1 minute read
Weird Dorky Girl
Delia Moreno
Once upon a time, there was a girl named Opal, and she was clever and nice but she lived in a pretty village! But people thought she was mean, ugly, and rude, weird, and crazy, but she wasn’t all that! She was silly and nice to animals! And she was a good listener! She wouldn’t forget things. She was clumsy, but people saw the worst in her. And her friends were: Areliy! Oatly! Mary! There was a new girl at school named Holly; she was secretly evil! And Opal told her a secret, and her secret was much more secretly than every secret, and she already told all her friends, but also she showed around the school, but after all that, she told her secret, and her secret was . . . she was actually a princess, and people found out, but when they did, people used her like that and she did not know anything, and it was all fun games until they found out where she lived, and people did come up to her window and stalk her.
And now there are guards outside her window. It’s weird but, of course, she is OK. They move when she is dressing! But she has new friends named: Opal, Lizzie, Nova, Lolivia, and, I swear, they’re not toxic. I mean, I think, but it’s fine. I mean, I can drop them, so there isn’t a problem, but OK, but there’s some new girl and boy. I think they’re siblings. So if I’m their friend, I think I shouldn’t like their brother. Wait, what? Wait, no, I don’t like the new kid, no, no, no! I like him . . . ugh. I’m friends with her, and I say this Friday I write this in my diary. Diary, bye. No way, whose diary is this?