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Manuel Aires Mateus (Lisbon, 1963), graduated from the Lisbon Faculty of Architecture (in 1986) and founded the Aires Mateus studio in 1988.

In the area of teaching, have collaborated with various universities since 1986, such as the Harvard Graduate School of Design, Cornell University College of Architecture, Art and Planning, the Oslo School of Architecture, the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Ljubljana and the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Navarra, in Pamplona, and have been teaching at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa since 1998 and at the Mendrísio Academy of Architecture since 2001.

Over time, the Aires Mateus studio has received multiple awards, both domestic and international, the most prominent ones being the AIT Award (2012, 2020), the Valmor Award (2002, 2002, 2018), the Secil Award (2020), the FAD Awards (2001, 2008, 2010), the School Prize (2019), the ENOR Prize (2006), those of the Ibero-American Design Biennial (2001, 2012, 2019), their nomination for the Mies Van Der Rohe Awards (2007, 2013) and in 2017, the Pessoa Prize, was awarded to Manuel Aires Mateus.


With the passing of time I have come to defend that architecture works primarily on the formulation of a question. In this sense, to work with a degree of freedom without knowing where the finish line is (although freedom at the starting line is guaranteed) can be assumed as profound research over the mastering of space, matter and its limits. The posed question -in the case of architecture– reveals itself in the first instance as generic and later becomes specific.

Within the classic Western culture inherited by us, there is a specific relationship established with knowledge, based precisely on the idea of exploring the question itself. This way, philosophical and scientific research allowed (and still allows) access to knowledge. Here, in the formulation of the question, I find special riches in the work of architects Ricardo Carvalho. His way of operating consists of developing the question without generating an impasse or a commitment with a determined way of doing architecture, a repeated method of formalization. I find it interesting that the architects can escape the logic of a specific way of doing, present from the beginning, expected from the very start. I find such a possibility in the work of this architect.

When I look at the projects of Ricardo Carvalho I have the impression that in each case, each opportunity, each place, program and in each theme of architecture, exists the attempt of individualizing it. I like to think that architectural projects are born out of needs and that they find their substance and possibility for improvement in the generality of its limitations. I also like to think that physical limits and the limits of a situation – that is to say the limits of a determined reality – are defined as the proper generic question of architecture. The situations we act upon, can be standardized, but the conditions are always unique. This allows for some architects to customize their discourse, making it singular. Shortly after comes the transformation in which the architecture inevitably develops.

Architecture is present in all manifestations of mankind and is assumed as an intrinsic condition. It is hard to picture music without architecture, it is not possible to hang a painting on a wall without architecture, or placing a sculpture on the pavement withoutarchitecture. Today, the natural environment is artificially maintained in many places of Europe. Architecture is traditionally perceived as a reality, as a series of facts. The perception that we architects have of this reality includesthepoetical work implicit in the act of making of architecture. But there are other realities and other perceptions of the people who will inhabit and use said spaces. Whatarchitects plan and build is not only reality but a way of perceiving that reality. Sometimes we do not stop to think of the building –we don’t think of it as architecture– because it is assumed almost as natural. Time, tradition, the collective action of mankind, habits, they all trace architectures of large scope. That is why we have the impression that design was not involved. The strength of the idea of a collective action resides in the fact of being collective in its perception too. And when a perception about architecture is collective the notion of heritage and culture is generated. This will be then be the highest goal architecture can achieve.

The true quality of architectural authorship seems to be the capacity to draw conditions for the perception of those who will live in it. Each work of architecture seems to have two authors. The one who manipulates the condition of the project and the author that manipulates its perception. In other words, the one who makes it and the one who inhabits it.

Even though I defend that architects can work simultaneously with different types of projects with those aimed at paving a way and with those dedicated to continuity (where ideas are tuned and solutions verified), I prefer to think that all projects are somewhat creational; they are built up from doubt, disarray and a quest.


Lisbon, Portugal

In a building of the early twentieth century Lisbon urban fabric, the only space of contact with the gardens inside the block was closed and unused. It was necessary to rebuild. The result is a new room.

