2020-2021 Four Square Curriculum

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FOUR SQUARE C U R R I C U LU M 2020-2021

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A Note from 99 Balloons


Four Square Coordinators, I am thrilled to share with you that half of our rEcess sites piloted Four Square last year! Simply put, it has been a beautiful, impactful, and incredibly lifegiving experience for our siblings to connect with one another. We pray more and more sites will implement this model of ministry to intentionally see, listen to, and remind sibs of God’s unique calling on their life. We have a unique opportunity as the church to profoundly impact siblings’ lives, and we applaud you for your time, effort, and desire to do this very thing. Thank you! Four Square provides a safe community where siblings can process their lives with other sibs. It will certainly take time for siblings to open up and feel comfortable sharing their experiences. Honestly, it may be hard at times and you may get discouraged as the leader, but we implore you to persevere, lean in, and listen to these amazing siblings. Give them space or let them sit in silence if needed. Remember, you have the privilege of shaping siblings’ understanding of who they are in Christ and celebrating their life as a sib. As I participated in Four Square this year, I was reminded of why we do this program. Siblings shared about when they have been afraid or anxious, coping when their siblings were in the hospital, and the responsibilities they have at home to help care

for their sibling. They shared their specific feelings that only the children sitting around them could respond with “me too.” They agreed with one another as they shared how they wished people wouldn’t treat their siblings any differently, how their siblings bring them the most joy in the world, and how they desire to teach others about their sibling’s strengths and gifts. What a gift Four Square is to each and every person participating! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for investing in the lives of our rEcess siblings. May God continue to use you in their lives, and may you be reminded of the Father’s deep love for you. Praying for each of you as you begin this year of rEcess and Four Square! May God be glorified! //

// Rebecca Wall

Programs Director, 99 Balloons

“I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone! The ministry you are doing is changing lives and changing generations. I’ve realized from my own experience and through talking with other sibs that it is very easy for sibs to feel alone. The rest of the world can’t always understand what it is like to be a sib. The work that you are doing is making the world less lonely for sibs and their families. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.” -Kate Korasick

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Four Square is a designated time for siblings to gather together to have fun, connect, and encourage one another. We have designed Four Square to be a small part of rEcess while still allowing sibs to participate in all that night has to offer. As you consider implementing Four Square, there are several things we have learned over the years that we would love to share with you!

+ FOUR SQUARE LEADERS We recommend having someone from your leadership team and/or a faithful volunteer committed to lead Four Square. We suggest having a consistent group of Four Square volunteers to help execute the activities. If possible, we think it is ideal to have a volunteer who is a sibling on this leadership team. If not, find a volunteer who excels at engaging with children in conversations and facilitating fun!

In order to serve siblings well, please use this curriculum as a guide. There is complete freedom with this program, but we have done our best to provide ideas and games for you as a starting point for Four Square. Each of the activities provided is purposeful and designed for siblings.

+ POWS & WOWS We recommend starting your time together with Pows & Wows. It is a great way to have siblings share their favorite and least favorite thing about their week.

+ GROUP GAME We think games bring laughter, connection, and provide memories for our siblings. This is a specific time where they can let loose and enjoy being a kid!


We suggest pulling your older siblings for 45-60 minutes during rEcess. We think a great time to do this is during the first hour of rEcess or during large group time.

This is a specific and intentional time for sibs to chat about what it is like to be a sibling to their brother or sister experiencing disability. We have provided two questions for you to ask each sibling in order to start the conversation. As always, be flexible and allow for encouraging and organic conversations!



We recommend that Four Square include siblings above the age of eight. We have experienced the most success with older siblings because of their maturity and ability to participate in the planned activities. However, this age limit is flexible and can be decided by the leadership team.

We have suggested an intentional activity that will facilitate conversations and provide another outlet for siblings to express the highs and lows of being a sib


If you have questions or would like help implementing Four Square, contact Rebecca Wall at rebecca@99balloons.org.

+ TAKE AWAY & SCRIPTURE Please close your time together in prayer, meditating on Scripture, and offering to pray for one another. You can pray as a group, you can share requests, or you can take private prayer requests where siblings write them down and leave them with you.


