InBrief Issue 16

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Inside this issue:

Page 3 Family fees from 9th May 2011

Page 4 Funding Regimes Come And Go

Page 6 Growth Conundrum Industry

Issue No 16

costs in brief International private client scene in trepidation

One of the topics we have never really touched upon is that of the Private Client and I am pleased to say that the main articles in this edition are dedicated to this particular topic.

Less clouds on the UK tax horizon?

As is widely known, private wealth has been a major target of this and the previous government. In addition to the increase of the top income tax rate to 50% and high profile cases focusing on wealthy entrepreneurs seeking to become non-UK resident for tax purposes (Gaines-Cooper, etc.), the government has tightened the rules on foreign individuals living in the UK (“res non-doms”). Last in order of time, the annual levy for non-doms has been raised from £30,0000 (after 7 years of residence in the UK) to £50,000 (after 12 years). However, the Budget dated 23 March, the government has also shown the first signs of a change of attitude towards wealth and the contribution of wealthy individuals to the UK economy. Thus, it was announced that, from 6 April 2012, non-doms will be able to remit foreign income or gains to the UK for ‘commercial investment in UK businesses’ with no charge to UK tax. We will be in suspense for some time yet as to the scope of this rule change – there is to be consultation in June 2011, with the legislation forming part of Finance Bill.

In addition, the government has announced the introduction of a statutory residence test. Currently, the absence of such a test (and the uncertainty that goes with it) places the UK at a competitive disadvantage when competing with foreign jurisdictions. Meanwhile, across the Channel... When Sarkozy came to power, there was wide expectation that he would introduce measures to attract wealthy individuals (back) to France. One such measure was the introduction of a “5 years’ holiday” for wealth tax purposes, according to which individuals who move to France only pay wealth tax on French assets for the first 5 years of residence. However, recent announcements indicate that the French government is taking a tougher approach towards wealthy individuals. These measures range from the possible reintroduction of an exit tax for people who leave France from the abolition of the socalled tax shield (“Bouclier fiscal”) which limits total taxation in France to 50 percent of income. Meanwhile, across the border, the people of Zurich voted for an abolition of the lump-sum system, according to which foreigners who move to Switzerland may elect to pay tax by reference to their expenses (often capped to 5 times the yearly rent), rather than their income. An initiative to abolish this system throughout Switzerland may be off the cards for now, but the Swiss government was forced

Welcome to the 16th edition of Costs in Brief. Since the launch of our updated newsletter in September 2002, we have covered all aspects of legal costs such as Probate, CFAs, After the Event Insurance, Personal Injury, Third Party Funding and more. Our contributors have not only been from within Kain Knight but have included Costs Judges, Barristers, Insurers and Accountants.

For those of you dealing with Private Clients, I am delighted to let you know that we are holding a one day conference on 21st June at Brewers Hall in London. For more information please see the information sheet enclosed with this newsletter. Penny Ridoutt Client Relationship Manager

to announce a tightening of the rules in order to appease the political backlash. Meanwhile, a recent article in The Economist suggested that a number of wealthy foreigners who had moved from the UK to Switzerland to find a tax shelter, are considering moving back to the UK for lifestyle reasons. More mobility, less complexity? The above examples show just how mobile wealth has become over the past few years. The EU has recognised this and, following the publication of a Green Paper on the rules of succession in the EU, the Commission has published a draft Regulation on Successions, the purpose of which is to harmonise the connecting factors that determine the applicable law in the case of international successions. Whilst this is undoubtedly good news, the UK government has announced that it may decide not to opt in because of the possibility, under the laws of most continental European countries, to “claw-back” lifetime gifts that violate the relevant forced heirship rights accorded to close relatives (usually the surviving spouse and ascendants/ descendants). According to the UK government, the recognition of claw-back rules would “have a significant adverse impact on the legal certainty of lifetime gifts completed within the UK”. Whatever the position of the UK government will be, the introduction of harmonised

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