The cubic space takes advantage of the natural light and the views of the inner urban landscape. A large window opens outwards. A small window opens into the interior. One of the windows reveals the sequence of private gardns inside the block. A table makes this room a gathering place.

Num edifício do início do século XX, o único espaço de contacto com os jardins do interior do quarteirão estava fechado e sem uso. Foi necessário construir de novo. O resultado é uma nova sala.

O novo espaço cúbico tira partido da luz natural e das vistas para a paisagem urbana. Uma grande janela projecta- se para o exterior. Uma pequena janela projecta-se para o interior. Uma das janelas revela a cidade, a rua e os seus edifícios; a outra, mais pequena, revela uma sequência de jardins privados no interior do quarteirão. Uma mesa torna esta sala um lugar de encontro.


Lisbon, Portugal

The building is part of the Boavista landfill in Lisbon, an infrastructural operation from the 19th century. The resulting industrial architecture is an architecture of pragmatism. The Ribeira 11 building had several uses throughout the 20th century linked to industry and services. It is an eclectic building, composed of distinct parts and its main feature is the proportion of a narrow and long piece, in the urban morphology of the embankment. The project preserved and reinforced this feature.

The project consists of adapting, transforming and expanding the building to 36 housing units. The original building has been preserved in its concrete structure and exterior expression. The new piece that fits this is a white, serial and light-weight steel structure. This solution allows a unitary expression and flexibility of the model and interior typological variation.

An inner courtyard has been introduced. It is a new interior space that characterizes the circulations with natural light and vegetation. The roof is made of solid brick so that it can be apprehended from the hills of Lisbon as a roof in continuity with the others. The Ribeira 11 project can be described as a palimpsest.

O edifício insere-se no aterro da Boavista em Lisboa, uma operação infraestrutural do século XIX. A arquitectura industrial que daí resultou é uma arquitectura do pragmatismo. O edifício da Ribeira 11 teve ao longo do século XX vários usos ligados à indústria e aos serviços. Trata-se de um edifício eclético, composto por partes

distintas e a sua principal característica é a sua proporção de peça estreita e longa, na morfologia urbana do aterro. O projecto preservou e reforçou esta característica.

O projecto consiste na adaptação, transformação e ampliação do edifício para 36 unidades de habitação. Este foi preservado na sua estrutura de betão e expressão exterior. A nova peça que neste se encaixa é uma estrutura em aço branco, serial e leve. Esta solução permite uma expressão unitária e uma flexibilidade da modelação e variação tipológica interior.

Foi introduzido um pátio no interior. Trata-se de um novo lugar interior que caracteriza as circulações com luz natural e vegetação. A cobertura é feita em tijolo maciço para que seja apreendida das colinas de Lisboa como uma cobertura em continuidade com as demais. A Ribeira 11 poderá ser descrita como um palimpsesto.



Lisbon, Portugal

The project is located in a residential building built in 1933. It is a current Lisbon building, whose typological matrix was reproduced in several neighborhoods of the city, almost like a prototype.

Its typology is based on a corridor distribution, in which the social spaces traditionally face the street, and one of the rooms is windowless. The ground floors, due to the fact that they have small gardens, were transformed throughout the 20th century so that the living rooms woud have one garden. The apartment we found was already facing the garden, in its social spaces, looking for the southern light, and the trees in the neighboring gardens. However, the light, visual relationships and distribution of domestic spaces seemed not to be working to their evident potential.

The project consisted of a reinvention of what was right, changing the existing reality. The strategy involved adopting the garden as an outdoor room and changing the everyday living room into a dining room. During the process we realized that the ventilation box under the building allowed changing the floor level. It was thus possible to correct the proportions and design a new garden, whose height is at the level of a new window, which is also a bookcase. At the same time, other micro-changes contributed to making this new space the center of the house’s social life.

In a prototype architecture that was characterized by avoiding exceptions, the project of this garden-apartment was precisely to create an exception.

O projecto localiza-se num edifício de habitação construído em 1933. Trata-se de um edifício de rendimento corrente, cuja matriz tipológica foi reproduzida em vários bairros da cidade, quase como um protótipo.

