Uganda - Global Trip Guidebook

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ABOUT THIS GUIDE We are excited to have you join us on this global trip to Uganda. Our partners are doing incredible work loving and serving persons with disability in Uganda, and we are humbled and honored to have a small part in the incredible things the Lord is doing. This guidebook will provide you with lots of helpful information to prepare for our journey. Please look over each section and let us know if you have any questions.



PRAYER POINTS 1) Pray for favor over all trip logistics. (flights, luggage, travel, health, funding, etc.) 2) Ask God to soften your heart to break with His. Disability in Uganda is hard. The easiest way to cope is to harden one’s heart. Our prayer is that instead we will look, see, and feel it—ultimately changing who we are, and the way we see the world. 3) Pray God would prepare our way. As you can imagine communication and planning across continents is slow and tedious. We will do our best to plan though ultimately we ask and trust God to prepare good work for us to do. James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who give to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.

4) Pray against conflict, egos, pride, and misunderstandings between all involved in this project. John 17:23 …that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.



LOGISTICS Register/Deposit Use this link to register for the trip by October 15, 2015. This confirms your spot on the Uganda Team. Once your registration is complete, you will be able to access your trip requirements and personal fundraiser page. Make sure to launch your fundraiser-this is where you can make a payment towards your trip costs, or friends and family can donate towards your trip. Be sure and complete the trip requirements as soon as possible.

Fundraising Tips Each participant is responsible for 100% of their fundraising needs. Click here to view fundraising tips.

99 Network We desire to have a way for Global Trip participants to continue encouraging and supporting our global partners long after we leave. The 99 Network allows you the opportunity to stay involved by helping fund global projects benefitting persons with disability. Membership is $9.99/month and 100% of proceeds goes to global projects. All trip participants must become a member of the 99 Network. View a list of completed projects and set up your 99 Network membership by October 15th at:



BEFORE YOU LEAVE Vaccinations The following are recommended vaccinations according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Be sure your routine vaccines are also up-to-date - such as Measles/ Mumps/Rubella (MMR), Diphtheria/Pertussis/Tetanus (DPT), Polio. Once you schedule an appointment with your health-care provider or travel clinic, they will help determine what you will need depending on factors such as your health and immunization history. Each team member is responsible for their own vaccines. Please see a health-care provider at least 4 weeks prior to the trip. Required Vaccines:: • Yellow Fever - This lasts 10 years and is required for travel to Uganda. Once you get this shot, you will be given a Yellow Fever Certificate and MUST take this certificate with you on the trip. The Yellow Fever vaccine MUST be taken at least 10 days before the trip in order for it to be valid. Recommended Vaccines:: There is a combination shot that has A & B combined in it. This • Hepatitis A & B combination vaccine is highly recommended. There are three rounds to this vaccine, and you must take at least the first round before the trip. The second round is taken one month after the first round, and the third round is taken 6 months later. • Typhoid - CDC recommends this vaccine for most travelers, especially if you are staying with friends or relatives, visiting smaller cities or rural areas, or if you are an adventurous eater. This can be administered in one of two ways:: 1. One option is to have a shot that is a dead virus. This lasts 34 months. 2. Another option is to take oral pills which are a live virus. This lasts 5 years. Malaria:: These are prescription pills that you start taking before the trip and continue throughout the trip for the prevention of Malaria, and sometimes need to continue taking for a certain amount of time after you return. Please follow your doctor’s advice and adhere to this. Be aware that certain medications, like Doxy, may decrease the effectiveness of other medications you may be on. Mefloquine is easy (weekly), Doxycycline is cheapest, Malarone is best (but most expensive).


Chloroquine is NOT an effective antimalarial drug in Uganda. If your doctor suggests Chloroquine, please ask for a different drug, such as doxycycline or mefloquine. Schedule an appointment with your health-care provider or travel clinic to discuss these vaccine and malaria options further. It is always good to at least have a consultation as soon as possible, so that you can determine the total costs for vaccines and have time to decide which vaccines you need/want, etc. Many insurance companies do not cover travel vaccinations, so be sure and check with your insurance provider prior to getting vaccines to determine whether or not they are covered.

