Lifepoint 5 year book

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LIFEPOINT CHURCH began as a church plant in January 2005 from Longview Point Baptist Church in Hernando, MS. The leadership and vision of Longview Point believed in expanding God’s Kingdom through giving away; church planting was part of that belief. Soon after the official decision to plant a church in Senatobia, Colonial Hills Church in Southaven and Longview Heights Baptist Church in Olive Branch joined in and became partners in this new work. We had over 150 present in our first informational meeting on January 17th, 2005, and knew that we needed to move forward immediately with a Church launch timeline. After eight weeks of core group training and numerous community canvassing events, Lifepoint Church launched Easter Sunday March 27, 2005 at the Gym of Magnolia Heights. In April we were able to purchase the Funland skating facility and land located on Scott Street. This was exactly what we had been praying for; 15 acres located near the interstate. Our new members immediately began renovation and cleaning and in a matter of weeks we were able to move from the gym to our new location. We had our first service at “Funland” May 2 of 2005. Over the next five years Lifepoint would experience something that could only be described as the mighty hand of God. Those stories of growth and redemption are gathered for you here in this book so that you can always remember all that Christ has done here at Lifepoint.




core group families of Lifepoint Church, we have had the privilege of seeing God do some amazing things in this short 5 years. We have seen Lifepoint grow from a small group of believers with a vision and a passion for spreading the gospel in Tate county to 3 Sunday morning services and 700 people. During these 5 years our lives have been changed in many ways. One of the biggest changes happened four years ago when I was diagnosed with brain cancer - it was a very critical time in my life as one can imagine. This was one of the scariest yet peace filled times in my life. I knew God was in control and that I just needed to trust and obey. I could not imagine going through something like this without the love and support of my family, Lifepoint Church, and its staff, who came to my house before my surgery and laid hands on me and prayed for me. To everyone at Lifepoint church who prayed for me during this time I am and forever will be grateful and thanks will never be enough. By God’s grace I am 4 years cancer free.

Being one of th e

Another way Lifepoint has changed my life was in the way of foreign missions. I had been on international mission trips before I came to Lifepoint but in January 2009 I went with a team to the Good Shepherd Childrens Home in Honduras. This trip forever changed my life. These children were starving for love and attention and we were broken over how

hungry they were for God’s word. After returning from our first trip there I was praying about how maybe someday I could lead a mission trip but since I had never been to seminary and was not on staff at church I never thought I would lead a trip. Soon after I got a phone call that they wanted me to lead the trips to the children’s home, so be careful what you pray for! Since that first trip in 2009 to the children’s home God has used these children to change the lives of so many people at Lifepoint. This trip has made a great impact on my family and I have had the great joy of taking my whole family with me on the mission field. It has been great living out God’s call in my life with my wife by my side and having both of my sons there and teaching them first hand what it means to serve God. I am very humbled and grateful to Lifepoint Church for giving me the opportunity to lead such a great ministry in the life of our church. -God bless, Kevin Freeland and Family

of a new church home, I didn’t know where to go and I had been praying about it. One Saturday I ran into Tish Davis in the store where I was working. She was buying a happy for her friend who she said When I wa s i n s e a rc h


was sick. I asked her about her friend and she said it was Michelle Jenkins and told me what was going on. I knew Michelle and I was sad. Then I asked her about church. She told me that she went to Lifepoint and that I should visit there. The next day, I did. I went by myself. It didn’t matter about how many people I knew, I just wanted and needed to worship. I was so hungry for God’s word. I immediately felt the spirit of the Lord when I arrived. The music began and it was so exciting! I loved it. I noticed the woman in front of me. It was Michelle Jenkins. My eyes filled with tears. As sick as she was, she was singing her heart out in worship with the sweetest smile on her face. Then came the sermon. It was no doubt that God had led me here on this day. The sermon was on the subject I had been overwhelmed with and struggling with and praying about. God had used George Ross to deliver a powerful message and it couldn’t have been any plainer, and it was biblical truth! I thought my heart would bust. I was so thankful. My family and I are very thankful for Lifepoint Church and how we have grown since we have been there. We are thankful for the wonderful staff who have all ministered to us. We love our church family and feel the unity in Christ. -Stephanie Irvin

I accepted Christ as Savior and Lord only to live on fire for Him a year or so. Then, as many do, I slowly drifted away. Eager to get on with life, I left the Lord behind while I married my high school sweetheart, enrolled in college and eventually obtained my degree and my little chunk of the American Dream. There, in that state of pure disillusionment, I existed happily. Or so I thought. I had a hole in me that nothing could quite fit into. Although I was happy and blessed with two great kids and a wife who can only be described as an angel, I had this thing missing; This integral piece of completeness.

As a boy of fifte en,

Well, after twenty-four years of running, hiding or whatever it is that I was doing to keep this hole in me open, my wife and I were invited to Lifepoint Church by our dear friends Clint and Tiffany Moore. I reluctantly came. The song that was played right off the bat was “Mighty to Save”. And as I sat there thinking about that song, I realized just

how long I had been resisting the call of Jesus back into his arms. I was heartbroken that I’d let so many years go by without regularly attending church. But most of all I was completely awed that the Lord could remember me after all those years of abandonment on my part. I had abandoned Him. But the power of conviction let me know right away that he still had a plan for me and still loved me. I made it a point right then to get my life right with the Lord. Although I had been saved as a boy, I asked the Lord back into my life, and boy what a blessing these last eight months have been at this great church. I recently have been blessed to see my son saved and baptized here. I love my new church family and staff. Brother George preached a sermon recently on Joshua 24. I wholeheartedly can say this just as Joshua did; As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. I look forward to many more years here at Lifepoint. -Greg Smith

how Lifepoint has changed my life, my family’s life. Mark, Jacob, Hunter, Landon and I began attending Lifepoint church at the end of 2005. Some great people came by Mark’s place of work many times and invited us to chruch here, I believe one of them was Jay. We finally decided to at-

I w ant t o t e l l e v e ry o n e


tend. See, Mark & I had been married 7 years and we were struggling to keep our marriage together. We had a very trying experience in 2003, and during that time I didn’t think it was right to pray to God for help with our problems because of all of the partying and sin that we were doing. Well things became worse and we had to try something. Things began to change in our family. Mark and I had a great family counselor named Rick Geeslin, and he helped us alot. My husband went in like a lion and came out like a lamb. He did not want to go to counseling and and he didn’t want people at church to know our personal life. On August 1, 2007, Mark & I renewed our wedding vows. That same year Craig asked us to do cardboard testimonies, and I never would have thought that my husband would have gotten up in front of the whole church to share our story, but he did. In October that same year I gained great assurance that I am a Christian and that God has changed me. My twin boys Jacob and Hunter were saved on Feburary 7th 2008. There have been alot of great changes in our lives and I am looking foward to many more. We love our church family. I am so greatful for Lifepoint Church! Without starting here and giving everything to God my family would probably be split up. -Kimberly Long