A sua tipologia habitacional assenta numa distribuição em corredor, em que os espaços sociais tradicionalmente se orientam à rua, e um dos quartos é interior. Os pisos térreos, pelo facto de possuírem pequenos jardins, foram sendo transformados, ao longo do século XX, para que as salas se orientassem para o exterior. O apartamento que encontrámos estava já orientado para o jardim, nos seus espaços sociais, à procura da luz de sul, e das árvores dos jardins vizinhos. Contudo, a luz, as relações visuais e a distribuição dos espaços domésticos pareciam não estar a funcionar perante o seu potencial evidente.

O projecto consistiu numa reinvenção daquilo que estava certo, alterando profundamente a realidade existente. A estratégia passou principalmente por assumir o jardim como uma sala exterior da casa e por trocar a sala de estar de todos os dias peça sala de refeições. Durante o processo de trabalho percebemos que a caixa de ar onde o edifício assentava permitia alterar a cota de pavimento da última sala. Foi assim possível corrigir as proporções e desenhar um novo jardim, cuja cota está ao nível de uma nova janela, que é também uma estante. Paralelamente, outras micro-alterações contribuíram para que este novo espaço seja o centro da vida social da casa.

Numa arquitectura-protótipo que se caracterizou por evitar as excepções, o projecto que realizámos foi precisamente criar uma excepção.


Lisbon, Portugal

In the space of a former theater company rehearsal room, which had been a warehouse in a building from the beginning of the 20th century, an artist found her work space. It is a building that takes advantage of the topographical altimetric differences where it is located.

From the street the studio is perceived as a basement, but on the opposite side it has a terrace with a far reaching view over a western section of Lisbon.

The project consists of taking advantage of the potential offered by what already exists, keeping the proportions, the original steeel structure and the brick work. Natural light was corrected by redesigning openings and a new sequence of spaces was created.

From the outside to the inside there is a sequence of an outdoor room, with a ceramic work of art on the floor, an interior reading room that is also a library, the studio with its generous ceiling height and, finally, a mezzanine with an alcove and a pantry bellow. There is a porosity in the sequence of these spaces.

Num espaço de uma antiga sala de ensaios de uma companhia de teatro, que havia sido um armazém de um edifício do início do século XX, uma artista encontrou o seu espaço de trabalho. Trata-se de um edifício que tira partido do desnível topográfico onde se implanta.

Para a rua é lido como uma cave, mas do lado oposto possui um terraço com uma vista de longo alcance sobre um troço ocidental de Lisboa.

O projecto consiste em tirar partido do potencial oferecido pelo que já existe, mantendo as proporções, a estrutura original e os revestimentos de tijolo maciço. A luz natural foi corrigida com o redesenho de vãos e uma nova sequência de espaços foi criada.

De fora para dentro temos uma sala exterior, com uma obra de arte cerâmica no pavimento, uma sala de leitura que é também uma biblioteca, a sala de atelier com o seu pé-direito generoso e, por último, um mezaninoe com uma alcova uma copa sob esta. A sequência destes espaços é fisicamente e visualmente porosa.


Lisbon, Portugal

The project consists of transforming a 19th century building, dating from 1898, into an apartment building. Historically, it is located in an area that was consolidated in the 19th century, in a process of transformation still affected by the post-1755 earthquake context and in particular by the operation of the Boavista Landfill, which began in 1855.

The building underwent several uses and transformations throughout the 20th century, with the intervention that adapted it to a car garage being the most striking from a typological point of view. The proposed intervention maintains few elements of the original building.

The project seeks harmony between the singular case and the urban fabric. The south-facing U-shaped configuration allows for optimized sun exposure and views from all housing units. The proposal is organized around two courtyards. The open courtyard to the north allows the original façade to remain unchanged. The open courtyard to the south serves as an external connection space and an extension of the private space. This urban typology can be found in several examples of early 20th century architecture in Lisbon.

It was necessary to invert the volumetric presence of the urban complex. To the north the complex was expanded, and to the south sections were demolished so that its impact on the city would be more gentle. In this way, its presence in the urban fabric is in continuity with the surroundings, particularly in its visual relationship with the modernist building of the “A Barraca” Theater. Gardens and water tanks were designed on platforms,

seeking a relationship with the gardens and platforms of the Santos Palace, built in the 18th century.

