First Draft - 2016 Sibling Curriculum

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Sibling Curriculum 2016

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September Supplies Needed:

Tennis Racket, Gumball, Paper, Pens, Butcher Paper


(Similar to Boggle) Divide sibs into groups of four to six. Each group needs paper and pens. Ask them to draw a grid on which they write their First Names. (Extra Spaces can be filled with vowels or appropriate consonants.) For example: S I M O N , W E N D Y, J O H N, A N N E, GARY, (Extra letters: MA)

Give each team three minutes to write down as many words (three letters or more) that they can make only using the letters in their names. Letters must adjoin each other in the grid, but do not have to be in a straight line. When the time is up each team adds up their score. 3 5 6 7

or 4 letter words = 1 point letter word = 2 points letter word = 3 points letter word or greater = 5 points

For the second round, use last names. An optional third round can be nicknames.

Secret  Handshake Each person in the group has five minutes to make a secret handshake with every person in the room. At the end of creating the handshakes, take a few minutes to display some of the best handshakes that were created. Utilize the different styles and techniques to create a unified group handshake. You can then utilize this handshake as a form of bonding with the group throughout the year.

MINUTE TO WIN IT Tennis  Gumball  Challenge Using a tennis racquet placed underneath the armpit, the player must maneuver a gumball from one end of the racquet to the direct opposite end of the racquet and make it come to a complete stop.

Faves While sitting in a circle have each person describe their favorite and least favorite thing about this week.

AS YOU GO What is the best trip you have went on with family? With your siblings?



HIGH ENERGY GAME Which Direction? Have siblings all start in the middle of the room. This area will be called Central. Designate your North, South, East, and West. These will be the directions that students must run to. As a group the Sibs will shout, “Which Direction?” Sibs must wait to hear the call of the leader for the instructions and then run the route that he shouts out accordingly. All directions must be physically touched to be completed. And participants must go the correct route in order to win. For example - North, South, Central, and back to North, must be completed in that specific order. At the beginning, you can do two or three practice rounds. After these practice rounds, the player who makes it last to the final destination on the route(s) will be out. They will return to Central to be a part of the distraction committee. As the distraction committee, you are allowed to throw soft objects at the remaining participants to take them off course and bring more fun to the game.



This Activity is meant to establish an introduction and description of the relationship of a Sib, their brother or sister with a disability, other siblings in the home, and the unique relationship that they possess within their family. It is a simple way to begin processing the life of being a Sib in their respective family. ME: The “Me” section intends to establish and honor the Sibling as an individual. It gives them a moment to shine and tell a little about themselves. Siblings often face the possible reality of being overlooked, under-appreciated, and neglected. Although not always the case, and most likely not intentional, it is very important that siblings are given moments of autonomy and dignity- a place and space to be themselves. MY SIBLING: The “My Sibling” section gives Sibs an opportunity to describe their siblings on their own terms. Giving them a moment to honor, confess, enjoy, describe, and highlight the joys and challenges of relating with their sibling with a disability (and other siblings in their family). The goal here is to have Sibs begin to process their relationship with their brother or sister with a disability in a way that gives them shape, context, words, feelings, and intentionality to their sibling connection. I: The “I” section is directed to talk about the shared dynamics of Sibs and their brother or sister with a disability. Specifically, sibs will answer “I statements” to describe their unique relationships with their brother or sister. Such statements are meant to highlight the pros and cons of their relationship, strengthen the bond between siblings, and create an audio-visual narrative for Sibs to understand and process in their own terms.

Siblings will answer these particular questions this week: ME: 1. In your own words, who are you? (This question is meant to be open ended) 2. Three words that describe you. MY SIBLING: 1. In your own words, who is your brother or sister with a disability? 2.Three words that describe your sibling with a disability. I:WHO 1. I love this about my sibling… 2. I sometimes get annoyed by this particular thing with my sibling…

LOW ENERGY GAME Bird, Beast, or Fish You have to think fast for this game. 1. Everyone sits facing the leader. 2. The leader points to one of the players and says either "BIRD," "BEAST," or "FISH." 3. The chosen player must come up with the name of an animal that fits the category before the leader counts to five. 4. No repeating! 5. If the player does not respond in time, he/she is out. 6. The game continues until only one player remains. 7. After a few rounds it can be hard to think of an animal that has not already been mentioned! 8. You can make a new set of categories if you want and continue playing the game.