Travel Probiotics While not required, travel probiotics can provide your body a layer of protection against new bacterias your body is not used to. They can be purchased as most health food stores. Begin taking them a couple weeks before travel to increase the strength of your digestive system.

Travel Medical Insurance Your trip cost includes Travel Medical Insurance and Emergency Evacuation coverage. We will set that up for you and send you a confirmation of purchase as well as details on insurance coverage.



PACKING LIST This list will give you a good idea of the things you ought to have with you. There may be some additional items you’d like to bring along, but just keep in mind to leave as many valuables at home and that space will be limited. Of course, if you have any questions about the items here or want thoughts as to where you can pick these things up, please let us know. We would like to reserve one of your allowed checked bags for supplies and equipment to take to our partners in Uganda. So, you will have one piece of checked baggage, one carry-on, and one personal item for all of your personal things. Checked Baggage:: Maximum Weight - 50lbs per bag Maximum Size - 62 linear inches per bag Carry-on Baggage:: Maximum Size - 45 linear inches In addition to one carry-on item, you may also bring one personal item, such as a shoulder bag, backpack, laptop bag or other small item (no larger than 9 inches x 10 inches x 17 inches, or 36 linear inches). If you are carrying on any liquid, gel or aerosol items, here are a few things you should remember: • Use trial-size toiletries (3.4 ounces or less). • Toiletries must fit comfortably in one, quart-size (7.5-in x 8-in), clear plastic zip-top bag. • The zip-top bag will need to be presented separately at airport security, so make sure it is easily accessible when you approach the screening area.


Things to Carry On:




Yellow Fever Certificate

A few snacks

Money Belt

Cash for Souvenirs (ATM’s available)

Medications (travel probiotics)



Journal & Pen

Clean Change of Clothes

Travel Pillow

Bring all your regular medications with you (and a travel letter for these medications from your doctor), Paracetamol, Loperamide (Imodium) for diarrhea, Antibiotics for travelers diarrhea (ask your doctor), rehydration salts (such as hydralyte) for diarrhea, antimalarials (start before you leave - talk to your doctor for details). Know your blood type.


Things to Check:

Sunscreen & Aloe

Durable Water Bottle

Light Rain Jacket

Universal Power Adaptor

Sturdy Shoes (for rough terrain)

Antibacterial Wipes or Hand Sanitizer

Insect Repellent 30%-50% DEET

Full Set of Toiletries

Flushable Wipes

Ear Plugs and/or Eye Mask for Sleeping


Below are some thoughts from our partners in Uganda regarding what to wear in order to avoid offending the people and communities we are serving. The high temperature will be in the lower 80’s. • Pack lightweight clothing in light colors • Stick with pants instead of shorts • Wear short-sleeve or long-sleeve shirts • Women - wear pants or skirts that cover your knees. From our partners:: “I know it is hot, but you’ll be quick to notice a change in the way you are able to engage with people here if your dress code is up to par.” 8

Money ATMs are very common and is the easiest and best way to get Ugandan shillings for souvenir spending. Banks are pretty picky about the cash they will exchange, and they often don’t exchange bills smaller than $50. We also can’t guarantee that we will have many opportunities to go to the bank during business hours. So, ATM is your best best. CREDIT/ DEBIT CARDS – try to only carry one with you for security reasons.

Sleeping Sleeping will generally be in twin beds. The hotel where our team will be staying has very nice, clean accommodations and we hope you find it to be a relaxing place to unwind at the end of the day. 
 Sheets and towels are provided by the hotel, however you are welcome to bring your own linens/pillow if you prefer.

