Automechanika Frankfurt
Frankfurt Exhibition Grounds
10 – 14 September 2024
The Venetian Expo & Caesars Forum, Las Vegas, NV
5 – 7 November 2024 www.aapexshow.com
Las Vegas Convention Center Las Vegas, NV
5 – 8 November 2024 www.semashow.com
Automechanika Shanghai
National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) China
2 – 5 December 2024
PRI Show
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
12 – 4 December 2024 www.performanceracing.com
Eurotech Autohaus
24 Radius Loop
Repco Authorised Service Blair Athol (Y. C Auto) 2 Glenview Avenue
P: 1800 592 228 E: workshop@etah.com.au
Fast Stuff
25 Spray Avenue
P: 03 9580 3278 E: avo@faststuff.net.au
GJ Drivelines
2/189 Cheltenham Road
P: 03 9706 3166 E: gjdrivelines@live.com.au
HD Automotive Pty Ltd
8/29 Collinsvale Street
P: 0413 286 254
E: hayden@hdautomotive.com.au
MPI Automotive
16 - 18 Belgravia Street
P: 1300 310 330 E: edward@mpiautomotive.com
Natrad Esperance
73 Norseman Road
P: 08 9071 4440 E: natradesp@gmail.com
Newstar Service Centre
214 Newnham Road
P: 07 3349 7838 E: admin@newstar.net.au
Northern EFI & Mechanical
1 Crissane Road
P: 03 9458 3133 E: northernefi@hotmail.com
Purely Porsha
124 Erindale Road
P: 08 6182 1911
E: service@purelyporscha.com.au
Repco Authorised Serivce Wingham (Leighs Tyres & Mechanical)
3, 1325 Gloucester Road
P: 02 6551 0265 E: leighstyres@outlook.com
P: 0422 349 287 E: yc.auto@hotmail.com
Repco Authorised Service Epping (RT Automotive Aus)
18/53 Jutland Way
P: 0474 778 180
E: info@rtautomotive.com.au
Repco Authorised Service Hackham (D & C Fuel Injection) 16 Gates Road
P: 08 7288 3488
E: dcfuelinjection@bigpond.com
Repco Authorised Service Paget (Carbyne Automotive) 4 Ginger Street
P: 07 4952 1195
E: workshop@carbyneautomotive.com.au
Rockingham Auto Repairs 653 Safety Bay Road
P: 0417 994 947
E: info@rockinghamautorepairs.com.au
Shingleback Off Road
PO Box 475
P: 0491 664 811
E: accounts@shinglebackoffroad.com.au
Ultra Tune Morningside 774 Wynnum Road MORNINGSIDE QLD 4170
P: 07 3217 9853
VPW Australia 122-128 Cooper Street
P: 03 8405 9200 E: jake@vpw.com.au
Mark Pedder (VIC)
It is an exciting time in the Australian automotive aftermarket, with our recent State of the Industry update revealing strong growth in the last three years, and more to come
Recently I have been proud to present the AAAA’s latest State of the Industry update – created with our market research partners Fifth Quadrant – to our members across the country.
Currently there are just under 20 million vehicles (19.7m) in the Australian car parc with an average annual spend of 10 billion dollars on service and repair, with a split of 70 percent consumer vehicles and 30 percent fleet vehicles.
This is a healthy number, and we are also seeing a growth in the number of services with forecasts indicating a 20 percent increase in the number of individual service and repairs undertaken each year by 2030.
What I am also very pleased to report to you is that despite all the tactics of the car industry and dealerships, we are seeing a big swing in market share away from dealerships towards the aftermarket.
In fact, we have seen a 10 percent swing to the aftermarket in terms of the number of consumer services and repairs (60 percent market share) and a five percent swing in revenue (57 percent market share) over the last 3 years.
To put this in perspective, six years ago in 2018 our market share had dipped to 48 percent, so this is a very positive shift for us indeed.
When it comes to the reasons why this swing is happening, the research indicates that relationships and consumer trust play a large part in why more car owners are choosing aftermarket repairers, alongside convenience and competitive pricing.
Dealerships meanwhile find their top drivers coming from familiarity with the car and technical expertise, but when it comes to trust, we are striding ahead – in fact, 71 percent of consumers surveyed said they trust their local mechanic, versus 54 percent for dealerships.
And the move to the aftermarket is even more pronounced when we look at the fleet market.
This segment is worth $3 billion each year, and since 2021 we have seen our market share grow a massive 23 percent to see us now holding the dominant share of 55 percent, while dealerships have lost 21 percent share.
With fleet vehicles tending to be younger in age this change certainly debunks the myth that the aftermarket only services older out of warranty vehicles.
Another important factor to mention is the data around average spend per service/repair. While on the consumer side, cost of living and other economic pressures have seen the average
cost of each service and repair drop from $280 in 2021 to $250 in 2024, in the fleet segment, we are not seeing a similar trend.
Instead, the average fleet spend per service or repair is $800. This can be attributed to the increased number of kilometres these cars travel and consciousness of/requirements for workplace health and safety, which means delaying services/ repairs is less likely while preventative works are more likely.
It is also important to note it isn’t just the big national groups like mycar and Ultratune – which have the advantage of larger footprints than any dealer network – reaping the rewards here; we are also seeing smaller independent groups and individual workshops doing a lot more fleet work, which is a real positive for our industry.
The number of workshops is also growing, with the figures flying in the face of predictions which forecast consolidation and reduced workshop numbers.
In the last five years we have seen the number of workshops increase by 3,500 to 27,700, representing a growth rate of 12 percent.
It is also important to note that the number of ‘employing’ workshops is also on the rise, and we are seeing the size of existing workshops growing as well.
Of course, there is a downside to all this great news – with industry growth comes the need for more qualified technicians and apprentices, where we already have a critical shortage.
In fact, the research forecasts demand for 79,000 skilled mechanics by 2030, while we are currently short nearly 28,000 technicians, or one technician for every workshop. And we are also seeing a shortage of apprentices, with around 14,000 vacancies currently.
If we keep on going the way we are, we expect of those 79,000 roles, 32,000 will be unfilled – so there really is no doubt the industry needs to work together on solutions.
We want to see government encouraging or subsidising apprentices and providing free apprenticeships, and we want to see our industry’s employers embracing and taking on apprentices and doing more to attract young talent to our industry.
We know the number of required services and repairs is going to grow by 20 percent by the end of the decade and we already have more work that we can handle, so we must do all we can to fill the gaps now.
While skilled migration has been one method
for filling vacancies, and we have seen a large ‘bounce back’ of migration following COVID, there is political pressure building for the Government to make cuts in the overall number of migrants due to housing shortages, so we can’t rely on this as a single solution for what is a wide-ranging problem. On the subject of skilled migration, I want to assure you the AAAA is doing all we can to ensure that automotive trades remain a priority sector during the review of the Government’s priority skills list which is currently underway. We are also working hard to combat misconceptions about growing EV numbers equalling a decreased need for repairs and maintenance.
While we must be cognisant of the challenges facing us, the overall growth for our industry is very pleasing. I for one am certainly thrilled to see the Australian automotive aftermarket thriving and I am very excited for the future.
This is just a snapshot of some of the data we have been proud to present recently, and we will be releasing the data in full to AAAA members in the coming weeks.
If you would like an advance copy, please contact the AAAA office on info@aaaa.com.au
Stuart Charity Chief Executive Officer
2024 marks 50 years since a group of Golden Fleece service station owners, a group of people with a common purpose, set up their own cooperative
David Fraser Group CEO, Capricorn Society Ltd
They were very humble beginnings – on several occasions Capricorn almost didn’t make it – and as visionary as our founding fathers were, I am not sure they would ever have expected Capricorn to become what it has.
I do think they would be immensely proud of the success Capricorn has enjoyed over the past half a century, and particularly during the last 20 to 30 years where we have built some scale and grown in leaps and bounds.
We think ‘50 Years Strong’ is a milestone worth marking, so throughout the first half of this new financial year, we will be celebrating with Members, Suppliers and the wider Capricorn community.
Our Gala Dinners and Expo this year will nod to this anniversary and I am looking forward to seeing what stories and memorabilia Members share through our memories competition.
Capricorn’s strength, I believe, is that it has never lost sight of its vision and purpose.
Our core mission is still providing value for Members – helping you build a better, stronger and more efficient business. Which means Capricorn must not stand still.
If we want to be here for another 50 years (and we plan to be) we need to have one eye on tackling the challenges of the future, like the transition to EVs.
The journey ahead may not be easy, but the strength and perseverance Capricorn has shown over the last 50 years shows we’ve got the grit and vision needed to continue to be an important partner to you and your business for many years to come.
So, we hope you will celebrate 50 Years Strong along with us.
David Fraser, Group CEO – Capricorn Society Ltd
For more on Capricorn Society membership, visit www.capricorn.coop
The great relationship between the AAAA and Capricorn is delivering for the Australian automotive aftermarket industry
If the best relationships are those where the partners are equal, complement each other, and have a shared goal, then the relationship between the Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association (AAAA) and Capricorn is a strong one.
This year, as Capricorn celebrates its fiftieth anniversary, they have been reflecting on the long and happy collaboration between the two organisations, and all that has been achieved together.
AAAA Chief Executive Officer, Stuart Charity, said the strong bond between the two organisations was primarily driven by two men, longtime former Capricorn General Manager, Frank O’Connor, and current Chief Executive, David Fraser.
“AAAA was formed in 1980 and Frank joined our Board in 1991. He was on the Board for 10 years, including holding the positions of Vice-President and President. He was President until shortly before he retired. He’s a real character and an amazing guy,” Stuart said.
“I joined AAAA in February 2006 and it became abundantly clear very quickly that the AAAA and Capricorn had an established relationship and a very rich history. We’ve worked very closely on a whole range of industry initiatives.
“The relationship only strengthened when David Fraser, who had been on our board when he was with Coventrys, came back to the industry as Capricorn’s Automotive General Manager about a year after I started.
“The first thing he did was contact me and indicate that he was keen to run again for the Board, and he was elected. David was on our Board for 16 years in all and also ended up being elected Vice-President and President.”
Stuart believes there are two key reasons why the relationship between the AAAA and Capricorn is so close: both were formed to deliver value back to the industry, and the two organisations complement each other, rather than compete.
“Capricorn is happy to leave the lobbying to us and we don’t delve into the Preferred Supplier arrangements and insurance and all those services Capricorn offers,” Stuart said.
“But, at heart, both of our organisations are here to serve the interests of the industry and to ensure the prosperity and growth of the industry.
“Together, we are a powerful voice for the industry – and even governments sit up and take notice. The prime example of this is the Choice of Repairer campaign, which launched in 2010 and led to Australia’s Right to Repair Laws, which were legislated in 2022.”
David Fraser said Right to Repair was a prime example of the two organisations championing change and resolving the issues faced by the industry. But there are plenty of other examples.
“In the dark days of COVID we worked closely together to get the government to recognise that they needed to keep our industry open,” David said.
“And we go to and speak at each other’s events, share each other’s messages with our Members, and piggyback off whatever the other is doing.”
Reflecting on his time on the AAAA board, David said one of his proudest achievements was being a part of the decision to bring the organisation of the Aftermarket Expo back in-house.
“Although it is only held every second year, that is essentially what funds the organisation and covers its costs over a 24-month period,” David said. “It was a decision that continues to keep the AAAA, and its voice, strong.”
David is retiring as Capricorn Chief Executive Officer at the end of this year, after a long and successful career in the automotive aftermarket, but the collaboration between the AAAA and Capricorn will continue long into the future.
Stuart said the organisations are working together to tackle the transition to EVs and more complicated vehicles, and the skills shortage that is impacting the industry.
“We need to upskill our current technicians and to ensure we are an industry of choice for younger people, so that is an area where we are collaborating extensively,” Stuart said.
There’s still work to do, but the AAAA and Capricorn say they don’t just have each other’s backs, they’ve got our industry’s back, too.
You can meet the Members, Preferred Suppliers and Capricorn Team who make up the Capricorn community at cap.coop/50
For more information, visit www.capricorn.coop and www.aaaa.com.au
How government licensing regimes can impact your business
There is no doubt that in the right settings and for the right sectors, a licensing system provides consumers with increased confidence, and it increases the reputation and professional standing of the trade.
It certainly can feel unfair and even a little insulting that anyone can just “hang out a shingle” and offer services in our sector. Licensing becomes a legitimate barrier to entry, ensuring that businesses are fully qualified to deliver services. But licensing comes with increased compliance costs, and we see that in some jurisdictions, the licensing requirements reproduce and multiply to an alarming level that can become detrimental and sometimes nonsensical.
We often hear that electricians need to be licensed, so why not automotive technicians. We need to be careful what we wish for here, because licensing regimes can come with additional compliance costs, preconditions including mandatory training, random audits and enforcement regimes. More importantly, wherever we see a government unit responsible for implementing a licencing scheme, we often see the licence conditions multiplying, becoming more and more complex and increasing the compliance burden – and in many cases, we don’t see much enforcement. Our view is that a good scheme rewards the professional players and penalises the bad ones. But we don’t see much of that – instead we see an ever-increasing regulatory burden on the good players and no action against the unlicensed. While it can be debated where the line can be drawn, the NSW Government has recently proposed what could be a new gold standard in what not to do.
The recent proposal set out by the NSW Government proposes the introduction of new repairer classes including proscriptive EV classes and Heavy and Light Vehicle classes that will fragment our workforce into smaller and smaller segments.
What would this mean if these proposals were accepted? It would lead to a fragmentation of our labour force. Effectively, a light vehicle technician will no longer be able to perform any work on a heavy vehicle and without substantial mandatory training, this tech cannot work on a hybrid either.
As you would expect, in AAAA’s submission we oppose these new mandatory repair classes because it fragments our labour force and prevents our ability to adapt to new technology as and when it arrives in the market.
Interestingly, it also opens the door for our industry to ask the important question: what benefit does a licensing regime provide in 2024?
Across Australia states and territories have different requirements for automotive licensing, some place the onus on the premises, others place it on the individual technician, and NSW does both, but there are no noticeable differences in consumer satisfaction, and their options for remedy.
We already have national laws that mandate businesses can not claim to offer services that they are not qualified to deliver, and we have consumer protection and consumer guarantee laws that require remedies and refunds if work is not performed to the required standard.
Notwithstanding the proposal from NSW, it is important to note that many do see licensing as a tool to weed out unqualified technicians or bad actors and we might even agree if it was enforced.
A good licensing scheme needs to be just, and provide a value add to those who are buying into the scheme. Unfortunately, we don’t see this principle in action.
An interesting example from Victoria is the licensing of automotive engineers. It was a licence that was originally proposed for the building industry after a spate of incidents that highlighted market failure, however this was then extended to all engineers.
Two years into the scheme we are getting multiple reports that demonstrate that automotive engineer licence holders are seeing no value add. In fact, this lack of benefit and compliance burden on industry was so evident that the South Australian Government removed automotive engineers from their engineer licensing scheme in late 2023.
Lesley Yates, AAAA Director of Government Relations and Advocacy info@aaaa.com.au
Our industry has consistently demonstrated our capability to adapt to technological changes without the need for government licensing. From the introduction of Electronic Fuel Injection to Electronic Stability Control, our workshops have evolved with each new technological challenge, investing in tools, equipment, and training to meet safety and consumer standards.
This move by the NSW government isn’t the first, and we are sure that it won’t be the last move from a government department that wants to appear to be responding to and supporting the transition to EVs. It is a popular topic within government, but we need a policy response that is well informed and technically based.
EVs are complex and present a safety risk. So do petrol and diesel vehicles. EVs need specialist skills – true, but how far do we travel down the path of excluding technicians from working on vehicle classes and specific technologies. Heavy vehicles, light vehicles, ADAS equipped, EV, Hybrid, Plugin Hybrid, Hydrogen, Synthetic fuels – how far do we want to go?
It is our job as the representative industry association to ask more from governments when licensing proposals are put forward, and to ensure licensing options clearly articulate the benefits and justify the regulatory and cost burden.
But importantly we also have an interesting challenge as an industry – do we collectively support licensing individual automotive trades as the best way to ensure consumer protection? And if a complex and costly licensing regime does not deliver consumer benefit, what alternatives do we offer as an industry to provide car owners with the confidence that the work will be performed by appropriately qualified technicians in a manner that respects the consumer’s statutory rights?
If we want to constructively influence our future licensing destiny, we may need to address that one important question.
If you would like to offer your thoughts on this subject, please email advocacy@aaaa.com.au
The company says the name change represents a underscored commitment to the automotive aftermarket industry
GUD, a leading name in the Australian automotive aftermarket industry, has announced a significant step forward as it rebrands to Amotiv.
“This pivotal change signifies the company’s dedication to the automotive sector, highlighting its commitment to innovation and quality. The rebranding to Amotiv represents a renewed focus on the automotive aftermarket industry,” read a statement released by Amotiv.
Amotiv Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Graeme Whickham, said the name –pronounced ‘Amo-tiv’ – reflects the company’s drive for automotive excellence and innovation
“Our new name, Amotiv, signifies our unwavering commitment to the automotive sector and our determination to lead in industry innovation,” Graeme said in the statement.
“We aim to be at the forefront of the automotive aftermarket, providing top-tier products and services to our customers. From our early days over 85 years ago of manufacturing chemicals and filters, we have expanded and diversified through strategic acquisitions and continuous innovation.”
Amotiv Limited (formerly GUD Holdings Limited) boasts more than 1,900 team members, 40 global locations, 16 manufacturing sites, and three divisions, offering in excess of 50 market-leading brands. Its stable of global automotive aftermarket includes Ryco, Narva, Projecta, Hayman Reese, Wesfil, DBA, Australian Clutch Services, Cruisemaster, Goss, Injectronics, ECB, Milford, Rola, Permaseal, Infinitev, and more.
To better serve its customers, Amotiv has introduced a new divisional structure, aligning its businesses into three focused divisions: Lighting, Power and Electrical; 4WD Accessories and Trailering; and Powertrain and Undercar.
“Our new divisional structure enhances our ability to deliver specialised products and services, driving efficiency and innovation across all sectors. This alignment supports our growth ambitions and helps us better meet the needs of our customers,” Graeme said.
“This rebranding is not just a change of name; it is an evolution towards embracing our true identity and aspirations. Amotiv perfectly aligns with our vision and the legacy we are building.
“Amotiv extends its thanks to its dedicated team, partners, and stakeholders for their ongoing support. Together, Amotiv is driving towards a future filled with innovation, growth, and automotive excellence.”
Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine caught up with Graeme to expand on the rebranding.
AAAM: Why now for the name change?
GW: This is an exciting time for Amotiv, as we are at an important inflection point in our journey. Having started over 86 years ago in automotive and in recent decades operated as a diversified industry portfolio, we have now proudly and strategically returned back to an automotive pure-play group. We’ve always been dedicated to supporting our businesses and renowned brands in the automotive sector. The change represents our ongoing commitment to being an automotive focused company, ready to support and drive innovation in this industry.
AAAM: Does this move reflect a changing Australian marketplace – ie, moving from focusing as much on OEMs to concentrating mainly on aftermarket?
GW: This move actually underscores our commitment to both the OEM and aftermarket segments. We’ve seen significant growth and opportunities in the aftermarket, and we remain dedicated to our OEM partners as well. Our focus is on supporting and investing in both areas to ensure we can meet the needs of all our customers and continue to drive innovation across the automotive industry.
AAAM: What does the name change mean for existing customers (trade and retail) of GUD brands?
GW: For the trade and retail segments, the name change to Amotiv will not affect the brands they interact with daily. GUD, now Amotiv, has always operated behind the scenes, supporting our
portfolio of brands. Our primary role remains to provide the resources, support, and innovation that enable our brands to deliver the best products and services to their customers every day. The quality and service you have come to expect from our brands will continue uninterrupted.
AAAM: Is Amotiv planning continued growth in the immediate and mid-term future or is now a time for consolidation?
GW: Innovation and customer focus will drive our growth aspirations as we adapt to new trends and demands in the automotive aftermarket. Our recently announced divisional structure is designed to help us better support our brands and find efficiencies that will benefit our customers.
AAAM: How is Amotiv placed as the carparc transitions towards low and no emissions vehicles?
GW: Amotiv is well positioned to support the transition towards low and no emissions vehicles. In fact, more than 70 percent of current group revenue is derived from ‘Non-ICE’ (Non-Internal Combustion Engine) vehicle products and solutions. Furthermore, we are investing in research and development to ensure our products meet the evolving needs of this market. Our goal is to provide innovative solutions that help our customers navigate the shift to more sustainable automotive technologies, ensuring we remain at the forefront of the industry during this transformative period.
AAAM: Are you planning to promote the name change with a marketing campaign or will it be more something that happens more subtly in the background?
GW: While we will inform our stakeholders and customers about the name change, our primary focus will remain on supporting our businesses and ensuring they have what they need to succeed. In support of the respected brands in our portfolio, we believe the best way to promote the name change is by continuing to provide excellent service and innovative products. We’re excited about the future and the role we play in helping the automotive industry thrive.
For more information, visit www.amotiv.com
The festival, which was held in May, was a resounding success
The second annual Evolve Auto Festival has been celebrated as a monumental success after being held on May 17 at Sea World on the Gold Coast, exceeding expectations while highlighting the best in automotive innovation and community spirt.
The AAAA was on-hand in support of the event alongside other industry leaders such as Capricorn and WorldSkills Australia as well as esteemed partners including ZF, Hella Gutmann, Liqui Moly, MAHLE, Schaeffler, The Garage Network, Sealey Tools, Podium, and Valeo, with these organisations all contributing to a diverse and dynamic event.
“Evolve Fest 24 certainly lived up to its promise of being more of a celebration of the automotive industry than a traditional supplier trade event,”
AAAA National Membership and Marketing Manager, Nigel Bishop, said.
“The event brought together progressive repairers from around Australia to share and gather knowledge and connect with industry peers; a vision we wholeheartedly align with at the AAAA.
“We were proud to have been invited to support the event and look forward to the next evolution!”
hsy autoparts explains the Evolve Auto Festival is more than just a business gathering; instead explaining it is a platform for people to connect, form friendships, and learn from the industry experts.
“At the heart of the Evolve Auto Festival is a profound appreciation for the people who drive the industry forward,” hsy autoparts Head of Customer Relations and Marketing, Nick Redmond, said.
“The event brings together not only industry leaders and manufacturers but also the unsung heroes of the automotive world – the workshop owners, technicians, and the next generation of talent from TAFEs.
“It is a celebration of the diverse and vibrant community that forms the backbone of the automotive aftermarket.
“It is about meeting new people, training, and having some fun,” added Nick, who stated this emphasis on the human aspect of the industry is what sets Evolve apart and contributes to its unique charm.
hsy autoparts created the festival to address issues highlighted in the ‘Addressing Automotive Skills Shortages’ report commissioned by the AAAA, AADA and MTAQ, which revealed significant gaps in awareness and interaction among the next generation of apprentices and automotive technicians.
The report found that 22 percent of fourth-year apprentices struggled to keep up with formal training, while 34 percent reported unpleasant work environments.
Furthermore, 26 percent of fourth-year apprentices are expected to leave the industry, underscoring the need for better career prospects and learning opportunities.
The automotive parts and accessories company has revealed its new brand and marketing identity for Australia and New Zealand
Repco, a 102-year-old automotive icon, has revitalised its logo, tagline and marketing with a refreshed look and message.
The centre-point of Repco’s new identity – the phrase ‘Gets you goin’ – refers to the emotive drive of the company’s many passionate customers and the role Repco plays in invigorating their shared love for cars.
“Repco’s new brand line Gets you goin’ has been inspired by our customers,” Repco Chief Executive Officer, Wayne Bryant, said.
“Everything that our customers and Repco Crew do with cars gets us goin’, and our customers want us to join them in showing our shared love for cars. “Repco has long been the trusted automotive parts and accessories go-to for workshops and
people who love cars, right across Australia and New Zealand.
“For more than a century we’ve been getting cars, people and automotive businesses goin’ and we’re celebrating this with our new voice.”
Repco’s credentials in retail and trade automotive markets run deep. The company supplied the engine parts for Australia’s first Holdens. It also built the engine that powered Sir Jack Brabham to the 1966 F1 World Championship, and Repco even created a one-of-a-type Research Concept Car called the Repco Record in the late 1950s.
Repco also enjoys an extensive local motorsports history, which includes success in Formula 5000, Sportscars and Sport Sedan racing to now being the naming rights partner of both the
To mitigate these challenges, hsy formulated the Evolve Auto Festival as an event to foster and showcase a unified industry, building connections that could improve workplace cultures.
The festival’s core message was to celebrate a new era of collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and community-building.
By showcasing existing partnerships and actively fostering opportunities for greater collaboration and innovation, the Evolve Auto Festival, now in its second year, aims to improve industry employment and enhance Australia’s standing in the global automotive community.
The search for a new venue for 2025 has already begun, with hopes that both current and new suppliers will join as the festival continues to grow and thrive.
hsy autoparts says the Evolve Auto Festival 2024 has set a new benchmark for future events, stating they are immensely proud of this year’s achievements and are grateful for the enthusiastic participation and support from all involved.
For more information, visit www.hsy.com.au
Repco Bathurst 1000 and the Repco Supercars Championship.
Repco has brought to life its passion for all types of cars in its newest series of advertisements, and some of the project cars appearing in the new ads owned by Repco team members.
Repco developed its all-new marketing program in conjunction with award-winning Melbourne-based marketing agency Thinkerbell.
For more information, visit www.repco.com.au
The first automotive dual trade apprenticeships in Australia have been announced
Apprentices can now double their career prospects in a rapidly evolving automotive industry, following a successful application by the Motor Trade Association (MTA) to the South Australian Skills Commission for two new dual trade apprenticeships.
The new dual trades, the first automotive dual trades in Australia, combine either a light or heavy vehicle apprenticeship with an automotive electrical apprenticeship.
South Australian Minister for Education, Training and Skills, Blair Boyer praised the MTA for its leadership: “South Australia is leading the way with the first automotive dual trades in Australia. It is critical that we ensure apprentices entering the workforce are prepared with the skills they need.”
With industry sources predicting a step change in automotive technology, including more electric vehicles, dual trades may have arrived at just the right time.
In South Australia, zero and low emission vehicles including hybrids, plug in hybrids and electric vehicles currently account for more than 20 percent of all new cars sold bringing new customers, challenges and opportunities for businesses.
South Australian Skills Commissioner Cameron Baker was one of the first to learn of the MTA’s plans to apply for two dual trade apprenticeships: “the South Australian Skills Commission has worked in partnership with the MTA to formally establish these dual qualifications. It is a great example of how, in partnership with industry, the skills system can develop and respond to specific workforce needs.”
The MTA is now the first to offer dual trade apprenticeships in South Australia with expressions of interest for businesses and apprentices open on its website. For more information, visit www.mtasant.com.au
A recent Automotive CEO Breakfast event showcased the future of Australia’s Automotive industry
Bremar proudly hosted an enlightening Automotive CEO Breakfast event at its Keysborough premises recently, bringing together key players from across the automotive sector. This exclusive gathering featured presentations, panel discussions, and round table dialogues which highlighted the dynamic evolution of Australia’s automotive industry.
The event kicked off with a compelling presentation by Bremar’s Managing Director, Brett Longhurst, who showcased Bremar’s advanced automotive engineering, simulation and manufacturing capabilities, including the company’s ability to 3D print metal and carbon fibre reinforced parts.
This was followed by an insightful address from Markforged Chief Executive Officer, Shai Terem, who shared his expertise on the transformative impact of additive manufacturing within the automotive industry and its applications across various sectors globally, with additive manufacturing being recognised and adopted by OEMs as a process now capable of producing production quality end use parts, tooling, jigs and fixtures.
The event also featured a robust panel discussion with prominent industry body representatives including Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association (AAAA) Chief Executive Officer, Stuart Charity; Victorian Automotive Chamber of Commerce (VACC) Chief Executive Officer, Geoff Gwilym; and Caravan Industry Association of Australia (CIAA) Chief Executive Officer, Stuart Lamont.
This engaging panel discussion explored the current landscape and future directions of the automotive industry in Australia.
Following the panel conversation, attendees participated in a round table discussion, addressing both the challenges and opportunities facing the industry.
The conversation revealed that the automotive industry in Australia is not only surviving, but
thriving, evolving from a traditional model dominated by a few local OEM manufacturers to a diverse ecosystem of innovative businesses. These companies are now focused on converting, modifying, and customising OE vehicles to meet specific local requirements and applications.
Additionally, the emergence of bespoke manufacturers producing niche vehicles with unprecedented levels of engineering and build quality was highlighted, and also showcased with vehicles on display from Jaunt and Renner Auto.
One of the key topics discussed was financial support from the government and in particular, making government grants and funding more accessible to small businesses in order to drive innovation.
While such support would certainly be beneficial, the consensus was that reducing regulatory red tape and developing consistent national regulations are of greater importance as these measures would boost business confidence and encourage further investment in the industry.
The discussions underscored the necessity of generating industry support at the government policy level and attracting new talent to the sector.
A broader public awareness campaign was also raised as being crucial to dispel the misconception that Australia’s automotive industry has declined due to the absence of local OEM manufacturers.
In reality, the country boasts world-class design, engineering, and manufacturing capabilities that remain largely unrecognised by the public.
“The Automotive CEO Breakfast event has reinforced our belief that Australia’s automotive industry is vibrant and full of potential,” Bremar Managing Director, Brett Longhurst, said.
“By fostering innovation, collaboration, and advocating for supportive government policies, we can ensure a bright future for the modern automotive manufacturing industry in Australia.” For more from Bremar, visit www.bremarauto.com
The club is open to new members, with the next lunch to be held in November
The 7 Year Club Automotive Lunch Club was born in the early days of parts retailing in Australia and Victoria, prior to the establishment of co-operative and franchise groups and the changing retail focus of company owned trade based national store chains. In 1973 a number of entrepreneurial people who were retail pioneers in the Automotive Aftermarket industry at that time got together and formed a little luncheon club which became known as The 7 Year Club, and they organised an annual Automotive lunch which has been an annual event in Melbourne for the past 51 years.
It was called The 7 Year Club because the original luncheon group was seven in number but has expanded more than 10-fold over the years and today it is a must attend for retired, semi-retired and full time working members from all parts of the Automotive Aftermarket. The original seven men who were the foundation members were:
• Brian Davies – Brian’s Speed Shop – Retail Store Chain
• Chris Jones – Bulk Auto Imports – Parts Importer
• Max Briet – Woodroffe Brooks – Parts Importer
• Ron Cardosi – Bulk Auto Disposals – Parts Retailer
• Terry Mahoney – SAAS – Accessory Manufacturer
• Tony Goldner – Allbrell – Car Sound Importer/ Wholesaler
• Ian Ustick – Brian’s Speed Shop – Company Secretary
Over the years the number of Automotive people and companies that attend The 7 Year Club lunch has grown tremendously and many famous Industry figures names have become regular attendees over the years.
The club’s oldest member, Eddie Thomas, recently passed away, aged 99. Eddie was a true pioneer in the performance industry and one of the most significant figures in the birth of the speed equipment industry in Australia and also Australian drag racing.
The name Eddie Thomas Speed Shop and later Speco Thomas following his acquisition of South Australian parts manufacturer Speco were and are still famous in the Automotive Performance industry.
Dave Bennett, the founder of one of Australia’s famous performance engineering companies, Perfectune Engineering and the Yella Terra brand, although now retired, is still a regular attendee at The 7 Year Club lunches, so the performance industry is still strongly represented.
In some ways this club has graduated over the years into a club for retired Automotive Parts people from all parts of the industry who enjoy meeting with industry colleagues, many of whom
FUCHS SE and Mercedes-Benz AG have announced a strategic business partnership
The strategic business partnership between FUCHS SE and Mercedes-Benz Global Customer Service and Parts is designed to foster innovation, technology, and sustainability in the automotive after-sales market.
