Magazine analysis Billboard
• Masthead • The mast head is written in a black font, with the words b, a and d with the colours red, blue and green filling them. The writing is behind the image and cant all bee seen. • The masthead stands out and could easily be seen in the magazine racks in shops, the B is on the left hand side thus being able to be seen in stores, it is also big and obvious bringing in the attention. • The filled in b, a and d bring some colour to the over wise dull image, it also grabs there attention and they are strategically placed right next to important text so that you read them • The writing is behind the image this connotes that the image is more important than the name of the magazine this is done because Katy Perry is probably a big celebrity to appear on there magazine so they want to make sure they don't distract from her and the content about her.
Image • The image is Katy Perry in a flowery dress with flowers on her • The image is very vibrant and stands out from the pink background, it would easily grab interest in a store • She is very made up, with blusher and red lipstick as well as eyeliner, this could connote her type of music her happy go lucky pop, music thus the makeup brings in the appropriate audience. • Her clothes also connote her type of music as well as her happy go luck bright attitude (Flowers and dress)
Main article, and other articles •
The head article is Katy Perry Inside The Court Of The New Queen Of Pop
• The head articles has every letter of every new word capitalized , this connotes that it is trying to grab your attention, this would probably be because it is the most important article of the whole magazine and they want it to be noticed. • The other articles are all capitalized because they are not as important so they need something to be more obvious so that they aren't not noticed • The other articles also connote an appeal to younger audiences and business people it talks about Farmville a Facebook game that turns over big profits all the time. This expands there target base giving them a bigger audience it also grabs an audience that might not have been interested or even disliked Katy Perry. The magazine is basically saying that there is information for all types of music lovers in the magazine