Goffs Orby Sale 2021 - Nominate Now

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Back to the Future Kildare Paddocks

goffs orby sale 2021

Whether or not we made the correct decision with Orby 20 is hard to say and hindsight may suggest that we got it wrong. For that we are sorry as we exist to serve our vendors and are distraught that the trust placed in us with each entry was not repaid as we would like. But we cannot change the past and are now totally focussed on the future, especially Orby 21. In reviewing last year we have come to realise that one of the unique selling points of Orby is Kildare Paddocks and many overseas buyers make their one annual trip to Ireland for Orby as they enjoy the world class facilities as well as the unique welcome and service provided by the Goffs team and our colleagues at ITM. When that is alongside your top class yearlings they flock to Kildare, enjoy the comfort of the likes of the K-Club and are able to focus on buying the beautiful yearlings you provide in what is universally acknowledged to be the best sales complex in the world.

We have always said we are nothing without your horses and that has never been truer than over the past 12 months. Away from Orby, the sales we held in Kildare Paddocks exceeded expectations and led the market in several categories, defying the odds by ensuring that we provided a market place for Irish breeders and maintained liquidity at a vital time. Trust and belief will be key words as we visit your farms in the coming months. On so many occasions we have delivered for Irish breeders by ensuring a global audience for your superb yearlings. With the rollout of vaccination programmes at home and abroad we are set to stage a full programme of sales in Kildare Paddocks in 2021 with an international attendance and will work harder than ever to repay the trust you place in us, so ensuring the very best opportunities for your best yearlings in Ireland.

w e are no w to tally f o cus s ed o n the future A vibrant yearling sale of quality in Ireland is important to provide you with choice and opportunity. Goffs have consistently proved that we can and will provide a market to compete with any headed by regular six figure averages and seven figure top prices. We sincerely hope you will give us a chance to deliver for you in 2021. We can’t do it without you…

henry beeby Group Chief Executive

go f fs co ns is tently p ro vides the iris h natio nal s tud w ith a w o rld clas s y earling s ale in ireland. cathal beale, Irish National Stud

goffs orby sale 2021

b a l ly h a ne has had s o me gr e at touches at the or b y s a l e and w e’re look i n g fo rward to s e n d i n g a s tro ng team to k i l d a r e in 20 21. joe foley

goffs orby sale 2021

anthony stroud

t h e i r i s h n at i o n a l y e a r l i n g s a l e

t h e gof f s o rb y s ale is the p r e m i e r y earling s ale in i r e l a n d and o ver the y ears h a s p r od uced many great r a c e h or ses . i lo o k fo rward to at t e n ding in 20 21.


goffs orby sale 2021

goffs orby sale 2021 13

goffs kildare paddocks, kill, co kildare, w91 k197, ireland t: +353 (0)45 886600 E: winners@goffs.ie W: www.goffs.com

Nominate online at Goffs.com

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