The two companies signed a collaboration contract on the 28th of March, marking a significant step forward in advancing technology and exceptional quality and responsibility within the automotive sector. The partnership between the FUCHS Group, which explains it is the world’s largest independent supplier of lubrication solutions, and Mercedes-Benz Global Customer Service and Parts, renowned for the global Mercedes-Benz service network, is reportedly poised to redefine automotive lubrication standards and deliver enhanced performance by providing tailormade lubrication solutions for Mercedes-Benz customers. Both companies will leverage their expertise to develop innovative solutions that optimise vehicle performance, efficiency, and environmental sustainability through strategic alliance.
“At Mercedes-Benz Global Customer Service and Parts, our top priority is to deliver the highest level of customer satisfaction, truly caring for their vehicles by offering high-performing, innovative, and more sustainable products,” Mercedes-Benz Group AG Director of Service and Parts Business And Warranty and Goodwill, Andreas Jörg, said.
“Our strategic partnership with FUCHS SE is an exciting opportunity to further enhance our commitment to our customers by collaborating on innovative technologies that will shape the future of mobility and customer experience.”
FUCHS SE shared a similar sentiment regarding the partnership’s potential impact.
“We are thrilled to join forces with Mercedes-Benz Global Customer Service and Parts to push the boundaries of automotive technology,” FUCHS SE Chief Executive Officer, Stefan Fuchs, said.
“FUCHS has a long history of working with MercedesBenz most notably as the original partner for the genuine oil program.
were competitors in business when working in the industry but today are great friends.
There are also some members who had automotive businesses in other states that come to Melbourne to attend The 7 Year Club lunches and share in the fellowship with their old Automotive friends.
The club is open to new members and would welcome any retired Automotive Aftermarket persons who would like to attend its lunches, which are held twice each year in Melbourne in the months of May and November.
The only cost to be part of this is to pay for your lunch which is inexpensive, with each person ordering and paying separately. Partners are also most welcome.
Any enquiries about being part of The 7 Year Club Automotive Lunch Club should be addressed to the Lunch Convenor, David Tennent, on 0411 253 633 or david.tennent@bigpond.com
“Together, we will work towards developing lubrication solutions that not only enhance vehicle performance and reliability, but also promote environmental stewardship.”
As part of their collaboration, FUCHS and MercedesBenz Global Customer Service and Parts will also explore opportunities for joint marketing initiatives and educational programs to raise awareness about the importance of sustainable mobility solutions. For further information about FUCHS Lubricants, visit www.fuchs.com.au
After a five-year hiatus, the Australian automotive recycling industry is gearing up for the return of a favourite industry event, with the announcement of a dedicated industry conference hosted by the Auto Parts Recyclers Association of Australia (APRAA) and the Motor Trades Association of Australia (MTAA), in collaboration with Auto PARTnered Solutions (APS).
Attendees will gain first hand insights into the industry’s trajectory towards the future at the 2024 APRAA Conference, which will operate under the theme ‘Driving Innovation: The Road to Tomorrow.’
This eagerly awaited conference is set to bring together an impressive lineup of industry experts and influencers from around the world.
A welcome cocktail party will be held on the evening of the 29th of August before attendees can look forward to two full days across August 30 and 31 filled with sessions covering everything from sales and marketing to production and operations. The event also promises invaluable networking opportunities, including a cocktail reception, a gala dinner, and various other occasions to connect with other auto recyclers from across the globe. Organisers encourage everyone in the industry, be
it auto recyclers, suppliers or customers, to attend and see first-hand how the automotive recycling industry is on the ‘road to tomorrow.’
Presenters will include:
• eBay Motors
• Profit Team Consulting, USA – Mike Kunkle, Principal and Strategic Business Consultant
• Manheim Auctions
• Buddy Automotive Innovations – Bid Buddy USA
• Auto PARTnered Solutions
• Auto Recyclers Association, USA - Sandy Blalock, Executive Director
Featured sessions will include:
• Proven and game-changing ways to increase gross sales and net profits in an auto recycling business
• How to sell parts on ebay
• Understanding gross profit: how much do I need to produce?
• Buying the right cars, at the right time, at the right price for your facility
• Remote teams: outsourcing strategies to promote results and profitability
Automechanika Frankfurt will place the spotlight on the move towards zero-carbon transportation
More companies than ever before will be presenting products and solutions in the field of electromobility at the upcoming Automechanika in Frankfurt, a leading industry platform for the automotive aftermarket, taking place from 10 to 14 September.
This mirrors the rising demand for electric cars and new sales markets offering attractive new business opportunities for industry, workshops and dealers.
“Automechanika Frankfurt is the innovation platform where products and solutions for sustainable and zero emission mobility are presented,” Automechanika Frankfurt Director, Olaf Mußhoff, said.
“That is why we developed two new stage formats – Innovation4Mobility and Future Mobility Park – that have been attracting manufacturers like Genesis and Skoda since 2022 and showcasing all the topics associated with the transformation of the mobility industry.
“This year we are welcoming a remarkable number of manufacturers – including from China – who are offering cutting-edge electric vehicle products and technologies.
“As a result, our B2B visitors from industry, workshops and car dealerships can experience the full range of electric vehicle brands and an impressive display of automotive designs.”
Electromobility means more than just a new drive system. A market for software and electronic components has developed in parallel to the development of electromobility for autonomous, connected, electric and shared (ACES) vehicles.
Software companies and manufacturers of electronic components are already well-represented at Automechanika Frankfurt – this innovative area alone accounts for over 150 exhibitors who will be presenting their products and solutions from the Electrics and Electronics and Connectivity and Autonomous Driving product groups.
In all, over 400 of the companies who have already registered state that they have electric vehicle competence. In fact, 14 of these have submitted their products for the Automechanika Innovation Awards in the category Electromobility and innovative drive technologies.
In addition to this, Michael Johannes, Vice President Mobility and Logistics, introduced a new event called ‘Electrical Vehicle Expo at Automechanika’ (EVA).
“The range of products offered by the industry in the electromobility sector at Automechanika has increased enormously in the last two years, especially in China,” Michael said.
• Bid Buddy: what’s new and how to make the most of these features
• The future of your business: branding and online presence
• Sales management 101 for auto recyclers
• Creating new economies in the auto recycling industry
• Product stewardship scheme for end-of-life vehicles in Australia: opportunities, challenges, implementation plan, and preparation
Organisers also plan to provide interactive panel sessions to engage the entire audience, ensuring maximum value, idea generation, and comprehensive Q&A opportunities.
Sponsorship and exhibitor packages are available. To register for the conference, visit www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1181750
“Automechanika Shanghai, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary at the end of this year, is the perfect example of this.
“The fact that the ‘EVA Expo’ is taking place concurrently at Automechanika Frankfurt this year is a remarkable result of our Chinese colleagues’ exemplary efforts to expand their network. We can thank our partnership with CCPIT-Auto.”
In addition to EV themes, this year’s event will be focusing on sustainability, recruitment and further training, as well as the latest in accident repair and claims management.
All exhibitors and visitors are invited to take advantage of networking areas devoted to the circular economy, remanufacturing, e-commerce and the classic car business, as well as a daily happy hour.
For more information, visit www.automechanika.com
ARB’s new $25 million global headquarters and Research and Development Engineering Centre was made possible thanks to support from the Labor Government
The Allan Labor Government is backing one of the world’s largest manufacturers and distributors of 4WD accessories to expand and invest in Victoria – creating more local jobs, investment and innovation in the automotive sector.
Minister for Jobs and Industry Natalie Hutchins recently visited ARB’s new $25 million global headquarters and Research and Development Engineering Centre in Kilsyth in Victoria, with the expansion made possible thanks to support from the Labor Government.
“Victoria leads the nation in advanced manufacturing because our government backs our innovators to develop world-class products here, that are sold around the world,” Minister Hutchins said.
The 5,100 square meter HQ and Research and Development Centre is adjacent to ARB’s new state-of-the-art showroom where the company continues to manufacture premium 4WD equipment including bull bars, air compressors, side rails, air lockers, battery trays and canopies.
Bringing ARB’s HQ, R and D Centre, showroom and manufacturing facility together at Kilsyth is creating up to 70 new local jobs for Melbourne’s east.
“We’re investing in Victoria’s manufacturing industry to help local businesses like ARB innovate and expand as they are key to growing our economy and supporting local jobs,” Member for Eastern Metropolitan Region, Shaun Leane, said.
ARB recently unveiled a major new product developed in Victoria.
Part of its 4WD range, the Earth Camper is an allterrain durable, off-road camper trailer and will be sold nationally and across the US, Europe, United Kingdom, UAE, Thailand and New Zealand.
Established in Melbourne in 1975, ARB has grown into a leading global company with an export network that extends across more than 100 countries.
The Kilsyth hub is now home to 600 staff, including 85 engineers, with the company’s employee numbers growing to more than 2,000 across Australia and internationally.
“We are very pleased to have engaged with the Victorian Government whose support and facilitation has assisted our expansion here in Melbourne,” ARB Chief Executive Officer, Lachlan McCann, said.
“ARB’s new Global Head Office and Research
The promotion is running throughout July
Trico, one of the world’s leading designers and manufacturers of automotive windscreen wipers, is bringing a special incentive for Burson Auto Parts trade customers to replenish their quality Trico replacement windscreen wiper stock this winter.
During the month of July, Burson Auto Parts trade customers are invited to take part in the Trico Mega Lego Giveaway, an exclusive annual promotion that has become extremely popular among the Australian store network’s customers. Any Burson Auto Parts trade account customer who purchases more than $1,600 (excluding GST) of Trico premium quality windscreen wiper products will receive the Trico Mega Lego Giveaway Tier 1 giveaway, with Trico stating it is a must-have for Lego enthusiasts who are also Formula One fans.
This is a double Lego Technic Formula One set that includes a W14 Mercedes-AMG Formula One
car set, accompanied by a McLaren Formula One car set, valued at just under $600.
Like the real F1 cars, these incredibly detailed Lego sets feature a V6 engine with moving pistons, steering, suspension and differential.
Given the incredible popularity of Formula One and the constant appeal of Lego to hobbyists both young and old, these technical Lego sets will take pride of place at home or in the workshop.
Burson Auto Parts trade account customers who make Trico windscreen wiper product purchases over $800 (excluding GST) during July can expect a Lego Technic Le Mans Hypercar set valued at just under $300.
This is the Peugeot 9X8 24H Le Mans Hybrid Hypercar that looked as amazing as it raced in the world’s most gruelling Sportscar endurance race.
“The popularity of this Burson Auto Parts trade customer promotion last year was extraordinary,
and Development Centre ensures ARB is set up to continue innovating, designing, engineering, and manufacturing premium 4x4 products here in Australia.”
Victoria’s $33.5 billion manufacturing industry is a driving force of Victoria’s economy, made up of over 23,000 businesses, supporting more than 260,000 jobs, and exporting goods worth $23.9 billion.
The Labor Government said it is investing in advanced manufacturers across Victoria so they can continue to grow, innovate and support local jobs – with this made possible by the Government’s programs including the Manufacturing and Industry Sovereignty Fund, the Industry and R&D Infrastructure Fund and the Made in VictoriaManufacturing Growth Program.
To learn more about ARB, visit www.arb.com.au
so we are delighted to bring it back once again across the month of July,” Trico Asia Pacific Sales Manager, Adam Rickard, said.
“This is traditionally a very busy time for replacing worn windscreen wipers after the dry summer and autumn months.
“Some trade promotions provide a limited at best chance of receiving a quality reward, the Trico Mega Lego Giveaway provides these great prizes simply for stocking up on replacement windscreen wipers that also present additional sales opportunities simply by checking wiper conditions with every service.”
For more from Trico, visit www.tricoproducts.com.au
Asia-Pacific’s pinnacle event for automotive air-conditioning, electrical and thermal management professionals will be held from 23-25 August
Organisers say this year’s Wire and Gas convention at Brisbane’s The Westin promises unparalleled opportunities for education, networking, and industry recognition.
The following expert speakers will be in attendance:
• Bob Ansett: Founder of Budget Rent A Car, renowned for his pioneering customer service and employee programs, and innovative marketing strategies.
• Grant Hand: Founder of Automotive Training Solutions and Australasia’s leading trainer in vehicle climate control systems, Grant will deliver two sessions sharing his detailed diagnostic and analysis methods that can be used to troubleshoot across all kinds of automotive air-conditioning technologies.
• Kylie Farrelley: General Manager of Refrigerant Reclaim Australia, providing critical insights into refrigerant emissions and environmental protection initiatives and the technician’s critical role in fighting ozone depletion and climate change.
• Jeff Smit: Owner of two auto electrical and repair workshops in Sydney, and co-founder of The Automotive Technician network who advocates for continuous training in the automotive repair industry, sharing the latest in electric and hybrid vehicle technology developments.
• Lesley Yates: Director of Government Relations and Advocacy for the Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association, using data to help workshops and the broader industry address challenges such as workforce shortages and government regulation changes.
• Clinton Brett: Founder of Diesel Help Australia, a fifth-generation heavy vehicle mechanic and diesel fuel injection specialist providing specialised education in common rail technology for diesel vehicles and heavy machinery.
• Rodney Cumming: General Manager, Compliance and Training at the Australian Refrigeration Council (ARC), Rod will explain the ARC audit process, including the new ‘quality’
certificates given to first-time fully compliant permit holders who contribute to maintaining professional and environmental standards in a highly regulated industry.
• Geoff Mutton: Co-founder of The Automotive Technician network, offering expertise in implementing profitable business practices for automotive workshop owners with a focus on setting goals and tracking progress by using key performance indicators (KPIs).
• Rodger Nardi: Executive Officer of the Australian Automotive Service and Repair Authority (AASRA), explaining AASRA’s role in ensuring service and repair information is accessible to aftermarket repairers, RTOs and dealerships alike under the mandatory Motor Vehicle Service and Repair Information Sharing Scheme, which aims to level the playing field.
• Aaron Feast: Alientech Academy trainer with three decades of experience from engine reconditioning and machining to engine conversions and diesel chip-tuning, delivering a presentation and demonstration on ECU/TCU cloning and re-flashing.
• Oscar Vall: Infinitiev business development manager, discussing hybrid and electric vehicle battery technologies including battery pack replacement, repair and remanufacturing, with an overview of hybrid/EV electrical systems and diagnostic methods.
• John McCormack: Representing Chemours in Australia, John will outline the current global landscape of refrigerants, how this influences the Australian market, and preview the future of refrigerant technology as the world moves to hybrid and electric vehicles.
Also set to entertain will be Master of Ceremonies, Michael Bennett AM, who will bring his wit, humour, and industry knowledge to the event as a Member of the Order of Australia and recipient of the VASA Legend Award; and also acclaimed musician, Keegan Sparke.
Attendees will be treated to a diverse range of presentations and seminars designed to provide valuable insights and foster professional growth, not to mention the opportunity to learn directly from one another and trade exhibitors with networking opportunities set among the popular Wire and Gas tradeshow.
Attendees can look forward to engaging with leading industry sponsors and partners, including Platinum Sponsor NAPA Auto Parts, Elite Maverick Sponsor Sigma and Gold Sponsors Alcius, Honeywell, REDARC Electronics, Refrigerants Australia, and SuperCool Group.
Many more businesses, including Sanden,
CoolDrive Auto Parts, The Australian Refrigeration Council, ADRAD, Ariazone, Mastercool, Alienteck, The Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association, Diesel Help Australia, IM Group and The Automotive Technician will also be represented at the event, with their support instrumental in making Wire and Gas 2024 possible.
Wire and Gas 2024 also marks the official launch of Cool Mavericks, a comprehensive history book on automotive air-conditioning authored by Mark Mitchell and Ken Newton, who will be on hand at Wire and Gas 2024 to sign copies of the book.
One of the highlights of Wire and Gas 2024 is the inclusion of prestigious awards recognising excellence in the industry. The Gala Awards Dinner will feature the inaugural Australian Refrigeration Council’s ARC Award for Best Refrigerant Management in the mobile sector, alongside the first-ever REDARC Young Technician of the Year Award and the new Grant Hand Industry Mentor Award as well as VASA’s longstanding Pioneer and Legend awards.
VASA has worked hard to reduce the price of tickets to Wire and Gas 2024 by around 30 percent compared to the 2022 event. As always, special discounts are available for VASA members. Additionally, exclusive accommodation rates have been secured for attendees at The Westin Brisbane (five-star hotel) and adjoining Four Points by Sheraton (four-star hotel).
For more information and to book tickets and accommodation, visit www.wireandgas.com
The way qualifications are delivered will be redesigned
The Mining and Automotive Skills Alliance (AUSMASA) will be one of the first Jobs and Skills Councils (JSCs) to progress reforms to vocational education and training (VET) packages, Minister for Skills and Training Brendan O’Connor has announced.
AUSMASA will apply the Qualification Reform Design Group’s model and principles to redesign pathways qualifications for the automotive sector by examining the 15 different Certificate II pathway qualifications in the automotive training package, comprising hundreds of units of competency.
This work is anticipated to reduce the number of qualifications and units of competency and equip students with a broader range of industryrelevant capabilities.
Strengthening automotive pathways will support industry to draw on a larger pool of entry-level candidates and provide better career options and job mobility for learners across the sector.
AUSMASA Chief Executive Officer, Dr Gavin Lind, said the proposed reforms had the potential to reduce the number of qualifications and units of competency, while simultaneously broadening the skill sets of graduates.
“We are committed to applying the Qualification Reform Design Group’s innovative model to strengthen automotive sector qualifications,” Dr Lind said.
“By embracing the Design Group principles, we’re steering automotive education towards a future where transferability and cross-sector skills are at the forefront.
“We’re redesigning the way qualifications are delivered for a new era of the automotive industry.”
Minister O’Connor said “this would recognise and value what workers already know, and not force them to slide down the snake to start up a new ladder at the bottom. This reflects the analysis by Jobs and Skills Australia that identifies many common skills across occupations and industries.”
In March 2024, the Qualification Reform Design Group delivered advice to Skills Ministers on how to improve and modernise Australia’s VET qualifications, following extensive consultation.
The Design Group proposed a revised system that moves from a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to designing qualifications based on their purposes,
MAHLE has secured two major orders for thermal management modules
As such, MAHLE says it is successfully continuing its course of acquisition in the field of e-mobility.
One of the contracts is from an established, globally-present vehicle manufacturer. It marks the largest single order in the company history of the technology group.
The second order is from an up-and-coming, innovative car manufacturer in the Asian region. The total order volume across both projects is just under €1.5 billion.
MAHLE is combining components that were previously installed individually into thermal management modules which control the temperature of the battery, vehicle cabin, powertrain and power electronics.
It says the modules work much more efficiently than their individual components, and can significantly increase the cruising range of an electric car by up to 20 percent as well as its charging speed.
The modular design approach from MAHLE enables smaller installation spaces and drastically reduces assembly expenditures.
In this way, thermal management modules play a key role in e-mobility, by helping to make vehicles attractive and affordable.
As a driver of electrification, thermal management is a strategic business focus for the MAHLE Group.
“Our deep understanding of the system, coupled with years of experience in series production were decisive for securing both appointments.
This successfully sets MAHLE apart from the competition,” MAHLE Group member of the Management Board responsible for the Thermal Management business unit, Jumana Al-Sibai, said.
“By being able to look at thermal systems in vehicles as a whole, we can develop innovative, tailor-made concepts for our customers.”
In both modules, MAHLE has combined its individual components such as the electric compressor, heat exchanger, refrigerant valves and other parts into one unit, and has impressed customers with the respective concepts.
One of the modules is particularly highlyintegrated, as it connects the refrigerant circuit with the coolant circuits. This ensures that the
especially to respond to changing workplaces and industries.
The model aims to meet industry needs, attract more students to VET by providing relevant knowledge and skills, improve the status and responsiveness of the VET system, and enable quality delivery by reducing compliance burdens.
The Mining and Automotive Skills Alliance (AUSMASA) is one of 10 Jobs and Skills Councils (JSCs) funded by the Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.
AUSMASA is dedicated to fostering collaboration between the mining and automotive industries, driving skills development, and ensuring a skilled workforce for the future.
For more information, please visit www.ausmasa.org.au/ projects/qualification-reform-design-projects/
battery, powertrain and vehicle cabin are both supplied with sufficient heat in winter as well as kept optimally-cool in summer.
Both thermal management modules were developed by an international team comprised of regional research units and the MAHLE Tech Center in Stuttgart.
Heating and cooling in vehicles is an essential technology field for electrification and a core business competency of MAHLE.
The company also recently presented a new bionic cooling plate which it says, thanks to its innovative design, delivers 10 percent greater cooling capacity than conventional concepts. For more information, visit www.mahle.com
The trusted rare car parts repair/exchange website is now live
PEC EFI Revival (or PEC Tech), an online platform dedicated to repairing rare automotive parts for all types of vehicles in Australia, has just been launched.
It is the sister site of PEC Australia, which is said to be “one of the most trusted names in automotive parts,” having sold hundreds of thousands of brand new parts since 2006.
PEC Tech online says it is is here to help customers get their car back on the road by fixing or replacing hard to find electrical components.
PEC Tech specialises in repairing or replacing parts for older vehicles, from the 1980s to the 2000s – an important addition for sourcing rare parts.
Those behind the platform state that PEC Tech online is simple to use with customers able to simply search for their vehicle part and click on the results.
Then, depending on the part, they can choose one of three service options:
• Exchange – car owners can send in their old
faulty part and PEC Tech will send them a reconditioned part. All replacement parts (which PEC Tec says are often hard to find from trusted Australian and international car part brands) come with a one year warranty for the customer’s peace of mind. PEC Tech ships replacement parts free Australia-wide and says it has competitive rates worldwide as well.
• Exchange with core – if you are in a rush, PEC Tech says it can send you the replacement part first, to make sure it is working properly. This way, you don’t have to wait until your faulty part arrives at PEC Tech before you receive the replacement part. You will just be charged an extra core (holding deposit) on top of the standard price. Of course, this extra charge is refunded in full upon PEC Tech’s receipt of your old part.
• Repair – customers send their faulty component/s (plus other required part/s) to be repaired. Clear and simple instructions are provided for this process and best of all, in most cases, the repaired part is plug-and-play on return.
Victoria and Tasmania’s finest automotive businesses and top apprentices have been revealed
Sixteen elite businesses, business people and apprentices were recently announced as leaders in their field at the 2024 Automotive Industry Awards, the premier night dedicated to the Victorian and Tasmanian automotive industry.
Victorian Automotive Chamber of Commerce (VACC) Chief Executive Officer, Geoff Gwilym, said the awards demonstrate member and apprentice commitment to quality and customer service. “It is a huge accolade to be named the best in Victoria and Tasmania. These winners go above and beyond and have proved themselves more than worthy of these titles,” Geoff said.
Categories crowned at the 2024 Automotive Industry Awards include Best Small and Best
Large Business, Employer of the Year, Employee of the Year, and Apprentice of the Year.
Additionally, Outstanding First, Second and Third Year Apprentice, Outstanding Trainee, and the VACC and TACC Progressive Excellence Awards, were announced.
“The Automotive Industry Awards have been very well supported this year, proving they are valued by the industry and recognised by consumers,” Geoff said.
An independent judge evaluated entries based on business management, workplace practices, customer service and environmental impacts.
To ensure only the finest of VACC and TACC’s 5,000 members would be crowned, finalists were randomly audited.
“Congratulations to all our 2024 winners and finalists. We recommend them to Victorian and Tasmanian motorists. So, remember to look for the famous orange sign: the mark of the industry professional,” Geoff said.
Winners were announced at the VACC President’s Gala Dinner, a formal evening that combined industry awards and apprentice graduation festivities.
Attendees heard from master of ceremonies, VACC Ambassador Shane Jacobson, and a string
It should be noted that not all parts in stock offer the three kinds of services mentioned above. Every part is different, so it is best to check what’s available on the platform for the part you need, says PEC Tech.
Luckily, if you are unsure or are in need of more help, PEC Tech says it also offers real time support to make sure all your questions and needs are met. For more information, visit www.pectech.com.au
of top-notch entertainers on Saturday 29 June at the Palladium at Crown, Melbourne.
Organisers send their special thanks to major event partner and President’s Awards sponsor DENSO for its support, as well as AIA category sponsors Spirit Super, SP Tools, Podium, Sixfam, VicRoads, BASF, Haynes Pro – proud partner of VACC MotorTech, Exedy, Shell Card, Mas National, Commonwealth Bank, Apprenticeships Victoria and Tecalemit.
See the complete list of 2024 Automotive Industry Awards winners at www.automotiveindustryawards.com.au/2024-winners
New digital registration procedure opened while organisers focus more on sustainability
Autopromotec, the automotive equipment and aftermarket exhibition scheduled to take place from the 21st to the 24th of May 2025 at the Bologna Exhibition Centre in Italy, is celebrating an important milestone: 30 biennial editions, and 60 years of history.
On the eve of a truly historic edition, the organisers say they are taking important strides towards achieving all-round sustainability.
In fact, the path towards certification for sustainability management systems for events, the UNI ISO 20121 standard, has begun.
The first step in this direction is a fully digital registration procedure, which makes it possible for exhibiting companies to manage their participation directly from their reserved area within the Autopromotec website.
Registrations have been open since the 20th of May and the organisers are already able to confirm the growth trend observed and predicted during the pre-registration phase.
“The process we undertook to optimise the flow of entries to Autopromotec 2025 was a complex but
necessary one,” Autopromotec Chief Executive Officer, Renzo Servadei, said.
“The new registration procedure allows us to confirm our commitment to all-round process sustainability.
“Nowadays, industry, the economy and the labour market must be rethought from a sustainable perspective.
“This represents a commitment and a concrete goal for us, of which the digitisation of the registration procedure is only a starting point.
“This means not only less paper waste, but also a more efficient and faster experience for our exhibitors, who can actually enjoy the trade fair at the click of a button”.
Sustainability is also one of the common themes that will be articulated and explored during the exhibition.
Alongside this, space will also be given to connectivity and artificial intelligence. Organisers say these are the major trends destined to dominate the automotive aftermarket (and beyond), and
which will find extensive representation in the halls of the Bologna Exhibition Centre. They state more and more space is therefore given to new technologies, with a growing focus on software and applications of artificial intelligence to sensor technology and mechanical and electronic engineering, together with the product sectors traditionally present at the event – from automotive equipment to tyres, from spare parts to lubricants, as well as service networks and car services.
For more information, visit www.autopromotec.it
The event will be held across November 22-24
Motors and Masterpieces is set to be a class affair when it launches at the Melbourne Showgrounds later this year, with ten distinct themes for the celebration now confirmed.
Over 300 cars and motorcycles are set to be displayed in distinct groups that reflect on the significant cultural settings and evolutionary stages of man and machine, showcasing the history of motor vehicles from their origins to the future. In addition to the curated selections, the celebration will feature an extensive assortment of display vehicles, creating a mesmerising spectacle that promises to captivate visitors and showcase the ever-developing world of automotive innovation.
“Following the launch of Motors and Masterpieces, we have been humbled by the response from the motoring public who are genuinely excited to be involved,” Motors and Masterpieces Chief Curator, Mark Jansen, said.
“It is clear that there is an enormous demand for an event of this ilk, and it is a thrill to see it taking shape.
“By defining the various themes that we will be showcasing, we expect to be able to fill the Melbourne Showgrounds with some of the most beautiful and historically significant machines from these shores and beyond.
“Our aim is to curate a truly unique collection, that will set Motors and Masterpieces apart.”
Leading the event themes is La Dolce Vita, an expression synonymous with the carefree lifestyle and culture emanating from post-war Italy.
Meanwhile, California Dreaming focuses on the exuberant post-war era of the 1950s through the ‘70s, with a focus on the most spectacular cars the USA has produced to date.
Japan may be a late entry to the car culture scene, but Tokyo Lights will showcase the country’s best engineering from more recent times.
Elsewhere, Swinging London reflects on the UK’s cultural movement that extended from music and fashion into automotive production, which ultimately created icons from the Mini to the E Type Jaguar.
Great Southern Land celebrates the Australian car industry and culture, and the massive domestic collector base, while Golden Age features the early automotive pioneers, with a spotlight on the unique craftsmanship evident in machines built prior to 1930.
High Society is the home for all cars and motorcycles from the 1930s and ‘40s, when design and engineering took great leaps forward and formed the basis of the modern motor industry.
Continental Classics shines a light on the best of the rest of Europe, with exceptional examples such as the Mercedes Gullwing and Porsche 356 set to star.
The modern supercar has a home in the Monaco Glitz showcase, while Chequered Flag will ramp up the exhilaration of the best-of-breed racing cars and bikes from across the competition spectrum. The awards on offer include the coveted Best of Show, as well as for the various Class winners, a Preservation Award, a Young Achiever Award for owners under 30, the Spirit of Motors and Masterpieces Award, and the highly sought-after People’s Choice Award.
Expressions of interest are also open for exhibitors and sponsors with tailored packages bespoke to their needs. For more information, visit
There are now 38 CoolDrive branches across Australia and New Zealand
CoolDrive Auto Parts has strengthened its branch network with the opening of a new location in Queensland, and the relocation of two existing branches to larger premises.
CoolDrive customers situated on the Gold Coast and Northern New South Wales will benefit from a new branch conveniently located at Burleigh Heads in close proximity to the M1 motorway.
This new branch will be led by Matthew Lewis who brings a host of experience and knowledge to the CoolDrive business.
In Victoria, the CoolDrive Thomastown branch has moved to a newly constructed site near the Metropolitan Ring Road enabling the team to better accommodate the needs of their customers with a warehouse three times larger than the one at the previous site.
While in New South Wales, the CoolDrive Raymond Terrace branch has relocated to nearby Heatherbrae and is situated on a much larger and more spacious location close to the Pacific Highway, with the move in part to meet the growing demand in the Raymond Terrace and Maitland regions.
Now with 38 branches across Australia and New Zealand, CoolDrive says it continues to be Australasia’s preferred automotive parts distributor.
The CoolDrive Burleigh Heads branch is located at 1 Greg Chappell Drive, Burleigh Heads QLD 4220, it can be contacted on 07 5648 1066.
The CoolDrive Thomastown branch is now located at 2 Comalco Court, Thomastown VIC 3074. It can be contacted on 03 9460 7300.
The CoolDrive Heatherbrae branch (formerly Raymond Terrace) is located at 5 Archibald Place, Heatherbrae NSW 2324. It can be contacted on 02 4987 3775.
For further information, please visit www.cooldrive.com.au
The skills shortage is an ever-evolving issue, and research has an important role to play in tackling the problem
The Australian automotive sector is facing a significant skills shortage, with the 27,700 automotive service and repair workshops across the country each short an average of one qualified technician and half an apprentice.
This is not a new issue, and a number of measures have already been put in place, but more needs to be done.
Accurate information is key here, and the Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association (AAAA) has made a significant investment into research in this area, looking at the experiences of current apprentices (in partnership with the Australian Automotive Dealer Association and Motor Trades Association of Queensland), industry pay rates, and opportunities to re-engage older workers who might be considering leaving the industry.
While more information on each of these studies is available to AAAA members, below are three key insights from each study.
Apprentice research
1. First year apprentices are highly satisfied with their experiences so far, but this declines over time, with many third- and fourth-years considering changing employers, or leaving the industry
2. Being a female apprentice in a male-dominated environment is also still not ideal, with female entrants facing negative stereotypes and pushback within the workshop, and amongst family and friends
3. There are however some compelling examples of how training delivery can incorporate new technologies, while also providing a safe environment in which to learn
Salary benchmarking research
1. Base pay for automotive technicians lags other trades such as carpenters or electricians; with that said, average qualified technicians are paid at a similar level to plumbers
2. There are also significant earning opportunities for more experienced (master) technicians – the challenge is how long it might take to get there
3. Just under two thirds of workshops offer employees non-cash benefits (for example, industry training and events, ‘work-related benefits’ such as parts at cost or access to the workshop, or flexible working arrangements)
Mature age technician research
1. Workshop owners see a range of ways that mature age technicians could potentially support their business; the end goal is typically
freeing the owner up to focus on running the business (or letting them take a break)
2. Many mature age technicians are keen to stay connected to the automotive industry, using their technical skills and understanding of workshop operations
3. While there are questions on both sides, they recognise that this could be an effective way of filling a gap, and ensuring years of experience are not lost
Looking to the future, it is important to understand the attraction and retention motivations of current workers in the industry and potential future candidates.
