Lai Lai Brand Guidlines

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Lai Lai Brand Guidlines Lai Lai Brand Guidelines


Contents Basic Lai Lai Brand Identiy Lai Lai Logotype Reproducing the Logotype in Colour Brandmark Proportion with the Cell Minimum Clearspace Minimum Size Primary Colour Secondary Colour

3 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 17

The Graphic Device Graphic Device Review General Rules Graphic Device With Grid System Graphic Device With Photography Recommended Graphic Device Layouts Graphic Device Without Brandmarks Forbidden Layout Graphic Device Shape System (Horizontal) Graphic Device Shape System (Vertical) Graphic Device Shape System (Surrounding)

18 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37

Photographic Style Photographic Style General Rules Color Usage/Retouching Photography Misuse

39 40 42 44 46

Graphic Visuals (General Rules)


Promotional Materials On Brand Off Brand Promo Materials (1) Promo Materials (2) Promo Materials (3) Promo Materials (4) Promo Materials (5) Different Possibility Creative Items

50 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67

Print Samples Billboards Lightboxes Flyer (Horizontal) Flyer (Vertical) Extreme Print Formats (Horizontal) Extreme Print Formats (Vertical)

69 70 72 74 76 78 80

Sim and Scratch Cards Sim and Scratch Cards Sim Card Pack Sim Card (General Rules) Scratch Cards ( General Rules) Using Kaleidoscopic Image Scratch Cards (Scratch card variations)

82 83 85 87 89 91 93



Basic Lai Lai Brand Guidelines




Lai Lai Brand Identity

These guidelines describe the basic rules of designing with/reproducing the Lai-Lai brand identity. In order to gain maximum benefit from these guidelines they must be used consistently, as even small variations will undermine the impact of the Lai Lai brand identity. Lai Lai Brand Guidelines


Lai Lai Logotype Black and white and color version

The Lai Lai logo consists of the “Lai Lai� typography and a callout containing logotype in Georgian language (example 1). Exapmple 2 - demonstrates the Lai Lai logotype in black and white.

Use of the logotype The precise position and proportion of all the logotype elements is fixed and must always be reproduced in the set relationship shown here. The elements must never be re-drawn or modified in any way.

Printing the logotype The use of the Lai Lai logotype in any printed material must be in CMYK or Pantonne mode. 6


Color version

Black and white version

Full color version that should be used for most applications.

Black and white version that should be used for black and white print only.

Logotype Callout Cell

example 1

example 2 Lai Lai Brand Guidelines


Reproducing the Logotype in Colour In comparisson with the Geocell logo, Lai Lai logo should never be used without the cell on any background. When reproducing the logotype for print on colored background, care must be taken to ensure that the area surrounding the logotype is tonally even and either sufficiently light or sufficiently dark to ensure the logotype is legible.

Where possible, the Lai Lai logotype should be displayed on a flat white background (example 1). The logotype can also be displayed on any color background that is not tonally similar to Lai Lai logo color. (example 2,3). When used on the photographic backround, care must be taken that baground color is not tonally similar to the logo color. (example 4) Do not use the background that is tonally close to the logotype. (example 5) Do not use the photography that is tonally close to the logotype (example 6)



Brandmark on white background. Example 1

Brandmark in Cell on Clay colour Example 2

Brandmark in Cell on Rich Purple. Example 3

Brandmark in Cell on imagery. Example 4

Brandmark on magenta background. Example 5

Brandmark in Cell on photo that has magenta Lai Lai Brand Guidelines


Brandmark Proportion With the Cell

The Geocell brandmark is set within the ‘Cell’ with specific proportions that may not be altered. The logo artwork provided includes the definition of the white cell Only for some very specifc applications the proportions have been changed, such as outdoor signage (please refer to the signage section). 10


Typographic version

Callout version

Typographic version that should be used for most applications.

