34 minute read

Business Services: Looking after your business needs


Making business easier

Burson Auto Parts – which says it is Australia’s preferred trade supplier of parts, tools and equipment – has unveiled its all new, web enabled, simplified and speedier Burson EZYParts catalogue and ordering system for trade account customers. Burson EZYParts reportedly reduces the time spent finding, ordering and quoting the correct parts required for the vast majority of general automotive vehicle servicing and repair work. The Burson EZYParts interface provides a broad view on parts availability, detailed technical information and accurate repair time data to enable repairers to see the stock available at multiple Burson Auto Parts stores within their proximity.

The speed and efficiency of the Burson EZYParts system is enhanced with intuitive vehicle search functions that include Registration, VIN and Free Text capabilities to help you find the exact replacement or service parts required. Burson EZYParts also includes detailed product information and product images covering the vast range of quality service and replacement parts in the Burson Auto Parts range. The system also easily allows for side-by-side parts comparisons to be made before making parts purchasing decisions. Burson Auto Parts trade customers can also customise their Burson EZYParts interface to perfectly suit their own customised profit, quotation and other cost factor requirements. This ensures greater accuracy of customer quoting, reducing the possibility of invoicing errors and inconsistencies. Updated vehicle Log Book Service guidelines ensure that customers receive the correct service as required for their specific vehicle requirements, also enabling more accurate labour time estimates. For more information, visit www.burson.com.au/trade-centre/ezyparts


ACA Research says that regardless of whether you’re manufacturing, distributing, retailing, or fitting auto parts, running a business is hard

You need to tap into any advantage you can, which includes using data to help you make better decisions. This can however be challenging, with too much information available and not enough time to make sense of it, so here are some tips to get you started. Firstly, we must remember that data by itself is useless. Data helps us answer a question, so that’s where we must start: a clear question that is unique to your business. Once this has been defined, we can find the ‘right tool for the job’. It is also important to factor in our knowledge and understanding of our business, industry, customer base, local area, etc., as all of these help us work out what’s important, and what will provide meaning. Organisations like the AAAA can also play a key role, supplying information that can help members with this process. Here are three example questions we might ask, and the data we might use to answer them. 1. What vehicles will I be servicing?

Electric vehicles are coming, but how fast? While they will be relevant in the future, I’m not yet seeing them in my workshop. It’s more relevant for me to look at what’s currently operating in my local area. As can be seen in this extract from the AAAA member exclusive car parc tool, the top vehicles in my area are small cars, with a heavy skew to Toyota. I need to ensure I invest in the tools, technicians, and training to service these vehicles before I start thinking about EVs.

Figure Two: AAAA member localised car parc data

3. How do I make better staffing decisions?

Staffing has always been a challenge, but it’s getting worse. I need to understand the context here, as it impacts how I manage my people, and the potential for growth. Looking at listings for trade jobs on Seek, I can see that they’ve increased from ~8,000 in May 2020 to over 30,000 today. This tells me how competitive the market is for talent, and that I need a clear point of difference to attract new staff, exactly the same as when it comes to attracting new business. Also, it highlights the value of investing in training for current employees, given how hard it would be to find talent externally.

Figure Three: Trade jobs on Seek

Figure One: AAAA member localised car parc data

2. Where are the opportunities for my business?

While I’ve got a good business servicing Toyotas in my local area, I want to grow. I’m interested in the fleet market, so can look at the businesses operating in my local area. As shown in the Figure Two chart (using publicly available data), the region is dominated by Construction and Transport and Logistics businesses. Supporting these businesses will require a level of confidence servicing vans and utes, so I now know I need to invest in these vehicles before targeting this opportunity.

