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Table 35: Mean Processed Output Quantity Before and After ATASP-1 by Zone
from Crop Productivity, Yield and Technology Adoption Survey of ATASP-1 Small Holder Farmers in Nigeria
Fabricators in all the SCPZs. The survey found that the Fabricators who participated in ATASP- capacity building and adopted the technologies claimed increase in patronage from farmers. The 121.6% increase in patronage could be attributed to the supports provided by ATASP-1 through technology adoption and capacity building given to these Fabricators as actually affirmed by the respondents.
4.9 Effects of ATASP-1 on Processors output The processors play significant role in the agribusiness and farming value chain. Processors serve as off takers which is an important role in shaping the economic environment and conditions of farmers and fabricators in like manner which in turn has impact on food security and livelihood of the participating economic actors. Table 35 below shows the result obtained from the field survey.
Table 35: Mean Processed Output Quantity Before and After ATASP -1 by Zone
ZONE Difference in
Quantity of Processed output (Kg) Mean Percentage Difference
Before ATASP -1 After ATASP -1 ADANI-OMOR Mean 3,166.7 7,000 3,833.33 121% BIDA-BADEGGI Mean 691.7 3,783.3 3,091.67 447% KANO-JIGAWA Mean 67.6 514.8 447.2 662% KEBBI-SOKOTO Mean 1,251.7 2470 1,218.33 97% Total Mean 1,119.1 3,023.9 1,904.71 170% Source: June 2020 Field Data
It is evident from Table 35 above that the processors had improved patronage after adoption of ATASP-1 technologies which is higher than the patronage before adoption of the ATASP-1 technologies. The mean average patronage before the adoption of ATASP-1 technologies was 1,119.1kg across all SCPZs. The mean patronage after adoption of ATASP-1 technologies stood at 3,023.9kg showing a 170% increase in patronage by the participating Processors in all the SCPZs. The survey found that the Processors who participated in ATASP-1 capacity building and adopted the technologies claimed increase in outputs. The mean difference of 1,904 increase in patronage is could be attributed to the supports provided by ATASP-1 through technology adoption and capacity building given to these Processors as affirmed by the respondents.
4.10 Effects of ATASP-1 on the income and wellbeing of participating Fabricators There are ranges of possible positive impacts of increased outputs from the farmers on the Fabricators (i) improved incomes and social wellbeing; (ii) improved national income and reducing trade imbalance; (iii) creation of employment opportunities through equipment fabrications for farmers and processing. These are some of the direct and causative relationship on the income and livelihood of the person. Table 36 below shows output from the analysis of the responses from the fabricators.