Daphne Cochran. My husband, Mike, and I started coming to Lifepoint Church during the core group meetings in February 2005. It was then we decided to become members. I was saved at nine years old. I prayed daily, but rarely read my Bible because no one showed me the importance and impact of God’s Word. Through Lifepoint I learned the importance of reading my Bible daily and praying over scripture. The Lord showed me through His Word how to be a godly wife. In June 2005 I began praying over 1 Peter 3:1 “Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives.” Little did I know at the time how God would use this verse in my life. I learned to “bite my tongue” and pray more for my husband. In August 2005, the first lifegoups began meeting. We have made wonderful friends through lifegroups. In March 2006 at our lifegroup, Mike got saved! Mike always thought he was saved, but God spoke to his heart to tell him otherwise. My name is

In November 2007, I doubted my salvation. I prayed over John 3:1-21 (Jesus teaches Nicodemus). God assured me in my heart I was saved, but I felt the need to be baptized. I threw the thought to the side. But, in February 2008, George gave a sermon on baptism. It was then

the Holy Spirit moved in me and I realized I was being disobedient. God was calling me to be baptized. When I was saved at nine years old, I was baptized one week later proclaiming Jesus as my Savior. I believed with all my heart I was a sinner and Jesus was the only one who could give me eternal life. But, this time I did not just simply proclaim Him as Savior, but also as Lord. In February 2009, I struggled through a miscarriage. Immediately after finding out, I prayed, giving praise to God, and thanking Him for creating that baby in my womb. I told my husband I needed a friend to pray and walk through scripture with me. The Lord used George to lead me to a passage about David losing his son. Through the circumstances, David still worshipped the Lord. I begged of the Lord to let my Bible just supernaturally fall open to what He wanted to say to me. When I opened the Bible, my eyes were led to Proverbs 31 (at first I didn’t get why he wanted me to read the wife of noble character). I stopped on verse 25 “she is clothed in strength and dignity, she can laugh at the days to come.” I smiled and cried thanking the Lord for speaking to me through His Word. I immediately began praying over that verse. My wonderful friend, Brittany, ministered greatly to me. Others at Lifepoint reached out through prayer, cards, and hugs. I am so very thankful to 7

be part of an awesome body of believers in Christ Jesus. I love serving the Lord at Lifepoint. I love my church! -Daphne Cochran

for my daughter’s salvation and ended up finding mine. I c a m e to L i f e p o i n t

Thank you Lifepoint for putting me on to God’s path and for giving me the knowledge and the power to lead my daughter through example. Proud Lifepoint member since February 28, 2010. -Rebecca Clare Clark

Lifepoint, I had a checklist of what I wanted in a church. Lifepoint fit all of the criteria…great worship music, a preacher who wore jeans, an opportunity for me to work with drama, and a great place for my kids to be taught about God. I knew how to play church. I grew up the daughter of a youth minister. I had walked the isle twice in my life and had been dunked once by my pastor and once by my own father. Church was all about me and what it could do for me and my family. WOW, was I wrong! It did not take long for me to fall under the conviction of the Holy Spirit. I had never heard words like regeneration, sanctification, imputation, and propitiation. I had never heard a preacher that preached expositionally and did not care about having 3 points that all began with the same letter. What I knew about being saved was that you walked the isle, said a little prayer, got a book known as the Christian’s Survival Kit, and that was it. I knew about a quiet time, but never had a desire to actually have one. I WAS SO LOST!

Wh e n I first came t o

Once Kevin and I joined the church, I jumped in head first and began serving wherever I could. I knew that a “good Christian” served wherever was needed and I so badly wanted to be that “good Christian.” Each week I would listen, take notes, and walk out of church say-

ing to myself that I was going to be better. I would try so hard to do what was right, pray for my husband and kids, read my Bible, but there was never a real desire to do these things because I loved the Lord - it was all out of duty. After a while, I was asked to come to a Basics class to talk to anyone who might be interested in the drama group. When I got to the church, I was asked to be a counselor. I was a nervous wreck. I had never led anyone to the Lord. This was the first huge eye-opener for me that something was wrong in my life. On January 6, 2008 worship began as usual. Kevin and I were sitting in our normal spot, by the same people we sat by every week, singing the same songs we had sung before, but something was different. The Holy Spirit began convicting me immediately. We sang the song “It Is Well With My Soul” and I knew that it was not well with my soul. George then preached on Regeneration and the Holy Spirit confirmed in my heart that the reason it was not well with my soul is that I was not a regenerate believer. I accepted Christ that day and my life has been changed! 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” I am a work in progress, but at least I see growth in my life. I long to be more like Jesus. 8

Since then, I have jumped in head first, not out of duty but out of a love for the Lord and a love for His Church. Lifepoint is like home for me. Without the conviction of George’s heart to preach the big, theological words and concepts, I am not sure if I would have ever realized that I was lost. Lifepoint has given me a place to come to the Lord along with a place to grow in the Lord. My life now looks totally different than what I thought it would look like. As my family sets out on a new journey in our lives, I will never forget the truths I learned at Lifepoint. The most important thing I will carry with me as a minister’s wife is a love for God’s Word. Without it, I know I will fail terribly. I am so thankful for a church that stood in the gap and fought for a person like me. Without that, I would still be looking like a “good Christian”, but going down a path that led me to Hell. -Angie Edge

I have been a member of Lifepoint Church since March 17, 2005. I received a letter in the mail in the latter part of 2004 announcing that a new church was trying to get started in the Senatobia area. My husband and I attended the very first core group meeting at the Baptist Student Union on the Northwest Mississippi Community College campus. We continued to visit the core group meetings until we made the decision to move our letter from Colonial Hills Baptist Church in Southaven, MS to Lifepoint Church.

My name is D ebr a Johnson.

Lifepoint Church is a very large part of my life. It is my heart’s passion. I don’t know that I can capture in words what I feel about Lifepoint, and what it means and has done for me. It is a place where I grow closer to God. It is a light in my spiritual journey that continues to fuel my need for God’s truth. When I get caught up in life, my church keeps me grounded to God’s will. I need to be with people with whom I share a common love for God. It is too easy to get led astray by the world. When I think of Lifepoint, the first word that comes to me is “home.” From the very first day I set foot in Lifepoint, I felt welcomed. So much in life is so complicated, but being here, what I feel here, is deep and rich – but not complicated.