O projecto consiste na transformação de um edifício datado de 1898, num conjunto de habitação colectiva. Historicamente, localiza-se numa área que se consolidou no século XIX, num processo de transformação ainda afetado pelo contexto pós-terramoto de 1755 e em particular pela operação do Aterro da Boavista, que terá sido iniciado em 1855.

O edifício conheceu vários usos e transformações ao longo do século XX, sendo o projecto que o adaptou a garagem automóvel a mais marcante do ponto de vista tipológico. A intervenção proposta mantém apenas alguns elementos do edifício original.

O projecto procura uma harmonia entre o caso singular e o conjunto edificado. A configuração em U orientado a sul, permite uma exposição solar optimizada e vistas em todas as fracções. A proposta organiza-se em torno de dois pátios.

O pátio aberto a norte permite que a fachada original se mantenha inalterada. O pátio aberto a sul possui a valência de espaço de conexão exterior e de prolongamento do espaço privado. Esta tipologia urbana é passível de ser encontrada em vários exemplos da arquitectura do início do século XX em Lisboa.

Foi necessário inverter o sentido volumétrico pré-existente. A norte o conjunto foi ampliado, e a sul foram demolidos troços para que o seu impacto na cidade fosse mais amável. Deste modo a sua presença

no tecido urbano é de continuidade morfológica, em particular na sua relação visual com o edifício moderno do Teatro “A Barraca”. Desenharam-se jardins e tanques em plataformas, que procuram uma relação com os jardins e plataformas do Palácio de Santos, construído no século XVIII, a nascente do Horizon Tejo.


Lisbon, Portugal

This is a project for two blocks of collective housing and public space, part of a municipal affordable rent program, with the capacity to accommodate 132 homes. The territory where the project is located has, in its genesis, a non-dense city matrix, where the street is understood as an element of road circulation. This is a subjective and complex urban fabric, made up of urban actions spread over several decades with little capacity to generate collective meanings, or inducers of quality in public space.

The intervention seeks to attribute an aggregating capacity to the urban landscape. This architecture does not seem to be working exclusively on the problem of a building or a program. It is, unequivocally, about the various ways of constituting and building a city. It is, unequivocally, about the various ways of constituting and building a city.

A building can aspire to belong to a collective urban expression. Both blocks derive from the repetition of architectural elements.These are the result of a dry façade structure, a tile finish, a single type of window opening on the façade and a balcony railing. This decision to resort to repetition seeks to abolish front and back hierarchies, and impart a unitary expressive capacity to the building. The two exceptions to the rule are covered squares, where access to housing is located.

The approach to housing typologies follows the premises of the competition, with regard to the hierarchy between private and common, flexibility and rationalization of internal circulation.

Este é um projecto para dois blocos de habitação colectiva respectivo espaço público, inscrito num programa municipal de renda acessível, com capacidade para acolher 132 fogos. O território onde o projeto se inscreve possui, na sua génese, uma matriz de cidade não densa, onde a rua é entendida como elemento de circulação viária. Este é um tecido urbano subjectivo e complexo, feito de acções urbanísticas dispersas por várias décadas, com fraca capacidade para gerar significados colectivos, ou indutores de qualidade no espaço público.

A intervenção procura atribuir uma capacidade agregadora ao conjunto. Esta arquitectura parece não estar a trabalhar exclusivamente sobre o problema de um edifício ou de um programa. É, inequivocamente, sobre as várias formas de constituir e construir cidade.

Um edifício pode ambicionar pertencer a uma expressão urbana colectiva. Ambos os blocos derivam da repetição de elementos arquitectónicos. Este são uma estrutura de fachada seca, um revestimento a azulejo, um vão-tipo e uma guarda de varanda. Esta decisão de recurso à repetição, procura abolir hierarquias de frente e traseira, e imprimir uma capacidade expressiva unitária ao edifício. As duas excepções são as praças cobertas, onde se localizam os acessos às habitações.

