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Easter art and crafts
Easter arts and crafts
Our group decided to show you some of our favourite arts and crafts ideas for Easter to keep you busy during the Easter break. By Katie, Claudia, Maebh and Maria
Friendship Bracelets
Popsicle Stick Chicks
You can make this bracelet using some string and the template above to help you show which ways to) thread the string through each other. - You can use any string of your choice As shown in the template you need to inter twine the string
What you will need is
Popsicle sticks Yellow paint Orange paper, yellow paper Eyes (which are optional you can draw them if you like) Glue
Step one: Paint your popsicle sticks yellow and then let them dry (use hair dryer if you want them to dry quicker) Step two: Glue your popsicle sticks side by side like shown in the picture above Step 3: Draw or stick on your eyes to the front of the popsicle sticks
Step four: Cut out some feet you’re your chick with orange paper, then cut out some arms and a beak
Step five: Stick the arms, legs and beak to the back of your chick!
Here is one we made
All you need is a 15 x 15cm piece of paper then follow these easy steps and you have a small paper bunny!
Step 1 : fold twice diagonally Step 2 : turn over and fold once more Step 3 : flatten like in picture three Step 4 : fold two tips upwards Step 5 : then fold the to flaps inwards Step 6 : rotate and push tips into pockets Step 7 : push and wiggle them in place Step 8 : do the other side Step 9 : flatten well Step 10 : turn over and fold down centre Step 11 : do both sides like shown in the picture Step 12 : then fold the bottom up Step 13 : gather top and bottom Step 14 : blow air into the small hole at the bottom Step 15 : your bunny is complete ����
Origami Bookmark
What you will need:
Origami paper (or regular paper cut into a square) – pastels colours work great for Easter Googly eyes White paper Black marker Scissors Glue
Step 1 Fold the paper diagonally. Then unfold. Step 2. Fold into a triangle. Grab hold of the top of the triangle and fold it to the bottom.
Step 3. Fold the left and right corner towards the bottom centre of the triangle, crease and unfold.
Step 4. Again, grab the corner this time folding it towards the top of the triangle. Crease well. Do the same on the other side
Step 5. Now tuck both tops into the pocket, you now have your corner bookmark! Step 6. Cut bunny ears, teeth and ode out of paper and glue them to the bookmark. Also add 2 googly eyes. Step 7. And now your bookmark is complete!