MB Limousin News & Views Christmas 2017

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Publications A gr eement # 42020515

2017 Christmas Issue Follow the MB Limousin Association on Facebook

Season’s Greetings ...

...and Best Wishes for 2018 From all of us at Diamond T Limousin Thanks to All our valued customers over the past year. We appreciate the support and commitment to our breeding program. The bull pen is looking solid again for 2018. Please feel free to call us or stop by in the New Year for a look at these promising future herdsires. We would be glad to show them off.

d n o m a Di

T Limousin

Travi s, Ri l l a, Dil l o n & Br o d ie H u n te r Ke n to n , M B R 0 M 0 Z 0 • Home : 2 0 4 - 8 3 8 - 2 01 9 Ce l l : 2 0 4 - 8 51 - 0 8 0 9 e ma i l : d i am o n d t l im o @g m a il . c o m

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Here are a few thoughts and observations since the last edition of the News & Views:

Bill Campbell

grazing in mid December. Calf prices have softened since mid November as well, at least they are better than the fall of 2016. There have been large volumes of calves at The Limousin Show at Manitoba Ag auction markets as producers take advantage of conditions and prices at their current levels. Let’s hope the market Ex was held on October 27, 2017 in Brandon, MB. The judge for the show can sustain itself or improve somewhat in early 2018 to was Darby Cochrane from Alexander, MB. help promote more optimism in the beef industry. There Thank you to Eden Meadows and JYF Limousin for travelling are many factors that could affect the cattle markets in the future but Limousin will always be a part of an improving to Manitoba and exhibiting their cattle. Thank you also to all sponsors and volunteers for their help at Ag Ex. Winners beef industry. The breed can add feed efficiency and lean meat yield with adequate marbling for a safe, healthy and will be listed in the News & Views. satisfactory product for consumers. Due to lack of entries our Manitoba Advantage Sale had to We are planning our Annual Meeting for 12 noon, January be cancelled. 13, 2018 in Brandon, MB., at the Canad Inn. I hope you will Congratulations from Manitoba are extended to be able to attend and provide your valuable input as what Greenwood Limousin and Nordal Limousin for their direction you want your provincial association to proceed Supreme Victories at Edmonton Farmfair and Canadian with projects and promotions. Western Agribition in Regina. This was an amazing I hope that your fall, harvest and weaning seasons have all accomplishment for the Limousin breed as it was the first gone well. With 2017 nearly behind us and for the most time the breed was to achieve this level of success in an all part Manitoba has fared fairly well. We should be thankful breed competition. for all the good things that we have in this province. After a cold stretch in early November in Manitoba we have had some great weather for livestock. It should surely Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Bill Campbell help the feed resources and I am sure there are still cows President, MLA Merry Christmas from the CJLA Submitted by Naomi Best As the fall show season has come to an end, we can reflect on this past year and look forward to what next year has to offer. Thank you to all of those who supported the CJLA Clothing ticket sales at the National Sale at Farm Fair. We are very appreciate of your support and the money from the tickets will be going towards the There are tickets still available for sale until we make the draw in the spring. Please Impact Show clothing and prizes. There are still tickets available. Please feel free to contact any one of the CJLA board members if you did not have the chance to buy a ticket.

2 0 1 7 A D V E R T I S I N G R AT E S : Full Page..........$250.00 Half Page........$175.00 Quarter Page.......$125.00 Busines s Card......$40.00 Affordable full color advertising. To advertise or for more information call: Cheryl McPherson Phone: (204)736-2878 Fax: (204) 736-4124

NOTE *email: info@cherwaylimousin.ca* Publisher Agreement #42020515 Return undeliverable Canadian Addresses to Manitoba Limous in News & Views Box 262, Sanford, MB. R0G 2J0

Congratulations to our 2017 scholarship recipients, Angus Smyth (MB), Samantha Kennedy (ON), Amanda Scott (MB) and Nolan McLarty (ON). Also a special congratulations to Megan Wynn of Belmont, Nova Scotia on being selected to travel to Australia in August 2018 to participate in the EKKA Royal Queensland Show. We would like welcome everyone to the 1st Annual B Bar Cattle Bull and Female Sale on Tuesday December 12th at 6:00 p.m. at the Saskatoon Livestock Sales. Our heifer calf, CJLA Echo 1E will be sold as Lot 17 and all of the proceeds from the sale of the donation heifer go to the Canadian Junior Limousin Association. Plans are well underway for 2018 and the CJLA board is excited to be participating in the Ontario Commercial Cattle Tour organized by Tim and Lois Andrew in January. We will be taking part in the tour as well as holding our annual in person CJLA meeting. We are also looking forward to the 2018 Impact Show being held in Great Village, Nova Scotia from August 1st to 4th. Just a note for juniors wishing to participate that trucking from out of province will be available and cattle will be available for juniors to borrow as well. For more details please don’t hesitate to contact out CJLA Coordinator, Laura Ecklund. With everything to be thankful for this year and to look forward to next year, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas and all the best in the new year! MB Limousin News & Views Christmas Issue 2017


