Value Capture Finance: An Innovative Urban Tool
APPENDIX QUESTIONNARE BETTERMENT LEVY 1. according to you, keeping in mind the present scenario should the ready reckoner rates (property Value Indicator) be more dynamic (catchment area wise). Yes No. 2.Betterment levies revolve around ready reckoner rates so should Gujarat which has Area based development charge should also adopt VCF system of development charge which is (land +building: 2%+0.5%) Yes No
3.if yes, VCF system should be adopted for the state., what should be percentage of (land +building) land +building:( 2%+0.5%) land +building: (2%+0.3%) land +building: (2%+0.4%)
4.if no, VCF system should not be adopted but if changes are to be made, should there be increase in the rate of development charges which is presently 1-10 per square meter, if yes how much. 1-2% 1-3% 1-4%
5.So is the ULB ready for a setting up different fund dedicated to value capturing, if yes. Should central government pitch in and set up a dedicated capital fund. A dedicated fund is not needed. Not needed.
6. So in a country India, what medium has the municipal corporation adopted to get the up-to-date property data, recorded land values etc. City website (online) Documents (hard copy) 7.According to you, if the cost of administering parcel-by-parcel betterment levies could be high compared to the collected revenue, so to overcome what should be done should Revaluation of properties at regular intervals, self-assessment and simpler procedures to reduce the administrative cost of collecting tax: Yes No 8.Which is best tool in TIF (Tax Increment Financing) to start with TIF in other states/cities Bonds: BHUMIKA RAJ UC5316