Seasons Change But ChocolateStays All Year

Poetry and prose by the writers of Language Academy of Sacramento with 916 Ink
ISBN: 978-1-952127-53-3
Cover art: Angela Caldwell
916 Ink is Sacramento’s arts-based creative writing and literacy nonprofit that provides workshops and tutoring to transform Sacramento youth into strong readers, confident communicators, and published authors. Our programs increase literacy skills, improve vocabulary, teach empathy, positively impact social and emotional learning, and expand communication skills. We envision a Sacramento region where every child and teen is given access to a culturally relevant creative writing program that leads them to believe in themselves and to understand the power of the written word.
This is a work of fiction and poetry. Any resemblance of characters to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The author and publisher hold exclusive rights to this work. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited. Copyright 2022.
What you hold in your hands is the hard work and dedication of a community of youth and adult writers working together to tell stories that inspire, entertain, and heal. At 916 Ink, we teach young people how to write, listen, and support each other in the pursuit of creating literary art. The words in these pages are carefully chosen and crafted to reflect their unique voice.
This book is a celebration of “taking the yes,” which is a motto of 916 Ink students. “Taking the yes” means that students are unafraid to collaborate with each other and themselves. It might sound weird—how does one “collaborate” with his or her own self? By shutting down the inner critics in our head that tell us that we aren’t good enough, our stories don’t matter, or what we might say is stupid or unnecessary. Stories are how we create meaning and make sense of the world. What’s better than to teach young people how to tell stories, create meaning out of their lives, and understand the world?
Creative writing carves a path to a better life. Writers know this, but maybe the rest of the world doesn’t. A writer is someone who truly gets to live twice—once through their senses and once through the page. Everyone needs writers. Favorite television shows? Go thank a writer. News articles? Thank a writer. Education? Writers wrote the curriculum. Business? Can’t happen without writers creating marketing tools and business plans. Writers make the world go around.
By reading this book you’ve supported the growth of a writer. Thanks. Please consider making a donation to this great cause on our website at www.916ink. org if you’d like to further our mission of populating the planet with youth who can “take the yes,” and lead a happy life.
Ink-tastically yours,
The 916 Ink staff, the Board of Dreamers, volunteers, and youth writers
The book you hold in your hands is the beautiful collaborative work of our 916 Inkers at Language Academy!
As a first time Wordslinger, I will openly admit this semester has been challenging, personally and professionally, but my students have been the bright light supporting and inspiring me in ways that I could write an entire novel about. Once everyone got their bearings on the dynamics of the classroom, individual table groups, and occasional confusion, together we created a brilliant wordy poem about one constant in our lives: the seasons.
I am so honored to have inspired my students as they have for me. I enjoyed the excitement on the students’ faces of the tangible items Maya and I brought to the classroom, the way their eyes lit up to the fact that 916 Ink also published comic books at one point, and the eagerness to share about their adventures and silly ongoings. Though the class was small, their words, writings, and stories are strong!
With gratitude and love always,
Gwendolyn Graves Wordslinger
Maya Aoun Wordslinger
Sha’Lena Evans Americorps Inspirator
Julie Donohue Americorps Inspirator
Katie McCleary Founding Executive Director
Michael Spurgeon Founding Board President
Shelley Blanton-Stroud
Dr. JaNay Brown-Wood
Lynn Lizarraga
Tigh Rickman
Chad Carrington
Jennifer Baker
Josue Garcia
Patrick Harbison
Michael Subialka
Concepcion Tadeo
Dr. Beatrice Tetteh
Board of Dreamers, President
Board of Dreamers, Vice President
Board of Dreamers, Secretary
Board of Dreamers, Treasurer
Board of Dreamers
Board of Dreamers
Board of Dreamers
Board of Dreamers
Board of Dreamers
Board of Dreamers
Board of Dreamers
DJ Waldow Board of Dreamers
Michelle Warshaw Board of Dreamers
Angela Caldwell Creative Designer
This publication is made possible by the hard work of the dedicated 916 Ink Staff
Jennifer Bacsafra
Jennifer Baker
Chris & Tara Baltzley
Mark Bellows
Julie Bornhoeft
Thadd Blizzard
Dennis Boyd
Patrick Burns
Lynne Cannady
Dixie Chan
Mark Chilton
Lamaia Coleman
Cindy Domasky
Lana Ersch
Chris Espinosa
David Ford
Elfrena Foord
Cheryl Fuller
Michael Geminder
Kathy Goddard
Robert Greenhouse
Jan Haag
Pam Henderson
Janet Jensen
Phil and Barbara Johannes
Nancy Kelly
Jane & Bill Koenig
Edye Kuyper
Austin Lee
Bina Lefkovitz
Kari MacDonald
Katie McCleary
Marilyn McCloskey
Julia & Nigel Moore
Stephanie Paschal-Jividen
Stacey Powell
Leah Ruth-Ferriera
Adele Sakler
Justin Self
Matson Sewell
Michael Smith
Michael Spurgeon
Michael Subialka
The Publisher’s Club is a select group of individuals who provide an ongoing investment in 916 Ink’s work and help to bring books like this one to life.
When you join the Publisher’s Club, you will receive quarterly mailings with limited-edition books, special swag, and event invitations, not to mention the warm, fuzzy feelings of knowing you are making a tangible difference in the lives of thousands of Sacramento youth. Join now, with a monthly recurring donation of at least $25. Email to find out how or visit
Adriana Perla
Aliyna Ramos
Banana Becky
Brandon Yuen-Graham
Daniel Corrales
Delia Moreno
Gabriel Corrales
Isabella Elizabeth Diaz Perez
Jacky Quintero
Julio Perez aka Nate
Maya Smith
Rosalinda Valencia Sanchez
Scarlett Villalpando
Group Poem
You’ll know it’s AUTUMN
When the leaves are the color of marigolds
The colors fill the shelves and Outside smells good, like nature
Vibrant, and fierce
Like the sun
We sip our cider and hot chocolate
And bake brownies
In the light chill of the season’s embrace
Fall is warm and cold
Fall can mean leaves falling everywhere (around us)
I play soccer at the house
Celebrate with friends and family
It’s a vibe
Something I like about WINTER . . .
Winter is cool, and you can cuddle in your blankets
I like to sleep and drink hot chocolate
I like going on walks at night because of the cool weather
I think it’s better to play soccer in the winter
I play my Wii U during break
When we celebrate, we do tamales
We decorate and go outside with hot chocolate
To look at the lights in the neighborhood.
I love SPRING for the shining blue waves of the ocean. While I’m climbing trees, I see the growing leaves.
Growing season: please stay. (The colors of the rainbow illuminate the night sky)
The roses smell of mint (The sound of laughter, my favorite scent)
Sunflowers look like the sun (Growing out of the cement)
When you come (To eat chocolate birthday cake)
To see the blooms (Ooh, I want a plate)
SUMMER is warm
I see heat waves rising from the pavement in the parking lot
And now we can jump into the nice, ice-cold pool
So get your bathing suit ready!
I was on my bike, going to the ice cream truck
Because it was hot
Rocket popsicles or a chocolate cone
Ice cream in one hand as I watch the warm sunset
Banana Becky, Maya Smith, and Rosalinda Valencia Sanchez
Transcribed by Maya Smith
(Acted out with cat pens.)
Chapter One: The Start of ALL the Drama
Blue Cat: You cheated on me.
White Cat: What?
Blue Cat: With her! (Looks at Pink Cat)
White Cat: Well . . . you’ve been cheating on me. Yeah, I know!
Blue Cat: Um . . . n-no, I haven’t.
White Cat: You’ve been cheating on me with Black Cat.
Blue Cat: We’ve both been cheating on each other, though.
White Cat: Yes, I guess.
(They walk off)
Pink Cat: Joke’s on them!
Black Cat: Yeah! We’ve been cheating on them with each other!
(Pink Cat walks off)
Black Cat: Ha, ha, ha! You can come out, Gray Cat.