N E W S & V I E WS The official public ation of the M anitoba Limousin A ssociation

VOL 2 4, No. 4

De c e m b e r 2 0 1 7

Canadian Mail Produc t Agreement #42020515

Mailed @ S anford, MB

CALENDAR January 13

MB Limousin Assoc. AGM

January 15

CLA WHE Deadline

Brandon, MB

February 15 Nordal Limousin & Angus Bull Sale Saskatoon, SK March 31

Manitoba Bull Test Sale

Douglas, MB

April 3

Western Gateway Bull Sale

Aug 1 - 4

CJLA Impact Show

Roblin, MB

Great Village, Nova Scotia

Ag E x Re po r t Hello H o p e eve r yo ne i s en j oyi n g t h e wa r m wi nter so fa r. J u st h ope there i s som e mo ist u re co m i ng i n the spr i ng A big th a n k yo u to a l l the sponsors a nd ex hi b i t i o n s who hel ped m a ke our sh ow a s u c c ess. O ur j udge wa s D a rby C o c h ra n e. T he num bers m ay ha d been l ow b u t t h e qua l i ty wa s sti l l ver y h i g h . Big co n grats to Eden M ea dows w h o rep re s e nted M a ni toba i n the rbc su p re me in Reg i na . M er r y C h r i st m a s a nd ha ppy new year Kyl e Wright


MB Limousin News & Views Christmas Issue 2017

Back row l-r: Travis Hunter, Kyle Wright, Jay-Dean Smyth, Bob Davey, Art Rodgers, Tim Davey. Front row l-r: Sherry Daniel, Darby Cochrane, Mark Angus, Leonard Gertz, Bill Campbell Missing: Scott Stewart

President Bill Campbell Box 92, Minto, MB. R0K 1M0 Ph: 204-776-2322 email:cam.limousin@gmail.com Treasurer Sherry Daniel Box 191, Kenton, MB. R0M 0Z0 Ph: 204-838-2198 Director Jay-Dean Smyth Roblin, MB. Ph: 204-937-4384 email: ne262527@gmail. Director Mark Angus Box 450, Roblin, MB R0L 1P0 Ph: 204-281-5099 email: mark@armathletics.ca Director Kyle Wright Box 1228, Boissevain, MB R0K 0E0 Ph: 1-204-305-0221 email: wrightwaylimousin@hotmail.com Director Travis Hunter Box 161, Kenton, MB. R0M 0Z0 Ph: 204-838-2019 email: diamondtlimo@gmail.com Director Darby Cochrane RR#1, Alexander, MB. R0K 0A0 Ph: 204-573-6529 email: csf@westman.wave.ca

Director Leonard Gertz Box 1634 Virden, MB. R0M 2C0 Ph: 204-748-3728 email: lg.limousin@hotmail.com Director Art Rodgers Box 156, MacGregor, R0H 0R0 Ph: 204-685-2628 e-mail: triplerlimo@yahoo.ca Director Bob Davey Westbourne, MB Ph: 204-274-2490 email: maplehurst@inetlink.ca Director Scott Stewart MacGregor, MB R0H 0R0 Ph: 204-871-2861 email: Director Tim Davey Westbourne, MB Ph: 204-274-2490

MJLA President Kaitlyn Davey MB NJLC Representative Angus Smyth Annual Meeting at 12 noon, January 13, 2018 in Brandon, MB., at the Canad Inn

WESTERN GATEWAY BULL SALE Tuesday, April 3, 2018, At the farm .

Selling Limousin, & Lim-Flex Bulls & some Females. -auctioneer Clayton Hawrlyk

Len & Ruth Angus 204-937-4980 Len’s cell: 204-937-0274 Todd & Jay-Dean Smyth 204-937-0828 Angus Smyth 204-207-0085 Jules Smyth

We would like to sincerely Thank all our customers.

CLA Office Update BY TESSA VERBEEK What a tremendous year the Limousin breed has had! 2017 will forever be remembered in Canadian Limousin history thanks to Greenwood Canadian Impact ET owned by Greenwood Limousin & Angus and Nordal Limousin & Angus winning the Supreme Bull title at both Farmfair International and Canadian Western Agribition! Thank you to these operations, and ALL of the Limousin breeders who have made the breed what it is today! The National Limousin Show and Sale at Farmfair International was another highlight of the fall. Thank you to the Alberta Limousin Association for hosting the National Show and Sale this year. Special thanks to all of the exhibitors who attended, consigners and buyers in the National Sale and to the many volunteers and sponsors who contributed to making this a successful event. The Limousin breed was well represented throughout the summer and fall at shows across the country. The breeding decisions, management, hard work and investment that has gone into taking these cattle out to shows to represent the Limousin breed is appreciated. Limousin excelled beyond the show ring this fall as Limousin calves topped the fall feeder sales consistently across the country, well above CanFax averages. We are tremendously pleased to assist commercial producers in marketing their Limousin influence calves – contact the CLA to learn more. If you have not done so already, now is the time to finish registering your 2017 calf crop and get your weaning weights recorded. For those of you scanning your cattle this winter please remember that weaning weights must be entered before ultrasound results can be recorded. In October, the CLA announced that we will be providing registry services for the Canadian Shorthorn Association beginning in 2018 when the Canadian Shorthorn Association transitions to DigitalBeef as their registry program. This arrangement is limited to registry services only, and the CLA will not be providing any management or promotional services to the Canadian Shorthorn Association. The Canadian Limousin Association remains committed to our CLA membership and looks forward to providing the same excellent level of registry and member services to the members of the Canadian Shorthorn Association. Bull sale season is just around the corner, and as always, the CLA is here to assist you with tools to help you have a successful sale. - The CLA General Manager will attend your sale at your request and your expense. If you would like for me to