The research undertaken to date provides detailed insights into some elements of this but doesn’t fully capture current sentiment across the broader workforce, or perceptions of the sector among people who might consider a future move into automotive.
Given this, AUSMASA has commissioned Fifth Quadrant to run further research, looking at the perceptions of current and potential automotive industry workers.
The insights from this research will form the basis for AUSMASA’s ongoing industry advocacy and promotion, helping it respond to current and emerging workforce challenges.
The current worker survey is open to anyone working in the Australian automotive industry, including both trade-qualified and non-trade workers. If you are interested, please use the details below to get more information and take part.
Scan the QR code to start the survey or go to www.fifthquadrant.com.au/ autoskillsresearch
This column was prepared for AAAA Magazine by Fifth Quadrant, the AAAA’s partners in the AAAA Aftermarket Dashboard which is delivered to AAAA members each quarter. For more information about Fifth Quadrant’s services, visit www.fifthquadrant.com.au or contact Ben Selwyn on ben@fifthquadrant.com.au
The Australian Auto Aftermarket Excellence Awards’ Most Innovative Community Impact Program award recognises those in our industry who have made a positive contribution to the community
While mycar Tyre and Auto was recognised as the winner of the Award with its Movember campaign, Supercheap Auto was also a valued nominee.
Judging focused on the submitted project’s ability to make a positive difference to the lives of individuals and communities through provision of access to resources or opportunities; improved awareness or education of the community about important issues/encouragement of action on these issues; or improved health or quality of life for both individuals and/or specific communities.
Supercheap Auto – Racing Together
Supercheap Auto has been a proud major partner of the Racing Together program since its inception, supplying financial sponsorship and products for the students to go racing.
The Racing Together project is designed to identify and then assist suitable candidates from a cohort of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youths of both genders, in the 12 to 16 years age group, and provide them with an opportunity to pursue a career in motorsport, as either a driver or a member of a race team.
During 2023, Supercheap Auto’s commitment to supporting First Nations participation in the automotive and motorsport industries stepped up with the Racing Together students given the opportunity to design the 2023 Darwin Triple Crown Supercars livery.
The students were invited to the Triple Eight Race Engineering workshop, to participate in the exercise under the guidance of renowned motorsport livery designer, Peter Hughes.
The resulting artwork incorporated the student’s heritage, history and traditions of the traditional custodians of the land the team would race on, combining their passion for racing with the love of their heritage.
The final livery design pulled the history of the land from the ground and displayed a beautiful story on the car through the rivers, pathways, and animal tracks. It showed land animals, sea life, and tribes all coming together and uniting as one in the meeting place on the roof, marked by the Racing Together logo.
To pay homage to the ancestors and the legacy left behind, the king brown snake, sea eagle, and crocodile were featured as the totems of the Larrakia people. The Larrakia people are the traditional custodians of the Darwin region, and their mission is to care for their land, sea, culture, and people.
On the bonnet was a secondary meeting place with men and women representing the team members of Racing Together, family, friends, tribes, and people, including the motorsport community. This mission of coming together is to unite with the land
and wildlife at the meeting place on the roof with teamwork, love, mutual respect, and friendship.
In addition to Racing Together students designing the livery, Supercheap Auto also hosted one lucky First Nations student, Ayesha, in Darwin to be the race team apprentice.
Aged just 20, Ayesha worked with the Supercheap Auto wildcard race team during the Darwin Supercars event, gaining valuable experience and living her passion to work in motorsport.
It was this once in a lifetime experience that reassured Ayesha of her passion for automotive, resulting in full time employment at Triple Eight Race Engineering post-event.
At the same time, Brayden – one of the students who designed the livery – also works at Triple Eight as a fabricator and played a vital role in the chassis build before the Chev Camaro came to life as a Supercar.
Supercheap Auto explains there has not been an indigenous race car driver in Australia compete at the highest level and indigenous team personnel representation has been minimal to date.
However, it states programs like Racing Together are having a positive effect in changing this, ensuring our First Nations people have equal opportunity to pursue a career in the automotive and/or motorsport sector.
Supercheap Auto says its commitment to this initiative is long standing, with financial donations allowing Racing Together to open a second facility in Townsville, joining the home-base located in South East Queensland.
Supercheap Auto states its partnership with Racing Together ensures the automotive sector is endorsed as a pathway for our First Nations students to participate in employment, while delivering long-life positive difference to the students and their communities.
For more from Supercheap Auto, visit www.supercheapauto.com.au
The new EverRide battery range for powersport vehicles is now available
Leading battery manufacturer Century Batteries recently unveiled its new range of EverRide Powersports batteries which it says combine reliability, innovation, and exceptional performance.
Century EverRide replaces the outgoing Katana brand, with every battery in the range sporting an enhanced 18-month warranty.
Featuring an extensive range of 42 different battery types, the Century EverRide range is available in Heavy Duty AGM sealed maintenance free (SMF), Hi Performance AGM, Maintenance Free AGM, and Conventional battery types to ensure suitable fitment solutions for the majority of Powersports vehicles in Australia and New Zealand.
The flagship EverRide Heavy Duty AGM range is designed to satisfy the requirements of power hungry, accessory laden touring bikes and are supplied fully factory activated – offering a range of benefits for their intended application.
The heavy-duty range features cast radial plates, allowing for more active material to be applied to a larger surface area offering an improved electrical performance. The full frame design increases the structural integrity of the battery as well as adding increased vibration resistance and ensuring even current distribution to the terminals. The thick cast plates also allow for a higher cycling capability which is perfect for the high electrical demands of touring bikes. Century Batteries says brass and silver terminals ensure there is no loss or drop in power between battery and bike and offer superior electrical conductivity.
The EverRide Hi Performance AGM range delivers higher starting power and a superior power-to-weight ratio, which makes them best suited to high performance motorcycles with high starting power requirements.
Available in factory activated (YTZ) and dry charged (YTX) variants, Century Batteries says the Hi Performance AGM range offers exceptional power from a smaller, lighter case size, which is favourable in high-end sports bike applications.
The smaller case size allows for the plates to be tightly packed inside the case leading to a highly vibration resistant product, and by design can accommodate a fitment angle of up to 90-degrees.
For powersports vehicles requiring slightly higher starting power, the EverRide
Maintenance Free AGM range offers a series of products which are factory activated, ready to use out of the box.
The largest category in the range, EverRide Maintenance Free AGM batteries incorporate cast rectangular plates for superior strength and electrical conductivity for higher performance.
EverRide Maintenance Free AGM batteries are also suitable for multi-angle fitment, supporting a wider range of applications.
Finally, for bikes with smaller engines, the EverRide Conventional range has you covered. Supplied dry charged with an integrated acid pack, these batteries offer a shelf life of up to 24 months. The EverRide Conventional range are the only products in the line up with lead antimonial plates for superior charge acceptance and longer life. The Conventional range also
offers high internal corrosion resistance, leading to a longer service life for the battery. Being a maintainable designed product, they can also offer extended service life expectancy, provided fluid levels are checked at regular intervals.
In addition, Century Batteries says the EverRide range has been subjected to stringent testing to ensure they meet the standards for product performance and quality you’ve come to expect from its team – exceeding performance requirements of International Standard (JISD5302) by delivering 400-plus cycles with no loss of performance.
In addition, it says the EverRide range was also vibration tested to an exceptionally high standard – withstanding 7G forces for two hours.
All Century EverRide batteries are produced using Sulphation Reducing Technology (SRT), which is an additive applied during the manufacturing process to combat and reduce the onset of sulphation.
Century Batteries explains this is extremely important for batteries that may experience extended periods in inactivity commonly associated with motorcycle and power sports applications.
It states all EverRide products have the additive added to them.
With the backing of Australia’s largest battery manufacturer, Century EverRide reportedly offers a compelling range of powersports batteries which are perfectly suited to Australian conditions, providing your customers with what they really want – exceptional value and dependable performance. By choosing to stock and sell Century EverRide products, Century Batteries says you will also be able to take advantage of Century Yuasa’s extensive network of distribution centres across the country – ensuring there’s a dynamic supply of stock on-hand locally to service your business.
Further, Century Batteries says its comprehensive nationwide warranty also means that no matter where your customers go, they’ll have access to support and assistance locally should they require it.
Established in 1928, Century Batteries has grown to become a market leader in the Australian Automotive battery market.
With a workforce of 500 employees across the country, 34 distribution centres, and a cutting-edge manufacturing facility, Century Batteries says it is dedicated to providing top-tier stored energy solutions to over 8000 resellers throughout Australia.
The iconic blue and yellow Century Battery, recognised by Australian motorists, has remained a trusted choice for everyday drivers and racing professionals alike for more than 95 years.
Through relentless innovation and product development, Century Batteries says it has solidified its position as the market leader in automotive, marine, heavy machinery, and deep cycle battery categories.
Continuously exploring new opportunities in the burgeoning EV and hybrid vehicle markets, the company says it remains dedicated to staying at the forefront of technological advancement.
It explains that its nationwide lead-acid battery recycling program annually collects and recycles over 3000 tonnes of used lead-acid batteries and by partnering with Australian environmental organisations, it also actively works to minimise its environmental footprint, ensuring a cleaner future for generations to come.
Today, Century Batteries says it proudly spearheads the industry in the development, manufacturing, and supply of cutting-edge stored energy solutions across Australia and New Zealand.
For more information on the Century EverRide powersports range, contact your local Century Batteries representative on 1300 362 287 or visit centurybatteries.com.au
Valvoline is proud to introduce its Restore and Protect Premium Full Synthetic Engine Oil
Whether your customer’s SUV has lost its giddy-up or their car’s fuel economy is affecting their personal economy, Valvoline says the new Valvoline Restore and Protect Premium Full Synthetic Engine Oil is here to help your customers.
With continuous use, Restore and Protect reportedly removes up to 99 percent of harmful piston deposits # and prevents future deposit formation to restore engines to run like factory clean, helping to maximise horsepower and fuel efficiency.
Where do damaging deposits come from?
Pistons move and control engine oil flow through the cylinders for lubrication and friction reduction. They also control gases generated during the combustion process as your engine burns petrol.
Over time, when your engine runs, incomplete fuel combustion and the degradation of engine oil can cause deposits and varnish to form on metal surfaces, primarily the pistons.
The problem with piston deposits
An engine contains many metal surfaces that constantly interact as the engine is running. Because pistons get most of that surface-oil interaction, they also receive most of the deposits. Deposits and varnish inhibit oil film on metal surfaces and can prevent oil additives like
detergents and friction modifiers from forming an effective layer of protection.
What’s more, deposits insulate metal surfaces, so heat isn’t effectively removed, leading to higher engine temperatures that create more deposits. If left unchecked, piston deposits rob your engine of fuel economy, horsepower, and engine life.
Piston rings and blow-by explained
Most internal combustion engines have pistons designed with three rings.
The compression ring, at the top of the piston, keeps the gases produced by burning fuel in the combustion chamber.
The second ring, known as the wiper ring, wipes the combustion wall to form a uniform oil layer.
The bottom ring, or oil ring, wipes excess oil from the cylinder wall during piston movement, ensuring the excess oil is returned through ring openings to the oil reservoir in the engine block.
All three rings ride in grooves machined into the piston circumference, and as deposits buildup inside the groove, the rings become stuck.
This results in the seal losing effectiveness and allowing excess oil to move up the piston, causing inefficient combustion, knocking, low speed pre-ignition and ineffective heat removal due to increased deposits.
It can also lead to blow-by, where combustion
gases, a mixture of air and fuel, pass by the rings and infiltrate the crankcase and engine oil that’s moving around the cylinder walls.
This leads to sludge, corrosive wear, and a decrease in viscosity, and as blow-by compounds, the pistons and cylinders get dirtier, decreasing engine efficiency and performance.
Returning pistons to factory clean, so engines run like new
No matter the age of the vehicle, engine-killing deposits are building up on the pistons, and they’re not visible unless you take apart the engine.
These harmful deposits dramatically affect performance, fuel economy and even the longevity of an engine.
Preventing damaging deposits isn’t enough, and so Valvoline says it innovated a way to reverse them.
It says the result of this innovation, Valvoline Restore and Protect, is the first and only engine oil that returns pistons to factory clean.
In fact, it removes up to 99 percent of deposits when used as directed for four or more consecutive oil changes at standard maintenance intervals, based on adapted sequence IIIH testing.#
Goodbye deposits, hello clean engine
A clean engine is vital to minimising friction and maximising performance. Formulated with LiquiShield, Valvoline’s Restore and Protect helps by preventing deposits from forming in the future.
By now you may be wondering if deposits and
varnish vanish or end up somewhere else, like in the oil filter.
Valvoline says its Restore and Protect features proprietary Active Clean Technology that chemically dissolves deposits into microscopic pieces, so they’re suspended in the engine oil and leave the engine during your next oil change. It states there’s no impact on the performance or longevity of the oil filter.
How do we know it works?
In side-by-side tests, Valvoline says it compared deposit buildup of an industry-qualified GF-6A engine oil versus deposit buildup of Restore and Protect.
After evaluating at 160,934 kms, Valvoline ran an
additional 321,868 kms of testing, stating that the results revealed cleaner engine parts at 483K kms than at 160K kms.
But it didn’t stop there, says Valvoline, stating that modified industry testing based on on-the-road driving habits confirmed the results.
When should you use Valvoline Restore and Protect?
Whether you own a newer vehicle or one with high kilometers, Valvoline says Restore and Protect works best if you use it consistently during each oil change interval, as recommended by your vehicle manufacturer.
Valvoline states it is fully backwards compatible, allowing you to make the switch even if you have been using a different brand, as long as it is the grade and oil type as specified in your owner’s manual.
Valvoline states that its Restore and Protect is “a first-of-its-kind innovation” and “the biggest breakthrough in engine oil” since Valvoline introduced it more than 150 years ago.
In other words, the company says “it’s the type of engine oil you’d expect Valvoline to invent.”
Those behind the product explain that this isn’t an engine treatment or engine oil additive – instead it is a fully formulated ILSAC GF-6A and API SP premium engine oil with 79 percent stronger wear protection versus ILSAC GF-6 qualified oil.*
For better fuel efficiency and longer engine life, Valvoline encourages you to introduce your customers to Valvoline Restore and Protect Premium Full Synthetic Engine Oil – “the first engine oil to both actively restore engines and protect them against future damage.”
For more information, visit www.valvolineglobal.com.au
# Up to 99% piston deposit removal when used as directed for four or more consecutive oil changes. Based on adapted sequence IIIH testing.
* vs. ILSAC GF-6 qualified oil.
Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine Publisher, Cameron McLachlan, takes a look at the products driving the automotive aftermarket. cameron@aaaa.com.au
New engine protection products released
Flashlube says it continues to provide “unrivalled protection and performance” for your engine with the recent release of its premium OEM Radiator Coolant and Distilled Water.
These products have been designed utilising Organic Additive Technology (OAT) to meet the highest standards and deliver exceptional results for petrol, diesel, or hybrid vehicles.
Flashlube’s new Radiator Coolant, available in both 100 percent Concentrate and as a Pre-Mix, reportedly delivers the required anti-freeze, antiboil, and corrosion protection to keep engines running smoothly, while ensuring optimal engine temperature regulation and extended engine component lifespan.
As the engine runs and gets hot, coolant is circulated through to carry the heat to the radiator, where it is then released into the air. This process keeps the engine from overheating.
Flashlube Radiator Coolant meets all Australian, European, Asian, and American vehicle requirements and is safe for all cooling system components, as well as for use with colour compatible OE coolants.
Complementing Flashlube’s Coolants is its Distilled Water, produced using a filtration system which eliminates any contaminants and impurities that could have a negative effect on components and metals.
Flashlube says that by using its Distilled Water you can reduce scale formation on metals, ensure longer life for coolants and when used in battery maintenance, extend battery acid life. Additionally, it can be used for various household applications, making it an incredibly versatile product for both automotive and domestic needs.
Flashlube Premix/Concentrate Coolants and Distilled Water are available in 1L, 5L and 20L varieties.
For more information, visit www.flashlube.com
From crisp white to warm yellow lights at the flick of a switch
With Philips Ultinon Dual CCT LEDs, drivers can adjust the colour of their vehicle fog lights to suit wintery driving conditions at the flick of a switch. The default colour of 6,500 kelvin provides a stylish white light with increased light output and if the weather conditions worsen, drivers can switch to a 2,500 kelvin warm yellow light for increased safety, by double clicking their factory on/off fog lamp switch.
Philips explains that because yellow light does not reflect off fog, rain or snow as much as whiter light, visibility and driving comfort is improved, making it safer to drive in hazardous conditions.
Philips’ innovative solenoid switchback base function is an all in one compact design allowing the driver to plug and play into the factory light socket with no extra wiring required.
This then links to the factory fog light switch in the vehicle, allowing a driver with basic maintenance experience to upgrade their fog lights with ease.
It is important to prevent LEDs from overheating, as this affects their performance and durability, with Philips stating that its Ultinon Dual CCT uses a heatsink to effectively dissipate heat from its key components.
It says this passive cooling system results in a consistently high-quality beam performance and a longer-lasting product.
The kit contains two LED bulbs and two driver modules and is available at NAPA Auto Parts, Burson Auto Parts, Autobarn, Blingworks and other good lighting resellers nationwide.
For more information, visit www.philips.com.au
For VW AMAROK GEN2 (9/22-on)
Pedders now offers a solution for those who need to carry heavy loads beyond the vehicle’s original GVM and payload capacity.
The Pedders GVM+ upgrade kits are optioned with OE axle capacity and, depending on model, higher options for 3500kg or 3800kg GVM is available for the most demanding tow and load scenarios.
Pedders offers a support network of over 120 outlets across Australia, and all suspension components installed as part of the Pedders upgrade are backed by a Pedders twoyear/40,000kms Nationwide Warranty.
Pedders says this provides customers with peace of mind and the assurance that they can rely on the quality and durability of a Pedders GVM upgrade on their next adventure.
Overall, Pedders says its GVM+ upgrade kit is the
best solution for those who tow or carry heavy loads.
Pedders recommends you check your vehicle’s GVM and Payload capacity before loading it to ensure that you don’t exceed your limits and compromise safety.
Kit components supplied and installed at your approved Pedders GVM outlet include:
• Front Foam Cell Struts x two
• Front Coil Springs x two
• Side Indicator Kit x one
• Rear Foam Cell Shocks x two
• Rear Leaf Springs x two
• Centre Bearing Drop Kit x one
• Rear U-Bolts x four
• Rear Greasable Shackles x two
• Rear Leaf Spring Bushes
For more information, visit www.pedders.com.au
*New payload figure is determined by OE GVM rating which can vary. Side Indicator Kit only required on 3800kg GVM Upgrade.
Training, tools and equipment for these vehicles are all focus areas for the company
CoolDrive Auto Parts has expanded its offerings around hybrid and electric vehicles.
As part of this, the NRGkick mobile charger is now available for electric vehicles, which CoolDrive says is “the safest charging unit on the market,” thanks to its innovative Thermo-Protect temperature management and a new overvoltage and undervoltage protection.
Easy to use, the NRGkick can be used anywhere there is electricity from the standard 10A household plug to the maximum output of 22 kW by using a three phase five pin outlet.
The NRGkick can communicate with a house’s solar and battery systems to ensure charging only occurs while the sun is shining and not taking from the grid, which enables a cost saving for the user. This feature can be updated to all of the NRGkick models through a mobile phone connection.
This year CoolDrive has also expanded its Tolsen insulated hand tool range which now features all manner of individual hand tools, as well as socket, plier, and tool sets – all manufactured and tested to VDE specifications.
CoolDrive’s safety equipment range is one of the
largest in the industry, and was introduced in response to Australian Standard AS 5732:2022, which specifies exact requirements on safe and appropriate handling procedures, and provides guidance on safety and personal protective equipment for workshops working with electric and hybrid vehicles.
The range includes the HeartSine samaritan semiautomatic and fully-automatic Public Access Defibrillators, which can be used by both people trained in CPR, and those who are untrained. Associated safety accessories are also available.
Capping off the hybrid and electric vehicle products available at CoolDrive are vehicle and resistance testers from brands including Bosch and Jaylec.
Complementing its comprehensive tool and safety equipment range for workshops are industryleading training opportunities from CoolDrive.
CoolDrive’s respected Technical Training Program is again running throughout the year, headlined by the ‘Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Systems’ training courses which will be conducted in partnership with Bosch and TaT.
Upon successful completion, attendees will have
gained the knowledge and skills to proficiently handle and service the intricate components of hybrid and electric vehicles.
Objectives include identifying high-voltage components and associated risks, implementing safety protocols for working on EVs, understanding hybrid system variations and battery technologies, and selecting appropriate test equipment for diagnostics, including high-voltage testing.
At April’s Australian Auto Aftermarket Expo, CoolDrive was proud to support and power AAAA’s ‘Electrified Zone’ initiative, showcasing its comprehensive equipment range to service and repair EV and hybrid vehicles.
For more information, contact your local CoolDrive branch or visit www.cooldrive.com.au
The new range from Milwaukee Tool delivers user-driven innovation
With “a commitment to user-driven innovation and superior craftsmanship and design,” global tool manufacturer Milwaukee Tool explains it has introduced a new line-up of premium hand tools which have been designed to eliminate tradefocused frustrations and deliver exceptional performance.
Featuring a range of Cutting Pliers – including Lineman’s, Diagonal, and Long Nose – and Screwdrivers, the latest hand tool solutions have been engineered in Milwaukee’s state-of-the-art research, design, and manufacturing facility in West Bend, Wisconsin, USA.
Made from USA sourced premium quality materials and backed by a lifetime guarantee, the Made in USA Hand Tools range includes 16 products aimed at reducing user frustration, delivering precision, and improving efficiency.
“We have developed this range off the back of end-user ‘frustrations with inconsistency,’” Milwaukee Tool Product Manager for Hand Tools, Nicole McLellan, said.
“We engaged with trade professionals throughout the research and development phase to
understand the pain points associated with other hand tools on the market.
“We found that user and functional needs were not being met by competitor hand tool products – pliers not cutting and difficult to open/close, screwdriver tips fitting poorly and wear and tear.
“From this user-driven insight, we’ve developed a range of Hand Tools which address these issues and have been designed to make work on the jobsite more efficient.”
Milwaukee Tool’s Made in USA Cutting Pliers are made with precision machining and laser hardening technology.
An optimised pivot point design offers maximum leverage to cut through tough materials. Built to last, the Cutting Pliers are strong and durable, delivering easy cuts, and featuring a smooth open and close functionality with no break in period.
Milwaukee Tool’s Made in USA Screwdrivers are made with long lasting, premium quality
materials, built to withstand the demands of the jobsite.
Engineered with custom tip geometry, the precise fitting tip provides a more complete connection and reduces the chance of stripping during demanding tasks.
A knurled shank allows precision control and each screwdriver features cushion grip handles. To view the full range, please visit www.milwaukeetool.com.au/hand-tools/
Workshops can now order these kits with everything they need in one box
ClutchPro has recently introduced clutch system actuation kits to its range of accessories and hydraulics. These kits have been developed to offer a complete clutch solution for the trade with key actuation components such as a master cylinder, hydraulic hose, slave cylinder, clutch fork, pivot ball and fork dust boot all included in the one box. These kits are vehicle specific and have been developed to cater for commonly seen failure components and to renew the entire clutch system for long term durability.
The ClutchPro range is Australian Clutch Services’ (ACS) in-house standard replacement brand that is focused on providing OE quality replacement solutions for workshops around Australia and New Zealand.
With “one of the most comprehensive ranges of complete clutch kits, individual actuation components and hydraulics,” ClutchPro says its range provides a complete aftermarket clutch solution to improve efficiency for workshops whilst retaining quality and performance.
“Our ClutchPro brand has been developed over the past two decades to become synonymous with providing complete solutions to workshops and we are constantly expanding our range to cover individual components and kits to enhance this offering,” ACS Sales Manager, Colin Jevons, said.
“The addition of our ClutchPro actuation kit program allows us to provide the ideal solution for customers who are looking to renew their entire clutch system in one go.
“Rather than having to individually purchase all of the components, workshops can now order these kits with everything in one box, saving time and offering an excellent value solution.”
ClutchPro says the actuation kits have been developed to support the most popular vehicles for clutch actuation accessory replacements and due to being available in kitted form in ACS warehouses
nationwide, are reportedly faster to access around Australia.
“We understand the importance of having fast access to these components, with most technicians discovering failures or heavy wear of actuation components after the transmission has been removed from the vehicle,” Colin said.
“By providing these key actuation components in kit form, we are able to cover an extensive range of popular applications in our nationwide warehousing network which will reduce delivery times through our distributors.”
The complete ACS range of products including the actuation kit program is available through the ACS distribution network around Australia.
For more information or to find your local distributor, please visit www.australianclutch.com.au
DC Lubricants says its products are revolutionising engine care in Australia
DC Lubricants Australia says it is excited to introduce its range of premium engine treatments and additives, now available to the Australian market. It states that its products are meticulously engineered to meet the demands of professional workshops and discerning vehicle owners, ensuring optimal engine performance, longevity, and cost-efficiency.
The range includes:
• Engine Oil Flush Pro – designed for both petrol and diesel engines, this powerful flush removes sludge, varnish, and deposits, restoring engine cleanliness and efficiency. DC Lubricants says it is the perfect solution for workshops aiming to deliver thorough maintenance and extend engine life.
• Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) Cleaning Solutions – DC Lubricants says its DPF cleaning products are designed specifically for on-car cleaning, eliminating the need to remove the DPF for off-car cleaning. It says this innovative approach saves significant time and reduces labour costs, while effectively cleaning the DPF. By maintaining the health of diesel engines, DC Lubricants says its DPF cleaning solutions
prevent costly replacements and ensure compliance with emissions standards.
• Fuel Additives – DC Lubricants invites you to enhance fuel quality and engine performance with its advanced fuel additives. It says these additives clean the fuel system, improve combustion, reduce emissions, and create improvements in power and efficiency.
DC Lubricants says there are a number of reasons to choose its products:
• Quality and innovation – DC Lubricants says its products are developed using the latest technology and highest-quality ingredients, ensuring they meet the rigorous demands of modern engines.
• Expertise – with a deep understanding of engine mechanics and maintenance needs, DC Lubricants says it provides solutions that work efficiently and effectively.
• Cost savings – by maintaining engine cleanliness and performance, DC Lubricants says its products help reduce the frequency of repairs and replacements, saving time and money for workshops and vehicle owners alike.
DC Lubricants says it recognises the critical role professional workshops play in vehicle maintenance. It states its products are designed to support these workshops by offering superior performance, ease of use, and reliable results.
Whether it is through its Engine Oil Flush Pro, DPF cleaning solutions, or fuel additives, DC Lubricants says it aims to help workshops deliver exceptional service to its customers.
At the same time, DC Lubricants states it is committed to promoting sustainable practices within the automotive industry.
It says its products not only enhance engine performance but also contribute to reduced emissions and better fuel economy, aligning with global efforts to reduce environmental impact. For more information, visit www.dclubricants.au
Thinking today’s high-tech cars don’t need a tune-up is a false economy
Today’s tune-ups are very different to those of yesteryear; there are no points to adjust, no carburettor to tweak, but nevertheless a tune-up is essential to keep the vehicle running optimally.
A small ‘problem’ with today’s ‘thinking’ machinery is that the ECU compensates for irregularities.
Where you once could hear a ‘ping,’ the ECU feels the problem and adjusts to deal with it and often dealing with it means the vehicle seems to run well when in fact it is using more fuel and lacking performance.
A driver doesn’t necessarily feel the detuning as it is gradual – they will feel it in their hip pocket though when the problem overwhelms the vehicle’s ECU and becomes a major repair.
Preventative maintenance with a new fashion ‘tune-up’ service will keep problems at bay, says Envirotek.
One of the biggest issues on diesel vehicles comes about due to the EGR valve, which recirculates exhaust gases back into the intake manifold.
Over time the intake manifold becomes coated with soot, thereby reducing the air mass volume. This combined with the oil in the manifold creates a real mess.
As the carbon builds in the manifold, the motor slowly chokes. The ECU is now compensating for the reduced airmass volume, thereby continuing the detuning, resulting in loss of performance, economy, driveability, and poor emissions. Eventually the vehicle will struggle to even run.
The customer may not notice this gradual decline in performance, but often it becomes a major issue with the only option being to pull the manifold off and perform a manual clean.
That can be a costly exercise for the customer, but it can be avoided with regular cleans, leading us back to the modern-day Tune-Up service.
Envirotek says bringing this to the attention of your customer is an effective way of ensuring they understand the consequences of not having tuneups as part of their service.
Cleaning the manifold will maximise performance and fuel economy and your customer will notice the difference in their hip pocket and under their right foot, says Envirotek, which states it is a simple way to explain to customers that a tune-up is becoming a fundamental part of normal servicing.
Once the vehicle has had its tune-up, it will breathe properly again. The ECU can reset parameters to take this into account.
Envirotek says instant results can be achieved by using a scan-tool to reset the airmass volume or it may take several trips for the car to relearn and retune.
Either way, Envirotek says it will become obvious that the vehicle drives with increased pep and improved fuel economy.
Envirotek Diesel Power Boost (DPB) is detergent based, making this product safe to use – Envirotek states that by introducing flammable products into the intake of a diesel engine, you are introducing a product that can ignite under pressure and risk run-on.
Run-on could end in major damage or a dead motor. Envirotek states its DPB will not cause run-on as it is detergent based and due to how easy and safe this product is to use, it is a one-person job in the workshop.
DPB is sprayed directly into the intake manifold using the EnviroKleen canister. It can also run pre-turbo, which is often necessary especially with European vehicles, meaning you can get the product into the system without creating a huge amount of work for the technician.
Envirotek says it is always advisable to perform the clean in a well-ventilated area, however it states the added benefit with DPB is the low odour emitted
From Terrain Tamer
When towing, travelling long distances, or driving in extreme conditions, your vehicle’s engine is working at maximum capacity and is at risk of overheating if it hasn’t been fitted with a cooling system that is up to the challenge.
Terrain Tamer says this is especially true of the Toyota Landcruiser VDJ76/78/79 models, which are fitted with an Engine Oil Cooler that is often proven too small for the conditions expected of these workhorse vehicles.
To tackle this issue, Terrain Tamer have released a Heavy-Duty Engine Oil Cooler, specifically for these models.
Providing extra airflow to aid in dissipating and
removing surplus heat, the new Terrain Tamer Heavy Duty Engine Oil Cooler acts to keep engine oil within a consistent temperature, therefore maintaining viscosity within an optimal range and ensuring adequate pressure throughout the system, effectively reducing the chance of oil pressure drop.
Terrain Tamer says its Heavy Duty Engine Oil Cooler offers an upgrade of up to 30 percent increased cooling on the factory fitted OE Equivalent for the 70 Series, and is ideal for towing applications, heavy vehicles and those operating in extreme offroad conditions
For more information, visit www.terraintamer.com
during the cleaning process, explaining there is little to no noticeable smell associated with the Envirotek Diesel Power Boost.
Airmass volume reduction doesn’t just happen to diesel vehicles, petrol cars often suffer as well.
Companies now employ direct injection petrol engines, often causing carbon build up on the back of the valves where once fuel from the injectors in the manifold would clean the valves.
Envirotek says as a mechanic you can hear the predetonation ping and this is something to point out to your customer.