Callout version as a referance

10 9.8


example 1

example 2 Lai Lai Brand Guidelines


Minimum Clearspace

Minimum Clearspace assures correct presentation of the logotype. Care must be taken to consider minimum clearspace at all times. 12


Minimun clearspace

2/3x 2/3x




Lai Lai Brand Guidelines


Minimum Size

Legibility of the logo is very importaint. Minimum size of the logo is defined by it’s legibility. In our case, logo with the graphic device should never be less than a 8mm in height. In extreame cases, when logotype is used without the graphic device, care must be taken to make sure that logotype is not less than 3mm in height. 14


Minimum size


The size of the logo with graphic device should never be less than 8mm


In extreame cases, the size of the logo without graphic device should never be less than 3mm

Lai Lai Brand Guidelines


Primary Colour

Accurate reproduction of the Lai-Lai Magenta is essential in communicating a clear and consistent message about interactivity via ‘the Magenta Graphic Device’. Special spot colour for print: Pantone Magenta should be used whenever possible. CMYK breakdown: C-0, M-100, Y-0, K-0 is the breakdown for process colour and should be matched as closely as possible, depending on materials and print process. The colour should always be signed off by the LaiLai brand manager.



Secondary Colour

Accurate reproduction of the Lai-Lai Cyan is essential in communicating a clear and consistent message about interactivity via ‘the Magenta Graphic Device’. Special spot colour for print: Pantone Cyan should be used whenever possible. CMYK breakdown: C-100, M-0, Y-0, K-0 is the breakdown for process colour and should be matched as closely as possible, depending on materials and print process. The colour should always be signed off by the LaiLai brand manager.

Lai Lai Brand Guidelines


The Graphic Device 18

The Graphic Devices

Graphic Device Review

The graphic device is very dominant element in the layout system, it is always aligned with the Geocell brandmark, and makes a visual link between Primary and subbrand products.

The device provides flexibility to solve any communication needs in print applications. These guidelines provide some examples for correct usage.

A unique graphic device helps to create a distinguished and flexible appearance.

Lai Lai Brand Guidelines



Graphic Device



The Graphic Devices

General Rules

Lai Lai Brand Guidelines


Lorem ipsum

1. There are many ways to use Geocell graphic device. This is the most basic form with solid colour.


The Graphic Devices

2. The graphic device may contain images.

3. Not more than 1 graphic device can be used on 1 page when using brandmarks.

Graphic Device With Grid System

The graphic device is used always with geocell logotype and it should be aligned to the grid system, repeating the shape of the logotype cell. Lai Lai Brand Guidelines



The Graphic Devices

The Graphic Device With Photography

Lai Lai Brand Guidelines



The Graphic Devices

Recommended Graphic Device Layouts

These examples show the most recommended layouts of the graphic device usage. Lai Lai Brand Guidelines


Lorem ipsum


The Graphic Devices

Lorem ipsum

Graphic Device Without Brandmarks These examples show how does graphic device elements look in different ways without using a logotype

The graphic device elements are flexible and can be combined in different ways. Even when logotype is not necessary (for example within inside spreads). Here are displayed several variations that do not feature the brandmark. Lai Lai Brand Guidelines



The Graphic Devices

Forbidden Layout

These are examples how graphic device should not be used. Lai Lai Brand Guidelines


1. This is the only exception when graphic device is also combined with Lai Lai logotype.

2.Do not use graphic device with Lai Lai logotype.

3.Do not repart graphic device with the logotype.

4. Do not use Lai lai brandmark in the bottom of the layout

8.Do not use large layout if its not extreme format

5.Do not Center the graphic device.

6.Do not change the corner radius of the graphic device.

7. Minimum width and height is 2 grid squares.

8.Only two opposite corners are rounded.

4. Do not reshape the graphic device.


The Graphic Devices

Graphic Device Shape System Horizontal

The horizontal graphic device reflects the shape, radius and size of the Cell. It is built on the layout grid, the height of the graphic device is equal to the height of the Cell. 1.The minimum width of the graphic device is 2 columns of the grid, its height is equal to the cell height. 2.The gap between the Cell and the graphic device is determined by creating an offset path

from the Cell in width of the column gutter. 3.The radius at the opposite corner of the graphic device is equal to the radius of the Cell. 4.If the brandmark is placed at the top edge or in the opposite corner of the format, the same principle applies.

Lai Lai Brand Guidelines



The Graphic Devices

Graphic Device Shape System Vertical

The vertical graphic device reflects the shape, radius and size of the Cell. It is built on the layout grid, the width depending on the width of the Cell. 1. The width of the vertical graphic device is equal to the width of the Cell. The minimum height is equal to the Cell height. 2. The gap between the Cell and the graphic device is determined by creating an offset path from the Cell in

width of the column gutter. 3. The radius at the opposite corner of the graphic device is equal to the radius of the Cell. 4. If the brandmark is placed at the top edge or in the opposite corner of the format, the same principle applies.