attend your bull sale this years, please contact me early. - Spring 2017 EPDs and breed averages will be available on DigitalBeef and on the CLA website in January. - Catalogue downloads may be requested from the CLA to obtain pedigree and EPD information on sale cattle in an Excel document. We require an Excel file with only the registration numbers, not the tattoos, of cattle in the sale. There is a $1.50/head charge for this service. - A mailing address list can be obtained from the CLA for $150, additionally the CLA can send an e-blast about your sale for $100 (you must provide all content/graphics). - The CLA is pleased to post your sale catalogue and information about your sale on the CLA website as well as on our Facebook page. Please send a link to your catalogue to tverbeek@limousin.com to ensure it gets posted. - A gift certificate for Limousin branded CCIA tags can be given to your Limousin bull buyers to purchase a bag of tags at your expense as a thank you for purchasing a bull. You can download this off the CLA website or contact tverbeek@limousin.com to be sent a digital copy you can print. - The CLA has a Limousin CCIA tag advertisement that can be used in your bull sale catalogue or otherwise to explain and promote the tag program to your commercial buyers. We have also developed a “Tag Supporter” logo that can easily be added to your sale catalogue or website. Contact tverbeek@limousin.com to receive a digital copy of either. - Please remember that only Limousin cattle that contain between 37.5% and 75% Limousin blood and 25% to 62.5% Black Angus or Red Angus blood, may be called Lim-Flex. Cattle that fall outside of these parameters should be described as Percentage Limousin in sales catalogues, not Lim-Flex. - Last but not least, please remember to complete DNA testing for animals that require it well in advance of your sale. Beginning in 2018 the following turnaround times will be anticipated: basic SNP parentage verification and Protoporphyria testing turnaround 10-15 days. Low and high density genotyping turnaround 25 days. Horned/ polled and coat colour testing turnaround 20 days. Whole Herd Enrolment (WHE) Deadline January 15, 2018 Information concerning your 2018 WHE has now been mailed to all members. If you are an online user we remind you that you will not have received any paper forms for your inventory. Please remember that Whole Herd Enrolment is due no later than January 15, 2017. Online users may find instructions on how to post their inventory on our website under DigitalBeef. Please remember, NEW THIS YEAR if you have not completed your disposals/assessment by January 15th all assessment cont inued on pag e 8


MB Limousin News & Views Christmas Issue 2017

During the Holiday Season more than ever, our thoughts turn gratefully to those who have made our progress possible. And in this spirit we sincerely say Thank You and Best Wishes for the holiday season and a Happy New Year! Watch for updates/progress of our bulls on test at

www.manitobabulltest.com/ Sale date March 31, 2018

L & S Limousin Acres

Pine Creek Limousin

Phone: 204 - 838 - 2198

Phone: 204 - 838 -2311

2 miles south, 1 mile west, 1 mile south of Kenton’s west edge

3 miles south of Kenton’s west edge

Lawrence & Sherry Daniel

William, Sharon, Kaylee & Brady Daniel

Box 191, Kenton, MB R0M 0Z0

Box 132, Kenton, Manitoba R0M 0Z0

Your Source for polled purebred performance limouSin

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year fro m the cr e w at

A F D Ranching N Tack Wulfs CrossRoad FIF216C sired by: Wulfs Sirlion 3172S Grand sire:Cole Wulf Hunt

Wulfs Casper FIFH308C sired by: Wulfs Yankee K689Y Grandsire: Hunt Mr Jock 44J

Thank you to our 2017 Customers: Your confidence in our program is appreciated.

Email: AFDRanch @hotmail.com

Web: afdranchingntack.com

Cell (204)841-0225 Visitors Welcome!

