2 minute read
Interview with Ms Guinan
Interview with Ms Guinan Our Year Head
By Isobelle, Ella and Brooke.
We would like to thank Ms Guinan for taking the time to answer our questions and give us a little insight into her life in Manor House.
Q1. How long have you been teaching at Manor House?
This is a scary question! The years have flown by and I find it hard to believe I have been teaching so long but, since you asked, 26 years! (Yes, I really am that old!)
Q2. How long have you been a year head?
Nearly 20 years. I was Year Head to my first group from they were in 1st year until they graduated. The next group I picked up in TY and was Year Head for 3 years. When they left, I got my third group and had them once again from 1st to 6th. The fourth group I was Year Head to was from TY to 6th . So that makes the current 2nd years my fifth group of students! So, they should know I have heard all the excuses before! Be warned! (Not that any 2nd year would dream of making up a story!)
Q3. Which subjects do you think is easier to teach at home?
Don’t really know! There are advantages and disadvantages to teaching all subjects.
Q4. How are you finding online teaching?
It is certainly easier this time around, but it is much harder than teaching in school. One of the hardest things is not seeing my students. I miss the interactions and the energy and dynamic of the classroom. It is so hard talking to a screen and not getting any feedback.
Q5. What do you do to keep yourself occupied other than schoolwork?
When the weather is nice I like to go to the beach or to the park for a walk. I work in my garden sometimes. I like following different series on Net flicks. My main hobby however is history and genealogy, and I often help other people research their family trees. I also love reading my favourite authors and re-reading my favourite books.
Q6. Do you rather be working in school or at home teaching?
Definitely in school.
Q7. Are you giving your students the same amount of work as you would in the classroom?
I try and keep it the same, but it is harder to cover material online, so we are probably getting less done.
Q8. Do you have any advice for 2nd years?
It is actually very simple... Treat others as you would like to be treated.
Sometimes an easy thing to do but sometimes a challenge! But even if you think someone is being mean remember they might be having a difficult time outside of school and be nice to them... It will make their day better and, in the end, it will make your life easier.