A abordagem às tipologias habitacionais acompanha as premissas do concurso, no que diz respeito à hierarquia entre privado e comum, flexibilidade e racionalização das circulações interiores.


Lisbon, Portugal

The pavilion was designed for the architecture school at the Autónoma University of Lisbon. It is located on the roof of one of the buildings, where there was another pavilion, which was demolished. It is located on a terrace of generous proportions that serves as the school’s outdoor space.

The pavilion consists of a space without specific use, which can be used as an extension of the school cafeteria, as well as hosting various events. The outdoor spaces generated by the pavilion are imagined as places to take a break between classes. Inside, the slope of the roof dominates, punctuated by a skylight. The structure is made of light steel frame and the roof is made of corrugated sheet metal. Its lightness affirms its flexibility.

O pavilhão foi desenhado para a escola de arquitectura da Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa. Localiza-se na cobertura de um dos edifícios, ao nível do primeiro piso, no lugar onde existiu um outro pavilhão, que foi demolido. Implanta-se num terraço de proporções generosas que funciona como o espaço exterior da escola.

O pavilhão consiste num espaço sem uso determinado, que pode ser utilizado como extensão da cafeteria, bem como albergar eventos variados. Os espaços exteriores gerados pelo pavilhão imaginam-se como lugares para uma pausa entre aulas. No interior domina a inclinação da cobertura, pontuada por uma clarabóia. A estrutura é em aço leve revestido e a cobertura em chapa ondulada. A sua leveza afirma a sua flexibilidade.


Budens, Portugal

This house is an adaptation of an early 20th century warehouse into a new domestic space. A visit to the village of Budens clarified an intuition. The building is one of the few examples of industrial architecture in the western Algarve. The interior could not be preserved due to its state of disrepair, so the new house takes advantage of the existing openings and is designed around three patios. All the spaces have a relationship with two light fronts.

All the spaces have undetermined uses. The variation in ceiling heights is due to two alcoves that are installed on mezzanines and that allow for total fluidity on the ground floor. Outside, the warehouse continues to assert its urban presence.

Esta casa é uma obra de adaptação de um armazém do início do século XX a um novo espaço doméstico. Uma visita à aldeia de Budens esclareceu uma intuição. O edifício é um dos poucos exemplos de uma Arquitectura industrial neste contexto do Barlavento algarvio. Não foi possível preservar o interior, devido ao seu estado de degradação, e por isso a nova casa tira partido dos vãos existentes e desenha-se a partir de três pátios. Todos os espaços possuem uma relação com duas frentes de luz.

Todos os espaços possuem usos indeterminados. A variação de pésdireitos deve-se a duas alcovas que se instalam em mezaninos e que permitem a fluidez total do piso térreo. No exterior o armazém continua a afirmar a sua presença urbana.


Grandola, Portugal

What predominates on the seven hectares of this property is a dense plot of pine trees, punctuated by some cork oaks. The sandy soil and the height of the trees give this territory a homogeneous strength, where the variation in light and seasons constitute the main relationship with time. The remains of buildings, which still exist, must be demolished to make way for another way of inhabiting the territory.

The project consists of preserving this natural system, implementing a new artificial system without cutting down trees. The location of the house chooses a place with few trees and a strong relationship with the western light and the horizon. The atomization of construction seemed to be the only way to transform the landscape. The project consists of a hortos conclusus with two courtyardsone circular and one quadrangular.

These two patios organize the program, between living room areas and bedroom areas. The system can be totally open or totally closed, creating an ambiguity between inside and outside. It is imagined that vegetation could invade these patios. What doesn’t seem to change is the relationship with the sky drawn by a circle and a square.

O que predomina nos sete hectares desta propriedade é uma trama densa de pinheiros, pontuada por alguns sobreiros. A areia do solo e a altura das árvores conferem a este território uma força homogénea, onde a variação da luz e das estações do ano constituem a principal relação com o tempo. Os vestígios de

construções, que ainda existem, deverão ser demolidos para dar lugar a outra forma de habitar o território.

O projecto consiste na preservação deste sistema natural, implantando um novo sistema artificial sem derrubar árvores. A implantação da casa elege um lugar com poucas árvores e com uma relação forte com a luz poente e com o horizonte. A atomização da construção parecia ser o único modo de transformar a paisagem. O projecto consiste num hortos conclusus com dois pátios - um circular e um quadrangular.