C J LA S ch o l a rs h ips a n d A u st ralia E xchange Reci p i e nt s Ann o u n c ed

co n tinu e d f ro m p a ge 6

age females will be enrolled for the current year. Refunds are only given on enrolled heifers calving for the first time providing disposal information has been filed by the member both on the heifer and her calf. There will no longer be a $10/day late penalty, your penalty for being late will be that all assessment age females will be enrolled on January 16th and no refund will be given. CLA Office Closed for Christmas Holidays Please remember that the CLA office will be closed for the week between Christmas and New Year’s (December 23-January 1) to allow CLA staff a break to celebrate the season with their families. The CLA office will re-open on January 2nd to serve our membership. On behalf of myself, your CLA Board of Directors and staff, we thank you for your continued commitment to the Limousin breed in your local area, your province and nationally. Whether you are involved in the Limousin breed as a seedstock breeder, a commercial bull buyer, or are an up and coming junior, the CLA is here to provide the tools for you to be successful. We thank you all for the contribution you have made to the enthusiasm for the Limousin breed in Canada as we head into the New Year! Best wishes for a wonderful Christmas with family and friends and all the best in 2018! Kindest regards, Tessa Verbeek CLA General Manager

La u ra Eckl u n d Th e C a n a d i a n Juni or L i m ousi n Associat ion i s p l e as ed to announc e the rec i pi ent s of th e 2 0 1 7 S c h ol a rshi ps a nd Austra l i a Travel Op p o r t u n i t y. We ha d a record num ber o f a p p l i cant s for our sc hol a rshi ps this ye a r w h i c h ma de c hoosi ng the rec i pient s a d iff i c u lt ta s k. Appl i ca nts were a s ked to a n swe r t h e questi on, Why di d you ch o o s e t h e Li m ousi n breed? For m any of o u r j u n io rs t h e L i m ousi n breed i s part o f t h e i r fa m il y hi stor y a nd wa s a nat ural ch o ic e . J u n i o r ’s a l so noted the docilit y a n d m u s c l i n g a bi l i ty a s c ha ra c ter i st ic’s t hat attrac ted t h em to the breed. An g u s S my t h of Robl i n, M a ni toba was awa rd e d a $ 5 00 C JL A Sc hol a rshi p. A ngus a l o n g w it h h i s fa m i l y operate Jaym arandy L i mo u s i n . H e al so ha s a sm a l l num b er of


MB Limousin News & Views Christmas Issue 2017

purebred Limousin registered u n d er h is own prefix. A ngus uses an A I p ro gram fo r t he first cycle on all cows and t h en t u r n s t hem out wit h Limousin bulls. A n gu s h as been on t he C J LA board for 2 ye ars an d t h e MJ LA for 9 ye ars . H e en joys meet ing n ew p e o p le wit hin t he lim o u s in b ree d and hav ing a n o p p o r t u n it y to have a vo ice in t h e limousin com m u n it y. A n gus is current ly co m p leting grade 12 an d p lan s to attend a co lle ge in t he United S tates to take welding and co m p ete o n a livestock j u d gin g te am . cont inued on pag e 9

co ntinue d from pa ge 8

Sa m a ntha Kennedy of O m eem ee, O ntario wa s awa rded a $500 Sc hol a rshi p. Sa m a ntha , w i th her fa m i l y operate C rown Hi l l Ac res. T hey sta r ted breedi ng and sh ow i n g Lim o u s in a ni m a l s i n 2015. T he cow ca l f o p erat i on consi sts of m ostl y p u re b re d a n i m al s w i th a few purebred An g u s u s e d fo r Li m Fl ex. She i s a f i rst ye a r st u d ent at the Uni versi ty of Guelph i n th e Bac h el o r of Sc i enc e i n Ag r i c ul tu re p ro g ra m lo o k i n g to m a j or i n Ani m a l Sci e n c e. S am ant ha i s the Presi dent of t he C a n a d ia n J u n io r L i m ousi n Assoc i ati on. S he en joys b ei n g o n the boa rd of di rec tors and ma k i ng co n n e c t ions w i th other L i m ousin breeders f rom a c ross the countr y. Nol a n M c L a r ty of West L or ne, O ntario wa s awa rded a $250 C JL A Sc hol a rshi p. Nol a n i s the son of Tom a nd June M c L a r ty. He wa s ra i sed on the fa mily fa r m C r i na n Fa r m s. He i s c ur rentl y doing a f i f th yea r at West E l g i n Seconda r y sch o o l a n d h o p es to conti nue hi s l ove for a gri cu lt u re by attendi ng post secondar y i n th e a g r i c u lt u ra l busi ness sec tor. Nolan h a s b een a p a r t of 4- H for 8 yea rs a nd has b ee n s h ow i n g Lim ousi n C attl e for 6 years. He sta r ted show i ng purebred steers for two yea rs a nd ha s show n hei fers si nce. Nol a n’s purebred L i m ousi n herd i s m ostl y bui l t up of pa st show hei fers . Nol a n woul d l i ke to keep expa ndi ng hi s herd a nd bei n g i nvol ved wi th the

