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Figure 21: Technologies practiced on sorghum

Figure 21 : Technologies practiced on sorghum

The effect of good agronomic practice on technology adoption on sorghum farmers shows that mechanization and minimum tillage had the lowest effect across all the SCPZ for sorghum farmers. However, the lowest effect was associated with minimum tillage which accounted for 11.5%. This implied that framers are still highly in need of more awareness of the need to focus on high quality minimum tillage as good agronomic practice that influence technology and supports improved livelihood and income in sorghum crop production.


4.13.3 Factors Influencing Adoption of Technologies of Rice Table 40 below shows the responses from the participants on the 9 technologies capacity building given to the Rice farmers across the selected SCPZ of ATASP-1 Program. Table 43 indicates that improved varieties, site preparation, planting season, weed management, fertilizer application, and pest and disease control accounted for 11.12% technology adoption, for Rice farmers. Also, 10.91% of the participants confirmed that field preparation practice had effect on technology adoption in Rice farmers and seed preparation accounted for 10.61%.

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