Documents Make a copy of your Passport, Yellow Fever Certificate, Emergency Contact Information, Medical Insurance Card, and any credit cards you are taking, and leave the copies with someone at home. If its not necessary, don’t take it (i.e. Sam’s Club Credit Card, Fitness Club ID, driver’s license, etc). Make additional copies of the above documents and put them in your carry-on or personal bag, including a colored copy of your Passport and Visa. DO NOT put these in your checked luggage. Please ensure that your Passport has at least 6-month validity from the date of departure. For example, if your team is traveling in January 2015 then your passport must be valid through July 2015.

Mobile Phones We will supply your team leaders with a mobile phone to use during the trip. However, you may want to arrange for global roaming services for your personal mobile phone; please check with your service provider for global plan options. The hotel will have Wi-Fi, but the connection quality is hit or miss. Or, if you have an unlocked travel phone you can get a local SIM in Uganda for data usage. You will need an extra passport photo with you to buy sim cards with (and possibly other things).



UPON ARRIVAL Immigration You will be entering under tourist status. Answer questions you may be asked but don’t volunteer extra information and don’t give specific names or address information for Ekisa. You will be given a form on the airplane to fill in and present with your passport on arrival. You will be asked to give your address in Uganda – make sure you have this info on hand. Hotel Address: ____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

Ebola Screening There’s a chance the airport will be conducting Ebola screenings upon arrival, which basically consists of them taking your temperature with a laser thermometer. It’s nothing to be concerned about, but just be prepared to wait in line for that.

Visa Uganda requires a tourist visa for all U.S. citizens. The visa will be obtained upon landing at the airport in Uganda. Your team leader will give you a $50 bill to use to pay for your visa. Look for the “Visa” line in the customs area. It’s pretty straight-forward and you shouldn’t have any issues getting your visa stamp.

Luggage If your luggage/bag does not arrive, then you must report it at the customs office before leaving the Airport. As you won’t have anything to declare you can grab your luggage and exit the airport. Please stay with your team as you exit.

Time Difference East Africa Time Zone is 8 hours ahead of US Central Time.



WHILE YOU’RE THERE Security Watch your valuables at all times. Carry your passport and money in a secure place where you can see it. Some people use a money belt that goes around the waist and others wear a wallet on a string around the neck. It’s a good idea not to keep all valuables in the same place. In general, don’t go out after dark, stay in hotels with good security, and follow the advice of locals, particularly hotel staff and security officials. Again, it is much better to travel with someone else than alone. Keep emergency phone numbers and details from your team leader on you in case there are any issues. Carry them on paper as well as stored on your phone. There will be an opportunity to go into town for souvenir shopping and enjoying the little coffee shops and restaurants in downtown Jinja, and you may also have opportunities to take some of the children out for a walk or to go buy a shake. Whenever you are away from Ekisa and the hotel, we request the following be adopted: • Always follow the advice of leaders, and if you’re unsure, ask them. • When you go for a walk, go with another person and let one of the leaders know where you have gone. • No one is to go out alone after dark

Shopping Uganda is packed with beautiful things to buy. In most shops bargaining is the name of the game!


Communication You may want to use e-mail to contact family while you are in Uganda. Your hotel will have Wi-Fi, although the quality of the connection is hit or miss. In downtown Jinja you will find internet cafes.



FOOD & WATER SAFETY Always wash your hands before eating and drinking. Make sure glasses, tableware and utensils are clean, and if not then do not use them. Maintaining a high level of hygiene is essential. The following page offers information on the types of food and beverages to avoid.


Beverages Drink • Water, sodas, or sports drinks that are bottled and sealed • Water that has been disinfected (boiled, filtered, treated) • Ice made with bottled or disinfected water • Hot coffee or tea • Pasteurized milk Don’t Drink (or brush teeth) • Tap or well water • Fountain drinks • Ice made with tap or well water • Drinks made with tap or well water (such as reconstituted juice) • Unpasteurized milk **Note:: You will have access to filtered water every day to fill refillable water bottles. Further, we will purchase bottled water throughout the week for our team.