Tips & Best Practices

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Monthly Materials List


On the use of food: It is our general rEcess policy not to feed any kids at a rEcess event. However, some of the games in our Four Square curriculum include food. If you choose to use the games involving food, please make sure to separate the Four Square area from the rEcess area. Please be aware of any food allergies for siblings participating in these activities.

JANUARY + Chairs + Music (phone or CD player) + “Me, Myself, and I” worksheet + Pens

FEBRUARY + Skittles

MARCH + Posterboard + Markers + Bean bag

+ Chairs + Posterboard + Spinner (If you do not have one, you can make one using a paperclip & pencil). + Markers




+ Deck of cards + Plastic spoons + “In Your Shoes” worksheet + Pencils

+ Easter eggs + Strips of paper + Pens + Basket



+ Double Bubble gum + Ruler + Post-it notes + Pens + Piece of paper

DECEMBER + Roll of yarn + “Dear Four Square” letters

+ Balloons + String + 1 pair of dice

BONUS + Pre-written questions + Rope

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“I wish people knew how important it is to be known as myself and not just as my sibling’s sister. The church I attended when we were growing up was so supportive of me personally and encouraged my gifts. I wouldn’t be who I am without my sister’s influence on me, but I wouldn’t be who I am without their support either.” Sandra Peoples with Cybil

September Activities Have the siblings sit in a circle. Go around the circle and have each person share their favorite and least favorite thing about their week.

Group Game Hot Seat Materials Chairs Instructions 1. Sit in a circle. Choose one person to sit in the middle of the circle called the “hot seat.” 2. For the next 1-2 minutes, the group will shout out questions rapidly to the person in the “hot seat.” The person in the “hot seat” will answer as quickly as possible. 3. Rotate through each sibling and volunteer sitting in the “hot seat.” Examples: + Favorite ice cream + Favorite song + Favorite TV show + Pet’s name + Dr. Pepper or Coke + Last movie you watched + Favorite snack + Favorite vacation spot + Favorite Disney movie

Sibs Chat Have the siblings sit in a circle. Ask each sibling to introduce themselves by stating their name and their sibling’s name. If they want to share a little bit about their sibling, give them time to share. Then, spend time answering the questions below. Questions + What was the best part of your summer? + How was your transition back to school?

Four Square Toss Materials + Poster board + Markers + Bean bag Instructions 1. Divide the poster board into four sections. 2. Write a statement on each square. Options:: I am proud of _____. I wish I could ____. I really care about ____. I am good at _____. I dream about _____. I want to improve _______. 3. Each sibling will take turns throwing a bean bag onto the poster board. They will answer the question that corresponds with the square where the bean bag landed. 4. If you want, you can move the poster board farther away each round. 5. Continue to take turns playing until time is up! At the end, you could ask everyone to share something new they learned about the person to their left.

TAKE AWAY & SCRIPTURE As believers, we need to encourage one another! Four Square is a place to remind one another of God’s truth as well as celebrate your lives as siblings. “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11


Pows & Wows

Intentional Sibling Activity

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“I wish people knew that being Caroline’s sister is the biggest blessing of my life! Whenever Caroline meets someone new, she never judges them and showers them with love. She sets an amazing example of how to treat everyone with kindness, no matter who they are, which constantly inspires me to do the same. Caroline makes everyone feel so special and loved! She is the most joyful person I know, and I am so lucky to get to experience her joy each and every day.” -Elizabeth Roosevelt and Caroline

October Activities Have the siblings sit in a circle. Go around the circle and have each person share their favorite and least favorite thing about their week.

Group Game Spoons Materials + Deck of cards + Plastic spoons + “In Your Shoes” worksheet + Pencils Instructions 1. In the middle of the table, place one less number of spoons than the number of players. For example, if you’re playing with 6 people, use 5 spoons. 2. Deal 4 cards to each person. Have the dealer keep the deck next to them. 3. Have everyone take one of their cards and discard it to their left simultaneously. The person to the right of the dealer, however, should put one of their cards down on the table to start the discard pile, while the dealer picks up a new card. 4. You do not have to exchange cards with the card you are given, if you do not want to. Instead, just pass the card you received on to the player to your left. 5. Repeat this process of everyone passing to the left, the dealer picking up new cards, and the last person discarding each round. 6. The first person to have 4 of a kind has to pick up a spoon. Following this, all other players need to do the same, with the slowest person left without a spoon and out of the game. 7. Remove a spoon every time you remove a player from the game. Continue playing until you’re left with one person as the winner.