Estes dois pátios organizam o programa, entre zonas de sala e zona de quartos. O sistema pode ser totalmente aberto ou totalmente fechado, gerando uma ambiguidade entre dentro e fora. Imagina-se que a vegetação possa invadir estes pátios. O que parece não mudar é a relação com o céu, desenhada por um círculo e um quadrado.



project: 2015 - 2016 location: Lisbon, Portugal

team: Ricardo Carvalho and Nuno Gaspar gross built area: 11 m2 images: © Nuno Goucha Gaspar

RIBEIRA 11 APARTMENT BUILDING cover project project co-authored with Joana Vilhena project: 2014 - 2019

location: Lisbon, Portugal

team: Ricardo Carvalho, Joana Vilhena, José Roque, Nuno Gaspar and Hugo Falcão de Lima gross built area: 5635 m2

images: © FG+SG/Fernando Guerra and © Nuno Goucha Gaspar


project: 2019 - 2020 location: Lisbon, Portugal

team: Ricardo Carvalho and José Roque gross built area: 132 m2 images: © Nuno Goucha Gaspar

BS ARTIST STUDIO project: 2020 - 2023

location: Lisbon, Portugal

team: Ricardo Carvalho and José Roque gross built area: 120 m2 images: © Francisco Nogueira


location: Lisbon, Portugal

team: Ricardo Carvalho José Roque, Nuno Gaspar and Catarina Pinho gross built area: 2950 m2 images: © Nuno Goucha Gaspar renders: © Eleven Visualization


project: 2020 - 2025

location: Lisbon, Portugal

team: Ricardo Carvalho, Nuno Gaspar, José Roque and Catarina Pinho built area: 24300 m2 intervention area: 19000 m2 images: © Nuno Goucha Gaspar


project: 2023 - 2025

location: Lisbon, Portugal

team: Ricardo Carvalho, Nuno Gaspar, Catarina Pinho and Pietro Groppi

gross built area: 143 m2

images: © Nuno Goucha Gaspar

NP.PA HOUSE project: 2022 - under construction location: Budens, Portugal

team: Ricardo Carvalho, Nuno Gaspar, Catarina Pinho and Pietro Groppi renders: © Cristiana Fiuza


project: 2022 - under construction location: Grândola, Portugal team: Ricardo Carvalho, Nuno Gaspar, Catarina Pinho and Pietro Groppi renders: © Cristiana Fuiza


Ricardo Carvalho Arquitectos & Associados studio was created in 2018 and is based in Lisbon. Ricardo Carvalho, its founder, has a degree in Architecture (FA UTL 1995) and a PhD in Architecture from the Instituto Superior Técnico of the University of Lisbon (IST 2012). He is a professor at the Department of Architecture at Autónoma University of Lisbon, Da/UAL, and its current dean. He was a visiting professor at several institutions such as BTU Cottbus, Germany, UNAV University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, Carleton University, Canada, IUAV Venice, Italy and Escola da Cidade, S. Paulo, Brazil. He was invited to conferences and academic critiques at various schools and institutions, such as the Academy of Architecture of Mendrisio, the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich, the EPFL Lausanne, the Polytechnic of Milan, the School of Architecture Saint-Lucas, Ghent, Piran Days of Architecture, the Faculty of Architecture of Ljubljana, the National Museum of Brasília, TUT Tallinn, among others.

He has published several books such as “The Social City/ A Cidade Social” (Tinta da China 2016), “Work Situation Process” (A+A 2021) and “Architecture Public City/ Arquitectura Público Cidade” (Tinta da China 2024). His work has been shown at the RIBA Royal Institute of British Architects, London; LIGA, Mexico City; Ozone galery, Tokyo, MAAT museum, Lisbon and the Venice Architecture Biennale, among others. He was nominated for the EU Mies van der Rohe Architecture Prize in 2015 and 2022 and for the Swiss Architectural Prize in 2020. He was awarded the 2022 AICA Architecture Prize.


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