This haven is a place where I can be accepted for myself, and where I can be myself. I can contribute to the life of the church through my unique strengths that God has given me. This is a great gift. There are so many ministries and activities to be involved in at Lifepoint where anyone can use the talents God has given them to serve. Everyone is encouraged to be an active part of the family of God through these ministries and activities so that they can have the privilege to honor God in all that they say and do. I praise the ministries and teachings of those who give so tirelessly, especially our pastors. I think of them with great affection and attitude because of their examples of Christ’s love and their faithfulness. Parents learn how important it is for our children to go to church and that their children see their parents grow closer to God, and to see us fellowship with others. “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6). God loves children; they are so important to Him.Watching the children and youth grow spiritually with the help of wonderful Christian teachers and leaders has been a blessing. They are teaching the children and youth to love the Lord and His Word. It is a comfort to see my own grandchildren enjoying the ministries of the church. I know, they too, will be led 9

to a saving grace of Christ by their parents and those dedicated teachers and leaders at Lifepoint. As a wife, I have learned how very important marriage is and how God wants us to treat one another. Thanks to messages from our pastor and from conferences we are encouraged to attend, my husband and I learn how marriage is about love, honor, respect and being submissive. Our pastor tells us how important the institution of marriage is, how being married to each other is a parallel as to how the church is married to Christ. This is a mission supporting church through praying, giving and going. It is so exciting to see people come back from missions with changed behavior and to realize how God uses us in different ways. It has been my privilege to serve in several places that I never expected, much less serve my Lord there with the talents and gifts God has given me. At Lifepoint, I have learned that it is never too late for God to lead you in a different direction than you ever dreamed possible. A church can do no greater good than to lead the lost to the Lord and disciple them to become great in the work of the Lord. This is the force behind the ministries of Lifepoint. God has great and mighty things in store for our church.

We must always remember that “the best part is yet to be.” We must stand ready to be part of it. As a child of God, I want to grow and be taught that I may be a light. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your father which is in Heaven” (Matthew 5:16). Lifepoint Church for me is a place for instruction, a place for understanding God’s unconditional love and His will for my life. Also, my brothers and sisters in Christ are my church family. The love in our church family is so real and sincere that I know it pleases God. We care for one another. We pray for one another with concern. Our preacher interacts with the congregation with a genuine, truthful and honest love for his people. His love doesn’t end with his love from the pulpit. The love he has for his people is mirrored in the way everyone loves one another – from the heart. Lifepoint Church means community – a community of spirit, a community of support, a community of people who want to make a difference. And every year, as the number of familiar faces around me grows, I know my cup runneth over. To sum up what Lifepoint Church is to me is to say my church is a little piece

of heaven that God has given me. It’s a little window of the love, understanding, and sweet fellowship that awaits us in Heaven. This is my impression of, and my hope for, Lifepoint Church: that it will be home for generations, beyond any of us that its message will always be one of welcome, acceptance, and appreciation; that it will be a spiritual home base for many others, for many years to come. -Debra Lynn Johnson

I remember getting a postcard in the December, 2004 informing everyone about a church plant starting in January, 2005. The meetings were scheduled for Thursday nights at the Northwest BSU. Since John was working nights, I took Audumn (age 16), John, Jr. (age 15) and Gracie (3 months) and went to the first meeting. I have always been a part of an established church, so this was my first experience with a church plant. There were only three children in the nursery that night, Gracie, Issac Ross and Hope Lawrence (wow how we’ve grown). Growing up I have been basically in church everytime the door was open. Even after the first several meetings, I realized I had just been ‘doing’ church 10

my entire life. I knew I was saved, but it was more legalistic and more of a religion, than a relationship. It was during that time that God’s word began to become alive in my heart and life through the George’s expository preaching and teaching . His passion for the Word of God is contagious. The Lord has also placed so many godly people in our path through Lifepoint to put their arms around us and walk with us through this thing we call life. We are also so blessed to have such a godly staff who loves the Lord and preaches His word unapologetically. It is breathtaking to reflect on what the Lord has done through Lifepoint these past 5 years. I am so thankful for those who had a vision of planting a church in Senatobia and for those who left their churches, their families, their homes, and their comfort zones to invest in our lives and our community. -Missy Kelsay



I am writing this to express my thanks to Life Point church and its entire staff for the tremendous job they have done in teaching me and my family the true word of God. Trista and I moved to Senatobia from Los Angeles, CA about 7 years ago. We have two children, Andrew our 14 year old son and Jordan our 9 year old daughter. Just to give you a brief background of our situation, my wife Trista has Bi-Polar disorder. This is a mental disorder that can greatly affect a person’s mood and cause severe depression. Bi-Polar is treated and controlled with medication. Once a person gets the correct medication, and stays on it, the illness is relatively un-noticeable. The symptoms usually develop or intensify after a traumatic event or change in a person’s life. On Christmas Eve of 1993 Trista’s brother was murdered. He was only 20 years old. Unknown to me or Trista at this time, this marked the beginning of Trista’s illness. A year after this, Trista and I were married. The following year our son Andrew was born. It was not until about two years after Andrew was born that Trista was diagnosed with Bi-Polar disorder. Trista was in and out of the hospital a few times and things were not going well. The stress of loosing her brother, getting married, and having a child within a few years was just too much and it triggered her illness. We eventually separated for

M y n a m e i s G l e nn P arry.

over a year and had all of the paperwork filed for our divorce. Thankfully God had other plans for us. We were both convicted about getting a divorce and decided to stay together. Trista was doing much better with the medication she was on and things were going well. After Jordan was born Trista took a turn for the worse. She was very withdrawn and was unable to really function. Trista’s parents had moved to Senatobia a few years earlier and were not around to help. This is what brought us to Senatobia. I wanted Trista to be near her parents because she is very close to them and having them near would be a great help to her. It took a little while, but eventually we found a good doctor and got Trista on the right medication. During this period we were looking for a good bible teaching church. We tried a few and decided to attend Trinity Baptist Church in Southaven. We enjoyed it, but it was a little far to drive and we could not really get involved as much as we wanted. Then one day Jay Adkins and a few of the youth were walking through our subdivision. They told us about a block party in our subdivision and asked us to attend. We decided to go and we met Debbie Johnson and Debbie Smith. Through some very effective encouraging we sent our kids to VBS at Life Point. We went to the service on 13

the Sunday after VBS and I must admit I was not really impressed with Life Point. The church was still in its early stages and had a lot of rough areas. Not to mention the guy with the crazy hair and a guitar on the stage (Sorry Craig). I was thinking to my self, “What is this place?“ Then another fairly young looking man with a shaved head walks up and begins preaching. Now I am really worried. (I love your hair George). We continued to go to Trinity for another month or so until we decided to give Lifepoint another try. We really wanted to find a local church so that we could really get plugged in and involved with the Church. Well the guy with the crazy hair and the preacher with the shaved head were still there, but something else was also there. The spirit of God was there. You could feel Him in the music and in the preaching. God spoke to us that day and we have been members of Lifepoint ever since. The change in Trista has been unbelievable. She is involved with the pre school kids, cooking on Wednesdays, and with the women’s accountability. To see her now compared to where she was about 5 years ago is amazing. Only God could change someone’s life so dramatically. Trista and I had the privilege to renew are wedding vows at Life Point just last year. We have been married 15 years.