It notes it is especially pronounced if the customer is using low quality fuels, and states detailing the benefits of a Petrol Power Boost tune-up will educate the customer on vehicle maintenance. Envirotek says its products will perform this essential tune-up service on both diesel and petrol vehicles with minimal effort and maximum safety and efficiency.
Envirotek is Australian made and made for the trade, offering “a safe and simple solution.”
For more information, contact Envirotek QLD at www.envirotek.net.au or Atlantic Oil NSW/VIC at www.atlanticoil.com
Narva’s new range of Squawk Reverse Tone Alarms are designed to increase safety across a range of industries, by providing an effective audible signal to warn people of vehicle movements in shared operational areas.
Developed to meet the demanding safety requirements of industrial, on-road and mining industries, Narva says the Squawk Tone Alarms stand out from competitors through their ability to provide an effective warning signal that diffuses quickly outside the warning zone, reducing unnecessary noise pollution.
This makes the range ideal for use at night in built-up urban areas for utilities, maintenance vehicles, in emergency roadside rescue applications and similar.
Four 12/24V alarm options are available across the line-up, providing fixed tone outputs of 87, 97 and 102 decibels.
A highlight of the range is a self-adjusting ‘smart’ reversing alarm that can self-adjust its volume within 77 to 97 decibels, to best cater for the ambient sound level within the operating environment.
This feature is useful for vehicles that are used in diverse locations, from quieter sites to noisy highway environments.
All four Squawk Tone Alarms are certified to SAE standards, guaranteeing that actual output matches stated output.
To ensure reliability and durability in demanding working conditions, the range also boasts solidstate, potted circuitry and is fully sealed to IP67 for water and dust ingress.
This robustness of design and construction allows Narva to back the range with a lifetime warranty.
Narva’s new Squawk Reverse Tone Alarms are available at a recommended retail price of $120.00 for the 12/24V 87dB and 12/24V 97dB models, $200.00 for the 12/24V 102dB variant and $250.00 for the 12/24V self-adjusting ‘smart’ alarm.
Narva explains that the range can be purchased from leading automotive, four-wheel drive and transportation outlets nationwide. For more information, visit www.narva.com.au
How Bendix develops pads which meet or exceed OE equivalents
As a leading friction material and brake component company that traces its roots in Australia back to 1955, Bendix boasts a huge amount of experience as both an OE and aftermarket supplier to the automotive industry.
When local vehicle manufacturing was in full swing, Bendix was a trusted brake pad supplier to the likes of Toyota, Holden, Ford, Mitsubishi and others, providing quality brake pad solutions that met exacting OE requirements.
While high volume local auto manufacturing may have wound up, Bendix says it remains committed to developing and supplying motorists with high quality braking solutions for both older and all-new models.
In all cases, Bendix says the goal is for the Bendix replacement to not only meet, but exceed OE equivalents.
Development process
In the case of disc brake pads for new models, Bendix explains that it undertakes a thorough audit of the manufacturer pad.
It is a process that begins with a 3D scan allowing the company’s industrial designers to develop its own Unigraphics CAD drawings, leading to perfect clearances and edges, and a flawless fit in the finished product.
From the drawings, Bendix develops a backing plate and also scrutinises all components of the source pad, particularly the friction material. Engineers analyse the composition of the friction material using a powerful electron microscope, which allows them to identify the various compounds and materials used in the formula and in what quantities.
The analysis lets Bendix compare the friction material to existing Bendix formulas, and develop its own versions with a view to surpassing the performance of what was originally provided by the manufacturer.
Additionally, Bendix can adjust its formulas to produce friction material blends to suit various applications and driving styles.
As an example, some motorists may prefer pads that offer a balanced performance for everyday
commuting such as the General CT range, where owners who enjoy more spirited driving could opt for pads from the Ultimate+ range, which provide reduced brake fade and added bite.
In house testing
Once the friction formula has been finalised, Bendix manufactures sample pads in its prototyping laboratory, a facility which allows the company to make small volumes ready for testing without having to go into full production mode. Among the evaluation protocols are a series of dynamometer brake tests that measure noise, performance and wear on three different machines. Certain tests see the pads run continuously on the dyno for seven days, experiencing intermittent brake applications at various speeds (up to 175 kp/h), while another will expose the pads to braking temperatures of over 300 degrees C.
The noise dyno sees the pads mic’d up to analyse volume, ensuring performance meets Bendix’s low noise benchmarking.
During the testing, all SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) procedures are adhered to. Following these laboratory tests, Bendix moves to real-world vehicle trials using its own fleet. If an exact model is not available the closest available vehicle within the segment will be chosen, one with similar size, weight and broader specifications.
Bendix says its commitment to developing high quality OE replacement disc brake pads and an exhaustive testing process sees Bendix pads rated as ‘E+ Original Equipment Fit’.
This rating reportedly ensures the design, construction and performance requirements – as well as test protocols – meet strict European OE specifications, including testing for braking capabilities, speed sensitivity and cold performance.
Bendix says the results are disc brake pads that allow drivers to put their foot down with confidence no matter what the vehicle or conditions.
For more information, visit www.bendix.com.au
Bilstein says it has the right offer for premium vehicles
Australian drivers value high-quality vehicles. Highperformance sports cars and SUVs with powerful engines are enjoying high, unbroken demand.
Bilstein says the trend towards air suspension has long been established here, and electronically adjustable shock absorber systems are also becoming increasingly popular in the Australian market.
Bilstein says that particularly when it comes to these technologies – which it says are not only essential for driving comfort but also have a major influence on the driving experience, dynamics and safety of a vehicle – garages should rely on quality products.
The company states it is “the technology leader in this field, both in original equipment and in the aftermarket,” and “offers the best conditions for a genuine 1:1 series replacement without compromising on the performance of the suspension.”
Air suspension and air suspension modules
Whether a sports car or SUV – from “compact and fast,” like the Tesla Model S, to a high- and heavy Mercedes-Benz GLE (W167) or Porsche Cayenne, Bilstein says it has the right air suspension spare parts on offer: the Bilstein B3 air suspension for vehicles with separately installed air suspension and shock absorbers and the Bilstein B4 air suspension module, which combines damping, suspension and levelling in a single component and is available for active and passive systems.
It explains all Bilstein B4 air suspension modules offered in the aftermarket consist of 100 percent new parts, unlike many competitor products.
Bilstein states that air suspension struts using remanufactured parts cannot offer the same range of functions as a standard part or a Bilstein B4 air suspension module.
Further, it explains the electromagnetic control valves from Bilstein are compatible with the respective manufacturer’s on-board electronics and regulate the oil flow for characteristic curve settings in the shock absorber as intended ex works.
Bilstein says the result is outstanding riding comfort combined with ideal handling, and the active systems adapt to different road and driving conditions at lightning speed. Like all Bilstein products, the air suspension has been individually tuned in Bilstein road tests.
DampTronic – the smart alternative
Bilstein says it also has the ideal repair solution for drivers who are using coil springs – such as in the Porsche 911 DT – and rely on adjustable dampers.
The semi-active DampTronic damper system can be set to the desired suspension set-up at the touch of a button: for example, a hard characteristic curve for dynamic driving or a softer one for greater ride comfort.
As standard replacement dampers, the Bilstein B4 and B6 dampers in the electronic version with DampTronic ensure that active suspension control is retained – and thanks to their “perfect compatibility,” they are easy to plug and play, says Bilstein.
Bilstein performance products such as the Bilstein B8, B12, B14, EVO S and B16 are also available in an electronic version as DampTronic.
If the standard suspension has an electronic valve system, not only does the suspension receive an upgrade, but the dampers are also linked to the vehicle’s electric control system - a tuning option that only a series supplier can offer, says Bilstein.
For more information, visit www.bilstein.com
Photos: Copyright BILSTEIN 2024
Combining practicality, versatility, aesthetics, and affordability
TAG says the development of its XR Towbar was initiated when it noticed the demand for a competitively priced towbar that excelled in both functionality and aesthetics.
XR Towbar was conceived with two key features in mind. Firstly, it had to be practical. This meant being heavy-duty (class four), featuring a three-piece design for ease of fitment, providing excellent clearance, incorporating easy to access recovery points, offering additional plug brackets, and maintaining a weight-conscious design. Secondly, aesthetics played a crucial role. Today’s 4WD enthusiasts don’t just need high quality gear that works, it also needs to look good and contribute positively to the overall look of the setup.
This meant that the XR towbar needed to exude toughness and quality, and its finish had to be visually striking and suit most 4WDs on the road.
TAG reports that its design team was excited to tackle the unique challenge of achieving the desired balance between aesthetics and practicality.
To start with, they aimed to emulate the appearance of a cast recovery point without incurring tooling costs, while also ensuring the towbar maintained a lightweight design.
To achieve this, TAG ventured into CNC machining for the first time. Using this process, its team were able to cut the recovery points directly out of the end plates, allowing for easy customisation of the recovery points during the design process to match the styling of any vehicle, and allowing it to squeeze in every millimetre of ground clearance possible.
TAG explains that this flexibility ensures the XR Towbar seamlessly integrates with a wide array of 4WD models, providing customers with a highly engineered recovery towbar that complements their vehicle’s unique style.
The recovery points are also bevelled to suit and extend the life of soft shackles – a feature that is important for any real 4WD enthusiast.
The new CNC manufacturing process has allowed the XR Towbar to save an impressive amount of weight, with TAG reporting that some models come
in as much as 40kgs lighter than competitors’ recovery towbars for the same vehicle.
Most importantly, TAG states the reduction in weight has not had any negative impact on the strength and durability of the product.
Further, TAG notes that its dedication to safety and quality assurance is evident through its inhouse testing to ADR standards, specifically ADR62/02.
TAG also took on the challenge of testing the Working Load Limit (WLL) rating for the recovery points in-house, which it states is a testament to its relentless pursuit of product excellence. For more information, visit www.tagtowbars.com.au
Trefol has had the MAHA equipment operational since December last year
Busy operations don’t have time for substandard machinery, and that was the problem at Trefol before the large New South Wales-based company changed to MAHA equipment in its workshop.
Trefol tests vehicle brake force, brake balance, wheel rolling resistance and deceleration to determine braking performance.
John Willis, one of the three owners of the family run company, said the previous brake testing machinery they had wasn’t a good system and they needed to look at a better system for roller brake testing incorporating load simulation.
“I just got fed up around Christmas time last year, and I rang Mick (Lauster – MAHA Managing Director) and we organised a quote and basically bit the bullet and pulled the old system out and put the MAHA in,” John said.
“Software was a massive problem with the old system. This system has got great software; we find that it is easier for the guys to use, the roller systems are heaps better than the other system, and the shaker plates are a lot better as well.
“The system is just a great system, absolutely well and truly better built and it is certainly a very superior product.”
Trefol has had the MAHA equipment operational since December last year and it is used every day by the 10 technicians working in that area of the business who have reportedly found the new machinery easy to master and very easy to use.
These technicians are required to conduct these tests as part of the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator’s (NHVR) National Heavy Vehicle Inspection for heavy vehicle compliance to ensure on road safety.
The NHVIM specifies a roller brake tester with load simulation as one of its main in-service test methods to accurately verify a functioning load proportioning valve and to measure brake torque while the vehicle is on rollers in the workshop. Load simulation is vital to ensure brake force is sufficient for all load conditions experienced by that truck.
“Because we are an inspection station here for the registrations and the RFS, we clear defects
and obviously every time we break into a braking system, we make the boys put the truck over the rollers and check the brakes before it goes out. And we use it for all our servicing inspections, so the trucks go over the braking and shaker for servicing,” John said.
To ensure the system is functioning perfectly, MAHA’s Roller Brake Testing equipment is calibrated on an annual basis by factory trained technicians.
On completion of the calibration, the customer is issued with a certificate confirming the calibration which is valid for 12 months.
For more information, visit www.maha.com.au
TL Ranger Diesel says it gives a second life to your common rail diesel injectors
TL Ranger Diesel is an Australian owned family business operated in Dandenong, Victoria, dedicated to recycling and reconditioning common-rail injectors with equipment and skills obtained in Germany and China.
“The good old Aussie days are gone,” TL Ranger Diesel General Manager, Tony Tong, said.
“We used to fix parts rather than throw them away: alternators, start motors, radiators, pumps and injectors, you name it.
“Parts were cheaper to be reconditioned, and services through specialists used to be punctual
and reliable. Yet in the recent decade, the old tradition is fading away, or sadly, completely becoming history.
“Are we to be blamed for the shift? Or as many have believed, are modern car components not reconditionable anymore?
“Today, taking the common-rail fuel injection industry as an example, I wish to share with you a story that may cast some light on this trend.
“Diesel fuel pump shops used to be supported by the original manufacturers like Bosch or Denso for training, spec data and parts, in order to carry out repairs.
“This came to an end not long after common rail systems took over in 2006. The dealer’s parts supply and skill training had gradually stopped, and parts became expensive or not available altogether.
“Trainings were also no longer provided and new equipment had become very expensive due to their complexity and precision.
“Overall, as a diesel owner or workshop, you were left with the option to buy new most of the time.
“Yet, the hope is not completely lost.
“It took some time for the aftermarket sector to catch up, and now it is time to say, quality reconditioning is back in diesel common-rail injection.
“Even the Piezo Bosch and Siemens injectors are remanufactured and tested by the market in the last couple of years. OEM parts are used to achieve the strictest manufacturer’s spec.
“Now we need your help to bring the old traditions back. Save the old injectors and we can give them a new life.”
To recycle your old diesel injectors, please contact TL Ranger Diesel on 03 8774 5213 or visit www.injectormelbourne.com
Raw 4x4 says its all-new Raw AR45 Nitro Max lift kit for your Next-Gen Ford Ranger transforms your truck from mild-mannered commuter to off-road beast, letting you go from ‘mild to wild’ when the pavement ends.
On-vehicle height adjustable spring seat
Say goodbye to the hassle of pre-adjusting your suspension – with Raw 4x4, you can now install your suspension components first, giving you the flexibility to fine-tune your vehicle front ride height, with the Raw AR45 Nitro Max, after adding a bumper and/or winch.
This innovative approach eliminates the guesswork and ensures your suspension is perfectly dialled in for your specific setup. Whether you prioritise ride height for off-road adventures or want to compensate for the weight of a new winch, Raw 4x4 says its onvehicle adjustability allows for precise calibration.
The all new Raw AR45 Nitro Max strut boasts an innovative Cam Adjustable Spring Seat height adjustment, allowing you to fine-tune your front suspension ride height for optimal performance. Each adjustment provides a 3mm increase in coil preload, which translates to a 5mm ride height increase or the
ability to handle an additional 30kg of constant load while maintaining the existing ride height.
Anti vibration driveline wedge kit (V6 model only)
Raw 4x4 has also introduced what it describes as a “revolutionary” vibration-free lift solution which combines a two-dimensional centre bearing spacer wedge kit, with specially designed alignment wedges for your Raw 4x4 rear leaf springs.
Benefits include reduced driveshaft angles – the spacer wedges effectively relax the driveshaft input angle into the rear axle, minimising vibrations and ensuring a smoother ride – and improved driveline alignment, with the alignment wedges working in harmony with the spacer kit, keeping your driveshaft precisely aligned with the transmission, reducing stress on the drivetrain.
Raw 4x4 says its high-strength, adjustable sway bar links are the perfect upgrade for off-road enthusiasts, addressing two critical needs: increased clearance – the adjustable design allows you to maximise clearance between the lower control arm and the sway bar, essential for tackling uneven terrain and obstacles – and enhanced durability.
Raw 4x4 states its sway bar links offer superior strength and rigidity which translates to better protection against bending, buckling, or snapping, even under demanding off-road conditions.
Weight rated leaf spring options
(0-150kg, 150-300kg and 300-500kg)
Whether you are setting up your truck for improved comfort, a long distant tourer or as a tradie workhorse, Raw 4x4 says it has designed three leaf spring options to cater for your load carrying needs. Each leaf spring is equipped with friction pads and clip liners for noise free operation and castor wedges for precise axle location.
For more information, visit www.raw4x4.com
Addressing chronic bump steer and tyre wear issues plaguing vehicles like the Isuzu D-Max, MU-X, and Mazda BT-50
Recognising the limitations of existing solutions, SuperPro says it was driven to develop a product that not only solves this issue but does so with unprecedented efficacy and efficiency.
It explains that its Steering Knuckle is the culmination of rigorous R&D, embodying SuperPro’s commitment to excellence.
It has been designed to seamlessly integrate with the vehicle’s existing framework, mirroring the simplicity of installing an upper control arm while offering a transformative impact on handling and stability.
Unlike traditional solutions that SuperPro says offer mere palliatives to symptoms, the Steering Knuckle upgrade confronts the root cause of bump steer and tyre wear head-on.
Engineered with precision, using hot forged 4140 AISI steel, SuperPro says it not only meets but exceeds OE design standards.
By drastically reducing bump steer and improving tyre longevity, SuperPro says it not only enhances vehicle performance but also driver safety and comfort.
With improved stability, drivers experience less fatigue, maintaining higher levels of concentration and reducing the risk of accidents.
Further, by addressing the root cause of bump steer and tyre wear, SuperPro says this solution extends tyre life, ensuring better contact between the tyre and the road.
The SuperPro solution is designed for simplicity and compliance and does not require any welding, engineering modifications, or mod plating, maintaining the vehicle’s warranty and legal standing.
The SuperPro Steering Knuckle is VSB 14 approved and ADR compliant, ensuring its legality and conformity to national standards. SuperPro says rigorous testing, including 3rd party assessments to VSB14 loads, demonstrates product compliance and that it exceeds strength requirements for a front axle rating of 1650kg.
In comparison to other market solutions, SuperPro says its TRC6680 Steering Knuckle stands out for
its innovative approach, rigorous compliance with legal standards, and the comprehensive benefits it offers.
While competitors may offer temporary fixes, SuperPro says it provides a tested, approved, and effective solution to enhance vehicle performance, safety, and compliance without the drawbacks of permanent modifications or legal complications.
For more information, visit www.superpro.com.au
DBA invites you to elevate your 4x4 performance with its new brake kits
For those who frequently tow, off-road, or haul heavy loads with their 4x4s, Disc Brakes Australia (DBA) says its new Upgrade Performance Brake Kits are a game-changer.
This latest offering includes larger calipers, steel braided hoses, XP level friction brake pads, and DBA’s patented 4000 Series T3 rotor with Kangaroo Paw vane ventilation.
These Upgrade Kits are designed to enhance performance, safety, and reliability. Injected with DBA’s patented technology, DBA says they are perfect for off-road enthusiasts and heavy-duty users alike.
Enhanced safety and performance
DBA explains that standard brake systems often fail to deliver adequate stopping power under the intense demands of towing, off-roading, and carrying heavy loads.
With higher weights, higher thermal energy is created during the braking process, which standard brakes might not be able to dissipate adequately, especially when brakes are applied over a prolonged period. The result can be as severe as brake fade and, eventually, brake failure.
DBA’s Upgrade Performance Brake Kits are designed to tackle these challenges head-on:
• Upgrade calipers ensure effective stopping under heavy stress. With upgrade kits generally using larger brake pads to increase the contact area between the brake pad and the rotor surfaces, a larger caliper with increased piston diameters and/or an additional number of pistons applies the pressure to the brake pads more evenly. This will result in better brake control and lower pedal effort for the driver.
• 4000 Series T3 rotor: unique Kangaroo Paw vane ventilation with 144 diamond and teardrop-patterned pillars enhances heat dissipation and stability. The patented T3 slot design provides more exit points for dust and gases, resulting in a quieter, more responsive, and smoother brake pedal feel.
• XP Friction level brake pads: using semimetallic, carbon fibre friction material, these pads deliver exceptional stoppage power with high initial bite and increased surface friction, ensuring consistent performance from low to high temperatures.
• Steel braided hoses eliminate bulging even with repeated braking under load. They also offer a tougher barrier against the elements and thus increase peak performance longevity.
DBA says these kits guarantee efficient braking even under the heaviest loads or toughest terrains, significantly reducing the risk of accidents and improving vehicle control.
Towing places significant strain on a vehicle’s brakes, often leading to faster brake fade and increased stopping distances compared with standard systems.
DBA says its upgrade kits are engineered to handle this extra load effortlessly:
• Enhanced heat management – crucial for descending steep grades with a heavy trailer. DBA’s patented Kangaroo Paw vane ventilation ensures up to 20 percent better heat dissipation compared to conventional rotor ventilation systems, allowing you to tow with greater confidence and ensuring your brakes are less likely to overheat and fail.
• Off-roading excellence: off-roading demands a reliable braking system in unpredictable conditions. DBA’s upgraded brake kits excel by offering improved modulation and response.
• Consistent performance: whether navigating steep inclines or muddy trails, DBA says these brakes provide safer and more controlled driving.
• Durable hoses: OE rubber hoses can become soft over time, causing a loss of force applied to the brake pistons. DBA says its steel braided hoses resist debris and mud, reducing premature wear and ensuring long-lasting reliability.
For 4x4 owners who use their vehicles for work or expeditions, carrying heavy loads is a common challenge. DBA says its upgraded brake kits are designed to handle heavier loads more effectively with reduced pedal effort.
DBA explains the larger calipers reduce pedal effort by up to 60 percent, providing more force and supporting greater surface area for the brake pads to push against the rotor.
It says this results in shorter stopping distances and greater stability, crucial for maintaining control during sudden stops or emergency manoeuvres.
While the initial investment in DBA’s upgraded brake kits might seem substantial, DBA says it proves cost-effective in the long run thanks to a longer lifespan and lower maintenance costs.
It explains that the high-performance components typically last longer compared to standard parts, especially in demanding conditions, due to both superior material and components being used, as well as an increased level of craftmanship applied to the manufacturing process.
Further, fewer replacements and improved braking efficiency reduce wear on other vehicle parts, such as tyres and suspension, further cutting down overall maintenance expenses.
In summary, DBA says its Upgrade Performance Brake Kits for 4x4 vehicles offer numerous benefits, especially if you regularly tow, off-road, or carry heavy loads.
It states enhanced safety, superior towing capabilities, improved off-roading performance, better handling of heavy loads, and long-term cost savings make this upgrade a smart investment for any 4x4 enthusiast or professional.
Further, it says DBA’s upgrade brake kits not only boost performance but also provide peace of mind, allowing you to tackle any adventure or task with confidence.
Offering drivers “unparalleled insights into their vehicle’s power dynamics”
Garrett Advancing Motion says its G-Smart Module represents a convergence of cutting-edge technology and user-centric design, revolutionising the way drivers interact with their turbochargers and unlocking new dimensions of performance optimisation.
One of the key innovations of the G-Smart Module is its real-time performance monitoring capabilities. By leveraging Bluetooth technology and the G-Smart application, users can access live turbo speed and boost pressure readings directly on their mobile devices.
Key features and benefits:
• Bluetooth connectivity for seamless data transmission: the G-Smart Module’s Bluetooth operation seamlessly transmits critical performance data from the module to the intuitive G-Smart application, providing users with real-time insights into their turbocharger’s operation.
• Modern display for enhanced visibility: equipped with a modern display, the G-Smart Module presents live turbo speed and boost pressure readings with exceptional clarity and
precision. Users can monitor these key metrics in real-time, gaining valuable insights into their vehicle’s performance dynamics.
• Intuitive gauge sweep with color indicators: the gauge sweep feature of the G-Smart Module transitions colors (Green, Yellow, Red) to signal the approach to maximum-rated turbo speed, ensuring that users can monitor performance thresholds with ease and precision.
• Peak turbo speed marker for enhanced analysis: a marker on the gauge sweep indicates peak turbo speed, allowing users to identify performance peaks and optimise turbocharger operation for maximum efficiency and durability.
• Graphical data display for comprehensive analysis: the G-Smart Module enables users to display up to 120 seconds of turbo speed and boost data in an easy-to-view graphical format, facilitating comprehensive analysis and performance optimisation.
• Universal compatibility for enhanced convenience: compatible with both Android and iOS devices, the G-Smart Module
ensures universal accessibility, allowing users to leverage the power of turbocharger performance monitoring regardless of their preferred mobile platform.
• Effortless configuration: the G-Smart Module streamlines the installation and configuration process, offering pre-set Garrett models and part numbers for easy integration. Users can configure the module to suit their specific turbocharger configuration with minimal effort and maximum convenience.
By integrating these features, Garrett says its G-Smart Module provides users with an unparalleled solution for turbocharger performance monitoring. For more information, visit www.garrettmotion.com
New Brake Drums now available
Bendix says it has applied its expert knowledge in the design and manufacture of disc brake rotors to the brake drum category, with the recent launch of its new Brake Drum range.
The range fills a niche in the Bendix parts catalogue and targets utility vehicles and their wagon derivatives including selected Rodeo, Colorado, Navara, D-Max and Great Wall V200 and V240 models.
Additionally, options are available for entry level passenger cars within the light car segment, such as popular Toyota Yaris variants.
Featuring high quality metallurgy, Bendix says its Brake Drums deliver strong braking performance and low noise operation along with a confident and consistent pedal feel.
To enjoy optimum braking performance from the Bendix Brake Drum range, Bendix says they are best paired with Bendix Brake Shoes, although the drums are compatible with most brand brake shoes.
To provide peace of mind for workshops and vehicle owners, Bendix Brake Drums offer an ‘E+ Original Equipment Fit’ that is designed to be a direct replacement for OE drums and meet or exceed all OE specifications.
Other benefits of Bendix Brake Drums are the SwiftFit surface protection which allows the drums to be fitted immediately without the need to clean anti-rust oil or coating from the surface, saving installation time in the workshop.
Bendix explains SwiftFit also helps prevent corrosion for an unlimited shelf life and longer fault free service.
The new Bendix Brake Drum range is presented in FSC Certified exterior packaging, which is suitable for curbside recycling pick-up.
Packaging also features Bendix’s new ‘Easy Carry’ finger holes – pre-punctured holes that allow each box to be handled more easily.
For more information, visit www.bendix.com.au
Backed by a two-year unconditional kilometre warranty
A newly released range of electric Fuel Pumps and Fuel Modules are the latest addition to the family of ADRAD-branded products.
ADRAD says that its fuel pumps and fuel modules are sourced from an ISO9001accredited manufacturer who has supplied the European and North American markets for over a decade.
ADRAD states that its knowledge and experience as a manufacturer allows it to more thoroughly examine and carefully select optimal supplier partners from around the world, with this process helping to ensure quality and reliability in every part.
ADRAD-branded fuel pumps and fuel modules are built to meet or exceed Original Equipment specifications and are backed by a two-year unconditional kilometre warranty for peace of mind.
The range covers a variety of popular passenger, SUV, 4x4 and commercial vehicles from makes including Honda, Hyundai, Jeep, Kia, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Nissan and Toyota.
Being a direct-fit part and competitively priced to offer exceptional value for money, ADRAD says they represent the ideal combination of quality, durability and profitability that vehicle repairers are looking for, especially at a time when there is a greater need to satisfy an increasing number of cost-conscious vehicle owners.
ADRAD fuel pumps and modules are available all across Australia.
For more information, speak with your local ADRAD parts distributor or contact the ADRAD Customer Service Team on 1800 882 043 or customerservice@adrad.com.au
For more from ADRAD, visit www.adrad.com.au
After Strands Lighting launched in Australia last year, the brand says the release of its flagship ‘Siberia Outlaw’ 32” LED Light Bar model has provided prospective owners with premium lighting performance coupled with sleek looks and easy mounting options.
Strands Lighting says it is one of Europe’s most popular automotive lighting brands, and the Siberia Outlaw range sits at the pinnacle of the company’s light bar offerings.
The 32” double row model produces an impressive one lux of light at 1466 metres and also features an attractive position light between both LED rows, with owners able to alternate between white and amber colour output.
Along with using some of the most powerful LEDs available, Strands Lighting says the Siberia Outlaw is equipped with an advanced reflector design that better harnesses the light and directs it down the road in a spot beam pattern, delivering a wall of bright white light.
Other premium components include aluminium housing (sealed to IP67 and IP69K), tough polycarbonate lens material and premium circuit board and diodes, allowing the LED bar to operate across extreme temperature ranges of between -20°C to +45°C.
Included with the Siberia Outlaw 32” LED Light
Bar is 2500mm of cable. Wiring and bracket kits can be purchased separately, allowing owners to select hardware that best suits their installation preference, whether on existing bar work, on the roof or even grille mounted.
The latest Siberia Outlaw 32” LED Light Bar is ECE R10 complaint for electromagnetic compatibility and is covered by a three-year warranty.
The bar is available for purchase directly from the Strands Lighting website at a price of $1,399.00 including shipping.
Strands Lighting is part of the Brown and Watson International (BWI) stable of brands.
For more information, visit www.strandslighting.com
A weatherproof, open layout, fuse and relay module for distributing power to accessory circuits
With its Prolec FRH PDM Kits, Prolec says it has created an innovative, all in one solution to one of the most common problems a user encounters when they want to add electrical accessory and overflow circuits to a vehicle.
The Prolec FRH PDM Kits provide the user with a quick and easy way to design a clean, compact and sealed fuse relay module with a professional original look, feel and build quality.
Prolec explains that its FRH Power Distribution Module Kits are designed to be extremely flexible and states they are the most simplified way to add accessory circuit protection and power distribution to any vehicle. To meet both small and larger circuit requirements there are two kit sizes, the 12 Way and the 24 Way.
Prolec says its FRH PDM Kit makes obsolete previous messy inline fuse holders and decentralised non-waterproof relay blocks.
The FRH PDM Kit allows the user to locate all the circuits into one small waterproof enclosure which is mounted in one location.
The PDM module is designed to house an extensive range of off the shelf components and allows the user to quickly build and install a custom uncomplicated assembly into their vehicle whether they be a DIY end user, trade installer or an OEM builder.
Once the customer has chosen the most suitable kit size for their requirements, then all they need to do is to add the desired cables, terminate them and plug in the components to complete their custom project build.
The FRH PDM Kit circuit design can be as basic or as advanced as the customer needs.
The unit can be used as a sealed mini fuse block, a relay block or it can incorporate a mix of components such as mini fuses, mini bladed circuit breakers, ISO 280 relays, Mini blade devices, solid state relays and CAN controllers.
The component locations are extremely flexible with the 12 way unit having a two x six matrix or the 24 way unit having a four x six matrix.
The FRH PDM Kit can also be custom labelled. Labels with circuit diagrams, component identification or even private branding can be attached to the top of the cover and custom laser etching can be also arranged by request. Alternatively moulded private labelling can also be arranged for volume users.
Internal base overlay labels can be added to either sized unit. Base overlay labels can assist with customer for component identification when removed or they can be used to ensure the correct product is inserted the correct way.
The rear of the base has pre-moulded numbering to ensure the user inserts the correct cable into the right cavity when wiring up the unit.
The FRH PDM Kits are also extremely tough to endure Australia’s extremely harsh environment. The kits are IP66 rated, which means they are protected against dust as well as high pressure water jets.
The cover and base are made of thermoplastic material and the base includes a tightly fitted silicon seal. Prolec says the entire enclosure can withstand temperatures of -40 to 125 degrees Celsius ambient temperatures. For more information, visit www.prolecproducts.com.au
Allowing technicians to maximise productivity and increase safety
At the forefront of automotive tool innovation, GearWrench says it has always focused on continuous improvements in three crucial areas: speed, strength and access.
By working closely with pro tool users, GearWrench says it gathers valuable insights that shape the design of its tools.
It is through this focus on end user feedback that the GearWrench 90 Tooth Ratcheting Wrench family was developed.
The GearWrench 90T Ratcheting Wrenches focus on solving three common issues: better access in deep and confined spaces, better ergonomics for improved efficiency and the fastest solution for any job.
The four degree swing arc and low-profile enclosed head allows for easier access to hard-to-reach fasteners, while the full chrome finish protects against oil and solvents, and the high visibility markings make it easy to quickly identify sizes and part numbers.