CARNIVAL THEME: Secondhand Lions, Inside Out, Open Season Series



October Supplies Needed:

Soccer Ball, Bouncy Ball, Tape, 8 Tables (or Octaball/Gaga Ball Ring)

ICEBREAKERS The Shoe Grab Society 1. Have everyone form a circle within your group. 2. Have each member take off their right shoe and toss it in the middle of the circle. 3. Once everyone is without a right shoe, have everybody go to the pile and grab a shoe that isn’t his/her’s. 4. Have each person put on that right shoe. 5. Each person must find the owner of the shoe they are wearing. 6. Once the person is found each person must describe to the owner these three things: a. What does it feel like be in the owner’s shoes? b. What is is their favorite shoe to wear? c. If they could design any shoe in the world, what would like?

October MINUTE TO WIN IT Soccer  Push-ups Sibs must do five push-ups with a soccer ball on their back without the ball falling off. If the ball falls they must start of over.

POWS AND WOWS Emoticons While sitting in a circle have every person draw and describe something that made them laugh, smile, or happy this week? And what was something that made them sad, mad, or cry?

HIGH ENERGY GAME Octaball 1. The object of the game is to be the last player in the arena. Google Octaball to watch video overviews if you are not familiar. 2. All players start in the arena. A designated person throws the ball off an inside wall and yells “OCTA!” This is called the serve and this starts the game! (Note: No player can get out on the serve). 3. The ball should now be in constant motion. It cannot be caught, grabbed, stepped on or any other creative thing people can come up with to stop the ball. 4. All that needs to happen for a player to be out is for the ball to hit them from the waist down. This can be caused by other players inside the arena hitting the ball with their hands (not kicking it otherwise they would be out) to project it towards other players; or for “out” players along the outside of the arena to reach in and hit the ball to project it at an “in” player. If an “out” player successfully hits an “in” player, the “out” player can come back into the arena while the player, who was in, goes out.

5. The ball can be blocked by a player's hands; but a player can only touch the ball once before they have to let it bounce off the wall or let another player hit it. 6. The ball is always live inside the arena. The ball only becomes dead when projected over the walls. However, the last person to have touched the ball before it went outside the arena is out themselves. To reinitiate play a player throws the ball off the wall and yells “OCTA!” just as in the beginning. As in the beginning no player can get out on the “serve”.


7. The game ends when there is only one player left.

AS YOU GO What’s it like to be in your shoes? Do you think people understand what is like having a sibling with a disability? Do you like or dislike having a brother or sister with a disability?

INTENTIONAL SIBLING ACTIVITY Cross the Line SIBLINGS VERSION Using tape, set up two lines on opposite sides of the room. Ask everyone to gather on one side of the room/line and face towards its center. A facilitator will call out specific categories/labels/descriptions, and ask that all of those to whom this applies to walk to the other side of the room/line. For example, a facilitator might request that anyone with glasses please cross the room. If an individual feels comfortable acknowledging it, they cross the line to the other side of the room/line. See Appendix for examples of cross the line questions. Once the individuals have crossed the line they will be asked to turn and face the crowd they just left. Let them get in touch with their feelings and think about those people on both sides, then return to the side they started from. After a few seconds, continue with a new question. Remind people that there is no pressure to cross the room/line if one does not feel comfortable doing so. They will need to make that decision. At the conclusion of the activity, discuss what was felt and what was learned. Engage students to understand the similarities and differences of their sibling experience, disability experience, and human experience. Ex: Cross the line if… Your favorite color is blue You think that summer is the best season You have been picked on or bullied at school You failed a test in school You go to this school ______ You have been angry at your parents Add sibling related questions

LOW ENERGY GAME Grandma's  Underpants One person is "it" and stands in the middle of the circle. The people on the outside of the circle ask the "it" questions. The only thing the "it" can say is "My grandma's under pants." The object is to try to make the "it" laugh. When someone makes the "it" laugh, they become "it".

MOVIE MONSTER MASH THEME: Transylvania Series, Monsters University


Have the group sit in a circle.