Without God and without a bible teaching church I do not know where we would be at right now. I am so thankful for Lifepoint church and their staff for boldly teaching the word of God. I am thankful for Pastor George not sugar-coating everything, but preaching the truth boldly without worrying about offending someone. The truth can hurt sometimes. We should all be thankful that we have a church that is not looking to just add people to a chair. We have a church that is trying everything it can to add people to heaven! So thank you Lifepoint. You are truly changing lives and adding souls to the kingdom. -Glenn Parry

tremendous impact in my life! One that is absolutely immeasurable. We have been attending Lifepoint for 5 years. Prior to that we attended another church in our community and were very active. However, we lived a life that didn’t look like Christ. I guess you could call us “Sunday Christians”.

L i f epoi nt h a s m a d e a

I became a believer when I was 12 years old. I come from a strong Christian, Bible following, Spirit led family, and at a young age recognized that all decisions and life choices were to be filtered thru God’s Word. I saw the example that my parents and grandparents set before me, and I knew that I too wanted to live a life for the Lord, pursuing Him and allowing Him to be my Guide. I recognized that I was a sinner and needed Him to save me. It was then that I surrendered my life to Him and was baptized. However I cannot say the same for my husband, T.A. He was raised in church, but doesn’t remember being taught about salvation. He thought he was saved, but really didn’t know why. He didn’t remember anything about recognizing he was a sinner, repenting of his sin, and asking the Lord to be the Lord of his life. I cannot tell you how many times I wanted to make different decisions about what we would do or where we would go on the weekends, 14

but because T.A. wanted to do other things, things that weren’t godly, I simply gave in. I kept thinking that he was a Christian, but just not a strong one, and that someday things would change. Well…the Lord did change us someday, and He did it thru Lifepoint! After attending Lifepoint for a little over a year, T.A. began to question his salvation. He and George discussed it at great lengths over several weeks. George counseled him and led him thru what it meant to be saved. It was then that T.A. realized that he wasn’t saved and changed his life for eternity. I will never forget the night T.A. surrendered to the Lord. It was a Wednesday night and after service, he and George went to talk. Joy and I sat and talked for a long while (Issac was the only child at that time) and by the time T.A. and George had finished talking, everyone except us had left the building (skating rink). T.A. told me that he finally recognized that he wasn’t saved and that night he had surrendered his life to the Lord. I immediately began to tear up and hugged him so very tight, knowing that our life was finally about to change, and as George came to me and gave me a squeeze, he said, “I know you’ve prayed for him for a long time.” It made me cry that much more. It was so comforting to know that T.A. was finally saved and we could TOGETHER pursue a life for the Lord. There was no

doubt anymore about whether or not he was a Christian, “a follower of Christ”. In obedience to God’s Word, he was baptized soon after that. Now our lives look totally different. We are finally doing the things that I always wanted to do with my husband, serving the Lord thru missions and serving in our local church. We’ve taken mission trips together, where as before T.A.’s salvation he had absolutely no interest in missions. We serve in the student ministries teaching 11th grade students and praying that the Lord uses us to minister to students every time we meet. We make personal and financial decisions based on what God says in His Word, and don’t waiver in that. T.A. has a desire to be the spiritual leader of our home and believe it or not, I have a desire to submit to him, as God designed it. Our friends have changed, our interests have changed, and what we do on the weekends has definitely changed. I know the Lord changes people for His Glory, and I believe if for no other reason that He brought Lifepoint Church to Senatobia, Mississippi, it was to change us. -Pam Wooten

couple of years that I felt like I had a testimony. I always felt as though people who gave their testimony had more of a salvation experience than I did. As I have grown in my walk with the Lord, I know that we all have a valuable testimony that we should be prepared to share in some form to anyone we meet. I was saved and Baptized in 1999 with my husband. We began attending church regularly at that time and joined an Explorer’s Bible Study together. However, we were not discipled by fellow Christians at that time, and did not really become a part of a church community. As a result, we attended church only sporadically as a family. During this time, I was commuting some distance to work and then later traveling throughout the day with a home health company. I believe this is where I experienced true discipleship as I listened to Christian radio and heard God’s word preached and taught by authentic men and women who were seeking God’s will. I was also greatly influenced by Nancy Leigh Demoss’s book “Lies Women Believe” who used scripture to teach God’s plan for marriage and what a godly woman looks like--versus what our culture says a good woman looks like. I began to realize the depth of my sin and really see my need for a savior. Before, I had been comparing myself to other people and not to my Lord. I had a new desire for the things of It w as n o t u n ti l th e l a s t


God. I began to pray for a good church home in our community. Shortly after the birth of our first son Mason, God sent Lifepoint Baptist church to Senatobia, where I began to attend faithfully-though my husband did not. We then had two more sons, Cooper in 2005 and Weston in 2007, along with some serious growing pains! My husband attended sporadically during this time, though I and other members prayed for him. It was difficult to be involved in church when Kevin did not value it as I did. It seemed to cause friction in our marriage. However, Kevin did begin to attend church with our family in 2008 with a dramatic change after repenting of some unconfessed sin in his life. This took our marriage to a new level with counseling. God continues to work in our lives. We are both now faithful members in a body of believers, both participate in accountability groups to encourage our growth in the scriptures and our knowledge and willingness to witness to others about what Jesus has done in our lives. We both have a heart to train our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord and to teach them to fear the Lord. We do have a testimony that can serve the Lord and advance His kingdom. -Patrice Pitts

came to Lifepoint for all the wrong reasons. We moved into the area a few months after Lifepoint had really begun to get off the ground. We walked in the door and were so excited at what we saw. We had both grown up the children of Baptist preachers and to be quite honest were sick of the normal church scene. I remember sitting in church Sunday after Sunday thinking that if this is what it means to be a Christian then this stinks.

My wife, A ngie, a nd I

What we saw in Lifepoint was a church that set out on purpose to not look like every other church. We saw worship that was expressive and not repressive. We saw people who had truly met Jesus and were living in freedom and not the captivity of legalistic standards that Jesus set us free from. We saw a pastor willing to preach God’s Word powerfully and passionately not so that he could put on a show but because he longed to reach the lost and expose the people to the power of the Gospel. We were drawn to Lifepoint because of its desire to look like the church was designed to look in the New Testament. God drew us to Lifepoint but we joined the church for what it could do for us. We joined because at the time it was sort of the cool church in town to be a part of. We joined out of a sense of rebellion toward our fathers and the

church people we had encountered over the years. I’m thankful that, as in the story of Joseph, what we meant for evil God used for good. January 6th, 2008 God saved me in this church. My wife and I were born again on the same day. We entered the church every week and heard of the greatness of God. We heard every week that an encounter with Christ would transform your life. We left every week secretly knowing that we had never encountered Jesus because we had never seen any transformation. I thank God for saving me. I thank God that he used my selfish reasons for coming to Lifepoint to call me unto Himself. God used the people of Lifepoint for His glory in my life. Considering all the wonderful qualities of Lifepoint I think that the greatest is this: the staff and people of this church desire for God to be magnified. The people of Lifepoint have consistently worked for the expansion of God’s Kingdom so that He will receive glory. Service here is not done out of an obligation or to try and meet some standard of God. It is done to ultimately elevate the God who has saved us. My love for this church is rooted in the fact that people don’t walk the aisle, accept Christ, and then get a pat on the 16

