Spring 2017 Curriculum

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1:1 Curriculum & Sibling Curriculum

1:1 Curriculum The 1:1 Curriculum includes the following components for each month:



Sibling Curriculum The Sibling Curriculum includes the following components for each month:




20-45 Min Ice Breakers 30 Min Minute-To-Win-It 20 Min Pows and Wows 15-20 Min High Energy Game 20-30 Min Intentional Sib Activity 15-20 Min Low Energy Game 90 Min Movie 2

Volunteers can use the "As You Go" questions throughout the night as additional ways to interact with sibs.


LARGE GROUP Large rEcess :: Treasure Hunt Materials: Pirate Costume, stickers, pencils, gold coins, ziplock or brown paper bags. Instructions: 1. Hide bowls of small trinkets (stickers, pencils, gold coins, etc.) throughout the building. 2. Have the large group leader dress up as “Pirate Pete” and host a treasure hunt, following the script below. - Pirate Pete: “Ahoy Mateys! I heard there’s treasure hidden at rEcess, and I’ve come to seek it out! Who wants to give it a go and help me hunt for gold!?” 3. Give a guide to the volunteers that shows where the treasures are hidden, so that all the prizes can be found. 4. Send the kids out to find the treasures, and along the way, they will collect the small trinkets. When they bring them back to the Pirate, he/she can give them a decorated ziplock, brown bag or mesh bag to take all their treasures home! Environment: Play Pirate Music during large group!


Materials: Cardboard boxes, Sheets or bean bags, Crumpled paper balls, Timer, Painter’s tape


Small rEcess :: Cannonball Attack!


Instructions: 1. Separate the group into 2 groups by dividing the room with painter’s tape. 2. Have each side set up their “ship” with large cardboard boxes, bean bags, or sheets as their blockade. 3. Give each side crumpled up paper to use as “cannonballs”, and set a timer. See how many cannonballs each side can blast (throw) onto the other’s’ ship in 30 seconds. 4. Repeat as many times as the kids wish! Environment: Play Pirate Music during large group!


CRAFTS 1 :: Pirate Hook Supplies: Tin Foil, Plastic Solo Cups, Scissors Instructions: 1. Stack three pieces of tin foil. 2. Fold in the edges an inch or two (this takes care of any sharp foil and assists in holding the sheets together). 3. Starting on an edge, roll the tin foil into a snake-like roll; squeeze tightly so it becomes creased and sturdy. 4. Gently bend the foil into a candy cane shape, creating a hook with extra length on the straight portion to form the handle. 5. With the cup upside down, have an adult/volunteer use scissors to poke through the bottom of the cup. 6. Fold the rigid plastic pieces from the bottom of the cup down, then carefully slide the foil hook handle through. 7. Put your hand in a fist and slide the cup onto your hand to wear your pirate hook!


Instructions: 1. Paint your paper towel roll any color you wish. 2. Put the sparkly/metallic washi/duct tape around the edges and middle of the paper towel roll. 3. Decorate with stickers or designs to make it your very own spyglass telescope.


Supplies: Paper towel rolls, sparkly/metallic washi/duct tape, paint or markers.


2 :: Spyglass Telescopes!

ADAPTIVE IDEAS Kids can kick, roll, or throw their “cannonballs” and stand/sit as close to the other team’s ship as they need. Have hand-over hand support to help with these gross motor movements when necessary. 6

SENSORY AREA Sensory Treasure Chest Supplies: Kinetic or regular sand, Plastic gemstones, Mardi Gras bead necklaces, Gold coins, Shells, Scoops, Buckets or Shovels Instructions: 1. Begin with regular or kinetic sand as a base. 2. Add plastic gemstones, Mardi Gras bead necklaces, gold coins and/or shells. 3. Finish with scoops, buckets or shovels.

Aquatic Sensory Room Supplies: Blue Lightbulbs or light covers, Blue pillowcases, Sound machine Instructions: 1. Use blue lightbulbs in lamps, shine on the walls OR cover ceiling lights with blue pillowcases to resemble an Underwater feel. 2. Use a sound machine that plays bubble or ocean wave sounds to create a beach atmosphere.





All Printables are available on the rEcess Facebook Group. We will also include them in our monthly communication to rEcess Leadership Teams.

Pirate Map

This Pirate Map can be colored in. While you're coloring, talk with your buddy about how you would follow the map to get to the treasure!

Design-a-Mermaid Coloring Page Includes 4 different mermaids that can be colored and decorated.