While these are three examples of questions that might be asked, yours could be completely different. Regardless, there is data that can help you answer them, and give you more confidence in your decisions moving forward. Remember though… the first step is identifying the right questions to ask! This column was prepared for AAA Magazine by ACA Research, the AAAA’s partners in the AAAA Aftermarket Dashboard which is delivered to AAAA members each quarter. For more information, visit www.acaresearch.com.au or contact Ben Selwyn on bselwyn@acaresearch.com.au


PARts DB says it can assist

When we asked Jim Gurieff, the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of PARts DB to describe what makes his company special, he gave us a simple but powerful answer: “our job is to reduce data friction to increase sales for both parts suppliers and sellers.” As a supplier, how often have you run into painful, time-wasting labour when porting your data to a new seller, only to find you’re up for the exact same experience the next time you want to engage another seller for your products? Sellers, when was the last time you were able to instantly and seamlessly get a new supplier range up off the ground and onto your site with minimal hassle? PARts DB explains that it was built to be the industry’s Rosetta Stone, codifying the language of aftermarket auto parts with globalised standards for suppliers, and passing through the data to sellers in a format that could be easily deployed across multiple locations. For Jim and PARts DB to achieve their goal, it takes an ecosystem of complementary tools. From years in the industry, they know that not all sellers and suppliers face the same challenges and so no two solutions will be exactly the same. When we sat down to get a clear picture of how PARts DB helps sellers and suppliers alike, Jim started with PARts DB’s crown jewel, PARts Console. PARts Console is the beating heart of the PARts system, giving PARts customers access to the foundational PARts database of product and fitment information and an instant leg-up in making their catalogue of products ready for the retail market. From there, PARts Company Enhanced Data (CED) comes in to allow customers to build a deeper, more comprehensive picture of the products in their library with custom categories, fitment filters, kitting and bundling and more. This solution connects seamlessly to PARts’ endto-end ecommerce and catalogue engine, PARts B2. In the words of the PARts team: “we created PARts B2 to fill the void for automotive parts online with a dedicated platform designed to handle the complexity of automotive linkages.” Backing these systems up is the Digital Asselt Vault Online (which the PARts team affectionately refers to as ‘their mate DAVO’). DAVO is in charge of looking after the images of PARts customer’s products. This single image repository allows customers full control over the way their images appear online and lets them instantly push updates to imagery across multiple locations at once across the web. So, PARts DB says you might be thinking, ‘it’s all well and good that PARts makes the back-end easier, but if no potential customers are seeing my products, what’s the point?’ It says that is where the PARts IQ Search and Plate VIN Lookup tool comes in. Utilising PARts Decoder Tech, PARts DB says the PARts Plate VIN Lookup is one of the industry’s most comprehensive and accurate search tools, capable of finding results via text, vehicle ID standards and more against a registration plate. This stage mixes PARts IQ (Product, OEM Number, Vehicle, Category, Cross-Reference or fitment search) with PARts Plate VIN Service (converts Registration plate or VIN to vehicle sting or Ktype). All of this is possible through the PARts Console, a one database, one standard, multiple deployments solution for a single source of truth. Whether it is products on a company’s own website or across hundreds of locations around the web, PARts DB says the PARts Console ensures a single source of truth and consistency for product information, consistently under the control of the company that owns the data. PARts DB says that is what it all comes down to with PARts DB: it’s your data, you own it. It explains PARts DB is just here to help you get it out there in whatever form you want it to be, and make your life easier along the way. For more information, contact the PARts team today on 02 8999 8898.


Offering a new tool for workshop management to increase productivity

Auxo Software says it is the leading workshop and dealership management software provider in New Zealand. The company is said to be known for its SAM workshop management software, but it has been busy developing a new tool to make workshops more productive and efficient. Its new workshop management system (WMS) is called webSAM. This is a web-based WMS that can be accessed from a computer or tablet browser. Anywhere internet is available, webSAM will be available too, making this a convenient option for workshop management on the go. Auxo says this software will make it easier than ever to manage jobs from wherever you happen to be. As long as there is access to an internet connection, techs out on the road will be able to complete job cards, update vehicle/customer details, and invoice customers without having to make an extra stop to complete paperwork. Auxo says this software can eliminate the need for handwritten job cards. Managers can use webSAM to automatically generate job cards from the digital booking diary, and then the techs can update the information directly from a laptop or tablet. The team can also clock on and off via their mobiles with the webSAM time-clocking feature, so the Service Advisor won’t need to worry about dealing with messy handwriting with paperless job cards. This software can also make life easier for the accountant as it can be integrated with Xero to give the accountant instant access to the accounts and reports. Auxo says that the stable connection between webSAM and Xero allows for a reliable twoway feed of information from the workshop management system to Xero. The integration provides full access to workshop management and there is no need to switch between tools with webSAM since it can handle everything from stock management to invoicing, says Auxo. The company also offers a 14-day free trial of the software to ensure it is a good fit. For more information, visit www.auxosoftware.com