back and a hope of good luck in following Christ. Lifepoint has made the biggest impact in my life in the area of discipleship. The people of this church are serious about following Christ and are serious about leading new believers into a life spent pursuing righteousness. Jay Adkins, the student pastor, invested in me when I was lost. I love him because when I accepted Christ he did not move on because he had won another number for the church. The fact of the matter is that once I accepted Christ he began to invest in me even more. I know that every person at this church can tell a similar story that might not involve Jay Adkins but that is the point. Jay poured into me so I am eternally grateful to him, but so many others have done the same for new believers or infant believers in this church. Lifepoint Church is not about adding numbers and being attractive. It is about leading people to Jesus, teaching those people to walk hard after Him, and sending those people out to make more disciples. Today as I write this it is my last day at Lifepoint. God called me into ministry through discipleship and mission opportunities here. The memories are precious and the life of my entire family is forever indebted to all those who serve here at Lifepoint. The even greater thought is that eternity is forever

changed by Lifepoint’s investment in its members. The beginning of my ministry is only an extension of the investment made by the staff and people of Lifepoint. The winning of every new soul and the growth of every believer that I am able to be a part of in the future will be a result of this church. Thank You God, for Lifepoint and its people. May Your church never lose sight of what has made it a powerful body that belongs to You. Thanks to all who have meant so much in my life and I look forward to locking arms with you in the future in service to our Lord. -- Kevin Edge

changed my life in many ways! This is just 1... There’s so much more than this about what Lifepoint means to me but I have to keep this short. About a year and a half after joining, we had our second child. Six weeks after she was born I was scheduled for an MRI. This time, my 2nd brain tumor, they found a golf ball sized mass that was malignant. I would have surgery, then begin radiation & chemotherapy, with a newborn & 3 year old at home...We were absolutely on our faces! When my church family found out, WOW! There was not a day that went by that someone wasn’t check-

Lifepoint has absolutely

ing on us! People were cooking us dinner every night of my treatments. People were cleaning my house when I couldn’t get out of bed, and helping with my kids! I have never been so touched in my life by the hand of God through His body! In December, the MRI showed that the treatments were not working & there was a growth of about a 2ml area that had plumped up. I would have to have surgery again, and stronger chemo. I hit bottom. No way was I going to let my children’s entire memories of me be being sick and also, my husband had been through enough! We were all exhausted! I was at total peace with going home to be with Jesus...but He had another plan! The Lord gathered up a group of prayer warriors & people were fasting for me, and praying their guts out! The Tuesday night before my surgery, a group of about 20 ladies came to my house. They went around one by one just crying & begging God for a miracle. The next day I had a stealth MRI of the tumor & another area the doctor was concerned about...I was terrified!. After surgery, while waking up, the 1st thing I heard out of the surgical assistants report was...“when we opened her up & got in there the cancer was gone!!!” We were our faces once again!!! Through the power of prayer and faith of an amazing body of believers, the Lord of heaven 17

bent His ear and heard our cries and healed me. I’ve been cancer free for over a year now!!! So no words could ever express what this family means to me and mine! God is working through Lifepoint Church, to change lives and has amazingly changed mine! -Michelle Jenkins

I came to know the Lord. All I knew was that I was a sorry sinner who needed forgiveness of my sins, found only through Jesus Christ (John 14:6). That is the most important thing in anyone’s life, but I failed to see the importance of the Chruch in the believer’s life. In Mark 12:29-31, Jesus says that we are to love God with all that we can first, then love others as we do ourselves. What is the church? The church is Jesus’ bride. Christian rapper Lacrea describes the church not as bricks and buildings, but rather all of God’s people: men, women, and children. The church is a gift of God to those who are born into a new, abundant life. It is a powerful place of biblical leadership and servant hood, whole-hearted worship, and a large source of the communication we have with God in prayer.

At th e a g e o f e l e v e n ,

Two years after my salvation, I was in and out of a few churches because those I had visited could not satisfy me or the Spirit that dwelled in me for whatever reason. In August 2006, I visited Lifepoint for the first time. I sat alone during the worship and preaching, and it may have been my last had I not been welcomed by so many individuals before and after. Praise the Lord I did return. After a few weeks, I fell in love with the people of the church, and my mother and I attended the next basics class and joined. The opportunity for me to get baptized came up and I knew that I needed it, not that baptism would ever save my soul because Jesus had already done that, but rather as an act of obedience and an outward declaration of what He had done for me. I remember Sunday mornings my mom telling me to put on some nicer clothes than shorts and polo for church. I could never find a reason to do so. This brings up one of the reasons I love Lifepoint. It makes no difference who you are, or what stage in life that you are in because the bottom line is that we are all sinners desperate for salvation by grace, and no amount of cologne could ever cover that up. God gave us the church for his glory and for our help, not for our pride or some ridiculous social status. I am always reminded that Jesus wore sandals and a robe, not and Armani suit and alligator skin shoes.

The staff and leaders of Lifepoint are some of the most humble, God-fearing individuals I know. George is an incredible preacher of the Word, not by anything special about him, but because of his deep walk with the Lord, fleshed out 7 days a week, and his knowledge of scripture that is so evident in his life. I have told him that we are going to need a new building simply because his preaching is strong enough to shatter the foundation of Funland, praise the Lord. Craig is an amazing worship pastor. The songs we sing are not based solely God, but rather what His Word says about who He is. The fact that Craig can preach, too, is such an awesome testimony of him honoring what God has called him to do. Jay Adkins is the B.M.O.P. (Baddest Man on the Planet). I say that mainly because he is. I have spent more time with Jay in my time at Lifepoint than with anyone else, obviously except for Jesus himself. He has guided me through many times here. He was one of the first people to welcome me to the church, and he walked me through Lifepoint Basics. Later, we went through the Deepening Your Spiritual Roots booklet, and he taught me how to have a quiet time. He even helped me when I was fighting God about His call in my life to full time Christian ministry. Now he is teaching me, and a few others, in this 16

call. I refer to Jay as my mentor because of all the discipleship he has given me in many aspects of my life. Because so many people have invested in me, I cannot go through each specific person’s influence. I can, however, simply say this: I love God and I love the Church (not just Lifepoint). I can’t say what I would have been like without the investment of everyone, but it honestly doesn’t matter. All of this, what has happened and what will, is part of God’s perfect, sovereign plan. Though I have been through many rough patches of life, God never changed and neither did Lifepoint. Whether I had sinned once my whole life or once every moment, Jesus hung on the cross and body slammed death so I would not be separated from the Father for eternity, and because of that I can rejoice with my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Where else can I do that except for the Church? Thank you Lifepoint for all that you have done, are doing, and will do in this sinner’s life. God has truly blessed us, so let’s bless others in our community so they can be our church. -John Stuart



how my life has been changed by God’s Word. I would like to share two things God has changed in my life, although God has used Lifepoint to change my life in many ways.