Gray Cat: They are all foolish! You are just using them, Black Cat.
Black Cat: All of them, except for you, my love.
Gray Cat: Of course. I’ll die for you.
Black Cat: Well, I better get going. Pink Cat and Blue Cat will be wondering where I am.
Gray Cat: OK, bye.
(Black Cat purrs and runs away)
Gray Cat: Come out, Ginger Cat.
Ginger Cat: Black Cat is wrong.
Gray Cat: So wrong! I’ve tricked him! He basically serves me now.
Ginger Cat: You are full of surprises!
(Black Cat enters)
Gray Cat: Hide! Now!
Ginger Cat: It’s too late; he spotted me.
Black Cat: I knew you were up to something, but not THIS!
Gray Cat: No, I love you both. Is that too much to ask?
Black Cat: You could have told me.
Ginger Cat: Oh no.
Black Cat: Ginger Cat! Brother, what are you doing?
Gray Cat: Brothers? Ginger Cat, why didn’t you tell me?
Ginger Cat: I thought you were talking about another Black Cat.
Gray Cat: How many other Black Cats are there!?
Ginger Cat: Well . . . um . . .
Black Cat: I would have never lied to you, my love.
Gray Cat: After everything, you still love me?
Black Cat: Of course. We have a special connection, and we always will, no matter what.
Gray Cat: That’s it! I’m going with Black Cat. We are DONE, Ginger Cat.
Ginger Cat: Nooo!
Black Cat: You lied to her. Now you must pay!
Gray Cat: Even though—even though you’re brothers? You’d do that to him for me?
Black Cat: Anything that makes you happy, Gray Cat.
Ginger Cat: What?
(Gray Cat walks away)
Black Cat: Go, please. I’d claw your fur off, but . . . we’re bonded by blood.
Ginger Cat: I never deserved Gray Cat.
Black Cat: I hope you find another love, OK? I’m not heartless.
Ginger Cat: Thank you. Now go. Go make memories with your love.
(Black Cat runs away)
Ginger Cat: So much . . . loss. I must be dreaming.
White Cat: Oh, hello. Um . . . who are you?
Ginger Cat: Ginger Cat. You’re White Cat, right? I’ve . . . heard of your break-up with Blue Cat. I’m sorry.
White Cat: I’m OK. I have Pink Cat.
Ginger Cat: Um . . . right. Black Cat . . . what he did . . .
White Cat: What?
Ginger Cat: If I tell you . . . promise to keep it a secret?
White Cat: I have nothing to lose anymore. Tell me, I won’t tell anyone.
Ginger Cat: Well . . . Black Cat and Pink Cat are cheating on you guys with each other.
White Cat: Sigh, well . . . OK.
Ginger Cat: . . . And Black Cat is cheating on Pink Cat with Gray Cat, and Gray Cat is cheating on Black Cat with me. Well . . . until now.
White Cat: What happened?
Ginger Cat: When Gray Cat found out from Black Cat that Black Cat and I are brothers . . .
White Cat: Oh no, not good.
Ginger Cat: . . . she accused me of lying and went off with Black Cat to who knows where! And now we are divorced.
White Cat: Well . . . come on.
Ginger Cat: Where are we going?
White Cat: To wherever! I wanna explore, new best friend. Can I count on you to come with me?
Ginger Cat: Yes, we will always be best friends. No matter what.
White Cat: Come on, then.
(The two cats chase each other away, giggling and purring)
Chapter Two: The Thing Happening When Ginger Cat and White Cat WENT
Black Cat: We couldn’t find them.
Pink Cat: They should be here!
Blue Cat: Do you think something . . . happened?
Black Cat: No, my brother is—
Gray Cat: A liar. It’s good if he got hurt or even died.
(Cats all gasp)
Blue Cat: Same with White Cat. I won’t lift a paw to help him.
Pink Cat: I miss them . . . White Cat, really.
Black Cat: Really? ‘Cause you cheating on him with me says otherwise!
Blue Cat: Wait . . . Black Cat, what?
Black Cat: I . . . never loved you. I loved Pink Cat and Gray Cat.
Pink Cat: You loved Gray Cat, too?
Black Cat: Well . . . I never loved you either, I just liked Gray Cat.
(Blue Cat and Pink Cat snarl and unsheathe their claws)
Gray Cat: Finally, he is all mine!
Blue Cat: No, he’s mine! He is my love.
Pink Cat: I cheated on White Cat for you! Gray Cat never deserved you.
Blue Cat: Black Cat, please, come with me. Please! We will be free together!
Black Cat: But I like Gray Cat.
Blue Cat: I can’t live without you!
Pink Cat: Well, I can . . . but I don’t want to!
Black Cat: But what about what I want? If you love me, then you must respect my wishes, right?
Gray Cat: And his wish is to be with ME!
(All the girls start fighting over Black Cat, including Gray Cat)
Black Cat: If you leave a scratch on my mate, I’ll claw your ears off!
Gray Cat: Respect his wishes!
Continued on next page
Blue Cat: If he doesn’t want me . . . I must get rid of his choices.
Pink Cat: And that is Gray Cat!
(They both start clawing at Gray Cat)
Black Cat: OK, you asked for it!
(Black Cat and Gray Cat start battling the she-cats)
Blue Cat: You must be with me!
Black Cat: No! You don’t deserve me!
Pink Cat: And what about me?
Black Cat: You’re just as bad!
Blue Cat: Gray Cat cheated on you when you cheated on me to be with her! Who’s the selfish one here!?
(The fight stops as Black Cat freezes)
Pink Cat: Yeah! She could still be cheating on you, Black Cat!
Gray Cat: Would I fight this hard if I had another true love, mouse-brain?
Pink Cat: Maybe it’s an act!
Blue Cat: Black Cat, you’ve done all you can to be with her, and what has she done for you?
Black Cat: Love me better than all of you she-cats!
Gray Cat: No, they’re right. I don’t deserve you, I’m too bad.
(Gray Cat runs away)
Black Cat: See what you did?
Blue Cat: Now that the main competition is over, this will be easy. Pink cat, just go.
Pink Cat: It’s like you forgot he chose me over you.
Blue Cat: But he didn’t like any of us.
Black Cat: And I never will.
Pink Cat: He’s right!
Blue Cat: As long as Gray Cat still lives, he will never love any other cat! You know what we must do?
Pink Cat: Yes?
(They both leave)
Black Cat: Nooo!
(Two cats enter)
White Cat: Where is everybody?
Ginger Cat: We were gonna tell them we were leaving for good today.
Black Cat: Everybody has been looking for you.
Ginger Cat: Brother, what’s wrong?
Black Cat: I really needed your help, but you left.
White Cat: We’re sorry.
Ginger Cat: And the she-cats?
Black Cat: They have all gone to kill Gray Cat.
(Ginger Cat growls)
Ginger Cat: Then why are you here? We need to save our love! Come on!
Black Cat: I’m glad you came back. I couldn’t defeat two she-cats myself.
Ginger Cat: Gray Cat was my love, before she was officially yours. And . . . I still have that love for her.
White Cat: We need to save her!
(They run away and find the she-cats battling)
Gray Cat: You guys came!
Ginger Cat: Of course!
Black Cat: They are outnumbered now.
Gray Cat: Then come on!
White Cat: I don’t know . . .
Gray Cat: Also, I didn’t need your “saving,” toms!
Blue Cat: Kill Gray Cat at all costs!
Pink Cat: White Cat, Black Cat, and Ginger Cat . . . back off!
Gray Cat: No! Don’t you see? He loves me so he’ll save ME!
Black Cat: This has gone too far!
Ginger Cat: STTOOOPP!
Continued on next page
White Cat: Don’t you see? You’re being so immature!
Pink Cat: Black-y Cat-y, couldn’t you marry the three of us???
Black Cat: But I only love one of you—
Ginger Cat: But he can do it!
Pink Cat: I’m sorry.