Markinson provides software solutions that transforms businesses’ software solutions

In 1986 Markinson began as a one-man business with a vision to fill a gap in the market for integrated business software solutions for wholesale distribution businesses. Growing gradually throughout the 1980s and 1990s, and more rapidly in recent years, Markinson has reportedly achieved continuous year-on-year growth. Markinson Chief Executive Officer, Mark Clearwater, explains that the vision of its founder Mark Robertson has evolved but not faulted over its 35-year history. “Mark’s vision was to provide software solutions that transform businesses through verticallyfocussed business process software,” Mark Clearwater said. “Implementing the correct systems allows more time for the important decisions and practices which actively contribute to our clients’ business growth.” Today Markinson has hundreds of businesses that rely on its business software solutions to succeed, some whom were there in the very early days. One such client is Multispares, which is one of Australia and New Zealand’s largest commercial vehicle spare parts suppliers. Multispares Managing Director, Geoff Stewart, recalls that Markinson was with them in those very early days when both companies were just starting out. “I feel we have been really lucky that Markinson has evolved as we evolved,” Geoff said. “Had Markinson not developed alongside us we would have had to migrate to a different business software platform; but we haven’t had to because we picked the right software solution partners from the beginning.” The growth that Geoff refers to has been a consequence of the massive changes in technology that have occurred over the past 30 years; and the need that Multispares had for business software that could keep pace with this. That business software started off as MDES and evolved over the years to become MomentumProERP; Markinson’s streamlined wholesale automotive business solution which has been a key staple of its range for 25 years. Geoff explains that MomentumPro enabled them to consolidate key business functions which was critical then and remains so today. “Our founder Harry Forsyth tells the story that in the very early days they had to dial in on a modem to do a sales transaction. it was pretty slow going back then,” Geoff said. “The fact that MomentumPro evolved quickly to be integrated within every part of the business in a seamless way as the internet evolved meant we had a backend system that kept pace with our growth. “The other aspect of MomentumPro that was critical to business continuity was that the system was very stable when it was all very new, and remains so today.” For Markinson, having long term partners who have been on a similar journey is something it is proud of. “In the early days, and still today, we often worked with Multispares to develop a new aspect of MomentumProERP because we both could see the advantages these changes would make to both of our businesses,” Mark Clearwater said. Mark goes on to explain that having grown and learnt together is only possible when there is complete trust and transparency. “Over the years there have been challenges from time-to-time however, we have been able to work constructively together to resolve issues quickly, and in such way that has benefited both parties,” Mark said. For more from Markinson, go to www.markinson.com.au


Ontime Delivery Solutions recommends utilising technology for increased efficiency

