自 / 述
【天庭的逆襲】 王冕
大鬧天宮無疑是︻西遊記︼中當之無愧的最精彩的橋段。 挑戰至高無上的統治權威的猴王也是絕對當之無愧的﹁齊天大 聖﹂,縱然面對天庭氣勢磅礡的十萬天兵天將,所向披靡的通 天本領也無人匹敵,而此戰最經典的部分便是﹁小聖施威降大 聖﹂。節節敗退的天庭政府,不得不請出冷落多年的第一戰神 二郎真君。 這一次,我把鏡頭給了一隻狗 — 哮天犬。那隻二郎小聖 的愛犬,並不像他的主人一樣強健,但那種冷傲的氣質卻同它 的主人出奇的匹配。兩位戰神驚動三界的大戰,被節選在哮天 犬的奮力一口!隨著口中加農炮發出的震盪波,時間一波比一 波緩慢,我甚至能清晰的看到物體在震波中被扭曲變形的每一 個細微變化,我沉浸在無限慢放的奇景中,全然不覺周遭叱吒 風雲的各路神都將驚詫的目光聚合在那只狗的身上,強烈而刺 眼。在那一刻整個世界都暫停了。
1. 謂防禦時以小部隊進行的反擊。 2. 侵擾;侵襲。 3. 出自日語"ぎゃしゅう",反擊、還擊。
猴王也一定還記得,應該會在朝聖的路上回想起當年的那 一段榮耀高傲的日子,還有那個隱隱作痛的傷口。
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天庭的逆襲, 樹脂著色, 150 x 100 x 160 cm, 2009 Celestial Counter Attack, Painted Resin, 150 x 100 x 160 cm, 2009 神 話 . Legend 27
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Celestial Counter Attack / narration by the Artist
Disrupting the Heavenly Palace is without a doubt the most exciting chapter of the Journey To The West. The character who challenges the superior power succeeds his title, Monkey King. Even when he faces a hundred thousands of overwhelmingly vigorous sky soldiers from the Heavenly Palace, he is still able to make use of his talent and swipe away his enemies. And the part of this battle that later becomes a classic is when the "small saint overtakes the big saint"; the defeating heavenly government is left with no other choice than seek help from the First Warrior Shenerlanjiun. This time, I put the focus on a dog, Hsiao-Tien Dog. It is Shenerlanjiun’s favorite dog, but unlike its master's masculinity, it is arrogant and posed and makes a perfect pair with its master. The fight between the two legendary warriors startles the world and
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is abridged at the moment Hsiao-Tien Dog gives a solid bite! The energy blows off from its mouth, and in a slow motion, I feel as if I can see every detail of distortion. I sink into the amazing sight, and I have not noticed that the strong and blinding gazes of warriors from all over the world are focused on the dog. At that moment, the entire world is paused. Monkey King surely still remembers it. During his next pilgrimage, he probably would reminiscent about his glorious days and the tingling wound.
THE LOST…°, …°
王冕 年是中國當代藝術非常火爆的一年。
自 / 述
, …° ︾跟當時的我是如此 THE LOST …°
身邊的靈魂還在哭泣著,而我該何去何從 …
可 能 出 於 對迷 失的 憐 憫 和 恐 懼 , 我 試 圖 尋 找 它的 身 份 , 我 夾 雜 在
堂 、 現 代 化 的 工廠 、 繁華 席 捲下 的 平 民窟 … 所 有 的 一 切 都褪 去 了 凌 亂 的 外 殼 , 安 詳 的 顯露 出 肅 靜的 靈 魂 。 一 座 沒 有生 命 的 城 市 , 卻 有著 孤
念性的廣場、克隆的 歐式外牆,進口的 高級柏油路、相望的廟宇和教
市 , 所 有的 建 築 設 施 都 單 純 的 存 在 著 , 沒 有 任 何 功 能 性 的 存 在 著 。 紀
一 些 熟 悉 而 又 陌生 的 世 界 , 記 得 有 其 中 一 個 地方 , 一 座 沒 有 人 跡的 城
的 地方 , 我 偶 爾 會 去 到 那 裡 , 但 總 是 返 回 之 後 忘 記 去 那 裡 的 路 。 那 是
我 有 更 多 的 時 間 去 思 考 更 多 物象 背 後 的 真 實 , 讓 我 更 多 作 為 身 色 神 空
解 我 和 我 的 作 品 , 但 我 卻 很 感 激 那 段 迷 失的 日 子 , 讓 我 遠 離 物 慾 , 讓
老 師常 常 說 我 可 惜 。 是 啊 , 可 惜 , 沒 有 更 多 的 機 會讓 更 多 的 人 瞭
我 沒 有 親 身體 驗 過 , 只 是 聽 說 誰 又 展 覽 了 誰 又 登 刊 了 , 那 時 候 的
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THE LOST…°…°, 樹脂著色, 122 x 122 x 70 cm, 2006 THE LOST…°…°, Painted Resin, 122 x 122 x 70 cm, 2006
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THE LOST…°, …°
/ narration by the Artist