The GearWrench 90T Ratcheting Wrench family includes Standard and Stubby lengths in
Standard, Reversible and Flex styles in the most common metric and SAE sizes.
GearWrench says the 90T Reversible Ratcheting Wrenches are ideal for the technician looking to maximise productivity and increase safety and are perfect for tight situations technicians face on a daily basis.
Featuring a 90-tooth, 12-point ratcheting box end that turns six and 12-point fasteners with just a four-degree swing arc for improved access and a 15-degree offset that allows for greater knuckle clearance.
In addition to this, the low-profile, flush-mounted reversing lever allows the user to switch motion left to right without needing to remove the wrench from the fastener, increasing productivity. Also included is an extra-long beam, which GearWrench says has been engineered to reach the deepest of fasteners with optimal leverage and strength while offering superior ergonomics and comfort.
Manufactured for superior strength and tension, the redesigned flex head can access fasteners
around tight corners and flexes through 180 degrees.
GearWrench is a premier hand tool brand from Apex Tool Group.
Since the launch of its original five-degree ratcheting wrench, GearWrench says its brand has led the industry with breakthroughs in passthru ratchets, sockets, screw/nut drivers, pliers, and specialty tools while remaining committed to continuous innovation in tools.
For more information, visit www.gearwrench.com.au
Valvoline has innovated a new engine oil specifically for hybrid owners
Oils designed for Internal Combustion Engines simply don’t work as well in Hybrid engines, says Valvoline, as Hybrid engines run cooler, starting and stopping more frequently as the power switches from petrol combustion to electric.
This causes a build-up of unburnt fuel and condensation within the engine itself, with this fuel and water able to cause rust and corrosion which can accelerate wear and friction. It can also increase sludge.
All of the above can damage the engine for costly repair bills.
Valvoline says that there simply wasn’t an oil specifically designed to suit the specific needs of hybrid engines, so it developed one to suit this growing market.
Valvoline Hybrid was specifically engineered and tested for superior hybrid performance.
It boasts two crucial elements: an Anti-Corrosion Shield, plus Trap and Lock technology.
The Anti-Corrosion Shield provides enhanced protection from rust and corrosion.
Although hard to detect and taking time to develop, engine rust is a major cause of engine damage. Similarly, corrosion degrades the useful properties of materials, harming the overall engine performance.
The Anti-Corrosion Shield in Valvoline Hybrid provides an extra layer of protection against both and helps extend the life of the Hybrid engine.
At the same time, the Trap and Lock technology prevents damage from fuel and water.
Water is a terrible lubricant, damaging everything from rings and cylinders to valves and manifolds. Plus, it contributes to rust and corrosion inside an engine.
So, when water separates from oil in the sump of an engine the danger is that it circulates through the engine before the oil.
Clearly, in a hybrid engine, the oil is collecting in the sump more frequently and at lower temperature than a normal internal combustion engine. With Trap and Lock technology, Valvoline explains the oil and water are properly emulsified and instead of separate layers in the sump, the oil and water stay as a consistent mix – maximising protection.
Valvoline explains that no other oil has Trap and Lock technology, stating this innovation is unique and a Valvoline trademark.
Valvoline Hybrid is available in two viscosity grades 0W-16 and 0W-20 and meets industry standards of API SP, ILSAC GF-6A (0W-20) and ILSAC GF-6B (0W-16).
For more information, visit www.valvolineglobal.com.au
A meticulously designed ensemble
Whiteline says its VB WRX Grip Series Kit is the result of rigorous research and development, incorporating advanced engineering techniques and materials to achieve optimal performance.
A meticulously designed ensemble of sway bars, coil springs, and polyurethane bushings, Whiteline says each component of the kit is engineered to perfection, addressing the Subaru VB WRX’s understeer tendency, and transforming it into “a marvel of handling and stability.”
Safety and performance balance
Whiteline says the kit enhances vehicle stability and handling without sacrificing safety or comfort – with improved handling, reduced body roll, and enhanced NVH characteristics contributing to a safer and more enjoyable driving experience.
Comprehensive solutions
Unlike piecemeal upgrades, Whiteline says the VB WRX Grip Series Kit offers a comprehensive solution to understeer and handling challenges, demonstrating its understanding of vehicle dynamics.
It states this approach not only addresses specific
performance issues but also enhances the overall driving experience, reflecting the company’s dedication to thorough, well-rounded vehicle improvement.
The science of sway bars and coil springs
Whiteline says its sway bars, key to reducing body roll, are adjustable, offering personalised handling settings to suit diverse driving conditions and preferences.
This adjustability, combined with the enhanced roll stiffness balance, significantly reduces understeer, allowing for a more responsive and engaging driving experience.
The front and rear coil springs, designed to lower the vehicle’s centre of gravity, not only improve performance but also contribute to an aggressive, road-hugging stance.
Meanwhile, the unique progressive rate coil design ensures that while the vehicle’s aesthetics and handling are enhanced, the safety and ride quality are uncompromised.
Polyurethane bushings: the unsung heroes
Whiteline says the polyurethane differential
bushings are a testament to its innovative approach to improving NVH (Noise, Vibration, Harshness) characteristics without sacrificing performance. Enhanced with knurling for superior grease retention, these bushings ensure that every drive is as smooth as it is thrilling.
The kit’s adjustable sway bars and coil springs reportedly offer drivers “unparalleled” flexibility to tailor their vehicle’s handling to their precise preferences, whether for daily driving comfort or optimised performance on the track.
Whiteline says this level of customisation enables enthusiasts to fine-tune their vehicle dynamics, showcasing Whiteline’s commitment to versatile, user-centred design.
For more information, visit www.whiteline.com.au
Brembo brake parts are now available from Unique Auto Parts
Unique Auto Parts has been well known in the industry for almost 30 years, importing a range of parts to suit European passenger and light commercial vehicles including Mercedes Benz, BMW, Mini, Peugeot, Renault, Volkswagen, Seat, Skoda, Audi, Citroen, Volvo, and Porsche.
Unique Auto Parts has recently added Brembo brake discs and pads to its already impressive product range.
Unique Auto Parts states this OE manufacturer is known as global leader when it comes to brakes and brake systems, offering reliable and durable parts for many major car manufacturers.
With the addition of Brembo, Unique Auto Parts says it is now able to supply a top-quality option for high performance European vehicles.
In addition to Brembo brake components, Unique Auto Parts also stocks JP Group zinc coated brakes, which have a baked-on coating which it says offers many distinct advantages over discs which have been sprayed or painted with an inferior coating.
The zinc coating provides a more durable barrier to protect the steel against oxidisation which in turn will protect against rust and corrosion. This coating also increases the temperature tolerance which keeps brakes cool, prolonging the lifespan of the discs.
Unique Auto Parts also has a large supply of other brake and clutch components including brake pads, brake shoes, rotors, master cylinders and brake hoses.
Unique Auto Parts says all of the parts it supplies come from world class international suppliers such as Quinton Hazell, Bosch, Meyle, and Trucktec, as well as JP Group and Brembo.
Unique Auto Parts says it also has your driveline needs covered with a great selection of parts from SKF.
For more information, call 1300 864 864 to be connected to your closest UAP branch or visit www.uniqueautoparts.com.au
They might look the same on-road, but the reality is that hybrid vehicles operate differently than conventional cars
Specifically, hybrids use multiple energy sources to propel the vehicle – the engine, electric motor and battery – with the switch between the internal combustion engine (ICE) and electric motor challenging an engine oil when it comes to contaminants, engine intermittency and system efficiency.
Observing the lack of an industry standard, and the challenge in providing assurance around hybrid oil performance to OEMs, mechanics and drivers, Castrol has defined HYSPEC, which it says is a new technical standard for hybrid engine oils.
Castrol HYSPEC is not a new product, ingredient, or competitor comparison, says Castrol, which notes it is instead a benchmark to measure the performance of hybrid engine oils and is informed by a year-long road trial on mild, full, and plug-in hybrids that captured over two billion pieces of data.
This testing saw vehicles travel over 300,000 kms for more than 7,000 hours – the equivalent to driving 24/7 for more than 42 weeks.
Following this trial, Castrol says it was able to define the parameters for the rigorous HYSPEC standard, a standard composed of 15 industry tests relevant to hybrid operation and supplemented by Castrol bespoke tests.
The benefits of HYSPEC
For strong resistance, protected switching and fuel economy2, Castrol says OEMs, workshops and vehicle owners can now choose oils that have been tested and proven to perform against the HYSPEC standard including Castrol EDGE 0W-20 C5 and Castrol MAGNATEC Hybrid 0W-16 among others.
In fact, Castrol states those products that have been certified as meeting Castrol’s new HYSPEC standard are demonstrated to deliver at least a 25 percent3 benefit across the critical areas of contaminants, engine intermittency and system efficiency.
Endorsed by the world’s best
Motorsport has long been the ultimate testing ground for vehicles and their powertrains, and that includes hybrid technology.
This embrace of hybrid technology now extends through to the highest levels of motorsport including Formula 1 and the World Rally Championship, with teams pioneering some of the most advanced hybrid technology.
The current F1 power unit is the most powerful and fuel-efficient hybrid in the world, using energy
recovery systems to increase power output and increase efficiency.
Meanwhile WRC cars include a plug-in hybrid unit and a 1.6 turbo-charged engine. Rallying in particular provides a unique platform to learn and develop lubricant solutions for road-going hybrid cars, with oils pushed to the extreme across a variety of surfaces including gravel, snow, ice, and tarmac.
With such high stakes, oil formulations in motorsport face intense investigation before making it to the track including data modelling, inhouse screening, and tough engine performance tests.
To that end, the BWT Alpine F1 Team and Ford M-Sport WRC reportedly consider the three factors identified in HYSPEC critical in hybrid motorsport performance and have formally endorsed the Castrol’s HYSPEC hybrid performance standard.
While hybrid technology will continue to evolve, Castrol says its 25 years and counting of researching, testing, and reporting on the characteristics of hybrids ensure that it continues to be at the forefront of innovation in this space, with HYSPEC being just one such example.
By continuing to work closely with vehicle manufacturers to develop their hybrid testing techniques, Castrol states it is able to constantly refine the lubricants they depend on to optimise performance and protection.
For more information, visit www.castrol.com.au
1 As per IHS Markit predictions, 2021.
2 As demonstrated in testing against HYSPEC, Castrol’s hybrid performance standard. Strong resistance demonstrated by water and fuel contamination handling, protected switching by wear, stability and cold temperature testing, and fuel economy by industry standard fuel economy testing.
3 Compared to performance minimum requirements set in both industry specification and Castrol bespoke testing across tests applicable to hybrid vehicle types, covering contaminants, engine intermittency and system efficiency.
Significantly improving visibility and enhancing safety during nighttime driving
Philips says its Xenon XtremeVision Plus headlight bulbs are designed to produce up to 150 percent more light compared to standard Xenon HID bulbs, allowing for better illumination of the road ahead whilst keeping in line with Australian Design Rules (ADR) national standards for road vehicle safety.
The increased brightness and improved light distribution help drivers to see farther down the road, detect potential hazards sooner, and react more quickly, thereby reducing the risk of accidents.
Overall, the objective is to supply the automotive aftermarket with a road legal, OEM quality HID upgrade, to enhance the driving experience by offering superior visibility and safety in low-light conditions. Key feature and benefits include:
• Precise light distribution: Philips Xenon XtremeVision Plus bulbs are engineered to distribute light evenly and accurately, reducing glare for oncoming drivers while maximising illumination on the road.
• Easy installation: XtremeVision Plus bulbs are designed to be direct replacements for standard Xenon bulbs installed at factory, making installation straightforward and hassle-free for most vehicle models.
• Increased brightness: the bulbs emit up to 150 percent more light compared to standard Xenon HID bulbs, enhancing visibility on dark roads and increasing safety for drivers.
• Lifespan: generally, in halogen bulbs, performance (more light) reduces the bulbs lifespan but with XtremeVision Plus Xenon bulbs, performance is matched with extended lifespan.
• Extended range: with improved light output, drivers can see farther down the road, allowing them to detect obstacles, road signs, and potential hazards earlier.
• Enhanced contrast: the bulbs offer a whiter Kelvin rating at 4800K over the standard 4200K for a more intense light, which enhances contrast and improves visibility, particularly in challenging weather conditions such as fog or rain.
Overall, the solution provided by Philips Xenon XtremeVision Plus 150 percent bulbs aims to offer drivers enhanced visibility, better safety, and a more comfortable driving experience during low-light conditions.
The XtremeVision Plus 150 percent bulbs are the latest innovative development in Xenon HID technology, a technology which was developed by Philips. This technology not only ensures exceptional performance but also contributes to ultra-resistance to tough operating conditions.
The bulbs are constructed from high-quality, anti-UV coated quartz glass, safeguarding the headlights against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.
Philips says this innovative feature ensures the headlights not only provide superior illumination but also stand the test of time.
Behind the Quartz glass and in between two electrodes, is a very specific gas and particle mixture used to create the electric arc which gives the product light, which is then ignited and emits the light specific kelvin rating of 4800K and plus 150 percent light output.
Philips says the XtremeVision Plus bulbs strictly adhere to the high-quality standards of ECE homologation, making them 100 percent road legal in Australia.
For more information, visit www.philips.com.au
The Australian Auto Aftermarket Awards were pleased to recognise valued nominees for the AAAA Most Innovative New Aftermarket Product – Parts, including the winning Bendix GCT Rotors with SwiftCheck.
Bendix - WINNER
Bendix GCT Rotors with SwiftCheck
The new Bendix General CT rotors are designed to provide reliable, durable and confidence inspiring braking performance for ‘everyday’ passenger vehicles, and debut Bendix’s new SwiftCheck, a market first innovation. SwiftCheck provides a fast and convenient visual indicator of rotor wear, letting motor trade professionals estimate remaining rotor life without the need to measure rotor thickness, allowing them to decide on part replacement. The feature also provides added convenience and peace of mind for vehicle owners, who can inspect the rotors themselves and take appropriate action if needed, such as when preparing for an extended driving holiday or similar. Along with providing this time-saving feature, General CT Disc Brake Rotors excel when it comes to braking performance. The range features high quality metallurgy that’s designed for longevity and improved heat dissipation. The range also delivers an ‘E+ Original Equipment Fit’ that’s designed to be a direct replacement for OE rotors – they meet or exceed OE specifications and deliver confidence for both workshops and vehicle owners. Bendix’s strong focus on sustainability also sees the General CT Disc Brake Rotor range adopt FSC Certified exterior packaging, which is suitable for curbside recycling, and for the first time on any Bendix packaging, the General CT Disc Brake Rotor box also contains fitting instructions in the form of an illustrative guide, which should be used along with vehicle specific information provided by the OE manufacturer during installation. For more information, visit www.bendix.com.au
for the 2.8L
ClutchPro says its Aftermarket Clutch Solution to suit the 2.8L 2019 on Toyota HiAce provides value to consumers in the way of a durable clutch solution at a more affordable price point. The factory clutch utilises a dual mass flywheel and although ClutchPro do offer this as a replacement solution, they have also developed a single mass flywheel conversion kit which offers long term durability. Dual mass flywheels are known to fail in very high load applications including when the vehicle is modified for increased power/torque and due to the nature of their construction, are not suitable for resurfacing, meaning they must be replaced when changing the clutch assembly. A single mass flywheel on the other hand is a cost-effective alternative to the dual mass and is machinable allowing for clutch replacements without having to purchase a brand-new flywheel, making for a sustainable and cost-effective part. The single mass flywheel construction will result in a slight increase in noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) due to the reduced dampening, so ClutchPro has included suppression springs into the disc and optimised components to minimise this change. For more information, visit www.australianclutch.com.au
Upgrading your 4x4 suspension system can provide unmatched benefits, says Fulcrum Suspensions
Fulcrum Suspensions, a leading Australian expert in suspension and automotive services, offers a range of state-of-the-art solutions tailored specifically for the rugged Australian landscape to provide enhanced performance, safety, and comfort, ensuring enthusiasts and professionals alike can tackle any terrain with confidence.
The Australian outdoors’ vast and varied terrain calls for vehicles that are not only tough, but also adaptable.
From the dusty trails of the Outback to the wet, muddy paths of the tropical north, the demands on 4x4 vehicles are as diverse as the landscape itself.
Fulcrum explains that this is where upgrading your 4x4’s suspension becomes not just beneficial, but essential.
Improved vehicle handling and stability
One of the primary advantages of upgrading your 4x4’s suspension is the significant improvement in handling and stability.
Fulcrum explains that its suspension kits are designed to handle the increased loads and rigorous demands of off-road driving, reducing body roll and improving overall stability.
It states this means safer and more enjoyable handling characteristics on all types of terrain, from sand dunes to rocky climbs.
According to research, improved suspension systems can enhance vehicle handling by up to
35 percent, making a critical difference in off-road safety and performance.
Enhanced comfort
Off-roading should be an adventure, not a punishment, and upgraded suspensions provide superior shock absorption, drastically improving ride quality over rough terrain.
Fulcrum explains that its carefully engineered shock absorbers and springs are tailored to minimise vibrations and harshness, ensuring a smoother, more comfortable ride whether you are on a long-distance adventure or a short trip to a remote campsite.
Many 4x4 owners use their vehicles for more than just travel; they are a tool for hauling gear, towing trailers, and sometimes even a mobile workspace.
Fulcrum Suspensions explains that its upgrades
include heavy-duty springs and reinforced components designed to increase your vehicle’s load carrying capacity.
The company explains this enhancement allows for safer and more efficient transport of heavy loads, essential for both recreational and commercial use. Studies indicate proper suspension upgrades can boost load carrying capacity by up to 30 percent, vital for those who rely on their vehicles for heavyduty tasks.
Investing in a high-quality suspension upgrade also means investing in the longevity of your vehicle. Fulcrum notes that its products are built to last, using only premium materials that withstand the harsh conditions typical of Australian environments. This not only extends the life of your vehicle but also maintains its value and reduces the likelihood of costly repairs caused by inferior original components wearing out prematurely.
Understanding that no two drivers’ needs are the same, Fulcrum Suspensions offers customised solutions designed to match the specific requirements of your vehicle and driving conditions.
The Fulcrum team of experts provides comprehensive assessments and advice, ensuring every component of your suspension system is optimised for your particular needs.
With locations across Australia, Fulcrum Suspensions states it not only provides top-tier products, but also expert installation services. It says its team of highly trained technicians ensures every suspension upgrade is installed with precision, backed by a nationwide warranty for peace of mind no matter where your travels take you.
Commitment to quality and innovation
Fulcrum Suspensions explains that its team is committed to continuous improvement and innovation, with its research and development team working tirelessly to stay ahead of industry trends and technological advancements, ensuring customers receive the most advanced suspension solutions available.
In conclusion, upgrading your 4x4’s suspension is not just about improving how your vehicle handles rough terrain—it is about transforming your vehicle into a more versatile, capable, and reliable partner for your adventures.
The 4x4 community has always been a closeknit group of enthusiasts, bound by their love for off-roading adventures and the camaraderie that comes with it.
Among the brands making significant contributions to this community, Fulcrum Suspension and Formula 4x4 say they stand out for their active involvement and dedication to enhancing the offroad experience.
These brands state they have not only provided top-notch products but have also supported clubs, participated in events, and helped preserve the environment through their initiatives.
One of the highlights of the year was the Jimny Club meet at Springs 4x4 Park, a premier off-road destination known for its challenging terrain and breathtaking scenery.
Fulcrum Suspension and Formula 4x4 were proud sponsors of the event, showcasing their latest suspension systems and offering expert advice to the participants.
The Jimny Club meet attracted Suzuki Jimny enthusiasts from all over, eager to test their vehicles and share their passion for off-roading.
Fulcrum Suspension and Formula 4x4 set up a booth where attendees could learn about the latest innovations in suspension technology. The brands also provided on-site support, helping participants fine-tune their vehicles for optimal performance. Throughout the event, Fulcrum Suspension and Formula 4x4 products were put to the test on the park’s diverse trails.
From rocky ascents to muddy descents, the suspension systems demonstrated their robustness and capability, ensuring a smooth and controlled ride even in the most challenging conditions.
Participants were reportedly impressed by the noticeable improvement in handling and stability, reinforcing the reputation of these brands as leaders in the industry.
Another significant event supported by Fulcrum Suspension and Formula 4x4 was the annual clean-up on Fraser Island, a pristine location known for its stunning landscapes and unique ecosystems. This event brought together 4x4 clubs, environmentalists, and off-road enthusiasts with a common goal: to preserve the natural beauty of Fraser Island.
Fulcrum Suspension and Formula 4x4 explain they played a crucial role in this initiative, providing both financial and logistical support.
Their teams joined forces with volunteers to clean up the island, removing litter and debris left behind by visitors.
This event not only showcased the brands’ commitment to environmental sustainability but also highlighted their dedication to giving back to the community.
During the clean-up, the 4x4 vehicles equipped with Fulcrum Suspension and Formula 4x4 products reportedly proved their worth once again.
The tough terrain of Fraser Island, with its sandy tracks and challenging obstacles, provided the perfect testing ground for these suspension systems. Fulcrum Suspension and Formula 4x4 said volunteers navigated the island’s trails with ease, thanks to the superior performance of their vehicles.
Building community and fostering relationships
Beyond their products and environmental efforts, Fulcrum Suspension and Formula 4x4 say they have focused on building strong relationships within the 4x4 community.
They actively participate in club events, sponsor off-road competitions, and organise workshops to educate enthusiasts about vehicle maintenance and upgrades.
These initiatives have helped foster a sense of community among off-roaders, creating opportunities for networking, learning, and sharing experiences. For more information, visit www.fulcrumsuspensions.com.au
The ACDelco Battery Stockist program is run by R&J Batteries
ACDelco says parts distributors, battery resellers and auto electricians can leverage the reach of a globally recognised brand by joining its Battery Stockist program.
The stockist program consists of a tiered structure which allows businesses of varying sizes and scales to participate.
The allocation of resources and support for stockists will be based on the chosen tier.
A key component of the program is the inclusion of ACDelco Battery Stockist identification.
Stockists will be granted a subsidy allowance for building and vehicle signage to solidify their position as an authorised reseller of ACDelco batteries among the local community.
Stockists will also receive a substantial subsidy allowance for Local Area Marketing (LAM) to support their marketing endeavours.
They will benefit from branded merchandise, a battery catalogue, and various point of sale materials.
To enhance their selling capabilities, comprehensive training on ACDelco products, including their features and benefits, will be provided.
R&J Batteries – a major distributor of ACDelco batteries in Australia – advertises in trade magazines and runs digital campaigns to reach target audiences.
“By supporting our stockists in promoting the ACDelco brand everyone benefits. The marketing will raise brand awareness for the products which in turn will lead to more battery sales and business growth for the stockist,” R&J Batteries Marketing Manager, Leah Cushion, said.
The complete ACDelco range includes automotive, commercial, deep cycle, marine and lawn mower batteries.
Businesses interested in joining the ACDelco Battery Stockist program are encouraged to get in touch with their local R&J Batteries branch.
For more information about the program, please visit www.rjbatt.com.au or call 1300 769 282.
The Autohouse Group based in Queensland offers car storage, retailing of car accessories and motorsport services.
Amongst all the maintenance processes the team at Autohouse Group undertake, one critical factor is keeping every car on a battery charger and maintainer.
Alongside over 170 units of CTEK MXS 5.0 and MXS 3.8 chargers already engaged at its facility, the team has also been utilising the CS ONE – a revolutionary and powerful new battery charger and maintainer with cutting-edge APTO (Adaptive Charging) technology developed by CTEK, a leading global brand in vehicle charging solutions.
“With the CS ONE, CTEK has taken the ‘Set and forget’ concept to a whole new level. The brand is really pioneering in this space and getting out there with this technology,” Autohouse Group Owner, Lachlan Harburg, said.
“For us, it has been especially useful when we don’t know what type of battery a car is carrying – we just chuck the CS ONE on and we know it is going to be taken care of.
“Some cars are equipped with lithium batteries and some are AGM – it is not always immediately clear, even to experts like us, as it may be covered up by a bracket or concealed behind the interior trim.
“We got a McLaren 570S in our facility and there is nothing overtly on the battery that says it’s a lithium battery. Of course we know this because we have that technical knowledge, but to the average person, this is not going to be apparent and it may put the battery’s health at risk if charged incorrectly.”
The CS ONE automatically figures out what it is charging and delivers a customised charging program, applying the correct voltage.
“It is literally idiot proof and when you’re dealing with the technical complexity that we’re facing with the sheer variety of cars, bikes and jet skis we look after, that goes a long way to improving the operational aspects of our business, which
in turn enhances the experience of our valued customers. It’s also one less thing for us to think about, completely taking out the element of risk,” Lachlan said.
“You don’t have to press any buttons or change any modes. You don’t even need to differentiate between red and black terminals. Being polarity free is huge!
“The CS ONE is the CTEK product that we would be telling our customers to get their hands on when they leave us to make sure they can take care of their vehicle’s batteries at home.
“When you attach a CTEK charger, not only do you ensure the batteries are charged, you maintain their long-term performance. We’re making sure that each vehicle leaves here better than it arrived. It’s this level of detail that makes us great at what we do and keeps our customers satisfied and our network of motoring enthusiasts thriving.”
Key features and benefits:
• Super smart and super simple
• Adaptive Charging Technology (APTO)
• Polarity Free Clamps
• Bad cell detection
• Easy to understand display
• Additional functions: unlock additional programs/functions by connecting the CS ONE to the free to download CTEK App:
- Recond mode restores battery life and reconditions flat or deeply discharged batteries
- Wake Up lithium batteries with under voltage protection (UVP) or to bring deeply discharged lead-acid batteries (as low as 0V) back to life
- Supply mode turns CS ONE into a 12V power supply to keep vehicle settings safe if you need to remove the battery
- Advanced settings to monitor volts and amps being delivered by the charger
- Adjust charger LED brightness
• Accessories: new-look u-terminal connector for easier access to the battery, protective rubber bumper, wall-mount and adaptor for compatibility with all existing CTEK accessories
For further information on the complete range of CTEK chargers and accessories, visit www.ctek.com
Battery World implores you to start caring for your battery today
By looking after your car battery, Battery World says you should be able to get three to five years of reliable service.
Even ‘maintenance-free batteries’ will benefit from some TLC, explains Battery World, which states that luckily, maintaining your battery in optimum health is relatively easy.
We live in the land of extremes, and it should be noted that whilst the symptoms of a degrading battery show up in the Winter months, damage is also being done in the extreme heat of Summer. It is important to remember that car batteries are consumable items. Eventually, they will need replacing. But there are a few things you can do and/or be aware of to increase your battery life.
• Driving short distances means the alternator doesn’t have time to replace the charge used to start your car. Aim to take your vehicle for a nice long drive of at least one or two hours every few weeks. A longer drive allows the alternator to charge your battery.
• Now more than ever, many people work from home. Using it infrequently or having your vehicle in storage is not good for your battery. The sedentary life means the battery doesn’t get a nice healthy dose of charge from the alternator.
• Regularly connecting your battery to a Battery charger or Maintenance Charger will help prolong its life. Also investing in a Multimeter is useful. Testing the voltage once a month can give you early warning signs of battery failure.
• When your car engine is off, avoid using things like radios and phone chargers, these are still discharging the battery.
• Check the battery – is there dirt, mud, or grime on it? Show your battery some love by wiping away this mess with a rag.
• Keep the terminals clean and look for any signs of corrosion this will look like a white or a blueish-green powder. Corroded or dirty terminals will inhibit the charging and operation of your battery as it creates a poor connection. Carefully remove small amounts with a dry cloth or small brush. If unsure, Battery World says you should seek advice from your local Battery World expert.
• Check that the battery is secure in its bracket and tighten if required (do not over-tighten).
• Having your vehicle serviced regularly helps with preventative maintenance to avoid being broken down at the most inappropriate time and this includes the battery.
If you are ever unsure or have a concern with your battery, Battery World invites you to visit its team for a free battery check at your nearest Battery World store, where it will test your battery and advise if you need further maintenance or if it is time for a new one.
Established in 1928, Battery World’s parent company, Century Yuasa, is Australia’s longest standing manufacturer and supplier of batteries and energy storage solutions.
Projecta says its latest Intelli-Charge Automatic Battery Manager offers an all-in-one solution for testing, charging and maintaining 12 or 24V batteries of multiple chemistries.
Perfect for the professional workshop or for DIY enthusiasts who own occasional use vehicles, Projecta’s HDBM150 Battery Manager has all the features needed to efficiently keep batteries in top condition and ready for use.
Among the benefits are customisable charge profiles that cater to different battery sizes and chemistry types, including Lead Acid, Wet, Calcium, AGM, Gel and Lithium.
With these adjustable charge profiles, Projecta says owners can be sure that their batteries are getting the exact amount of power they need for optimum performance.
As well as keeping batteries at the ready – whether automotive, marine, deep cycle or Lithium – the HDBM150 Battery Manager also offers testing and
diagnostic capabilities, allowing users to accurately test a vehicle’s alternator for faults and starting capacity, while also monitoring voltage levels.
At 150A, Projecta says the power supply for the HDBM150 is strong and ultra safe, ensuring stable output during demanding diagnostics and recalibration tasks.
It says the output also makes the unit ideal for workshops who service and maintain European vehicles which can typically have more sophisticated electrical systems.
The HDBM150 also features heavy duty, quick release charging leads (3m 25mm²) with copper clamps, providing a secure and reliable connection with the battery.
For added performance in demanding workshop environments, the unit is dust proof and also benefits from spark-free, polarity-protected connections for added safety.
Projecta explains that its Intelli-Charge Automatic
Battery World explains that its brand foundation is built around the principles and values imparted from its leaders and founders, of sheer determination to succeed with a customer centric philosophy in everything it does.
It says it is this mantra that powers its team to proudly sell quality Century and Yuasa batteries and other well established, trusted and innovative brands across Australia.
The Battery World story began in 1997, with the first store opening in North Queensland. Since then, Battery World says it has become the largest and most comprehensive Australian battery retail franchise, with more than 110 stores nationwide. It states its extensive Australian made range, and exceptional customer service offering, has cemented Battery World’s position as a highly successful and trusted heritage brand in the Australian market.
For more information, visit www.batteryworld.com.au or call 13 17 60.
Battery Managers are available from leading automotive and transportation outlets nationwide and are backed by a “generous” five-year warranty.
A Division of Brown and Watson International Pty Ltd, Projecta is Australian owned and operated with worldwide partners who are experts in their respective fields.
Projecta is a leader in the design and development, manufacture and supply of battery chargers, battery related and electrical accessories for motor vehicles, trucks, boats, 4WD and recreational vehicles.
The company has five offices across Australia plus one in New Zealand with representation in a number of countries.
For more information, visit www.projecta.com.au
Selecting the appropriate power source for your 4WD, RV, or van can be daunting.
The challenge lies in finding a battery that integrates seamlessly with your vehicle’s electrical system without necessitating expensive installations or additional components.
Addressing this need, REMCO has introduced the RM12-220LFPXSLSS 12V/220Ah Lithium XTRA Slimline Battery, a revolutionary product that combines the latest in charging technology with superior design, performance, and ease of installation.
JAS Oceania says the RM12-220LFPXSLSS stands out primarily due to its inbuilt 40A DC to DC charger equipped with SmartSense Technology. It states this technology is a game-changer in the realm of vehicle batteries.
“Our SmartSense Technology utilises ignition sensing instead of a voltage sensing relay to signal a charging connection automatically,” Federal Batteries National Sales Manager, Will Vagg, said. “The battery detects when your vehicle is turned on and when the car is turned off to prevent excess voltage drain of the primary battery.”
This means the battery is highly efficient in managing power, ensuring that the primary battery is not excessively drained when the vehicle is off. Moreover, SmartSense Technology is compatible with modern vehicle smart alternators designed to optimise the charging process.
“SmartSense Technology is also compatible with modern vehicle smart alternators, signalling the
alternator when charging is required to ensure you arrive at your destination with a fully charged battery,” Will said.
