No investment part time jobs online for everyone Doing part time jobs online is a good idea to earn more but the job must be an easy one and also it shouldn’t include upfront or security money. Part time jobs online provide an opportunity to earn money from home and some jobs are really interesting and beneficial as well. These are the jobs that anyone can do in a hassle free manner and also get recurring income. Commission based jobs with recurring income are simply the best. It is easier to earn money by affiliate marketing but the business must be easy-to-understand for the affiliate partner. For instance take Integrated Field Staff Management & Customer Care System that is a must have system for all field staff companies. The companies that work with large teams of field employees need this software hence it is easy to promote.
What is this software? It is called field staff tracking software as it is used to track employees. The software uses GPS and also cell tower triangulation where GPS isn’t available to keep tracking employees. Objective of the software is to help businesses track employees and the software provides real time tracking. It makes a platform where managers can see their employees and also communicate with the employees. How the software is promoted? An affiliate only needs educating the targeted audiences about advantages of the software. And it is easy to highlight advantages of the software. Live tracking: It is the biggest advantage of the software. Employees are never out of reach of the managers and this helps managers in assigning jobs and staying in touch with the employees. The software helps employees as well. The field staff can get details of clients and also see locations of clients on the software. Task management: Managers can easily manage their tasks. They can handpick employees for tasks and in this way make sure that no task is left pending. They can prioritize tasks to provide quick and satisfactory customer service. And it is possible only when the managers stay connected to their employees. Invoice making: The software can make invoice in a hassle free and error free manner. It calculates service charge by taxes to the basic charge and presents complete invoice by adding overdue payments, if any. Customers can sign the online invoice after making payments. Timesheet/Attendance: Employees can make their timesheets on software and also they can mark their attendance on the software. It is easy and convenient for both the employees and the managers. Job of an affiliate As a Brand Ambassador, your job will be to promote the Integrated Field Staff Management & Customer Care System and make customers
for the business. Once you understand its advantages, you can easily educate the targeted customers that are small and medium size companies to use the field staff tracking software. You will get a certain amount as commission from the bills generated for your customers and you’ll get commission on every bill. It is recurring income that will continue until the customers quit. The Integrated Field Staff Management & Customer Care System is available at INR 149 per month. At this price, it becomes quite affordable. It is one of the few part time jobs online that have no upfront investment.