Charlokach2 poster

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The story of Charalokach Mountain !

ខ#$ំ&ទ()*ះ ផ*-ស /** 0*ទ1*ុស

3យុ៦៦ ឆ7ំា ជន;តិព7ង។ ទីកC*DងកំEើតភូមិ

ពូរK*ះ ឃុំMក់Mំ O*ុកអូរQំង R*តSមណUលគិរX។ 3ស័យMZនបច]$ប*^ន7 ភូមិពូK*ះ ឃុំMក់Mំ O*ុកអូរQំង R*តSមណUគិរX។ សព_`a*រស់ទីb*ះអស់រយៈ d*ល៦៦ef*ំមកgើយ។

ខ#$ំ&នដឹងពី1*វតSិភ7ំb*ះkមរយៈជីដូនជីkរបស់ខ#$ំ gើយខ#$ំlm*ប់និnនoឿងb*ះឲ*rst*ងៗជំvន់!

w**យxy*ប់z*រ។ oឿងនិnន{នដូចត|៖


~លពី•*ងvយមក{ន€កk{f*ក់()*ះឡ‚~ច់ &នរស់ƒ„ើភ7ំមួយ

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*ភ7ំស័កSិសិទ¡ិមួយចំនួនប៉ុ¢£*ះz*លមិនលិចnំងO*ុង ដូច;ភ7ំœមណ¤ង ភ7ំœម’¥*ង

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{នន័យŽគឺប៉ុនតំបន់®ល¹)*z*លមិនលិចទឹក‡ះ។ ~ល‡ះ»ើ~រដឹកvំរបស់¼*ក½†*ញ&នល¿

‡ះនឹងvំឲ*r{នÀពសុខដុមរមvក7$ងភូមិ 1*;ជនរស់ƒ1*កបšយសុខសនSិÀព មិន{នÀពចÁចល និងÂ**ះមហនSQយvvដូច;ទឹកជំនន់sើត{នKើង‡ះ³*


ប៉ុCS*»ើ~រដឹកvំមិន&នល¿វÅញ ®នឹងvំឲ*rsើត{ន~រ(m*ះ1*Æ*កˆf* vំឲ*r{នទឹកជំនន់លិចលង់ភូមិ និងភ7ំvv gើយតួ’¥*ងភ7ំŒQ¦*ឡ‚~ច់គឺនឹងលិចអស់ƒសល់ប៉ុន3ចម៌ž*បីមSង³ៀត gើយ®នឹងvំឲ*rមនុស*-~m*យ|;រស់ƒÁយឡំˆf*Ç*ើន;តិxសន៍

និង{ន3បរស់ƒÁយឡំ;មួយមនុស*-ផងz*រ។ ខ#$ំសូមប´µ*ក់Žƒ„ើŒQ¦*ឡ‚~ច់អត់{នទួល ឬដំបូក³* 1*សិន»ើ{នទួលមួយដុំ ឬដំបូកមួយƒ„ើ‡ះ

‡ះ®នឹងvំឲ*r{នមនុស*-រស់ƒÁយឡំˆf*Ç*ើន;តិxសន៍z*រ។ gើយដូចƒd*លបច]$ប*^ន7b*ះអÉ]ឹង {នÊ**ដុះខិតចូលបរÅË*ណ®ល¹)*Ì*ភ7ំŒQ¦*ឡ‚~ច់

*បនSិចប៉ុ¢£*ះ Íើញ{ន3ប



My name is Phasos Brai and I am a 66-year-old Bunong man. My place of birth is Pou Rales village, Dak Dam commune, O Raing district and Mondulkiri province. I have been living here for 66 years. I know the story of Charalokach Mountain from my grandparents and I tell this story to young people as well. The story is as follow: Once upon a time, a grandfather named Lokach was living on a mountain. He was buried there after he died. Since that time, this mountain is called Charalokach. I would like to recall that at the beginning grandmother Mepreach married grandfather Lokach and after they got married, they were living on that mountain. Grandmother Mepreach gave birth to a child named Lochra Chamchalokach. A long time later, there was a flood in the village, which caused all mountains to be covered in water except some sacred and taboo mountains; some of them were not completely under water such as Nam Nong, Nam Yang and Charalokach mountain. After this mystery happened, there was a saying that “Nam Nong mountain has a square of a kite’s wing left, Nam Yang mountain has a square of a palm of a hand left, Charalokach mountain has a square of buffalo’s shit left”. Those squares were not covered by water. In fact, these areas were bigger; the saying just refers to a comparison. For instance, the whole grass area of Charalokach Mountain was not under water at that time. So in the saying it means that a square of the size of a buffalo’s shit equals the whole square of grass of Charalokach Mountain. During that period, if a village had a good tribal chief, people were living in peace without any risks or natural disasters, there was no war or flooding for example, and no outsider came and lived together with the Bunong people. In contrast, a bad tribal chief was causing problems, such as fighting and flooding in the village, many people of different origins living together as well as attracting witches to come and live among the villagers. And the Charalokach Mountain would be covered by water, except for the square of a buffalo’s shit. I would like to emphasize again, there is no small hill on Charalokach Mountain. If there will ever be a hill, it will cause many people of different origins to live together. And obviously, there are now some trees growing and the grass area of Charalokach Mountain is getting smaller. This means that now there are witches and more different people coming and living together here with Bunong people.

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