This compatibility ensures your battery is always charged and ready to power your adventures, providing peace of mind for long trips.
JAS Oceania says one of the RM12-220LFPXSLSS’s significant advantages is its straightforward installation and charging process. Users can plug the battery directly into a DC input without costly external chargers, reducing installation time.
The battery’s design emphasises convenience and ease of use, making it accessible even for those who may not be technically inclined.
The RM12-220LFPXSLSS is powered by highquality hard case metal lithium iron phosphate cells. It includes an inbuilt Battery Management System (BMS) designed and developed in Australia. This BMS reportedly ensures optimal performance and safety, protecting the battery from overcharging, overheating, and other potential issues.
Additionally, the battery is IEC62619 certified, which guarantees the highest standards in cell quality, BMS, and manufacturing.
Further, those behind this battery state it is not just about ease of use and advanced technology; it also delivers impressive performance.
The RM12-220LFPXSLSS can power highamperage appliances with up to 240A of continuous discharge and can accept up to 240A of charge. This capability makes it suitable for various
Get back on the road quickly
In addition to its renowned range of highquality towbars, TAG offers a variety of towing accessories, including the handy JS02 Portable Jump Starter.
It says this compact and versatile tool is essential for drivers who often find themselves off the beaten track.
TAG Portable Jump Starters serve multiple functions and can be a lifesaver in remote locations.
Primarily designed as a jump starter, the JS02 is capable of jump-starting a wide range of vehicles, from jet skis and tractors to your everyday commuter car.
With a powerful 16000mAh (1000 Peak Amps) 12v battery, the JS02 can jump-start a vehicle up to 30 times on a single charge.
The TAG Portable Jump Starter doubles as a backup battery charger for your mobile devices.
You can charge your smartphone, tablet, laptop, and other devices using the various charging options, including USB (5V/9V Output), 16V DC Output, and USB-C Quick Charge Input.
The JS02 also features Wireless Qi Charging, making it a convenient tool for everyday use.
Built-in safety features
Equipped with an energy-efficient ultra-bright LED Flex-Light, the JS02 is invaluable for night-time roadside emergencies.
Its compact size and lightweight design make it easy to carry with one hand, and the slimline carry case is smaller than most first aid kits, fitting easily under your seat for quick access when needed.
applications, from powering appliances in an RV to running equipment in a custom canopy.
Despite its powerful performance, the battery is said to be remarkably lightweight, weighing just under 19 kg, while its robust and lightweight aluminium outer enclosure ensures durability and safety.
The battery’s unique slimline shape makes it ideal for installations where space is limited. It can be easily installed behind a seat, under a tray, or against a wall, providing flexibility in terms of placement.
The REMCO RM12-220LFPXSLSS 12V/220Ah Lithium XTRA Slimline Battery has a five-year warranty, reflecting the manufacturer’s confidence in the product’s quality and longevity.
Priced at $2499.00 RRP, JAS Oceania says this battery represents a significant investment –however, considering its advanced features, ease of installation, and robust performance, it offers excellent value for money.
More information on the REMCO range can be found at www.remcoenergy.com.au/product-range/ lithium-xtra/
JAS Oceania proudly distributes the REMCO range. For more information, visit www.jasoceania.com.au
Peace of mind on the go
TAG says its Portable Jump Starters provide peace of mind and reliable performance, ensuring your vehicle is back up and running no matter the situation.
It invites you to discover the convenience and reliability of TAG Portable Jump Starters, available now on its website.
For more information, visit www.trade.swd.com.au
The automotive landscape in Australia is rapidly evolving with more than 640,000 hybrid and electric vehicles (EVs) registered across the country.
This number is set to increase significantly, presenting a prime opportunity for automotive workshops to expand their services to include hybrid and EV battery replacements.
Infinitev says it is here to support your business in navigating this growing market.
The need for specialised diagnosis
Hybrid vehicles combine internal combustion engines and high-voltage battery systems, requiring specialised diagnostic procedures. But it’s not as scary as it sounds, says Infinitev.
“Most of our technician partners are surprised by
When it comes to stored energy solutions, Century Batteries says it is a name you can trust
From the iconic FJ Holden of the 50s, the Falcon GTs of the 70s, through to the legendary Hilux and the latest Hybrid Kluger, in Australia’s changing car parc Century Batteries says it has been there powering Australians through it all.
For over 95 years Century Batteries has been a driving force behind Aussie motorists, with a product range which has moved and evolved with the times making them Australia’s “oldest and most recognised” battery manufacturer and supplier, with a proud history of designing and manufacturing batteries in Australia since 1928.
“Our reputation for quality and innovation has been refined and demonstrated over many decades, and during this time we’ve developed the manufacturing expertise and technical knowhow to provide a range of batteries better suited to Australia’s extreme climate, harsh conditions and rapidly changing car parc,” Century Batteries Marketing Manager – Australia and New Zealand, Andrew Bottoms, said.
“Whilst we pride ourselves on providing one of the widest selections of market leading products, our philosophy encompasses so much more.
how easy it is to work on hybrid batteries,” Infinitev Executive General Manager, Bart Moonen, said.
“Safety is of course important, but once mechanics are aware of what’s involved, the actual job is simple, and they already have most of the tools they need.
“Plus, we’ve got tech support on call – these are people who’ve had their heads under bonnets for some time, so they really know how to help.”
Effective diagnostic processes and tools
Accurate diagnosis of hybrid and EV battery issues requires specialised expertise and procedures. Key steps include:
1. Scanning diagnostic trouble codes: understanding how the codes relate to each is important here. Not every battery fault code is a battery failure.
2. Voltage assessment: Infinitev’s battery stress test procedure measures cell block voltages. An unbalanced battery, where the voltage difference between the lowest and highest block exceeds 0.5V is prone to failure.
3. Temperature monitoring: batteries don’t like heat. A noisier-than-usual fan can be a clue that the battery is not cooling enough. And cleaning a fan should be part of your regular service that you charge for.
By partnering with Infinitev, Bart says you can gain access to quality high-voltage batteries and ongoing tech support to seamlessly integrate battery replacements into your service offering.
“Infinitev is dedicated to empowering workshops across Australia with the knowledge and tools they need to service the growing hybrid and EV market,” Bart said.
“Our goal is to help businesses not only keep up with industry changes but to thrive in them.”
Since 2015, Infinitev explains it has been crafting cutting-edge hybrid replacement batteries in Melbourne, ensuring reliability and short lead times. Backed by an industry-leading three-year warranty, Infinitev says its batteries are a testament to their quality and durability.
For more information, call 1300 360 111 or email hello@infinitev.au
“We are a complete power solutions provider investing in a range of programs and initiatives to help you grow your businesses.”
As vehicles become increasingly more complex, incorporating advanced electronics and engine management systems, Century says it invests significantly in research and development to ensure our product range continues to meet the changing demands of the marketplace.
“We complement this with dedicated training on the latest battery technology, to ensure you are powered with the most up-to-date information and skills when it comes to batteries and battery replacement,” Andrew said.
“Our state-of-the-art Battery Finder with VIN and Rego search functionality – enables the easy identification of fitment solutions and provides approximate replacement times and detailed
replacement instructions, ensuring you have all the tools you need to service any vehicle which rolls into your workshop.
“This includes the latest testing and diagnostic equipment, plus the Century Yu-Fit tool which enables the reprogramming of engine management systems following battery replacement in modern vehicles.
“Our extensive network of metro and regional offices ensures you have direct access to locally held products and local battery experts, who are on hand to provide after sales support, training and advice regarding our extensive range of marketing and promotional initiatives aimed at driving store traffic and growing your battery sales.”
For more information contact your local Century Yuasa representative on 1300 362 287 or email info@cyb.com.au
Smaller, lighter, and more powerful, REDARC’s revolutionary three-way battery charger has landed
REDARC is excited to introduce its new range of power management systems, Manager Alpha.
Available in 50A, 75A, and 100A capacities, REDARC says the Manager Alpha redefines mobile power management.
It explains that the Manager is the only charger to charge from AC, DC, and solar, allowing users to charge while they drive, while plugged in at camp, or from the sun, making it the ideal companion no matter where they are.
With the Manager Alpha onboard, you’ll never be without a charging option, says REDARC.
Further, REDARC says the Manager Alpha100 delivers an unrivalled 100A from a combination of these power sources.
On top of this, the Manager Alpha also boasts a charge rate that’s more than three times faster than that of the Manager30.
With this much power on tap, users can run everything from induction cooktops and air conditioners to fridges and lights, and still charge
their batteries faster than they can be drained. Not just a charging powerhouse for secondary batteries, the Manager Alpha can also take care of the start battery.
Once the secondary battery is fully charged, the Manager will begin to deliver up to 25A to the vehicle’s start battery automatically.
Better yet, when disaster strikes and the start battery goes flat, with the touch of a button, the Manager Alpha can bring the start battery back to life. With the Manager Alpha on board, you’ll never get stranded again, says REDARC.
With RedVision connectivity thanks to the included Smart Battery Monitor, users will stay informed and in control of their system thanks to accurate, real-time monitoring through REDARC’s RedVision app or included RedVision display.
Paired with the latest Bluetooth 5.1 technology, users will stay connected anywhere at camp, with reliability over distances up to 42m which REDARC says is nearly one and a half times further than the competition.
Sealed Performance Batteries says these could be an easy upgrade for your customers
Your customer’s car battery is the heart of its electrical system, responsible for starting the engine and powering everything from lights to radios.
But with so many battery options available, choosing the right one can be confusing.
If you are looking for a reliable and long-lasting upgrade over a generic wet battery, Sealed Performance Batteries encourages you to consider the Energizer Automotive Enhanced Flooded Battery (EFB).
While an Energizer EFB battery might have a slightly higher upfront cost compared to a generic wet battery, Sealed Performance Batteries says the benefits outweigh the initial investment. It says with superior durability, resistance to vibration and heat, and ability to handle the demands of power-hungry systems, an Energizer EFB battery provides a longer lifespan and increased reliability for your customer’s vehicle.
Sealed Performance Batteries asserts that this translates to lower overall costs, fewer roadside breakdowns, and peace of mind on the road. For workshops that want their customers to have the best performance and longevity from their car’s battery, Sealed Performance Batteries says an Energizer EFB battery is “the smart choice.”
An EFB battery is a type of lead-acid battery similar to the traditional “wet” batteries found in most cars.
However, Sealed Performance Batteries explains that EFBs boast several improvements that enhance their performance and lifespan.
They feature thicker lead plates and a higherdensity special paste composition, increasing their resistance to vibration damage – this is crucial for modern vehicles with features like automatic startstop systems that strain the battery more.
Modern cars with start-stop technology automatically shut off the engine when idling at a stoplight or in traffic, and then restart it instantly when you press the accelerator.
This frequent cycling significantly strains a regular battery, reducing its lifespan.
Sealed Performance Batteries says Energizer EFB batteries are specifically designed for this demanding environment with their thicker plates and improved design which allow them to handle the increased discharge and recharge cycles more efficiently, extending their overall life.
Beyond durability, Energizer EFB batteries reportedly offer superior cyclic ability, which means they can deliver short bursts of high power more effectively than a standard wet battery.
REDARC states that at up to 55 percent smaller and 28 percent lighter than comparable competitor systems and tested to the toughest vibration standards in the world, the Manager Alpha is ready for adventure.
“It is made in Australia, so it won’t let you down –with the Manager Alpha onboard, go where others can’t, or travel longer than others can, knowing that running out of power will never be an issue again,” says REDARC.
For more information, visit www.redarcelectronics.com/au/manager-alpha
Sealed Performance Batteries says this translates to a more reliable start, even in extreme weather conditions.
Additionally, the improved design of the Energizer EFB battery is said to allow for a better flow of electrons within the battery, which translates to quicker recharging after a start and improved overall electrical performance for your customer’s various car systems.
Energizer Automotive batteries are sold nationally by Sealed Performance Batteries.
For more information or if you are interested in being a reseller, contact Sealed Performance Batteries at 1300 001 772 or sales@spb.net.au
Club Assist shares its tips for ensuring longevity and performance of its lithium iron phosphate batteries
Lithium batteries, particularly those with a Lithium Iron Phosphate chemistry, are gaining popularity as a replacement option for lead acid batteries in deep cycle applications.
Due to their higher cycle life and useable capacity, combined with the fact that they are fast charging, light weight and easy to maintain, lithium batteries are predominately used in caravans, boats and 4x4s. However, lithium batteries have some unique characteristics around storage and charging.
Proper maintenance of lithium batteries during extended storage is crucial to ensure longevity and performance. Club Assist explains lithium batteries should be charged or discharged to 50-90 percent State of Charge (SoC) before storage, and then disconnected from the charger or load circuits to prevent overcharging or parasitic drain.
Lithium batteries are less sensitive to being stored at higher SoC compared to other lithium chemistries. However, storing at higher SoC can lead to faster degradation of battery performance.
Periodic monitoring and maintenance of the battery is also important in preventing damage.
The SoC should not drop below 10 percent, or equivalent to around 12.5V at resting state.
Club Assist recommends you recharge the battery as required to maintain between 50 percent and 90 percent SoC, equivalent to between 13.2V and 13.4V at resting state.
Lithium batteries need to be charged to the right voltage level, leading to the development of lithiumspecific chargers. There are, however, varying industry opinions on whether a lead-acid charger can also be used.
The implications of charging a Club Assist lithium battery with a lead acid battery charger were tested by monitoring the voltage and current for two different chargers – a smart charger (on AGM setting) and a power supply for lead acid battery (designed for caravans).
Club Assist says its tests showed the following:
• A lead acid charger with AGM or Gel setting with a voltage range between 14.4V – 14.6V can fully charge a Club Assist lithium battery.
• There was minimal difference in charging times between a lead acid and lithium charger.
• Given the time required to test this over the life
AutoTest says testing car batteries poses a major challenge for the automotive industry, affecting repair shops, retail outlets, and service garages
AutoTest asserts that the main issue is the lack of a reliable method for estimating the state-of-charge, as traditional techniques like voltage measurements and charge counting are “inadequate.”
It warns that methods such as measuring open circuit voltage and checking internal resistance often fail to accurately indicate a battery’s state-of-health. Importance of timely battery replacement
Timely battery replacement is crucial, says AutoTest, which states battery issues cause over 40 percent of roadside failures, with 30 percent involving discharged or defective batteries.
Many car owners only realise they need a new battery when their car won’t start or breaks down, often due to inadequate maintenance. This indicates a widespread lack of proactive battery care, highlighting the need for regular and accurate testing.
Battery analysers typically recommend replacement at 80 percent capacity, though different applications and cost considerations may influence this decision. The challenges of accurate battery testing
Detecting a dead battery is simple, but assessing active batteries is more complex as traditional methods, like voltage measurements and specific
gravity tests, fall short without load testing, says AutoTest.
Accurate battery health assessment should consider capacity, internal resistance, selfdischarge, cell integrity, and overall health.
New batteries ideally deliver 100 percent of their rated capacity, with lead-acid batteries starting around 85 percent and decreasing over time, while lithium-ion batteries gradually decline from peak capacity.
Car battery testers use an adjustable load test to determine usability, measuring the voltage drop when a load equal to half the battery’s CCA rating is applied for 15 seconds. A battery is considered good if the voltage doesn’t fall below 9.6 volts at ambient temperatures above 20°C.
AutoTest says its AutoTest Battery System Tester employs this method, providing a comprehensive, portable, and easy-to-use tool for automotive service, fleet maintenance, and breakdown diagnostics, eliminating guesswork and alerting users to replace batteries before they fail. Advanced solutions with the AutoTest Battery System Tester
The AutoTest Battery System Tester uses an adjustable load test to accurately assess battery
of a battery, there is some uncertainty around the impact on lithium battery life from long-term use of a lead acid charger.
• There is nothing to suggest that batteries marketed as ‘drop-in replacements’ have any better compatibility with lead-acid chargers than typical lithium batteries.
Club Assist recommends the use of a lithium charger where possible, but if a lead-acid charger is used, it states you should always check charger voltage settings and mode. In addition, Club Assist says it is important to check the connection of the charging cable to the terminal is secure and that the battery is operating as designed. For more information, visit www.clubassist.com.au
health, measuring voltage drop under load to determine if a battery is optimal or needs replacement.
AutoTest says this portable, user-friendly tool provides comprehensive diagnostics for 12V auto batteries, including hybrids, using advanced conductance testing. It measures capacity, internal resistance, cold cranking amps, overall health, and identifies common faults in vehicle starting and charging systems.
Additionally, AutoTest offers a Battery System Tester and Current Clamp Set, featuring precise current measurement capabilities, ensuring efficient battery diagnosis and timely replacement in garages and workshops.
For more information, visit www.autotest.net.au
Available from Rocket Industries
Rocket Industries is the largest supplier of Mickey Thompson tyres in Australia.
The company offers a wide range of highperformance tyres designed to meet the needs of various driving enthusiasts, from professional racers to everyday drivers.
Among its top products is the Mickey Thompson new Street Comp Ultra High Performance radial tire.
The Mickey Thompson Street Comp radial is an ultra-high performance tyre crafted specifically for street use.
It has been designed to deliver exceptional highspeed handling and cornering capabilities and is the perfect tyre for old school and late model muscle cars and Pro Touring style applications.
Key features and benefits:
• Asymmetric tread design: enhances traction and stability by optimising contact with the road.
• Superior wet and dry performance: engineered to perform excellently in both wet and dry conditions, providing reliable traction.
• Aggressive steering response: designed for precision and quick response to steering inputs, ensuring better control.
• Lightweight construction: contributes to improved vehicle dynamics and fuel efficiency.
• UTQG rating: 300 AA A, indicating a balance of durability, traction, and temperature resistance.
Rocket Industries says the Street Comp tyre stands out due to its advanced tread design and compound, ensuring drivers enjoy a high level of performance and safety on the road.
For more on the products available from Rocket Industries, visit www.rocketindustries.com.au
A varied range is available now from Interequip
When it comes to tyre changers and wheel balancers, Interequip has focused on the Giuliano, BulletPro, and M&B Engineering brands.
Interequip explains Giuliano is an Italian manufacturer which has its own factories in both Italy and China, and states it has found Giuliano’s product has an advantage for its premium quality and finish and competitive manufacturing cost.
The Giuliano S226Pro Tyre Changer is the tyre changer model Interequip recommends for workshops.
It comes with an assisting arm and fitting heads for both standard and low-profile tyres for (max) 24inch tyres (clamping from inside) and a built-in air inflation device.
An upper model with a leverless design is the S228ProDuo (catering for up to 28-inch tyres) and the T-Ray (for up to 34-inch tyres), with Interequip stating these models ensures easy tyre changing. Also recommended by Interequip from Giuliano is the Giuliano S825/S835 wheel balancer
Interequip says the S825 and S835 Giuliano wheel balancer has Italian quality but is not compromised in price.
Designed by the team at Giuliano’s Italian headquarters and made by Giuliano’s own factory in China, the Giuliano S825 wheel balancer has the answer for budget and accuracy, says Interequip.
It comes with features including LED display, laser line, LED light and automatic measurement for wheel distance and diameter.
The higher model S835 comes from a very long and distinguished line of wheel balancers designed in Italy and is the end result of continuous improvement and fine tuning, says Interequip.
Those behind the product state it features all the things that a high-volume tyre store or dealership needs, but that its price isn’t burdened “with sales features and hyped up add-ons which most operators just won’t use.”
They state however that it is a very sturdy and accurate wheel balancer made for all day, everyday use, and that one of its greatest benefits is its ease of use and lack of training required. Key features and benefits of the S835 include:
• 19” TFT LCD Monitor.
• Automatic start and stop.
• Automatic measuring of wheel diameter and distance.
• Line laser indicator to point to where the alloy stick on weight needs to be positioned.
• Automatic wheel width measurement by SONAR.
• LED light in working area
M&B Engineering meanwhile is said to be very strong in making quality mobile tyre changers for installation on trucks or vans for servicing truck tyres on the go.
Interequip says its passenger car tyre changers are also very good, but relatively more expensive and so are suitable for workshops which have more budget.
A lower budget series can be found with BulletPro, which Interequip states is made by a leading manufacturer in China which has been making OEM products for other major brands over the years. Interequip says the BulletPro series is suitable for tyre shops with a lower budget who still want reliable quality.
Interequip is professional workshop equipment supplier with a dedicated support team since 2005.
For more information, contact 18000EQUIP or info@interequip.com.au or visit www.interequip.com.au
In the current cost of living crisis, many of us are looking for ways to save money
mycar says while you may be tempted to try and save money on tyres, it may not be the safest option for you, your passengers, other road users, or your car. The risk of buying cheap tyres
When it comes to vehicle maintenance, tyres are often overlooked in favour of more visible or seemingly critical components like the engine or brakes.
However, tyres are your vehicle’s only point of contact with the road, making their quality and condition crucial to your safety.
This is important, no matter what car you drive –petrol, diesel, hybrid or electric (EV).
If you are driving an EV, you’ll know that the vehicle creates more torque and is a heavier vehicle overall, so choosing the right tyre for your EV is just as important as choosing the right one for your 4WD or SUV.
It is also important to distinguish between what reputable tyre stores sell as affordable entry-level tyres versus second hand tyres or cheap tyres.
Second hand tyres can be dangerous as you don’t know the history. And cheap tyres are often manufactured using inferior materials and subpar technology – thankfully, these types of tyres are not sold by your reputable tyre stores such as mycar Tyre and Auto, it says.
mycar offers the following as several reasons why opting for cheap tyres may not be worth the risk.
1. Compromised safety
Lower-quality materials and outdated technology are often used to produce cheap tyres. This can lead to reduced grip on the road,
especially in adverse weather conditions such as rain or snow.
Poor traction increases the risk of loss of control and lengthens stopping distances, making accidents more likely.
Quality tyres, on the other hand, are designed to provide optimal performance and safety through rigorous testing and advanced engineering.
2. Reduced durability
Purchasing cheaper tyres is often a false economy. Cheap tyres often wear out faster than higher-quality tyres due to their inferior materials and construction. This means you’ll need to replace them more frequently, negating any initial cost savings.
mycar says investing in durable, high-quality tyres can be more economical in the long run as they have a longer lifespan.
3. Lower fuel efficiency
Tyres significantly impact your vehicle’s fuel efficiency. Cheap tyres often have higher rolling resistance, which means your car’s engine has to work harder to move the vehicle.
This translates to higher fuel consumption and increased costs at the pump. Quality tyres are engineered to minimise rolling resistance, improving your vehicle’s fuel efficiency and reducing your carbon footprint.
Compromised comfort and performance
Cheap tyres can negatively affect your driving experience with more road noise and a less comfortable ride due to poorer shock absorption.
Available from Davies Craig
While Australian manufacturer Davies Craig is often associated with Electric Thermatic Fans, Electric Water and Booster Pumps along with a range of transmission/Engine oil coolers, the company also stocks and supplies the TyreGuard 400 Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS).
By alerting the driver to potential tyre issues in realtime, Davies Craig says the TyreGuard 400 TPMS ensures optimal vehicle performance, improved fuel efficiency, and longer tyre life.
Davies Craig says tyre pressures and tyre temperatures are two crucial aspects of vehicle safety and performance, yet they are often overlooked by many drivers.
A tyre with low pressure and increased temperature leads to reduced fuel efficiency, decreased handling, and an increased risk of deflating completely or causing a blowout.
Fortunately, modern technology such as the Tyre
Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) can help drivers stay informed about tyre pressures and temperature levels.
Davies Craig states that its TyreGuard 400 TPMS is a very economical device which can prove to be an excellent investment from both a financial and safety perspective.
By investing in this TPMS technology and following regular maintenance guidelines, Davies Craig says consumers will not only save money, but also make our roads safer for everyone.
Davies Craig’s TyreGuard 400 TPMS uses individual pressure sensors mounted on the valve stem of each tyre to directly monitor both tyre pressures and temperatures.
The TyreGuard 400 TPMS will monitor up to 22 tyres and has a a signal booster available for those towing 5th wheeler caravans, trailers and expensive equipment.
Additionally, they can compromise your vehicle’s handling, making it less responsive and harder to control, especially at higher speeds or during emergency manoeuvres.
Saving money and staying safe
While it might be tempting to save money by purchasing cheap tyres, the potential risks and hidden costs far outweigh any short-term savings. Investing in high-quality tyres is not just about better performance and longevity; it is a critical aspect of ensuring your safety on the road.
Your tyres are an investment in your vehicle’s performance and, more importantly, in your own safety and that of your passengers.
mycar says it is important that you purchase your tyres from a reputable tyre store which offers affordable, entry-level tyres, all the way to midrange and premium tyres – meeting both your cars needs and your budget.
It says your local mycar Tyre and Auto technician can help you with affordable – not cheap – good quality tyres for your vehicle.
For more information, visit www.mycar.com.au
Each sensor transmits real-time data to the compact TyreGuard Monitor located in the vehicle’s driving compartment, which then displays the information on the LED screen for the driver’s convenience.
The TPMS provides accurate pressure and temperature readings, and an audible alarm along with a red flashing light on the monitor will alert you to any ongoing sharp rise in tyre temperature and pressure loss.
For more information, please visit www.daviescraig.com.au/tyreguard-tpms
Wide whitewall tyres were a staple of the 1950s and always a popular choice for hot rods.
In most cases, cosmetics outweighed the performance of the tyre, until now, says Antique Tyres, which states the introduction of a new tyre offers best-in-class ratings and excellent handling.
The all-new Coker Classic Star Series whitewall tyres are engineered with brand-new moulds and compounds, with a sharp focus on balance and performance.
Antique Tyres says it is the only tyre of its kind built in North America, stating it is packed with industry-leading features that will improve the ride quality and safety of your classic car.
Coker Tire engineered the Coker Classic Star Series tyre with a low-noise tread pattern that retains a classic appearance.
With a UTQG rating of “480 AA”, the tyre’s treadwear and traction ratings offer a long tread life and excellent wet and dry traction. Several sizes, especially those used on larger cars, are built with reinforced sidewalls, putting
them in the Extra Load (XL) category, allowing heavier cars to run a few more pounds of air pressure, with a maximum of 42 psi.
All tyres in the Coker Classic Star Series product line feature a “best-in-class” T speed rating, compliant for 190kph, with Antique Tyres stating all ratings are backed by third-party testing.
With 28 sizes to fit 13- through 17-inch wheels, this tyre is designed to work a wide range of applications.
Most of the size offering is focused on the 14and 15-inch wheel range, which offers fitment on 1940s through 1970s classic cars and trucks, but also allows for staggered sizing for hot rods and custom builds.
Popular sizes like 165R15, 205/75R14 and 235/75R15 are included in the product line, as well as many others, offering fitments on Corvettes, Cadillacs, Volkswagens and more. Many sizes are available in wide whitewall and narrow whitewall configurations, and the white sidewall is not added on after the tyre is
The new CORGHI Exact Quattro was recently introduced to the market
CORGHI chose to launch its new Exact Quattro state-of-the-art wheel alignment system at the 2024 Australian Auto Aftermarket Expo to highlight the equipment’s technology and ease of use to the widest possible audience.
The CORGHI Exact Quattro is a wheel aligner and pre-check instrument for cars and light duty vehicles, incorporating a four-camera design that makes for quick, simple, and extremely accurate wheel alignments.
Four high-resolution digital cameras and light targets ensure measurements are made with maximum precision and accuracy.
Each of the four HI-Q cameras have optimised low distortion lenses with an anti-reflection nano coating and integrated filter to eliminate unwanted glare.
An integrated synoptic panel with light indication allows the operator to check the target hooking status and it guides them through the operational steps. During compensation and steering procedures, illuminated arrows provide clear information.
The new professional graphic interface was specifically developed for the wheel alignment professional, and it is rich with features such as a low progress bar, a convenient vertical pop-up selection menu and enhanced data visibility.
Driving onto the machine is made simple with the machine’s inbuilt assistant guiding you all the way for added workshop safety.
CORGHI says this is an extremely useful feature as it allows the car to be moved and positioned correctly on the lift without the use of mirrors.
CORGHI’S Exact Quattro wheel alignment system also features a host of useful quick selection icons for common functions and simple clear instructions to assist less experienced operators, which translates to better results for customers.
A pop-up context menu, a horizontal progress bar and quick buttons are always available to the operator. Plus, there are various optimised procedures for runout compensation.
A new column integrated lift with integrated safety system allows the operator to work from the pit to a height of more than two metres.
The automatic target level tracking function means the measuring beam automatically moves to the correct working height saving time during work procedures.
For determining whether a vehicle has been involved in an accident there is a page with useful information on the vehicle’s chassis situation.
The CORGHI Exact Quattro Wheel Aligner is
manufactured – it is built from day one to be a whitewall tyre.
Antique Tyres says quality control is paramount with the Coker Classic Star Series, explaining that high quality wrapping prevents whitewall damage during shipping, which means this tyre does not have the blue coating on the whitewall.
Several sizes are currently available at Antique Tyres, with more shipments on the way. For more information, visit www.antiquetyres.com.au or contact Antique Tyres on 1300 554 413 or info@antiquetyres.com.au
compatible with the CORGHI PROADAS Universal System, which is used for the calibration of driver assistance systems on new-generation vehicles. When matched to the inbuilt international database of more the 84,000 cars and light-duty vehicles divided by market, CORGHI says its Exact Quattro wheel alignment system is a formidable piece workshop equipment.
For more information, call 1800 CORGHI (267444) or visit www.corghi.com.au
Megabus’ Marlin Workshop Management System integrates a number of useful tools
There are many important aspects for workshops to consider when discussing replacement tyres and wheels with customers to find the right tyre and wheels with confidence.
Fortunately, there are now digital tools and services available for workshops to use to help find the exact tyre and wheel that fits the customer’s vehicle.
Megabus explains you can use the vehicle’s License Plate number to quickly display the vehicle’s specifications, including tyre and wheel fitment data and the OE tyre size.
This allows the vehicle to be matched to tyre and wheel manufacturer’s products, providing a list of brands and even performance characteristics which will allow the workshop to find exact tyres and wheels for their customers.
The Job card then provides the workshop staff with valuable data prior to fitment, such as PSI. Megabus works closely with industry specialists such as Vehicle Logic (to learn more about Vehicle
Logic visit www.vehiclelogic.com.au) to provide these digital tools and services within the Marlin Workshop Management System.
It says that doing so allows it to help make tyre and wheel selection fast and accurate for workshops, with updates undertaken daily to ensure workshops always have the latest information at hand.
When you consider that currently there are approximately 68 vehicle brands with more than 380 models of vehicles in Australia according to the FCAI, and a vastly ranging number of Original Equipment (OE) tyres and wheels fitted to these vehicles, the job of identifying the correct tyre and wheels size can be difficult.
When you further consider that there are hundreds of different brands of tyre and wheel manufacturers and resellers in Australia with an equally huge range of products, the job of finding the right tyres and wheels to suit the customer’s vehicle, driving habits, driving conditions and budget makes the task very difficult indeed.
In an industry where precision and customer satisfaction are paramount, Megabus says embracing such technology is a valuable asset to your business.
Ultimately, by integrating digital tools into your business, Megabus says workshops can streamline processes like finding the right tyre and wheels for their customers, ensuring they receive the best possible care and attention.
For more information, visit www.megabus.com.au
The new data release follows the acquisition of DriveRightData by InfoPro Digital Automotive
InfoPro Digital Automotive purchased DriveRightData earlier in the year.
The acquisition has allowed InfoPro Digital Automotive to add to its comprehensive data of over 20 years of tyre and wheel fitment expertise and solutions which is used globally by the tyre and wheel industry.
Australian and New Zealand regional information is powered by a vehicle drop-down and Rego search which can return OE and OE Optional tyre fitments plus wheel and aftermarket fitment data.
The Rego search method reportedly presents the consumer with a cleaner vehicle description output with improved accuracy returning a one-toone search for 99 percent of vehicles.