Have the siblings sit in a circle. Ask each sibling to introduce themselves by stating their name and their sibling’s name. If they want to share a little bit about their sibling, give them time to share. Then, spend time answering the questions below. Questions + What’s a funny tradition that you and your sibling have? Something that’s just between the two of you. + What do you do to cheer your sibling up if they are having a hard day?

Intentional Sibling Activity In Your Shoes Materials + “In Your Shoes” worksheet + Pencils Instructions 1. Half of the siblings will put one of their shoes on the far side of the room. 2. When you say “go,” the other half of the siblings will run and grab a show that is not their own. 3. They will find their partner who has the other shoe! 4. The siblings take turns interviewing their partner and filling out the “In Your Shoes” worksheet. They will get to know each other and share about their experience as a sibling. 5. If you want to switch partners, you can let the sibs who did not put their shoes on the other side of the room for a partner to find, they can do that!

TAKE AWAY & SCRIPTURE Lift your eyes to God when you are in need of help. He is always with you. “I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth. He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.” Psalm 121: 1-4


Pows & Wows

Sibs Chat




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“The best thing about being a sibling is the character you build because of the relationship. You learn a level of selflessness, compassion, and patience that is unique to that friendship. You spend your entire lives together and get to know them more than anybody, which is so special!” Jordan Johnson with Kobe

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November Activities Intentional Sibling Activity

Have the siblings sit in a circle. Go around the circle and have each person share their favorite and least favorite thing about their week.

Worry Wall

Group Game Double Bubble Competition Materials + Double Bubble gum + Ruler Instructions 1. The goal of the game is to blow the largest bubble. 2. Give each sib 2 pieces of Dubble Bubble gum. 3. When a child blows their bubble, measure it with the ruler! 4. Whoever blows the biggest bubble can take home the extra gum!

Sibs Chat Have the siblings sit in a circle. Ask each sibling to introduce themselves by stating their name and their sibling’s name. If they want to share a little bit about their sibling, give them time to share. Then, spend time answering the questions below. Questions + How does your sib affect your friendships? + Do you ever choose a friend based on how they treat your sibling?

Materials + Post-it notes + Pens + Piece of paper Instructions 1. Write “Worry Wall” on a piece of paper. Hang it on the wall. 2. Pass out post-it notes and a pen to each sibling. 3. Have them write down anything that worries them about their sibling, family, or life. 4. Once everyone has put their worries on the wall, you can spend time sharing their answers or simply just praying for them!

TAKE AWAY & SCRIPTURE We can trust that God is working in the midst of our suffering. With His help, I can persevere during all trials. “Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.” Romans 5:3-5


Pows & Wows

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“The best thing about being a sibling is seeing others in our community celebrate my sister for who she is! It’s extremely refreshing and joyful to see friends and sometimes even strangers take a small glimpse into her life and appreciate all that she is. This encourages me to do the same each day. I love to see the ways she brightens others’ lives just by being her because I definitely take it for granted!” Tristan Winters and Teegan

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December Activities Have the siblings sit in a circle. Go around the circle and have each person share their favorite and least favorite thing about their week.

Group Game Friendship Web Materials + Spool of yarn Instructions 1. Have all of the siblings sit or stand in a circle. 2. The leader will start by holding one end of the spool of string. The leader will share about their favorite Christmas tradition, food, carol, or movie. 3. The leader will toss the spool to one of the sibs to catch. The sib will share about the same Christmas topics before they toss it to another sib. 4. Continue to toss the yarn until everyone has shared and the web is complete. 5. Take this as an opportunity to talk about how sibs are a unique community, everyone is needed and wanted, and how you have so much in common with one another. 6. Feel free to play again with another holidaythemed question.

