Live a life you will remember. Pin-Hsuan, Huang Oct / 2018
Contents -
Product Design 01/ 02/ 03/ 04/ 05/ 06/ 07/
Misting Moss Lucid Colock Twins Food Tag Beginner Power Cube
Project 08/ Interactive Table 09/ The Guide 10/ LEO-D
PROD U CT DES IG N 2017-2018
01/ Misting Moss 02/ Lucid 03/ Colock 04/ Twins 05/ Food Tag 06/ Beginner 07/ Power Cube
Imagine how boring it is to stay in a dull and unchanged office! With adjusting the smell and moisturizing the air, MISTING MOSS brings the relaxing forest atmosphere into your office.
People , Plant , Container
Market analysis 1 Tastemaker Be use to be home decorations. Creative function,such as light and modular design. 2 E-farmer Emphasize the automatic supply of water and oxygen technology . For the busy user living in the urban. 3 Green Friend Decorative fuction Low price 4 Urban Gardener Automatic supply of water and oxygen by simple mechanical structure For busy office worker and beginner to practice a simple planting experience.
The “Urban gardener � is chosen among the four groups of people with different lifestyles.
Target user 20-50years old live in the city work in indoor environment keep working for a long time in a day
Behavior dicuss with client and colleague work alone group meeting relax and sleep
Location office conference room public area
Problem & Concept It is found from the survey that mood and working efficiency will be influenced by boring working environment. According to the research, natural fragrance can help people feel relaxed and refreshed. Therefore, I tried to combine odor and plant to create a comfortable environment.
Sketch & Ideation
Cover , Cup glass
Humidifier plastic
Potted Plant cement
Moss likes to stay in the moist environment. With the combination of humidifier and moss, it moisturizes the moss and the office space at the same time. When the humidifier is turned off, the cotton rope at the bottom can supply water to moss automatically.
When mist goes up, it gives off the fragrance like the odor of forest after the rain, lifting the spirits of the tired office workers.
The cement material can help moisturizing and ventilation. The translucent matte covers higher than the cement potted plant, keeping the moisture inside. Thus, MISTING MOSS creates a semi-greenhouse, making the environment wet and ventilated.
The e x tern al cove r i s t ra n sl uce nt m a t te . The par t ly h idde n a n d pa r t l y v i si b l e water level obliq u e l y re m i n d s u se r s of kee pin g a n e ye o n t h e w a te r co nd i t i o n. I n addit ion to s u p p l y i ng t h e g re e n hou s e , u s er s ca n e a si l y re fi l l t h e w a te r to t h e in n er cu p o n t h e b o t to m . I f you w an t to t u rn o n t h e M IS TIN G M OS S , ju s t rot ate t h e co ve r a ro u n d cen te r.F in a lly, yo u c a n i m m e r se yo urself in to t h is " f o re st "
LUCID LUCID is a furniture , using light and shadow of leaves made by embossed glass to create a private and comfortable space in the public area of a house to maintain a stable and peaceful relationship among family members.
About home
In the beginning, I defined the relationship between people and home, which can be developed into a piece of furniture.
A“living room” is a public area where people share the moments of life. However, people may feel uncomfortable due to different lifestyles and habit when they stay with each other.
With the questionnaire and the interview with eight people, I ask them some questions: -How do you feel about home or family? -When will you feel uncomfortable or stressed at home? I collected the keywords about home, such as comfortable, relaxing, and safe. Interestingly, I found that people are used to staying home to relax, but they feel stressed when they are too close with their family.
Sometimes they are disturbed when doing personal work in this “shared space” and will try to strike the balance.
Sharing space Th eref o re, I t r i ed to m a r k of f a p r i va te spa ce o u t of t h e “sh a red spa ce .” Th e f o l l o w i n g i s so m e f u rn i t u re a n d set t i n g s a t h o m e, w h o se functions and el e m en t s of spa c e d i v i si o n I a n a l yz e d :
Screen A screen i s u sed to d i v i d e spa ce f o r p er so n a l a ct i v i t i e s . A t r a n sl u c en t pa r t i tion / screen c a n h el p u se r s v i su a l l y st a y co n n ecte d a n d n o t i c ed w i t h p eo p le, w h i l e t h ey a re o n th e o t h er si d e of t h e spa ce.
A window is a co n n ect i o n b e t ween t h e o u td o o r a n d i n d o o r v i ew. Peo p l e ca n d ec i d e w h et h er to cl o se o r o p en i t d ep en d i n g o n t h ei r p ref eren ce f o r t h e v i e w. :
Th e sh a red f u rn i t ure su c h a s t h e m i r ro r is l i ke a n i n ter sect i o n for family members a t h o m e, b ec a u se ever yo n e n eed s to u se i t b ef o re t h ey go out.