MOVIES The Little Mermaid, Jake & The Never Land Pirates: Yo Ho, Matey's Away

PINTEREST www.pinterest.com/99balloonsorg/recess-theme-x-marks-the-spot/ 8

Sibling Curriculum MARCH Supplies Needed:

Bag of dry beans, straws, strips of paper, writing utensils, a random array of props

ICEBREAKER Line 'Em Up! Divide your guests into teams. The first team who lines up according to the category you shout out, wins. Examples: Shoe size Alphabetical by first name Alphabetical by last name Alphabetical by favorite dog breed (Boxer, Collie, Pug, etc.) Height Birth date Alphabetical By Shirt Color Time people ate their last meal


March Siblings MINUTE TO WIN IT Bean on a Straw A small pile of beans are placed on a table in front of contestant, who is given a straw. At the signal, he or she must suck a bean onto the end of the straw, run a designated distance and deposits the bean in a glass. He must do this with 30 beans in a minute (more or less for different levels).

POWS AND WOWS EmoSpectrum While sitting in a circle have every person describe something that made them laugh, smile, or happy this week? What is something that made them sad, mad, or cry?


HIGH ENERGY GAME Rock, Paper and Scissors Tag On a large playing field, split the group into two teams. Make sure there is a halfway point that is recognizable. In the back of each team's side, make sure there is another "end zone" area that is recognizable. Teams will huddle up and decide which of the rock, paper, or scissors moves they will do. When both teams have decided, they approach the center line and with the help of the facilitator, they all say "Rock... Paper... Scissors... shoot" together and perform their action (it can be fun to have the actions much bigger than normal - such as their whole bodies turning into rocks, or giant scissors, or big pieces of paper). Whatever team wins can immediately begin chasing the other team, attempting to tag them. The team that lost tries to run back to their "end zone" as quickly as possible. If they make it there without being tagged, they are safe. If they get tagged, they must join the other team. The game usually does not end up with one team having everyone and so the facilitator must use his or her discretion of when to end the game. The 3 rock, paper, scissors moves are: Rock beats scissors. Scissors beats paper. Paper beats rock.


Have you ever had a time where you busted out in anger?




Have you ever been embarrassed? What was your most embarrassing moment?


INTENTIONAL ACTIVITY FeelingsSIBLING Charades Feelings Charades Each Sibling has to write a list of ten types of feelings on strips of paper. Try to encourage them to do the most distinct and diverse range of emotions. Then they will throw all their written feelings into a hat. Each group will take turns trying to act out and guess as many feelings as possible within a minute. At the end of a few rounds have students 1. Write out the feeling that most describe their current situation. 2. Describe how they can tell differences of the varying emotions. 3. How Jesus helps us with our different emotions.

LOW ENERGY GAME Freeze Three players start by acting out an event. At any point, an audience member can yell "freeze" and the actors must freeze where they are. That audience member then comes on stage, taps the shoulder of the person to swap with, and the audience member then becomes an actor, assuming their role. The new member must be the first one to talk and must change the scene in some way. (Example: Three people are acting out a football game. An audience member yells freeze, takes the place of the person throwing the football, and then starts the scene as if she is about to throw the flowers at a wedding.) 13


X MARKS THE SPOT THEME: Dory, Finding Nemo, Pirates of the Caribbean series, Indiana Jones series





LARGE GROUP Large rEcess :: Capture the Flag Materials: 2 different colored flags Instructions: 1. Separate the group into 2 teams. 2. Get two flags (or similar objects) of different colors and hide them at opposite sides of the building. 4. Each team tries to find the other team’s flag and bring it back to the large group leader as quick as they can!

Small rEcess :: Sleeping Bag Races Materials: Sleeping Bags Instructions: 1. A twist on the traditional sack races, collect sleeping bags before rEcess night, and have a Sleeping Bag Race! 2. Separate the group into 2 teams & have each team form a line. 3. Have the first kid step into the sleeping bag, put the sleeping bag in their lap or put their arms in the bag. They can hop, run, crawl or wheel down and back to hand off the bag to the next team member in line. 4. The first team to have all their members go down & back wins! 15

CRAFTS 1:: Potato Stamp Ladybugs


Instructions: 1. Cut a few potatoes in half and let dry before the night of rEcess. 2. Dip potato in red paint and stamp on paper, let dry. 3. Draw a black line down the middle of each red oval with a permanent marker. 4. Dip a thumb in black paint and stamp on each red oval for the ladybug head and then use a finger dipped in black paint for the ladybug spots. 5. Wipe hands with a baby wipe for easy clean up! 6. Let dry before taking the project home!