November Supplies Needed:

Large Box, 3 Bags of Candy (i.e. Skittles or M&Ms), Tape, Paper, Scissors, Balloons, Rope or String, Detailed Photograph

ICEBREAKERS Roll the Dice Sitting in a circle, Sibs will take turns rolling a dice (a Large Box) that contains six questions. Whatever question that dice lands on is the question they must answer: 1. If you could travel to any country in the world right now, where would you go and why? 2. Who is your favorite superhero and why? 3. If you were a sandwich, which kind would you be and why? 4. What’s the weirdest thing you have eaten? 5. What is your favorite thing about school? 6. Bonus: You must answer two questions and have the player on your right sing their ABCs in accent. 7. Facilitators can choose to add (tape on) other questions.

Separation Anxiety Wash hands first. Then, using one hand a player must separate an entire bag of candy by individual colors and into individual containers (i.e. Skittles or M&Ms).



POWS AND WOWS Good and Bad While sitting in a circle have each person describe one good thing and one bad thing that has happened to them this week.

AS YOU GO What are some of your favorite memories with your family? What are your favorite Thanksgiving traditions or activities? What’s the best family event that your family does?

HIGH ENERGY GAME Capture the Balloon Tag A game of tag where players tie balloons around both of their ankles and try to stomp each others' balloons. Inserted in some of the balloons are pieces of paper that have letters that altogether spell out the word: C-A-P-T-U-R-E. The first team to pop all of the others team’s balloons and spell out the word “CAPTURE” wins!

INTENTIONAL SIBLING ACTIVITY Me, My Sibling(s), and I PART 2: THANKFULNESS ME: 1. What are you most grateful for this year? 2. God has helped me to _____ this year MY SIBLING: 1. What is the thing you are most grateful for about your sibling? 2.What is the funniest thing that your brother or sister has ever done? I: 1. I thank God for this incredible memory with my sibling… 2. I think that one thing that my sibling and I love about our parents is ….

November LOW ENERGY GAME Photographic  Memory Find a very detailed photograph. Have everyone look at the same photograph for 30 seconds. Remove the photo and have everyone write down as much as they can remember about it. The person with the longest list of items that are really in the photo wins!

MOVIE THANKSGIVING THEME: Freebird, The Peanuts Movie, The Muppets

December Supplies Needed:

Clean Socks, Tennis Ball, Two Decks of Cards, Spoons (Enough for the amount of people in group plus one), 15 large boxes

ICEBREAKER Zip or Zap Designate a person to be “It” It points to a person in the circle repeating the word "zip" or "zap" and counting to five. If "It" says "zip" the person must reply with the name of the person on his/her right. If "It" says "zap" they must reply with the name on their left. If the name is wrong, that person goes into the center of the circle.

David and Goliath Set up a tower with 15 boxes. Form them into a pyramid that is set up on the opposite side of the room. Sibs must swing a sock with a tennis ball inside in a slingshot fashion(like David and Goliath) and slay the top four levels of boxes. They must do all of their carnage/damage from the line on the opposite side of the room at least 10 feet away. Each box must hit the floor to win. Have other Sibs help in retrieving and returning sock-tennis slingshots to the player who is participating in the game.

POWS AND WOWS From one Extreme to Another While sitting in a circle have every person describe something that made them laugh, smile, or happy this week? What is something that made them sad, mad, or cry?



HIGH ENERGY GAME Ninja Ninja is a game like Tag involving a group of people. The object of the game is to avoid having your hand touched or slapped, thus getting eliminated, and be the last Ninja standing. To begin the game, everyone gets in a tight circle, shoulder-to-shoulder, with their hands in the middle. On the count of three, they shout out “1-2-3 Ninja!!!� and jump back into a "Ninja" pose. One-by-one and continuing counter-clockwise, each person takes a turn being the attacker and tries to touch another person's hand in a single "Ninja" move. The attackee, to avoid being touched, reacts with a single Ninja move. Only the attacker and attackee may move; all others remain frozen. Whether missing, successfully hitting or avoiding, only a single Ninja move is permitted and both must stay frozen in that pose. If a person's hand is touched, they must leave the circle. The player to the right automatically goes next and may choose to attack any other player. The person who is aimed for doesn't go next; the next person is always to the right of the person who just went. The game ends when only one person remains. Whether missing, successfully hitting or avoiding, only one Ninja move is permitted and one must stay in that pose. The person to the right of the person who started the previous round starts the next round.

AS YOU GO Have you ever had to change schools or move? What was that experience like?