A d o o r i s a sym b o l of sw i tch i n d i ca t i n g t h e st a t u s of spa c e. W h en t h e d o o r i s o p en , t h e spa c e i s f ree. Th e g r i l l e- st yl e d o o r m ea n s t h a t t h e spa ce u se d ca n b e sh a red .
La m p sh a d e rep resen t s t h e ro of of t h e p r i va te spa ce. Th e l i g h t i s a sy m bol of t h e st a t u s of spa ce.
LUCID defines the use of a shared space with the location of the light. It creates a leisure atmosphere, just like staying outdoors where you can release the stress through the shadow of the leaves made by the embossed glass and light. ďźˆembossed glass ,which was printed patterns on the surface by the roller and was applied on door or window in Taiwanese interior decoration of early ages
plastic frame reflector (made by mirror and embossed glass )
Different kinds of embossed glass can generate different patterns of shadow.
metal bent tube
LED (1200IM) , 18650 ithium battery
It can be disassembled into two parts for easy delivery.
Detail The top reflector symbolizes the eaves of the private space, giving the sense of security. Users can rotate the reflector to change the intensity and color of light and the pattern of shadow, creating different scenarios such as relaxing or working mode.
Support The bottom of support is filled with cement to strengthen stability. Also, users can put some personal belongings on it.
COLOCK Concept In the urban busy life, time is a symbol of stress. COLOCK uses color of light to indicate the elapsing of time, and such continuous rotation creates the soothing feeling.
Glass Light Color
6:00 am
6:15 am
6:25 am
When the light penetrates the colorful glass, the color of light will change as time goes by.
TWINS A loudspeaker is freedom of movement for meeting in different space and can be separated into two parts for working in the office. A small, compact product including a leather case and a leather strap allowing you to bring your music along, wherever you go.
Target user
20-35 years old work in indoor environment have meeting frequently
Market analysis Premium
1 Pragmatic Traditional and simple appearance. Emphasize the durability of function and high fidelity. 2 Vogue Modern appearance with luxurious material , including leather , textile ,rubber and metal, and elegant pattern.
3 Budgetary Basic function Usually be used in pubic activity,including meeting 4 Popular For youngster and student Low price Bright color
Scenario Office worker use speaker in different occasion,including meeting,palying,working.
OUTDOOR? Feature
Dual Purpose
Easy to carry
Easy to carry
Be suitable for indoor and outdoor environment
Storage for wire
Stable suppor t to adapt for different environment
Simple and 平滑的 shape make user put it into briefcase easily
With a strap,user can bring it to different place easily
Sketch Blending modern and home style for different environments, including home and office
Use leather and waterproof textile instead of traditional metal mesh to emphasize modern and home style.
Material Leather case
yellow embossed leather blanchedalmond leather
rose gold metal
Mesh cover
yellow and blue waterproof textile
Volume button embroidered
Speaker white ABS
Dimension 15cmX6cmX6cm
Color Embossed leather
Specification Bluetooth NFC USB port Stereo synchrony AUX 3.5 mm mini-jack
Waterproof textile
A leather case combines two parts of speaker in one ,and a leather strap allowing you to bring your music along, wherever you go.
When working,it can be separated into two parts , placed on both sides of a computer.
Color plan
FO OD TA G FOOD TAG is designed for the elderly to develop a good dining habit and to improve the efficiency of cooked food management. In this project, I tried to take the food culture as reference and designed the product based on shapes. It is composed of several oval clips symbolizing many kinds of food and a screen as a plate.
Persona & Pain point he elderly living alone cannot get daily care from their children who are busy working.
- Due to the traditional culture of thrift, they are used to preserving cooked food for a long time. - It is more difficult for them to embrace the new knowledge of healthy diet that the expired food is harmful to health. - They are so forgetful that they always ignore to eat the cooked food preserved in the fridge and finally the food gets expired
Sketch & Ideation 48:00 02:00
inform start
通知 湯類:雞肉、玉米
07:35 倒數時間:07時35分 熬煮類:燉肉
1 2 3
1 3
soup 2 vegetable
1 2
1 3
vegetable hamburger meat&fish soup
01 01 FOOD TAG provides the information 守expiration 老 年 人惜 食 的 觀for 念, 食物 of 遵 the date different food, calculated by nutritionists. 可 以 保 存 ,同 時 引 進 新 興 資 訊 This way, the elderly can not only save , 將 存 放 時間 限 制 在 專 家 分 析 food but also eat healthily.