Blue Cat: It’s just . . . unfair.
Black Cat: How?
Gray Cat: ‘Cause they both cheated on another cat for you . . .
Ginger Cat: . . . And all Gray Cat did was cheat on you . . .
Pink Cat: . . . When you cheated on me for her.
Blue Cat: So, who is bad here? We were fighting for you!
Black Cat: You’re right.
Gray Cat: But in the end . . . I choose you, not Ginger Cat.
Black Cat: . . . And I choose you too, always.
Once upon a time, there were three little minions celebrating their birthday. But then, DUN DUN DUN!!!!!
Continued on next page
One day I was peacefully reading a book that was called The Journey and the Secret. I was gonna open the book but I heard a doorbell ring. I went, confusedly, to open the door. I opened it, but nobody or nothing was there. It rang four more times, but nothing was there. I was annoyed by the doorbell. There was one last doorbell. I opened the door, and a letter was there. I grabbed the letter and read it. It said, “You’re invited to a Halloween Party.” I was excited although it was nighttime, but I was still excited. After five minutes walking to the party, I made it, and it looked like it was abandoned, but there was a girl waiting for me.
“Come on, I’ll take you to the party,” said the girl, with a squeaky voice. I got nervous.
I followed her inside. It looked so dirty and dusty I was nervous, but then we ran to the dead end. Then I said, “Uhh, I think I should get going.”
“What makes you think you’re going!?”
As I ran to go to the entrance, she followed me and said, “Oh, you’re not going to escape from me, are you!?”
I ran as fast as I could, made it to the entrance, and I tried to open the door, but I wasn’t able to get out. I looked behind me, and she was still flying toward me. I finally opened the door, found the actual party, and dashed over there. The man that lets everybody in the actual party was standing at the door. I ran to him and said, “There’s a creepy girl after me, and we all must hide!” He listened to me and warned the others, and we all ran to hide somewhere. The creepy girl went inside and passed by where I was hiding. She dropped a book, where she kept all of her secrets. I opened it and it said that she gets trapped in salt and disappears in sunlight. So I found salt in where I was hiding. I grabbed the salt and dashed to her.
“What are you doing!?” said the creepy girl.
I ignored her and surrounded her with salt. She tried to get out, but she
wasn’t able to. All of us waited and waited and waited. It was sunrising and the abandoned house disappeared, and instead of the house, there was a neighborhood. The creepy girl was still here!
“Oh no, she’s still here. She’s supposed to be turning into dust and whooshing away to disappear!”
“Silly you, I won’t disappear if I show you my secret identity,” said the creepy girl.
“How?” I said.
“By taking away my shadow,” said the creepy girl.
All of a sudden, the shadow of the girl was disappearing and I noticed . . . IT WAS MY OLD FRIEND KAYLA! “Kayla, what are you doing here!?”
“I don’t know what happened, all I know is that I passed out and woke up in a dungeon, all bloody with a white dress, and then I was being controlled by the other body,” said Kayla.
And that’s how the night happened. But there was one thing left that she had to do.
“What are you. . . ?” I said.
“Remember what I said about me showing my identity,” Kayla said.
“NO, don’t leave!”
“Goodbye, Bethany . . . ” she whispered softly, and then she became dusty and flew away . . .
To be continued . . .
Oh, and she wasn’t supposed to read the fake invitation!
—Banana BeckyIn the night, walk outside. See the moon, feel the cold. It’s pitch-black. You’re lost. You call for help. Nothing. Just silence. But deadly.
You are stuck in the woods with wild animals. You run. Every time you run it gets darker.
What should you do?
Run away or play dead? I play dead.
I hear something coming. A bat. “OW!”
Something bit you.
“Strange,” I say.
But then I hear something say, “I’m thirsty.”
“Oh no,” I mumble.
BONK. “OW!” I look up. I see an old man with fangs. I almost faint. I back up, I run back home.
I see light. Home! I run inside.
I scream, “Mom! Dad! I’m home!”
I hear talking from a room.
I walk closer and then I say, “Mom! Dad!”
They turn their heads all around and they look at me. I scream.
I run, I get a rocket launcher. BOOM! Right in the head.
But the vampire is staring at my window. I should have not thrown away my rocket launcher.
Darn. I break the window.
POW! It hits the old man in the face.
I slip, fall on the dirt.
I see a pistol on the dirt. Then I hear a rumble, a crack in the floor.
I click to shoot the pistol
But the bombs shoot out.
I hit the vampire in the head. Its head blows off and lands on the street
But my family is back
But not me.
Hi, my name is Nick, and this is a story about the intruder who broke into my house. Listen carefully! All right, I was 12 years old when this happened. I was looking out my window and a man in a tuxedo with a sharp knife came out of the shadows of the bushes.
I talked to the man and said aggressively, “Go away or I’ll call 911!”
In a deep voice, he said, “Call, see what happens.”
I ran away, locked my door, and waited. But I forgot to lock the garden door! I heard footsteps, and then I saw the man with the knife. I called 911 but he kicked my bedroom door open. Then the cops were here with their guns.
The man attacked the cops, but they got back up, and then the man came into my room. Luckily, the cops shot him in the leg, and the tuxedo man jumped out the window.
The story called “Sreen’s Chase” was created by Daniel and is a funny comic book:
In my story, “Sreen’s Chase,” a boy named Sreen is 12 years old. The old man’s real name is Jaden, and he is 62 years old.
The story begins in his (Jaden’s) apartment. Sreen was hungry, but he saw a fresh pizza in the apartment. Sreen jumped to steal it, but the old man caught him. At the end, he finally doesn’t catch him, and Sreen eats the pizza.
Read “Sreen’s Chase” on next page
In my second story, which is the sequel to “Sreen’s Chase,” Sreen goes on vacation to Hawaii in a plane, so he is the only one to go in that day. At the end of “Sreen’s Chase 2,” the old man dies in the volcano and Sreen lives happily ever after on his vacation.
Continued on next page
Once upon a time, there was a girl named Opal, and she was clever and nice but she lived in a pretty village! But people thought she was mean, ugly, and rude, weird, and crazy, but she wasn’t all that! She was silly and nice to animals! And she was a good listener! She wouldn’t forget things. She was clumsy, but people saw the worst in her. And her friends were: Areliy! Oatly! Mary! There was a new girl at school named Holly; she was secretly evil! And Opal told her a secret, and her secret was much more secretly than every secret, and she already told all her friends, but also she showed around the school, but after all that, she told her secret, and her secret was . . . she was actually a princess, and people found out, but when they did, people used her like that and she did not know anything, and it was all fun games until they found out where she lived, and people did come up to her window and stalk her.
And now there are guards outside her window. It’s weird but, of course, she is OK. They move when she is dressing! But she has new friends named: Opal, Lizzie, Nova, Lolivia, and, I swear, they’re not toxic. I mean, I think, but it’s fine. I mean, I can drop them, so there isn’t a problem, but OK, but there’s some new girl and boy. I think they’re siblings. So if I’m their friend, I think I shouldn’t like their brother. Wait, what? Wait, no, I don’t like the new kid, no, no, no! I like him . . . ugh. I’m friends with her, and I say this Friday I write this in my diary. Diary, bye. No way, whose diary is this?
Delia Moreno
Strawberry doesn’t want to be in the Ice Cream, so they battle with force, but they use swords and Strawberry gets soggy and Ice Cream melts.
Gabriel Corrales
Soup says, “Soup tastes better than berries.”
“False alarm!” Berries says. “I berry you!”
Soup pleads with Berries . . .
The dinosaur, God Wizard, was destroying everything. One of the people put a microphone in the dinosaur. Then someone who listened to it found out something the dinosaur said to the girl. But he did, like, sound language. So, the dinosaur couldn’t talk, but he communicated in sound languages. The girl was a friend of the dinosaur, and the girl said to God Wizard that the Ghost of the Past was there and was the real villain, the one messing everything up. Then the people brought in reinforcements to defeat God Wizard.