One of the things I remember Brother George saying to us when he was going over the basics of Lifepoint was God did not tell us to pray about going, but that we were supposed to go. This changed my life. I have always wanted to go on a mission trip; the desire was there. I had prayed about it time and time again and just never felt like I could go. Now I just had to make my mind up and go. I did not feel I had the money and I wondered how I would be able to go. The church was going to Montana so I signed up to go and God provided. The next year we signed up again and we saved and worked to make extra money to go on the trip. God had blessed us so on the first trip and I knew He would on this one. What was so amazing was that when we got back from the trip I had a check in the mail for the exact amount our trip cost us. God had provided - we just had to be willing to go. This just gave me more of a desire to go. My desire was to eventually go on an international mission trip now. Mrs Helen Wiltcher and I were asked to go to Jackson to a meeting to learn more

about a mission trip to Peru. In doing this an opportunity opened up for us to go with the BSU on their mission trip to Peru. That trip changed my life. We are so blessed here in our country, and we don’t even realize how blessed we are. I realize what a selfish and self centered people we are. These people had very little, but what they had they were willing to share. We are also selfish in our time. We go to church and expect it to end at a certain time. These people were so eager to hear God’s Word they didn’t care how long it lasted. In 2009 I got to go twice to the Good Shepherd Home in Honduras. Both times I got to work with the children in VBS and I received the greatest blessing from going. These children are so loving and caring. Both times I cried when I left. I will be making my third trip in June of 2010 and I can’t wait. Without Lifepoint none of these trips would have been possible for me. I praise God for sending a church to Senatobia with a staff that loves God so much that they tell you “God said go.” There are no buts or reasons why you can’t. I know God has provided for me everytime. I just had to be willing to try. These trips changed my life and how I view God and His people. The harvest is great He needs the workers to go. My prayer is, “Lord never let me get tired of going and doing your work.” 19

The second thing that has really changed my life at Lifepoint is our Ladies accountability group. I praise God for using Jackey Geeslin to start our accountability group. This group changed my life through studying God’s Word. Our group started in January of 2008 meeting just once a month. In July of 2008 we started doing Iva May’s Bible questions on her blog and reading through the The Chronological Bible. At this time we started meeting weekly every Tuesday night. God has taught me so much about Himself through this Bible study. I no longer just knew facts but I was learning what a compassionate, merciful God we served, and He loves us more than we can possibly imagine. I learned how God used flawed men and women to bring about His purpose. If God can use flawed men and women I knew He could also use me. God has taught me so much in the last two years in this Bible study. I have never been in an accountability group before but through this group God has discipled me to become more of the woman I should be for Him. I praise God for using Lifepoint for helping me to grow in my walk with Him and giving me a desire to know and love His Word. I just wish I could go back in time - I have wasted so many years. -Kathy Sigler



T E S T I M O N I E S F R O M I N V E S T V I D E O 2 0 1 0


We w o u l d n o t b e w h e r e w e a r e t o d a y without Lifepoint Church. And I’m not just t a l k i n g a b o u t f i n a n c i a l l y. I ’ m t a l k i n g a b o u t m a n p o w e r, p r a y e r, w i l l i n g n e s s t o s e r v e. -BRIAN TILMAN PA S TO R , R I V E R B E N D B A P T I S T C H U R C H , H E R N A N D O

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“ I nvest….to sp end or devot e

for future advantage or benefit.” The investment of Lifepoint Church, to me, has many facets; personally it has been friendships gained with the leadership and the membership of Lifepoint in my life. It has challenged me in a number of different areas. It has broadened my ministry focus. It has deepened my ministry focus by being challenged by George and the whole staff on a number of different levels. At different times Lifepoint Church has shown me what a family is and a family of faith is, as they’ve come together and grown and blossomed in seeing what God is doing. Lifepoint Church investment for us as Riverbend Church is phenomenal - it is amazing. We would not be where we are today without Lifepoint Church. And I’m not just talking about financially. I’m talking about manpower, prayer, willingness to serve. It has truly…Lifepoint Church has truly been a major, major player with Riverbend. When you came out and canvassed, when you came

out each and every month to keep our kids in the nursery on Sundays, when you have prayed and prayed as we were looking at where we were going to be, where we would move; Lifepoint, the investment you have put in Riverbend and you have put in my life has truly changed us and I want to thank you so very much for it. Tonight, I want to remind you that it’s not about investing in a building, just a building; it’s about investing in a life and it’s about investing in church plants and a church like mine. -Brian Tilman ------------------------------------------------

The investment of Lifepoint church has impacted my life through having a walk 23

with the Lord, through the ministry of Life groups and youth. Life groups…the leaders, they care so much for you and they help you along and encourage you. Also, if it wasn’t for the investment of Lifepoint Church, I probably would have never gone to a third world country on a mission trip to Honduras. Going there really opened my eyes to see how blessed we are here and how the Lord is going to come through with us and how the kids down there are so willing to give and how spoiled and selfish we are that we take things for granted. Tonight, I want us to remember that it’s not just about investing in a building; it’s about investing in a life like mine. -Ashley Simon

back, I’ve realized the need here is just as bad. The people here, just here in Senatobia and Batesville and DeSoto county need to know God’s word just as desperately and my choice is to invest here because I have been invested in.

…my choice is to invest here because I have been invested in. --

Tonight, I want us to remember that it’s not just about investing in a building; it’s about investing in a life like mine. -Rachel Isbell ------------------------------------------------

Rachel Isbell

Because of the investment of Lifepoint Church, I’ve realized something that I did realize before. I’ve always longed to be on the mission field…that has been my life-long dream and when we came back from Brazil, my heart’s desire was to be back on the mission field. Oh, I’m gonna cry….but since we have been

Tonight, it’s not investing in a building; it’s investing in a life like mine. -Becky Moore ----------------------------------------------

…Lifepoint became a real family. That’s what they are to me. --

“ I n v e st….to spend or devot e

for future advantage or benefit.” The investment of Lifepoint Church in my life has really impacted me to want to study God’s word more in-depth so that I am able to share it with others, and that has gotten me so excited! I don’t want them to be just living a life where they are not knowing God’s word; I want them to know the relationship that God wants with them.

all. Lifepoint became a real family. That’s what they are to me. Not only that, with the love of the church and them becoming my family, I have grown deeper in my walk with the Lord. I’ve learned the things I thought I needed, I don’t need. The Lord has shown me how to be happy in what I do have and not in what I want to have.

