919 Magazine Holiday 2019-North Wake, Wake Forest, TPC Wakefield, Rolesville

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‘I Suspect My Spouse Is Unfaithful…Now What?’

Discusses The Challenges Of Infidelity in Marriage

Marriages, especially long ones, have many seasons. As time goes on spouses can become disconnected. It is unlikely that one spouse will not be faced with a situation where they could be tempted by another over the course of their marriage. Some people accidentally fall into the trap when reconnecting over social media or spending a lot of time with a co-worker. There is no greater gut punch than the betrayal by a spouse. When faced with this type of betrayal, it is understandable to want to confront your spouse; however, the best course of action is to gather information of your suspicion. Many marriages survive an affair, but you will want to take steps to protect yourself in the event that you are forced to confront the dissolution of your marriage.

Look for signs.

Often people learn of an affair when a text pops up on their spouse’s phone or an email account is left open revealing the inappropriate relationship. However, often a spouse’s suspicion is not so clearly confirmed. People engaged in an affair routinely exhibit behavioral changes that indicate they are checked out of their marriage and their attention is focused elsewhere. Consider the following possible signs that your partner is not being faithful: • There is considerably less intimacy or connection in your relationship. • Your spouse has a changed interest in their appearance, maybe losing weight and dressing nicer. • Your mate is traveling more or working longer hours. • He or she becomes more critical of you. • Your spouse seems to be picking fights over nothing. • Your spouse gets very defensive if you mention infidelity or affairs. • Your spouse avoids you or does not want to be in the same physical space as you. • You find your partner has been lying to you about a variety of things.

By CATHY HUNT Family Law Attorney 28

• You notice charges on credit card statements that don’t make sense.

Holiday 2019

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