Canadian Limousin A ssociat ion. A manda S cott of V irden, Manitob a was awarded a $250 C J LA S cholarship . A m an d a is a Grade 12 st udent at V irden C o llegiate , she has started t he applicat ion p ro ce s s to attend Lakeland College in Ver m illio n , A B to st udy A gribusiness. A mand a lives in V irden, but her catt le are kept at h er U n cle’s farm at Pipestone, MB - Pop lar v iew S tock Farm. A manda is a member o f t h e Lenore 4-H Beef Club wit h t his b ein g h e r 7t h year. The last couple of yea rs A m an d a has shown her heifers at a couple o f lo cal town fairs, and attended Manitob a Yo u t h Beef Roundup. S howing at t he C an ad ian Nat ional S how in 2016 and t he I m p act S how in 2017 were real highlight s fo r A manda. When A manda is not at t h e far m she enjoys being on t he ice as a m e m ber of Wheat Cit y ConnXion Sy nch ro n ized S kat ing team. A manda t hanks t h e C J L A for choosing her ent r y and cong rat u late s S amant ha, A ngus and Nolan on th eir win s . The Canadian J unior Limousin A s s o ciat io n also offers t he opport unit y for j u n io r ’s to part icipate in an exchange program wit h A ust raila each year. J unior ’s mu st s u b m it an applicat ion out lining t heir invo lvem ent in t he Limousin breed, t heir exp e r ie n ce work ing wit h catt le and what t hey h o p e to gain from t h e t rip. Megan Wyn n o f Belmont , Nova Sco t ia was awarded t h e A ust ralia E xch an ge for 2018. Sh e will be t ravellin g to A ust ralia in A u gu st to attend t h e E kka Royal Queen s lan d S how. Megan was first int rod u ce d to t he Limo u s in breed by her 4 -H Beef Leader J oe Cooper. S howing wit h Balamore Farms has taken her fro m h er local 4-H A chievement Day to sh ow as far away as t he Royal Winter Fai r. Sh e is current ly a J unior Leader in her 4 -H club and enjoys sharing her knowled ge co n tinued on pag e 1 5

MB Limousin News & Views Christmas Issue 2017



B Bar Titanium 3Z X TMF Sargent (MTO) Polled BW 82 lbs WW 775 lbs


B Bar Cognac 1B X Anchor B Fantuz Dbl. Pld . BW 72 lbs WW 645 lbs


B Bar Cognac 1B X Anchor B Usher Homo Polled BW 92 lbs WW 972 lbs


B Bar Cognac 1B X RMP Nine Iron Homo Polled BW 92 lb WW 690 lbs


B Bar Titanium 3Z x TMF Sargent (MTO) Dbl. Pld . BW 84 lbs WW 690 lbs


EMF Centerfold 10C x Anchor B Fantuz Homo Polled BW 86 lbs WW 685 lbs

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Ye

May you always ha LOVE to share, HEALTH to spare & FRIENDS that care.

Thank you to our valued customers, your continued success using Cherway Limousin Genetics is rewardin

Visit us online @


or follow us on facebook



B Bar Titanium 3Z x RMP Nine Iron Homo Polled BW 98 lbs WW 801 lbs




B Bar Cognac 1B x Anchor B Usher EMF Centerfold 10C x Anchor B The ‘Shmooze’ Dbl. Pld . BW 94 lbs WW 715 lbs Homo Polled BW 92 lbs WW 680 lbs





RPY Payne’s Cross Fire 28C x JYF 132Z Dbl. Pld . BW 80 lbs WW 825lbs


B Bar Titanium 3Z x RMP P. Paramount Homo Polled BW 96 lbs WW 785 lbs


B Bar Cognac 1B x Amaglen Unreal Dbl. Pld . BW 92 lbs WW 765 lbs

We have carefully selected herdsires to develop genetics that produce cattle that are in demand. Sound Conformation, Fertile, Easy Calving, High Yielding & Quiet!!

We have an excellent group to select from!


100% Raised on Mom and Grass NO CREEP! Bulls that will sire a calf crop to yield more profit.

Give us a call to view the bull pen

Phone: (204)736-2878 Wayne & Cheryl McPherson & family, Sanford, MB


GR A ND C H A M P IO N FE M AL E EM F C an d y 3 C E T, C a l f : E M F E x tra Sweet 10 E , O w n e d by Eden M ea dow Fa r m s, Ze h n er, S K

RES ERV E GRA ND CHA MPION F EMA L E CA M Poll Dutchess, Owned by Campbell Limousin, Minto, MB

L ef t: L IM O USIN SHOW JUD GE D a r by C oc hra ne, C oc hra ne Stoc k Farms, Al exa nder, M B R i ng m a n: Travi s Hunter pho to c redi t : Lauren Campb e ll

Ab ove : LI MO USIN HE IFE R C AL F C L AS S p h o to c re d i t : La u ren Cam pb el l

AG EX 20 1 8 R esu lts

PERC ENTAG E / LIM F LE X , G R AND C HAM PION F E M ALE C A M P OL L DA DDY ’S GIR L 15D 2/ 25/2 0 1 6 C ampb el l L i mousin, Minto, M B PERC ENTAG E / LIM F LE X , G R AND C HAM PION BULL J Y F DEAD HEAD 296D 5/ 4/ 2016 Je f f Yorg a ( JYF), F l intof t , SK C HA MP HEIFER CALF EMF ERIN 1E ET 1/ 6/ 2017 Te r r y He pp e r, Z ehner, SK RESERVE C HA M PION H E IF E R CALF EMF EXT R A S WE ET 10E 1/ 26/ 2017 Te r r y He pp e r, Z ehner, SK