Becky Moore

I believe the investment of Lifepoint Church has turned my life around. I came to church here for a few years and that’s all I did, I came to church. My husband was diagnosed with lung cancer and after that I could make one phone call; people rallied around me, people would support me, they were there for me at any time. Anytime I made a phone call there was somebody there to help me or to pray with me. There were times that so many people came to my house that I don’t remember and them 24



I t ’s g o o d t o h a v e L i f e p o i n t come to Calvary to help serve and give a service in the chapel …and we get to see people get saved -ROBERT OLIVER A S S I S TA N T H O U S E M A N A G E R , C A LVA RY R E S C U E M I S S I O N

I’m the assistant house manager at Calvary Rescue Mission, I’m also a cook. I wassaved at (Longview Heights?) in 1997 in brother Bob’s office. M y n a m e i s R o b e r t O l i v e r.


It’s good to have Lifepoint come to Calvary to help serve and give a service in the chapel for our guys. We get to see people get saved through your church ministering to our guys, and they enjoy the people from Lifepoint being there every first and second Saturday of the month. Also, I enjoy it when I come to Lifpoint on Sundays and bring some of the guys with me. We enjoy the service and the fellowship there. It’s also good how Lifepoint goes out to meet and reach other people all over the world, in places like Africa and Mexico. Tonight it’s not about investing in a building; it’s about investing in a life like mine. -Robert Oliver


…it’s an investment s o me o ne t ook out fo u r o r five year s a g o in me, and th e y d idn’t even k n o w it . -T.A. WOOTEN for future advantage or benefit. The impact that LifePoint Church has made in my life really starts with people at LongView Heights and LongView Point wanting to invest their time and their money into a church here in Senatobia. If they never thought about furthering God’s kindom, I don’t know where I’d be in my Christian walk right now without LifePoint Church being here.When we started going to LifePoint Church 4 years ago, I had never heard the word of God preached the way it was preached here and it made me realize in a hurry that I was not saved. So my life would be destined for Hell if it hadn’t been for LifePoint Church. When we started coming here, hearing God’s word preached the wat it was, it made a total difference in my life. I’d never gone on a mission trip before, never thought about teaching any kind of class for youth or teaching small groups or anything like that, but the more Pam and I attended church here--hearing God’s word preached the way it is--It’s just an investment that Invest: to spend or devote

someone took out 4 or 5 years ago to invest in my life and didn’t even know it. Tonight, I want us to remember it’s not just about investing in a building, it’s investing in a life like mine. -T.A. Wooten ------------------------------------------------

I n v e s t : t o s p e n d o r d e v o t e for future advantage or benefit. The investment of LifePoint Church has meant everything in my life. Five years ago, when I sarted coming to Lifepoint, I met Jesus for the first time and I would say that that is kind of a big deal! As I have continued to come, I have grown in a relationship with Him. As I’ve looked back 28

on it, I see that God’s given me the desire to do things through LifePoint, He has provided for me. I come to Lifepoint by myself--my parents don’t come with me, but God, through Lifepoint, has provided every step of the way. When I first got saved and He wanted me to learn how to walk with Him and to be discipled. He gave me the desire to do that and He gave me someone to show me how to do that. When I decided I wanted to serve somewhere, He gave me the desire to do that and He gave me the opportunity through Lifepoint. And then when I decided I wanted to go on my first mission trip, I realized I was already in a church that was in love with missions and has a heart for missions. I was able to be involved not only locally, but globally in missions. I think one of the coolest testimonies about our church is that God has not only used the leaders of this church, and He’s not only used the women of this church, and He’s not only used the college students, and not just the youth, but He’s used each of those people and each of those individuals to shape me and to support me and to encourage me and to challenge me and to mold me into who it is He wants me to be. Tonight, I want us to remember it’s not just about invesing in a building, it’s about investing in a life like mine. -Stephanie Ward

I t ’s c h a n g e d m y l i f e s o m u c h that my family and I, we want to go whole-heartedly after God, a n d t h a t ’s a l l t h a t m a t t e r s. -H A R O L D JA C K S O N ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I n v e s t : t o s p e n d o r d e v o t e for future advantages or benefits. We could go on all night, but I’ll make it short and simple. I remember when I first came here. Tracy had talked to me about coming, and I was saying “okay, okay, okay”. So, I finally decided to come and got here, and they made me feel at home. But when I walked through the doors and looked--I’m like “oookaay”; I’m like, “Hmmmm, Where are the black people?” I was here all to myself. But now, to fast forward that, I think how, four or five years later, how this place has really impacted my life; because they are taking the time to invest in me--in me right here, this single person right here that they took time out for me--and it’s changed my life. It’s changed my life so much that my family and I, we want to go whole-heartedly after God, and that’s all that matters. Tonight it’s far more than about investing in a building; it’s about investing in a life just like mine. -Harold Jackson

…b e cause of t hat in v e st ment , I am n o w ser ving in fu ll-time vocat ional min ist r y and I feel lik e I am living t he life that God has p u rp osed for me to live. -MARCUS VANEVERY Invest: to spend or devote for future advantage or benefit. Hi, my name is Marcus VanEvery. I’m the associate pastor at Pine Grove Baptist Church. I’m just here to say that the investment of Lifepoint Church in my life has been 29

invaluable. I was at a point and place in my life where I needed godly counsel. I had men to come around me and demonstrate true christian discipleship in my life. I had men at Lifepoint Church to develop relationships with me, hold me accountable, taking me through the word of God, and really helped me work through God’s call on my life and ministry. Because of that investment, I am now serving in full-time vocational ministry and I feel like I am living the life that God has purposed for me to live. I will never forget the investment that the men and the leadership at Lifepoint church had in my life and it will forever be a turning point in my life and the ministry that God has called me to. Tonight, I want us to remember it’s not just about investing in a building, it’s about investing in a life like mine. -Marcus VanEvery

Addy and I traveled across the country leading worship that God birthed in my heart a passion for the local church. At that time Addy and I found ourselves planted in Midland TX, beginning our young family, and traveling with a great ministry full time. In the midst of all that there was something missing. God was calling me to something different but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I loved leading worship and being a part of what God was doing in the lives of so many all over the United States but it was only for a night, a weekend, at the most a week. After a mountain top experience Addy and I would pack up, leave and never be involved in discipleship and helping believers grow in their faith. I missed the connection that Acts 2 spoke of. It was then that I knew that God was calling me to the local church, not just to attend and serve, but to help lead. This is what God had been equipping me for during the last 10 years after surrendering my life to full time vocational ministry.

I t w a s 2003 as

In 2003, Addy and I began to pray about church planting. We prayed specifically for a church plant in a smaller community that was starved for the Word and starved for authenticity. For two and a half years, my prayers seemed not to be heard, not knowing all along there was a church plant some 13 hours away being prepared and prayed over.