Do you like changes in life? Or would you rather things to stay the same? Why or Why not?

INTENTIONAL SIBLING ACTIVITY Me, My Sibling, and I PART 3: CHANGING PLACES Have siblings sit in a semi circle. Place a chair in the middle of that circle. Siblings will then take turns “changing places” and answering the following questions one at a time:

ME: 1. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? Why? MY SIBLING: 1. If you could change one thing about your sib (or your sib’s disability) what would it be? Why? I: 1. If you could change anything about your relationship with any of your siblings what would it be? Why or Why not? 2. What would make your relationship better or worse? When a Sib answers a question they will say “changing places” and then choose another person to take their place in the seat.

LOW ENERGY GAME PREPARATION: Place spoons (one less than the number of players) in the center of the table. Shuffle a deck of 52 playing cards. Deal 4 cards to each player. GAME PLAY: Dealer takes the top card from the deck (on their right) and discards a card to their left. All other players take a card discarded by the player on their right and subsequently discard a card to their left. Play continues until a player has four of a kind. THE SPOONS: The first player to have four of a kind picks up a spoon. All other players attempt to grab a spoon once the first player has done so. The player who does not get a spoon is eliminated from the game. LATER ROUNDS: Remove a spoon and play another round with the remaining players. Continue until only two players (one spoon) remain. WINNING THE GAME: The first person to get four of a kind and secure a spoon, when only two players remain, is the winner.



CHRISTMAS THEME: Elf, The Grinch, The Santa Clause Series, Hugo, Polar Express

February Supplies Needed:

3x5 cards, pencils, 6 dices (dies), popsicle sticks, chairs

ICEBREAKERS Who Is It? Give everyone a 3x5 card and have them write their name at the top. Then have them each write down 4 things about themselves that no one else in the room knows. Collect the cards. Give everyone a piece of paper and have them number the lines to correspond with the number of cards you have. Read all the cards, one at a time, and have everyone write down who they think you are talking about. Then read off the correct answers, teens check their lists, and whoever has the most right is the winner.

MINUTE TO WIN IT Dicesicle You have one minute to build a tower of six dice on the end of a popsicle stick. The trick here is that the popsicle stick must be held in your mouth.

Like, Dislike, Love, and Hate While sitting in a circle have each person describe something that they love, like, dislike, and/or hated about this week.

AS YOU GO Do people you treat you different at school than others? What are 5 things that you love? Who are your neighbors in life?



HIGH ENERGY GAME Do You Love Your Neighbor? You need chairs for this game. Have everyone sit in a circle. There should be one less seat than there are people, and the extra person stands in the middle. The person standing approaches someone who is seated and asks him, "Do you love your neighbor?" The seated person can answer in two ways. If he says, "No," then the people seated directly next to him have to switch seats as quickly as possible so that the standing person doesn't get one. If he says, "Yes," he must add a qualify statement such as, "But I don't like people who have blue eyes." Anyone who matches the description must get up and find a different seat. Whoever is left standing is then the new "asker."

Me, My Sibling(s), and I


INTENTIONAL SIBLING ACTIVITY PART 4: LOVING YOUR NEIGHBOR Have Sibs read Luke 10:25-37. Discuss: 1. What it means to be a neighbor 2. Sibs reactions to each character in the story 3. The role they have as being like the “Good Samaritan” in their daily lives

Afterwards, have Sibs enter into a discussion of loving their neighbors. In this activity, a neighbor will be defined as person who is different, unlike, or does not share the same or similar experience(s), culture, or background in life. ME: 1. Which character are you most like in the story? 2. Are you person that loves your neighbors? Why or why not? 3. Have you had a difficult experience with a neighbor, someone different than yourself? How did you handle that experience. 4. What are some ways to love your neighbor? MY SIBLING: 1. Do people treat your sibling like a neighbor, as a person who is different than others? 2. Which character in the story most reminds you of how people treat your sibling with a disability? How do people treat them when they need help or do something that is not typical or embarrassing? I: 1. I wish people would like or love my brother or sister with a disability in this way _______ 2. I think that people are mean to people who are different because _______ 3. I wish people would know this about me and my sibling with a disability _________

LOW ENERGY GAME Clap  Back A facilitator will stand in front of entire group with left hand out palm up. The right hand will be face down. Facilitator will move right hand from one side to the other crossing over his left hand. Players clap only when the hands cross. If they don't clap when the hands cross they are out. If the facilitator stops his hand before the hands cross and the players do clap they are out. Players only clap when the hands cross.