Supplies: White paper, Black marker, Potatoes (cut in half), Red paint, Black paint, Baby wipes


2:: Handprint Campfire Supplies: White Printer Paper, Paint {red/orange/brown}, Paper Plate, Paint Brushes, Baby Wipes, Brown Construction Paper, Glue, Cotton Balls, Scissors Instructions: 1. First, paint your palm with red paint, and the other with orange paint. 2. Press your hand down on the white printer paper to make handprints that look like “flames.” 3. Grab the brown paint on a paintbrush and paint some “logs” underneath the frames. 4. To finish, cut out a “stick” from the brown construction paper and glue it onto your canvas/paper. 5. Glue the cotton balls on the stick to give it the look of roasting marshmallows on a stick. 6. Wipe hands with a baby wipe for easy clean up! 7. Let it all dry completely before bringing home.





If kids are hesitant to paint their hands due to texture challenges, ease into the process by putting a tiny dab of paint on one finger, and then have them work their way up into painting each finger one by one until their entire palm is painted. If a handprint is not in the child’s sensory capacity, use paintbrushes to form hand shapes, or trace hands for the child and let them color or paint them in.

Supplies: Large Plastic Bin, beans, small rocks, sand, plastic bugs and worms, scoops, digging tools, tweezers


Sensory Bug Box!

Instructions: 1. Use beans, small rocks and sand as a base to fill a large plastic bin. 2. Fill with plastic bugs and worms. 3. Finish off with scoops, digging tools and tweezers for kids to play with.


PRINTABLES All Printables are available on the rEcess Facebook Group. We will also include them in our monthly communication to rEcess Leadership Teams.

Nature Hunt Bingo Includes 1 Bingo Card. Go on a scavenger hunt outside and have kids look for the items on their Bingo Card.

Nature Scavenger Hunt Write in items that you hope to find outdoors. Then, go on a Scavenger Hunt and check off the items that you find! 19

April 1:1

MOVIES The Parent Trap, Bambi

PINTEREST www.pinterest.com/99balloonsorg/recess-theme-gone-camping 20

Sibling Curriculum APRIL Supplies Needed:

Bundt Pan, Blanket (or similar, i.e. carpet circle), Smartphone, Polaroid, An array of props for photo shoot

ICEBREAKER Hum that Song The group will split up in teams of two. Sibs will write five of their favorite songs on separate sheets of papers and place them into a bowl. Each group will go back and forth trying to guess the songs place into the bowl. They can only answer the name of song by hearing it hummed and then singing back the correct answer.

MINUTE TO WIN IT Ring Pan Toss In this game, kids stand a few feet away from a bundt pan that is on the floor. Player tosses ping pong balls towards the pan, hoping to get inside. Inside the ring equals 10 points and landing right on the inner ring equals 50 points. The object is to get 50 points in a minute. 21

POWS AND WOWS Wow and How While sitting in a circle have every person describe something great that made them say “Wow?” and something frustrating that made them say “How?’



Ex: “Wow, yesterday I got to help a person who was homeless with a meal.” Ex: “How in the world did I lose my wallet yesterday?”

AS YOU GO What do your siblings mean to you? Could you imagine a life without your siblings? How would your life be different if either of you were not in each other’s lives? 22

HIGH ENERGY GAME Elbow Tag Everyone gets a partner and hooks elbows. The pairs spread out around the designated playing area. Two individuals are chosen to be it. One will be the chaser, the other being chased. The person being chased may hook elbows with any pair at any time. The member of the pair at the opposite end of where the chasees hook, is now being chased. If the chaser catches the chasee, the chasee spins around three times and becomes the new chaser. The previous chaser now becomes the chasee. Note: A time restraint may be needed to prevent limited participation from the rest of the group.


National Siblings Day Photo Shoot Provide Sibs with a random array of props. Using a camera or a smartphone with a camera, they must find their siblings at rEcess and do a photoshoot that captures the following emotions/actions: Joy Sadness Love Frustration Friendship Collect all the photos and create a National Siblings Day Slideshow. And, if possible, print out some of the photos for families to keep and cherish.


April Sibilngs



LOW ENERGY GAME Turning Over a New Leaf All players begin by standing on one side of blanket. Players must flip blanket up-side-down without any player touching the floor. If any player touches the floor, players must start over.






1:1 Curriculum MAY THEME :: TALENT SHOW

LARGE GROUP Large rEcess :: Have a Talent Show! Materials: Talents! Be sure to send an email to parents a month before rEcess informing them about the talent show. This will give kids plenty of time to prepare. Recruit a few volunteers to bring some talent of their own. Instructions: The rEcess talent show is a tradition where almost anything goes! Singing, dancing, magic tricks, and telling jokes are just a few suggestions! Environment: Have a few leadership team members play the part of MC for the evening, making up commercials & playing music in between each act.


Small rEcess :: Karaoke! Materials: Playlist, iPod or iPhone, Sound System or Speakers




Instructions: 1. Load popular songs onto a playlist and make sure sound is available. 2. Play a song and give kids the chance to shine karaoke-style in front of the group! It is best to play the actual song, not the karaoke version, in case the kids forget the words.