I battled through waiting on the Lord. One of the questions I asked myself over and over again was “am I waiting on the Lord or am I sitting?” As the leader of my home I was living in defeat because I was not doing what I felt God had called me to. As I continued to travel and running a small business on the side I begged God to hear my prayer. Two and a half years later in the winter of 2005 I received a call from a good friend of mine who I had met while traveling (Brandon Barnard) telling me of a church plant that he we going to be a part of in northern Mississippi. I was trying to be encouraging and rejoice with him but inside again was crushed because that is what I wanted to be a part of. In conversation about this new church plant he told me that he wished I could be there with him but there was already someone that was going to lead worship at this new church. Addy and I continued to pray and a few weeks passed and I received a call from George Ross who was leading a church plant in Senatobia MS and would like to know if I would be interested in coming and leading worship at one of the informational meetings. The person that was considering the position was called to something different, leaving an opening for a worship pastor. The first question I had was “Sena..where?” The first weekend here I knew I was home. It was just as Addy 30

and I had prayed for. A smaller community, people wanting to build their lives around the word of God. Some three months later Addy and I were packing the U-Haul and traveling some 13 hours across this country to move our family and ministry to Senatobia, MS. Lifepoint has given me a place to call home and to learn how to minister. Lifepoint has given me a place to live Acts 2:44. The growth that I have seen since being here is unexplainable both personally and corporately. I have grown as a husband, father, and a minister. I look forward to the future of Lifepoint Church and what God has in store for the next five, ten, fifteen years. To God be the glory. -Craig King Worship Pastor

It was then that I knew that God was calling me to the local church, not jus t to attend and s erve, but to help lead. -CRAIG KING

my story of how God led me to Lifepoint Church. On August 4, 2004 I gave my life to the ministry in whatever capacity God would have me serve. At that moment I was living a comfortable life in Hernando, MS with a great job at FedEx Express. I was serving in student ministries at Longview Heights as a Sunday School teacher for the 11th grade guys’ class. I had invested my life in my career, but I also knew that God was calling me to do something radical with my life. My wife Jennifer and I soon made that decision public. T his is a portio n o f

I h a v e be e n abl e t o s e e G od pl a n t m ul t i p l e churches in the st a t e s a s we l l as i n pa r t s of Africa. This is pa r t o f t h e vi si o n o f L i f e po i n t C h u r ch , an d I h a v e b e e n exc i t e d t o b e abl e t o h e l p fu l f i l l i t . -JAY ADKINS

In October of that same year, George Ross approached me about being part of a church plant in Senatobia, MS. I was blown away at the opportunity, but at the same time I was very anxious at the thought of walking away from all I had ever known. Literally getting rid of a majority of my belongings to follow the Lord in a church plant in Senatobia was a big step. I was able to attend a church planting conference hosted by NAMB at Longview Heights in Olive Branch in the fall of 2004. During the conference, we began to pray through the essential core values of Lifepoint and through this, God confirmed my place of service as a volunteer at Lifepoint. Immediately I understood that God was about to dynamically change my life. I was able to serve as the student pastor for the first 12 months while I continued with my career at FedEx. At the end of 2005, the church was in a position to bring me on in a full time capacity. I sold my home in Hernando, resigned from FedEx, and planted my life in Senatobia. I have been blessed with a wonderful church family and God has allowed me to be part of a growing student ministry that has made a large impact in the lives of many students in our community. This impact has also been felt in 31

the adults as well, with both students and adults being called to Christian service. The Lord has allowed me to serve in many different capacities in Lifepoint Church. One of the most rewarding has been the opportunity to invest in the lives of others and to expose many to short term mission trips. I have been able to see God plant multiple churches in the states as well as in parts of Africa. This is part of the vision of Lifepoint Church, and I have been excited to be able to help fulfill it. As I think about the next 5 years I want us all to be challenged to be obedient in whatever God calls us to do. I love the idea of planting churches to continue to expand the Kingdom of the Most High. Are you being called to be part of a great work? Let us be challenged to think outside of our culture and our normal routine of life and be challenged to make the most of HIM in every moment of the life HE has given us to live. I am so thankful for my wife Jennifer of 13 years, my children Chloe (10), Will (4), and Ana (19 months). I am so thankful that God has provided a place for me to invest my life in Lifepoint Church.To God be the glory. -Jay Adkins Student/Missions Pastor

Lifepoint Church has done in my life can be hard to articulate. As a staff member, I sometimes feel like I have to be so careful of how to share because of this “facade” we fall under as staff. I hope this testimony will clear up the delusion of having it all figured out and at the same time help me keep my integrity as a minister and staff member. That pretty much sums up my testimony in one word, “staff.”

A t e stimony of what

Five years ago, my family and I moved from Walls, Mississippi to Senatobia in search of a better place to raise two teenage girls. I was a schoolteacher and Kelli was a stay-at-home mom who homeschooled our girls. At this season in my life, I was very content. I was content with my job and my business I had on the side. I was even content with my walk with the Lord. As a lifelong dream, I always wanted to play music and one day that dream became a reality. Myself and three other friends formed a band and began travelling locally playing worship music. Eventually, we began to write our own music and had the opportunity to record a CD. With all of this going on, I no longer kept church attendance a priority in my life. I used music as justification for not attending church, which eventually led to les and less time in the Word of God. I was falling away from my relationship

with God at a rapid pace and did not even realize it. At this point in my life, I was content in moving to Senatobia and becoming a good-ole-boy. We could find a little neighborhood church and attend once a moth to pacify Kelli. It’s just that easy! In a two-year period, I became a church consumer.

Geeslins’ godly council. I am a product of the manifestation of God’s Word in my life, through Jesus Christ, at Lifepoint Church. -John Edmonds Children’s Pastor

There is no juicy, gossipy story of how I started drinking, backslid and acted all crazy, but in God’s eyes its just as well. We had been living in Senatobia a couple of weeks at this time when Kelli said, “There’s a new church plant in town, let’s go check it out.” I remember thinking that this would be perfect, no one would know me and I could slip in and slip out with no problem. However, this was not the case at all! The power of God’s word pierced through me like a bolt of lightning. Over the course of the next month, I repented, cried, read, repented some more, and began to follow God as He intended.

…I am not a pr o du c t o f Ge o r ge Ro s s ’ pr e a c h i n g c a pa bi l i t i e s, C r a i g Kings’ incredible w o r s h i p, Ja y Adk i n s ’ i m pe c c i bl e l e a de r s h i p, o r Ri c k Ge e s l i n s ’ g o dl y c o u n c i l . I a m a pr o du c t o f the manifestation o f G o d’s Wo r d i n m y l i f e, t h r o u g h Je s u s C h r i s t , a t L i f e po i n t Ch u r c h .

Through the next six months I began attending seminary and trying to flesh out a call to ministry. With God’s Word and tons of prayer, I submitted to my call. I sold my business, quit my job, and became a testimony of the power of God’s Word. I am not a product of George Ross’ preaching capabilities, Craig Kings’ incredible worship, Jay Adkins’ impeccible leadership, or Rick 32




A L L O F G O D ’ S P E O P L E S A I D , A M E N .

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