Dynamite, a big hamster, came to defeat God Wizard and his fangs, and the Ghost of the Past was temporarily forgotten. Then God Wizard got a potion and threw it at Dynamite and defeated her. Dynamite said her last goodbye. The Ghost of the Past seemed TOO happy that Dynamite died. God Wizard realized his mistake and tried to revive Dynamite. After he saved Dynamite, God Wizard came underground to defeat the Ghost of the Past. Then, the Ghost of the Past put out so much stuff from the past, like bad memories, and God Wizard didn’t have anything to defend with. So Dynamite arrived, and she and God Wizard came together to defeat the Ghost of the Past and pooled all their power to defeat him. When the Ghost of the Past died, he left some things behind: a live human that he revived, a healing potion, and memories of Dynamite and God Wizard’s past childhoods. God Wizard remembered that he was friends with Dynamite and then, after he discovered what he had done, he helped fix the town. Then he grabbed the healing potion and threw it at Dynamite so she would turn into a GIANT hamster and have even more power. Their memories were back together!
It was very late at night, and it was midnight, and this little girl was going to get water. She went downstairs. When she was serving herself water through the sink, a guy appeared through the window in front. It made a creepy face and it said “hi” in a creepy tone. The little girl got so scared. When she was running, she dropped the glass of water and the glass broke. One of the pieces went in her foot so, when she got to her room, she sat in her bed. She got the piece of glass out, and it was bleeding when she took it out. Then she wanted to scream but she held it in and she just cried. Her window was open somehow. She saw a flash, and the same guy appeared in the window. It climbed in the window and went in the room. The girl said, “Don’t hurt me,” and the guy vanished, and she just kept on crying. Her mom came in and said, “What happened?” and the little girl said nothing, she just kept on staring at the mom. The mom left, and the little girl fell asleep.
¡Hello! My name is Isabella, as you can see on the top of my paper. Do you know my name is a pretty rare name? It means “God is my oath,” and my last name means “Son of Pedro.” My mom did not know my first name is “God is my oath.” I did not know either, ‘til I went on my computer and I searched on the web, “What does Isabella mean?” It said “God is my oath,” and I ran to my mom and I said, “What does ‘God is my oath’ mean?” and she said, “It’s like a God name,” and she said, “Like, how did you know?” and I said that I looked up my name, and then I was like, “Am I lucky?” and she said, “I don’t know.” I did not really know what son of Pedro, for Perez, meant. My mom said she did not know either, so then I asked my aunt and she said it’s like a SpanishSpain name, and I was shocked because I am from Spain.
One day I was going to the flea market. It was my first time going. It was really fun! We got to walk and buy lots of stuff. We did fun things when we got there and we walked. I bought Pop Its, fidgets, and things you can relax with during school. Stress balls, fidget spinners, and any kind of material that doesn’t distract you from class. Lots of things in the flea market can be really helpful in school. Books, paper, pens, pencils, backpacks, a lot of handy stuff in the flea market. There’s a lot of toys, food, and even sparkly pink shoes! On the other hand, Pop Its sometimes can be a distraction to others. And even to you, too. Yes, you. But there are all kinds of different fidget toys. Fun fact! There’s fidget noodles, snail Pop Its, and there’s even Pop Its that glow in the dark. You can find fidgets anywhere, even like in Five Below! Some of the normal Pop Its are lame! Trust me, the fidgets that glow in the dark are cool! Because the light doesn’t fade. Otherwise you wouldn’t have a glow-in-the-dark Pop It! But the normal Pop Its aren’t always lame. They can have cool characters on them! Like Stitch, Baby Yoda, Pikachu, and even Hello Kitty, my favorite!
Hi, my name is Kaylee Jessica Santos, and I’m here to share my life story. It was a normal day; my dad was sick but strong. To celebrate my parents’ anniversary, we went to the “Lor, bore” pizza place. It was so good, but then the unexpected happened. Dad dropped to the ground. Pum, pum, pum, pum.
Dad’s heart was beating really fast. We immediately went to the hospital and the doctor had horrible news. He said that my dad had little time to live. . . After two days, it was over. My real close friend and loving dad was gone.
Two years later, here I am as healthy as can be. Now I’m 18, so I’m starting college, and hopefully Mama is going to be OK when I’m gone. But for now, I’ve got to figure out this boyfriend of Mom’s. He sounds nice, but I don’t know how I feel about it. I mean, some people just can’t live without LOVE. So I kind of sorta get it, but I still need time to adjust. Anyway, I go in my car and drive to the first day of college. I notice Mama isn’t too sad but, you know what, I feel like it’s just something that is bugging her. I will visit her every one or two weeks because Mama will need her privacy now that Joe will be around now. But other exciting news: I am moving into my own little apartment. So excited! After school, I go and check out the apartment; it is amazing.
Beat, beat, sounds my alarm clock. “Today is the day,” I say, excited. I get up and find my dress. Today is a very special day—Mama and Joe are getting married. Yesterday, Joe got me so mad, and I still am. I’ll tell you guys after, but for now, let’s go see Mama.
Knock, knock.
¿Quién es?— Mama said.
Soy yo, Mamá.— I said back.
She opened the door and said —Hola, mija. ¿Cómo has estado?— Mama asked.
I said —Good.
After a small talk and getting dressed, it was time. My Grandma Lupe walked her down the aisle. Mama said her vows, then Joe said his, they put the rings on, and it was official. I thought to myself, How could I let this happen?
I was happy and all, but I did not want a guy my mom just met and asked her to marry him to be my dad. After the contract, he is basically my dad now. And before that, he came in my room and said —Hey, Kaylee, I am, uhh, excited for you to, uhh, be my daughter.
And I said —Just because you’re marrying my mom doesn’t legally make you my dad.— I said in a low, serious, mad voice. I had all types of emotions right then and there. I was still mad at him because I started dating this one guy and it was brought to Joe’s attention and he got mad for absolutely NO REASON. Like, what!? So anyway, my point was that he made the guy that I really like break up with me. Like, HE’S NOT MY DAD, JEEZ! For the last time, please, he’s not my dad, like, ugh. Besides that, I just wanted my mom to be happy.
One day, when I was going home, I heard a bark and it shocked me, so I checked. IT WAS A DOG! I checked if it had lice. It did not, so I got it and I took it home. I gave it a shower and then I thought and thought for minutes.
I decided to keep the dog, hopefully. Lola (my dog, the one I found) and Froggy, my cat, don’t fight, so it’s pretty chill.
After having Lola for about a year, I’ve found someone new. So, I’m saying I’ve found a new boyfriend. His name is Salvador, and he is a very sweet, charming guy. But anyway, I’ve been through a lot and Lola really has been, like, understanding me. She’s been helping me when I’m stressed, and sadly today my Grandma Lupe passed away, but Lola is a miracle. I found out that
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Lola’s original name was Angel, and that her owners treated her badly and had some very strong dogs that lived there, and it was too harsh for Lola. She got abandoned two times by the same person. But me, after hearing her sad story, I just had to keep her. She’s one of thousands of other dogs, so I want the best for Lola. I don’t know what I would do without Lola.
Time just passes fast. I’ve visited my mom, and she’s sick. So horrible. I visited all the five-star hospitals in LA and none are able to help. All I do now is hardly ever go out, I just talk and talk to Lola. Hopefully Mama gets better.
—Woohoo!— I yell.
Splash, splash—the sound of the pool splashes.
Ring, ring—rings the phone.
—Hello. Um, is this Kaylee?
—¿Who is this?— I say, confused.
—We are the hospital department. Um, about your mom, she’s getting worse and really low on health.— says the doctor.
—¡Oh no! Is she fine!?
—No, she is not too well.— the doctor replies.
I drop the phone, go and tell Salvador, and we leave to the hospital!
Two days later, we found out that my step-dad poisoned her! He went to jail.