Food Eat • Food (including all vegetables) that is fully cooked and served hot. • Fruits you have peeled yourself. • Hot food from roadside vendors (if you are a little daring), but no 100% guarantee • Pasteurized dairy products. Don’t Eat • Food that is cold (i.e. been sitting there for some time) • Salads • Unwashed or unpeeled raw fruits and vegetables • Raw or soft-cooked (runny) eggs • Raw or undercooked (rare) meat • Shellfish, especially uncooked and if it’s very hot weather • Condiments (such as salsa) made with fresh ingredients • Buffets (except at nice hotels), as food that’s been sitting around attracts flies • Unpasteurized dairy products • Ice cream (although there are shakes at The Keep that are fine)


Ugandan Food You will have the opportunity to try Ugandan food at Ekisa. The Ekisa staff will prepare lunch each day for our team. Main dishes are usually centered on a sauce of groundnuts or beans, coupled with rice or “Matooke” which is mashed plantain. There are a variety of “American” restaurants to choose from for dinner. There is also a good Chinese restaurant in town (Ling Lings), yummy Indian food (Moti Mahal) that can deliver to the hotel, and a beautiful restaurant on the Nile called the Jinja Sailing Club that serves a variety of foods (the pizza is delicious).

Stomach Upsets Most stomach upsets will disappear within 3 days. However, let your team leader know if you have been feeling sick for more than 24 hours. If you have an upset stomach, then ensure that you: • Rehydrate by drinking lots of clear fluids, preferably water • Take rehydration salts; these replace crucial trace elements your body loses via diarrhoea & vomiting. (i.e. Gastrolyte, Gatorade) • There are anti-diarrhoea agents such as Imodium & Lomotil, but be sure to read the instructions and don’t exceed the recommended doses. • When it comes to eating again start off with something basic such as rice or toast. Avoid highly spiced foods which might make you feel worse. • If you see a doctor while in Uganda, remember to get receipts for a doctor’s time and medications prescribed. Your insurance company will need these to reimburse you. • You might want to bring some crackers or granola bars along with you, just in case you get sick.



COUNTRY PROFILE Quick Facts • • • •

Population - 34.5 million Capital - Kampala 2nd Largest City - Jinja (the city we are visiting) Major Languages - English (official language), Swahili (official language), Luganda, various Bantu and Nilotic languages


Religious Views Regarding Disability Christianity is the primary religion in Uganda. However, it is often mixed with witchcraft in rural areas. It is very common for someone to go to church on Sunday and then the witch doctor on Monday. Most pastors believe that disabilities are demonic and often try to “fix the problem” through prayer, rituals, or exorcisms. The health, wealth and prosperity gospel is preached through Uganda, so most believe that disability is a curse due to your sins.

Government Position Regarding Disability Uganda has the best policy and laws in East Africa regarding disability. However, the implementation of these laws is almost nonexistent, which is worsened by corruption in the government.

Cultural Beliefs Regarding Disability Cultural beliefs regarding disability depend on the person’s education. If they have received a formal education, then they are more likely to understand disability as a medical condition. Those who haven’t gone to school often take the view of disability as a curse. Family background also plays into cultural belief - whether or not witchcraft was a part of their childhood, what their pastor taught, etc.