The data can be easily integrated into consumer facing websites or internal systems to streamline tyre and wheel selection and create “amazing and effective” tyre and wheel buying journeys.
The quality of the data is also said to reduce returns and exchanges by ensuring customers get the right fit for their vehicle, enhancing customer
satisfaction and building trust for the customer to complete the order basket.
Tyre Price Analytics tools can also be made available for the region to analyse competitor B2C tyre pricing and optimise pricing, further helping retailers to maximise profits and ensure they provide competitive pricing.
Additionally, for the professional wheel market, technical services are available to aid in the wheel design process with caliper drawings and wheel analysis, ensuring fit against target vehicles and maximising the marketability of the wheel design.
Coming soon, DriveRightData will also be launching its new to market Tyre Toxicity and Emissions data.
This new data will enable retailers to provide detailed insights into the environmental performance of tyres.
Included will be technical information on the composition of each tyre plus the emissions produced when the product is fitted to a particular vehicle.
These new data sets are being rolled out in 2024
to allow retailers to help consumers make more informed decisions on the tyre products they purchase and to align with imminent legislation in North America and Europe.
If you would like to view the core vehicle fitment data available, a free trial access to a demo site is available.
For more information, visit www.driveright-data.com
From Meguiar’s
Meguiar’s says its Hot Rims family of wheel and tyre cleaners and dressing is the hot ticket when it comes to keeping your wheels and tyres looking their best for longer.
Formulated to complement each other, the line-up includes Hot Shine Tire Spray, Hot Rims Wheel and Tire Cleaner and the latest addition, Hot Rims Black Wheel Cleaner.
With today’s cost of living pressures, Meguiar’s says you’ll not only be impressed by the great performance of these products, but also how they represent great value for money.
Equally effective on wheels and tyres, Meguiar’s says Hot Rims Wheel and Tire Cleaner stands out for its powerful foaming action. It vigorously clings to surfaces, thoroughly breaking down stubborn brake dust, dirt and grime for easy rinse off.
For use on factory coated, painted or clear coated rims, it leaves wheels with a brilliant shine, and your tyres refreshed, says Meguiar’s.
Meguiar’s has also released its Hot Rims Black Wheel Cleaner.
Meguiar’s says this specialised wheel cleaner is safe and effective on gloss, matte, satin and black chrome wheels. It is also ideal for Diamond Cut wheels with black accents.
Meguiar’s explains that its high-cling, foaming gel formula delivers increased dwell for a deeper, more thorough clean, all with a pleasant, fruity smell.
As with any wheel cleaner, for best results on heavily soiled, or neglected wheels, agitation is typically required.
For this purpose, Meguiar’s recommends using Meguiar’s Supreme Shine Wheel Face Brush, or the Supreme Shine Universal Wheel Brush. Getting your wheels and tyres clean is only half the job.
Meguiar’s says you need to finish off the job properly by dressing the tyres with Meguiar’s Hot Shine Tire Spray – its highest gloss tyre shine. As well as giving your tyres that deep, dark, “insane” wet-look, Meguiar’s states its
antiozonant technology prevents cracking, browning and premature ageing.
At the same time, it explains the highly water resistant and self-spreading formula dries to a nice uniform finish which will make your tyres the envy of all your friends.
Meguiar’s says that with its renowned commitment to easy application and stunning professional-grade results, it is little wonder the Hot Rims range is a favourite among car fussy enthusiasts and demanding detailers across the globe.
For more information, visit www.meguiars.com.au or call 1800 347 570 for free expert car care advice.
Designed for the needs of electric vehicles, the eContact tyre is now available for purchase in Australia
Continental Tyres recently announced the launch of its all-new eContact tyre in Australia, an EVdedicated tyre said to incorporate cutting-edge German technologies.
With Australian demand for electric vehicles trending upwards[1], the Continental eContact is designed to fit the escalating requirements of today’s EV drivers.
Continental says the eContact tyre sets a new standard for EV-dedicated tyres on the market –implementing an impressive range of benefits that set it apart.
Formulated to handle the increased weight and instantaneous torque delivery possessed by electric vehicles, eContact is equipped with various German-engineered innovations – including ContiSeal and ContiSilent.
Puncture protection in the form of ContiSeal extends tyre mobility and provides peace of mind for EV drivers who have had to forgo a spare tyre – a common situation in many EVs.
Continental says this technology includes a sticky, viscous sealant layer that instantly seals 80 percent of punctures up to 5mm in diameter.
Further, Continental says tyre noise is often more pronounced in EVs, due to no engine and exhaust noise.
It says the Continental eContact overcomes this through ContiSilent technology and tread noise breakers, for a whisper-quiet ride.
A ContiSilent tyre contains a polyether-based foam within the inner surface of the tyre tread, acting as a noise absorber for a more comfortable ride.
The acoustically optimised tread pattern design and partition-type technology work to block the path of sound waves and inhibit tyre noise.
At the same time, on-road safety with the eContact is enhanced with a blade edge pattern and asymmetric sipe geometry that guarantees better wet-handling and braking performance.
Drivers can also embark on extended journeys with peace of mind, courtesy of a refined polymer network that reduces the deformation of the tread, resulting in lower rolling resistance for a longer driving range.
Continental Tyres Australia Managing Director, Mitchell Golledge, said eContact is an exciting foray for Continental Tyres into the EV-dedicated tyre segment.
“We are proud to offer a safe and reliable tyre to EV consumers in the form of eContact,” Mitchell said.
“Providing drivers with the best driving experience has always been our main priority and this new tyre reflects our continued investment into new, trailblazing offerings.”
eContact can be fitted to a wide range of Australia’s most popular electric vehicles, including Tesla, Polestar, Volkswagen, Hyundai, and MG and is now available for purchase at all major Australian tyre retailers.
Continental Tyres says it has been a leader in creating world-class innovations using advanced technologies for more than 150 years.
It states that its German-engineered tyres are refined and tested with safety in mind and “are the first choice for leading vehicle manufacturers globally.”
For more information, visit www.continental-tires.com
1 Electric Vehicle Council, 2023, ‘State of Electric Vehicles’.
The Z-Sensor 2.0 is Zylux’s flagship product
With more than 25 years of expertise in the TPMS industry, Zylux says it has established itself as a beacon of innovation and excellence in the industry.
Its flagship product, the Z-Sensor 2.0, is said to embody the culmination of Zylux’s extensive experience, integrating cutting-edge microcontroller technology and adhering to OE quality standards.
Zylux says this commitment ensures that its sensors not only meet but exceed the expectations of automotive professionals and enthusiasts alike.
A distinguishing feature of the Z-Sensors is their “unparalleled” compatibility across a wide array of autolocation technologies.
Whether it is WAL, PAL, LOS, SAL, or WASP, Zylux says its sensors are “meticulously crafted to seamlessly integrate with these systems, setting a new standard of versatility in the market.”
This comprehensive coverage extends to over 99 percent of vehicles equipped with direct TPMS across key global markets such as Australia, New Zealand, Europe, USA, and Canada.
Zylux says what truly sets the Z-Sensors apart is their exceptional programming speed and optimised LF programming functionality.
Paired with seamless compatibility with ATEQ TPMS tools, these sensors are said to ensure a user-friendly experience that is “unmatched” in reliability and efficiency.
A recent breakthrough from Zylux is the introduction of the Z-Sensor Blue TPMS sensor, specifically designed for Tesla vehicles.
Zylux says this innovative OE replacement BLE sensor simplifies installation significantly, serving as a direct substitute for the original sensor without the need for complex programming.
This plug-and-play solution reportedly ensures a hassle-free experience for Tesla owners, emphasising convenience without compromising on quality.
The Z-Sensor Blue is pre-programmed for Tesla Model 3, S, X, and Y, guaranteeing perfect compatibility and precise tyre pressure monitoring.
Available in Silver, Black, and Graphite Grey
finishes, the Aluminium Clamp-In design not only enhances functionality but also complements the aesthetic appeal of Tesla vehicles, integrating seamlessly with their modern design ethos.
Zylux says it prioritises both quality and affordability, making the Z-Sensor Blue the ultimate aftermarket solution for Tesla owners looking to upgrade their TPMS.
For more information, visit www.z-sensor.com.au or call 03 9482 2203.
For more than 100 years, Holts has made it its mission to keep people driving
Holts says that its range of products have been designed and developed to solve everyday problems encountered by drivers, to get them back on the road.
A flat tyre is an unexpected inconvenience and common nuisance to drivers and can happen anywhere at any time.
Changing a flat on the side of the road is not only a nuisance but can also be a dangerous task; and with new-car manufacturers opting for more boot space instead of a spare, for some drivers, a tyre change is not an option at all.
Holts says it has the answer with its Holts Tyreweld Emergency Puncture Repair product.
A “no tools necessary” option, Holts says its Tyreweld product has a unique, twist button, automatic transfer system unlike other aftermarket tyre repair products.
By simply attaching the end of the tube to the tyre valve and twisting the red button, the driver can move away from the roadside, whilst the Holts Tyreweld goes to work, dispersing into the tyre in seconds and working instantly by coating the inside of the tyre to seal the puncture.
Holts explains that the gas inside the can inflates the tyre, making it possible to drive on immediately. The temporary repair system is sufficient in getting the vehicle to the tyre shop for a full repair; withstanding a maximum speed of 80kph.
Holts Tyreweld is a water based rubber solution that can repair punctures up to 5mm in diameter, which accounts for approximately 95 percent of punctures.
As it is a water based rubber solution, Holts Tyreweld is not toxic; is easily washed or wiped away and is non-damaging to rims and tyres; and can easily be disposed of by tyre repair shops, as it is not hazardous or flammable.
Taking up much less space than a spare tyre, Holts Tyreweld can be safely stored inside the vehicle in both hot and cold weather, as the Tyreweld cans are made from one piece of aluminium, and can withstand temperatures of up to 97°C. When cold weather is at play, Tyreweld will work in temperatures as low as -10°C.
Holts says that Tyreweld is compatible with all
Tyre Pressure Monitoring Systems and will not cause damage.
The Tyreweld Emergency Puncture Repair covers tyre sizes for small cars, 2WD and 4WD vehicles, with three different sized cans.
For further information, contact Filpro Automotive Australia on 02 4949 0066 or visit www.filpro.com.au
Why quality tyres are your best investment in challenging times
When faced with challenging economic times, it can be tempting for consumers to cut costs wherever possible.
However, one area where compromising quality can have significant consequences is with tyres.
Tyres are the only part of a vehicle that keeps you connected to the road, making them critical for safety, performance, and efficiency.
Bridgestone explains that investing in high-quality tyres offers numerous benefits that go beyond mere transportation from point A to point B.
For instance, saving on fuel – Bridgestone says its Bridgestone Ecopia range features low rolling resistance technology, which is designed to reduce fuel consumption and lower CO2 emissions without compromising on safety or comfort.
It states this innovation is particularly valuable in the
current era of heightened environmental awareness and fluctuating fuel prices and by choosing tyres that enhance fuel efficiency, consumers can not only save money in the long run but also contribute to reducing their environmental impact.
Similarly, wear life guarantees can offer customers assurance on the wear life of their product.
Bridgestone’s network Bridgestone Select Tyre and Auto and Bridgestone Service Centres offer a 50,000km* wear life guarantee on their exclusive Turanza Serenity Plus* product.
Engineered to deliver exceptional handling and braking performance, ensuring drivers can navigate roads safely and confidently, Bridgestone says the Turanza Serenity Plus tyre is an excellent example of how premium tyres can enhance the driving experience.
Additionally, it says the Turanza Serenity Plus provides a quieter and more comfortable ride, which is essential for long journeys.
Bridgestone states the 50,000 km wear life guarantee further underscores the durability and reliability of these tyres, offering peace of mind and excellent value for money.
When it comes to purchasing tyres, it is crucial to buy from a reputable and trusted brand. Voted the most trusted tyre brand^ in Australia for 11
RPM Automotive is investing in a massive tyre-recycling plant which it claims will make it the largest recycler in Australia
RPM Automotive will invest more than five million dollars across the next five years into a massive tyre-recycling program.
Co-Founder Clive Finkelstein, who is also Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) and Managing Director, explained the investment in the program as “creating the perfect business,” where the company will eventually have a negative cost of goods sold.
“We understand the need to save our planet and we obviously want to save our planet without draining our wallets,” Clive said.
“What we have been able to do is work out a business strategy where we can save the planet and make money.”
Clive explained there are currently 56 million tyres scrapped in Australia, which equated to around 600,000 tones of waste.
RPM Automotive will leverage the resources of its current infrastructure as a major tyre importer and reseller to implement its plan.
“We currently have warehouses all around the country where trucks go out full and come back
empty, so we are looking to change that so the trucks go out full and come back full,” Clive said.
“We are going to have to add a few more personnel but the concept here is that we are going to use an infrastructure that we already have and create a whole new revenue stream. We are going to create true a full circular economy.”
Clive said that as a tyre importer, the company has a responsibility to recycle its waste.
“As an importer of tyres we are deemed to be the manufacturer. As a manufacturer effectively we are a part of the problem,” Clive said.
“There are a lot of end-of-life tyres lying around. We want to try to help to reduce this problem and make some money along the way – and create products that are innovative and useful while doing it.
“There are other early adopter tyre recyclers, but what they don’t have is the infrastructure RPM has.
“We have a negative cost of sales. We actually get paid to collect the tyres. We are already selling the tyres, so to collect the tyres from our existing customers just makes sense, whether we bill them for it or build it into the original price.”
consecutive years and ranked among the top 10 most trusted brands in the country, Bridgestone says its commitment to quality, innovation, extensive product range and customer satisfaction further reassures customers of their decision to choose quality tyres for their vehicles.
While the temptation to save money is understandable during tough times, Bridgestone says investing in high-quality tyres is a decision that pays off in terms of safety, efficiency, added value and overall driving experience.
By choosing premium quality tyres, it states consumers can ensure they are making a wise investment that will serve them well on the road ahead.
For more information, visit www.bridgestone.com.au
*Only available at Bridgestone Select and Bridgestone Service Centres. To qualify for the Bridgestone Wear Life Guarantee, terms and conditions apply, see www.bridgestone.com.au
^2024 Reader’s Digest Most Trusted Brand survey
Clive believes the tyre-recycling program could even grow RPM Automotive’s existing customer base.
“More people want their tyres collected and if they aren’t buying new tyres off us already there is no reason why they shouldn’t be because our trucks are going there anyway,” Clive said.
“Being a part of the solution excites me enormously. From an environmental point of view –environmental and social – the reality is that there’s a very nice business to be had here.”
For more information, www.rpmgroup.net.au
Co-Founder and Director of Wheelnutz Garage, Jade Burgmann, is undoubtably passionate about automotive, and about providing opportunities for those with disabilities to learn and be accepted within the Australian automotive aftermarket.
Jade was born and raised in Sydney where for part of her childhood, her father was the accountant for the Australian Racing Driver’s Club and also a racer himself.
While around the motorsport industry from a young age, she tells us she was always destined to be a social worker.
“I never really considered anything else. It might be cheesy, but it has been somewhat of a calling,” Jade said.
“I have always loved cars as well though – upon seeing the British racing green Jaguar XJ-S driven by John Goss win the 1985 Bathurst 1000, I was hooked.”
While she started out working in an ice cream factory packing boxes as a teen, the next 30 years would see Jade working in a range of Human Services roles across youth, mental health, drug and alcohol and family services, as well as in the disability sector.
With such a background, Jade’s current venture should come as no surprise.
“Opening Wheelnutz Garage is something that I am immensely proud of – there was and still is nothing like it in Australia, but we knew it was desperately
needed for people with disabilities and a love of all things cars,” she explains.
Wheelnutz Garage is a supported learning space located in Brendale and Logan (Queensland), with plans for interstate expansion to Darwin, Bathurst and Canberra in the works.
It provides educational opportunities for anyone with a disability who is interested in learning more about automotives, while also assisting participants to build friendships and also their capacity for future employment and independence.
“Wheelnutz Garage started in our home garage on the Gold Coast in 2020. We – my husband Gavin and I – were looking for a career change, with both of us having held highly successful but stressful management roles for a long time,” Jade said.
“We are the only ones in Australia doing this type of work, providing a place for people who may not have the capacity to attend or engage regularly in accredited training.
“They may be illiterate or require some carefully considered workplace modifications, but with the right support, they have the right attitude and skills for future employment.
“It has been a huge success and since 2020, we have supported approximately 200 people with disabilities to engage in vehicle repair and restoration, with many of them going on to find employment in the automotive field.
“We now not only support people with disabilities
but are also funded to provide suicide prevention supports to people in the Logan region, and are also piloting a diversion program engaging a group of young people who have been regularly coming to the attention of local police and courts.”
There is no question that Jade is immensely proud of what she and Gavin have been able to create so far.
“We have built a community for people who would ordinarily feel isolated and lonely and would otherwise not realise their potential to one day work in the Automotive industry,” she said.
“We have created a space where young people with a disability, or mental illness, are welcomed; where their strengths are valued; and where they can connect with others who have a shared interest in cars, mechanics, four wheel driving or motor racing. To be able to provide such a service is something I am very proud of.”
As a high-achiever in our industry, Jade has some simple advice for those looking to start out in the automotive industry today: “the only way to truly fail is not to try. I also live by you snooze you lose – put in the hours and don’t ever knock back an opportunity, you never know what door it will open!”
“I think it is important also to take risks, push the boundaries, and try something you have never done before – this kind of sums up the Wheelnutz Garage ethos,” she added.
When she isn’t busy at the helm of Wheelnutz Garage, Jade loves to travel, having lived all across the country and also travelled extensively overseas. Spending time with family is also important – in fact, it is also part of the Wheelnutz origin story.
“We wanted to find a way to incorporate what we love to do personally and as a family,” she said.
“Wheelnutz Garage is a family business, with Gavin and me at the helm and Gavin’s three adult children all involved.
“Working with the kids means I get to see them every day and watch them grow as awesome adults and workers.
“It does also mean that occasionally we need to put the ‘boss hat’ on when things don’t go to plan!” she laughed.
Unsurprisingly, Jade is passionate about encouraging Australian Automotive Aftermarket employers to give those who have been supported by Wheelnutz Garage a chance.
“In the dynamic world of the automotive aftermarket industry, innovation propels businesses forward. As companies strive to meet evolving consumer demands and stay ahead, they must tap into every available resource to drive efficiency and creativity. We feel that one such resource often overlooked is the pool of talent with a disability, including those who are neurodivergent,” she said.
“Neurodiversity, encompassing conditions like autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Dyspraxia, and Dyscalculia, offers unique strengths that can revolutionise the automotive aftermarket sector. While some may view these conditions as challenges, they are, in fact, wellsprings of untapped potential waiting to be harnessed.
“Consider this: in Australia, one in five individuals lives with a disability. Within this demographic lies a wealth of talent, yet misconceptions and biases often hinder their integration into the workforce.
“With around half a million working-age individuals actively seeking employment, the automotive aftermarket industry stands to gain significantly by embracing neurodiversity in its hiring practices.
“When it comes to why automotive aftermarket businesses should prioritise neurodiverse hiring initiatives, the reasons are clear and compelling.
“Research shows that individuals with disabilities
are less likely to take sick days, have fewer workplace accidents, and are four times more likely to stay with their current employer compared to their non-disabled counterparts.
“Further, neurodivergent individuals bring a unique perspective to the table, with unparalleled problemsolving skills, attention to detail, and innovative thinking. In an industry where precision, creativity, and adaptability are paramount, these qualities can be game-changers.
“Therefore, embracing neurodiversity isn’t just about fostering inclusion; it can also be a strategic business decision that can drive growth and innovation in the automotive aftermarket industry.
“By tapping into the diverse talents of neurodivergent individuals, businesses can gain a competitive edge, enhance efficiency, and
cultivate a workplace culture that values diversity and empowers every team member to reach their full potential.”
Jade says being a member of the AAAA plays an important part in her and Gavin’s mission to advocate for those who are supported by Wheelnutz Garage.
“Being a member of AAAA gives us an opportunity to raise awareness about the benefits of employing people with a disability,” she said.
“Decades of research shows that employing someone with a disability makes good business sense, and we look forward to continuing to spread this message with fellow AAAA members and the industry.”
To learn more about Wheelnutz Garage, visit www.wheelnutzgarage.com
As Aussies choose which car repairs they ‘need,’ JAX Tyres and Auto explains why brakes can’t be ignored
Our vehicles play a critical role in our daily lives; many of us rely on them daily to get from A to B.
Although we may not realise it, they also rely on us to care for their maintenance, and as the cost of living continues to rise, many Aussie drivers have started to select which repairs are needed.
According to a recent survey by JAX Tyres and Auto, 24 percent of Aussies are attempting to spread repairs across multiple car services.
This can lead to drivers delaying essential repairs such as brakes, brake fluid, and brake pads until they have accrued finances.
“As we navigate through this difficult time with the cost of living crisis, it is more important than ever to get your vehicle inspected to ensure unnecessary major repairs are avoided due to not following servicing schedules,” JAX Tyres and Auto Chief Executive Officer, Steve Grossrieder, said.
“Safety remains at the forefront of what we do at JAX Tyres and Auto, providing ‘Peace of Mind Driving.’”
Emphasising maintenance is key
The braking system is a crucial component of any vehicle, serving as one of the most essential safety features to protect both the vehicle and the drivers.
In the event of a potential collision, the brakes must act fast to stop the vehicle and prevent harm and damage.
However, if the brakes are not well-maintained, they may malfunction, posing a significant risk to road safety.
It is important to recognise that regular braking system maintenance can’t be ignored, as the components deteriorate gradually over time due to continuous use and exposure to environmental factors such as moisture, heat, and debris.
Many customers don’t realise the impact worn tyres can have on their car’s performance.
Over time and with regular wear and tear, the tyre tread will compromise the ability of your tyres to grip the road which can result in the tyres becoming unroadworthy.
By replacing worn tyres, you restore the proper grip, responsiveness, and control, enhancing the overall handling and performance of the vehicle.
Preparing your customer for the repair cost
When looking into organising brake repair, it is essential to recognise that various components contribute to the cost of the service.
Due to the exclusion of freight and transport in the purchase price, parts and supply costs are on the rise.
“I always tell our customers that the two most important things to maintain on their vehicles are tyres and brakes as they are the two most important parts keeping them on the road,” JAX Tyres and Auto Burleigh Franchisee, Dave Byrne-Smith, said.
“It is important to reiterate the safety aspect and explain that there are cost-effective part options offering value for money and reliable service that can be used in place of OE or premium.”
Amid the current cost-of-living crisis, 20 percent of consumers are adjusting their vehicle maintenance spending by servicing their cars less frequently. This change in spending habits has shown that the current economic climate is not just impacting long-term savings but, Aussie driver’s safety on the roads.
By emphasising timely brake repairs, automotive professionals can help their customers manage expenses while ensuring the safety and dependability of their vehicles.
Any mechanic and repair shop’s primary responsibility is ensuring vehicle compliance and safety.
These inspections are there to guarantee your safety on the road and help identify potential future risks.
Vehicle repairs must meet compliance standards before completion to avoid increased long-term costs compared to timely repairs.
Companies like JAX Tyres and Auto are crucial in educating consumers about necessary vehicle repairs and providing complimentary vehicle inspections to inform them of potential future repairs.
“Technology in vehicles is extremely advanced compared to 20 years ago, very few car owners are aware that for their vehicles to perform as designed they rely on quality brake components due the complexity of modern safety systems: explaining the importance of this goes a long way to help the customer make an informed decision,” Dave said. For more information, visit www.jaxtyres.com.au
Capricorn Society has kicked off its celebrations to mark 50 years since the cooperative was first registered
Themed ’50 Years Strong’ the celebration features stories from all different people in the Capricorn community.
Capricorn – Australia and New Zealand’s largest automotive aftermarket member organisation –was formed in 1974 by 17 Golden Fleece service station owners who met at a training session and decided to form a buying group with the common goal of buying cheaper parts.
Now 50 years later, Capricorn has more than 28,000 Members and 2,000 Preferred Suppliers across Australia and New Zealand.
Capricorn Group Chief Executive Officer, David Fraser, says this anniversary pays tribute to everyone who has supported the organisation over the past 50 years.
“50 Years Strong is about our Members, our Preferred Suppliers, our team and everyone in the wider Capricorn community who has been a part of the journey,” David said.
“Capricorn has created a community within the automotive industry that extends beyond business relationships.
“As part of the celebrations, I’ve had the opportunity to reminisce about the good
times, but also the challenges the community has faced.
“It has been a wonderful opportunity to celebrate and reflect on the role of Capricorn. We have never lost sight of our purpose, why we exist, why we started.
“We’re here to help and support Members to be stronger businesses, to be more sustainable. The vision of the original 17 remains as Capricorn’s purpose today, a commitment to working together and understanding the benefit of strength in numbers.”
50 Years Strong is all about the people who share this commitment and dedication, from the local mechanic Member to large nation-wide Preferred Suppliers and the employees on the road or in the office.
Capricorn says its success is an achievement for all those in the industry.
You can meet the people who make up Capricorn by exploring its 50 Years Strong stories, which include stories from:
• Frank O’Connor, the inaugural General Manager of Capricorn, was one of the people interviewed as part of the 50 Year Strong
The ‘global standard’ enables the fast and precise identification of spare parts and vehicles
TecAlliance, a leading expert for data management and processes in the automotive aftermarket, has reason to celebrate: its TecDoc Standard was launched in 1994 as a uniform format for the entry, publication and distribution of high-quality spare parts product information in the independent aftermarket.
To this day, TecAlliance says TecDoc enables the fast and precise identification of spare parts and vehicles.
It states this is the basis for automated and digitised process solutions along the entire supply chain in the independent automotive aftermarket (IAM).
At the beginning of the 1990s, automotive spare parts data was not standardised and it was not checked whether their assignment to a vehicle type was correct.
This uncertainty in selecting the right spare part cost time, and the high error rate was bad for business and customer satisfaction.
In 1994, 21 leading companies in the international automotive spare parts industry therefore launched a standardisation initiative under the name TecDoc.
Each vehicle type was clearly and unmistakably defined and linked to the corresponding spare parts.
Thanks to the TecDoc Standard and the TecDoc Catalogue spare parts catalogue based on it, it is now clear which spare part fits which vehicle, with TecAlliance asserting that TecDoc has established itself internationally as the industry standard.
The automotive industry is evolving rapidly, driven by new mobility concepts, digitisation and alternative drive types.
With the increasing complexity of vehicle configurations and the need for faster product launches, the shift to real-time data processing has become the new reality in the independent automotive aftermarket.
In response to these demands, TecAlliance began rolling out the new TecDoc Ecosystem in late 2023.
Parts manufacturers can now manage their catalogue information in near real-time, as
celebrations. In his video, Frank tells the story of Capricorn’s humble beginnings.
• Rex Goodchild, a Capricorn Member and Preferred Supplier since 1986, tells Capricorn about how much it means to be part of the Capricorn community
• Stuart Charity, Chief Executive Officer of the AAAA, tells us how Capricorn and the AAAA have spent decades working together to benefit the whole automotive industry.
To find these stories, visit www.cap.coop/50 Capricorn also invites readers to keep an eye on Facebook and LinkedIn to meet those who make up the Capricorn community and help the company to celebrate 50 Years Strong. For more information, please visit www.capricorn.coop
opposed to quarterly or monthly data updates as in the past.
In addition, TecDoc has been working closely with industry and traders since 2021 as part of a data quality initiative to continuously optimise catalogue data.
Looking forward, TecDoc solutions will provide more of the added value services.
TecDoc is actively working to provide a B2B e-commerce solution TecDoc Trade Portal for parts manufacturers and distributors to accelerate or upgrade their e-commerce businesses.
Further information on the development of TecDoc over the last 30 years is available at www.tec.al/30yearsTecDoc
A new online booking channel that saves time and unlocks new business, but at what cost?
Reserve with Google integrated with AutoGuru “to build on our shared goals to offer seamless and convenient ways for people to make auto maintenance appointments through Google Search and Maps,” says a Google representative that initiated the partnership between Google and AutoGuru.
The integration launched at the Australian Auto Aftermarket Expo (AAAE) in April 2024 and continues to improve quoting and booking efficiency, and attract new customers for the mechanics participating in the pilot, says AutoGuru. But does the Reserve with Google integration give AutoGuru control over mechanic’s Google Business Profiles? The answer is no.
According to Google “the Reserve with Google integration enables users to discover local merchants on Google Search and Maps, and then redirect them to the appointment provider’s landing page to complete the booking. The Reserve with Google integration does not in any way limit or restrict the functionality of merchants’ Google Business Profiles, as they both exist as separate functions”.
1st Choice Mechanical Repairs has had the Reserve with Google booking button active for more than three months, and was asked about the impact the online booking option has had on their Google Business Profile and their business.
“AutoGuru doesn’t have any control of our Google Business Profile. The only change to our Google Business Profile is having the book now button available. Everything else is the same,” 1st Choice Mechanical Workshop Manager, Mel Cvetkovski, said.
“(Having Reserve with Google) is doing really well, a lot of people are using the book now button as it is easy for them to book 24/7 when they think about it and it is convenient for them, rather than waiting for our workshop to open.”
AutoGuru also highlights the following as other common questions it has received from mechanics. How does Reserve with Google affect my Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)?
Reserve with Google can enhance local SEO by increasing a business’s visibility and engagement on Google Search and Maps.
By integrating booking options, businesses can improve their Google Business Profile, which can be a crucial factor in local SEO rankings. Enhanced engagement metrics, such as higher click-through rates and increased user interactions, signal to Google that the business is relevant and trustworthy, potentially boosting its search rankings.
Additionally, AutoGuru says the convenience and functionality offered by Reserve with Google can lead to more positive reviews, further improving local SEO performance. Businesses that leverage this feature effectively could gain a competitive edge in local search results, it says.
Can I link the Reserve with Google book online button to my website?
The Reserve with Google book online button can only be added to your Google Business Profile, not your own website.
If automotive businesses want to add a booking
AutoOptix says it meets a crucial industry need: clear and transparent communication
By empowering technicians to capture brief videos of a customer’s vehicle during service, AutoOptix says it delivers an unparalleled level of transparency.
It says this visual insight allows customers to witness vehicle issues firsthand, fostering trust and comprehension in the repair process.
Such visual evidence proves invaluable in showcasing necessary repairs, validating costs, and ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Post-video capture, AutoOptix says you can seamlessly integrate a quote from the portal using the built-in itemised quote system or attach a PDF from your point-of-sale system.
The video is then dispatched to the customer via your branded text message. Subsequently, customers can review, select, and approve quoted items and sign off on them.
The approved quote, complete with the signature, is securely stored on the portal alongside the video for future reference.
AutoOptix says its service extends protection to both service centres and customers.
The video documentation acts as indisputable evidence of a vehicle’s condition prior to service, guarding against disputes over pre-existing damage or unfounded accusations.
Moreover, the app fosters staff accountability by creating a visual record of the work performed, ensuring staff are following your standard operating procedures.
AutoOptix says you can experience ease of access with AutoOptix’s self-sign-up process and comprehensive training videos, all conveniently available through its online portal. Interested users can explore the platform risk-
button to their website or other digital channels, AutoGuru says one way they can do this is with AutoGuru’s white label booking solution, BookingGuru.
Reserve with Google and BookingGuru are two new direct booking options in AutoGuru’s expanded suite of digital solutions, developed to support the automotive service industry’s adaptation to the digital age.
With these tools, AutoGuru says service providers can access leading booking technology and benefit from efficiency and convenience without needing to be a bookable member of AutoGuru’s retail marketplace.
For more information or to activate Reserve with Google, visit www.autoguru.com.au/google
For more information about BookingGuru, visit www.autoguru.com.au/about/bookingguru
free with a complimentary 30-day trial period. Following the trial, subscription plans start at $299 per month.
AAAA members can also leverage the code AAAA249 during registration to unlock a special reduced rate of $249 per month for the initial 6 months.
