GE4710 Tackling Urban Climate Change Using Systems Thinking
Created By: Group-05 • Aakriti • Amanda Santiago • Raj Bhumika
Question How Smart cities can move to become climate-smart cities?
Environment Cities in India Boundary
Sectors of Climate Smart Cities Assessment Framework 2.O Energy and green buildings
Urban Planning, Green Cover and Biodiversity
Mobility and Air Quality
Smart Cities in India Water Management
World View Applying Climate Smart Cities Assessment Framework 2.O to Smart Cities in India, helping them to become Climate Smart
GE4710 - Tackling Urban Climate Change Using Systems Thinking
Waste Management
Moving to Miro
Actors of Change
GE4710 - Tackling Urban Climate Change Using Systems Thinking
Leverage Points Impact Area: Burning of Fossil Fuel. The majority of points indicate Burning of Fossil Fuel to be the cause of Impacts in the Map.
Sector wise-Mobility and Air Quality Mobility and Air Quality is the sector which connects most to the impacts.
Maximum benefit Clean Energy: poses to be the most beneficial, right from reducing the burning of fossil fuels to moving to electric vehicles.
City climate action Plan: The implementation of the city climate action plan both directly and indirectly alters various impacts such as an increase in temperature, pollution, GHG, etc at a city level.
Minimum benefit Actors:ULB,In all the sector-wise Indicators ULB have a major role.
Feedback Loop observed: With the identified Cause(fossil fuel) a feedback loop is observed within the Map which is positive.
GE4710 - Tackling Urban Climate Change Using Systems Thinking
Flood/ water stagnation risk management: While this indicator caters to risk management in case of floods. These issues can be resolved if indicators like lake rejuvenation and proper city planning are enforced.
Conclusion Central Government
Collaborations to bring in policies that focus on climate change impact in cities
State Government
Focus on enhancing components such as state climate action plan, state disaster resilience plan, etc.
Urban Local Bodies
Translate local knowledge, investments in local solutions, align climate change tackling with sectors of framework
Social Enterprises
Citizen and Community Associations
Use of research to bring change through empirical data
Enhancing the knowledge of the society towards alternatives
Investing in alternate technology solutions for cities
Translating the use of alternatives through collective efforts
The End
Created By: Group-05 • Aakriti • Amanda Santiago • Raj Bhumika
GE4710 - Tackling Urban Climate Change Using Systems Thinking