SUPER HERO THEME: Lego Movie, Avengers,Batman vs Superman, X men series



March Supplies Needed:

Bag of dry beans, straws, strips of paper, writing utensils, a random array of props

ICEBREAKER Line 'Em Up! Divide your guests into teams. The first team who lines up according to the category you shout out, wins. Examples: Shoe size Alphabetical by first name Alphabetical by last name Alphabetical by favorite dog breed (Boxer, Collie, Pug, etc.) Height Birth date Alphabetical By Shirt Color Time people ate their last meal

Bean on a Straw


MINUTE TO WIN IT A small pile of beans are placed on a table in front of contestant, who is given a straw. At the signal, he or she must suck a bean onto the end of the straw, run a designated distance and deposits the bean in a glass. He must do this with 30 beans in a minute (more or less for different levels).

POWS AND WOWS EmoSpectrum While sitting in a circle have every person describe something that made them laugh, smile, or happy this week? What is something that made them sad, mad, or cry?

HIGH ENERGY GAME Rock, Paper and Scissors Tag On a large playing field, split the group into two teams. Make sure there is a halfway point that is recognizable. In the back of each team's side, make sure there is another "end zone" area that is recognizable. Teams will huddle up and decide which of the rock, paper, or scissors moves they will do. When both teams have decided, they approach the center line and with the help of the facilitator, they all say "Rock... Paper... Scissors... shoot" together and perform their action (it can be fun to have the actions much bigger than normal - such as their whole bodies turning into rocks, or giant scissors, or big pieces of paper). Whatever team wins can immediately begin chasing the other team, attempting to tag them. The team that lost tries to run back to their "end zone" as quickly as possible. If they make it there without being tagged, they are safe. If they get tagged, they must join the other team. The game usually does not end up with one team having everyone and so the facilitator must use his or her discretion of when to end the game. The 3 rock, paper, scissors moves are: Rock beats scissors. Scissors beats paper. Paper beats rock.

March INTENTIONAL SIBLING ACTIVITY Feelings  Charades  Each Sibling has to write a list of ten types of feelings on strips of paper. Try to encourage them to do the most distinct and diverse range of emotions. Then they will throw all their written feelings into a hat. Each group will take turns trying to act out and guess as many feelings as possible within a minute. At the end of a few rounds have students 1. Write out the feeling that most describe their current situation. 2. Describe how they can tell differences of the varying emotions. 3. How Jesus helps us with our different emotions.

LOW ENERGY GAME Freeze Three players start by acting out an event. At any point, an audience member can yell "freeze" and the actors must freeze where they are. That audience member then comes on stage, taps the shoulder of the person to swap with, and the audience member then becomes an actor, assuming their role. The new member must be the first one to talk and must change the scene in some way. (Example: Three people are acting out a football game. An audience member yells freeze, takes the place of the person throwing the football, and then starts the scene as if she is about to throw the flowers at a wedding.)



Dory, Finding Nemo, Pirates of the Caribbean series, Indiana Jones series

AS YOU GO Have you ever had a time where you busted out in anger? Have you ever been embarrassed? What was your most embarrassing moment?

April Supplies Needed:

Bundt Pan, Blanket (or similar, i.e. carpet circle), Smartphone, Polaroid, An array of props for photo shoot

ICEBREAKER Hum that Song The group will split up in teams of two. Sibs will write five of their favorite songs on separate sheets of papers and place them into a bowl. Each group will go back and forth trying to guess the songs place into the bowl. They can only answer the name of song by hearing it hummed and then singing back the correct answer.

MINUTE TO WIN IT Ring Pan Toss In this game, kids stand a few feet away from a bundt pan that is on the floor. Player tosses ping pong balls towards the pan, hoping to get inside. Inside the ring equals 10 points and landing right on the inner ring equals 50 points. The object is to get 50 points in a minute.

Wow and How While sitting in a circle have every person describe something great that made them say “Wow?” and something frustrating that made them say “How?’ Ex: “Wow, yesterday I got to help a person who was homeless with a meal?” Ex: “How in the world did I lose my wall yesterday?”