Life was great after that because my mom was all right, and we wouldn’t be in contact with Joe. Also ‘cause Lola talked to me! We understand each other, and that’s why I knew Lola was a good dog from the start. So that’s my story.
“Hey! I’m talking to you!”
That was my best best friend, Lindy. We’ve been best friends since forever. We’re going into our senior year of high school, and the reason why I’m ignoring her is because I told her I have a crush on someone; except that someone is her. . . . I don’t want to tell her because, if I do, what will she think of me? Will she think I’m weird for liking girls? Will she not feel the same about me? What if she makes fun of me!? I just wish I could figure out a way to know what would happen between the both of us if I told her.
Hi! I’m Ash, short for Ashley, and I’m one of the popular kids in my school. Half the boy population has a crush on me, but they tend to keep their distance when Lin is hanging out with me. Why? Once, one of the guys I was dating cheated on me, which resulted in me being heartbroken. When I told Lindy she drove all the way to his house and beat him to the ground. Lindy was pretty mad at him to the point where her anger took over her and he ended up in the hospital because of the beatings. He ended up moving schools, but his parents almost called the police on Lindy until they found out who her parents were: the Tomsims, one of the well-known rich families who have a lot of power over the city. There’s also the Smiths, which is the other rich family, but the Smiths have more power.
[Author’s Note: Basically, when I mean they have “power,” it just means that they are crazy rich. To be honest, I’m going off the idea of “My Story Animated” and their interesting stories.]
But that’s all you need to know right now, let’s just head back to the present.
“Hey Ash, pleeeease tell me who you like.”
“No, Lin, you’ll end up in prison this time—”
“Look, I only beat up your ex because he broke your heart, plus he was a jerk—”
“Lin, seriously—”
“Sorry, but it’s the truth.”
“Hey Lin, Sasha is heading this way. Go before she sees you.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Ashley Monroe, we need to talk A-S-A-P!!”
God, is this really happening right now? “Yeah, Sash, what do you need . . . ?”
“I found out Christopher likes you and, well, all the girls know I like him, so Imma need you to back off . . .”
“Jeez, all right—”
“By moving schools.”
“Uhm . . . yeah, no thanks—”
“I wasn’t asking.”
“Last time I checked, you had Christopher tell you to stay away from him. Or am I mistaken?” Lindy said as she came out of the bushes.
“Oh, h-hey Lindy, me and Ashley were just having a little chat . . . !”
“Weren’t you just threatening me just a minute ago?” I replied.
“I-I don’t recall doing that! You joke too much, Ashley . . . !”
“Oh . . . that’s all right, I can help you remember . . .”
“Lindy Tomsim, please report to the principal’s office. Lindy Tomsim, please report to the principal’s office.” God, why did this have to happen when I’m in history I’m already failing this class; now Lindy’s gonna end up firing somebody.
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“. . . So, long story short, Sasha told the principal, the principal called my parents, and since Sasha’s parents work for my dad’s company, you know where you have to call your parents and tell them what you did? I called my dad and told him what happened, and he fired Sasha’s parents and the principal,” Lindy told me.
“Seriously—how many principals have you fired since we got to this school?”
“I’m not sure—it’s probably three?”
“Seven. Seven principals and twelve teachers.”
“Oh, come on, it’s that many?”
“Yes, it’s been that many.”
“Sorry, but it’s the truth,” I said mockingly.
“Wow! You don’t love me anymore—” Lindy proceeded to say with sarcasm.
“Oh, quit it, I still love you—”
“I know you do; I was just playing.”
“Mhm OK, whatever—”
“Hey, want to head to the mall?”
“Sure, why not? I’ve been trying to buy some new roller skates.”
“OK, I’ll call up an Uber. I don’t feel like walking for 50 minutes—”
“OK, lazy bum.”
“Rude.” We both chuckled.
“Wow, that was fast! It usually takes eight to ten minutes,” Lindy exclaimed.
“Yeah . . .” I agreed.
“Oh, I just happen to be around here is all! Uhh, where to, miss?” questioned the driver.
“The Harson Mall, mister.”
“OK, we’ll be there in about 20 minutes, if there’s no traffic.”
“All right. Thank you,” Lindy replied.
“Mhm, yeah, no problem.”
“. . .”
I raised my eyebrows at Lindy.
“. . .”
“What is it? Tell me! Is there something on my face!? Get it off, get it off!”
“Oh my god, calm down, there’s nothing on your face. I’m just surprised you still use your manners—”
“Oh, come on, I’m not that bad.”
“OK, if you say so.”
“Woah! Everything is so pretty!” I exclaimed.
“Sure is, but save that for later, I’m starving!” Lindy held her stomach jokingly.
“All right—”
“What do you want? It’s on me.”
“Hmm . . . I kinda want something sweet.”
“Ooh! I know the perfect place. Follow me!” Lin sure is energetic. Also, for some reason, I feel like someone has been following me since Lin and I got to the mall. I might just be overthinking it; there’s hundreds of people in a mall, anyway.
“Here it is! All the sweets and treats you could possibly want.”
“Whoa! Ooh! There’s boba and cake pops.”
“LOL, I’m guessing you want me to get you that?”
“Yes, please.”
“All right, I’ll get some boba as well, and brownies, and I may have some cake to take home.”
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“Hey, Lin?”
“What do you think of my outfit?”
“Whoa. . . you look nice.” Oh God, Ash looks so hot . . . “I-I can get you that if you want.”
“Sure! Also . . .”
“I found this, look at it!”
“Are those matching Sanrio bracelets? I love them!”
“Yes, but I’m buying them.”
“OK, it’s getting pretty late though, want to spend the night at mine?”
“LOL, all right.”
When we got to Lindy’s, her little brother Erik came running toward me.
“Ashley! It’s so good to see you again!” yelled Erik.
“He’s right, it’s been a while since we last saw you,” a voice said, coming out of the shadows and revealing Lindy’s older brother Andrew. I also had a crush on him. However, I’d had a crush on him since middle school.
“Oh, hey Andrew! How ha—” I was interrupted by him hugging me with his hands on my waist. I put my arms around his neck to return the hug.
“Hey Lindy, can all of us hang out, please?” Erik pleaded.
“I’m fine with it, but you should ask Ashley and Andrew if they’re fine with it.”
“I’m fine with it, how about you Andrew?”
“Sure, why not?”
We played board games, ate the cake Lindy brought, and watched movies,
but after the first movie Erik was fast asleep and Lindy left to go sleep in her room because she was tired, so it was Andrew and me who were still awake.
“Hey, want to go to my room and hang out there?” he asked me as I tucked in Erik.
On the way to his room, he told me something. “You would be a great mom, if you had kids. It gets me thinking because the way you are with kids is magnificent. Like, if one of them is crying non-stop, you can just cheer them up by doing literally anything.”
“Huh, never thought of myself that way.”
He opened the door so that I could enter first and, as soon as he closed the door behind him, he pinned me to the wall and started to make out with me. We made out for a good three minutes until he stopped to catch his breath. While I was catching mine, I saw Lindy come out of the corner of the room, and they both stood in front of me. I stood up to face them. I was so nervous, nothing could come out of my mouth, and then Lindy spoke.
“Hey, I know you may be confused, but basically, me and Andrew like you, and we want to know which one of us you will date.”
“. . .”
There was a moment of silence until I spoke again. “I . . . don’t know! I like both of you and I don’t want to choose!”
Both of them stared at each other, then looked at me again, and then Andrew spoke. “We could be a polyamorous couple?”
“Uhm, sure?”
“What do you think, Lindy?”
“I won’t have you to myself, but it works.”
“OK, my turn!” squealed the kitten. “Come on!”
In one of the dens in Portal Palace, five kittens were playing. A silver kitten, a black kitten, gray tabby, pale brown, and a white one. These are their characteristics:
• Star—Black, green-eyed she-cat
• Moonlight—Silver, amber-eyed she-cat
• Flame—Pale brown, orange-eyed tom
• Ash—Gray tabby, blue-eyed tom
Right now these kitties were playing, but then their mother, Bright, came in with pride in her eyes. Huh, thought Moonlight. What’s she up to?