While the COVID epidemic has presented many challenges to business owners and operators, the Chief Executive Officer of Ontime Delivery Systems, Walter Scremin, says many have managed to find opportunities among the difficulty. He noted that a number of owners have utilised technology in new ways to become faster and more efficient in business while saving on fuel costs. This includes employing telematics technology to track parcels, assist with proof-of-delivery, and track vehicles and machinery to ensure they are being used properly and efficiently. Telematics can also assist with saving fuel. Still, he says there is much room for improvement and increased cost-savings, particularly when it comes to smaller to mid-sized delivery fleets. He cites the recent Isuzu Future of Trucking Report, which found that just 29 percent of businesses are using data to manage their fleets more effectively. The larger delivery fleets with more than 20 trucks were most likely to take advantage of data, while less than a third of fleets of one to five vehicles use data to manage their fleets. The numbers were not much better for fleets with six-20 vehicles with only 28 percent investing in fleet management technologies and 41 percent using data to manage the fleet. “This is a missed opportunity for these smaller to mid-sized fleets to make genuine efficiency gains,” Walter said. “At Ontime Delivery Solutions, we have seen many transport divisions improve their delivery processes with gains regarding efficiency, customer service, and safety. “Many of these have had fewer than five vehicles in their delivery fleet. They have been able to do more with less and have become more flexible to deal with fluctuations in demand.” While this technology may have been costprohibitive in the past, Walter says that there are enough reasonably priced telematics solutions to get a company started without making a huge financial commitment. “Of course, the technology alone is no silver bullet. The fleets which are most successful already have a structure for success,” Walter said. “They have genuine control and flexibility over their fleets, by choosing their delivery transport partners wisely.” He says that efficiency will be key for auto parts companies going into the uncertain future with possible lockdowns, higher inflation, and other unforeseen challenges. For more information, contact Walter at wscremin@ontimegroup.com.au or visit www.ontimegroup.com.au


Repco Authorised Service says: don’t ask why, ask when

In an increasingly complex, congested and often confusing marketplace, it’s not surprising that you may, as an independent workshop owner, find yourself asking: Why? Why is my profit where it is? Why am I working long hours or weekends? Why can’t I get my team to work better? Why do I need digital marketing? And all the other Whys! Repco Authorised Service says the answer is intrinsically linked to the ‘why’ you decided to be in business in the first place – such as having selfdetermining control of your life and career, wealth creation and legacy through succession planning. But knowing your ‘why’ doesn’t necessarily solve the ‘how.’ So, what if you could access some specialist assistance to help you? Just like you access technical information to help you fix a car, what if you could readily tap into a pool of resources and support that provide proven solutions for better business outcomes? “More than 500 workshops across the country have found their ‘how’ in Repco Authorised Service and our professional Business Support Solutions,” Repco Authorised Service National Manager, Peter Rogers, said. “Joining our network in a branded or non-branded option, gives you the advantages of a membership driven, inclusive and supportive network, with the added backing of Repco and the global Genuine Parts Company (GPC). “As a member, you’ll find a suite of functional services that will take you from where you are to where you want to be, in your time, all while you remain fiercely independent. With everything from effective people management and HR/IR solutions to workshop software and easy access technical info, workshop consumables, business training and market leading online marketing and advanced customer connectivity platforms. “Importantly, you are assigned a dedicated Business Specialist who will guide you through our formal Business Improvement Process via planned and actioned based visits. “Like a personal trainer, your specialist keeps your business fitness on track, working with you to set goals and connecting you with the right programs, experts, and resources to suit your circumstances. “These industry specialists are highly experienced, and you’ll be hard pressed to find better support and business improvement guidance. “And you’ll be surrounded by likeminded workshop owners who have the same wants and why’s that you do. They know that by banding together as a network, they have the ‘how’ to take their business journey further and faster, together. “So, as you seek answers to your business ‘why’s’, perhaps the important question is WHEN. When could you start taking advantage of a network like Repco Authorised Service? You’ll find the answer to that at www.joinrepcoservice.com.au.” For more information, visit www.joinrepcoservice.com.au


Established in 1988, the Auto One group is a champion of the independent network in Australia