AS YOU GO What do your siblings mean to you? Could you imagine a life without your siblings? How would your life be different if either of you were not in each other’s lives?



HIGH ENERGY GAME Elbow  Tag Everyone gets a partner and hooks elbows. The pairs spread out around the designated playing area. Two individuals are chosen to be it. One will be the chaser, the other being chased. The person being chased may hook elbows with any pair at any time. The member of the pair at the opposite end of where the chasees hook, is now being chased. If the chaser catches the chasee, the chasee spins around three times and becomes the new chaser. The previous chaser now becomes the chasee. Note: A time restraint may be needed to prevent limited participation from the rest of the group.


INTENTIONAL SIBLING ACTIVITY National Siblings Day Photo Shoot

Provide Sibs with a random array of props. Using a camera or a smartphone with a camera, they must find their siblings at rEcess and do a photoshoot that captures the following emotions/actions: Joy Sadness Love Frustration Friendship Collect all the photos and create a National Siblings Day Slideshow. And, if possible, print out some of the photos or families to keep and cherish.

LOW ENERGY GAME Turning over a New Leaf All players begin by standing on one side of blanket. Players must flip blanket up-side-down without any player touching the floor. If any player touches the floor, players must start over.




May Supplies Needed:

Deck of Cards, Cut watermelon

ICEBREAKER Would You Rather? Start out by dividing teens into two teams, having each team go on opposite sides of the room, or the party area. Then, have an adult read out questions that have two answers to them. For example, the question could be, “Would you rather eat a bug or starve.” When reading the question, the reader points to one side of the room for “bug” and the other side for “starve.” Then, teens have to race to switch sides depending upon their answer. Make sure you have a lot of fun “Would you rather…” questions for this game. Teens will enjoy getting to know others as they see what they have in common with other guests.

MINUTE TO WIN IT Card Ninja 1) Place the half watermelon so that the pink side is perpendicular to the ground. 2) When the clock starts, player may begin tossing cards 1 at a time at the watermelon while standing behind the foul line. 3) To complete the game, player must stick 1 card into the watermelon within the 60-second time limit so that it stays that way for 3 seconds. Bonus Tips 1) Make sure you use cards that are rigid enough to stick. The .99 cent pack may not do! 2) The bigger the watermelon, the better. It makes it easier for people to hit the target. 3) Do a test run for the game. Make sure that you don’t set participants too far away from the melon. 4) Instead of having them stick the card first, pit teams against each other and see how many they can get in one minute. We played Jr. High versus High School. Our Jr. High students smoked the High Schoolers! 5) Have extra decks of cards… they go fast! 6) Eat the watermelon. Please don’t waste it.

POWS AND WOWS Year in Review What was your favorite thing and least favorite thing about rEcess this year?


For this game you will need a deck of cards (at least one), cut watermelon, and a table.

HIGH ENERGY GAME Fishing A fish is cut out of tissue paper and contestant is given a piece of cardboard. Paper fish is laid on the ground and contestant must fan the fish (similar to Egg Roll) to the other side of the arena and get it inside the red box. This is funny because the “fish� flops in all kinds of unpredictable ways.

May INTENTIONAL SIBLING ACTIVITY Share A Secret Toilet Paper Game Start the game with teens sitting in a circle. Take a roll of toilet paper and give it to the first person. Instruct teens to take as many squares as they think they may need, but don’t give any other explanation. After everyone has some squares of toilet paper, pick one guest (or the guest of honor) to get the game started. Each person has to share things about themselves. However, the catch is that they have to share as many secrets as they have squares of toilet paper. So, if someone has 3 squares, they have to share 3 secrets, or if they took 7 squares, they have to share 7 secrets about themselves. Afterwards have a small discussion about the value having loyal friends, accountability partners, and mentors who they can trust. People who they can count on to share the hard, difficult, scary, or upsetting things in life.

LOW ENERGY GAME Animal  Farm Facilitator will assign participant will be blindfolded. They must find animals like them by listening to to others who are making the same sounds.

AS YOU GO Facilitator: Tell Sib the favorite things that you enjoyed and/or liked about them. What are some of the things you want to do for the summer? Is there anything you would change about rEcess this year?



TALENT SHOW THEME: Akeelah and the Bee, Napoleon Dynamite, Stick it

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