2016 2017 Winter Curriculum

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WINTER 2016-2017

1:1 Curriculum & Sibling Curriculum

1:1 Curriculum The 1:1 Curriculum includes the following components for each month:



Sibling Curriculum The Sibling Curriculum includes the following components for each month:




20-45 Min Ice Breakers 30 Min Minute-To-Win-It 20 Min Pows and Wows 15-20 Min High Energy Game 20-30 Min Intentional Sib Activity 15-20 Min Low Energy Game 90 Min Movie 2

Volunteers can use the "As You Go" questions throughout the night as additional ways to interact with sibs.


LARGE GROUP Large rEcess :: Christmas Present Dash Materials: Christmas Erasers, Yo-Yos, Jingle Bells, Bubbles, Stickers, etc. Instructions: 1. Buy little trinkets or stocking stuffers such as christmas erasers, yo-yos, jingle bells, bubbles, stickers, etc. (These items can easily be found at the dollar store!) 2. Hide them around the building and have the large group leader dress as “ Ernie the Elf” following the script below: - Ernie the Elf: “On my way to Santa’s workshop, I seemed to drop the Stocking Stuffers I worked so hard to make! They’ve got to be around here somewhere! Can you help me find them?” 3. Send the kids on a Christmas present dash to see how many stocking stuffers they can find in 10 minutes. Environment: Play Christmas Music during the Present Dash!


Materials: Buckets, Bowls, Cups or Hula Hoops, Jingle Bells


Small rEcess :: Jingle Bell Toss


Instructions: 1. Set up Christmas colored buckets, bowls, cups or hula hoops around the room with different point values. 2. Give each child a handful of jingle bells and let them move around the room at their own pace to score as many points as they can. Have their buddies add up their points as they go. 3. Let them turn in their points for a small prize at the end of Large Group!


CRAFTS 1 :: Christmas Tree Ornaments Supplies: Popsicle Sticks, Green Paint or Markers, Buttons, PomPoms, Sticks, Yarn, Glue, Tape Instructions: 1. Paint your Popsicle sticks green and let them dry. 2. Cut the Popsicle stick, each one longer than the one before. The last stick (bottom of the tree) should be a full-length Popsicle stick. 3. Line up the stick pieces horizontally so they make a triangular tree shape. 4. Line the sides of the sticks with glue, and stick together to form a tree. 5. Use one stick as the trunk (glue it vertically and leave the end poking out at the bottom.) 6. Tape a piece of yarn onto the back of the popsicle sticks and tie at the top to form the tree into an ornament. 7. Decorate the tree with buttons, stickers or pompoms.


Instructions: 1. Fold a coffee filter in half a few times. 2. Get to work cutting! Don't worry about making anything specific — unique patterns will show when you unfold the snowflake after cutting!


Supplies: Coffee Filters, Decorative Scissors or Plain Scissors


2 :: Coffee Filter Snowflakes

ADAPTIVE IDEAS For crafts, use Loop Scissors, or Spring Loaded Scissors (both can be found on Amazon) to assist with fine motor skills.


SENSORY AREA Musical Christmas Shakers Supplies: Water Bottles and Lids, Jingle Bells, Rice, Sparkly Red and Green PomPoms, and Sparkly Ribbon Instructions: 1. Fill water bottles with jingle bells, rice, sparkly red and green pom poms, and sparkly ribbon. 2. Tape the tops shut to ensure everything stays in the bottle. 3. Have kids explore the shakers while in your sensory area.

PRINTABLES All Printables are available on the rEcess Facebook Group. We will also include them in our monthly communication to rEcess Leadership Teams.

Christmas Memory and Matching Game Includes one set of Memory/Matching cards; print as many sets as you'd like!

Christmas Word Search Includes 1 word search page. 7



The Santa Claus, The Grinch, The Polar Express




ABOVE & BEYOND Play Christmas Tunes throughout the night, and/or have Santa Claus visit rEcess! Have kids sit on Santa’s lap, tell him their wish lists and have an opportunity for photos.


Sibling Curriculum DECEMBER Supplies Needed:

Clean Socks, Tennis Ball, Two Decks of Cards, Spoons (Enough for the amount of people in group plus one), 15 large boxes

ICEBREAKER Zip or Zap Designate a person to be “It� "It" points to a person in the circle repeating the word "zip" or "zap" and counting to five. If "It" says "zip" the person must reply with the name of the person on his/her right. If "It" says "zap" they must reply with the name on their left. If the name is wrong, that person goes into the center of the circle.


