Interview with Ms Guinan Our Year Head By Isobelle, Ella and Brooke.
We would like to thank Ms Guinan for taking the time to answer our questions and give us a little insight into her life in Manor House.
Q1. How long have you been teaching at Manor House? This is a scary question! The years have flown by and I find it hard to believe I have been teaching so long but, since you asked, 26 years! (Yes, I really am that old!)
Q2. How long have you been a year head? Nearly 20 years. I was Year Head to my first group from they were in 1st year until they graduated. The next group I picked up in TY and was Year Head for 3 years. When they left, I got my third group and had them once again from 1st to 6th. The fourth group I was Year Head to was from TY to 6th. So that makes the current 2nd years my fifth group of students! So, they should know I have heard all the excuses before! Be warned! (Not that any 2nd year would dream of making up a story!)
Q3. Which subjects do you think is easier to teach at home? Don’t really know! There are advantages and disadvantages to teaching all subjects.