CRAFTS 1 :: Make A Rockstar Puppet Supplies: Skin-Toned Construction Paper circles, Googly Eyes, Glitter Glue, Feathers, Craft Sticks Instructions: 1. Tape a Circle and tape the back to a craft stick. 2. Glue on googly eyes. 3. Glue Feathers to create rockstar hair 4. Draw a mouth with markers or glitter glue. 5. Use glitter glue to create sunglasses, tattoos or any other funky designs you can think of!


2 :: Rockstar Sunglasses Supplies: Dollar-Store Sunglasses, Small gems, Sequins, Curled ribbon, Hot Glue

Provide noise-cancelling headphones during the talent show or karaoke game for those buddies who have auditory challenges. 30




Instructions: 1. Choose a pair of sunglasses and get decorating! 2. Be sure to have a volunteer or leadership team member be in charge of the hot glue gun. 3. Wear your sunglasses around for the night!

SENSORY AREA Keep a selection of musical instruments in a separate area for kids to explore, such as kid guitars, tambourines, music sticks, shakers and drums. Explore Pinterest for DIY versions!

PRINTABLES All Printables are available on the rEcess Facebook Group. We will also include them in our monthly communication to rEcess Leadership Teams.

Rockstar Coloring Page A Rockstar you can color and decorate.

Rockstar Note Cards Includes 4 different styles of paper and note cards. 31

MOVIES High School Musical






Sibling Curriculum MAY Supplies Needed:

Deck of Cards, Cut watermelon

ICEBREAKERS Would You Rather? Start out by dividing teens into two teams, having each team go on opposite sides of the room, or the party area. Then, have an adult read out questions that have two answers to them. For example, the question could be, “Would you rather eat a bug or starve.” When reading the question, the reader points to one side of the room for “bug” and the other side for “starve.” Then, teens have to race to switch sides depending upon their answer. Make sure you have a lot of fun “Would you rather…” questions for this game. Teens will enjoy getting to know others as they see what they have in common with other guests.


MINUTE TO WIN IT Card Ninja For this game you will need a deck of cards (at least one), cut watermelon, and a table. 1) Place the half watermelon so that the pink side is perpendicular to the ground. 2) When the clock starts, player may begin tossing cards 1 at a time at the watermelon while standing behind the foul line. 3) To complete the game, player must stick 1 card into the watermelon within the 60-second time limit so that it stays that way for 3 seconds.



Bonus Tips: 1) Make sure you use cards that are rigid enough to stick. The .99 cent pack may not do! 2) The bigger the watermelon, the better. It makes it easier for people to hit the target. 3) Do a test run for the game. Make sure that you don’t set participants too far away from the melon. 4) Instead of having them stick the card first, pit teams against each other and see how many they can get in one minute. We played Jr. High versus High School. Our Jr. High students smoked the High Schoolers! 5) Have extra decks of cards… they go fast! 6) Eat the watermelon. Please don’t waste it.

What was your favorite thing and least favorite thing about rEcess this year?



Year in Review

HIGH ENERGY GAME Fishing A fish is cut out of tissue paper and contestant is given a piece of cardboard. Paper fish is laid on the ground and contestant must fan the fish (similar to Egg Roll) to the other side of the arena and get it inside the red box. This is funny because the “fish” flops in all kinds of unpredictable ways.

INTENTIONAL SIBLING ACTIVITY Share A Secret Toilet Paper Game Start the game with teens sitting in a circle. Take a roll of toilet paper and give it to the first person. Instruct teens to take as many squares as they think they may need, but don’t give any other explanation. After everyone has some squares of toilet paper, pick one guest (or the guest of honor) to get the game started. Each person has to share things about themselves. However, the catch is that they have to share as many secrets as they have squares of toilet paper. So, if someone has 3 squares, they have to share 3 secrets, or if they took 7 squares, they have to share 7 secrets about themselves. Afterwards have a small discussion about the value having loyal friends, accountability partners, and mentors who they can trust. People who they can count on to share the hard, difficult, scary, or upsetting things in life.


LOW ENERGY GAME Animal Farm Facilitator will assign participant will be blindfolded. They must find animals like them by listening to to others who are making the same sounds.


Facilitator: Tell Sib the favorite things that you enjoyed and/or liked about them. What are some of the things you want to do for the summer? 36




TALENT SHOW THEME: Akeelah and the Bee, Napoleon Dynamite, Stick it

Using Pinterest The Pinterest links that are included in the 1:1 Curriculum have lots of additional resources to make each rEcess a fun night for your kids and volunteers. Be sure and check out those links for more activities and ideas related to each month's theme! 37

Notes Jot down any new ideas or things that went well to help you plan for future events.


Notes Jot down any new ideas or things that went well to help you plan for future events.


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