Vegetable 24hr
的 嚐 鮮 期 限內 。
依 照 不 同 的 烹 煮方 式 與 食 物 種 類 分 類 時 間 。 24hr
24小時 Food clips are classified according to the method of cooking and sorting the food.
Stew/Pan- fry 燉肉、煎魚 48hr
Delicatessen 外食 24hr
Soup 湯物 ˙72hr
02 The light on the screen will be turned on when the clip is taken. When the food is going to be expired in three hours, the light will twinkle to inform users of the expiration date. The color of the light will help users locate where clip is placed on screen originally. Once the clip is returned, the light will disappear.
BEGINNER BEGINNER is a wearable device which allows to detect breathing frequency in educational VR for diving beginners to practice breathing and adjusting leg postures before they get in water.
Hill Huang
Jerry Zheng
Product design
Product design
Kaylee Hsieh
Via Tseng
Integration of informantion Marketing analysis
Mechanism design VR scene model
Mask Mouthpiece Second Stage
Problem&Purpose Without practical breathing and posture practice before getting in water, it is dangerous for beginners to use complicated diving equipment in the real water. Therefore, we tried to simulate the water environment with VR for beginners to practice breathing and adjusting leg postures before they get in water.
DOWN adjustment of breathing
How to interact ? When exhaling , the field of view rise. When inhaling , the field of view go down.
tracker for leg posture
How to interact ? The second view focuses on leg posture and shows coach s correct posture
Detectiong of breathing frequency
CO 2 concentration detector Use CO2 concentration to calculate the period of exhaling and inhaling.
Track for leg posture
03 Design referenceďźšMIT Media Lab Amphibian: Scuba Diving Simulator
Associating diving with waterdrop, I chose the round and friendly form which help beginners ease pressure and tension before they get in water.
Mouthpiece(buy from shop)
Second Stage
Arduino CO 2 Detector
Model testing
Make prototype by 3D printingand put wire in the snorkel.(transparent tube)
Fix the CO2 detector and arduino in the second stage.
Install mouthpiece and start breathing testing
Fix tracker on the fins
Fins(buy from shop)
Process of scanning foot
To fix the tracker on the fin, scan the shape of foot and make the fastener with 3D printing.
Target User worker or student staying indoor space for a long time People charge their phone easily anywhere in the company or school. It is common for them to carry power bank only when taking a trip or exercising outside.
Scenario&Problem They need large battery capacity for long journey, but it will make the size of power bank bigger and heavier, which is inconvenient for them to charge and use the phone at the same time. For example, they will use the phone to take photos, use google map, and call friends on the trip when the phone is charging. (The scenarios mentioned above consume electricity easily.)
Concept Power cube is a dual-purpose power bank with large battery capacity. It divides battery capacity into two parts, which can be applied to different situations: activity and rest mode. You can also share battery capacity with friends.
01 For activityďźšImmediacy The small-sized power bank is portable and can supply electricity immediately. without long wire. This is convenient for users to use the phone when they need to charge their phone simultaneously.
0ďź’ For rest The big-sized power bank provides large battery capacity, enough for taking a break on a long-distance driving or in the hotel.
03 Easy to carry We have a raised cube attached to the small-sized part to help users hold the phone more stably and comfortably when taking pictures.
04 Battery capacity-sharing. The big part can supply electricity to the small one
PRO JE C T 2017-2018
08/ Interactive Table 09 The Guide 10/ LEO-D
Up-to-date, I have acquired solid design training and accumulated an abundance practical experience in design development.
NetDragon Industrial design summer intern Took responsibility for the appearance design of its interactive table. Fuzhau,China
2017 TAICHI Paper presentationintern Presented my study of the user experience of Taiwan's Palace Museum at the TAICHI workshop, one of the largest multidisciplinary workshops on HCI in Taiwan. National cheng kung university Tainan,Taiwan
2018 LEO-D
Treatment room board
Casket storage board
Signs o
Burn-in room board
Storage management card
Dish label
Event broad
UI-UX Early design summer intern Participated in the development of an e-paper application, winning the Gold Award in the company's innovation competition. Taipei,Taiwan
of hospital beds
uct cart board
ing room board
LEO-D30 2.9” ePaper Display NFC (batteryless)
9.7” ePaper display
Medicine label
2.9” ePaper Display Sub-1G
Product management card
5.65” ePaper Display Sub-1G
Guest badge
13.3” ePaper display