Lai Lai Brand Guidelines



The Graphic Devices

Graphic Device Shape System Surrounding

The surrounding graphic device reflects the the shape of the Geocell logotype cell, but it has an exception on the Lai Lai logotype. It is built on the layout grid, the width and height depending on the size of the Cell. 1. The height of the vertical graphic device is twice as height or bigger as the height of the Cell. 2. The radius between the Cell and the graphic device is determined by creating an offset path from the Cell in

width of the column gutter. 3. The radius at the opposite corner of the graphic device is equal to the radius of the Cell. 4. If the brandmark is placed at the top edge or in the opposite corner of the format, the same principle applies. 5.The Black line is the only exception when shape is not fully repeating the shape of Lai Lai logotype cell, it does not have the proportional circle at the corners. the distance between shape and cell is the same as it is with another cell. Lai Lai Brand Guidelines 37


The Graphic Devices

Photographic Style Lai Lai Brand Guidelines


Photographic Style

Images play one of the primary roles in Lai Lai brand identity. The correct and consistent usage of images is a powerful weapon of brand recognition. This photographic style is based on mood elements: 40

Photographic Style

/ Bright / Acting / Young / Possitive / Energetic / Fun / Images are taken in action, showing us culmination of the story, entertaining and inspiring us.

Lai Lai Brand Guidelines


General Rules

This photographic style is based on light, mood and composition. The shown attributes apply to the photographic style. 42

Photographic Style

1. The Colour

2. Lightning

3. Angles

4. Subjects

4. Objects

Each image must include a certain 40-50% percentage of rich purple.

Images are bright and friendly. Photos are either taken against the sun or directly to the sun, or another light source appears.

Close or distant, everything is allowed. Create interesting and unusual angles and compositions.

We show people. Lai Lai is a brand for young people and this should be visible. The persons we show are young, friendly and having fun.

When using a still life composition human or human part should always be visible.

Lai Lai Brand Guidelines


Colour Usage/Retouching

In its main appearance approximately 40-50% of the image must be purple. Exsamples below show difference between 10% and 40-50% of colour retouching. Images should not appear over-saturated. Applying Rich Purple: Images should contain 50% of Rich Purple. Purple is always the dominant colour (only two purple colours 44

Photographic Style

within the shot). Do not create flat backgrounds, large solid areas of purple. Only apply on toned and textured surfaces. Keep the shot authentic and real. Once the colour is applied, the hue and tone of the retouched purple area should be balanced with the lighting of the rest of the image. For detaled guidlines look in geocell brandbook.

1. 10% of Purple

2. 40-50% of Purple

Lai Lai Brand Guidelines


Photography Misuse

These are the most common mistakes when using images. 46

Photographic Style

Using Magenta as a main colour is forbbiden.

Lai Lai is a Georgian brand and it should be visible. Different ethnic or cultural background is forbidden.

People on the image should not look in the camera

Objects and people on images should be visible connectivly, only still life without human or human part is not allowed.

Lai Lai Brand Guidelines


Graphic Visuals General Rules

Sometimes to create an advertisment in short deadline, the best way is graphic visual. For Lai Lai brand graphic visual is allowed for special products or campaigns. for reproducting graphic visuals for Lai Lai brand please refer to these principles. compositions should be the key to the theme of the advertisment. It is possible to show only graphic visual or combine it with image. All the layout rules should be 48

Photographic Style

applied here as well. Always use our primary colours as dominant ones. Use large and bold typography as possible. Note: These images are only samples. Future reproduction of design depends on the taste and possibilities of the designer.

Join Us Join Us 1. Only Graphic visual.

2. Graphic visual combined with image

Lai Lai Brand Guidelines


Promotional Materials 50

Promotional Materials

On Brand The examples shown here are on-brand items that enhance the brand identity. Each item has been selected for a purpose.

Basic rule: Lai Lai gifts should only be in purple mostly. Sometimes a small dose of magenta also can be used. The examples shown here are on-brand items which enhance the brand promise and personality. Lai Lai Brand Guidelines


1. Lai Lai gifts are practical and user-friendly.

2. Lai Lai gifts are accessible.

3. Modern accessible technology is on brand.

4. Lai Lai merchandising helps the customer in daily life.

5. Natural elements and materials emphasize our connection to the land.

6. Our colour natural flowers are on-brand.


Promotional Materials

Off Brand The examples shown here are off-brand items that do not have brand identity.