Hosting two banner groups, Auto One and A1 Autoparts, the Auto One group has more than 80 outlets Australia wide and remain the only independently owned national chain in the automotive parts industry. The Auto One slogan “It’s the One” supports a position in the market focused on the passionate motoring enthusiast and their experienced teams all have one thing in common – they love cars. Auto One says it is thrilled to announce the inclusion of ‘My Garage’ – a new service on its eCommerce website whereby users can access and purchase auto parts should they need a service and/or part replacement. To access the My Garage service, users just enter their registration number and/or search for their vehicle make, model and year (Cars, motorcycles and trucks are applicable). The My Garage service caters to all your vehicle’s specific needs – from oil, coolants and filters, drive belts, brakes, wipers, as well as accessories. Using Oscar technology, Auto One’s My Garage can accurately identify vehicles and locate all the available parts immediately all on a single screen. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses have witnessed a growth in the eCommerce industry. The global e-commerce automotive aftermarket size is expected to increase from an estimated $78,631.4 million in 2021 to $191,545.7 million by 20301 . Finding the correct part/s for a vehicle can be overwhelming due to the amount of choice online and no clear path as to what to buy and where to buy these parts from. However, Auto One’s My Garage allows for users to make the educated choice - providing the most appropriate parts/products for the make of their vehicle. The Auto One eCommerce website and My Garage feature are just some of the many benefits of belonging to the Auto One group. The group recently showcased its family of brands at this year’s Australian Auto Aftermarket Expo, including the recently launched “The One” range and the successful “Impact” family of products. This range was implemented to allow Auto One outlets to not only provide quality products to their customers but also produce the best value for money offer for the Australian market. Auto One and A1 Autoparts stores have unlimited access to the Group’s expanding distribution network which currently consists of two facilities, located in Sydney and Perth. For more information and franchise member enquiries please visit www.autoone.com.au and www.autoone.com.au/become-a-franchisee

1. https://www.psmarketresearch.com/ market-analysis/e-commerce-in-automotive-aftermarket?utm_ source=PRN&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=PRN_PAID


AutoGuru explains a new tax boost for upgrading tech and training staff

The 2022-23 federal budget announcement included tax incentives enabling small to medium business owners that invest in cloud software and employee training to claim deductions greater than the actual cost. The scheme will provide a 20 percent bonus tax deduction for the cost of investing in tech tools and external skills training. Small businesses with a turnover of less than $50 million can claim spending up to $100,000 per year on eligible technologies and no limit on how much they can claim on training courses. Eligible expenses over the $100,000 cap can be claimed as per usual tax processes. The bonus deduction applies to purchases made between 7.30pm on March 29, 2022 and June 30, 2023. The new Small Business Technology Investment Boost is designed to encourage business owners to invest in digital tools to help streamline processes, remove double handling, and improve the customer experience. Included are portable payment devices, web design, e-invoicing and accounting and/or subscriptions to cloud-based services. Based on initial statements, accounting and software costs from Xero, MYOB and QuickBooks, as well as garage management tools like Workshop Software and MechanicDeck, should qualify. It is also possible that digital booking platforms like AutoGuru.com.au – which recently switched to a subscription membership model – could also qualify, being a cloud-based website service helping workshops acquire new customers and improve customer experience. The Skills and Training Boost is designed to give automotive businesses a helping hand to attract and upskill staff. For every $100 eligible businesses spend on training employees, they will receive a $120 tax deduction. The training cannot be in-house or on-the-job; it must be provided by an external organisation; and courses can be provided in person, anywhere in Australia, or online — so long as that external organisation is a company registered within Australia. There is a wide range of specialised training and education courses that could qualify, from Registered Training Organisations and Motor Trades Associations to Automate, TaT and others. While the Budget statements are very broad, it is possible that Business Coaches like The Workshop Whisperer may also qualify. The Skills and Training Boost was announced to come into effect on March 29, 2022 at the same time as the Small Business Technology Investment Boost, however according to recent statements from the ATO, the announced measures which are not yet law will be subject to consideration by the incoming government. Businesses interested in claiming proposed technology and training tax concessions should seek independent tax advice to confirm eligibility prior to investment. To learn more about AutoGuru, visit www.autoguru.com.au


BrainStorm says these steps will ensure you get where you need to be

Enterprise Resource Systems (ERPs) can streamline all operations end-to-end, on one platform from finance to distribution, giving a birds-eye view on all business operations. The selection process of finding the right ERP can sometimes be a minefield and you can end up with a solution that isn’t right for your business goals, and costly to your bottom line. BrainStorm has put together the following steps to help you choose the right system. Step One: Plan and survey all existing business processes