December Siblings MINUTE TO WIN IT David and Goliath Set up a tower with 15 boxes. Form them into a pyramid that is set up on the opposite side of the room. Sibs must swing a sock with a tennis ball inside in a slingshot fashion (like David and Goliath) and slay the top four levels of boxes. They must do all of their carnage/damage from the line on the opposite side of the room at least 10 feet away. Each box must hit the floor to win. Have other Sibs help in retrieving and returning sock-tennis slingshots to the player who is participating in the game.

POWS AND WOWS From one Extreme to Another While sitting in a circle have every person describe something that made them laugh, smile, or happy this week? What is something that made them sad, mad, or cry? 10

HIGH ENERGY GAME Ninja Ninja is a game like Tag involving a group of people. The object of the game is to avoid having your hand touched or slapped, thus getting eliminated, and be the last Ninja standing. To begin the game, everyone gets in a tight circle, shoulder-toshoulder, with their hands in the middle. On the count of three, they shout out “1-2-3 Ninja!!!� and jump back into a "Ninja" pose. One-by-one and continuing counter-clockwise, each person takes a turn being the attacker and tries to touch another person's hand in a single "Ninja" move. The attackee, to avoid being touched, reacts with a single Ninja move. Only the attacker and attackee may move; all others remain frozen. Whether missing, successfully hitting or avoiding, only a single Ninja move is permitted and both must stay frozen in that pose. If a person's hand is touched, they must leave the circle. The player to the right automatically goes next and may choose to attack any other player. The person who is aimed for doesn't go next; the next person is always to the right of the person who just went. The game ends when only one person remains. Whether missing, successfully hitting or avoiding, only one Ninja move is permitted and one must stay in that pose. The person to the right of the person who started the previous round starts the next round.


Do you like changes in life? Or would you rather things to stay the same? Why or Why not?


Have you ever had to change schools or move? What was that experience like?



INTENTIONAL SIBLING ACTIVITY Me, My Sibling(s), and I PART 3: CHANGING PLACES Have siblings sit in a semi circle. Place a chair in the middle of that circle. Siblings will then take turns “changing places” and answering the following questions one at a time: 12

ME: 1. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? Why? MY SIBLING: 1. If you could change one thing about your sib (or your sib’s disability) what would it be? Why? I: 1. If you could change anything about your relationship with any of your siblings what would it be? Why or Why not? 2. What would make your relationship better or worse? When a Sib answers a question they will say “changing places” and then choose another person to take their place in the seat.

LOW ENERGY GAME PREPARATION: Place spoons (one less than the number of players) in the center of the table. Shuffle a deck of 52 playing cards. Deal 4 cards to each player. GAME PLAY: Dealer takes the top card from the deck (on their right) and discards a card to their left. All other players take a card discarded by the player on their right and subsequently discard a card to their left. Play continues until a player has four of a kind. THE SPOONS: The first player to have four of a kind picks up a spoon. All other players attempt to grab a spoon once the first player has done so. The player who does not get a spoon is eliminated. LATER ROUNDS: Remove a spoon and play another round with the remaining players. Continue until only two players (one spoon) remain. WINNING THE GAME: The first person to get four of a kind and secure a spoon, when only two players remain, is the winner. 13


CHRISTMAS THEME: Elf, The Grinch, The Santa Clause Series, Hugo, Polar Express





LARGE GROUP Large rEcess :: Safari Simon Says! Materials: Safari Simon Leader! Instructions: 1. Play a twist on Simon Says by subbing animal sounds or movements for the traditional motions! 2. Have ”Safari Simon” (a member of your leadership team) follow the script below: - Safari Simon: “Ever heard of Simon Says? I’m here to show you how we like to play in the Sahara….Safari Style!” - Shout instructions such as, Safari Simon Says… “Roar like a lion”, “stretch your neck like a giraffe”, “swing your trunk like an elephant” or “sound like a monkey”. 3. These are just a few examples. Feel free to get creative! Environment: Play songs from The Lion King Soundtrack during the game!


Small rEcess :: Elephant Push! Materials: Styrofoam Peanuts, Pool noodles



Instructions: 1. Get styrofoam peanuts and pool noodles before rEcess night begins. 2. Cut the noodles in half. 3. Give each child a noodle to use as an elephant trunk, and have them line up at one end of the room. 4. Scatter peanuts around the room. 5. On the count of 3, have the kids use their “noodle elephant trunks� to push all the peanuts to the other side of the room as fast they can!