Lai Lai Brand Guidelines


1.Just because an item includes our colours doesn’t mean it’s on brand


Promotional Materials

2. Lai lai items are not way too much expensive

Promo Materials (1) Souvenirs, Accessories

Lai Lai Brand Guidelines



1. Key Holder

2. Sticky Notes

3. Wallet

4. Mobile cleaner

Promotional Materials

Promo Materials (2) Souvenirs, Accessories

Lai Lai Brand Guidelines



1. Glasses

2. Umbrella

3. Watch

4. T-Shirt (Female)

Promotional Materials

Promo Materials (3) Souvenirs, Accessories

Lai Lai Brand Guidelines



1. Cap

2. Bandena

3. Bag

4. T-Shirt (Male)

Promotional Materials

Promo Materials (4) Souvenirs, Accessories

Lai Lai Brand Guidelines



1. Pen

2. Flag

3. Magnet

4. Car Air Freshener

Promotional Materials

Promo Materials (5) Souvenirs, Accessories

Lai Lai Brand Guidelines



1. Paper Bag

2. Beach bag

3. Mobile Holder

4. Mobile Lanyard

Promotional Materials

Different Possibility

In some cases its also allowed to use both logotypes (Lai Lai, Geocell) on different kind of products Lai Lai Brand Guidelines



1. Paper Bag (Both Sides)

2. Beach bag (Both Sides)

3. Mobile Holder

4. Mobile Lanyard

Promotional Materials

Creative Items Good Creativity is always wanted

Lai Lai Brand Guidelines


1. Paper Glass


Promotional Materials

3. Lava Lamp

Print Samples Lai Lai Brand Guidelines



For outdoor advertising, impactful and bold layout is the key. - Use large type. - Write short and easily understandable messages. - No small print. - Choose a suitable layout grid in order to avoid too small a brandmark. 70

Print Samples

Lorem Ipsum Lorem ipsum

2. Billboard with image and grid system

dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum id rci id elit pulvinar tincidunt a ut eros. Etiam vehicula pulvinar rhoncus.nt.

2. Billboard with text and grid system

Lai Lai Brand Guidelines



For out door lightbox advertising, use grids and mostly bold typography. - Use large type as possible. - Write short and easily understandable messages. - Use grid system - Foresee brandmark placments . 72

Print Samples

Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum id rci id elit pulvinar tincidunt a ut eros. Etiam vehicula pzzulvinar rhoncus.nt. dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum id orci id elit pulvinar tincidunt a ut eros. Etiam vehicula pulvinar rhoncus. Mauris fringilla lorem at augue sollicitudin consequat. Nulla facilisi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi augue purus, blandit quis consectetur ac, condimentum quis

Lorem Ipsum

1. Lightbox with image and grid system

2. Lightbox with text and Grid system Lai Lai Brand Guidelines


Flyer Horizontal

Flyers for Lai Lai brand provides the opportunity to emphasize the unique graphic language combining with interesting images. 74

Print Samples

Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum id rci id elit pulvinar tincidunt a ut eros. Etiam vehicula pulvinar rhoncus.nt. dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum id orci id elit pulvinar tincidunt a ut eros. Etiam vehicula pulvinar rhoncus. Mauris fringilla lorem at augue sollicitudin consequat. Nulla facilisi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi augue purus, blandit quis consectetur ac, condimentum quis

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum id rci id elit pulvinar tincidunt a ut eros. Etiam vehicula pulvinar rhoncus.nt. dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum id orci id elit pulvinar tincidunt a ut eros. Etiam vehicula pulvinar rhoncus. Mauris fringilla lorem at augue sollicitudin consequat. Nulla facilisi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi augue purus, blandit quis consectetur ac, condimentum quis

Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte turadipiscing elit. Vestib ulum id rci id elit pulvina r tincidunt a ut eros.

