Critical Study of Sharing Mobility Pracrice in Taipei - A Case Study of GoShare Scooter in Taipei

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Student:YongChe Wang Advisor:Wen-I Lin
Content 01 Scooter Culture in Taiwan 03 Sharing Scooter Trend 02 Development Timeline 04 Research Subject - GoShare 06 Conceptual Framework 05 Research Questions 07 Research Methods
1. 14,039,328 2. 46 % 3. 51.1 4. 242,882
『TOP20 Higest Scooter
in 2016』
per capita data from ResearchGate; Per capita GDP from FocusEconomics Feference: David Wu _ International Business Machines Corporation
density Country
Amount of scooter that every thousand people have Scooters

Transition transportation in city

Outdate transportation which is difficult to eliminate in city.

Troublemaker of traffic chaos and accident, always lead to countless casualties.

The transportation represent of developing countries.

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Numberless roadblock in city

The reason result from chaotic traffic in Taiwan.

Like to drilling in the road and look like eyesore.

A group of young people who can not afford to buy a car.

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Daily essential transportation

Because of the high mobility, can more easily move in the density city.

Easy to get one. The average price of scooter in Taiwan is about 2,0003,000 US dollars.

Conveient to park scooter in city.

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Environmental protection administration started to develope plans for electric scooter.

Industrial development bureau set up an intelligent electric scooter office.

Environmental protection administration announced the phase-out of the second-trip scooter and the new purchase of electric two-wheeler subsidy scheme.

The number of electric scooter registered in Taiwan has reached 207,000.

Department of Transportation announced the value of future traffic policy is-sharing、green energy、electronic.

Gogoro started to sell electric scooter in Taiwan.

Started to develope plans for electric scooter industry.

First sharing scooter company - WeMo started to operate in Taipei,Taiwan.

Department of Transportation, Taipei announced 3U policy(U-bike, U-motor, U-car)

Gogoro established the subdiary – GoShare for sharing scooter.

Taipei government announced the policy for sharing mobility.

Taipei government started cooperate to sharing scooter.

Department of Transportation announce the value of future traffic policy-sharing、green energy


Sharing scooter company announced one after another the BigData analysis they collected. Sharing scooter’s amount in Taipei has already up to 11,457.

spectacular scooter waterfall in Taipei scooter flash mob in Taipei

2016/10 i-Rent 2019/03 2019/08
WeMo GoShare i-Rent WeMo GoShare i-Rent TAIPEI NEW TAIPEI GoShare i-Rent i-Rent i-Rent GoShare WeMo i-Rent TAINAN KAOHSIUNG TAICHUNG TAOYUAN 6 city have sharing scooter in Taiwan (2020/09) 6 of them are the main city in Taiwan
Parent company Subsidiary 2011 2019 Selling smartscooter Energy network buisness Sharing scooter Capital-70 million (US) Capital-56 million (US) Capital-6.7 million (US)

Gogoro Horace

Complement the mass transit system with the first and last mile to create a new generation of smart cities around the world. Through the collection of data to understand the analysis of regional traffic usage, so that the platform as a municipal team, partners, consumer solutions.

With one click in hand, enjoy a simple and convenient 24-hour ride. To assist the government's green energy industry development, create a sustainable urban living environment, the electric revolution into everyone's lives, insight into the challenges of the city's future, the use of technological innovation to contribute to change the way people use energy. Change, starting with Taiwan and leading the world.

GoShare Henry
has provides battery replacement service, and if coustomer help GoShare replace battery, company will give them discounts .
use Gogoro smartscooter as sharing scooter , and in Taiwan, 95% of smartscooter is made by Gogoro.
first “end-to-end“ service, from scooter, battery, app and all technology made by gogoro and it’s subsidiary.
has provide several type of scooter for costomer to borrow. Other sharing scooter company only have one type. 1 2 3 4
The world’s
Driving license 50 cc 125 cc 125 cc New arrival Most popular Peer to peer Gogoro 3 Gogoro 3 Gogoro 2 Gogoro Viva In common ◎ Use gogoro network battery ◎ Must be driving by GoShare APP ◎ 30 sensor in scooter , with GPS、4G LTE、telematics unit ◎ 25 sensor in each battery, with sensing element and record storage
STEP.1 Download the APP APP have AI system, machine learning technology and GPS
APP have AI system, machine learning technology and GPS
and search
STEP.3 Find it and ready to go APP have AI system, machine learning technology and GPS
STEP.4 Press the GO button on monitor APP have AI system, machine learning technology and GPS
STEP.5 If run out of electric , go find the gostation
have AI system, machine learning technology and GPS
STEP.6 Return the scooter in legal space APP have AI system, machine learning technology and GPS
STEP.7and 8 Pay it on digital payment Check the detail on smartphone APP have AI system, machine learning technology and GPS

