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Leaders Of ESTIEM
Our collaboration with the Data Science Initiative, which led to the first training event on the Portal.- Anouar Elaidi, Analysis Committee It is the progress itself that makes me proud. My team and I accomplished many little things in a short time. With every step we take to support Central, we’re moving forward. At the end of the day, I can say that I’m really proud of how far we’ve come and very excited how far we’ll go until next year! - Sena Horoz, Human Resources Committee
After being elected, we directly jumped into our first event, BEST Summer IPF event (comparable to ESTIEM College). It was amazing to notice all the similarities we have with other NGOs, and how much we can give to and receive from each other. We were also totally impressed by their interest towards our organization. It was such a motivation booster for us that it took us only a few weeks to kick off our first collaboration with another one of our partners, EESTEC, in the field of Human Resources. For sure it was when Paul found a solution for our spam problem: the reputation of our mail server was so bad that the emails from @ estiem.org addresses were mostly delivered to the Spam folder. A better spam filter was installed, our reputation raised and people started to get the emails properly. - Liz Nenzberg & Paul Wenzlokat, Information Technology Committee - Selim Çırpan & François Caffont, Ambassadors In September, the Corporate Relations Committee organized the first online CR School for all its members! It was a nice way to start the year since everyone had the opportunity to both get to know the team they will be working with for the whole year and gain a lot of useful knowledge! - Alisée Pierrot, Corporate Relations Committee PDC is a project-based committee which aims to support the development of IEM education in Europe by conducting market research. My proudest moment happened during the last SEFI conference when everyone congratulated us for our professional and mature approach. This couldn’t be possible without my incredible team, thank you to all my education Jedis! The first chat that we had together with the oldies in the committee. It was amazing to see them still debating about the committee and even though their responsibilities finished they still want to work for the entity. Towards the end of the chat, they were talking and laughing about the old times, while I was watching silently and proudly.- Efe Umut Ateş, Knowledge Facilitation Committee We established contact with a potential new Local Group, while starting to work on the new approaching strategy! We’re excited to see our network growing, bringing in more diversity and connecting with new people across Europe.- Inês Marques, Members Committee During these tough times it is hard to come up with content, especially when there are no physical events. Still, we managed to come up with new types of posts to keep the channels active. We made the ESTIEM - Viktoria Heyen, Professional Development Committee social media channels more attractive and interactive for our followers. - Remco Vis, Public Relations Committee
What has been the proudest moment of your entity since LIX Council Meeting?
Being declared a committee in the summer. All the hard work paid off and we are bringing social and environmental responsibility back into ESTIEM with a bang. We definitely deserve our status with all the projects that are currently ongoing! - Mikko Sairanen, Social and Environmental Responsibility Committee The Internal Awareness Task Group came from the ESTIEM Presentation Game. To be able to do that, we had to go through a lot of discussions and long chats. The proudest moment was the feeling of being completely exhausted after discussing for a whole day during our Online CoM. Look forward to the outcomes of our work! - Kris Figas, Internal Awareness Task Group
We are about to initiate 2 Training Events, Training Advanced Trainers Online with EESTEC and our new concept, Mentoring New Trainers. The development process of both these events were great, and I feel very proud to support future development of Trainers Community and hence ESTIEMers. Like we always say, “Learn, Share and Grow Together!” - Can Demirkaya, Trainers Community
Every department needs a spirit and it always seemed like a big challenge to me. But during our chats I witnessed many contributions and suggestions from our members. They are enjoying the cozy family environment and I love it! And also, my Board Responsible successfully joined 25% of our chats in time! I am quite proud! - Ece Tekiner, Personal Development Department The proudest moment for my entity was to see how far we got with Izmir-DEU compared to the state before the previous Council Meeting, because they were the first case for LGSS. We’re very proud to see positive feedback from them and hear how their journey with LGSS went. We’re so pleased to work with IzmirDEU, Skopje and Lausanne. Thanks everyone who makes ESTIEM great! - Zeynep Esra Isler, Local Group Support System

Even though my mandate started recently, I can tell you one moment that I remember: IEM Connection had their second online discussion. The leader and I facilitated some parts of the discussion. The online discussion was blooming, and people commented very positively on our facilitation skills. We felt very delighted with the outcomes of the discussion. That was one of the moments in my mandate that I am very proud of. - Burak Diler, Academic Department We were discussing how to overcome the lack of physical events, since as you know, Academic Days aims to share the best knowledge of ESTIEM universities with the whole network. We realized that we could make the most of the situation and use online events to share the knowledge of multiple universities and give ESTIEMers new opportunities. - Joana Vaz, Academic Days
Scan QR code and check all of the leader’s reports for LXI Council Meeting Online, and get to know them a bit better!
We, as the central family, are working hard to develop the knowledge gain of supply chain management within IEM students through partnership with competitive activities. I felt so proud when I started receiving personal feedback from the team members with a big smile on their faces. - Selin İnceöz, Global Student Challenge Definitely the recording of the instructor preparation material! It was a week where we met everyday for 4 hours to record videos detailing the sessions further - these videos will be used by instructors to get deeper insights on the content. It was wonderful - a true moment of coming together for the course, where everyone felt the Huggy Spirit!- Martijn Buijvoets & Miguel Veiga de Macedo, Lean Six Sigma
The time we put an online discussions event on the portal. It was the first time IEM Connection service approached ESTIEMers with an event. I felt we were doing something uniquely valuable for education.- Batuhan Aydın, IEM Connection