The following three questions will help you identify where you are at: What systems do you currently have in place? Where do you have gaps in your current systems? What dream processes would you like to implement? Step Two: Construct a possible future scenario

Doing this with an integrated ERP overlaid to add/ integrate and/or replace current systems gives you clarity around what functionality you will need from your future ERP. Think about what you would like your future business to look like. Then with your ideal future business mapped out, what are the core features of your ERP functionality? For example, do you need: purchasing, inventory management, sales and marketing etc. Now you need to work out your ‘nice to haves’ not typically found in the core functionality of an ERP. Step Three: Deliverables that meet your business desires and goals

Next, design the absolute deliverables to meet your business goals and desires. You will need to conduct an Internal system review with key players, taking with you the information from the first two steps. This will help you prepare the output of a High-Level ‘as-is’ business process flow and possible future streamlined processes diagram. Step Four: Defining the required ERP core capabilities

Pull together a core-requirements list according to the job functions of your business processes and any additional requirements that aren’t typically found in the core modules of an ERP. This will help define your capabilities list even further. By doing this you will avoid hefty add-ons later in your ERP project. Step Five: ERP solution and implementation partner process

BrainStorm says this is the most important part of the process. Remember, this is a long-term relationship and there needs to be a high level of trust and communication throughout the project. Industry-specific knowledge is key, along with key technical experience in each area of management across your business. BrainStorm says it is ready to help you with your ERP process. For more information, visit www.brainstormit.com.au or get in touch directly through email info@brainstormit.com.au or phone 02 6188 7306.


The Bilstein Academy offers e-training courses that can be carried out independently

Since 2021, the Bilstein Academy has also been conducting its regular suspension training courses free of charge on the Internet. The virtual classroom with live online courses and professional trainers has quickly become a popular alternative to in classroom teaching. To date, thousands have already taken part. For the first time, the new training channel also reached garages that tend to shy away from conventional training because of the travel costs and the higher time expenditure, with Bilstein noting that many participants immediately took further courses. The Bilstein Academy wanted to lower the hurdles even further with a third alternative and now offers free e-training courses that can be carried out autonomously. General information on the Bilstein training programme can be found at workshop.bilstein.com/ en/trainings-and-courses Although the live experience and the direct exchange with the trainers are missing, Bilstein says this format has other unbeatable advantages. The learning units can be accessed around the clock and the time required is only 20 to 30 minutes. This ensures that the individual modules can be completed comfortably during work breaks, at home after work or even during a train journey. To ensure that not only participants from the German region are addressed, the units are also available in English, and other languages will follow. By doing this, the company also wants to reach workshops abroad with its training offer. This is particularly important when no Bilstein courses are available locally or if the time difference makes it difficult to take part in virtual live training courses. In the e-trainings, suspension knowledge is conveyed in a compact manner using presentation slides and a question catalogue and then automatically tested using the learning objective test. As at many universities, the tried-and-tested ILIAS learning platform is used, while the virtual live training courses use the vitero software, which is also popular in the university environment. If the result is good, the participant receives a certificate directly after the e-training, which can be printed out. There are public training sessions that any workshop employee can attend. In addition, there is a closed area for the train-the-trainer programme and customer-specific lessons. The following generally accessible courses are available in English: Principles of suspension technology; Suspension test and damage diagnosis; Passive damping systems; Bilstein active systems; Bilstein products for series replacement; and Bilstein products for Performance. For further information about the training, email the Bilstein Academy at training@bilstein.de