MB Limousin News & Views Christmas Issue 2017

LIM-F LEX / PERCENTAGE GRA ND CH A M P I O N F EMA LE CA M Daddy ’s Girl 15D Owned by Campbell Limousin, Minto, M B JU N IOR C HA M PION H E I FE R C A M P OLL DU TC H E S S 2 /1 4 /2 0 1 6 C ampb el l L i mous i n , Mi nto, M B RE SE RV E JU N IOR C HA M PION H E I F ER JY F DE BU TA N T E 2 0 0 D 1 /2 6 /2 0 1 6 Jef f Yorga ( JY F) . Fli ntof t, SK SE N IOR C HA M PION FE M A LE EMF CANDY 3C ET, C alf: EMF Extra Sweet 10E E DE N M E A D OWS FA RM , Z ehner, SK GR A N D C HA M P FE M A LE , E M F C AN DY 3 C ET E DE N M E A D OWS FA RM Z ehner, SK RE SE RV E GR A N D C HA M PION FE M A L E, C A M P OLL DU TC H E S S 2 /1 4 /2 0 1 6 C A M PBE LL LI MOU SI N , Mi nto, M B co nt inued on pag e 1 4

Selling 90 Rising Two Year Olds: (April May Born) Black Angus Red Angus Polled Limousin •Red & Black These sires represent calving ease, performance and high maternal rate

View the catalogue online at


PO Box 85 Simpson, SK S0G 4MO Rob Garner Cell: 306-946-7946 nordallimousin@sasktel.net www.nordallimousin.com

co ntinued from pa ge 12

Merrry Christmas and a Happy Prosperous New Year tto customers and Limousin Friends

GR A ND C H A M P IO N B UL L EM F Eve n , Mo ney 41E , O w ned by Ed en M ea d ow Far m s, Zehner, SK C HA MPION BULL CALF EMF EVEN MONEY 41E 3/ 3/ 2017 EDE N MEA D OWS FAR M Z ehner, SK RESERVE C HA M PION BULL CALF EMF EIT HER WAY 15E 1/ 30/ 2017 EDE N MEA D OWS FAR M Z ehner, SK G R AND C HAM PION BULL EMF EVEN MONEY 41E 3/ 3/ 2017 EDE N MEA D OWS FAR M Z ehner, SK RESERVE G R AND CHAM PION BULL- sp by J a r m ara ndy L i mo usin EMF EIT HER WAY 15E 1/ 30/ 2017 EDE N MEA D OWS FAR M Z ehner, SK B reeder’ s H erd EDE N MEA D OWS FAR M Z ehner, SK PREMIER BREE DE R EDE N MEA D OWS FAR M Z ehner, SK PREMIER EXHI BITOR EDE N MEA D OWS FAR M Z ehner, SK

L ef t: Announc er, S tan C oc hra ne, Recorder, Sher r y Daniel, B a nners: R i l l a Hunter photo c redi t : Lauren Campb e ll

Ab ove : C H A M P IO N FE M AL E C L ASS p h o to c re d i t : La u ren Cam pb el l


MB Limousin News & Views Christmas Issue 2017

Thank you and congratulations to Rick and Brenda Park, Park Performance Limousin, Virden, MB for purchasing my cows

L.G. Limousin Leonard Gertz Phone: (204) 748-3728 Cell: (204) 851-0399 lg.limousin@hotmail.com Virden, MB

MLE 2017 Classes and Sponsors G rand Champi on Femal e Cochrane Stock Farms Reser ve Champi on Femal e Campbel l L i mousi n Champi on Hei fer Cal fD i amond T Li mousi n Reser ve Champi on Hei fer Cal fCher way L i mousi n Champi on Yearl i ng Hei ferLG Li mousi n Reser ve Champi on Yearl i ng Hei fer M apl ehurst Farms Champi on S eni or Femal e L+S Li mousi n Ac res G rand Champi on B ul l Popl ar vi ew Stock Farm Reser ve Champi on B ul l Jarmarand y L i mousi n Champi on B ul l Cal f A magl en Li mousi n Reser ve Champi on B ul l Cal f Kenton Co - op Champi on Yearl i ng B ul l Roari ng R i ver Li mousi n