DON’T BE THAT PERSON 9 Ways to Avoid Being THAT Person 1) Don’t be that over-packer. Pack light and tight. You don’t want to be known as the person that gets a special security screening at every checkpoint. Pack everything you think you’ll need, then mull it over, ditch half of it, and start over. 2) Don’t be that poverty tourist. Search your heart. If you’re going on this trip to have a “great experience” or to help yourself feel grateful for all that you have back home or to take photos of hurting people, please don’t go. You are part of a much larger story, and it’s not about satisfying your own curiosity. 3) Don’t be that bad listener. Look people in the eye. Learn their names. Stop and listen to their stories. And when you come back home and share their stories, do it with respect and gentleness. 4) Don’t be that paparazzi. Ask before you click. Don’t be quick to strip people of their dignity. If children are smiling and dancing and asking you to take their photo, then bless them with that. Otherwise, ask first and trust your gut if it’s telling you to stop. There will be a designated story-teller on each trip that will share photos with the entire team upon your return. If you decide not to pack a camera, we promise you won’t regret having spent time genuinely interacting with people rather than being on the other side of a lens. 5) Don’t be that person checking off your bucket list. Going on a 99 Balloons trip isn’t just a one-and-done deal. Our trips represent an ongoing relationship with people we know and love who are doing the daily work of caring for persons with disability in their community. We expect you to be a part of this ongoing relationship and we want you to come back and help us continue seeking ways to support, encourage and equip our global partners. 6) Don’t be that Western know-it-all. We want you to use your gifts and skills and take the opportunity to train local long-term workers whenever possible. In fact, many folks on our trips have a specific role to train and equip local workers. But our desire is to approach training with humility, rather that going in on Day One and changing everything. Often times what would work back at home just won’t work in places like Africa or India or Haiti. Honor and respect our partners. Ask them


about what they do first before offering your advice on the situation. Then, work together with them to develop ways to continue serving persons with disability in their community. 7) Don’t be that schedule nazi. We will have a day-to-day structure for our trip, but we guarantee things will change once we get there. It’s incredibly important for everyone to stay flexible. An activity may be scheduled for 10am and won’t start until 1pm. We’ll plan an awesome dinner to honor families, and find that the venue we reserved has been hijacked by what looks to be a neverending prom. You were scheduled to meet with a local professional, but it turns out they had to take someone to the hospital that’s 3 hours away. The more flexible you are, the more enjoyable the trip will be for you. 8) Don’t be that Santa Clause. Bring less, and listen more. Before you begin packing lots of great things to donate, check with us to see if it’s something our partners could really use. We’ve learned that focusing on what our partners really need is a huge blessing rather than dumping a lot of stuff they may not ever use and don’t really have the space for. What you CAN be ready to give is your ears, your smiles, your encouragement, your dancing...yes, we said dancing. 9) Don’t be that savior. As Westerners, it’s common to get swept up into the mentality that we need to save people. None of us are the savior of the world. There’s only one savior of the world and his name is Jesus. Our global work is simply to support the awesome work that our partners are already doing on the ground. Instead of having a savior mentality, be ready to learn from the folks you will meet - lessons on faith, on serving, on community, and on the worth and value of each and every life



DEBRIEFING Thank you for joining us in serving our global partners and helping to change the story of disability around the world. As you return back home, debriefing is an important process to help you think through what you’ve learned and experienced, deal with any challenges or tensions, and ultimately allow the opportunity for God to be glorified for what He has done. Below are a list of questions that serve as a tool for you to consider as you process your trip. These will also hopefully help you answer questions that others may ask you. Take your time in thinking through these questions. In the weeks, months and even years to come, you will continually discover things that the Lord is teaching you because of the time you spent serving around the world. 1. 2. 3. 4.

What did I learn about myself on this global trip? What did I learn about God? How did God work above or beyond my expectations? What did I learn about how culture impacts individuals affected by disability in the community where I served? 5. What was the best thing about this trip? 6. What was the hardest part for me? 7. What did I learn or experience that will change the way I live and represent Jesus in my home community or church? 8. What have I learned about my own calling? 9. How can I continue to support the ongoing work in the area where I served? You will likely share about your trip with numerous folks, but we also encourage you to find someone you know and trust deeply with which you can share more in depth the thoughts, lessons and experiences you’ve had. We at 99 Balloons would also love to connect with you after you’ve had some time to process some of these questions. We’ll be in touch soon, but please don’t hesitate to contact us if there’s ever anything we can do for you



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