With Mechanic.com.au’s new Workshop Program

Car Dealers and Workshop Comparison Websites are getting exceptionally savvy in the way they operate and are progressively taking market share from quality aftermarket workshops. Mechanic.com.au explains they are doing this by providing convenient booking solutions to motorists as well as being somewhat misleading in the way they often market auto service and repair. What they aren’t doing is properly educating motorists about the importance of ‘value over price’ when it comes to car maintenance as well as misleading motorists about new car warranty requirements and the often-hidden truth about capped price servicing plans. Mechanic.com.au says motorists are being led to believe that comparing service prices between various mechanics is always comparing apples with apples, and in the case of new car warranties and capped price servicing, they are under the impression they need to return to the dealer to keep their warranty intact and are unaware of the hidden costs often associated with capped price servicing plans. Mechanic.com.au’s philosophy is that motorists can experience a better service at a better price at a quality aftermarket workshop and that the ‘cheap’ service and repair options are often cheap for a reason. In order to provide a cheaper price, Mechanic.com.au says substandard parts are often used and said mechanics often do not invest in the required level of equipment, tools and training in order to provide a high standard of service to properly maintain a modern vehicle. Aside from the role quality aftermarket workshops need to play in educating motorists, many of those workshops’ target market (particularly the younger demographic) want to research and book their vehicle maintenance after hours on their electronic devices as is demonstrated by countless consumer research studies. The narrative from some quality aftermarket workshops is that they are currently busy enough, rely on word of mouth only and don’t need to invest in online booking and marketing solutions. This situation is the hallmark of a well-operated workshop that has built a reputation through consistency, integrity and high-quality work, but in the digital age that is upon us, the mentality of ‘what has worked in the past will work in the future’ puts these workshops at serious risk, warns Mechanic.com.au For those workshops who decide to wait until these conditions change to take action and start providing solutions for the age that we now live in, it may very well be too late. In line with Mechanic.com.au’s mission of helping mechanics to become better mechanics, Mechanic.com.au says it is pleased to provide its Evolve Program to help quality aftermarket workshops not only compete but thrive in the digital age that is upon us. Mechanic.com.au’s Evolve Program enables quality aftermarket workshops to: • Generate high quality customers that are seeking the best value, not the cheapest price. • Effectively compete with the dealers by breaking through customer misconceptions and showcasing value. • Take bookings from new and existing customers

Online 24/7 with your workshop’s own microsite featuring handy booking tools. • Learn how to evolve your business with the latest solutions to become more effective and efficient. • Access the best technician talent to fulfill any staffing needs that you may have now as well as keep your finger on the pulse for the future. To find out more about the program, visit www.mechanic.com.au


Bendix says its catalogue app is setting a new standard in replacement parts identification

Bendix says its brake catalogue app has been a revelation for mechanics and technicians, helping them to save time and streamline workflow. The app is said to be “ground-breaking,” with Bendix stating it “can be deemed the most significant advancement in the selection of correct replacement vehicle brake parts.” The app allows mechanics to easily identify what type of brakes a vehicle requires simply by scanning the vehicle’s registration plate or VIN number. It was jointly developed by Bendix in partnership with Elegant Media, which Bendix asserts is one of Australia’s most creative app development companies. The process began with Elegant Media building basic functionality, at which point Bendix assisted with joint development to an advanced stage. “The Bendix App is a wonderful example of how software technology can assist people in the workplace to undertake a job with access to accurate information in real time,” Elegant Media Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, Anushka Bandara, said. Bendix says it is now one of the industry’s leading fit-for-purpose software products. Those behind the app say it makes life easier for a lot of people in the industry, allowing them to more efficiently identify new brakes for cars, 4WDs, SUVs, buses and trucks. This enables them to speed up workflow on the workshop floor while ensuring that the correct products are ordered, supplied and fitted, every time. “We are delighted with the App as there is nothing like it in the market – we know it is bringing efficiencies for a lot of people in our industry,” Bendix National Marketing Manager, Ian Bott, said. The Bendix App is available for download free of charge at Google Play and the Apple Store. It can then be successfully used by mechanics, brake fitters and spare parts counter staff simply by scanning the vehicle’s registration plate, VIN number or another product code. The app will then take the user directly to the Bendix brake parts required. Bendix has been making brake pads in the Victorian regional city of Ballarat for 67 years. The company claims that since the 1950s it has set new standards in driver safety, performance and comfort, and it believes it will be around for many more decades and is already developing automotive products for EVs in an effort to future-proof the business. For more from Bendix, visit www.bendix.com.au