It is said that 2006 was a year of Chinese Contemporary Art explosion. I did not experience it but heard this so and so had another exhibition and that so and so was reviewed again. At that time, I doubted myself and thought "THE LOST…°…°", was such a reflection of my situation. My teacher often tells me that it is such a shame. Yes, it is a shame that there isn’t more opportunity for people to understand my work, but I am grateful of those lost days. It has taken me away from materialistic desire, allowed more time to reconsider the truth behind each subject, and made me the desire free observer who calmly stands in the middle of the crossroad. "What we see with our eyes, what we hear with our ears, what we describe with our mouth, what we smell with our nose, what we taste with our tongue, And what we touch with our body is not always real." I start to look for a world that is realer. There is always a magical place in my heart where I would visit occasionally, but every time I come back from it, I always forget the road that once lead me there. It is a world that is familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. I remember within it, there is a vacant city where all buildings and equipments exist without being used. Memorial plaza, European style wall, imported pavement, temple and church that face each other, modern factory, slums that are swept over by the flourishing city…Everything has taken off its unpleasant outer shell and have revealed its silent spirit. A soulless city with a lonely spirit, just like an giant abandoned infant who has lost his identity, so massive that wears me out. Perhaps it is because I am sympathetic toward and afraid of being lost, I try to find its identity. I am caught in the abyss of the fault of time and keep on searching among the hidden hints in the surrounding. Neverthless, I have lost myself too. The spirits around me are still crying, but where should I go…
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【衝浪】 王冕
自 / 述
︻西遊記︼是尋求之路,也是厲難之路。為了到達每個神 聖的彼岸,我們都遭受著一次又一次的歷練,為下一個希望不 屈不撓的前進。我一直希望找到一個厲難的主題。
據說人們對海洋的力量是相當敬畏的,而第一次見到那種 海神的肆虐是
︾ 是印度洋海嘯的 地理座標,然而 E, 3°N, 96°E 我放棄緊密相連的座標。
︽ 衝 浪 ︾ 是 那 個 時 候 構 思 的 , 起 初 的 設 計 是 ︽ 衝 浪 3 ° N, 96 ° 年的到來,
兒們的大爺大媽 生 …活本來就應該是這樣的。
中找到呼吸的機會 … 朦朧中一個巨大的身影從我的頭頂上方掠 過,輕盈的破浪飛馳,帶著一束希望的光。
然而這些世界級的 … 大事件讓我震驚一時,而真正能觸動我的確是那些微小細膩的
風 暴 、 奧 運 、 神 七 、三 聚 氰 胺 、 金 融 危 機
08 08
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SURFING / narration by the Artist
"Journey To The West" is a road of searching and a road of hardship. In order to reach the sacred shore, we face challenges and move forward toward the next hope. I have always wanted to find a subject about adversities. It is said that people respect the power of ocean with fear. The first time I behold the persecution by the God of Ocean was when I see the satellite photo of the tsunami on the Indian Ocean. The idea of “Surfing” is shaped at that time. The initial title is “Surfing 3°N, 96°E”. However, by 2008, I have given up the attached coordinate. 2008 is a very special year. Of course, I know that this “slogan” applies to Chinese and people in the entire world. We have experienced tsunami, earthquake, snow storm, hurricane, Olympic, Shenzhou 7, melamine, and economical recession…These international events and disasters frighten me, but what really has made a deep impact on me is the delicate emotions that caused by them. All of a sudden, a mixture of different emotions carries me away. I do not have enough time to give my sympathy to those ashy spirit, nor do I have time to appreciate the movement of the stormy waves with the Eastern aesthetics. I scream on the top of my lung with the howling billows, but all I can hear is the roar of the gale and the tapping of the rain and the ocean. The crevice hardly gives me any chance to breathe…in a blur, a giant shadow moves across the top of my head, through the storm with agility, carrying a hopeful ray of light. 神 話 . Legend 35