A stage for the whole of Sweden.
The entire population of Sweden is our audience. An audience that can join and become members in the Riksteatern local association. Almost 40, 000 members in more than 200 local associations make up the popular movement Riksteatern. Our organisation has been built on passion and commitment since 1933. You will find us in your local area and we travel all over the country. We create our own productions and also present performances by other companies. We work professionally and we work in our spare time.
We are here. For you.
The very first Riksteatern associations were established 90 years ago and we began to tour.
Even if you live in the smallest of towns, your your local Riksteatern theatre association can still offer grand experiences. Close to you – regardless of who you are or where you live.
Every year our volunteers spend an average of 280,000 hours of their lives providing theatre, dance, music, circus and other performing arts to some half a million people. As an audience, you experience it. As a member, you make it possible.
An infrastructure for performing arts.
We bring promoters and producers together. We produce our own tours and arrange performances from other producers.
We mediate and develop dance, music, theatre, circus and activities for children and young people; the Cullberg dance company is part of Riksteatern, while Riksteatern Crea works purposefully to bring the performing arts in sign language to the stage. We are passionate about what we do, we are firebrands with an enthusiasm for arranging, conveying and producing performing arts – for everyone, everywhere.
Statistics, audience
Visits to productions produced by Riksteatern – irrespective of organiser.
Visits to performances organised by Riksteatern – irrespective of producer. TOTAL AUDIENCE
Number of visits to performances either produced or organised by Riksteatern, with overlaps removed. STREAMED VIEWS
Not included in the above.
Cullberg is the national and international repertoire contemporary dance company in Sweden, continuously co-creating to make contemporary dance relevant for the many.
Founded in 1967 by Birgit Cullberg, Cullberg is a part of Riksteatern.
Together with choreographers and their teams from around the world, Cullberg are exploring ideas on how dance can be defined, produced and presented. Those explorations are the pillars of a company that is constantly in motion at the heart of the international arena. Cullberg is led by artistic director Kristine Slettevold and managing director Stina Dahlström.
A stage for the whole of Sweden.
Join us.
Join us as a member for as little as SEK 160 a year. Additional family members at the same address pays SEK 80 and if you are 25 or younger the membership fee is only SEK 60 a year.
First name and last name
Email address
Post code Postal address
Preference for specific Riksteatern association
I would like to add the following family members at the same address with the favourable rate of SEK 80.
Name and email address
Social Security Number (YY-MM) –
Name and email address
Social Security Number (YY-MM) –
Social Security Number (YY-MM-DD) –
By applying for membership, I give my consent to the processing of my personal data by Riksteatern. I will receive the Riksteatern membership card Scenpass Sverige, the member magazine Scenen and accept to receive information from Riksteatern’s partners in Scenpass Sverige. For detatails of our privacy policy visit riksteatern.se/gdpr
Woman Male Other/decline to state
Join us!
As a member, you will receive our members’ magazine Scenen, as well as a Riksteatern membership card (Scenpass Sverige) which is packed with all kinds of benefits.
For additional information (in Swedish), see: riksteatern.se/medlem
The general public in Sweden becomes the audience. The audience can then choose to become members. The members form Riksteatern’s more than 200 local associations which, together, make up Riksteatern.
In addition to this, Riksteatern comprises a variety of other affiliated organisations.
In each county, there is also a regional Riksteatern association that serves as a coordinating body for the local Riksteatern associations and affiliated organisations.
Almost 40,000 aficionados of performing arts are members. They own the organisation. At the local Riksteatern association’s annual meetings they appoint the members of the local board and may adopt their activity plan for the year.
Riksteatern’s ultimate decisionmaking body meets once every four years. The event brings together representatives from the local Riksteatern associations to make joint decision on objectives and guidelines. The congress also elects the Riksteatern Board for the coming 4-year period.
Riksteatern is a non profit organisation that receives funding from the Swedish Government. The grant is accompanied by a commission in the form of guidelines concerning what Riksteatern is expected to do for these funds.
The Riksteatern regional and local associations may enter into agreements with regional or municipal authorities which – in the same way as the government guidelines affect the national activities – have an impact on the work of the company at regional and local level.
Riksteatern at national level
Riksteatern at regional level
Riksteatern at local level
Affiliated organisations
A stage for the whole of Sweden.Projektledare och