“Kittens! Toms and she-cats! You . . . it’s today! Your ceremony!”
At first, Moonlight could not figure out what the she-cat was talking about. Hm . . . why would Mom say that? It made exactly no sense.
“Oh!” Moonlight heard Flame call out. “Time . . . to get our tribe!” Of course! The kittens quickly darted out of the den, followed by Sea. This was it!
“I’m so proud!” she heard her mother meow.
Reaching the portals, the keeper, Light, stepped forward. His yellow pelt bright.
“I see . . .” he meowed. “Well, sorting time. Flame, come here.” Moonlight saw her sibling step forward. Light dipped his head, and they touched muzzles.
“Who am I?” Flame pledged. “Who?” Light look’d at the kit. A glint of amusement in his eye. Please, Moonlight hoped, let us go together into the same tribe.
“OK, Flame,” Light rasped. “You are . . . no? Let’s see . . ” Moonlight noticed her brother’s tail twitch impatiently, but she said nothing. “You are a fire cat!”
Moonlight did not expect this. She always wanted to be a fire cat. But . . . she felt more like a star cat. She looked around.
“Who will go next?” asked Light.
“Me,” Moonlight meowed before she could stop it. Light looked surprised. Rude!
“Come forward.” Light flicked his tail. “Moonlight, your tribe is . . . star! You are a star cat!” Noooo! She would not be with her sister! But this was her path. And hers only.
“Snowy, step forward.” Snowy looked at her sister, Moonlight. She could smell fear-scent! “Snowy, you are an ocean cat!” Snowy stepped back. But Flame and Moonlight are star and fire cats! “Snowy,” Light continued, “you now will be known as Sea.”
Why? Snowy thought. What’s wrong with my name?
As if he knew what she was thinking, Light sighed. “With just your name, anyone would think snow cats are a thing! Sea, what do you think?” Snowy looked around, Ash’s eyes gleamed, and Star nodded. Would she do it just for them? No, this is my destiny, she reminded herself. I decide. She couldn’t say that Sea wasn’t a beautiful name. OK, she decided, I’ll do it.
“OK, I am Sea, from today forward. And I am now part of the ocean. I’m ready.” Light nodded, rolling his eyes. “Go sit near Moonlight and Flame. After you kits are done being sorted, you’ll go to the portal.” Light’s gaze rested on Star.
“Come forward.”
Sea shrugged, walking to her tribe-mates. She chose a spot beside Moonlight and sat down. Instantly, she could feel Moonlight’s amber gaze burn her pelt.
“What is it?” Sea asked, meeting her gaze. Moonlight shrugged. Did she want something? Or was it just her?
“Hey.” Moonlight flicked her ear. “I wanna talk.” Sea blinked in surprise. What about? Changing her last name? (It was fully Sea Bright Rain.)
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“About what?” she asked, feeling her fur rise along her spine and her tail flick restlessly. When Moonlight opened her mouth to speak, she was interrupted by an excited squeal. Star, it was a Star.
“Hi!” meowed Star, pouncing on a rock. “Guess what! I’m . . . a star cat! Just like you, Moonlight.” Sea felt her sister tense beside her. Lucky, but now she was an ocean cat. And she always would be.
Then they all went to their portals and slowly walked into their new homes.
“Vine!” A harsh hiss sounded in the dark cave. “Come here! What are you doing?” Vine pricked his ears. Of course!
In the dark, but slightly lit by the dragonflies, a yellow tom with green eyes stood in the clearing, four portals in front of him. Why don’t you have to leave? He thought, his mind whirling. His friend, Ash, had just left to the fire kingdom. His littermate, Flame, was with him. Vine had watched Light, the portal keeper, tell him what path he’d walk. But now the cave was silent.
Light looked up at Vine, nodding. Huh? “Come,” Light invited with a flick of his tail. Vine hesitated, knowing that his mother wanted him to come . . . but Light was the portal keeper. He knew he could disobey Light, or disobey his mother. I vote my mother.
So he started walking toward Light. Passing Bright, Ash’s mother, he narrowed his eyes at the bright purple light of the portal. Light lifted his muzzle and sat down.
“What is it?” Vine meowed, twitching his whiskers in amusement. His mother, Lily, would not be happy. He stiffened. Now deal with it, fur-brain!
Light shrugged. “Listen.” He lifted a paw, the yellow fur ruffled.
“What!?” Vine meowed, impatiently. He couldn’t hear a thing! But he COULD hear his mother hissing at him for not coming when she asked. I could go right now! He dared; half of him knew he should leave.
Light crouched, looking at the sturdy cave walls. “I’ve been here for a long time,” he meowed, unblinking, until his blue gaze rested on Vine. “And I know a desperate cat when I see one.” Vine stiffened. What did he mean?
“What?” Vine hissed. “Do you blame me for missing Ash?” Growling, he added,
“Just . . . let me be a fire cat!” Vine fell silent when he noticed sympathy in Light’s eyes.
He saw Light sigh, depressed. “I’m sorry, Vine, you are a plant cat.” Vine suddenly stopped, frozen with shock. Feeling like his blood suddenly stopped, Vine felt like the world around him was crumbling. No! I’m a fire cat despite my name! “Is this ‘cause of my name, Vine?”
Vine shook out his fur. He was a plant cat. Vine looked up at the cave walls. He needed to stay here for the next three rocks!
Vine shook his head. He flicked his tail and nodded goodbye to Light. He ran off, past the nursing mothers’ dens, all the way to the back of the cave. He stopped running and looked around.
There it is! he thought as he saw the stacked rocks of this season. The way they could tell when the days passed, because a Nofur built see-through walls in the top of the cave as a thank you for accepting their three tiny kits. Vine loved what they did even though he wasn’t there to see it happen. The older cats loved telling the story.
Vine was grateful that the Nofurs gave the cats little gifts, and left them mostly alone. THAT was the best gift, Vine thought.
He examined the rocks closely. And he started counting. One, two, three . . . He jumped back, fur on end. One! One day was left! One rock! Vine’s thought quickened. He went over to Flores, an orange cat.
“Hey . . . did anyone put out the rock for today there?” he asked, tail twitching.
“Not that I know of . . . but I’ve basically been here all day . . . no, I think," she sighed. “The last day of the month . . .”
Vine swallowed. “I’ll put the rock on,” he volunteered.
“Thanks,” Flores meowed. “It’s a big day, and I think a big kit should have the right to—” She paused, then looked at Vine. “You . . . don’t say you don’t know what today is.” Vine held his breath. She was right. Today was . . .
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“The last day I’ll be in this cave!” He screamed, he looked around. A firefly was buzzing around, its glow mild. Vine reached one paw into the air, ready. The dragonfly moved closer . . . then he caught the dragonfly in his claws.
Once there was a silver-furred cat with blue eyes, and she wanted to eat a donut on the table that had good enough bread but delicious strawberry icing with sprinkles. In the house of Sr. Gata and Sra. Gata, the cat crouched on the floor, waiting to pounce. I will not fail! thought the cat. Her name was Sea. Sea leaped onto the table, finding it hard to keep her balance while pushing herself up onto the table. Worn out, she curled up into a ball. Ah . . . time to get some sleep. The table was about 20 inches tall, or three tail-lengths. Drifting into sleep, Sea began to close her eyes, but then she spotted pink-colored icing. Sea sprang up and began to pace around the donut. I got you now! She thought and bent down to gulp down her prey. No more waiting! She narrowed her eyes, trying to picture the moment she’d sink her teeth into that amazing donut. Pricking her ears, she lifted up one paw to move the donut closer. Mm . . . right where I want you! But right when she was about to eat the donut, she decided she needed it closer so, lifting her paw, she began leading the donut to its demise. But then, the donut slipped out of her paw. You wouldn’t escape, never! And she got into a hunting crouch and sprang, jumping onto the donut. But, just like the donut, the cat slipped, and claws unsheathed, she grabbed the donut with her claws. Nearing the end of the table, she sheathed her claws and accidentally let the donut go.