Supplies: Paper Plate, Pink Construction Paper, Gray Construction Paper, Scissors, Glue or Tape


1:: Elephant Mask Instructions: 1. Draw two elephant ears on a piece of gray construction paper, and two smaller similar shapes on pink paper, then cut. 2. Cut a strip from gray construction paper and zig zag fold to form a trunk. 3. Color a paper plate gray. 4. Cut two eye-holes in the plate. 5. Tape or glue the trunk and ears in place to form an elephant mask! 16

2:: Safari Binoculars Supplies: Toilet Paper Rolls, Metallic Duct/Washi Tape, Crayons/ Markers, Stickers, Plastic Leaves, Hole Punch, Yarn, Scissors Instructions: 1. Hold two toilet paper rolls together and carefully tape them together around each end. Wrap tightly so they do not fall apart. 2. Color designs on the rolls with tropical leaves or flowers, OR use stickers. 3. Have a volunteer or a leadership team member hole punch one hole on the taped part of the left and right sides of the binoculars on the side that will rest on the face. 4. Measure out and trim yarn. You will want to leave the strings long enough that they comfortably fit around the head and neck like a necklace after they are tied. 5. Lace the yarn through the hole and tie the strings tightly onto the tubes so they do not come undone. 6. Wear your binoculars for the rest of the evening!


ADAPTIVE IDEAS Pre-cut shapes for the crafts before the night begins. This decreases the fine motor demands and could in-turn increase participation at the arts and crafts table.

Alligator Bubbling Swamp


Supplies: Soap Foam, Liquid Watercolors - Use a combination of blue, green, and black to create a swampy color, Baking Soda, Squirt Bottles Filled with Vinegar, Fake Grass and Plants, Alligator Figures



Instructions: 1. To make soap foam, use a foam hand soap dispenser. You can also make soap foam by mixing liquid soap and a splash of water by stirring vigorously. 2. Once there is enough soap foam to cover the bottom of a large plastic bin, add some liquid watercolors and a generous amount of baking soda. The amount of baking soda you use will depend on the amount of soap foam you make, but you will likely use about 1/2 cup. 3. Then mix all until well combined. 4. Next, add two alligators and some fake grass. 5. Let kids play in the Alligator Swamp and have baby wipes on hand for easy clean up! 18

PRINTABLES All Printables are available on the rEcess Facebook Group. We will also include them in our monthly communication to rEcess Leadership Teams.

Coloring Page Includes 1 monkey coloring page.

Safari "I Have, Who Has" Game Includes 24 game cards.


January 1:1

MOVIES Rio, Madagascar, The Jungle Book

PINTEREST www.pinterest.com/99balloonsorg/recess-theme-safari-time/ 20

Sibling Curriculum JANUARY Supplies Needed:

Ice Cubes, Balloons, Plastic Cups

ICEBREAKER Ice, Ice, Baby This is as close as it gets to being a literal “ice breaker”. Have all the sibs sit or stand in a circle. Play some age appropriate music* and give one Sib an ice cube. When the music plays, they have to pass the ice cube around the circle as quickly as possible. Whenever the music stops, the person with the ice cube has to do a dance, sing the words “Ice, Ice, Baby” and then reveal to the group one of their favorite things to do in the winter. Keep playing until your ice cube melts or you can go through several ice cubes. You can also play until most Sibs have had direct involvement with the game. *To make it really funny you can actual play Vanilla Ice’s Song “Ice, Ice, Baby”.

MINUTE TO WIN IT Blown Away Players go head-to-head trying to knock off ten plastic cups by blowing up balloons and using the air inside of them to blow the cups off a table. 21

POWS AND WOWS New Year Expectations



While sitting in a circle have each person describe their favorite and least favorite thing they are looking forward to this new year.

AS YOU GO Tell me about an experience where you were lied to? A moment where someone broke your trust? Have you ever had an experience where you felt unsafe? What are things that make you trust someone? 22

HIGH ENERGY GAME Bom, Bom, Bom There are two sides (teams). It doesn't matter how many are on each side and it doesn't have to be even. It's sort of like Charades, but instead of acting out a word or phrase, you act out occupations. Each side gets in a "huddle" at their "home base" to decide what occupation they will act out and whichever side is ready first begins. That "team" yells loudly, while "marching" toward the other team, "Bom, Bom, Bom...Here we come...All the way from Washington." Then the other team yells, "Where'd you come from?" Answer: "Pig Sooie station!" The other team yells, "What's your occupation?" Answer: "Almost anything!" Then the other team yells, "Get to work!" The team starts acting out its occupation (such as painter, auto mechanic, firefighter, etc...) and when the other team guesses correctly, the "acting" team has to run back to its "home base" without any member being tagged by the other team. If they make it, they get to do the acting again. If, not the other team becomes the new actors.