Res Champ Ye arl i n g B u l l Ho c kr i dge Far m s Breeders He rd- B o h r so n M arketi ng S e r v i ce LT D Premi er Bre e de rG reenval le y Eq u i p m e n t Ki l l arney Premi er Exh i bi to r- Pe m bi n a Co - op Mi n to ML E 2017 Li m Fl e x Cl a s se s S ponsors Champ Li m Fl e x J u n i o r Femal e - M a s te r fe e ds Brandon ( 2 bags o f fe e d) Champi on Li m Fl e x B u l l M a ster fee ds Bran do n ( 2 bags of fee d)


co ntinue d from pa ge 9

a n d p a s s io n w i t h the younger m em bers. S he is also t he secretar y of t he Marit ime J u n io r L i m o u s in A s s o c iati on a nd w i l l be i nvolved in planning t he 2018 Canadian J unior L im o u s in Imp a c t S h ow. M ega n i s a thi rd yea r st udent at t he Dalhousie Universit y A gricult ural Ca m p u s co m p let i ng a B a c hel or of Sc i ence Degree majoring in A nimal S cience. M y l ove fo r t ravel i ng a nd my i nterest in beef are why I applied. I am really lookin g fo r ward to l ear n i n g a b o ut the L i m ousi n bred from ot hers, in a different part of t he world . I t t ie s i n b o t h t rave l i n g a nd cattl e, whi c h a re t wo t hings I have a ver y st rong passion fo r, s aid M ega n . Th e C a n a d i a n J u n i or L i m ousi n Assoc i at ion would like to congrat ulate t his year ’s award re c i p i e nt s a n d t h a nk ever yone who took t he t ime to apply. We have a ver y talented gro u p o f ju n i o r ’s w h o are goi ng to go on to do big t hings in t he Limousin breed!



SQUIRREL CREEK ANGUS 3 218 16/01/17 78 CCM 3E 820 Sire: 2.85 LG LIMOUSIN, 1 P 201 PB 26/02/17 92 LGL 75E 676 Sire: EDW BATTLE CRY 2.74 AMAGLEN LIMOUSIN 3 202 11/01/17 83 AJH 75E 863 Sire: 2.95 AMAGLEN LIMOUSIN, 3 203 13/01/17 83 HNH 4E 884 Sire: 3.04 3 204 19/01/17 96 HNH 10E 921 Sire: 3.23 3 205 02/02/17 81 HNH 30E 820 Sire: 3.03 3 206 02/02/17 87 HNH 31E 883 Sire: 3.26 3 207 19/02/17 83 HNH 62E 825 Sire: 3.25 PINE CREEK LIMOUSIN, 3 208 04/02/17 96 WDH 2E 712 Sire: 2.65 L & S LIMOUSIN ACRES, 3 209 26/01/17 82 LDS 1E 810 Sire: 2.91 3 210 23/02/17 98 LDS 17E 706 Sire: 2.82 3 211 26/02/17 92 LDS 23E 796 Sire: 3.22 3 212 15/03/17 90 LDS 32E 691 Sire: 3.00 3 213 17/03/17 96 LDS 35E 630

Sire: 2.76

MAPLEHURST FARMS, 3 214 28/01/17 98 MTF 17E 766 Sire: 2.77 TIM DAVEY 3 215 01/02/17 97 TWD 25E 715 Sire: 2.63 3 216 02/02/2017 90 TWD 29E 777 Sire: 2.87 3 217 04/02/2017 98 TWD 35E 707 Sire: 2.63 TRIPLE “R” LIMOUSIN, (RODGERS, ART), BOX 156, MACGREGOR, MB, 204-856-3440 3 219 ARM 30E 779 Sire: 3 220 ARM 43E 803 Sire: 3 221 ARM 3E 888 Sire: 3 222 ARM 93E 852 Sire:

MB Limousin News & Views Christmas Issue 2017


• CLA Platinum Herd. • 35 years of birth weights, weaning weights, and retained yearling weights on calves. • Scrotal measuring since 1992. • Docility records since 1994 . • Many Manitoba Bull Test Top Indexing and High Selling Limousin Bulls. • Top Indexing Bull of All Breeds (550+ bulls) at the Manitoba Test Station. • Excellent Carcass Data on bulls. • Have AI’ed over 675 cows to the top bloodlines in the industry on natural heats.

m e r ry

• 50 Embryo Transfers. • Had the #1 Trait Leader Female in the country for Milk, as well as many other trait leaders over our career. • We have not campaigned our cattle all over the country, but when they’ve had the chance to compete they’ve been successful. • All cows are scored at calving on docility, maternal, milk, and calf vigour. • Docility – if we can’t handle them, we don’t want ‘em! • Our females are expected to do it on their own - no creep feed! • Performance, Pedigree and Personality!



h a p py



Darby Cochrane


Don’t fiddle with the rest come to

Grant Moffatt for the best! 1500 Richmond Ave. Brandon, Manitoba R7A 7E3

Phone (204) 728-0130 Toll Free 1-888-999-4111 Fax (204) 726-8344 Res. (204) 483-2727 Email grantm@murraychevbrandon.com

Shoal Lake Farm Equipment

RR 1, Alexander, MB R0K 0A0 P: 204-573-6529 F: 204-855-2472 darbyc@wcgwave.ca


Sales Manager

Box 279 SHOAL LAKE, MB R0G 1Z0 P: (204) 759-2527 F: (204) 759-2852 C: (204) 365-7133 E: slfarmequip@hotmail.com

advertisers pho to credit : Fawn Jac kso n

s c ree n s h o t s

CON GR AT U LAT I O N S G re e nwo o d L i m o u s i n & An g u s and N ordal Li m ousi n & An g u s. G RE E N W O O D C AN AD IAN IM PAC T E T was c row ne d C WA Su p re m e B e e f C h a m pi o n B u ll and went on to wi n G ol d - 2017 “ L i m o u s i n C h a m p i o n o f N o r t h Am er i c a”