Sibs Chat Have the siblings sit in a circle. Ask each sibling to introduce themselves by stating their name and their sibling’s name. If they want to share a little bit about their sibling, give them time to share. Then, spend time answering the questions below. Questions + What is something special your family does during the Christmas season? + Because you will be home for a couple of weeks, what is something you can do to serve your sibling this Christmas break?

Intentional Sibling Activity Dear Four Square Materials + “Dear Four Square” letters (Available at www.recesshub.com) Instructions 1. Put the letters into envelopes and have a few sibs offer to open up the “mail.” 2. Read each letter aloud to the group. 3. Ask the sibs to share advice in response to the letters. 4. Give them space to share about experiences they have had and/or how they handled similar situations. If they do not share, prompt them by asking, “Can any of you relate to this person?”

TAKE AWAY & SCRIPTURE When we find ourselves afraid, remember that we have God’s spirit of power and self-control in us. “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and self-control.” 2 Timothy 1:7


Pows & Wows

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“The best thing about being a sibling is that you get the opportunity to answer questions and help others become more aware of Down Syndrome and the beauties of it. Ben is the sweetest person! He can turn my whole day around with just his smile. I don’t feel like there’s any difference in having a sibling with special needs. He is more alike than different.” Abby Woodard with Ben

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January Activities Sibs Chat

Have the siblings sit in a circle. Go around the circle and have each person share their favorite and least favorite thing about their week.

Have the siblings sit in a circle. Ask each sibling to introduce themselves by stating their name and their sibling’s name. If they want to share a little bit about their sibling, give them time to share. Then, spend time answering the questions below.

Group Game Musical Chairs Materials + Chairs + Music Phone or CD player to play different songs Instructions 1. The chairs are set up in a circle with the seats facing the outside. Make sure to have one chair less than the number of players. 2. Play the music while the kids walk around the outside of the circle. 3. When the music stops, the players race to sit in the available chairs. 4. The player left standing is taken out of the game. 5. The players all stand again and a chair is removed. 6. Repeat until you have a winner!

Questions + Are there any things that you can get your sib to do that no one else can? + Have you ever gotten really angry at your sibling? How did your sibling react?

Intentional Sibling Activity Me, Myself, and I Materials + “Me, Myself, and I” worksheet (Available at www.recesshub.com) + Pens Instructions 1. Explain to the siblings how to complete the worksheet. 2. Once completed, allow each sib to stand up and read their answer. 3. Clap and cheer after each sib reads!

TAKE AWAY & SCRIPTURE God has great plans for you and your sibling. Know that you can always seek and pray to God. He will listen to you! “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:11


Pows & Wows

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“Some people might think it is cool to be a sibling and some people might think it’s bad or hard to be a sibling. I want them to know that you shouldn’t feel bad for me. It’s awesome. It is awesome to have someone with a disability in my family.”

Anders Mooney and Lena

February Activities

Intentional Sibling Activity

Pows & Wows Have the siblings sit in a circle. Go around the circle and have each person share their favorite and least favorite thing about their week.

Group Game Don’t You Dare Talk! Instructions 1. The goal of this game is for the sibs to line up oldest to youngest (birthdays included) without speaking. 2. Set a timer and tell them to start! They can use hand motions and signals, but they cannot mouth or speak any words. 3. Once they believe they have completed this task, stop the timer. 4. Have them all state their age and birthday in order to check their accuracy!

Sibs Chat Have the siblings sit in a circle. Ask each sibling to introduce themselves by stating their name and their siblings name. If they want to share a little bit about their sibling, give them time to share. Then, spend time answering the questions below. Questions + What is your trick or secret weapon if you are in public (restaurant, church, mall, etc. ) and your sib starts to make a scene? + How does it make you feel when your sib makes a scene in public?

Materials + Skittles Instructions 1. Put a bowl of Skittles out and allow the kids to choose 3 different colors of Skittles. 2. Based on the color they choose, they will need to answer a question that corresponds with that color. PURPLE- What should we know about your sib? YELLOW- What should we know about you? GREEN- What makes you proud of your sib? RED- What is your pet peeve? ORANGE- Do you have any good stories about your sib?