Lai Lai Brand Guidelines


Flyer Vertical

Flyers for Lai Lai brand provides the opportunity to emphasize the unique graphic language combining with interesting images. 76

Print Samples

Lorem Ipsum

Join Us dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum id rci id elit pulvinar tincidunt a ut eros. Etiam vehicula pulvinar rhoncus.nt. dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum id orci id elit pulvinar tincidunt a ut eros. Etiam vehicula pulvinar rhoncus. Mauris fringilla lorem at augue sollicitudin consequat. Nulla facilisi. In hac habitasse platea

Lorem Ipsum

dictumst. Morbi augue purus, blandit quis consectetur ac, condimentum quis

Lai Lai Brand Guidelines


Extreme Print Formats Horizontal

Main grid cannot be used with extreme formats. Divide the total space in two parts, use brandmark clearspace to get the best proportion. Align brandmark to that given segmentation. You can also add the graphic device. Brandmark and layout rules of the graphic device apply as usual, and can be placed as shown. 78

Print Samples

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum

Lai Lai Brand Guidelines


Extreme Print Formats Vertical

Main grid cannot be used with extreme formats. Divide the total space in two parts, use brandmark clearspace to get the best proportion. Align brandmark to that given segmentation. You can also add the graphic device. Brandmark and layout rules of the graphic device apply as usual, and can be placed as shown. 80

Print Samples

Lorem Ipsum consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum id tortor ut metus aliquet hendrerit quis vitae odio. Vestibulum aliquam, leo in posuere tincidunt, lectus diam

Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum

Lai Lai Brand Guidelines


Sim and Scratch Cards 82

SIM and Scratch Cards

SIM and Scratch Cards

Scratch cards and the SIM card package. Lai Lai Brand Guidelines



SIM and Scratch Cards

SIM Card Pack

Lai Lai sim card pack is a general part of Lai Lai brand. Presented architecture of the package is relativly complex. While making following design, care must be taken that all the graphic elements are placed in exact position. Even smallest mistakes in positioning could cause unpleasent visual outcome. The Idea/Concept Concept of the design is relativly simple. It consists in

following. Beautiful yeang girl, holding balloons, runs across the field. When the package opens the balloons are relased from her hands into the blue sky and thereafter into the hand of a lucky costumer. Fonts Pragmatica Regular/Gn Standart Nusx

Lai Lai Brand Guidelines


Sim Pack Front (Closed)

Sim Pack Back (Closed) 86

SIM and Scratch Cards

Sim Pack Back (Open)

Sim Pack Front (Open)

Sim Card General Rules

For reproduction of Lai Lai SIM Cards please refer to the provided artwork files.

Fonts Pragmatica Medium and Regular/Gn Standart Nusx

Colours Card face: CMYK and Full Magenta (Pantone: Process Magenta) Card back: CMYK Full Magenta (Pantone: Process Magenta)

Note: Exceptionally on the SIM chip itself logotypes are used without the cell (geocell logotype without type) due to technical space and printing restrictions on both sides. For the other applications, the the full colour Brandmark must be used. Please contact your brand manager for further information. Lai Lai Brand Guidelines 87

Card front with grid system


SIM and Scratch Cards

Card back with grid system

Scratch Cards General Rules

For the production of Lai Lai Scratch Cards please notice that general picture must be a view from Kaleidoscope. The graphic device should be from the right side and logotypes - one from upper top and the another from bottomside. Colours Card face: CMYK and Full Magenta (Pantone: Process Magenta)

Card back: CMYK Full Magenta (Pantone: Process Magenta) Fonts Pragmatica Medium and Regular/Gn Standart Nusx, Gn Standart Mtavr

Lai Lai Brand Guidelines


Card Front With Grid System


SIM and Scratch Cards

Card Back With Grid System

Using Kaleidoscopic Image

For the future reproduction of Lai Lai Scratch Cards please refer to the same principle. The example below shows that effected image must contain any kind of objects which should be visually clear, (such as hands, watches) and 40% of rich purple colour.

Software To create this kind of image you need to use software named “image tricks” or “adobe photoshop” (with kaleidoscope plugin) or any kind of program which has the same possibilities.

Lai Lai Brand Guidelines


Image Before


SIM and Scratch Cards

Image after kaleidoscopic effect

Scratch Cards Scratch card variations

These examples are ready versions of Lai Lai scratch cards. Lai Lai Brand Guidelines


Card front for amount 5 lari

Card front for amount 10 lari

Card front for amount 20 lari

Card back for amount 5 lari

Card back for amount 10 lari

Card back for amount 20 lari


SIM and Scratch Cards


For further brand guidance or information, please contact: Geocell Gotua Street #3, Tbilisi, 0160, Georgia Tel: +995 32 770100 Fax: +995 32 770129 email:

Lai Lai Brand Guidelines


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