Facebook Instagram

“Not just for transportation, it is a new trend and future life style.”
GoShare select GoShare declares to build a food guide like Michelin Guide. Encourage users to use GoShare to restaurants. For business GoShare declares collaboratewith9 well-knowncompanyfromdifferent field,tocreatetheirownsharing scootertype,andeachcompanycan controltheiremployee’sdata.
It is a data collector. Do not need to pay social cost. Squeeze Space. More than 10,000 scooter in city. GoShare is tracting you. Company showcase in city. Government unreasonable subsidy.
Taipei Legend Municipal boundary Operating scope 1. Daan district 2. Zhongzheng District

Sharing scooter in Taiwan’s society derived on governance and social aspects of the phenomenon and as a sharing practice and essense differences?

What problem do sharing scooter want to solve as a means of urban governance and the negative effects implied in the process?

Under the background of developing surveillance capitalism, the phenomenon of variation and the future development trend of shared locomotives may be faced?

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About Sharing Surveilliance Capitalism Mobility Fix

Policy influence Social culture influence GoShare influence Tradition scooter renting Other transportation Coopetition company Land-scape Media-scape Ethno-scape Techno-scape Arjun Appadurai Sharon Zukin György Lukács government scape refication place market Sharing scooter User GoShare user
GoShare development in direction of surveillance capitalism? instrumentarian power DATA Extraction Analysis How to get What kind Which way scooter App Purpose For who reasonable when User willing or not Who knows battery

Main shaft

In the process of sharing scooter as mobility fix practice, to explore the dynamic relationship and influence of the three main stakeholders .

Main shaft

To confirmed whether the sharing scoot er has a tendency to develop the capital means and its vision of emerging enterp rises under the framework of the theory of surveillance capitalism.

TYPE ACCESS OBJECT User Company Government Scholar legislators 1. semi-structured 2. structured 3. unstructured The legislators who management my essay’s key districts Transportation / communication / governance / planning Fans of GoShare / General public Research object /other sharing scooter company/ traditional scooter renting company / other sharing mobility company Taipei city public transportation office / Taipei information technology government / The platform of smart city in Taipei 4. company speech 5. continuous cooperation
About study scope: A. Physical -Users purpose, habits, users interaction with space. B. Virtual (APP)-sharing scooter’s dynamic map, users path map. C. Policy in Taipei-transportation policy, sharing scooter policy About GoShare: Participate in various activities, such as related forums, lectures, community flash events,social media, and presentations, to collect first-hand information. 1 2


Through the GoShare app to analysis in different time,the sharing scooter’s distributed, understanding which time period result from what phenomenon, and clearily to oberservation my key districts.

Very different For work For home

Sharing is a kind of good mobility fix for country

★ Scholar Chang _ KEY POINT : “Government is quite passive,just be more active !!!”

(1) Users relationship between government and sharing scooter company has always been powerless and can only be used.

(2) Sharing scooter has numerous parasites, data collection is omnipresent.

★ Scholar Liao_ KEY POINT:“Since it is not possible to eliminate scooters through policies, perhaps sharing scooter is a new solution.”

(1) Apart from solving the problem of transportation, sharing scooter will also encourage people to change their behavior and through sharing, use the platform as a control center for displine.

(2) Much like surveillance capitalism, the purpose is packed in many places, with a focus on extending the tentacles.

Mutation of mobility fix – energy fix

★ If Gogoro's vision is to build a whole new energy experience that provides shared electric cars through GoShare. It's the direction of the strategy they originally set out.

★ Since its launch, the cumulative battery exchange has exceeded 100 million times , with an average of 214,200 power changes per day.

★ Gogoro has invested $11.6 billion (NT) in factories and smart grids, and is expected to increase its investment to $17.4 billion (NT).

3 谷歌在成為公開上市公司之後,追求神話財寶的尋寶遊戲正式畫下句點。(Zuboff,2019) 上市上櫃公司治理實務守則 Batteries are one of the parasites used by company. National support by National Development Council
4 中華民國專利資訊檢索系統, ® In order to use it, you have to listen to me !!! The way can know more about the company

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