CoolDrive Auto Parts has launched its new CoolData service

CoolDrive Auto Parts says it is proud to present to the market “the ultimate” in workshop information resources, with the launch of CoolData. In conjunction with technical information experts HaynesPro, CoolData is now available for purchase as a subscription service for CoolDrive Auto Parts customers, who will also be able to utilise the HaynesPro All Access service. The HaynesPro CoolData offering enables professional workshops to diagnose, maintain and repair vehicles and trucks with detailed technical drawings, a unique electronics data module, and intelligent diagnostics tools. Many different areas are covered by the HaynesPro CoolData system, including identification data, including VIN decoder and equipment codes. The adjustment data for each vehicle model includes ancillary drive belt, wheel alignment, emission data, tyre sizes and pressures, torque setting, air-conditioning service connectors and various relevant capacities. For vehicle maintenance, the system includes printable worksheets, smart links to relevant data sources, links to generic parts, sets of follow-up and additional tasks, service indicator reset instructions and service period times, set procedures for electronic and hybrid vehicles, tyre pressure monitoring systems, and an overview of all important wear intervals for parts. The repair offering is extensive and includes removal and installation guides for timing belts and chains, ancillary drive belts, clutches, manual transmissions, turbochargers, engine assembly, plus cooling system and automatic transmission draining and refilling. It also includes battery procedures, known fixes and tips (SmartCASE), technical service bulletins (SmartFIX), and manufacturer recalls. Electronics and engine management topics are also covered, featuring EOBD connectors, control units, grounding points, fuses and relays, HVAC, wiring diagrams, faults, and VESA guided diagnostics. It also gives helpful advice for quoting jobs, such as specific and generic repair times. The CoolData offering is available in packages for cars and/or trucks, with each subscription containing four user logins. Also available is the Haynes AllAccess resource, covering 700 online manuals for car and motorcycle maintenance and repairs. Containing up to date professional information, the featured content includes common repairs, routine maintenance and servicing procedures, all with the ability to print in the workshop. Included is information on removal and replacement procedures, which is not covered in other professional data programs, including dash and trim, starters, engines, gearbox and more. Complete with around 750 enlargeable colour photographs in each manual, the series includes information on service intervals, quick links to popular procedures, videos of typical jobs, hyperlinks to additional information, colour wiring diagrams, easy search functionality, plus detailed troubleshooting guides. For further information on CoolDrive’s CoolData platform and Haynes AllAccess, visit www.cooldrive.com.au


The way consumers search and shop is changing, and businesses must adapt

When is the last time you searched for any business and added ‘near me’ at the end? This is becoming a very common way for people to search for desired products and services. Many businesses would probably be surprised at just how fast the ‘near me movement’ is growing. For example, in Australia, AusGarage says the number of people searching “4x4 shop near me” grew 3450 percent between 2019 and 2020. In that same span of time, searches for “auto body shop near me” reportedly grew 1650 percent and “mobile auto electrician near me” increased 500 percent, says AusGarage, which explains that even very common ‘near me’ searches like “tyre shop near me” doubled during this time. If businesses don’t capitalise on this trend, it’s a missed opportunity for growing the customer base. The AusGarage automotive marketing agency has several suggestions for businesses that want to capture this audience. The first recommendation is to ensure that the business’ website is mobile friendly since most of these new searches take place on mobile devices. The business should go the extra mile in providing an exceptional mobile user experience. AusGarage also says that businesses should not underestimate the importance of Google My Business (GMB) listings because these are being featured in many ‘near me’ search results. The GMB listing should be double checked to make sure it has been set up correctly and is optimised to include the services and products offered. Genuine, positive customer reviews on the map listing by local customers go a long way in boosting the GMB listing as well. After checking off these two basic steps with the mobile-friendly website and GMB listing, AusGarage says there are some more advanced strategies a business can look into. These include image geo tagging, schema markup, Google local ad campaigns, and suburb centric articles and service pages. AusGarage says that these strategies aren’t always needed and may be harder to implement, but they are worth considering as they have the potential to increase the customer base. For more information on improving your ‘Near Me’ visibility, visit www.ausgarage.com.au/the-near-me-movement/

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