“Ahh!” she yelled, hissing as her body was in the air.
With a crash, she looked around, then looked up. Her body hurt all over. She looked up, her mind mixed up. What happened? she thought. The . . . the . . . th-the donut did not win yet! She limped to one side of the table. One paw was up, she twisted it when she landed. Her furry body moved a little to the left, then her hind legs dropped onto the ground with the rest of her body. Her tail flicked. She curled herself into a ball. The cold wood felt good against her hot body. She blinked. I can barely stand. Donut, you win this time.
Maya Smith
Chapter One
Crystalpaw was aware of Wavepaw, her sister and only littermate, standing beside her.
“Wavepaw!” Hawkstar’s growl alerted her that this . . . omen, or something . . . was actually important. “Don’t you dare. . . ! You two are banned from RiverClan!”
“Wavepaw!” Crystalpaw felt her sister freeze beside her. “No!” She turned to Hawkstar. “No! She was just standing up for me! Don’t ban her!” Crystalpaw hissed, “Just me! Please!”
Hawkstar let out a sigh and turned and walked to his den. “Lead a patrol to escort them off our territory. They are no longer RiverClan!” He shouted over his shoulder to Willow, “Do you want to join now? Think about it!”
“What?” Crystalpaw stared in disbelief as Willow nodded. “So, we are kicked out of RiverClan just because you really want Willow? What, because he has a deathly bite? Or because I didn’t complete the stupid prophecy? The one where I go to StarClan?”
“StarClan!” Willow glared at Crystalpaw. “StarClan wants you more than RiverClan! But now, because you’ve disrespected your elders, the Dark Forest would want you! Go join TigerClan! Go join TigerStar.”
Crystalpaw was pleased to hear a few gasps from her former clan mates. But she wasn’t going down without a fight. “We don’t talk about the Place of No Stars! You won’t go to either, because you are a dumb rogue!” she snarled. “And we don’t talk about RiverClan’s faults! That’s when we had a different leader! A rogue shouldn’t go babbling on about stuff like that!” She was surprised to hear herself standing up for her clan. “All you want is power! You have no loyalty!”
Willow snorted. “No, you don’t! You have no loyalty! You can’t even die for your clan, you’re so . . . selfish!”
Crystalpaw shook her head. “Dying for your clan is different. You all wanted me dead!”
“Also . . .” a tiny whisper of a cat came from beside her. Wavepaw! “Also!” her sister stepped forward, letting her voice be full of distrust and disgust. “What if the prophecy meant you’ll win the war, if you sacrifice . . . ban . . . Crystalpaw? And me? Maybe. . . !” She stared desperately at HawkStar’s den. “Come out, Hawkstar, I know you’re listening.” Crystalpaw was impressed to see her sister standing in front of her. She wanted to congratulate her when all the cats turned to face the leader’s den.
“Come on,” Wavepaw whispered. “We have to go! That will only keep them distracted for a little while.” She faced Crystalpaw. “Let’s . . . run.” Too shocked to say anything, Crystalpaw followed her sister to the entrance of camp.
Crystalpaw silently said her goodbyes and set off for a new life. Once they reached the end of RiverClan territory, they quickly swam to WindClan territory. They were both exhausted and decided to make camp on that side of the river.
“Do you think we . . . are rogues now?” Wavepaw asked. “We’re not even warriors!”
“Calm down,” Crystalpaw told her. “We are just loners for the moment.”
“But what clan will we go to?”
“Not WindClan; the water there isn’t fresh,” Crystalpaw told her.
“And ShadowClan territory. . . ? No, just no.” Wavepaw shook her head, and Crystalpaw nodded. “But ThunderClan is bossy! RiverClan’s the best!” Crystalpaw had to agree. RiverClan was the best clan in the lake, forest, StarClan, and even the Dark Forest.
“I’ll take bossy over bad water, being chased off our own territory, and foxhearts,” Crystalpaw decided. “In the morning, I’m going to ThunderClan.”
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Wavepaw shrugged. “I’m going to go to WindClan. I like running, even if its water is horrible.” Crystalpaw stared in dismay as her sister looked at the moor. “I love feeling the wind in my fur,” Wavepaw told her sister. “I want WindClan.”
Crystalpaw bristled. “But I’ll be in ThunderClan!” How could her only kin, and clan, be in different places?
Wavepaw thought. “You could come with me?” She looked pleadingly at her sister. “You are my last kin.”
Crystalpaw snorted. “I’m not going to be a WindClan cat! Their water, it’s just . . . You can’t swim!”
“But . . .” Wavepaw's voice trailed off as she shook her head. “Never mind, I can do this.”
“I’ll get . . .” Crystalpaw meowed, “Never mind.”
As the two cats slept together, Crystalpaw couldn’t help wondering: Would she ever get a warrior name?
Chapter Two
Crystalpaw was running back home. She just got her first piece of prey—a fish.
“How cool!” Wavepaw was running beside her. “That’s a big piece of prey!”
As they neared the entrance of the camp, Crystalpaw noticed Hawkstar walking toward them.
“Hawkstar?” Crystalpaw was surprised to see her leader out of camp. Wavepaw slowed down and Crystalpaw did the same. Soon, they were standing in front of their leader.
Wavepaw’s tail twitched. “Hawkstar. How are you—”
“You are both banned from RiverClan! You failed your mother! Failed her!”
“W-what?” Crystalpaw was surprised by her leader’s sudden outburst. “But . . . why?”
Wavepaw snorted. “Now I must go to WindClan.” She meowed. “I love it.”
“But the water is bad.” Hawkstar growled. “You didn’t complete the omen from the stars!”
Crystalpaw felt the world crumbling around her. “Huh? What’s happening?” She stared at Wavepaw as she grabbed Crystalpaw’s fresh kill. Hawkstar just grunted with a smile on his face as he turned and walked toward camp.
As Crystalpaw sat down, one thing became clear: She couldn’t depend on any other cat but herself. No kin, and no clan. She was all alone.
“Crystalpaw! Crystalpaw!” She blinked in confusion as she felt a paw gently pushing her. “Wake up!” It was Wavepaw. Why was she here? She abandoned her! But . . . she was here . . .
Crystalpaw blinked. A blurry figure loomed over her. She slowly turned to see the moor in front of her. Memories flooded back about what had actually happened. Wavepaw would be leaving today to WindClan, and she would be going to ThunderClan. Crystalpaw stood up and stretched. She noticed Wavepaw washing herself, muttering. Crystalpaw’s ears twitched. “Worried?”
“No, but . . . we are apprentices.”
“We already passed our assessment.”
“So how about we just give ourselves warrior names?”
“We’ll do it to each other,” Crystalpaw declared. “OK?”
Wavepaw sighed but nodded. “You first, name me!”
Crystalpaw rolled her eyes and sat down. This was going to be hard. Waveheart? Wavefall? Maybe she should give her littermate her mother’s warrior one. No, Waveglaze? Wavefrost? Finally, she decided what it would be.
“Wavepaw, from this day forward you will now be known as Wavestream. StarClan honors you for your speed like a stream.”
Crystalpaw dipped her head. “Wavestream! Wavestream!” As she yelled her sister‘s new name, she wondered if she’d feel happy again. She noticed her sister’s eyes turn round in wonder, and her soft, gentle purr. Finally, it was her time.
Crystalpaw waited, looking up time and time again to see her white-and-silver littermate’s face turn into a hard, thinking one.
Suddenly, she looked up, and Crystalpaw knew it was her last moments of being an apprentice.
Wavestream cleared her throat. “Crystalpaw, from this day forward, you will now be known as Crystalstripe. StarClan honors you for your hunting and fighting skills. And your silver, tabby fur—mostly the tabby—is like stripes.”
