u n ce ) c a n k i dn ey bea n s • 1 (1 5 o u n ce ) c a n w h o l e ker n el co r n • 1 (8 o u n ce ) c an to mato sa u ce • 2 c u p s wate r
• 2 (14. 5 ounce) c ans d iced tomato e s • 1/4 c up d iced c hili p ep p er s • 1 (1. 25 ounce) p ac k age t aco se a s o n i n g mix
D i re c t i o n s 1. I n a med ium sk illet, cook t he gro u n d b eef unt il b rowned over med ium h e at. Drain, and set asid e 2. Place t he ground b eef, onion, c h i l i b eans, k id ney b eans, cor n, tomato s a u ce, water, d iced tomatoes, green c h i l i p e p p e r s and t aco seasoning mix in a slow co o ke r. M ix to b lend, and cook on Low s e t t i n g fo r 8 hour s. MB Limousin News & Views Christmas Issue 2020
advertiser Index Amaglen Limousin Bill Jackson - Sales
Campbell Limousin
Cherway Limousin
Circle Dot Ranch ...P.7 Diamond T Limousin
Hockridge Farms
Jaymarandy Limousin
Keystone Livestock Services
Maplehurst Farm
Poplarview Stock Farm
Shoal Lake Equipment
Triple R Limousin
Events calendar Jan 6 MLA Virtual AGM Jan 15 CLA WHE March 27 MB Bull Test Station Sale
2020 is letter 14
MB Limousin News & Views Christmas Issue 2020
ZOOM -Deadline Douglas, MB
2020 MLA Members Amaglen Limousin (Ian & Bonnie Hamilton) Amaglen Limousin (Amanda & Clint Hamilton-Seward) Campbell Limousin Cherway Limousin Cochrane Stock Farms Clay Hills Livestock (The Bests) Davey, Tim Diamond T Limousin Hockridge Farms Jaymarandy Limousin (Ruth Angus) L G Limousin (L. Gertz) L & S Limousin Acres Maplehurst Farms (The Daveys) McConnel, Peter Ossawa Limousin (The Keens) PDD Investments Pine Creek Limousin (The Daniels) Poplarview Stock Farm (Lloyd & Joan Atchison) Poplarview Stock Farm (Trevor Atchison & family) Roaring River Limousin (Kevin Basso) Smyth, Jay-Dean Stewart, Scott & Larissa Triple ‘R’ Limousin Twin Oak Stables (G Robinson) Wright Way Limousin Your M.L.A. membership helps to promote the breed through publishing of the News & Views, sponsoring 4-H and Junior activites and the general running of your Association. Please become a member today.
Season’s Greetings Thank You to All that supported our program over the past year. We appreciate your business and look forward to seeing you in 2021
The bull pen is looking SOLID, watch for our Bull Flyer early in the New Year. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year from all of us at
DIAMOND T LIMOUSIN Travis, Rilla, Dillon & Brodie Hunter Home: 204-838-2019 Cell: 204-851-0809
Triple *R* Limousin
Wishes You a Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year 2021 Thank you to all who purchased Triple R Limousin cattle, grain and feed in 2020! We appreciate your Business and Friendship Check out our bulls on the Farm 45 to choose from. Two year olds & yearling bulls a Limousin a Angus/Limousin a Angus ALSO: Bred heifers & heifer calves for sale.
40 Years Breeding & Raising Quality Limousin Genetics R* LIMOUSIN * E L P I TR Art & Maria Rodgers & family Home: 204-685-2628
MacGregor, MB
Art Cell: 204-856-3440
email: West of MacGregor at Rd. 62W, 4 1/4 miles North
Your Source for Quality Limousin Genetics