The decision to increase the National Minimum Wage and Award Minimum Wages was recently handed down
The Fair Work Commission (FWC) has announced a 3.75 percent increase to the national minimum wage (NMW) and award minimum wages following its 2023-2024 annual wage review.
The commencement of the increase will apply from the first full pay period starting on or after the 1st of July 2024.
Relevantly, increases for the Vehicle Repair, Services and Retail Award, Clerks Private Sector Award and Manufacturing and Associated Industries and Occupations Award will operate from the 1st of July 2024.
Updated pay guides are available to AAAA members through the member portal or by contacting Employer Assist for further clarification and assistance.
If you are already paying your employees more than the award minimum rate, you may be able to absorb the increase into your current pay rates depending on the particular employment arrangements.
You can contact Employer Assist for specific advice on whether absorbing an increase is possible based on individual circumstances.
If a registered agreement applies to the workplace, you will need to ensure that the agreement minimum rates are not less than the award minimum rates or the NMW (whichever would apply but for the agreement applying).
If the agreement minimum rates are less than the employee would receive under the award that would otherwise have coverage, the agreement will have effect as if the agreement rate were equal to the base award rate.
Similarly, if the agreement minimum rates are less than a non-award covered employee would otherwise receive under the NMW order, the agreement will have effect as if the agreement rate were equal to the NMW.
If you require assistance in confirming whether you are paying the correct minimum rates, please contact Employer Assist.
The new NMW that will apply from the first full pay period starting on or after the 1st of July 2024 will be $915.90 per week or $24.10 per hour.
The NMW applies to employees who are not covered by an award or registered agreement.
If you are unsure whether your employees are covered by an award or registered agreement, please contact Employer Assist for advice on your individual circumstances.
The Superannuation Guarantee rate is set to increase from the current rate of 11 percent to 11.5 percent on the 1st of July 2024.
The Superannuation Guarantee rate will continue to increase each year in 0.5 percent increments until it reaches 12 percent in 2025.
If you have not done so already, Employer Assist recommends employers review current wage arrangements to determine whether the increase can be absorbed or if wages need to be adjusted to satisfy the minimum requirements.
Any employer that uses an “all-inclusive” salary rate should ensure that the salary is sufficient to cover the employee’s minimum entitlements each pay period, considering the increased entitlements from the 1st of July 2024, and that
the employment contract contains a properly drafted set off clause.
It is important to note that serious penalties apply if you are found to be underpaying your employees.
To mitigate the risk of underpayments, it is recommended that employers regularly conduct compliance checks to ensure minimum wage and superannuation requirements are being met. Further, it is an ideal time to review and update existing employment contracts or implement new ones.
Employer Assist can review employment contracts and provide advice on any amendments required for compliance or on improvements that can be made. It can also supply template employment contracts tailored to suit individual requirements. This article is intended for information purposes only and should not be regarded as legal advice. Please contact Employer Assist for advice.
If you require assistance, contact
Bendix has made its return to Supercars this year and is already making its mark
Since 1955 when Bendix began Australian operations, the brand has enjoyed a long history of involvement in motorsports across many categories.
With a manufacturing plant in Ballarat, Victoria, the company manufactures a large range of disc brake pads and specialises in providing a full range of friction material for passenger and commercial vehicles, along with industrial applications.
For the past several years, Bendix has participated in motorsport partnerships at several levels and in 2022 and 2023, it supported Dave Casey from SWL Racing in the Super Utes category.
In 2024 Bendix increased its involvement in motorsport even further, entering the Supercars category by partnering with Matt Stone Racing (MSR) and Nick Percat, who now steers the Bendix Racing Camaro.
This move marks a return to Australia’s premier touring car championship for Bendix after a very long absence.
“As the preeminent motorsport category and one of Australia’s most watched sports, Supercars is a natural fit for us,” FMP Group Australia – Bendix Chief Executive Officer, George Kyriakopoulos, said.
“We are as passionate about cars as our customers, and we feel that Supercars has assisted in raising Bendix’s exposure to a very relevant demographic in a targeted way.
“The prominent profile of the sport is also fantastic for the morale of Bendix employees and trade partners, as they see our brand competing on a high-profile stage.”
Bendix and MSR already have a number of victories to their names for 2024.
“Our 2024 program is a step up from previous years and so far is exceeding expectations with Bendix Racing sitting at fourth position in the championship,” George said.
“Nick Percat won at the Australian Grand Prix and has continued to drive exceptionally well during the other rounds this season.
“It is amazing to see an automotive brand like Bendix, one that has been manufacturing in Australia since 1955, making and designing products in Australia for Australian conditions winning races against some big teams.
“This is an immense sense of pride for Bendix employees and Bendix customers.
“Bendix Racing was also awarded Best Indigenous
livery by Supercar fans at the Darwin Indigenous round.
“Both wins are very special for the Bendix team.” Bendix’s winning livery was clearly something very special for the entire team.
“Bendix is about authenticity and the winning Bendix livery at the Darwin Indigenous round was an original piece commissioned for Bendix by indigenous artist BJ O’Toole,” George said.
“BJ developed a visually striking livery for us that also told a unique story that pays respect to Wadawurrung Country which has been the spiritual home of Bendix in Australia since 1955.
Bendix’s presence in Supercars is also allowing the company, which prides itself on its continuous improvement system – aptly named DRIVE – to reach out to its customer and partner base.
“Our involvement in Motorsport complements our culture and our thinking, and this translates to winning products,” George said.
“Being part of the pinnacle category of Australian motorsports also brings us in contact with racing fans and predominantly the users of our products.
“We are using our partnership to reach the fans who are generally our customer base: many mechanics and workshop owners are also big fans of the Supercars category.
“Additionally, our involvement allows us to offer ‘money can’t buy experiences’ to our trade partners through our new Bendix Rewards+ program, these includes access to the pits at race rounds.
“Supercars is also a great source of content for our social channels and we’re enjoying high levels of engagement with this material.”
To learn more about Bendix, visit www.bendix.com.au
The Australian National Drag Racing Association (ANDRA) is pleased to release the 2024/2025 season calendar for the recently announced ANDRA Regional Sportsman Championship
The calendar has been worked around existing and proposed National Drag Racing Championship (NDRC) and Track Championship level events, to ensure competitors can compete successfully in all three levels of sportsman racing.
The championship for Sportsman competitors will be held over eight rounds beginning with the Desert Nationals in Alice Springs on August 24-25.
Round two will see the Championship visit Mildura’s Sunset Strip in September for the annual Sunset Nationals across September 21-22.
From Mildura, the Championship will make the trek to Western Australia in November for the Perth Motorplex’s Goldenstates on November 2223, where Gold ANDRA Christmas Tree Trophies will be on offer.
South Coast Raceway will then host the South Coast Nationals two weeks later across December 7-8, prior to a two month break over the hectic summer period.
The second half of the Championship will kick off with back-to-back events at Dragway at the Bend
on February 8-9 and the Twilight Nationals back at Mildura’s Sunset Strip on February 14-15.
The penultimate round of the season will see teams visit Whyalla’s Steel City Raceway on March 15-16, before the Grand Final is hosted at Dragway at The Bend on a to be confirmed date, where Gold ANDRA Christmas Tree Trophies will again be on offer.
“I am really excited about what we have been able to put together for our members with the help of our valued ANDRA member tracks,” ANDRA Chief Executive Officer, Tim McAvaney, said.
“ANDRA prides itself on being a member-based and member-driven organisation and our members have been strong in communicating their desire to compete in an ANDRA Championship.
“Our members and our rich history are the most important assets that we have, and this Championship combines both beautifully!
“ANDRA is working with the NDRC to identify a couple of key events in our series that can double as points rounds for the Aeroflow National
A range of new products have been introduced to the market by Aeroflow
Since 2010, Aeroflow Performance Products has grown to design and manufacture close to 13,000 quality products. Amongst the latest releases are the following products.
Aeroflow Performance steampipe turbo manifolds are a series of pipes that collect exiting exhaust gases which can be channelled into Aeroflow’s merge collector which is perfectly matched to its Boosted range of turbochargers.
The merge collector design allows all pipes to enter at the exact same angle, and merge together at a point in the middle, pointing straight into the turbine.
No pipes enter across each other, so airflow is not disrupted, meaning a perfect balance between boost control and flow. With minimal back pressure where the manifold meets the turbo, Aeroflow says you can be sure that you’re getting the best flow possible from its turbo manifold. Further, Aeroflow says its turbo manifolds are finished to the highest of standards, constructed from thick wall 3mm mandrel bent stainless steel steam pipe with CNC Machined header and turbo flanges.
Each flange is milled after welding to ensure precise surface finish. These manifolds are supplied with a short wastegate starter pipe designed to allow the fabricator to choose the size of the wastegate required, and the position the wastegate sits in.
Aeroflow CNC header flanges are manufactured from 9.5mm (3/8”) thick stainless steel. They are precision-cut to meet your ports, reduce warping, and prevent leaks.
The Aeroflow header flanges are offered in a variety of header flange sizes and shapes to mate your cylinder heads and headers/manifolds to meet your exhaust building needs.
Pro Street Aluminium Race Seats
Aeroflow pro street aluminium racing seats are a lightweight seat option that provides added strength and safety for your race car.
They are constructed from 2.5mm thick 5052 grade aluminium with offset rolled extrusion around the entire seat and reinforced head rest. The strategically positioned contours on the exterior are TIG-welded while the inside is MIG
Sportsman Championship, encouraging racers from all over Australia to participate in our series and chase national points.
“I look forward to delivering a strong season in conjunction with our ANDRA member tracks, with great member support expected at all rounds.”
Andy Lopez from the NDRC said, “any initiative that delivers rewarding racing for Sportsman racers and sustainable events for tracks around Australia is worthy of support! We hope that including NDRC points at select ANDRA Regional Sportsman Championship events will encourage greater participation from those chasing national recognition, and further support the tracks and racers.”
For more from ANDRA, visit www.andra.com.au
welded which results in improved structural rigidity and a more comfortable ride.
Each seat features moulded rubber guards around double shoulder belt openings and lower belt openings to accommodate most racing harnesses, as well as snap fasteners around the seat for a cover to clip onto.
These race seats are offered in a range of hip sizes from 15” up to 20” with the 18.5” and 20” with longer bottoms, belt openings moved forward, side bolsters, and raised rear belt openings to accommodate larger drivers. The option for both a raw alloy finish and black finish are available with a cover and seat mounts sold separately.
For more information, visit www.aeroflowperformance.com
This is the second time GCG has received this prestigious accolade, having first won the award in 2013
GCG Turbos is thrilled to announce that it has been honoured with the Garrett Global Master Distributor of the Year Award.
The bi-annual Garrett Master Dealer Conference, held in Huntington Beach, California, brings together Garrett distributors from around the world to share insights, explore technological advancements, and foster collaborations.
The event also recognises exceptional performance, innovative marketing strategies, and outstanding customer service with the Garrett Distributor Awards.
This year, GCG Turbos was recognised with two awards; the 2022 Global Master Distributor of the Year Award for GCG Australia and the 2023 Global Service Replacement Distributor of the Year for GCG Japan.
“It is an honour to be recognised with this award,” GCG Turbos Chief Executive Officer, Brett Lloyd, said.
“It is a recognition of our team’s hard work and dedication. It also confirms that constantly improving and focusing on customer satisfaction pays dividends.
“We are thrilled to receive this award again and look forward to continuing our partnership with Garrett.”
GCG Turbos is a leading Australian distributor of turbochargers and related components, catering to automotive, marine, and industrial sectors.
Known for its commitment to quality and innovation, GCG Turbos says it has built a reputation as a trusted partner for customers Australia-wide.
For more information about GCG Turbos, visit www.gcgturbos.com
The pair took a breakthrough victory in Queensland
Scott Pedder and co-driver Glenn Macneall have won their first Bosch Motorsport Australia Rally Championship (ARC) round in 10 years after a thrilling second heat of the Accent Benchtops Rally Queensland.
After a dominant display in Heat One where the pair won every stage, Scott continued that run early on Sunday, before a charge from rivals Harry Bates and Coral Taylor saw them claim Sunday’s heat win.
Finishing second for the heat, the Pedders Suspension and Brakes duo had done enough across the weekend to seal the outright round victory and put themselves right into title contention.
The Toyota and Skoda pilots were locked in an intense battle throughout Sunday’s six stages, however in the end, Harry and Coral managed to power through to a 14 second heat two win.
Earlier, Scott got the better start of the two and led the field at the midway point before a puncture on the day’s fourth stage saw him relinquish his lead to Harry, who went on to win the remaining three stages and pick up all-important points on the Galvaniize Insurance Power Stage.
Despite the second place finish on Sunday, Scott claimed his first ARC win since the Coates Hire Rally Australia in 2014.
“It is a lot of relief, to be honest and ten years in the making,” Scott said at the end of the event.
“We knew we had the pace; we have just been unlucky for the first two events, but it came together over the last two days thanks to some luck we had with other competitors bombing out, but it feels fantastic.
“I started the year saying if you finished every heat and you are relatively conservative you can win the Championship.
“With the points system the way it is, you can’t afford to drop heats, and that’s the plan moving forward. You’ve just got to finish.”
Finishing in second place for the round were Maguire Motorsport’s Eddie Maguire and Zak Brakey after the pair rounded out the Heat’s top three, while teammates Steve Maguire and Ben Searcy made it an all-Skoda Fabia R5 podium after finishing the day in fifth place.
In fourth place for the event was Clayton Hoy and Andrew Bennett, who guided their Mitsubishi Evo to sixth place on Sunday, adding to a welldeserved fourth place on Sunday.
In addition to their remarkable outright fourth place, Clayton and Andrew were also rewarded for their efforts with victory in both the MainFix ARC Production Cup and KickAss Products Motorsport Australia Queensland Rally Championship (QRC). Rounding out the top five for the event were Jamie Luff and Bradley Luff after a consistent performance saw them pick up sixth place finishes in both heats.
Falling just short of the top five finish for the round were Harry and Carol, however the Heat Two win and Galvaniize Insurance Power Stage victory certainly made up for Saturday’s disappointing DNF.
“I’m really sorry to the team for my mistake yesterday. It’s pretty costly and obviously has put a dent in our championship aspirations, but just thankful to them that we’re able to repair it and come back fighting today,” Harry said.
“(Sunday) didn’t go perfectly either, but we still salvaged a reasonable result out of it.
“It is really tight now between Scott and I, so it is exciting at the halfway point in the season, and I knew that it was going to come down to some pretty tight battles between he and I.
“I think (Sunday) was probably the first day where we both actually had a reasonable enough run to be able to fight it out. I think we are going to have plenty of them as the season progresses.”
The Bosch Motorsport Australia Rally Championship’s next outing will be in Victoria, with The Middle of Everywhere Gippsland Rally on 9-11 August.
Supercars driver Cooper Murray is now flying the flag for Trico
One of the world’s leading Original Equipment and automotive aftermarket windscreen wiper product manufacturers, Trico, has announced its sponsorship of promising young Supercars driver, Cooper Murray.
The 22-year-old currently competes in the Super2 Series with Eggleston Motorsport and will also pilot the Triple Eight Race Engineering #888 Chevrolet Camaro in the leading Supercar team’s wildcard program alongside Supercars legend Craig Lowndes.
Impressively, Cooper won his debut Super2 race in 2023, before finishing fourth in the championship, including a second victory, three podiums and a pole position to close out a very successful inaugural season.
His racing career began with karts at the age of 10, winning a pair of Australasian Championship titles and six state titles before graduating to car racing.
After two seasons of racing in national and state level Formula Ford, he impressed on debut in the Porsche Michelin GT3 Cup Challenge taking eight wins from 17 starts, ultimately finishing second in the final series standings.
Graduating to Porsche Carrera Cup Australia in 2019, Cooper claimed a hat-trick of wins in Townsville along with podium finishes, which is momentum he would take into 2020, sweeping all three races at Adelaide’s opening round before the COVID-19 pandemic brought a premature end to the season.
He was again a contender for the Porsche Carrera Cup title in 2021, earning a call-up to the prestigious global Porsche Junior Shootout, followed by the completion of evaluation days with Team 18 and Erebus Motorsport which pivoted his focus to the Supercars Championship.
Cooper’s goal is to deliver results in the remaining rounds of the 2024 Super2 Series where he’ll be supported by his new personal sponsor and world class manufacturer of windscreen wipers and associated products, Trico.
“It is a real honour to have Trico along for the ride with me in the 2024 Super2 Series,” Cooper said.
“To be able to have the support of an iconic global brand on my car and helmet is pretty special and I’m looking forward to having some shared success on track in the year ahead.”
Racer Industries says connecting directly with its customer base via Motorsport Australia simply makes sense
Leading motorsport retailer Racer Industries is proud to announce a two-year extension of its partnership with Motorsport Australia, the sport’s governing body since 1953.
The link between the pair commenced in 2022, with Racer Industries set to continue as the Official Race Accessories Partner of Motorsport Australia, the Shannons SpeedSeries, and the Bosch Motorsport Australia Rally Championship.
Further to its current arrangements, Racer Industries’ sponsorship will also encompass Motorsport Australia’s successful development program, First Gear, and Motorsport Australia Esports.
Established in 2004, Racer Industries is a family-owned Australian business that supplies race suits, gloves and boots, race underwear, seats and harnesses, driver safety apparel, fuel systems, fire extinguisher systems, steering wheels and components, race preparation parts and equipment, and Hyundai X3 parts, amongst a multitude of other products and services.
Over the past twenty years, Racer Industries has grown to become a leading motorsport racing
parts and accessories importer, while also hosting a leading online motorsport and racing parts store.
“Since joining Motorsport Australia in 2022, we have been pleased with the direction of our partnership, so it was an easy decision to continue with what we had, as well as expand our support,”
Racer Industries’ Business Development Manager – Performance, Mathew Nilsson, said.
“Motorsport Australia is committed to growing the sport at all levels, and we are more than happy to be part of that progress and provide competitors with high-quality products.
“Obviously, motorsport can be quite costly, which is why we aim to provide competitors with the highest-quality gear at the best price.
“We look forward to another two years of working closely with Motorsport Australia to add value to the motorsport industry, its competitors, and its volunteers.”
Meanwhile, for Motorsport Australia, the partnership with the leading supplier in the industry is a comfortable fit.
“We are pleased Racer Industries has chosen to
Trico Asia Pacific Sales Manager, Adam Rickard, said he is thrilled to welcome Cooper as Trico’s new and exciting motorsport brand ambassador.
“When looking to further our engagement with motorsport, Cooper Murray raced to pole position,” Adam said.
“Not only for the success that he is already achieving, but the professionalism that he carries himself with.
“Trico’s vision for this partnership is clear – the best wipers paired with the one of the best up and coming racing drivers.”
For more from Trico, visit www.tricoproducts.com.au
expand its backing of Motorsport Australia and our assets, and I thank Mathew and the team at Racer Industries for their ongoing support,” Motorsport Australia Chief Executive Officer, Sunil Vohra, said.
“It is a successful family-owned business that shares many of the same core values that we do at Motorsport Australia, and we look forward to working with them again for another two years.
“The brand has already had a strong presence at many national events, especially the Shannons SpeedSeries, so I encourage Motorsport Australia members to check out their ever-growing catalogue of impressive merchandise.”
For more information, visit www.racerindustries.com.au
Roadsafe offers an innovative control arm range for every application
Roadsafe is a leading Australian supplier of steering, suspension, and chassis parts for the automotive aftermarket, stating it “has been leading the way in parts excellence for over 40 years.”
The company says its dedication to safety and quality is underpinned by the extensive research and testing undertaken by the Roadsafe Research and Development (R&D) department based in Melbourne.
Roadsafe states it has the experts, the testing technology and the facilities to ensure the delivery of highly innovative automotive steering and suspension components that not only meet, but often surpass OE (Original Equipment) specifications to the Australian automotive aftermarket.
“Roadsafe prides itself on having an industry leading range of control arm applications suitable for a wide range of applications,” Roadsafe Research and Development Manager, Troy Schipper, said.
The Roadsafe range offers more than 1,200 catalogued replacement Control Arm part numbers, covering thousands of known vehicle applications for upper arms, lower arms, radius arms and strut rods across both front and rear replacement applications.
“Roadsafe replacement control arms ensure that general automotive technicians and suspension specialists are fitting a completely brand new, OE quality specified control arm as a bolt in replacement with no pressing required,” Troy said.
“The use of Roadsafe replacement control arms reduces suspension component fitment issues, by eliminating the process of fitting new parts into unknown worn components, saving workshop labour time and money.
“For off-road and 4x4 enthusiasts, the Blackhawk4x4 upper control arms range harnesses Roadsafe’s four decades of experience in designing and supplying steering and suspension products.”
Blackhawk4x4 upper control arms are designed to address a critical concern for vehicles with
raised suspension – the disruption of factory-set steering geometry.
“This disruption can lead to a host of problems, including premature tyre wear, bump steer, poor handling, and a loss of driver confidence,” Troy said.
“The Blackhawk4x4 range of upper control arms, designed by in house industry experts and employing modern manufacturing techniques, aim to rectify these issues.”
Blackhawk upper control arms provide an average of three degrees of increased caster correction over OE, ensuring a balanced and precise steering experience.
“Furthermore, they seamlessly adjust camber to meet OE specifications, maintaining the vehicle’s stability,” Troy said.
“The Blackhawk4x4 upper control arms also offer clearance for larger aftermarket wheels and tyres, ensuring the vehicle looks and performs its best.
“With a fixed position ball joint, Blackhawk4x4 upper control arms eliminate issues commonly associated with adjustable ball joints, enhancing reliability.”
In terms of durability, Troy says Blackhawk4x4 has gone the extra mile.
“These components are manufactured from 300mpa carbon steel, providing increased strength compared to OE designs,” Troy said.
“The heavy-duty, high articulation ball joints ensure robust performance, while features like the anodised black dust cap and sandblasted, E-coated, and powder-coated finish guarantee ultimate durability and corrosion resistance.
“Moreover, they comply with ADR and VSB14 standards, ensuring that they meet all necessary safety requirements.”
The newly released Blackhawk4x4 Ultimate adjustable upper control arms reportedly represent a “game-changing” advancement in the world of 4x4 suspension components.
“With a focus on innovation, these control arms introduce a level of adjustment and serviceability that was previously unheard of in this segment,” Troy said.
“A proprietary ball joint offers an unprecedented degree of articulation, thereby supporting any increase in suspension travel.
“What sets the Blackhawk4x4 Ultimate design apart is its accessibility; anyone, from a seasoned mechanic to a 4x4 enthusiast, can easily disassemble, service, or rebuild the ball joint using basic hand tools.
“Moreover, the patented on-vehicle, all steel
thread adjustment capability with built-in caster increase opens a world of possibilities for precise camber and caster corrections, ensuring optimal wheel alignments and positioning.
“Crafted from a forged aluminium 6082 mainframe, these control arms combine strength that surpasses OEM standards with maintenancefree rubber inner bushings and durable coatings, built to endure even the most challenging driving conditions.
“The nitride-hardened threaded adjustment mechanism guarantees longevity and corrosion resistance. Additionally, the inclusion of double mechanical 4140 chromoly locking nuts and state-of-the-art manufacturing processes make the Blackhawk4x4 Ultimate adjustable upper control arms the go-to choice for dedicated 4x4 owners and off-road enthusiasts.”
Importantly, Blackhawk4x4 Ultimates are NCOP/ ADR compliant for street legal use when installed by an accredited professional with engineer signoff and certification.
“Rigorous product testing, from Finite Element Analysis to physical tests of the adjustment mechanism, has validated their engineering excellence,” Troy said.
“Furthermore, they’ve undergone numerous physical tests including a physical skid load, torsion and vibration studies alongside stringent local quality assurance measures, and are covered by a comprehensive warranty, providing peace of mind to those seeking the utmost in suspension performance.”
For more information about the Roadsafe and Blackhawk product range, call 03 8687 1700 or visit www.roadsafe.com.au or www.blackhawk4x4.com
ARB encourages you to “unleash the full potential of your LandCruiser”
ARB says it is proud to introduce its latest innovation in off road protection – the Summit MKII Bull Bar. Designed specifically for the new 2024 Toyota LandCruiser 70 Series, ARB says this state-of-theart bull bar blends unparalleled protection with a sleek, modern design that is built to turn heads.
The vehicle-specific bull bar design sees it compatible with the Toyota LandCruiser 76 Series Wagon and 78 Series Troop Carrier, 79 Series Dual Cab, and it is fully integrated with Toyota’s Intelligent Safety Technology (Safety Sense).
ARB says it features superior construction, including durable steel construction for maximum protection; registered design of styling components for a unique
look; and a engineered, airbag-compatible mounting system which secures to the chassis via high tensile bolts. It also incorporates ARB’s “renowned multifold upswept and tapered wing design for optimum strength and approach angle.”
Advanced design elements include a 30mm radius on wings and centre section; 60.3mm outer frames and centre cross tube; split pan design for maximum strength and airflow; press-formed top pan and aluminium (powder-coated matt black) winch cover panel; and robot welds on the front face of the bar, highlighting ARB’s excellence in sheet metal fabrication.
The bar also offers enhanced functionality, with twin ARB Jack or Hi-Lift jacking points located on the lower pan; two aerial brackets located on the centre frame; and an optional winch fit kit and winch hawse spacer kit. It also accommodates Warn, Bushranger, and Smittybilt low mount electric winches up to 12,000lbs and has a provision to accommodate ARB Intensity V2, IQ, Solis and Bushranger driving lights.
It also includes the ARB four-in-one light cluster featuring LED fog light, Daytime Running Light,
For Ford Ranger and VW Amarok
An impressive new Pedders Big Brake Upgrade Kit designed to significantly enhance the braking performance of the Ford Ranger and VW Amarok has been released by Pedders Suspension and Brakes.
Pedders says it combines larger calipers, performance orientated brake pads, braided steel hoses, and high-quality 332mm rotors to provide better stopping power, heat dissipation, and overall durability.
Key features of the kit include:
• Front six-pot calipers: six-piston calipers provide enhanced stopping power by distributing braking force more evenly, resulting in improved brake pad performance.
• Braided steel brake hoses: these hoses are resistant to expansion under high pressure, resulting in a firmer pedal feel and more precise brake modulation.
• Pedders eXtreme Kevlar ceramic brake pads: known for their highperformance characteristics, including excellent stopping power, low dust generation, and reduced noise, these pads offer improved fade resistance and consistent braking performance, even under demanding conditions.
• 10-slot Geomet-coated rotors: with a diameter of 332mm, the slots aid in expelling heat, gases, and debris from the braking surface, improving overall braking performance. The Geomet coating provides corrosion resistance, extending the life of the rotors and maintaining their appearance. For more information, visit www.pedders.com.au
sequential indicators and clearance lights as one complete unit.
Whether you are an off road enthusiast, a LandCruiser owner, or a 4x4 adventurer, ARB says the Summit MKII Bull Bar is crafted to elevate your vehicle’s performance and aesthetic.
Engineered for resilience and designed for modernity, this bull bar adds approximately 45mm to the overall length of your vehicle and weighs around 62kgs, with approximately 27.5kgs removed from the vehicle for fitment.
Finished in a matte black powder coat and treated with Metaprep primer for additional corrosion resistance, ARB says the Summit MKII stands the test of time and terrain.
The bar is now available for pre-order.
For more information, visit www.arb.com.au
With SACHS Shock Absorbers
If you are to upgrade your vehicle’s shock absorbers, SACHS encourages you to look no further than SACHS MAX, a range of SACHS shock absorbers for four-wheel-drives, off-road, and utility vehicles.
A brand of ZF Aftermarket, SACHS says its shock absorbers are distinguished by their original equipment quality and innovative technology, and are now “ranked the number one shock absorber in European car parc coverage.”
With “the ideal combination of performance and dynamics,” SACHS says its shock absorbers ensure perfect grip and cornering behaviour –with these benefits, and more, extending to the SACHS MAX range.
Supporting vehicles with up to a two-inch lift, SACHS MAX shocks absorbers have been designed specifically with Australia’s harsh conditions in mind.
With larger pistons and an increased bore size, the shock absorbers are said to be incredibly durable, while continuing to offer the ultimate in safety.
This big bore design results in a reduction of heat and subsequently an improvement of consistency with heavy loads in rough terrain, especially when towing.
The advantages of SACHS MAX extend beyond off-road usage though, with the shock absorbers also offering superior comfort in the day-to-day city driving environment.
The SACHS MAX range has fitments for the most popular four-wheel drive, off-road, and utility vehicles from manufacturers including Toyota, Ford, Holden, Isuzu, Volkswagen, Mazda, and Nissan.
The SACHS MAX range consists of almost 70 part numbers and has been recently updated to cover an additional 580,000 vehicles on road to add to its already extensive coverage.
For more information, including fitment details, visit www.sachsmaxshocks.com.au
Ultimate Suspension offers comprehensive vehicle assessment and custom suspension solutions
Ultimate Suspension says it understands every vehicle and driver is unique.
It is because of this that the company offers a thorough vehicle assessment process which it says will ensure your vehicle’s suspension is tailored to your specific needs.
Suspension requirements vary based on your vehicle’s weight, loads, and towing needs, so a one-size-fits-all approach simply won’t do, says Ultimate Suspension, which states its trained staff are able to provide expert guidance on the best suspension setup for your vehicle.
“We offer a fully integrated system, ensuring your suspension setup is as individual as you are,” Ultimate Suspension Managing Director, Ken O’Keefe, said.
“Our process begins with addressing the vehicle weight using the Safe-T-Stop PLATRONIC test platform.
“This state-of-the-art system not only measures Gross Vehicle Weight but also provides individual corner and split axle weights.
“It also records weight transfer under braking, which is crucial for calculating front axle load and spring rates.
“This attention to detail guarantees a suspension system that responds precisely under various driving conditions.
“With accurate corner weights, we can determine the ideal spring rate and formulate the necessary shock absorber damping forces to control spring rebound effectively.
“This meticulous approach ensures your suspension system is perfectly balanced for your vehicle’s unique requirements.”
For more information, visit www.ultimatesuspension.com.au
Rhino Linings says it leads the world in this area
Whether you are outfitting a new ute or reviving your trusty truck, trailer, or RV, Rhino Linings says its spray-applied ute tub liners deliver “unmatched durability and resilience.”
“Picture this: advanced protection that defies chemicals, shrugs off abrasions and impacts, and shields against rust and corrosion,” Rhino Linings Marketing Manager – Australasia, Lance Meredith, said.
“That’s the Rhino Linings promise – a commitment to providing the highest level of impact, abrasion, and corrosion resistance for your ute bed and truck.
“From grille guards to sidesteps, Rhino’s sprayapplied linings offer unrivalled protection for every inch of your vehicle.
“And let’s talk reputation – since 1988, Rhino Linings has reigned supreme as the world’s leading manufacturer and supplier of premium protective coating solutions for the automotive industry.
“Unlike plastic drop-in ute tub liners or other sprayed-on products, Rhino Linings’ professionally spray coated tub liners offer superior corrosive resistance, guaranteed not to rip, crack, or tear.
“When you choose Rhino Linings, you’re opting for excellence. Our products, technology, and application techniques were pioneered and
perfected in the USA, initially for the automotive industry.
“Today, customers worldwide trust Rhino Linings for its specialised formulations, practical experience, and exceptional customer service – the winning combination that creates Tuff Stuff, the world’s most recognised and superior sprayed-on tub liner.
“Here’s the kicker: Rhino Linings doesn’t just talk the talk; we walk the walk. Our work undergoes strict monitoring to ensure the highest standards, and our Nationwide Lifetime Warranty Guarantee is the real deal. The long-term benefits of Rhino Linings are substantial, providing peace of mind for years to come.”
Rhino Linings offers a Nationwide Lifetime Warranty on its Tuff Stuff ute tub liners.
For more information, visit www.rhinolinings.com.au or call 1300 887 780.