Crystalstripe? As Crystalpaw got used to her warrior name, she noticed Wavestream glancing anxiously at the moor. She’s thinking about what it’s going to be like when we separate. Crystalstripe agreed to be worried. In RiverClan, we had a whole clan. But now we only have each other.
“Well, I guess it’s time to say goodbye,” Crystalstripe finally meowed.
Wavestream sighed. “I . . . well, OK, but could we say proper goodbyes?”
Of course, fish-brain, Crystalstripe thought, we’re littermates. “Well, of course,” Crystalstripe snorted. “Unless you’re going to abandon me slowly.”
“Huh?” Wavestream seemed to shrink beneath her pelt.
Crystalstripe rolled her eyes. “Everyone has! Our father, mother, clan, and now you! The one cat I thought I could trust.”
“But we . . .” Wavestream shook her head.
“I thought littermates couldn’t be separated,” Crystalstripe growled. “And, Wavestream, you made me think that! Just to leave me like the rest!”
Crystalstripe felt anger bubbling inside her. She had been abandoned by every cat. At least in ThunderClan she’d get a fresh start. Hawkstar always told her that she and Wavestream were half-clan.
They never knew their father, and Shortfall, their mother, had died giving birth to them. Not to mention the omen from StarClan that she was destined to die, and now that she didn’t, they kicked her out of the clan! Now her sister was leaving, and Crystalstripe would be going to a clan she doesn’t know and is known to be bossy and can’t swim. And all the other cats of ThunderClan would treat her like Hawkstar did, like a half-clan.
She now had to do that all alone. Maybe that’s what StarClan meant, that she’d always be alone.
“Crystalstripe?” Wavestream’s soft breath rang in her ear. “I’m sorry, but I just . . .”
Crystalstripe snorted. “Just what? You’re sorry?” She hissed. “Because you betrayed me?”
“I didn’t mean to!” Wavestream backed away from her, her voice turning into a wail. “I like the wind! And running!”
Crystalstripe curled her lip. “And going away from your own kin!” As the two sisters began an argument, Crystalstripe heard paw steps and shook her head as the strong scent of WindClan warriors bathed her muzzle. I guess Wavestream’s gonna leave now.
“But you could—” Wavestream tried to meow something, but Crystalstripe interrupted with a shove.
“Hear that, fish brain? Paws! Smell that? WindClan!” Crystalstripe growled quietly. She expected her sister to be worried like her, but of course she wasn’t. Instead, her eyes lit up as her pelt bristled with excitement.
“Where?” Wavestream asked. “I can’t believe it! I didn’t even have to go that far to—”
“A patrol,” Crystalstripe noticed. “Probably a border patrol.”
Wavestream’s whiskers twitched. “This is my chance! I’m gonna . . .” Her voice trailed off as she stared at Crystalstripe. “Go . . .” she finally whispered.
Crystalstripe bristled. “Goodbye, traitor.”
My heart twisted. The air grew damp. I couldn’t find the little cat. How many days would it take?
You will find out, whispered the voice inside. I didn’t understand. How could I find my cat?
I tried everything, but it didn’t work. Posters of my cat, knocking on doors, searching everywhere! For three days straight, that’s all I did.
“Where are you?” I whispered, walking past an alley. I’m not going in there without a flashlight.
I started running very fast on the sidewalk. I wanted to leave that place behind. I wanted it to disappear. And I wanted my cat to appear.
That’s it! I never checked the alley, so what if my cat’s there?
A girl ran to her house. Looking as the cars passed. In the black starlight, she ran. Very fast, going to find a flashlight. Going to try to find a cat. Trying to find it.
That girl, that girl was me. And I would do anything to find my cat.
The girl had long black hair that was straight. She wore it in a ponytail. She had light blue eyes and dark brown skin. She was wearing a jacket that was gray and had no hoodie. She was wearing jeans that were very long, and they were dark blue. She was wearing white shoes that were covered in dirt. You couldn’t see her socks.
The brick buildings I passed looked striped and sorta glowed as people drove past. It was a full moon today, I realized. Then, now that I realized . . . cats. And then . . . a gray tabby cat with blue eyes appeared.
“Silver!” I cried. My cat was finally safe.
—Run! (Says worried.)
—I can’t. (Says whispering.)
—Push! Push! (Says nervously.)
—Ahhhhhh! (Screams.)
Two years later, Jesicca was blessed with a beautiful little girl named Gabriela. Gabriela had green eyes and light brown hair with dark brown highlights. Throughout Gabriela’s life, people made fun of her and bullied her because she didn’t have a dad. Gabby always wondered why, or where, her dad was, or if he was still even alive. But other than that, Gabby thought that her life was perfect at home ‘cause her mom loved her to bits.
Everything was normal ‘til one day in 2018, November 6. It is Gabby’s birthday. She is turning 12 and she finally has the courage to ask her mom about her dad, although she is nervous. Next thing you know, her palms are sweating, she is shaking, and she is breathing heavily. She gulps, then she asks. —MOM, WHERE’S MY DAD!?— she says angrily.
Her mom stares deep into her eyes. —You really want to know?
Her mom starts to explain. —Twelve years ago, me and your dad were in a war; World War II. I was still pregnant with you at the time. He used all his power to protect you. He passed away saving you. I never wanted to talk about it. I knew it would make you sad ‘cause you are still just a child.
Then Gabby starts breaking down in tears. She sobs.
—I am so sorry, honey.
Gabby storms into her room. —Why couldn‘t I have just DIED!?— shouts Gabby. She stays in her room for so long being depressed. Days turn into months. After four months, she comes out of her room.
—It’s going to be OK, honey. I am here with you.
All of the pain Gabby had for four months comes out. She starts crying again.
—I love you, Mom.
—I love you too, honey.
Once, in Yuba City, there were two guys, Joseph and Lucas. Joseph and Lucas went camping at Yuba City for a friend vacation trip at the forest, which has a big ocean. Joseph was really excited because he brought a Jet Ski and he had never ever gone on a Jet Ski before. When they finally arrived, Joseph then asked Lucas to come on a ride with him on the Jet Ski. Lucas wasn’t too sure, but agreed so Joseph wouldn’t go alone. Lucas thought that the place that they were at was kinda sketchy. The water was really deep, and there were lots of rats. When they finally went on the Jet Ski, they were perfectly fine. When suddenly, a big wave hit them and they fell off of the Jet Ski. When they tried to get up, they found out that they had lost the key in the deep blue sea. Next thing you know, they were in the water panicking!
They tried to swim back to shore but they were too far. Then they looked to the left. Then the right. They saw a really big fin. They were confused for a second, and then terrified. They noticed that the fin was getting closer and closer! Lucas realized that it was a legendary megalodon shark. “Swim! Swim!” yelled Lucas as he turned to swim frantically. Joseph screamed an ear-splitting cry and tried to escape. But there was no way out. The legendary megalodon came closer, and closer, and closer, until . . . IT BIT!!!!!
That was the end of Joseph and Lucas.
Over one million years ago, when the dinosaurs lived, there was a legendary monster. It was the chicken nugget monster. The chicken nugget monster’s name was Jeffrey. Jeffrey was scared of the dinosaurs.
Every day the dinosaurs would come up to Jeffrey and say —YOU BETTER GIVE ME A PIECE OF YOU, UNDERSTAND ME?
The dinosaurs took bites out of Jeffrey until he was gone. Then they felt bad for eating him all up, just because he was made of chicken nuggets, so they pooped up the chicken nugget leftovers, and Jeffrey was alive again. They had a happily ever after.
I appreciate my friends and family.
Maya: You are my very best friend. I appreciate you for all you have done for me. I will put you in my story.
Maestra Novoa: I appreciate you; you light up my day. As a token, I will put your name in my story.
916 Ink: I appreciate you guys. You encourage me to keep on writing.
Family: I appreciate you guys; you have done so much for me I can’t even name all of it.