Trust Fall BEFORE YOU START: • Divide the group into partners, partners should be of similar body type. • Briefly discuss the concept of a trust fall • Have students practice everything before beginning of the activity. • Designate a signal to get into ready position and a signal to begin the dialogue.

January Sibilngs


DEMONSTRATIONS: • Ready Positions • Faller: Feet together, legs stiff, arms folded across chest. • Catcher: One leg back and straight, and one leg forward and bent, with both arms slightly bent in front of chest with palms facing outward.


VERBAL CUES BEFORE FALL: 1. Faller says "Spotter ready?"​​ 2. Catcher says "​Ready." 3. Faller says "Falling." 4. Catcher says "Fall on."​ Choose a pair to demonstrate the entire sequence of ready positions, verbal cues, falling and catching and getting back to ready position. SET UP: Pick an open space with enough room for the group and a softer ground, such as grass or carpet over blacktop. HOW TO PLAY: • Have partners stand in two lines facing each other. Have one side turn around. • Give signal for both sides to get into ready positions. • Signal for verbal cues. • Students fall and get back to ready position. • Let them go through cycle with the same roles three times and have them switch roles. • Once they switch, go back to the step-by-step instructions. At the end of the activity, have the students circle up and do a processing time about the concept of trust. You can ask the following questions: • What is trust? • Who are people that you trust in your life? • Do you trust your parents? Why? Why not? • Has anyone broken your trust? If yes, how was that experience? • Do they trust that people will care about them just as much they care about their sibling with a disability?


LOW ENERGY GAME Sums Up Players find a partner and face each other. Each player puts their hands behind their back. On the count of three both players put their hands in front of them with a number of fingers up. The first one to say the total number of fingers up (their own hand plus their partner's) wins.



SAFARI THEME: The Jungle Book (2016 Version), Jumanji


Once a player has lost, they sit down, and winners, will continue finding other people standing up until there is one winner remaining.



LARGE GROUP Large rEcess :: Super Hero Training Camp Materials: Soccer Cones, Butcher Paper, Tape, Tent or Tunnel, Plastic or Construction Paper Bats, Cardboard Boxes or Play Bricks, Small or Foam Weights Instructions: Set up an obstacle course for every superhero to navigate through! 1. Cone Weave Course: Set up soccer cones for kids to walk, run, crawl, or wheel through. 2. Walk through Fire: Crumple brown butcher paper to look like logs, and red & orange butcher paper on top to resemble fire. Station to the ground with tape. 3. Bat Cave/Tent Crawl: Set up a pop-up tent, tunnel, or sheet hanging over chairs. Hang paper bats inside with tape. Have kids crawl, wheel, or run through. 4. Brick Smash: Use large play bricks or make your own out of cardboard boxes. Have kids hit them down any way they can! 5. Mighty Muscles: Have kids lift small or foam weights 5 times. 6. Finish off the course by printing the Superhero Certificate from our Printable resources for the kids to receive after they finish Training Camp! 27

Small rEcess :: Web Shooting Extravaganza! Materials: Poster Board, Markers, Silly String, Tarps or Large Trash Bags




Instructions: 1. Print out or draw pictures of popular childhood villains on poster boards. 2. Set them up in an area of the room that can have tarps in the background. 3. Provide kids with silly string to “shoot their webs� at targets and villains!

CRAFTS 1 :: Super Hero Paper Plate Shield Supplies: Paper Plates, Washable Paint, 4� Construction Paper Circles, 6" Construction Paper Circles Instructions: 1. Paint your paper plate any color you choose. 2. Glue 6" Paper circle onto center of plate. 3. Glue a 4" Paper circle onto center of the 6" circle. 4. Decorate the middle with a foam sticker shape, or cut out construction paper shape that resembles your Super Hero symbol!