TAKE AWAY & SCRIPTURE Fill your mind with the things of Christ- true, lovely, and praiseworthy things. “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Philippians 4:8


Skittles & Stories

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35 — MARCH


“I wish people knew that I genuinely do not want to change my sibling. I do not wish that they didn’t have a disability. The only thing that I would change is the world’s perception of people who have disabilities. I love everything about my sibs, the good, the hard, and the chaotic. Being a sib is not easy, but it is good. I truly believe that God made my brothers perfectly, put my family together perfectly, and I would not want to change that.” Kate Korasick with Conan and Micah

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March Activities Intentional Sibling Activity

Have the siblings sit in a circle. Go around the circle and have each person share their favorite and least favorite thing about their week.

Emotion Wheel

Group Game “Over the Mountain” Instructions 1. Have everyone sit in a chair in a circle. Note: As the leader, you will not have a chair and will stand in the center of the circle. 2. The person standing in the middle of the circle will say, “Over the mountain if….” and finish the sentence. 3. If the statement is true for the participants, they will get up and find a new chair. However, they cannot go to the chair directly next to them. 4. The last person to find a chair will be the person in the middle and will start the next round. 5. Repeat and have fun! Examples: “Over the mountain if you had cereal this morning.” “Over the mountain if your sibling with a disability is older than you.” “Over the mountain if you have been to the beach.”

Sibs Chat Have the siblings sit in a circle. Ask each sibling to introduce themself by stating their name and their sibling’s name. If they want to share a little bit about their sibling, give them time to share. Then, spend time answering the questions below. Questions + Do you feel comfortable when people ask you about your sibling? + Do you feel like friends or neighbors celebrate your sibling’s differences

Materials + Poster Board + Spinner (If you do not have one, you can make one using a paperclip & pencil). + Markers Instructions 1. Draw a large circle and divide it into eighths. 2. Label each section with a different emotion/ feeling. Options: Joy, Embarrassed, Stressed, Anxious, Angry, Loved, Jealousy, Ignored, Misunderstood, Surprised. 3. Each sibling will spin and tell a story about when they have felt that emotion. It can relate to having a sibling or it can be simply about them. 4. Continue to take turns playing until time is up! 5. Remind siblings that feelings are always real, and everyone experiences every feeling. They change all of the time, and it is always good to talk about your feelings with someone you trust.

TAKE AWAY & SCRIPTURE Rejoice, pray, and give thanks. This is what God desires for each of us to do each and every day. “Rejoice always, pray continually, and give thanks in all circumstances! For this is God’s will for you in Jesus Christ.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18


Pows & Wows


39 — APRIL


“Being a sibling has changed my belief to know that it’s not about me. There is a need for kids to be loved, and I love how quirky and weird my family is compared to what is considered normal. I wish and hope people know that my siblings are so strong, beautiful, and capable of the impossible.” Jacob Evans

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April Activities Intentional Sibling Activity

Have the siblings sit in a circle. Go around the circle and have each person share their favorite and least favorite thing about their week.

Egg-citing Questions

Group Game Telephone Instructions 1. Everyone will sit in a circle. The leader will start by whispering a sentence into the person’s ear next to them. Example: “My dog likes to chase squirrels around the pond and over the hill.” 2. The person will try their best to remember the sentence and whisper it into their neighbor’s ear. 3. The game will continue until it reaches the last person. That person will say the sentence out loud. 4. The leader will tell them if the group got the sentence right or wrong. 5. Play again with a new leader. The sillier the sentence the better!

Sibs Chat Have the siblings sit in a circle. Ask each sibling to introduce themself by stating their name and their sibling’s name. If they want to share a little bit about their sibling, give them time to share. Then, spend time answering the questions below. Questions + How do you describe your sibling to other people? + What reactions from your friends make you happy, sad, concerned, or frustrated?

Materials + Easter eggs + Strips of paper + Pens + Basket Instructions 1. Have each sib write two questions they want to ask their friends. It can be about their family, sibling, interests, or how they feel about certain situations. 2. They will put their questions into Easter eggs and place it in the basket. 3. Each sib will choose an egg, read the question aloud, and answer it. 4. Repeat until all of the eggs are gone.