By close contact with companies, the aim of Be X for X Days is to show the role of different professionals and open new career paths for ESTIEMers and IEM students. It came with great honour and excitement when a new central ESTIEM partner approached us in order to organise a BXD event! - Nikolina Gklezaki, Be X for X Days
I’m proud to see my team still feels the Panda and ESTIEM spirit, and has the will to try and make people feel the same with new ideas, strategies and opportunities. I’m also very happy to see that passion is still living in our entity’s former leaders and that they’re still feeling the excitement for Europe3D. - Helin Ergezer, Europe3D During one meeting with the department, we learnt that we were the crowdiest service right next to Lean Six Sigma. I was asked if this caused any trouble and realized it didn’t at all. We have so many offerings, online, offline, new, and old to be announced but everyone functions like parts of a gearwheel system. Nothing could go wrong with our family!- İdil Lopez, Language Programme
In July, an old TIMES participant, who remembers the competition with good memories reached out to us through social media. He said he wants to be involved again by providing TIMES to his students this time. Hearing the benefits of TIMES from an experienced person made me feel so proud and happy for my entity. Different generations are experiencing TIMES.- Mina Örgen, TIMES
When we were on the last day of BrainTrainer: How to Unleash The Productivity Monster, seeing everyone in gala dinner with fancy dresses, having fun together, told me that whatever happens we have each other. We can achieve every goal together with lots of fun. - Yaren Karabulut, BrainTrainer The proudest moment that we had as a team, I would say it was when we decided to make the following quote our motto: “Be like a duck, paddling and working very hard inside the water, but what everyone sees is a smiling and calm face.” - Bogdan Pătrașcu-
Arabagian, Activity Week I’m proud of everyone who makes Online LGX real for hundreds of ESTIEMers. It’s a big work, it really takes lots of time, creativity and passion to prepare everything before participants see it as it is. So all my current and retired team members are wonderful heroes delivering famous ESTIEM Spirit even via screens of laptops. - Olha Volkova, Local Group Exchange

I am proud of the Summer Academy (SAC) my team and I have been building for the past months: supportive for organizing Local Groups and Academic Leaders, developing ESTIEMers during hectic times by preparing the second edition of Online SAC, assuring high quality of future events, fun to organize and participate in! - Irina Gromakovskaya, Summer Academy Even though we weren’t able to rely on distribution of copies at the Council Meeting, we still managed to print the 58th issue so that it can be sent out around Europe! Also, we recognized the strength of ESTIEM in these changing times and made the 59th issue’s focus topic “Innovation in a crisis: adapting and advancing”.- Tanja Gagić, ESTIEM Magazine I would say, the proudest moment was when our 2 regional teams accomplished their goals and put in an amazing work. Apart from regional events; Hotties worked together, put in a lot of effort, and lit up the spirit. At the end, we have a promotion booklet, mentorship programme and friendships from all over the region. - Alperen Güller, Mediterranean Region That my LRs started to discuss topics and use the regional opportunities to increase their value. - Fabian Czilwa, Alpine
We Nordics stereotypically don’t get that enthusiastic about anything, but we have managed to start monthly chats with the Nordic Local Responsibles that they attend VOLUNTARILY. Amazing. Just amazing. - Saara Mäenpää, Nordic Region Region My proudest moment for my entity since last Council Meeting was the fact that we managed to organise the first edition of Balkan Board Training event. During the event we managed to bond even more within the region and work on important topics that helped the boardies improve more. For the first time the Romanian local groups were more prominent than ever. - Dimitar Kendimenov, Balkan Region
Since the beginning of my mandate I have tried to get everyone engaged and promote an open-to-questions environment. So when I accumulated two messages of leaders asking for individual chats and questions, shamefully unanswered at that time, and shortly after when I got reminded of one of my own deadlines I thought: “Damn. These guys (+ teardrop)”. - Adrian Bermejo, Career Development Department
The unique creation of this year’s development strategy which aims to further develop the intercultural environment in ESTIEM by ensuring the process of cross-cultural dialogue and challenging self-segregation tendencies. It took us 6.5 hours of online sessions to get the result we wanted, but we managed it with the involvement of the team.- Kai Heine, Intercultural Development Department First, I had chats with all Local Responsibles and Presidents, which helped to build connections! Second, Baltics collaborating with each other. I organized a WG Recruitment 2020, where we come up with a lot of ideas for LGs of the region... As a follow-up of the WG, a new project was born! Baltics created a Promotional video with help of our friends from different LGs!- Darya Bakaeva, Baltic Region
It’s not easy to have new ideas to boost the local groups, however they’re trying their best in order to succeed and the proudest moment was in our first chat where everyone showed interest in sharing their problems and everyone easily understood each other and it felt like the best way to begin the year. - Filipa Ferreira, South-West Region It is incredible how immensely helpful everyone is. It has happened that a LR just mentions a problem in their LG and without even asking for help or even expecting it, the full chat starts to try to come up with solutions and creative ideas to help. Everyone puts in full effort just to help in any way. I´ve got to say this makes me very proud - Ramy Khorshed, North-East Region
In a little more than a month I have already collected a lot of these moments. The most recent one is my contact with the president of Local Group Delft. Jonathan contacted me (before I reached out) to see if I am willing to help them with the same things François (previous NW RC) did. We scheduled a chat and before my eyes he presented me the amazing value of this LG.
- Kiana Adamik, North-West Region

Now, let’s hear what has been the proudest moment for you, during the last year?
Feel free to send us your proudest moment on leader.magazine@estiem.org, or share it on your Instagram account and tag @estiem_official with #ESTIEM #Magazine