AFD Ranch & Tack


..P 8

Amaglen Limousin

...P. 16

Campbell Limousin


Cherway Limousin

....P. 10,11

Cochrane Stock Farms

....P. 17

Diamond T Limousin


Hockridge Farms

...P. 17

Jaymarandy Limousin


Keystone Livestock Services


LG Limousin

...P 14

L & S Limousin


Murray Chev Olds

...P. 17

Nordal Limousin & Angus

...P. 13

Pine Creek Limousin

...P. 7

Shoal Lake Farm Equipment Triple R Limousin

...P. 17

MB Limousin News & Views Christmas Issue 2017




CONG RAT U LAT IO NS! A c e leb rat i o n wa s hosted for L l oyd an d J o an Atc hi son’s 50 th Wee d in g Anni versa r y o n O c to b e r 2 1 . Wi th a su p p er fo r fa m il y a nd f ri en d s fo l l owed by thei r fa mil y s h a r i n g 50 thi ng s th e i r p are nt s /g ra ndpa rents h a d ta u g ht t h e m. Fol l owed by a s k i t re li vi ng wi th h u mo u r t h e coupl es ea r l y d ays , f ro m d at i ng - to p ro p o s al - to t hei r Weddi ng Day.

CO NGRATULATIONS to M a r y J ane Robinson on g ra du at ing from Treherne C ol l ege in J une 2017 and in September 2018 she will be attending Olds College in Al berta. Mar y J ane is t he da ug hter of Leasa Robinson, g ra nd daughter of Gar y & Josi e Robinson Twin Oak L i vestock and niece to Tra c ey & Pat Wilcox Twin M ea dow Livestock Farms. M J i s employed at t he Tiger Hi l l s Healt h Center unt il Septembe r. Thank you to our Manitoba Limousin Fr i ends for your generous g i f t and wishes to bot h Way ne and myself.

CONGRATULATIONS to A mber Gerbrandt an d Tim Davey, Maplehurst Far m s , West bourn, MB on t h e ir wedding. May you be blessed wit h many years of happ in e s s .

William Daniel, Pin e Creek Limousin t u r n e d 5 0 on Thursday, Decem b e r 7t h.“Do you t hink yo u can st ill hit it out of t h e p ar k now t hat you’re 5 0 !”

Cher y l McPherson http://www.transplantmanitoba.ca/


L i l l i a n S ewa rd on her m a ny a c com p li s h m e nts. In the C JL A Pee We e D i vi si on at th e 2 0 1 7 I m p ac t Show. CWA Supreme Beef Challenge I wa s ver y honored to be sel ec ted a s one of the j udges at the R BC Suprem e B eef C ha l l enge at Ag r i bi ti on.

B i l l C a m pbel l

ph o to cre d i t: Faw n Ja ck s o n


MB Limousin News & Views Christmas Issue 2017

p ho to c redit : K ait lin N y ko li at io n

Special occasions, Limousin Family notices, birthdays, anniversaries, engagements, graduations or noted accomplishments are welcomed. Phone Cheryl 204-736-2878 or email: info@cherwaylimousin.ca

Blessings for a wonderful Christmas & a haPPY 2018

CAM POLL DUTCHESS Reserve Champion Female 2017 Manitoba AG EX


CAM POLL DADDY’S GIRL Grand Champion Lim-Flex 2017 Manitoba AG EX


l l e b p m a C


Bill and Lauren Campbell & Family P O Box 92 Minto, MB. R0K 1M0 204.776.2322 or 204.724.6218 (cell) cam.limousin@gmail.com

Contact us for Unique Business Opportunities with our Breeding Herd


Triple *R* Limousin Wishes You a Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year 2018 Thank you to all who purchased Triple R Limousin cattle in 2017!


a fem

e nc a k m for Blac etics r e r le a P ed o y Gen ailab ist! L R t v i h A al a Wis Qu ivery 8 l a sale 01 De e 2 l a ma our

fe a f o arm ck ails F e t h e C usin rd o o f m Li tch R e Wa ripl T t a r ove


Check out our bulls in Douglas Bull Test Plus 65 two year old and yearling bulls for sale at the farm as well as bred heifers and heifer calves for sale. a Limousin a Limousin/Angus a Limousin/Charolais

R* LIMOUSIN * E L P I TR Rodgers Art & Maria MacGregor, MB

Stewart Scott, Larissa & family MacGregor, MB Home 204-685-2628 Art Cell: 204-856-3440 Scott’s Cell: 871-2861 email: triplerlimo@yahoo.ca West of MacGregor at Rd. 62W, 4 1/4 miles North

Your Source for Quality Limousin Genetics

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