2 :: Super Hero Cuff Supplies: Toilet Paper Rolls, Foam Stickers, Markers

Ensure that all children and individuals can participate in Super Hero Training Camp by making width between activities wheelchair accessible (A standard wheelchair is between 24 and 27" wide, and therefore width should be 32-36" wide for accessibility). 30




Instructions: 1. Paint or Color with markers your toilet paper roll. 2. Cut a slit down the back of the roll to fit onto wrist 3. Decorate cuffs with foam stickers, designs, or anything that matches your super hero uniform!

SENSORY AREA Super Hero Sensory Bin Supplies: Large Plastic Bin, Beans, Cotton Balls, Superhero Action Figures, Plastic Bugs and/or Trucks Instructions: 1. Fill a large plastic bin with beans and cotton balls as the base. 2. Top with superhero action figures and add trucks or bugs. 3. Kids can pretend play with superheroes in the bin while feeling different textures as they play.

PRINTABLES All Printables are available on the rEcess Facebook Group. We will also include them in our monthly communication to rEcess Leadership Teams.

Super Hero Training Camp Certificate A certificate to use for the large group activity.

All About Me Super Hero Sheet A Super Hero template to decorate.


MOVIES The Incredibles

PINTEREST www.pinterest.com/99balloonsorg/recess-theme-superheroes/





Have volunteers or community members dress like Super Heros and visit throughout the night!

Sibling Curriculum FEBRUARY Supplies Needed:

3x5 Cards, Pencils, 6 Dices (Dies), Popsicle Sticks, Chairs

ICEBREAKERS Who Is It? Give everyone a 3x5 card and have them write their name at the top. Then have them each write down 4 things about themselves that no one else in the room knows. Collect the cards. Give everyone a piece of paper and have them number the lines to correspond with the number of cards you have. Read all the cards, one at a time, and have everyone write down who they think you are talking about. Then read off the correct answers, teens check their lists, and whoever has the most right is the winner.

MINUTE TO WIN IT Dicesicle You have one minute to build a tower of six dice on the end of a popsicle stick. The trick here is that the popsicle stick must be held in your mouth. 33

POWS AND WOWS Like, Dislike, Love, and Hate While sitting in a circle have each person describe something that they love, like, dislike, and/or hated about this week.

HIGH ENERGY GAME Do You Love Your Neighbor?


A game of tag where players tie balloons around both of their ankles and try to stomp each others' balloons. Inserted in some of the balloons are pieces of paper that have letters that altogether spell out the word: C-A-P-T-U-R-E. The first team to pop all of the others team’s balloons and spell out the word “CAPTURE” wins!


What are 5 things that you love? Who are your neighbors in life? 34


Do people you treat you different at school than others?

INTENTIONAL SIBLING ACTIVITY Me, My Sibling(s), and I PART 4: LOVING YOUR NEIGHBOR Have Sibs read Luke 10:25-37. Discuss: 1. What it means to be a neighbor 2. Sibs reactions to each character in the story 3. The role they have as being like the “Good Samaritan� in their daily lives Afterwards, have Sibs enter into a discussion of loving their neighbors. In this activity, a neighbor will be defined as person who is different, unlike, or does not share the same or similar experience(s), culture, or background in life. ME: 1. Which character are you most like in the story? 2. Are you person that loves your neighbors? Why or why not? 3. Have you had a difficult experience with a neighbor, someone different than yourself? How did you handle that experience. 4. What are some ways to love your neighbor? MY SIBLING: 1. Do people treat your sibling like a neighbor, as a person who is different than others? 2. Which character in the story most reminds you of how people treat your sibling with a disability? How do people treat them when they need help or do something that is not typical or embarrassing? I:

1. I wish people would like or love my brother or sister with a disability in this way _______ 2. I think that people are mean to people who are different because _______ 3. I wish people would know this about me and my sibling with a disability _________ 35

LOW ENERGY GAME Clap Back A facilitator will stand in front of entire group with left hand out palm up. The right hand will be face down. Facilitator will move right hand from one side to the other crossing over his left hand. Players clap only when the hands cross. If they don't clap when the hands cross they are out. If the facilitator stops his hand before the hands cross and the players do clap they are out. Players only clap when the hands cross.





SUPER HERO THEME: Lego Movie, Avengers,Batman vs Superman, X men series

Using Pinterest The Pinterest links that are included in the 1:1 Curriculum have lots of additional resources to make each rEcess a fun night for your kids and volunteers. Be sure and check out those links for more activities and ideas related to each month's theme! 37

Notes Jot down any new ideas or things that went well to help you plan for future events.


Notes Jot down any new ideas or things that went well to help you plan for future events.



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