TAKE AWAY & SCRIPTURE God created us uniquely and with a great purpose. He has prepared good works for each of us to do! “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10


Pows & Wows

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43 — MAY


“Having a sibling with special needs is one of the greatest joys I’ve ever experienced. My brother is a constant light in our family and reminds us that life is about serving and loving others. Being a sibling reminds me that there aren’t really “special” needs, there are just needs we should seek to meet because we can.” Ridgley Harlass and Trenton

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May Activities Intentional Sibling Activity

Have the siblings sit in a circle. Go around the circle and have each person share their favorite and least favorite thing about their week.

Roll the Dice & Share

Group Game Balloon Stomp Materials + Balloons + String Instructions 1. You may want to head outside for this game! Clearly communicate the specific area and boundaries where this game will be played. 2. Each person will tie a balloon to their ankle using string. 3. When you say “go,” each person will run around and try to pop the balloons on their friends’ ankles. 4. The last person with their balloon intact is the winner! 5. If you have enough materials, play again.

Sibs Chat Have the siblings sit in a circle. Ask each sibling to introduce themself by stating their name and their sibling’s name. If they want to share a little bit about their sibling, give them time to share. Then, spend time answering the questions below. Questions + How does your sib affect how often you invite friends over to your house? + Do you prefer to spend time with your friends away from your house?

Materials + 1 pair of dice Instructions 1. Have the sibs take turns rolling the die. 2. You will have 6 questions written down that correspond to each number on the cube. + What is your favorite thing to do with your family during the summer? + What are you looking forward to doing this summer? + How do you help your family? + What is something good that has happened to you recently? + How has your sibling made you laugh recently? + What is your favorite summer treat? 3. Have the sib share their answer. 4. Continue the game until time is up.

TAKE AWAY & SCRIPTURE You are not forgotten by your Creator. He loves you and remembers you. “Yet I will not forget you. Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are continually before me.” Isaiah 49:16


Pows & Wows


47 — BONUS


“Because I am a sibling, I feel like I am able to relate to and am more aware of people who have special needs. I wish people knew that it is sometimes hard, but it will not always be hard.�

Luke Woodard with Ben

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Bonus Activities Intentional Sibling Activity

Have the siblings sit in a circle. Go around the circle and have each person share their favorite and least favorite thing about their week.

Choose a Side

Group Game Would You Rather? Instructions 1. Have everyone sit in a circle. 2. The leader will start the game by saying, “Would you rather….?” 3. Everyone has to go around and say their answer. 4. You can all take turns coming up with a “Would you rather….?” question for the group! The sillier the better! Examples: + Would you rather lick a dirty trash can or the bathroom floor? + Would you rather be the worst player on a team that always wins or the best player on a team that always loses? + Would you rather play an instrument or be able to sing? + Would you rather not be able to smell or taste?

Sibs Chat Have the siblings sit in a circle. Ask each sibling to introduce themself by stating their name and their sibling’s name. If they want to share a little bit about their sibling, give them time to share. Then, spend time answering the questions below. Questions + What do you do when your sibling hurts your feelings? + How do you encourage your sibling?

Materials + Pre-written questions + Rope Example Questions + I have a pet at home. + I share a room. + I bring my lunch to school. + My sibling with special needs is younger than me. + I like board games. + I get anxious when I am not with my sibling. + I have a lot of responsibilities in my house. + I get angry at my sibling sometimes. + When people ask about my sibling, I don’t always know what to say. + I worry about my sibling. Instructions 1. Lay the rope in the middle of the room. 2. Label on side of the rope “Yes.” Label the other side of the rope “No.” 3. Ask a question. If the sibling answers “Yes,” they will go to that side of the rope. If the sibling answers “No,” they will go to that side of the rope. 4. Ask if any of the siblings want to share why they answered the question that way. 5. Continue asking questions until the time is up.

TAKE AWAY & SCRIPTURE Our God is never changing and promises to be my helper. I do not need to live in fear. “So we can confidently say, ‘ The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?’ Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13: 6, 8


Pows & Wows


changing the story of disability

99balloons.org info@99balloons.org 99balloons, inc @99balloonsorg

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